

高二英语Unit2 单元测试卷

Unit 2 News media



1. —I’ll talk to my son Bill about it as soon as possible. He usually listens.

—We need ________ listening. We need action.

A. more than

B. no more than

C. not more than

D. other than

2. I’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than ________ a room with others.

A. to share

B. to have shared

C. share

D. sharing

3. When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she ________ me and walked on.

A. refused

B. ignored

C. missed

D. avoided

4. Young people usually ________ sports heroes, like Michael Jordon and Tiger

Woods, who are really amazing.

A. live up to

B. go up to

C. look up to

D. stand up to

5. —Shall I go and apologize to her?

—You’d better not. That’ll make ________ worse.

A. affairs

B. business

C. matters

D. events

6. What makes us worried is that the number of the people ________ to drugs is ________.

A. addicted; increased

B. addicting; increased

C. addicted; increasing

D. addicting; increasing

7. We all know how difficult it is for all of us to eat better, exercise more,

and sleep enough ________ we know we should.

A. if only

B. even if

C. as if

D. what if

8. Find some part-time job during the vocation, and you will have ________

better understanding of ________ life.

A. a; the

B. the; a

C. 不填; the

D. a; 不填

9. It was most ________ that the mother wasn’t ________ when she saw her

son knocked down by a car.

A. surprised; surprised

B. surprising; surprised

C. surprised; surprising

D. surprising; surprising

10. Those who want to apply for scholarships are required to ________ their

applications to the school. The deadline is May 20.

A. write

B. present

C. provide

D. put

11. The hotline helps to keep the leader ________ what’s happening at each moment.

A. informing of

B. informed of

C. informed to

D. being informed of

12. I must thank my parents ________ to be a college student.

A. to make it possible for me

B. to make it possible to me

C. for making it possible for me

D. for making it possible to me

13. Thank you for your visit to https://www.360docs.net/doc/956801839.html,. This site ________ and

will be back online in the not-too-distant future.

A. had updated

B. is being updated

C. will be updated

D. updated

14. — What a mess! Tom, who did this to make the room so dirty?

—________, at least, it’s not my fault. You know, I was just back from


A. At once

B. Once in a while

C. For once

D. Once upon a time

15. —What about the person?

—Seldom in all my life ________ such a ________ person.

A. I met; determining

B. have I met; determining

C. do I meet; determined

D. have I met; determined 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Professor Bumble is an old man, thin and short. He is 16 absent-minded but seriously shortsighted. His mind is always busy 17 thought, plan, new ideas, and so on, and he hardly notices 18 around him.

One fine day he went out for a walk in the countryside, and, as always, he had 19 in his hand. As soon as he 20 his walk, he began reading attentively. He 21 far when he knocked 22 a big cow and fell down. He had lost his 23 in the fall, and he 24 he had stumbled over a fat lady. “ 25 , madam,” he said 26 with a low bow before searching for his glasses. When he 27 , he realized his mistake.

Now Professor Bumble went on 28 on the country road. Soon he was concentrating on his book again and paying no attention to 29 . He had hardly been walking for five minutes 30 he fell over again, losing 31 . This time he became very angry. He beat the “cow” angrily 32 his umbrella until he could not reach it. Then, after 33 his glasses, he realized that he had made 34 mistake. A large fat 35 was running away from him as fast as she could, crying for help with horror.

16. A. not B. not also C. not only D. only

17. A. with B. in C. have D. doing

18. A. what is happened B. what is going on

C. that is taken place

D. that is happening

19. A. a glass B. a pair of glasses

C. a black bag

D. a book

20. A. set off B. began to set off

C. set out

D. acted off for

21. A didn’t go B. hadn’t gone

C. hasn’t gone

D. wasn’t gone

22. A. into B. at C. down D. over

23. A. book B. bag C. glasses D. umbrella

24. A. realized B. saw C. thought D. noticed

25. A. Make an apology to me B. Thanks

C. I show sorry to you

D. I beg your pardon

26. A. happily B. angrily C. rudely D. politely

27. A. had put on them B. had put them on

C. had put it on

D. had worn them

28. A. with his walk B. for a walk

C. to walk

D. walking away

29. A. something else B. other something

C. else anything

D. anything else

30. A. when B. than C. before D. after

31. A. all his book and his glasses

B. either his book or his glasses

C. both his book and his glasses

D. neither his glasses nor his book

32. A. to use B. with C. by D. in

33. A. searching for B. looking for

C. finding for

D. finding

34. A. the second B. a second C. again D. other

35. A. cow B. man C. woman D. bear


A ★

·Put sunscreen (防晒油) on before going out in the sun.

·Take it with you.

·Use it

— after a swim.

— every hour or so while playing outdoors.

— if you get sweaty.

·Cover up when the sun is overhead

— 10 a.m.—2 p.m..

— especially at lunch time.

·Get your suntan (晒黑) gradually and not too much.

·Controlled exposure (暴露) to sunshine helps avoid skin cancer. Ask your chemist to recommend a suitable sunscreen.

Queensland Cancer Fund

P. O. Box

Spring Hill, QLD.4000

Phone (07) 8397077

Provided for community awareness by the Queensland Cancer

36. This passage is most likely to be ______.

A. an article from a student text book

B. a direction from a bottle of medicine

C. a suggestion from a chemist

D. an advertisement from a newspaper

37. Which statement is TRUE?

A. You should frequently put on sunscreen while playing outdoors.

B. You’ll never have skin cancer with controlled exposure.

C. You mustn’t stay outside from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

D. The more you get sunshine, the better your health will be.

38. According to the passage we can see that Queensland Cancer Fund wants to _____.

A. sell sunscreen, shirt and hat

B. help people guard against skin cancer

C. encourage people to play in the sun

D. make money out of sunscreen

39. If you want a sunscreen, you should ask _____ for advice.

A. the seller

B. the advertiser

C. your doctor

D. your parents

B ★★

In recent years, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. Now medicines and machines are being developed every day to extend life. However, some people, including some doctors, are not in favor of those life extending measures, and they argue that people should have the right to die when they want. They say that the quality of life is important as life itself, and that people should not be forced to go on living when the conditions of life have become unbearable (不能忍受的). They say that people should be allowed to die with dignity (体面) and to decide when they want to die. Others argue that life under any conditions is better than death and that the duty of doctors is always to extend life as long as possible. And so the battle goes on and on without a clear and certain answer.

40. The main idea of this passage is _______.

A. about life and death

B. about the right to die

C. about modern medical technology

D. that people think differently about life

41. With the development of medicines and machines people now can live _______.

A. longer and longer

B. as long as before

C. very long

D. as long as we want

42. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Medicines and machines make life extend.

B. Some people and doctors say that people have right to die.

C. Some people say that life is always better than death.

D. People have arrived at a certain conclusion.

43. Which of the following do you think the writer agrees to?

A. The quality of life is as important as life itself.

B. People should be allowed to die with dignity.

C. Life should be extended as long as possible.

D. The article hasn’t told us.

C ★★

A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out the tests and went back to his desk to wait. Once the test was over, the students all handed in the tests. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying, “A dollar per point.” The next class the professor handed the tests back out. The student got back his test and $64 change.

Roles and How We Play Them

Whenever I’m disappointed with my spot in my life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott.

Jamie was trying out for a part in a school play. His mother told me that he’d set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement. “Guess what, Mom,” he shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to me, “I’ve been chosen to clap and cheer.”

The Blind Date

After being with her all evening, the man couldn’t take another minute with his blind date. Earlier, he had secretly arranged to have a friend call him to the phone so he would have an excuse to leave if something like this happened.

When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said, “I have some bad news. My grandfather just died.”

“Thank God,” his date replied. “If yours hadn’t, mine would have had to.”

44. Which of the following would be the best title for the first joke?

A. A Dollar Per Point

B. A Big Test

C. 36 Points

D. A Student and A Professor

45. In the second joke, Jamie _____.

A. was awarded a role of a school play

B. was awarded no role at all

C. was chosen as the cheerleader

D. was chosen to play the part of a teacher

46. What do you think a blind date is?

A. It’s a date between a blind man and a blind woman.

B. It’s a date between a man and a woman one of whom is blind.

C. It’s a date between a man and a woman who never saw each other before.

D. It’s a date that results in failure in the end.

47. From the last joke we can conclude that _____.

A. the girl’s grandfather had died

B. the man’s grandfather had just died

C. both the man’s and the girl’s grandfather had died

D. neither of their grandfathers had died

D ★★

It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle. As Christmas drew nearer, her desire for a bicycle seemed not so great, or so we thought. We bought the latest rages, Baby-Sitter’s Club dolls, and a doll house. Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she “really wanted a bike more than anything else”.

It was just too late. With all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minute gifts, how could we take the time to select the “right bike” for our little girl? So, here we were—Christmas Eve around 9:00 p.m., with Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, nestled against each other in their beds. Now we could only think of the bicycle and the disappointment of our child. “What if I make a little bicycle out of clay and write a note that could trade the clay model in for a real bike?” her dad asked. “This is an expensive item and she is ‘such a big girl’—it would be much better for her to pick it out.” So he spent the next four hours painstakingly working with clay to make a tiny bike.

On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.

Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud. “Does this mean that I trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?” Smiling, I said, “Yes.”Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me. I’d rather keep this than get a real bike.” At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth to buy her every bicycle on the planet!

48. Choose the right time order of the following events. _______

a. The girl asked for a new bike.

b. The girl opened the little heart-shaped package.

c. The parents bought the girl a modern and popular doll.

d. The father made the girl a bike with clay.

e. The girl would rather keep the clay bike than get a real one.

A. a, b, c, e, d

B. a, c, d, b, e

C. a, c, b, d, e

D. a, b, d, c, e

49. Dad made the clay bicycle because ______.

A. his wife told him to do so

B. he didn’t want to disappoint his daughter

C. it can be traded in a shop with a real one

D. he didn’t have enough money to buy a real one

50. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The parents wanted the girl to have the clay bike forever.

B. Tears were in the girl’s eyes because she didn’t like the present at all.

C. The girl never lost her desire for a bike.

D. The parents paid little attention to the daughter’s desire for a bike.

51. We can infer from the last sentence that the parents felt ______.

A. disappointed

B. comfortable

C. moved

D. sorry

E ★★★

I can’t count how many times people have complained, while shaking their heads in obvious disappointment, “just don’t know what is with teenagers today”.

The other day I was in my car on my way to the farmers’ market when I passed two teens standing by the side of the road with a car wash sign. As my car was filthy, I pulled over. There was a group directing the cars and another group spraying them down. As sponges were wiped over every square inch of my dirty car, I sat enjoying the little water battles. I was amazed at how fourteen to fifteen teenagers had devoted their Saturday to washing cars.

After I handed them a twenty-dollar bill I asked what they were raising money for. They explained to me that a friend of theirs, C. T. Schmitz, had recently died of cancer. He was only fifteen years old. He had gone to school with a lot of teenagers who were there that day; each of them had memories of a boy sweeter than any they had known. His friend Kevin had decided to put his money from car wash together because he wanted to honor his friend and also bring together his classmates with his boy scout troop (童子军). He told me that they wanted to plant a tree in front of their school and if they raised enough money they would put a plaque there also. Both would be in memory of their friend C. T.

They handed me a bag of homemade cookies with my receipt, saying “Thanks for helping us plant a tree of C.T.”

Yeah! I don’t know what is with teenagers today!

52. The reason why the boys were raising money is that ________.

A. they intended to buy a plaque for their school

B. they intended to help those who suffered from cancer

C. they intended to plant a tree in memory of their friend

D. they intended to put a plaque near his friend’s home

53. We can learn from the passage that _______.

A. it was Saturday when the writer had his car washed

B. there were only two boys washing cars at the car wash

C. the car wash belonged to Schmitz

D. Schmitz was popular with the whole school

54. What does the underlined word “filthy” in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. New.

B. Dirty.

C. Good-looking.

D. Tired.

55. What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Teenagers Today

B. A Special Day

C. My View on Teenagers

D. An Exciting Experience



Dear Xiao Hua,

It is four days for Mother accepted the operation. 56. ____________ She is feeling much more better. The doctors told me 57. ____________

the operation was successful, but because her old age 58. ____________ she had to stay in hospital for other two weeks. The 59. ____________ doctors also say it was quite necessary for her to 60. ____________ do so. We expect to get a full report in two and three 61. ____________ days. Please tell the good news to the rest of family 62. ____________

as fast as possible. You needn’t come here. I’m63. ____________ able to look after Mother by myself. You’d better64. ____________ send flowers towards Mother. She will feel happy. 65. ____________ Yours,

Xiao Hui


假定你是陈华, 现在申请到一家外资企业工作, 对方要求你用英语写一篇短文, 介绍自己的基本情况, 短文应包括下列内容:

1. 1983年出生于山东烟台;

2. 学历:1989-1995年中华小学 1995-2001年烟台一中;

3. 在校学习语文、数学、英语、物理、化学以及信息技术课程;

4. 特长:英语、电脑(曾在全省电脑竞赛活动中获第一名);

5. 业余爱好:集邮、听流行歌曲和踢足球。

注意:必须以短文形式写作; 100词左右。


1-5 ACBCC 6-10 CBDBB 11-15 BCBCD 16-20 CABDD

21-25 BACCD 26-30 DBADA 31-35 CBDBC 36-40 DABCD

41-45 ADDAB 46-50 CDBBC 51-55 CCABA

56. for →since 57. 去掉more 58. because后加 of 59. other →another

60. say →said 61. and →or 62. fa mily的前面加the

63. fast →soon 64. √ 65. towards →to

One possible version:

My name is Chen Hua. I was born in Yantai, Shandong Province in March 1983. I started school in 1989 when I was six. I studied in Zhonghua Primary School from 1989 to 1995. After that I went to No. 1 Middle School of Yantai and graduated this summer. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won the first prize in the Province Computer Match. In my spare time I like listening to pop songs and collecting stamps. My favorite sport is playing football after school.

高二英语Unit 单元测试卷及答案

Unit 11 单元过关测试卷 一.单项填空 1.The theory by Einstein was later to prove true, but at that time few people could accept it. A. put aside B.put together C. put out D.put forward 2.I don’t think Jack is a man to be when we are in trouble and need his help. A.hoped for B. relied on C.expected from D. related to 3.An earthquake shook the city last night and hundreds of houses . A.got to damage B. got damaging C.got damage D. got damaged https://www.360docs.net/doc/956801839.html,ter, I wanted to return home but couldn’t find a company I could use I had learnt. A.that;what B. where;what C. when;what D.where;that 5.Mr.White is now in Beijing and runs a company in Zhongguancun together with some Chinese friends. A. based B.basing C.to be based D. to base 6.The earliest influences upon children will most likely have the strongest effects their personalities. A.toward B. over C. on D.for 7.Now there is just one point I wish you to make quite clear. A.where B. whether C. which D.when 8.Just as the doctor , your wife is not exactly fat, but rather well-built for her age. A. puts it B.makes it C. gets it D.means it 9.They say the recorder costs 150 dollars. But I don’t think it’s worth much. A.that B.as C.even D.rather 10.When I mentioned our plans for a trip abroad, the kids life at once. A.came to B.got to C.return to D.went to 11.He got full marks in this math exam, that he was among the class’ best. A.to prove B. proving C.having proved D. proved 12.Firemen said the fire was under control, but they warned that the change in the weather might _______new fires. A. bring in B. lead to C.result from D.break out 13. great progress we have made, we should not be conceited. A. Whatever B.How C. However D.What 14.He is the only one of the students who a winner of scholarship for three years. A. has been B.are C.have been D. is 15.The success you have achieved today may be for your whole future. A.accessible B.significant C.temporary D.challenging 16.We’ve just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is _____ to come this evening. A possible B..likely C.probable D.believable 17.He urged us to_______ this splendid opportunity to develop our movie industry. A.escape B. ensure C. grasp D.master 18..Don’t worry. I’ve________ a car to pick up the guests at the station at 6 o’clock. A.arranged B. prepared C. arranged for D.prepared for


高二英语模块7第一单元单元测试题 ●Self-assessment The section allows you to determine the progress you have made. The colour bar rates how confident you feel about what you have learnt in this unit. In this unit, 17 items are listed, each having a score of 5, with a total of 85 points possible. These items cover the main study targets in this unit, such as skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, the usages of vocabulary and grammar items, as well as doing activities in English. Through assessing yourselves as learners, you will realize whether you have achieved the goals in this unit. In Part A, some items are presented to you and you are asked to check how well you think you have developed these skills. Each item corresponds with one or more parts in this unit. For example, by going over Part E on page 5, you will know whether you are able to use the vocabulary learnt in the unit or not. You have the opportunity to evaluate your own skills and abilities in English. If you feel very confident about one item, you get a score of 5. If you feel slightly confident about another item, you get a score of 2. By adding all the scores you get and dividing the score by 85, you will get a percentage, which shows your level. If you feel there are some areas in which you are not confident or just slightly confident about, you can think about how to improve on them. In Part B, you are asked to make an action plan for improving what you are not confident about. You can also gain a better understanding of your performance, enabling yourself to help you study English more effectively. ●Self—assessment I. 单项选择: 1. I apologized ____ Alice ___ getting ____ her way. A. at; to; on B. to; for; in C. to; for; on D. with; on; at 2. Let’s walk over ____ the sun on the other side of the street. A. in B. to C. under D. by 3. Yifu library was named ____ a businessman devoted to China’s education. A. in honour of B. instead of C. in favour of D. by means of 4. ____ my opinion, Mike can do better ____ his French if he works harder ___it. A. In; at; in B. In; in; at C. In; in; in D. At; in; at 5. The radiation amount of a mobile phone for two half-hour periods per day is equal to _______ to an X-ray for ten seconds. A. expose B. exposing C. exposed D. being exposed 6. -What’s the time? -Oh, I forgot to have my watch ________.

高二英语 单元检测卷 一

寻甸一中高二英语单元检测卷(一)范围:《必修三》1—3单元总分:120分考试时间:100分钟出题小组:施婷,姜艳芬,崔红英,孙晓杰审核:高二英语组 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Read the following advertisements and answer the questions. Let's go! McDonald's $6 Monday to Sunday

1.According to the four advertisements, you can go to ________ for breakfast on Saturday. A.Japanese Restaurant B.Special Place C.McDonald's D.SEA FAST FOOD CLUB 2.Students can pay ________ for a hamburger at McDonald's. A.$4.2B.$6 C.$3.6 D.$1.8 3.If you want to eat at 10:00 at night on Sunday, where can you go? A.Japanese Restaurant. B.Special Place. C.SEA FAST FOOD CLUB. D.McDonald's. B Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22.Take some time to find out about how one man, who was determined to change the way we treated our planet, didn't stop until he had made a difference. In 1963, Senator Gaylord Nelson wasn't happy with the earth's condition. He wanted to clean up the planet, solve pollution and environmental problems. A senator (参议员) is someone US citizens choose to help make laws, so Gaylord had a lot of power. He went to John F.Kennedy, the President at the time, with his ideas. The President agreed that the planet's environment was a serious issue, so President Kennedy went around the country on a five-day tour to promote the idea of cleaning up the planet. People began making small changes but it wasn't enough. A few years later, Senator Nelson decided to put one day aside every year for the cause of saving the planet. On April 22,1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. More than 20 million people took part in Earth Day activities in 1970.Since then, Earth Day has become an international holiday. People all over the world are doing something to make the Earth a cleaner, better place. A rock band named Dramarama wrote a song about Earth Day in 1993 called What Are We Gonna Do. Encouraging your family to recycle on a regular basis is a good way to help the Earth. 4.Who is Gaylord Nelson? A.He is a lawyer. B.He is the President of the USA. C.He is a senator. D.He is a rock singer. 5.Which of the following is better for us to do to help the Earth? A.To work hard to be a senator. B.To take a five-day tour around the world. C.To take part in Earth Day activities every year. D.To recycle on a regular basis.


人教版高二英语第一单元测试题Name:______ Class:______ Marks:_______ 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1.What time is it now? A. 7:40. B.7:50. C.8:00. 2. What does the man mean? A. He thought the woman didn’t allow him to dance. B. He thought he could dance in the woman’s room. C. He thought the woman didn’t know he was dancing. 3. How does the man advise the woman to go to the city? A. By bus. B By train . C. By taxi. 4. What do we know about the woman? A. She has a tight budget. B. She saves a lot each month. C. She spends more than she earns. 5. What is the woman asked to do? A. Send an email. B. Take part in an activity. C. Give her bank details. 第一节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5分)

高二英语02-03Unit 8单元测试题

高二英语Unit 8单元测试题 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1.Plants grow well _____ there is plenty of water ad sunlight. A. which B. on which C. that D. where 2..It’s bad manners to make a lot of noise _____ eating. A. during B. while C. if D. in 3. The car lay _____ in the mud no matter how hard they pushed it. A. down B. silent C. quiet D. still 4. In the traffic accident five were killed and four were ____ A. wound B. hurted C. damaged D. injured 5.The steel workers’ strike may ____ the production of cars for several months. A. hold back B. hold to C. hold up D. hold 6. He is too sleepy to work. He ______ up last night A. must stay B. ought to stay C. need to have stayed D. must have stayed 7. If you want yourself in good health, you must _____ always ____ so much A. not; be drinking B. not; have drunk C. not; to drink D. be not ; drinking 8. –Do you mind if I use your dictionary for a while? --- _________. A. No certainly B. Sorry , but I do C. Yes, please use it D. Yes, I didn’t 9. ---May I stop here? ---- No, you ______. A. mustn’t B. might not C. needn’t D. won’t 10. You _____ go with them if you are busy. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. wouldn’t D. oughtn’t 11.I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning She _______ at the meeting A. mustn’t have spoken B. shouldn’t have spoken C. needn’t have spoken D. couldn’t have spoken 12. The man ran very fast, so he _____ escape from the police. A. succeeded to B. might C. was able to D could 13---”did you go swimming yesterday?” ----“No , because no one _____ with me, and I didn’t want to go alone.” A. did go B. has gone C. had gone D. would go 14.You _____ in your composition yesterday morning. A. should hand B. would hand C. should have hand D. should have handed 15.Her foot _____, She was forced _____ in bed for a moth or two. A. breaking, remaining B. broken, to remain C. being broken, remaining D. to be broken, to remain 16.The boy didn’t dare to go home, for he was afraid of _____ by his parents. A. scolding B. scolded C. being scolded D. being scolding 17. ______ the film is and _____ it is to see it! A. How funny--- what fun B. what fun----what fun C. How fun--- how fun D. What fun… how funny 18.I saw him _____ behind the tree, thinking.


尤溪第五中学2005—2006学年度第二学期单元测试(unit11\12) 英语试题 命题人:高二英语备课组 第一卷(三部分,共80分) 一.听力: 看英语周报unit13(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 二: 单项填空(共200小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1.A new cure for the disease is______to be discovered. A.like B.likely C.possible D.probable 2.Do you agree to the plan______at the meeting? A.to put forward B.to put away C.put forward D.put u p 3.The director on land asked the pilot to______his position. A.locate B.grasp C.announce D.arrange 4.They were filled with joy when they______in this beautiful island. A.set free B.set foot C.paid visit D.reached 5.He was______by new hope. https://www.360docs.net/doc/956801839.html,e to life https://www.360docs.net/doc/956801839.html,e true C.rejuvenated D.boomed 6.The Olympics has already______our country's breathtaking e conomic progress, A.showcased B.achieved C.boomed D.grasped 7.Don't forget to take the_______with you. A.luggages B.baggages C.two pieces of luggages D.two luggages 8.After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her_____opinion. A.personal B.private C.single D.individual 9.The test we held last time is obviously bad because it____ _incorrect learning. A.relies upon B.leads to C.refers to D.depends on 10.The airline______for a plane to take us to Boston yesterda y. A.called B.arranged C.asked D.sent 11.______teaches______. A.Failure;success B.Success;failure C.Fail;succeed D.Succeed;fail 12.He narrowly escaped______in the fighting.


英语选修7 Unit 4测试 班别: 座号:名字: 分数: 一. 单词短语测试.(30分) 1. You can a the colour on the TV by turning the button. 2. This type of university course is no longer r to today’s problem. 3. We fight against p in order to create a fairer society. 4. It is said that this company is in serious f difficulties now. 5. She actively p in the local politics. 6. I have some (购买物) to make in the town. 7. Pines have a wide (分布). 8. We have been asked not to say anything for (安全的)reason. 9. Mail comes to the (偏僻的) village once a week. 10. Shenzhou Ⅶmanned by three trained (宇航员)was launched successfully in China. 11. 我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。 I my sister in New York yesterday. 12. 她渴望出国。 She go abroad. 13. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。 She some old photos in a drawer. 14. 最近非洲许多河流都干涸了。 Many rivers in Africa recently. 15. 你的衣服要很长时间才能干透。 Your clothes will take ages . 二、完形填空(30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Jack was four years old, and his favorite game was cowboys and Indians. He had a cowboy suit and belt with two bows(弓箭), and spent most of his time 16 to be fighting Indians. One day his 17 took him in a train for the first time. Of course, he 18 his cowboy suit and carried his two bows. He had seen a 19 of an attack by Red Indians in the Wild West on TV at home, so his mother was not 20 when he began playing at cowboys and Indians in the train. But when he wanted to 21 the window wide so that he could 22 out of it, his mother thought this was too 23 , and allowed him to have it open only at the top, so that he could shoot(射击)out of it if he stood up, but could not 24 out. He was playing happily, hiding behind the 25 , suddenly stepping forward, 26 a “shot” out of the window and then quickly 27 back again, when he suddenly gave a cry, fell back onto the seat, and 28 there with his chin (下巴) resting on his chest and his arms 29 loosely beside him. Of course, his mother was 30 . She thought something from outside the train must have hit him as he stood at the window. She shook the child 31 , but he made no movement. His mother was now very worried 32 . She picked Jack up in her arms to go and find 33 ; but just then he lifted one of his arms with great 34 , pointed to his chest and said in a 35 whisper, “Pull the


选修7 Unit 2 Robots Ⅱ. 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子 1. — Do you mind if I look at your notebook? — ______. It’s on the dining table. A. No, of course not B. Never mind C. Don’t mention it D. Yes, please do it 2. The guide desired that the foreigners _______ the scenic spot again in the near future. A. would visit B. visited C. visit D. visits 3. I want to _______ some money every month so as to buy a new apartment. A. set aside B. set down C. set up D. set out 4.John is junior _______ Jack in our company, but he has been the senior business executive for a year, while Jack is still an ordinary clerk. A. for B. to C. than D. with 5. Do let your headteacher know all the truth. She appears _____ everything. A. to tell B. to be told C. to have been told D. to be telling 6. Last month he divorced ______ his wife, ______ whom he had been married for 20 years. A. with; with B. to; to C. /; to D. /; with 7. To our surprise, David insisted on his ______ to work in the countryside. A. been sent B. being sent C. having sent D. to be sent 8. By the time we arrived at the company, the new robot ______. A. has tested out B. was tested out C. had been tested out D. had tested out 9. Li Ming has been absent ______ school for quite a long time. A. for B. in C. with D. from 10. ______ around, I saw an old friend of mine, whom I hadn’t seen for ages, ______ towards me. A. Turned; come B. Turn; coming C. Turned; coming D. Turning; coming 11. You are bound ______ the first time you make a speech. A. nervous B. being nervous C. to be nervous D. feel nervous 12. ______ the age of eleven, he began to show his talent ______ writing. A. At; for B. On; in C. At; in D. From; for


高二英语unit1-2 单元测试 一.单词拼写 1.The theatre has very good access for the __________ (残疾人) 2.The school __________(箴言)is “ Never lose hope.” 3. Sunshine is ____________ (有益的)to plants. 4 .He frowns when he is ____________(颇为生气的) 5 .The terrible traffic explains his _____________ (缺席) 6. He g____________ from high school and went to a key university last year. 7. Y ou must ____________ (使适应)yourself to new environment. 8 .Money m_____________ nothing to her . 9. Mary is going to ___________ (辞职) from the board of directors. 10. I ____________ (祝贺) you on your election. 11. I couldn’t have done it without your ____________ ( 鼓舞) 12. One of her a___________ is to become a doctor. 13. The emergency e_____________ is at the back of the building. 14.Y ou can’t rely on his ____________ (帮助) 15. In our school, every student has free a___________ to the library. 二.多项选择 1. —Do you think he will come at this weekend? —___________, because he has an important party to attend. A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not 2.She was so sad because she failed in the math test. Let’s ______ her _______. A. leave … behind B. leave … alone C. leave … aside D. leave … out 3. They desired that they __________ the right to attend the meeting. A. had B. have C. are D. were 4. Many applicants stood outside the manager’s office, nervously waiting _________ for the job. A. to choose B. being chosen C. choosing D. to be chosen 5. It was at this shop _______ I bought my skirt. How about coming to my home to have a look tonight? A. that B. where C. which D. what 6. People have been complaining about SK-II recently and think the advertisements always persuade people _________ the products which are not so good. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought 7. He has been _______ for three weeks. We’d better find another person to fill his place. A. absent B. left C. gone D. resigned 8. His daughter has ___________ the young politician for five years. A. got married with B. been married to C. been married with D. got married to 9. I am going to the post office. Do you have any letter _________? A. to be sent B. to send C. sending D. sent 10 . Busy as they are, parents should ______ at least two hours to spend with their children. A. set out B. set away C. set aside D. set off


高二英语选修7 Unit2 Robots单元测试题及答案 一、单项选择 1. — Do you think he will come at this weekend? —___________, because he has an important party to attend. A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it C. I believe not so D. I bel ieve not 2. She was so sad because she failed in the math test. Let’s ______ her _______. A. leave … behind B. leave … alone C. leave … aside D. leave … out 3. They desired that they __________ the right to attend the meeting. A. had B. have C. are D. were 4. Many applicants stood outside the manager’s office, nervously waiting _________ for the job. A. to choose B. being chosen C. choosing D. to be chosen 5. It was at this shop _______ I bought my skirt. How about coming to my home to have a look tonight? A. that B. where C. which D. what 6. People have been complaining about SK-II recently and think the advertisements always persuade people _________ the products which are not so good. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought 7. He has been _______ for three weeks. We’d better find another person to fill his place. A. absent B. left C. gone D. resigned 8. His daughter has ___________ the young politician for five years. A. got married with B. been married to C. been married with D. got married to 9. I am going to the post office. Do you have any letter _________? A. to be sent B. to send C. sending D. sent 10. After a whole afternoon’s heated discussion, they finally ________ to us what had been decided. A. told B. declared C. stated D. made 11. She felt ______ about wearing the improper garment in the party. A. embarrassing B. embarrass C. to embarrass D. embarrassed 12. Tom thought it was an honor ___________ to speak in the ceremony. A. to invite B. to be invited C. inviting D. having invited 13. The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds __________ by heavy rain. A. appeared B. happened C. accompanied D. mixed 14. The professor explained this theory so clearly that this phenomenon was easy enough ________. A. for us to work out B. working out C. for working out D. to working out 15. Her clear and elegant prose ______ her _______ from most other journalists. A. sets … aside B. sets … down C. sets … apart D. sets … up 16. They desired that they_______ the right to vote. A. had B. have C. are D. were 17. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_______ his boss. A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. support 18. One side of the board should be painted yellow, and_______ A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white 19. —Hi , Tracy , you look tired. —I'm tried. I ______ the living room all day. A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted 20. His wife, to whom he_______ for 20 years , was child?less.
