


管道泵;pipeline mounted pump

管道屏蔽泵;pipeline canned motor pump

离心泵;centrifugal pump

螺杆泵;screw pump

多级泵;multistage pump

V型活塞泵;reciprocating pump with pistons in V-type arrangement

V型活塞泵;v-type piston pump

凹坑排水泵;sump pump


摆动缸活塞泵;piston with shakeable cylinder

摆动滑片泵;swinging vane pump

摆阀式活塞泵;swing gate piston pump

摆线锣杠泵;cycloidal screwpump

半负荷泵〈主机〉;half load pump

半贯流式轴流泵;弯管轴流泵;angle-type axial flow pump

半开式叶轮离心泵;centrifugal pump with semien closed impellerpump

半可调式混流泵;mixed flow pump with blades adjustable when stationary 半可调式轴流泵;axial flow pump with blades adjustable when stationary 暴雨排水泵;storm water pump

备用泵;stand-by pump

备用循环泵;stand-by circulating pump

泵-水轮机;turbine pump

泵组;multi cell pump

比例泵;dosing pump

比例泵;proportioning pump

闭式旋涡泵;closed peripheralpump

闭式旋涡泵;vortex pump with shrouded impeller pump

闭式叶轮泵;pump with enclosed impellers

闭式叶轮离心泵;centrifugal pump with shrouded impeller

壁式泵;wall mounted pump

变量泵;variable capacity pump

变量泵;variable output pump

变量螺杆泵;variable capacity screw

变量喷射泵;variable area ratio jet pump

变速泵;variable speed pump

变行程往复泵;rocker arm pump

变形程往复泵;variable stroke reciprocating pump

标准泵;standard pump

表洗泵;surface wash pump


玻璃泵;glass pump



不堵塞泵;unchokeable pump

不锈钢泵;stainless steel pump

部分负荷泵(主机);partial load pump


舱壁泵;bulkhead mountedpump

草浆泵;straw pulp pump

侧流道泵;side channel pump

侧吸泵;side suction pump

差动活塞泵;differential pistonpump


产品泵;物料泵;product pump

长喉管喷射泵;jet pump with long Venturi tube

长轴深井泵(美)multistage vertical turbine pump

长轴深井泵;borehole shaft driven(centrifugal)pump 超高压泵;super-pressure pump

超高真空泵;ultrahigh vacuum pump

超汽蚀泵;super cavitation pump

超声速泵;supersonic pump

沉积物泵;sediment pump

沉积物泵;thick sludge pump

衬胶泵;rubber lined pump

衬胶真空泵;rubber lined vaccum

衬青铜泵;bronze fittedpump

衬软胶泵;soft rubber lined pump

衬塑料泵;plastic lined pump


衬硬胶泵;hard rubber lined pump

成品泵;discharge pump

成品泵;final productpump


齿轮比例泵;adjustable discharge gear pump

齿轮比例泵;gear dosingpump




除氧器供给泵;deaerator liftpump

除氧器循环泵;deaerator recirculatingpump


船坞泵;dock pump

船用泵;marine pump

船用泵;ships pump

磁泵,磁感应驱动泵;megnectic pump

磁力联轴节齿轮泵;magnectically coupled gear pump 磁蠕动泵;megnectic fluid actuating pump

次摆线螺杆泵;trochoid screw pump

次摆线转子泵;trochoid rotor pump

粗糖泵;原液泵;raw liquor pump

带隔片的偏心转子泵;eccentric rotary pump with dividing platepump 带柔性环的偏心滚柱泵;eccentric rotary pump with elastic ringpump 单杠曲柄泵(美);single (power)pump

单杠曲柄泵(美);single power pump

单杠曲柄泵;simplex power pump

单杠往复泵;single cylinder (reciprocating)pump

单杠蒸汽直动泵(美);single (steam)pump

单杠蒸汽直动泵(美);single steam pump

单杠蒸汽直动泵;simplex steam pump

单列式柱塞泵;in-line pistonpump

单流道叶轮泵;single channel impeller pump

单螺杆泵;helical rotor pump

单螺杆泵;mono pump

单体泵;close coupledpump

单体斗式泵;monoblock scoop pump

单凸轮泵;single lobe pump

单吸泵;single entry pump

单吸泵;single stage pump

单吸泵;single suction pump

单向活塞泵;reciprocating pump with unidirectional piston

单叶轮多级泵;multistagepump with single impeller

单柱塞泵;single plunger pump

单作用滑片泵;single action vane pump

单作用滑片泵;single cell vane pump

单作用活塞泵;single action piston pump

弹性刮片泵;flexible vanepump

淡水泵;fresh waterpump

导流壳式多级泵;pump with bowl-type vaned casing


灯笼架固定泵;lantern mounted pump

灯笼架支承泵;lantern based pump

灯笼架支承泵;skirt mounted pump

低比转速泵;low specific speed pump

低负荷泵(主机);smalll load pump

低速泵;low-speed pump

低压泵;low pressure pump

低噪音泵;low sound level pump

底脚固定泵;foot mountedpump


底吸泵;bottom inletpump

底吸泵;bottom suctionpump

地区取热泵;分区供暖泵;district heating pump

地下室排水泵;cellar drainagepump


地下水排水泵;groundwater drainage pump

电厂泵;power station pump


电磁隔膜泵;electromagnetic diaphragmpump

电磁计量泵;electromagnetic meteringpump

电磁偶合泵;electromagnetically coupledpump

电磁喷射泵;electro-magnetic jetpump

电磁驱动泵;pump with cyclic electromagnetic drive

电磁式比例泵;electromagnetic proportioningpump

电动泵;electrically drivenpump

电动泵;motor driven pump


电动给水泵;electrically driven feedpump


电动潜水排水泵;electro-submersible drainagepump

电离真空泵;ionization vaccum pump

吊泵;sinking pump

顶端吸入泵;top inlet pump

顶端吸入泵;top suction pump

定压泵;constant pressurepump

动力往复泵;曲柄泵;power pump

斗轮水车;戽斗水车;wheel and bucket pump

斗式泵;scoop pump

斗式泵;皮托泵;pitot pump

端部密封式活塞泵;end-packed type pistonpump

短喉管喷射泵;jet pump with short Venturi tube

短棉绒泵;linters pump

对向活塞泵;reciprocating pump with counterrunning piston 对置活塞泵;oppesed piston pump

多齿轮泵;multiple gearpump

多出口泵;multi dischargepump

多缸曲柄泵;multi throw crankpump



多缸往复泵;multi cylinder(reciprocating)pump

多缸往复泵;multi throw(reciprocating)pump

多级喷射泵;multistage jet pump

多流道叶轮泵;multi channel impellerpump

多流式泵;multi flowpump

多螺杆泵;multi screwpump

多喷嘴喷射泵;multinozzle jetpump

多凸轮泵;multi lobepump


多柱塞泵;multi plungerpump

阀板式活塞泵(美);valve plate type piston pump

阀板式活塞泵;valve deck plate type piston pump

阀室式活塞泵;valve box type piston pump

阀箱式活塞泵(美);turret type piston pump

阀形活塞泵;valve type piston pump

法兰式电动机驱动泵;flanged motor drivenpump

法兰悬臂泵;flange mounteapump

法兰悬臂泵;flanged overhungpump

反应堆泵;reactor pump

方形螺杆泵;screw pump with square thread

纺丝泵;viscose spinning pump

非接触齿轮泵;contactless gearpump

非密闭式螺杆泵;non-hermetic screw pump

废纸浆泵;waste paper pulp pump

分段泵;径向剖分泵;radially split pump

分段式多级泵(美)multistage turbine pump

分段式多级泵;multistage segmental type pump

分段式多级泵;segmental type pump

分段式多级泵;stage casing pump

分置阀式活塞泵;side pot type piston pump

分置阀室式活塞泵;separate valve box type piston pump 分子泵;molecular pump

分子空气泵;molecular air pump

分子空气泵;molecular drag pump


粪便泵;分流泵;diverter pump

风车驱动泵;windmill (driven)pump

风动泵;pneumatic pump

风动活塞泵;air-powered piston pump


伏辊断头纸浆泵;couch breakpump

浮船坞泵;floating dockpump


辅泵;辅助泵;auxiliary pump

辅扫仓泵;辅清仓泵;auxiliary stripping pump

腐泥引进泵;接种污泥泵;seed(ing)sludge pump

附属泵;attached pump

干船坞泵;drg dock pump

干坑泵;dry pit pump

干坑泵;dry sump pump

干式真空泵;dry vacuum pump

干式自吸泵;dry self-priming pump

杆式泵;rocking arm pump

杆式泵;walking beam pump


缸体旋转式径向活塞泵;rotary-block radial pump

高比转速泵;higher specific speed pump

高峰负荷泵;peak load pump

高速泵;high speed pump

高速离心泵;high speed centrifugal pump

高速叶片泵;high speed rotodynamic pump

高速叶片泵;high speed turbo pump

高温泵;high temperature pump

高压泵;high pressure pump

高压加热器疏水泵;high pressure heater drains pump 隔膜泵;diaphragmpump

隔膜泵;disc pump

隔膜活塞泵;diaphragm pistonpump

隔膜式计量泵;diaphragm meteringpump

隔膜柱塞泵;diaphragm plungerpump



工程用泵;building site pump


供水泵;water conveying pump

供水泵;water supply pump

汞(蒸汽)泵;mercury air pump

汞扩散泵;mercury diffusion pump

汞喷射泵;mercury ejector pump

汞蒸汽喷射泵;mercury vapour jet pump

汞蒸汽喷射泵;mercury(vapour)jet pump

固定刚体泵;pump with nonrotating cylinder

固定式泵;stationary pump

固体输送泵;pump for water -borne solids

固体输送泵;solid (handling)pump

管流泵;直管轴流泵;tubular type axial flow pump 轴流管道泵axial flow piping pump

管式深井泵;tubewell pump

管网泵;pump for pipe system

惯性脉冲泵;inertia impulsepump

惯性无曲柄泵;inertia crankiesspump

灌溉泵;irrigation pump

罐柜抽泄泵;tank drainage pump

滚轮泵;roller pump

锅炉给水泵;BFW pump

锅炉给水泵;boiler feedpump

锅炉回水循环泵;boiler return circulatingpump

锅炉酸洗泵;pump for acid washing of boiler


海水泵;sea water pump

焊接管道泵;pipeline mounted pump with welded connections 航空用泵;aviation pump

合金泵;alloy pump

合金钢泵;alloy steel pump

恒定轴向间隙齿轮泵;fixed axial clearance gearpump

恒速度;constant speedpump

横倾平衡泵;heeling pump

滑阀式回转活塞泵;rotaru piston pump with slide gate !pump 滑阀型转子泵;eccentric rotary pump with sliding sleeve

滑履式泵;slipper pump

滑片泵;sliding vane pump

滑片真空泵;sliding vane vacuum pump

滑油泵;lubricating oil pump

滑脂泵;grease pump


化学纸浆泵;chemical pulppump

化学纸浆泵;chemical stockpump

环壳泵;annular casing pump

环壳泵;circular casingpump

环氧树脂泵;epoxide resinpump

灰渣泵;ash pump

回流泵;reflux pump

回流泵;top return pump

回流污泥泵;return sludge pump


回转泵;rotary pump

回转滑阀活塞泵;piston pump with rotary gate

回转滑片泵;rolling vane pump

回转容积泵;positive rotary pump

回转式滑片泵;rotary vane pump

回转式滑片泵;rotating vane pump

回转式活塞泵;rotary piston pump

回转式计量泵;rotary meterring pump

回转式容积泵;rotary-displacement pump

回转式叶片真空泵;rotary vane vaccum pump

回转式真空泵;rotary vaccum pump

回转式柱塞泵;rotary plunger pump

混合型自吸泵;self-priming pump with recirculation

混料泵;contactor pump


超实用称谓翻译大全 常用称谓 校长(大学)President eg:president of Beijing University 校长(中小学)Principal /Headmaster eg:principal/headmaster of Fudan Middle School 院长(大学下属)Dean eg:dean of the Graduate School 系主任(大学学院下属)Chair/Chairman eg:chair/chairman of the English Department 会长/主席(学/协会)President eg:president of the Student Union, Shanghai University

厂长(企业)Director eg:director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant 院长(医院)President eg:president of Huashan Hospital 主任(中心)Director eg:director of the Business Center 主任(行政)Director eg:director of Foreign Affairs Office 董事长(企业)President/Chairman eg:president/chairman of the Board of Directors 董事长(学校)President/Chairman eg:president/chairman of the Board of Trustees


各种花的英文名和象征意义 中国水仙new year lily 自尊/单恋 石榴pomegranate 相思/永生 月桂victor's laurel 胜利/不诚实 报春花polyanthus 初恋/自作多情 木棉cotton tree 热情 紫丁香lilac 青春的回忆 吊钟lady's eardrops 尝试/热心 紫荆chinese redbud 故情/手足情 百合lily 纯净/神圣 紫罗兰wall flower 信任/爱的羁绊 桃花peach 被你俘虏

紫藤wistaria 沉迷的爱 杜鹃azalea 爱的快乐/节制 铃兰lily-of-the-valley 纤细/希望/纯洁 牡丹tree paeony 富贵/羞怯 银杏ginkgo 长寿 芍药paeony 害羞 蝴蝶兰moth orchid 幸福/纯洁/吉祥 辛夷violet magnolia 友情/爱自然蟹爪仙人掌christmas cactus 锦上添花 玫瑰rose 爱情/爱与美 郁金香tulip 名誉/慈善/美丽 茶花common camelia 美德/谦逊 千日红common globe-amaranth 永恒的爱/不朽

非洲堇african vioet 永恒的美 天人菊indian blanket 团结/协力 栀子花cape jasmine 喜悦/纯洁木槿rose of sharon 劝告/短暂的美风信子hyacinyh 悲哀/永远怀念 百子莲african lily 爱的来临 牵牛花morning glory 爱情/依赖君子兰kafir lily 宝贵/高贵 荷包花lady's pocketbook 聚集财富含笑花banana shrub 矜持/含蓄 非洲菊african daisy 神秘/兴奋 含羞草esnsitive plant 敏感 茉莉arabian jasmine 你属于我/亲切


个人简历——各类奖学金、各种称号、各种职位中英文对照 个人简历——各类奖学金、各种称号、各种职位中英文对照: 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金 National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生 Merit Student 学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者 Excellent staff 优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体 Advanced Class 优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖 Ethic Award 精神文明奖 High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖 Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项 外语系(Foreign Language Department): 话剧比赛 Drama competition 英语演讲比赛 English Speech Contest 八系辩论赛 Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition 黑板报设计大赛 Blackboard Poster Design Contest PPT设计大赛 Courseware Design Competition 文明宿舍 Outstanding Dormitory OK杯篮球比赛 OK Cup for Basketball Game 我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies” Singing Competition


各种动物的英文单词 horse 马 mare 母马 colt, foal 马驹,小马 pony 矮马 thoroughbred 纯种马 mustang 野马 mule 骡 ass, donkey 骡 ox 牛 buffalo 水牛 bull 公牛 cow 母牛 calf 小牛, 牛犊 bullock, steer 小阉牛 heifer 小母牛 pig, swine 猪 boar 种猪 hog 阉猪, 肥猪 gilt 小母猪 piglet 猪崽 sheep 羊 ewe 母羊 goat 山羊 lamb 羊羔,羔羊 zebra 斑马 antilope 羚羊 gazelle 小羚羊 deer 鹿 reindeer 驯鹿 giraffe 长颈鹿 camel 骆驼 dromedary 单峰驼 llama 大羊驼 guanaco 原驼 alpaca 羊驼 vicuna 小羊驼 elephant 象 rhinoceros 犀牛 hippopotamus 河马 cat 猫 tabby, she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫tomcat 雄猫, 公猫

kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫lion 狮 lynx 猞猁 panther, puma 美洲豹leopard 豹 tiger 虎 wildcat 野猫 bison 美洲野牛 yak 牦牛 dog 狗 badger 獾 weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼 otter 水獭 fox 狐 hyena, hyaena 鬣狗 wolf 狼 squirrel 松鼠 dormouse 睡鼠 beaver 河狸 marmot 土拨鼠 ferret 雪貂 bear 熊 rabbit 兔子 hare 野兔 rat 鼠 chinchilla 南美栗鼠gopher 囊地鼠 Guinea pig 豚鼠 marmot 土拨鼠 mole 鼹鼠 mouse 家鼠 vole 田鼠 monkey 猴子 chimpanzee 黑猩猩 gorilla 大猩猩 orangutan 猩猩 gibbon 长臂猿 sloth 獭猴 anteater 食蚁兽 duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 考拉, 树袋熊hedgehog 刺猬 porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪


第一名The First Prize 第二名The Second Prize 第三名The Third Prize 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖 最佳组织奖 突出贡献奖 工作创新奖High Morality Prize Prize for The Best Organization Prize for The Outstanding Contribution Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 体育道德风尚奖PE Morality Award 优秀指导教师奖Excellent Guide Teacher Award 突出贡献奖Outstanding Contribution Award 工作创新奖Innovation Award 团队建设奖Teamwork Award 最佳台风奖Best Stage Style Award 最佳人气奖Best Popularity Award 优秀组织奖Outstanding Organization Award 最佳创意奖Best Creativity Award 优秀团体奖Excellent Group Award 优秀节目奖Best Program Award 十佳新秀奖Top Ten Outstanding Rising Stars Award 最具潜质奖Most Potentiality Award 最佳才艺奖Outstanding Talent Award 最佳气质奖Outstanding Quality Award 最佳口才奖Best Eloquence Award 最佳演员奖Best Actor Award


1.4水泵性能 1.4.1水泵流量 pump capacity 单位时间内水泵的抽水量。 1.4.2水泵性能参数 pump performance parameter 用来表征水泵性能的一组数据,包括流量、扬程、轴功率、效率、转速、必需汽蚀余量或允许吸上真空高度、比转数和汽蚀比转数等。 1.4.3水泵扬程 pump head 单位重量的水从水泵进口到水泵出口所增加的能量。 1.4.4水泵轴功率 pump-shaft power 水泵轴从动力机获得的功率。 1.4.5水泵有效功率 active power of pump 水泵输出的功率。 1.4.6水泵配套功率 rated power of motive-power machine matching the pump 与水泵配套的动力机的额定(标定)功率。 1.4.7动力机功率备用系数 spare coefficient of motive-power machine 配套动力机的额定(标定)功率与水泵运行中可能出现的最大轴功率的比值。 1.4.8装机功率 installed power of pumping station 泵站动力机额定(标定)功率的总和。 1.4.9水泵效率 pump efficiency

水泵有效功率与轴功率的比值。 1.4.10水泵转速 pump(rotary)speed 水泵轴每分钟的转数。 1.4.11汽蚀余量 net positive suction head(NPSH) 水泵进口处单位重量水所具有的超过汽化压力的富裕能量。 1.4.12临界汽蚀余量 critical NPSH 水泵开始产生汽蚀时的汽蚀余量值。 1.4.13必需汽蚀余量 necessary NPSH 为保证水泵正常工作、不产生危害性汽蚀的汽蚀余量必需值,其值规定为临界汽蚀余量加0.3m。 1.4.14吸上真空高度 suction vacuum lift 水泵工作时进口处的真空值。 1.4.15临界吸上真空高度 critical suction vacuum lift 在大气压力为101.3kPa、水温为20℃的标准状况下,水泵开始产生汽蚀时的吸上真空高度值。 1.4.16允许吸上真空高度 permitted suction vacuum lift 为保证水泵正常工作、不产生危害性汽蚀的吸上真空高度的允许值,其值规定为临界吸上真空高度减0.3m。 1.4.17水泵安装高度 installation height of pump 水泵基准面与设计最低下水位之间的垂直距离。 1.4.18水泵基准面 datum elevation of pump


各种动物的XX horse 马 mare母马colt, foal马驹,小马pony矮马 thoroughbred 纯种马musta ng 野马 mule 骡 ass, don key 骡 ox牛buffalo 水牛bull公牛cow母牛calf小牛,牛犊bullock, steer 小阉牛heifer小母牛pig, swi ne 猪 boar种猪hog阉猪,肥猪gilt小母猪piglet 猪崽 sheep 羊 ewe母羊goat山羊lamb羊羔,羔羊zebra斑马an til ope 羚羊 gazelle小羚羊deer 鹿 rein deer 驯鹿 giraffe长颈鹿camel

骆驼dromedary 单峰驼 llama大羊驼gua naco 原驼 alp aca羊驼vic una 小羊驼elephant 象 rhinoceros 犀牛 hippopotamus 河马 cat猫tabby, she-cat, grimalki n 雌猫tomcat雄猫,公猫 kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫 lion 狮 lynx猞猁panther, puma 美洲豹 leopard 豹 tiger 虎 wildcat 野猫 bison美洲野牛yak牦牛dog狗badger 獾 weasel鼬,黄鼠狼otter水獭fox狐hye na, hyae na 鬣狗 wolf 狼

squirrel 松鼠 dormouse 睡鼠 beaver河狸marmot 土拨鼠 ferret雪貂bear 熊rabbit兔子hare野兔 rat鼠chi nchilla南美栗鼠gopher囊地鼠 Gui nea pig 豚鼠marmot 土拨鼠 mole鼹鼠mouse家鼠vole田鼠monkey 猴子chi mpan zee 黑猩猩 gorilla大猩猩oran guta n 猩猩 gibb on长臂猿sloth 獭猴anteater食蚁兽duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽 kan garoo 袋鼠koala考拉,树袋熊hedgehog 刺猬porcupine 箭猪,豪猪 bat蝙蝠armadillo 犰狳


各种花卉的英文名 iris蝴蝶花 cockscomb鸡冠花 honeysuckle金银花chrysanthemum菊花 carnation康乃馨 orchid兰花 canna美人蕉 jasmine茉莉花 daffodil水仙花 peony牡丹 begonia秋海棠 cactus仙人掌 christmas flower圣诞花/一品红poppy罂粟 tulip郁金香 chinese rose月季 violet紫罗兰 peach flower桃花 aloe芦荟 mimosa含羞草 dandelion蒲公英

plum bolssom梅花中国水仙 new year lily 石榴 pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花 polyanthus 木棉 cotton tree 紫丁香 lilac 吊钟 lady's eardrops 紫荆 Chinese redbud 百合 lily 紫罗兰 wall flower 桃花 peach 紫藤 wisteria 杜鹃 azalea 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 牡丹 tree peony 银杏 ginkgo 芍药 peony 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 辛夷 violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌 Christmas cactus 玫瑰 rose 郁金香 tulip

茶花 common camellia 千日红 common globe-amaranth 非洲堇 African violet 栀子花 cape jasmine 木槿 rose of Sharon 风信子 hyacinth 百子莲 African lily 牵牛花 morning glory 君子兰 kefir lily 荷包花 lady's pocketbook 含笑花 banana shrub 非洲菊 African daisy 含羞草 sensitive plant 茉莉 Arabian jasmine 猪笼草 pitcher plant 凌霄花 creeper 树兰 orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 鸡冠花 cockscomb 荷花lotus 鸢萝 cypress vine 菩提 botree


董事长Board Chairman总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager执行副总经理Executive Vice President执行副总Deputy General总经理秘书Secretary总经理助理General Manager's Assistant市场营销部经理Manager of Marketing Department销售部经理Sales Manager餐饮部经理Food and Bererage Manager客房部经理Housekeeper康乐部经理Recreation Dept Manager财务部经理Financial Controller人事部经理Personnel Manager工程部经理Chief Engineer保安部经理Chief Security Officer办公室主任Director of Executive Office大堂副理Asst Manager物资经理Logistic&;Purchasing Dept.Manager会计Accountant销售工程师Sales Engineer生产经理Production Dept.Manager销售工程师Sales Engineer工会主席Labour Union chairman操作工Operator 库管员Warehouse Keeper技术工程师Technicial Engineer销售一部经理Sales Dept.Manager接待员Receiptionalist配料员Operator保洁员Purifier人事经理助理HR Assistant炊事员Canteen Worker会计Accountant质保经理QC Dept.Manager机械师Machinist工程主管Facilities Supervisor采购员Buyer车间班长Group Leader叉车司机Driver机修工Operator采购主管Purchase Manage综合管理部Colligation and Management Dep财务部部长Finance Dep.Minister市场部部长助理Market Dep.Ministe r's assistant 生产部部长助理Produce Dep.Ministarls assistant研发工程师Develop Engineer业务主办Operation Direct计划员Programmer更夫Bellman技术服务部经理Technical Service Dept.Manager物资内勤Secretary技术服务工程师Technician Service Engineer销售二部经理Sales Dept.Manager车间主管Production Supervisor内勤Secretary出纳Cashier 检验员hecker市场部经理Marketing Dept.Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager IT工程师IT Engineer研磨工Operator司机Driver清扫工Purifier人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager文员Clerk财务经理Finance Dept.Manager技术发展部经理Technical Development Dept.Manager电工Electrician送货员Deliveryman挤压工Operator


泵名称中英对照表(三) 气举,气体升液泵:gas liftpump 气举泵:气体升液泵:mammoth pump 气密电动泵:gastight motor drivenpump 气泡泵:曼木特泵:气举泵:air lift pump 气泡泵:气举泵:gas bubblepump 气体喷射泵:gas jetpump 气体喷射真空泵:gas jet vacuumpump 气镇泵:gas ballastpump 汽车冲洗泵:car wash pump 汽车用泵:automobile pump 汽轮机驱动泵:turbine driven pump 汽轮机直联给水泵:turbine feed pump 前置泵,增压泵:boosterpump 潜水泵:submerged pump 潜水神井泵:borehole submergedpump 潜液式螺杆泵:submerged screw pump 浅井泵:shallow well pump 巧克力输送泵:choclatepump 撬式泵:滑移泵:skid mounted pump 切线增压泵:部分流泵:partial emission pump 切线增压泵:部分流泵:sundyne pump 切削冷却乳剂泵:cutting oilpump 倾斜活塞泵:inclined piston pump 清泥液泵:supernatant liquor pump 清水泵:clean waterpump 清水泵:clear waterpump 清水泵:供水泵:raw water service pump 清洗泵:washery pump 清洗泵:washing pump 清汁泵:evaporator supplypump 清汁泵:fitered juice 球形活塞泵:ball pistonpump 曲柄泵:crankpump 曲柄泵:rotative reciprocating pump 曲柄飞轮泵:crank and flywheelpump 取暖用泵:heating pump 全负荷泵:full loadpump 全可调式混流泵:mixed flow pump with blades adjustable in operation 全可调式轴流泵axial flow pump with blades adjustable in operation 全可调式轴流泵:axial flow pump with variable pitch blades 全青铜泵:all abronze pump 燃油泵:fuelpump


各种动物的英文单词 horse马mare母马 colt,foal马驹,小马pony矮马 thoroughbred纯种马mustang野马 mule骡ass,donkey骡 ox牛buffalo水牛 bull公牛cow母牛 calf小牛,牛犊bullock,steer小阉牛heifer小母牛pig,swine猪 boar种猪hog阉猪,肥猪 gilt小母猪piglet猪崽 sheep羊ewe母羊 goat山羊lamb羊羔,羔羊 zebra斑马antilope羚羊 gazelle小羚羊deer鹿 reindeer驯鹿giraffe长颈鹿 camel骆驼dromedary单峰驼 llama大羊驼guanaco原驼 alpaca羊驼vicuna小羊驼 elephant象rhinoceros犀牛hippopotamus河马cat猫 tabby,she-cat,grimalkin雌猫tomcat雄猫,公猫 kitten,kitty,pussy小猫lion狮 lynx猞猁panther,puma美洲豹leopard豹tiger虎 wildcat野猫bison美洲野牛 yak牦牛dog狗 badger獾weasel鼬,黄鼠狼 otter水獭fox狐 hyena,hyaena鬣狗wolf狼 squirrel松鼠dormouse睡鼠 beaver河狸marmot土拨鼠 ferret雪貂bear熊 rabbit兔子hare野兔 rat鼠chinchilla南美栗鼠gopher囊地鼠Guinea pig豚鼠 marmot土拨鼠mole鼹鼠 mouse家鼠vole田鼠 monkey猴子chimpanzee黑猩猩 gorilla大猩猩orangutan猩猩 gibbon长臂猿sloth獭猴 anteater食蚁兽duckbill,platypus鸭嘴兽kangaroo袋鼠koala考拉,树袋熊


iris 蝴蝶花hon eysuckle 金银花 chrysanthemum 菊花 carnation 康乃馨 orchid 兰花 canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉花 daffodil 水仙花 peony 牡丹 begonia 秋海棠 cactus 仙人掌 christmas flower 圣诞花/一品红 poppy 罂粟 tulip 郁金香 chi nese rose 月 季 violet 紫罗兰 peach flower 桃花 aloe 芦荟 mimosa 含羞草 dandelion 蒲公英 plum bolssom 梅花中国水仙new year lily

石榴pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花polyanthus 木棉cotton tree 紫丁香lilac 吊钟lady's eardrops 紫荆Chinese redbud 百合lily 紫罗兰wall flower 桃花peach 紫藤wisteria 杜鹃azalea 铃兰lily-of-the-valley 牡丹tree peony 银杏ginkgo 芍药peony 蝴蝶兰moth orchid 辛夷violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌Christmas cactus 玫瑰rose 郁金香tulip

非洲堇African violet 栀子花cape jasmine 木槿rose of Sharon 风信子hyacinth 百子莲African lily 牵牛花morning glory 君子兰kefir lily 荷包花lady's pocketbook 含笑花bana shrub 非洲菊African daisy 含羞草sensitive plant 茉莉Arabian jasmine 猪笼草pitcher plant 凌霄花creeper 树兰orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 荷花lotus 鸢萝cypress vine 菩提botree 大理花dahlia


各种水泵英文翻译 abration resisting pump ,,,,, 耐磨泵; absorption pump ,,,,, 吸收泵; acid pump ,,,,, 耐酸泵; activated sludge pump ,,,,, 活性污泥泵 adjustable diaphragm pump ,,,,, 可调隔膜泵; adjustable discharge gear pump ,,,,, 齿轮比例泵; adsorption vacuum pump ,,,,, 吸附真空泵; agricultural spray pump ,,,,, 喷灌泵; agricultural spray pump for chemicals ,,,,, 农用喷药泵; air lift pump ,,,,, 气泡泵;曼木特泵;气举泵; air operated pump ,,,,, 压缩空气驱动泵; air-powered piston pump ,,,,, 风动活塞泵; air-pressure actuated slurry pump ,,,,, 气动泥浆泵; airtight screw pump ,,,,, 密闭式螺杆泵; all abronze pump ,,,,, 全青铜泵; all iron pump ,,,,, 铸铁泵; alloy pump ,,,,, 合金泵; alloy steel pump ,,,,, 合金钢泵; angle-type axial flow pump ,,,,, 半贯流式轴流泵;弯管轴流泵; angle-type axial piston pump ,,,,, 斜轴式轴向活塞泵; animal self-operated drinking water pump ,,,,, 饲槽自动泵;家畜自动饮水泵;annular casing pump ,,,,, 环壳泵; anti-roll pump ,,,,, 减摇泵; Archimedean screw pump ,,,,, 螺旋泵; armoured pump ,,,,, 铠装泵; articulated vane pump ,,,,, 铰链滑片泵; ash pump ,,,,, 灰渣泵; attached pump ,,,,, 附属泵; automatic trough pump ,,,,, 饲槽自动泵;家畜自动引水泵; automobile pump ,,,,, 汽车用泵; auxiliary pump ,,,,, 辅泵;辅助泵; auxiliary stripping pump ,,,,, 辅扫仓泵;辅清仓泵; aviation pump ,,,,, 航空用泵; axial double entry liquid ring pump ,,,,, 轴向双吸液环泵; axial flow ,,,,, 轴流泵; axial flow pump for water jet propulsion ,,,,, 喷水推进轴流泵; axial flow pump with adjustable pitch blades ,,,,, 可调式轴流泵; axial flow pump with blades adjustable in operation ,,,,, 全可调式轴流泵axial flow pump with blades adjustable when stationary ,,,,, 半可调式轴流泵;axial flow pump with variable pitch blades ,,,,, 全可调式轴流泵; axial flowpump with reversible blades ,,,,, 可逆叶片轴流泵; axial inlet pump ,,,,, 轴吸泵;


狗汪汪 wow,bow, arf, woof, ruff ruff 猪呼噜 oink 猫喵 meow 马咴-- neigh or whinny 牛哞 moo 羊咩咩 baaah 驴 hee-haw 狮子 roar 狼 howl 青蛙呱呱 croak(GB) ribbit (USA) 老鼠吱吱 squeak 母鸡咯咯 cluck, cackle and cluck 公鸡喔喔 cock-a-doodle-doo cockle doodle doo 小鸡叽叽 chirp (peep peep(USA) cheep cheep (GB))

鸭嘎嘎 quack quack 鹅哦昂 honk keckle hiss 乌鸦哇哇 caw 杜鹃布谷布谷 cuckoo 鸽子鸪鸪 coo 猫头鹰 hoo (USA), tu-whit, tu-whoo(GB) 小鸟啾啾 tweet tweet 蜜蜂嗡嗡 bzzzz 描述动物发声 狗 bark 猪 grunt 猫 mew

马 neigh or whinney. 母牛 low 羊 bleat. 驴 bray 公鸡 crow 母鸡 cackle and cluck. 鸭 quack 鹅 honk 狼 laugh. 狮 roar. 狼 howl. 老鼠 squeak. 青蛙 croak 鸟鸣 twitter

猫头鹰 hoot. 喜鹊 chatter 乌鸦 caw 小鸟/虫 chirp 蜜蜂 buzz 英语动物拟声词及其翻译 高永晨 (苏州大学外国语学院,江苏苏州215021) 摘要:英语动物拟声词有着极其丰富的内容,有直接拟声与间接拟声两种基本类型。汉语动物拟声词通常比较简单笼统,而英语动物拟声词则既丰富多采又具体生动。对动物拟声词进行比较研究,有助于翻译的正确性。 关键词:拟声词;动物;翻译 Abstract :The English animal onomatopoeia has substantial content and can be divided into primary onomatopoeia and secondary onomatopoeia. Different from the Chinese animal onomatopoeia which is rather simple and vague , the English version


花的英文名字 相关专题:英文 时间:2006-08-17 08:00 外语天地 azalea 杜鹃花 begonia 秋海棠 Brazil 巴西木 cactus 仙人掌 camellia 山茶花 carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花 Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花 dahlia 大丽花 daisy 雏菊 datura 曼陀罗 epiphyllum 昙花 fringed iris 蝴蝶花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 gardenia 栀子 India canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉 lilac 丁香 lily 百合 mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花) narcissus 水仙花 oleander 夹竹桃 orchid 兰花 pansy 三色堇 peony 牡丹 peony 芍药 phalaenopsis 蝶兰 rose 玫瑰 rose 月季 setose asparagus 文竹 touch-me-not (balsam)凤仙花 forget-me-not勿忘我 tulip 郁金香 violet, stock violet 紫罗兰 water hyacinth 凤眼兰 新西兰有一种花,叫羽扇豆,也被音译为“鲁冰花”。这种花的英文名字是lupine,豆科羽扇豆属,有掌状复叶和颜色各异的呈穗状或总状花序排列的花朵。

黄水仙是daffadilly; 月季也可以说是China rose; 另外还有紫丁香是lilac或者syringa; 兰花一般可以说是orchid,不过orchis是指一种兰花—红门兰; lily是百合,不过water-lily是睡莲,也可以用pond lily。 另外还有一些比较有趣的名字: 比如kiss-me-quick是野生三色堇的俗称,还是一种帽子, kiss-me-at-the-gate是金银花, 而American beauty则是红蔷薇。 daisy---innocent 雏菊-天真烂漫 red camellia---beauty 红茶花-天生丽质 rose---grace 刺玫瑰-雅致 white camellia---beauty 白茶花-美丽 white lily---purity 白百合-纯洁white chrysanthemum---sincerity 白菊-真挚 early lilac---first love 紫丁香-初恋 red chrysanthemum---love 红菊-我爱 cockscomb---love 鸡冠花-爱情 red rose---love 红蔷薇-爱情 yellow chrysanthemum---a little love 黄菊-微爱 tea rose---love for ever 香水月季--真爱永远 red tulip---declaration 红郁金香-爱情宣言 begonia---languishing love 秋海棠-苦恋 lemon---true love 柠檬-挚爱 twin lotus---love between two 并蒂莲-夫妻恩爱


各种头衔的英文翻译 来源:熊敏的日志 首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering 技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理IT Manager 信息技术主管IT Supervisor 信息技术专员IT Specialist 项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor 项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator 系统分析员System Analyst 高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer 软件工程师Software Engineer 系统工程师System Engineer 高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师Hardware Engineer 通信技术工程师Communications Engineer ERP技术/应用顾问ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师Database Engineer 技术支持经理Technical Support Manager 技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer 品质经理QA Manager 信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer 软件测试工程师Software QA Engineer 硬件测试工程师Hardware QA Engineer 测试员Test Engineer 网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师Network Engineer 系统管理员/网管System Manager/Webmaster 网页设计/制作Web Designer/Production 技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant 其他Other 销售Sales 销售总监Sales Director 销售经理Sales Manager 区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager 客户经理Sales Account Manager 渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道主管Channel Supervisor 销售主管Sales Supervisor 销售代表Sales Representative / Executive 销售工程师Sales Engineer 医药代表Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 保险代理Insurance Agent


最喜欢的动物英语作文(带翻译) 导语:可爱的小动物我们都喜欢,那么你最喜欢的动物是什么?下面和小编一起来看看吧! 我最喜欢的动物英语作文篇一: My favorite animals are are can swim very think they look like a beautiful girl in a white have a pair of wings and they can also fly believe they are angles from the bring us love and make us are always friendly to can't hurt them,because they are our love them!I like dogs, are not beautiful,but they are the best keep the thieves have the best listening and can hear in the nosiy,see in the we are in danger,they will help us at they don't mind their ,I love them. 我最喜欢的动物英语作文篇二: Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people. The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their
