



Chinese Tea Culture

Ladies and Gentlemen:

It’s my honor to stand here and make a speech. My topic is “Chinese Tea Culture”.

Do you know the name of the three most famous drinks in the world They are tea , coffee and cocoa. China is the homeland of tea which has become the national drink. In other words, tea is basically spread out from China. Referring to Chinese tea culture, it has several thousand years of history and can be traced back to the ancient times. Then it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty.

At first, our ancients found tea make them excited, but they thought that drinking more would be destructive to the morals. As time went by, tea became popular among likeminded people, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and cultivation culture. Until Tang Dynasty, tea culture began taking shape. When it came to Song Dynasty, tea culture became thriving. When people migrated, they would offer tea. When people engaged,

they would send tea. When people got married, they would settle tea. Tea became an important part in their daily life.

In china, the main varieties of tea are green tea, black

tea, Oolong tea, scented tea, white tea, yellow tea and dark tea. In the early days, the Chinese boiled their tea leaves with water and other ingredients such as salt and ginger; later they ground the dried leaves to a powder and whipped them up with hot water. It was not until that Ming Dynasty that it became common practice to infuse the loose tea leaves in hot water in teapots, and then to pour the infused liquid into bowls to drink. Nowadays, we make different tea in different particular ways. Over the centuries, China developed an extraordinary tea culture, comparable with the wine culture of the West.

Tea not only has a good flavor but also benefit to our body, so it is loved by many people home and abroad. Different kinds of tea have different function which makes a contribution to our health. For example, the national drink of China-green tea, can dispel the


英语演讲稿,中国传统文化 篇一:中国传统文化英语演讲 Hello everyone,today I want to say something about Chinese traditional culture . Our Chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful a Chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance. First,what’s the Traditional Chinese Culture .Traditional Chinese Culture includes material and moral products of ancient Chinese people. The moral products involve Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Buddhism and social system. Material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures matter how broad Chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral. can get an answer to another should we learn Chinese traditional culture,or we can say what’s the value of Chinese traditional the core of Chinese traditional culture is the moral, it can help us solve three major problems we are facing nowadays:problems


Cross –cultural communication Thesis statement: This paper is mainly talking about the culture differences between several countries. Outline: Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication Chapter2: Culture shock Chapter3: What’s in a name? Chapter4: Social interaction Chapter 5: Roles and relations Chapter6: Non-verbal communication Chapter 7: In other words. Chapter 8: From a primitive Tribe to a Global Village Conclusion Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication There is no denying the fact that out daily lives depend largely on communication, without it we can’t know each other. So, we should come to realize that communication is of great importance. What is communication? In total, communication can be divided into two parts; they are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. However, different people hold different opinions about communication. In general, if there is communication, there must have 4 cases: there are at least two or more people, some contact between communicators, a language shared by communicators, an exchange of information has taken place. I just take the fist one for example. Suppose there is one person, there can’t be communication. Otherwise, he may talk to himself. Communication not just exist in human-beings There are five kinds of communications they are human communication, animal communication, human-animal communication, human machine communication, machine communication. So, Animals and machines can also communicate with each other. For human beings, how can we communicate with each other? Experts say that there are various kinds of communication. Nowadays, there are different kinds of tools for us to communicate .For people we can use telephone and computer to communicate with each other. By them, finally we can receive message. What is social situation? When there are two or more people gather to do a job or an activity, then it creates a social situation. That is to say, an individual working alone can not constitute a social s A social situation may have two definitions. One is given by the community, and the other by the participants. Finally, we should notice that being polite plays a crucial role in


关于中国文化的英语演讲稿 my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. [关于中国文化的英语演讲稿]相关文章:


Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua. “When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?” “Because they are girls. That’s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question. “ I don’t quite understand your question, I’m afraid.” “In the States, we call ourselves ‘ women’ if we’re old enough to go to the university. Calling us ‘girls’ is insulting.” Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women? Case 2 Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said, “Oh, everywhere!” What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with “ Where! Where!”? Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a


中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇 英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。小编为大家整理了中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 中国茶文化英语演讲稿篇1 The practice of drinking and serving tea has been part of China's cultural identity for centuries. China used to be the world's sole provider of tea. Today, tea is the world's most widely consumed beverage after water, and famous Chinese teas are still highly prized. Tea experts estimate that top-quality Longjing will sell for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per 500 grams this year, about 25 percent higher than last year. The price of common Longjing will be around 4,000 yuan per 500 grams this year. Though quality tea is highly pursued at home, it seems that it has not secured a strong position in the global market. Li Shiwei is the board chairman of Tianfu Group, a flagship tea enterprise based in Fujian Province, a major production region of oolong tea in China. He says a major problem for today's private tea enterprises is that they do not have enough money to operate on a large scale, let alone undertake promotions overseas.


弘中化传统文化,展学子风采尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!我是来自五年级(5)班的王佳乐。今天,我要讲话的主题是:弘中化传统文化,展学子风采。 浩瀚苍穹,蔚蓝天空,孕育了华夏五千年古老璀璨的历史与文明。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”,屈原追求真理的科学精神激励着多少中华儿女立志成才,报效祖国。“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”。孟子的教诲激励和成就了多少中华伟丈夫,民族大英雄。还有岳飞精忠报国的故事,林则徐虎门销烟的壮举,孙中山“天下为公”的胸怀,周恩来“为中华之崛起而读书”的信念,都让我们回想起中华民族一段又一段荡气回肠的历史。从古代的四大发明到如今的“神八”飞天,中国人演绎了多少了不起的神话! 梁启超先生早就说过:少年富则国富,少年强则国强。作为祖国未来接班人的我们,肩上的责任重大。因而加强文化素质教育,培养人文精神和科学精神,是青年全面发展的需要。而中华传统文化有着自强不息、厚德载物的优良传统,它以其强大的生命力培育了一代又一代的英才,为世界的发展做出了宝贵的贡献。因此我们有必要继承和发扬中国传统文化,让其指引着我们前进的方向。那么作为一名小学生应该如何最大限度地继承和发扬传统文化呢? 我们孝敬父母,用一杯淡淡的清茶,一句贴心的问候,

传承着中华民族的传统美德;我们尊敬师长,文明礼貌,处处体现着我们礼仪之邦的风范;我们努力学习,不断把自己培养成为具有高素质的创业型人才。虽然我们现在能做的只是一些简简单单的平凡之事,但是我坚信,润物细无声,终有一天,中华民族的传统文化一定会深入人心。 我们是华夏儿女,炎黄子孙,是中华民族的新一代。黄河在我们的血脉中流淌,长城让我们永远刚强,“神舟”载人飞船使我们的天地无限宽广。传承了五千年的民族文化,正等待我们去发扬光大。 “俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。”未来属于我们,世界属于我们,让我们在中华民族伟大精神的熏陶下,刻苦学习,顽强拼搏,时刻准备着为中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗!我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!


我的梦中国梦英语演讲稿 Our new president Xi Jinping came up with the dream of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation on December 29, 2012. He said: the Chinese dream is a dream of national strength prosperity and people's happiness. Our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security , better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and better environment,They want their children to grow well, have ideal jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission. He also expounded his views of realizing our great dream. He said: To realize the dream, China must take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The country must also foster the Chinese spirit,in which patriotism and the spirit of reform and innovation play a core role, and unite 1.3 billion people of all ethnicities into a great source of strength. I always ask myself what can I do for our great Chinese dream ? As we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthier the youths are ,the wealthier the nation will be;the stronger the youths are ,the stronger the nation will be. Here the word wealthy means: enriching our knowledge reserve. As a new generation of


中国传统文化英文演讲稿篇一:中国传统文化英语演讲 Hello everyone,today I want to say something about Chinese traditional culture . Our Chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful a Chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance. First,what ' s the Traditional Chinese Culture .Traditional Chinese Culture includes material and moral products of ancient Chinese people. The moral products involve Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Buddhism and social system. Material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures matter how broad Chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral. can get an answer to another should we learn Chinese traditional culture,or we can say what ' s the value of Chinese traditional the core of Chinese traditional culture is the moral, it can help us solve three major problems we are facing nowadays:problems of survival between manand nature;crisis of confidence between Man and society;Psychological problems exist in people


英语演讲稿中国文化 【篇一:关于中国传统文化的英语演讲稿】 hello everyone,today i want to say something about chinese traditional culture .our chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful a chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance.first,what’s the traditional chinese culture .traditional chinese culture includes material and moral products of ancient chinese people. the moral products involve confucianism, taoism, legalism, buddhism and social system. material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures matter how broad chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral. therefore.we can get an answer to another question.why should we learn chinese traditional culture,or we can say what’s the value of chinese traditional the core of chinese traditional culture is the moral, it can help us solve three major problems we are facing nowadays:problems of survival between man and nature;crisis of confidence between man and society;psychological problems exist in people ourselves. for example,confucius believed that persuit of fortune is a general desire of human, but it most be limited by morality. people live for morality but not for fortune, and only in this way does life have value. if all the people in the society can realize this ,horse storm would not appear.弘中化传统文化,展名校学 子风采尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!我是来自 ***。今天,我要演讲的 主题是:弘中化传统文化,展名校学子风采。浩瀚苍穹,蔚蓝天空,孕育了华夏五千年古老璀璨的历史与文明。“路漫漫其修远矣,吾


《中国文化》英语演讲稿_演讲稿my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. 众所周知,功夫熊猫2所示最近,很快成为中国的热门话题。令人惊讶的是,这家美国电影显示了明亮的中国影像例如功夫和熊猫。这是文化的全球化的一个很好的例子。但有两个完全不同的对待它的态度。有些人认为它表明了中国文化的的影响越来越大。然而,其他人倾向于采取了相反的观点,并把它作为本土文

跨文化交际 英文

Analysis of Deferent V iews on “Filial P iety” Between China and American from Movie Guasha Abstract:“While one’s parents are alive, one should not travel to distant places.”“The gentleman works hard on the basic principles, thereafter comes morality; filial piety is the basic principle of a human being.”These are our Chinese traditional filial piety. But are these standards or rules suitable for every nation? The movie Guasha shows us many about the differences of filial piety between China and American. There are many misunderstanding and coincidence in this movie and those are the cause of the circuitous of the characters’fate. All of these are rooted in the cultural differences between China and American. In this assay, I made the differences of filial piety as the point of entry to analyze the reason why the differences come and their similarity. Key words: Guasha, the culture in china and America, piety, filial piety, object The movie Guasha tells a story that a Chinese couple who lived in American for 8 years took the hero’s father in American after they think they had realized their American dream. But a few days later, their son got ill; the old father used Guasha to treat the little boy for he didn’t know how to read English. The bruises were noticed by the child welfare bureau, and all the rough broke out after that. Finally, they had a universal satisfactory ending. The end of the story is to the satisfaction of all, but a variety of cultural conflict is the apparent. What we see is the initial irreconcilable to accept, understand. Many people will think that Chinese and Western have cultural differences, I think so, but I also think that behind these differences, there are many similarities. The following, I will be on the film to talk something about filial piety plot makes concrete analysis, and explore how cultural differences reflected in the filial piety? Why is it? What are the similarities? But before that, we will first do a general understanding of filial piety. In the ancient clan and tribal society, meaning of "filial piety" is very wide. It refers to the family of the elder respect, love, support and sacrifice. With the family as the basic unit of society and social development in a long time, "filial piety" changes from the family elder respect to parental care, and become an important ethical rule to do with family relations. Today, "filial piety" to living gets more attention. We often say that the parents contribute to our


中国传统文化2分钟英语演讲稿精选 5篇 中国传统文化源远流长、博大精深,如果用英语演讲稿来介绍中国文化,你会怎么说呢?以下是为大家准备的中国传统文化2分钟英语演讲,欢迎大家前来参阅。 中国传统文化2分钟英语演讲【1】 众所周知,功夫熊猫2所示最近,很快成为中国的热门话题。令人惊讶的是,这家美国电影显示了明亮的中国影像例如功夫和熊猫。这是文化的全球化的一个很好的例子。但有两个完全不同的对待它的态度。有些人认为它表明了中国文化的的影响越来越大。然而,其他人倾向于采取了相反的观点,并把它作为本土文化资源的入侵。至于我,我倾向于采取开放的态度,对文化的全球化。我们可以促进我们自己的文化,同时学习其他文化形式,这是对所有国家有利。最后,重要的是要注意,每一种文化都有其自身的特点。随着文化的全球化趋势不断发展,我们应该为我们国家的传统文化的发展和蔓延负责。

我的看法:在学好本土文化的前提下去学习其他国家的文化对民族文化的发展是十分有益的,学习他人的文化固然可取,但要尊重他人的名族文化形式,尽可能的保留其特点,我们要在中国文化全球化的基础上保护好中国文化最本质的东西,我们要对中国的民族文化的传承与发展负责。 my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. 中国传统文化2分钟英语演讲【2】


★英语演讲范文★ 中国梦航天梦英语演讲稿(中英对照)篇2 I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future. Therefore, I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream come true, I must work hard now. So that I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can come true one day. 我有很多梦想,比如我希望将来变得富有,这样我就可以买我想买的一切。但是我最大的梦想是成为一名宇航员。我们国家发展得很快,而且在过去几十年中太空取得了巨大进步,有很多大成就,所有人都为之骄傲。因此,我想成为这一神奇领域中的一员。为了使我的梦想成真,我必须从现在开始努力。这样我就能够去一所好的大学学习更多的知识了。我希望有一天能够梦想成真。


校园文明,从我做起Campus civilization, Start from me 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:Dear teachers and students, 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是“文明校园,从我做起”。Good ,the topic of my speech is Campus civilization, Start from me. 记得有人说过:人,一撇一捺,写起来容易做起来难。A Chinese word”ren”,which is easy to write ,bu difficult to write.我们要经常性地思考:我要成为怎样的人。We should always think about what kind of person we want to be.一百个人会有一百种答案,但在每一个答案的背后都有一个基点,那就是做人首先要做一个文明的人。One hundred people will have one hundred behind every answer has a basic point,that is,to be, the first thing is to be a civilized person. 荀子说:“不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。”As Xunzi said,a pre-Qin philosopher,without politeness,you can’t stand or exist ;without politeness ,things can’t be done and a country can’t be peaceful. 文明不仅是一个国家千百年来积淀成的文化底蕴,更应该是每个人行为的体现。Civilization is not only the cultural heritage for a country for thousands of years to accumulate into , but also should be reflected by the behavior of each person.正处于学生时代的我们,也应该明白“人无礼不立”的道理。In student's time, we should also understand that "people can not stand up without politeness"当你收回一句溜到嘴边的脏话,当你宁肯绕远而不从学校植物园穿过,当你抓住风中一片翻飞的纸片,当你认真的拧上水龙头……你已经行走在了春天里,播下了文明的种子,来日必将绽放灿烂的文明之花。When you take back a slip of bad language,when you would rather not go through the garden, which is close to the school,when you catch a flying piece of paper in the wind ,and when you turn off the tap,you have already been walking in the spring, sowing the seeds of civilization, and they will be brilliant flowers of civilization. 现在,我们正处于人生中最关键的成长时期,我们的一举一动,将潜移默化的影响到我们的人生走向,决定着我们将成为什么样的人。Now, we are in the most critical period of our every action will influence the trend of our life and decide what kind of person we will be.所以,拥有知识和技能还远远不够,我们要做一个懂文明、有礼貌的人,要成为一个身心和谐发展的现代文明人。Therefore,having the knowledge and skills is not enough,we need to be a civilized and polite person and to be a modern civilized man with harmonious development of body and mind. 文明的学生,一定是知书达理的。礼貌用语在他嘴边,远离污言秽语,他懂得要想别人尊重自己,自己首先要尊重别人。A civilized student must be words in his mouth,away from the bad language,he knows if respected by others, he must respect others firstly. 文明的学生,一定是卫生习惯良好的人。他会自觉维护校园环境,不会随便
