

Film Review of Interstellar


Having watched the film interstellar, I found myself as excited as the raging wave that couldn’t restore calm for a long time with tears running down my face. Besides the marvelous analysis it would be in the scientific perspective, just through a skin-deep way in emotion, audience would be shocked tremendously by both the visual and aural effect. Let your mind goes with the movie and the time, and you will see the doomed day covered by the dust which is like a pall, the thick smoke rises from numerous fields of crops, the utterly unknown tiny planet in the vast universe, and the strange watch in Murphy’s study in the five-dimensional space, which all surprise you and appeal to you. From the properties of movies

Firstly, the film is as an art. In 1910, the Italy director Ricciotto Canudo published The Birth of the Sixth Art in which he claimed that movie is the seventh art after architecture, music, painting, sculpture, poetry, and dance. The interstellar is not only a science fiction movie which explores the humanity, but also an incredible popular science movie which teaches us about the space. The film converted the art form which few people can

appreciate into a more popular one by reaching the area of cutting-edge science and showing it understandably to the average audience.

The second, the film is as a science. With the help of Saone, one of the leaders of modern astrophysics research and also the film producer, the movie is the first in history to show the “wormhole”theory which is based on Einstein's relativity equations on the screen of Hollywood. Besides, Nolan, the director of the movie, adhered to location shooting with the use of the 70mm IMAX film to ensure the best movie-going experience. And indeed, when audience are sitting in the movable seats in the cinema, they have an illusion that they are in that interstellar spaceship at least for a moment.

Thirdly, the film is as a business. The film is such a success that the score in Douban is 9.1 and the box office earning has flied to 550 million dollars within four weeks since it displayed. In comparison of the input cost which is 165 million dollars, it’s obvious that the film has won a lot of profits.

From the visual and aural effect

Analyzing a film requires analyzing its shot, light, color, design, sound, and etc. I just want to begin with the shot in this film.

There is a shot in which Cooper asked his son to drive his car to chase after the Indian unmanned aerial vehicle in the field of corn. It combined a long shot which shows the tiny car marching through in the broad field and creating a path and a close shot in which shows the situation inside the car that his daughter Murphy located the UAV, his son drove the car and he directed them and operated the UAV. The combination successfully created a splendid scene which is exciting enough to appeal to the audience.

The wonderful application of light and color also makes the film an outstanding one. When the astronauts in the spaceship flying to the Saturn, they saw that the earth was blue and delicate with the soft light bathing the planet. This pretty good application of light and color builds up an atmosphere that the earth is so weak and poor and needed great care and mercy, and it can attract people a lot.

The sound is also brilliant. As we all know, sound plays a great role in rendering atmosphere. In the thrilling and exciting scenes such as they fly across the wormhole and the black hole, and Brand was nearly gulped by the huge wave, magnificent music like the coward and mountains really rendered the exciting atmosphere. In the meanwhile, in the emotional scenes

such as the astronauts read the letter from the earth, the music is soft and moving to convey the sad and love message. The time and space has separated them and the sad feeling rises in every people’s heart. Such is the magic power of the proper music, and once it’s used, it colors the film a lot.

About the theme

Do not go gentle into that good night

Old age should burn and rave at close of day

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

This poem has been mentioned in that film for several times. The splendid and unknown space is like the good night, the cruelty and resignation that Professor Brand chose the plan B, and the love from a father to his daughter all reflects in this poem. It’s really well organized.

The heroine Brand said that only love and gravity can travel across the time and space and that love is a power that really means something though it’s unknown to us now. I think love is the theme of this movie, though it can be overused in too many movies but here it really moved and shocked us.

“I don’t want you to leave me but I can’t stop you. The universe is so vast and mysterious that I can’t know where you are. The time is so mysterious that when you live an hour, I grow

seven years old. In fact, I am your ghost. I am still young, but my daughter is so old that she is dying. We save the world. We are “they”! ”

The love between Cooper and his children, the love between Brand and her lover, and the love for all human beings flow into audience’s hearts and such love really moved and warmed them. And from this we can say it’s a good movie.

In fact, if we don’t want to render ourselves in such doomed day like in the film in the future, we should also have the love and respect to the nature. The earth is our only homeland, if we lose it, next time, we may not be that lucky as in the film.


勇敢的心英文影评 A movie review by James Berardinelli The crown jewel of 1995's summer blockbusters appears to ha ve arrived early. It's hard to imagine any motion picture releas ed between now and August matching Mel Gibson's Braveheart for spectacle. With its clashing armies, heartstopping action, a nd grand sense of romance, this is the sort of film it's a pleas ure to see and review Let me state my preferences up front. I'm a big fan of the ep ic adventure, a category in which Braveheart, like cream, rises to the top. There's a lot in this film that's praiseworthy -- not the least of which is its ambition. Those viewing this picture may be easily reminded of Gettysburg, The Last of the Mohica ns, Glory, and such classics as Lawrence of Arabia, El Cid, and Spartacus. The grandeur is certainly present; nevertheless, Gib son gives us not only memorable battles, but characters of rea l substance. Borrowing from masters like Sam Peckinpah and David Lean, t he actor/director has crafted an exceptional cinematic tapestry in only his sophomore effort. Most of the time, three hour mo


《冰河世纪》个人观后感600字范文 《冰河世纪》个人观后感600字范文1 时至今日,《冰川时代》系列已经悄然走过十四年。这期间,有多少懵懂少年长成青葱青年,又有多少青葱青年长成中年大叔,就连曼尼都有了自己的女儿,并且要结婚出嫁了,迪亚哥也渐渐老迈,在奔跑跳跃时已经力不从心了,而傻懒话唠希德都收获了自己的爱情。《冰川时代》系列走到第五部时,已经了无新意,离主题越来越远,最后连星际大碰撞都用上了。想想近几年还在流行的《星际穿越》、《星际迷航》和《星球大战》等老梗,你不禁会哑然失笑。《冰川时代》,一不小心就成了《怪物史莱克》,虎头蛇尾,越来越疲惫,越来越尴尬。 事实上,《冰川时代4》就已经显出该系列的疲态,剧情越来越老套,故事越来越俗套,笑点了了,人物形象都不突出,尤其是作为绝对主角的曼尼和迪亚哥,越来越温吞,温吞到不再有往日的性格。而现今的《冰川时代5》则更令人失望,原本想着四年磨一剑,第五部又是该系列的终结篇,蓝天工作室该好好打磨,用心制作,拿出对观众的诚意,呈献给观众一部良心之作,让这个曾经给无数观众开心和笑料的动画系列完美收官。只可惜,事实恰恰相反,真的令人极度失望。

不仅《冰川时代》,近些年,好莱坞大咖制作的动画续作口碑均不佳,梦工厂的《功夫熊猫3》、索尼的《精灵旅社2》、皮克斯的《海底总动员2》、迪士尼的《爱丽丝梦游仙境2》(真人动画)等,不仅口碑较前作相去甚远,而且票房也有所不及。反观皮克斯的《头脑特工队》、迪士尼的《疯狂动物城》以及照明娱乐的《爱宠大机密》等这些新作,却取得不错的票房和口碑。看来,做电影,无论为艺术还是为商业,都不能在一条老路上越走越远。越走越远,只能越走越窄,另辟蹊径,反而可能走出另外一番新的天地。奉劝好莱坞的电影大咖们,不要总是炒冷饭,吃老本,还是多来些充满奇思妙想的新鲜创意吧! 《冰河世纪》个人观后感600字范文2 这个暑假,我看了一部3D电影《冰河世纪》,让我印象深刻。 一开始,只见屏幕上出现了一个黑色的东西,在慢慢地东张西望着,慢慢蠕动着.一开始,我被它吓了一跳,后来镜头慢慢放大,我才看清楚了,原来这只黑乎乎的东西竟是一个松鼠的小鼻子。因为是3D效果,所以看起来它似乎就在我的身边,真想去摸一摸,可是总也摸不着。屏幕慢慢被缩小,出现在我们眼前的是一个十分可爱的小松鼠。只见它长长的嘴,在嘴的前面顶着一颗葡萄大小的鼻子,更可爱的是它手里竟抱着一枚松子。突然,“轰”的一声,大地裂开了一条口子,那只小松鼠掉到了地核里,


经典励志电影推荐—《勇敢的心》观后感写这篇影评的时候,我的播放器里始终循环播放着电影的主题曲《fortheloveofaprincess》,似乎只有在这悠远的苏格兰风笛声里我才能捕捉到一点关于苏格兰抗争史的影子,正是这种含有大量民族乐器的配乐将影片的内涵与意境烘托得淋漓尽致。 这就是配乐对于一部好电影的巨大意义,它是灵魂的声音,传达感情的桥梁,使观众融入情节的催化剂。在《勇敢的心》这样一部基于真实历史创作的电影里,尤其需要表现出苏格兰的民族精神,描绘苏格兰人民为了反抗暴政,反抗不公平的阶级仇视所表现出的巨大勇气与力量以及用鲜血浇铸出的悲壮,大量使用苏格兰民族乐器与带有鲜明的民族曲风的配乐,使得电影的真实感与情景感强烈而有张力,瞬间抓住观众的心。 本片的配乐由JamesHorner这位大名鼎鼎的好莱坞电影配乐家 担当,其实我很难理解为何写出这样动人配乐的大师直到1997年《泰

坦尼克号》中的《我心永恒》之后才被人所熟知,但对于音乐的追求又岂是以是否功成名就所能衡量的? 影片对于人物的造型与场景的设计之独到也是不得不提的。与配乐一样,导演在对演员服装与形象的设计以及场景与建筑的制作上上充分尊重了苏格兰民族特色与历史地理风貌,不记得是在哪里看过一句评论“是唯一一部让男人穿苏格兰裙却不显得滑稽的片子”,正是这对客观的尊重使得影片的真实感得到进一步深化。 对于造型的钦佩除了那自然而然的苏格兰裙以外印象里最深刻的便是战场上华莱士与起义军将领们脸上的蓝色油彩以及两军对峙时极其鲜明的装备对比。尤其是华莱士脸上大面积的蓝色油彩成为了日后的经典形象,它是华莱士在军中身份的象征,同时也代表了苏格兰起义军的勇猛强大。 在对军队造型的处理上,可以很明显的看出,英王所率领的军队装备精良,制服统一,旗帜鲜明,人强马壮,而起义军一方则是衣衫破旧,刀钝刃乏,装备简陋,骑兵稀少。


《千与千寻》观后感 《千与千寻》是一部广为人知的动漫电影,它是日本国宝动画巨匠宫崎骏勇夺奥斯卡的杰作。从电影上映以来,《千与千寻》一直受到广泛好评。 一直喜欢动漫电影的我很早就听说过这部电影,但真正认真的欣赏这部影片是在宫崎骏电影欣赏公选课上。 《千与千寻》这部影片的故事被安排在了一个古代日本澡堂,这是个有着东方文化的“神密之城”,原型是跟据江户时代建筑来描绘的,本作品跟宫崎骏以往的作品一样,生动形象的反映出了两个主题,一是通过人性展现人的成长,二是反映人与自然的环保态度。 故事富有戏剧性与童话的感觉,讲述了10岁的小女孩千寻和父母一起搬家,因为父亲的鲁莽开车发现了一条隧道,在走过了之后却进入了一个神秘小镇。奇怪的是整个镇子里一个人也没有,千寻的父母看到有一处店铺里存放着大量新鲜的食物,按捺不住诱惑便疯狂的吃了起来。千寻感觉这令她很不安,看到父母只顾吃不理她,她只得独自到处转悠。天色渐暗,千寻突然看见镇子里有很多幽灵和妖怪出现,吓得赶紧去找她的父母,谁知道她的父母竟然吃了食物后变成了猪。千寻无助的只能逃跑,可她惊奇的发现自己的身体竟然开始变得透明,这时少年白龙出现了,他救了千寻,并告诉她这个城镇是另外一个世界,想要在这里生存下去就必须工作,否则便会消失。 为了拯救父母,千寻遵循白龙的忠告来到了汤屋寻找工作,在锅炉爷爷和小玲的帮助下,千寻见到了汤屋的主人汤婆婆,并自己的努力和坚持签订了合同,但汤婆婆却夺走了她的名字,改名“小千”。于是千寻便在这工作了起来,期间她帮助了三个对象。首先是酷似腐烂神的河神来到了汤屋,成山的垃圾堆满了浴场,大家都四散躲避,只有千寻帮助他拜托了垃圾的困扰,河神为感谢她留下了一颗药丸,千寻希望借此恢复她的父母。之后无脸男受千寻纯真的吸引来到了油屋,却被这里的利欲所迷失,大加破坏想寻求欲望的满足,同时白龙因受指派去偷钱婆婆东西,受了诅咒重伤回来,善良的千寻把药丸给了他们,一半把无脸男恢复了原样,一半帮白龙解除了诅咒。如果说千寻用丸子救白龙是因为爱,那么给无脸男吃就是本身为对他的真诚。明知道河神给的丸子能救自己的父母,却依然拿出来帮助需要它的人。 搭乘着大海上的电车,身边是变成“龙猫”的坊宝宝和变小的乌鸦,还有把身体所有东西给吐干净的无脸男,千寻去寻找钱婆婆替白龙向她道歉,不同与汤婆婆的温泉屋那般豪华,钱婆婆的家是截然相反的朴实。钱婆婆告诉千寻,无论是什么事情,包括与父母回到原来的


电影英文观后感 勇敢的心英文>观后感(一) Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule… Crucially charismatic in the title role, Gibson plays the heroic figure and emerges as a remarkable hero with wit and romantic soul, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors… Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen… Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country… In fact, the Scottish leaders are in favor of revolt-or not-depending on English bribes… Wallace, by comparison, is a man of honor, incorruptible and righteous… He was knighted and proclaimed 'guardian and high protector of Scotland,' but as much as he railed against the Scottish nobles, submitted to Edward I, King of England, he was astonished and in shock to discover the treachery of the leading Scot contender for the throne―Robert, the Earl of Bruce―to whom he confided , 'The people would follow you, if you would only lead them.' Sophie Marceau is exquisite as the distressed princeIsabella of France who ends up falling in love with Wallace, warning him out of several traps……Catherine McCormack is a stunning beauty who ignites Wallace's revolution……Patrick McGoohan is chilling, brutal, and vicious as the ruthleEdward I, known by the nickname 'Longshanks.' This king remains simply the embodiment of evil……While Angus McFadyen moves as a nobleman torn between his conscience and political aspiration, and Brendan Gleeson brings strength and humor to his role as the robust Hamish, David O'Hara is very effective as the crazy Irishman who provides much of the film's comic relief from even the most tensed moments……Mel Gibson has reason to be proud of 'Braveheart.' It is a motion picture that dares to be excessi ve… Gibson presents passionately the most spaciously impressive battles (yet staged for films)even excessively, and it is his passion and excethat make the motion picture great… The horror and futility of massed hand-to-hand combats are exciting rather re pulsive… It is epic film-ma-ki-ng at its glorious best……Gibson's 'Braveheart' focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression. 阿甘正传英文观后感(二)


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/978073031.html, 电影《星际穿越》中的语言叙事与文化解读作者:王冬梅 来源:《戏剧之家》2016年第18期 【摘要】电影《星际穿越》是一部科幻题材的电影,讲述了库珀带领的人类探险队,利 用对虫洞的新发现来探索宇宙、进行星际航行以拯救地球和人类的故事。作为一部科幻片,影片利用现代高科技手段,营造出了外太空的神奇景象吸引了观众的视线。同时,影片还运用独特的叙事手段讲述了一个关于爱和亲情的故事,蕴含着一定的文化内涵。本文主要通过对电影《星际穿越》的赏析,对其语言叙事手段与文化内涵进行一定的探究与解读。 【关键词】《星际穿越》;语言叙事;文化解读 中图分类号:J905 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2016)09-0124-02 电影《星际穿越》是最为典型的好莱坞科幻电影,外太空的奇妙景象、诸多高科技术语、科幻外衣下的文化内涵等都是科幻电影的必备要素。但《星际穿越》又超越了一般的好莱坞科幻电影,这部电影并没有使用最先进的3D技术手段,却依旧给观众带来了一次难以想象的视觉体验;相对于科学、地球、人类等科幻电影的主题,爱与亲情是其最重要的主题,而这主要得益于其独特的语言叙事手段。在下文中,笔者将对其语言叙事手段进行分析,同时对其文化内涵做一定的解读。 一、电影《星际穿越》中的语言叙事 电影中的叙事可分为语言叙事和电影化叙事,语言叙事是指运用语言手段进行叙事,而电影化叙事则是指运用画面等非语言的手段进行叙事。相对于电影化叙事,电影《星际穿越》的语言叙事更为独特,表现了这部科幻电影中所蕴含的爱与亲情。 (一)语义叙事 语义叙事指在有声电影中通过有声语言所承载的含义叙事,主要依赖于台词写作,以独白和对白的形式展开,对白是其主体。电影中的台词语言不仅是影片人物相互交流的工具,还交代了影片的故事背景、发展线索,推动了故事情节的发展;同时这些语言还能传达片中人物的情感信息以及影片所蕴含的哲理。 电影《星际穿越》中的台词语言不仅包含着诸如牛顿万有引力定律、相对论、虫洞、黑洞等科技术语,体现了本部电影的科幻性,还包含着大段的叙事性的语言,推动了整部影片故事情节的发展。影片刚开始是年老之后的墨菲对其父库珀的一段介绍:“我父亲是个农民,那时候的人差不多都是农民,当然他不是一开始就是。”墨菲的这段话交代了主人公库珀的身份,也为影片的后续发展奠定了基础,随之展开的就是库珀在梦中坠机的场面。而紧接着墨菲对当时地球环境的描述“麦子都死了,全都病死了,只能烧掉,只剩下几亩地的玉米,还有满天的

千与千寻Spirited Away(英文剧本)

Spirited Away C: I?ll miss you, Chihiro. Your best friends, Rile F: Chihiro, Chihiro, we?re almost there. M: This really is the middle of nowhere. I?ve got to go to the next town to shop. F: We?ll just have to learn to like it. Look, Chihiro, there?s your new school. Looks really good, doesn?t it? M: It doesn?t look so bad. C: It?s gonna stink. I liked my old school. Oh````Mom, my flowers are dying. M: I told you not to smother them like that. We?ll put them in water when we get to our new home. C: I finally get a bouquet, and it?s a good-bye present. That?s depressing. M: Daddy bought you a rose for your birthday. Don?t you remember? C: Yes, one. Just one rose isn?t a bouquet. M: Hold on to your card. I?m opening the window and quit whining. It?s fun to move to a new place. It?s an adventure. F: Wait, did I take the wrong turn? That can?t be right. M: Look, there?s our house. It?s that blue one on the end. F: Oh, you?re right. I must have missed the turn-off. This road should get us there. M: Honey, don?t take a short cut. You always get us lost. F: Trust me, it?s gonna work. C: What are these stones? They look like little houses. M: They?re shines. Some people think little spirits live there. C: Dad, I think we?re lost. F: We?re fine. I?ll get a full wheel drive. M: Sit down please, sweetie. Slow down. You?re gonna kill us. F: What?s that? M: What?s this old building? F: It looks like an entrance. M: Honey, get back in the car. We are going to be late. Oh for heaven?s sake. F: This building is not old. It?s fake. These stones are just made of plaster. C: The wind?s pulling us in. M: What is it? F: Come one. Let?s go in. I want to see what?s on the other side. C: I?m not going. It gives me the creeps. F: Don?t be such a scaredy cat, Hiro. Let?s just take a look. M: The movers will get to our house before we do. F: It?s alright. They?ve got the keys. They can start without us. M: Alright. Just a quick look. C: Forget it. I?m not going. Come on you guys, le t?s get out of here. F: Come on honey. It will be fun. C: I?m not going. M: Chihiro, just wait in the car then. C: But mom….Wait for me. F: Everybody watch your step. M: Chihiro, don?t cling like that. You make me trip. -What is this place? -Oh, do you hear that? - It sounds like a train. - We must be near a train station. - Come on. Let?s go and check it out. - What are those weird buildings? - I knew it. It?s an abandoned theme park. See? They built the everywhere in early 90s, then the economy went bad and they all went bankrupt. This must be one of them. - Where are you going? You said just a quick look. Now let?s go back. Did you hear that building? It was moaning. - It?s just the wind. Oh, what a beautiful place. We should have brought our lunch. Then we could have a picnic. - Look, they were planning to put a river here. En~~~ you smell that? Something smells delicious. - Yeah, I?m starving. - Maybe this theme park is still in business. Let?s go. - Chihiro, hurry it up. - Wait a minute! - Over there….This way. - How strange! They?re all restaurants. - Where?s everybody? - Aaa… There it is! Hey, I found it. Hi, you got to see this. In here. - Aaa… Look at this! - Hello in there. Does anybody work here? - Come in Hiro. It looks delicious. - Anybody? - Don?t worry honey. We can pay the bill when they get back. - Good plan. Hey that looks great. - I wonder what this is called. Oh… It?s delicious. Chihiro, you have to taste this. - I don?t want any. We?re gonna get in trouble. Let?s just get out of here. - Don?t worry. You?ve got daddy here. He?s got credit cards and cash. - Chihiro, you have to try this. It?s so tender. - Mustard? - Thank you. - Come on, you guys. You can?t - That?s weird. It?s a bath house. There?s the train. - You shouldn?t be here. Get out of here, now! - What? - It?s almost night. Leave before it gets dark. They are lighting the lamps. Get out of here. You?ve gotta get across the river. Go! I?ll distract them. - What?s up with him? - Mom, dad, come on, quit eating, let?s get out of here. Ahh~~~~Mom, dad, where are you?.....Water?!! What?... I?m dreaming! I?m dreaming! Come on, wake up! Wake up! This is a dream. Just a dream. Away, away. Disappear! Aaa~~~~~? I?m see-through! It?s just a bad dream. - Don?t be afraid! I just wantta help you. - No…No! - Open your mouth and eat this. You must eat some food from this world or else you?ll disappear. - No. - Don?t worry. It won?t turn you into a pig. Chew it and swallow. There you go. You?re all better. See for yourself. - I?m OK. - You see. Now come with me. - Where are my mom and dad? They didn?t really turn into pigs, did they? - You can?t see them now, but you will. Don?t move. That bird?s looking for you. You?ve gotta get out of here. - My legs, I can?t stand up. Help! What do I do? - Calm down. Take a deep breath. In the name of the wind and water within thee, unbind her. Get up. - You have to hold your breath when we across the bridge. Even the tiniest breath will break the spell and then everyone will see you. - I?m scared. - Just stay calm. I?m back from my mission. - Welcome back Master Haku. - Take a deep breath. Hold it. Hang on, almost there. - Master Haku, where?ve you been? What? A human? - Let?s go. - They know you?re here. - I?m sorry. I took a breath.


星际迷航3观后感 本文是关于心得体会的星际迷航3观后感,感谢您的阅读! 星际迷航3观后感(一):人心迷失与观影情怀 最近上映的《星际迷航之超越星辰》,故事架构上与前作相比,稍显简单,整部电影的情节明晰,无外乎一百年的前辈宇航员面临绝境诉求无助之后的绝地反击和报复。只不过这场报复时间太过漫长,长达一百多年,曾经探索深空的英雄人物,最终异化成了人类的强敌。 类似的情节在美国电影里随处可见,大部分都是揭露退伍军人因为得不到妥善安排和被政府漠视而铤而走险,比较有名的电影当属基努里维斯主演的《生死时速》,讲述了一个爆破专家绑架校车报复社会的故事。《星际迷航超越星辰》只不过将类似复仇场景搬到了未来的太空探索之中,换汤不换药,谈不上创新。 要说电影所要表达的深刻主题,就是在太空深处,异域他乡,强烈的无助感和孤独感扭曲了人心,造就了一个滔天恶魔,他凭借遇险星球上得天独厚的生命延长条件,得以实施自己计划。也就是说,在探索未来宇宙的过程中,迷失的不仅仅是飞船本身,更需要关注和克服的巨大障碍,就是人心和精神的双重迷失。 电影的特效场景足够震撼,尤其是坐在IMAX巨幕影院里,这种感受更加强烈和真实,以至于散场之后,一个五大三粗的老爷们连声感叹:我到现在脑袋还在晕,场面太真实了,想不晕都难。当然,这名观众所谈的感想并未掺假,然而比起前几部系列电影,这部影片在特效设计上并无新奇之处,相反,还抄袭了很多科幻电影的场景。比如出现场面最多的蜂群战斗机袭击太空城和星舰的画面,其实就是《黑客帝国3》中电子乌贼攻击地下城场景的翻版,并且拍摄的震撼程度要比黑客帝国差得多。总之,对于一名身经百战的科幻迷观众而言,本片的特效最多刚刚及格。 电影还有一处情节让人莫名其妙,那就是副舰长乌胡拉是如何识破本片最大反面角色的真面目的?仅仅凭借一段百余年前失事飞船留下的简短录像,就突然脑洞大开联想到了失事船长与这个大反派有关?这个情节特别突兀,很难服众。 有人说,看《星际迷航》就是看情怀,相对于美国影迷而言,他们有长达四十年的长寿电视剧《星际迷航》的熏陶,整整积累了三代人的观影基础,引爆票房理所当然,但是这种情怀在国内影迷身上并不存在,大家还是关注电影本身是


拯救大兵瑞恩英文影评 拯救大兵瑞恩英文影评 Saving Private Ryan, a film related to World War II, directed by Spielberg, received critical acclaim upon screening. The upsurge of Saving Private Ryan is not only because it is realistic visual impact, what is more important, this film led to an argument about lives. During World War II, the U.S. and U.K. army landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944. To insure the victory, Private James Ryan (Matt Damon),and his troops --101st Airborne Division, are airdropped behind the German front-lines. Unfortunately, all his three brothers were killed in action at the same time. In order to prevent the unfortunate mother from losing all her four sons, the U.S. command decided to send a special squad to look for James Ryan and take him back safely. John Miller (Tom Hanks)was chosen as the caption of the rescue squad. He hurried to pick several excellent soldiers and a staff officer who could speak German and French as the squad members. When other soldiers were resting, Miller’s eight-member squad began to look for Ryan,


《星际穿越》精彩对白(英语学习) 精彩词句 1. When weset the table, wealways setthe plate upside-down. 我们不管什么时候摆餐具,都得把碟子朝下放。 2. Startpulling your weightyoung man. 年轻人,该你出力了。 3. I mean, it doesn’t evenqualify as futile. 这种做法说它没用都便宜它了。 4. That’s th elong shot. 那件事成功希望就很渺茫了。 5. Tom will be alright, but you got tomake things right withMurph. 汤姆会没事的,但你得把莫菲说通了。

6. Just remember Coop, you’re literallywasting your breath. 记住库珀,你只是在白费口舌。 7. Okay, Plan A does not work, if the people on Earth are dead by the time wepull it off. 如果我们完成时地球上的人已经死光,那么计划A就失效了。 8. I’m not thanking anybody until we get outta herein one pieceRom. 罗姆,除非我们能毫发无伤地离开这里,我是不会感谢任何人的。精彩对白欣赏: 1. After you kids came along, your mom, she said something to me I never quite understood. She said: Now, we’re just here...to be the memories for our kids. I think I now understand what she meant. Once you’re a parent, you’re the ghost of your children’s future. 2. When you become a parent, one thi ng becomes really clear. And that’s


重返地球高中生的观后感2021年5篇 重返地球高中生的观后感作文 每一次刹那间的巨大响声,总是把我吓一跳,让人魂飞魄散。这部《重返地球》就是今天小青龙电影课的内容。 这部电影主要讲了一千年过后,地球已成为了人类不能进入的一级隔离区,而飞船解体,瑞奇受了重伤。吉泰独自去寻找机尾,里面有信标机,可以发射救援信号。吉泰遇到重重困难,但都化险为夷,最后到达终点,找回信标机,并打败了恶煞,解救了父子俩。 电影中的吉泰,还是个孩子,他稚嫩,这造成了他做任何事都很冲动。但是冲动也让他有胆识。在途中,当父亲瑞奇知道他药物过少让他放弃时,他依然向前冲,挑战自我,也可以说年少气盛吧。吉泰很勇敢,一路上的艰辛,以及最后打败恶煞的困难,他全都克服了。当然,冲动还是他的性格,冲动有好,也有坏。不过与吉泰相比,父亲瑞奇明显多了一份冷静,多了一份沉着。 他遇到危险时,永远不会慌张,更不会像吉泰那样冲动。相反,他总是镇定处事,沉着面对,正是因为这样,他才会成为高级指挥官吧。从瑞奇和吉泰的回忆中,可以看出瑞奇是一个工作第一,家庭第二的人。

在吉泰小时候,一次恶煞的袭击,正是因为瑞奇不在场,姐姐为保护吉泰,而牺牲了自己。姐姐的去世,难道不正是因为瑞奇吗?说到恶煞,真的是人人都讨厌的生物,它似乎又不是人,看不见,只能用嗅觉来辨别别人在那儿。它真的是一个十足的坏蛋,不过任何东西都有好处和坏处,恶煞只能靠嗅觉,那么,嗅觉灵敏正是它的优点。那瑞奇和吉泰联系用的高科技通讯器,我多么希望现在也能有呀! 我觉得吉泰那种胆识我应该学习,凡事都不能放弃。但那冲动,我还是提醒自己吧。瑞奇把工作放第一,但是我爸爸把家庭放在第一,家里有什么事,他会第一时间到达,会抽出大量时间陪我和弟弟。 《重返地球》,这是一部科幻类电影,同类的《星际迷航》、《星球大战》、《异形》等也很好看哦! 重返地球高中生的观后感作文 与其说《重返地球》是一部科幻片倒不如说是一部很励志的成长的片子,没有多余的人物甚至也没有过多的特效,但是充满了正能量。整个影片都在围绕如何战胜并未出现的自己想象出来的fear。 影片《重返地球》的故事背景是地球已经遭外生物破坏,或者说人类已经被赶出地球,自然生态系统朝非常高级的方向进化了。青春期的儿子背负着眼睁睁看着姐姐为了保护自己而被怪物杀死的阴影,智慧坚韧的父亲希望儿子可以成长可以进步所以带他去执行任务,但


Good morning,everyone. My speech content is about Brave heart. Brave heart this movie not only let me know the brave,kind-hearted Scotland hero William Wallace,but also make me deeply intoxicated with Scotland bagpipe music in the background of the accompaniment. In the movie, Wallace as leader of the uprising troops has won many battles. Such as the Green bridge battle broke the infantry conquer cavalry superstition and captured the England important city Yorktown. This let me see the dawn of victory, but it's not the end. When Wallace was defeated in the battle of Faure Kirk, in which a British army fighting in unraveling the helmet, that moment, he didn't think that was once very trusted noble leader Robert Bruce. He didn't put a sword to Bruce, but the choice of forgiveness.Then lay on the ground,you can see what he’s chilling and sad.Bruce regreted again and said he would never again betray cooperation.For the sake of peaceful reunification ,Wallace sill agreed to go .However, Edinburgh designed to seize Wallace sinistery and sent him to the king.Bruce’s farther tricked Bruce ,Wallace was finally sentenced to death. In this moment ,Ifeel very sad,I really want to see Wallace back instead of ending in death.Is this really is a tragedy? No, Wallace’s spirit has aroused numb people ,they will fight for freedom. And last in the back to reality, fighting for freedom is very faraway, but we also should pursue for our good bravely. Thank you for listening.
