










1 教师引进。2011年心理学系引进一名心理统计学博士专门作为心理统计的教师,大大促进了实验心理学的教学,因为实验设计与统计分析是密切联合在一起的整体。

2 聘请全校的心理学研究者做兼职教师。学校其他部门有不少心理研究者,如袁长青、朱海龙、杨静、阎茹、黄红清、王新生老师等等。聘请他们加盟心理学系,参与教学和各种专业活动。






1 实验室实验与课堂理论学习双轨制。




(3)心理测评实验室,C402房间,装有北森人才测评教学实践系统、心理实验设计软件(10台电脑的网络版和1个单机版)、B405 房间,心理测评档案管理系统软件。网络版,可以多台电脑使用;

(4)咨询辅导实验室,D407 房间。用于个体和团体辅导与咨询,团体心理健康辅导活动产品3套。

(5)行为观察实验室,D408 房间,由单项玻璃的隔开成两个部分,有教学监控和录像设备。

2 以能力培养为中心的实验教学方法











教学点: 年级: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线内请不要 答 题 广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 英语(本科)2014 学年第一学期 《听力口语》试题(B 卷) 年级:2013级 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:90分钟 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分共30分) Directions: You’re going to hear ten short statements. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the statement you hear. a. John came at 8:45. b. John came at 8:50. c. John came at 7:45. d. John came at 9:20. 2. a. Ninety people came. b. Thirty people came. c. Sixty people came. d. Twenty people came. 3. a. We ’ll go to the party if we finish on time. b. We ’ll go to the party after class. c. We went to the party after the exam. d. We ’re going to have a party after the exam. 4. a. Please take your hand off the box. b. Please give me your hand. c. Would you help me to carry the box? d. Give me the box, will you. 5. a. Breakfast was ready before we left. b. We left without having breakfast. c. Before breakfast we were ready to leave. d. We left to get breakfast. 6. a. I don ’t mind turning down the radio. b. Please turn down the radio. c. Do you mind if I turn down the radio? d. Please don’t turn down the radio. 7. a. I went to the wrong class. b. I missed the class. c. I came to class on tim e. d. I was late for class. 8. a. After it snowed, Jim washed his car. b. Jim was unable to wash his car because it was snowing. c. It began to snow right after Jim washed his car. d. Jim had to wash his car in the snow. 9. a. How was the potluck supper? b. We had a potluck supper together. c. I ’ d like you to come for our potluck supper. d. What will you bring for the potluck supper. 10. a. Bob saw Mary in the building. b. Bob saw Mary outside the building. c. Mary saw Bob when she left the building. d. Mary saw Bob when he was leaving the building. 二、 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分) Directions: You ’re going to hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. 1、 a. Remind Cathy about the time of the next meeting. b. Remind Cathy not to be late for every meeting. c. Tell Cathy about the agenda of the next meeting. d. Tell Cathy about a ring. 2. a. She will turn off her recorder. b. She is not responsible for the noise. c. She will do something about the noise. d. She wants the man to use earphones. 3. a. Jane is not so forgetful. b. Jane used to have a good memory. c. Jane shouldn’t be so nervous. d. Jane should not try to memorize the whole script. 4. a. She doesn’t have time to go outsid e. b. She’ll consider the man’s advice. c. She knows how to relieve her stress. d. She will feel more stressful if she gets behind in her lessons. 5. a. The man shouldn’t buy so many discs. b. The man should stop buying discs. c. The man shouldn’t worry too much. d. The man should go shopping less. 6. a. Both speakers were bored with the movi e.


考核对象:函授本(专)科国际贸易专业专业考试时间:90分钟 班级:学号:姓名:成绩: 一.选择题(在下列每题的备选答案中选出一个或几个正确答案填在括号内,每题1.5分,共30分) 01、关于国际贸易惯例的说法中错误的是()。 A、在合同中作出的规定必须与惯例的解释相符否则无效。 B、当合同中对某一问题未作出规定时,可以参照有关贸易惯例。 C、惯例是由国际组织制定的,对合同的当事人具有强制的约束力。 D、当事人如果明确规定采纳有关惯例时,该惯例具有约束力。 02、《2000通则》中的贸易术语不涉及的内容是()。 A、交货地点 B、费用划分 C、所有权转移 D、风险转移 03、根据《2000通则》的解释,“运费付至指定目的地”是指()。 A、CFR B、CIF C、CPT D、CIP 04、采用FOB条件成交时,卖方欲不负担装船费用,可采用()。 A、FOB Liner Terms B、FOB Stowed C、FOB Trimmed D、FOB ST 05、根据《2000通则》的解释,FOB、CFR和 CIF的共同点表现为()。 A、交货地点都是在装运港 B、均适用于水上运输方式 C、风险划分都是以船舷为界 D、买卖双方承担的责任义务相同 06、按照国际保险市场上的一般习惯,如果出口商办理保险,保险金额是以发票的()价格为基数, 再加上适当的保险加成计算得出的。 A、FOB B、CFR C、CIF D、FAS 07、根据《2000通则》的解释,下列贸易术语中,仅适用于水上运输方式的贸易术语是()。 A、EXW B、FAS C、DES D、DEQ 08、买卖大宗货物并采用()方式时,为了加快装卸速度,通常在合同中规定滞期速遣条款。 A、班轮运输 B、定程租船 C、定期租船 D、光船租船 09、包装条款一般包括()。 A、包装材料 B、包装方式 C、包装标志 D、包装费用 10、为了统一解释提单背面条款的内容,国际上先后签署的国际公约有()。 A、海牙规则 B、维斯比规则 C、汉堡规则 D、国际货约 11、根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,如果卖方所交货物的数量大于合同数量,则买方可以 ()。 A、收取全部货物 B、拒收全部货物 C、仅收取合同数量的货物 D、收取合同数量的货物以及多交部分中的一部分。 12、保护人身安全的运输标志是()。 A、运输标志 B、警告性标志 C、指示性标志 D、集装箱标志 13、根据《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,如信用证没有特殊规定,银行将拒绝接受在运输单据签发后超过 ()天才提交的单据。 A、5天 B、7天 C、15天 D、21天 14、在进出口业务中,经过背书能够转让的单据有()。 A、铁路运单 B、海运提单 C、航空运单 D、邮包收据 15、船舶搁浅时,为使船舶脱险而雇用拖驳强行脱浅所支出的费用,属于()。


上海交通大学英语水平考试样题 Part II Integrated Reading (30%) Section 1 Banked Cloze (10%) Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Give your answers to the questions on your ANSWER SHEET. Attention:You need to change the forms of the words in the word bank where necessary. (注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理) A name might tell you something about a person's background. Names can be 1) __________ of class and race. Data show African Americans are far more likely than other 2) __________ groups to give their children uncommon names. White people tend to 3) ________ more familiar names that were formerly popular with more affluent white people. The new study purports to show a link between name and outcome of life: The more 4) _________ your name, the more likely you are to land in juvenile hall. That's because we know that boys with uncommon names are more likely to come from a socio-economically 5) _________ background, which means that they also are more likely to get involved with crime. Even the researchers readily admit that it's not a name alone that 6)_______ a child's outcome, but rather the circumstance underlying the name. The researchers first assigned a popularity score to boys' names, based on how often they showed up in birth records in an undisclosed state from 1987 to 1991. Michael, the No. 1 boy's name, had a Popular Name Index score of 100; names such as Malcolm and Preston had index scores of 1. The researchers then assessed names of young men born during that time who landed in the juvenile justice system. They found that only half had a rating higher than 11. By 7) __________, in the general population, half of the names scored higher than 20. "A 10% increase in the popularity of a name is associated with a 3.7% 8) _________ in the number of juvenile delinquents who have that name." Still, the study theorizes that teenagers named Malcolm might also 9) ___________ because their peers treat them differently or they just don't like their names. And since the study's release last week, the name-crime 10) ___________ has been written or talked about in major media outlets. Section 2 True or False Judgement & Sentence Completion (10%) Directions:In this part, you will find 7 statements and 3 incomplete sentences followed by the reading passage. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Attention: For questions 1-7, one more point will be deducted if you do n’t answer

英语-外贸常见英文缩略词_国际贸易_经济(广东外语外贸大学 )

外贸常见英文缩略词 本文档由实惠网外贸论坛(,)提供,欢迎加入本论坛讨论外贸。在这里着重推荐一个免费的外贸平台给大家。,,一个很不错的免费的外贸平台。 本资料最终解释权实惠网外贸论坛。谢谢欣赏! 1 C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价 2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇 3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单 4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单 5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证 6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱 8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等 9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元 10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打 11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 12 WT(weight)重量 13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重 14 N.W.(net weight)净重 15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单 16 EA(each)每个,各 17 W (with)具有 18 w/o(without)没有 19 FAC(facsimile)传真 20 IMP(import)进口

21 EXP(export)出口 22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的 23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的 25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 26 S.S(steamship)船运 27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨 28 DOC (document)文件、单据 29 INT(international)国际的 30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表 31 INV (invoice)发票 32 PCT (percent)百分比 33 REF (reference)参考、查价 34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递 35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型 36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传 37 RMB(renminbi)人民币 38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记 39 PR或PRC(price) 价格 40 PUR (purchase)购买、购货 41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书 42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证 43 B/L (bill of lading)提单 44 FOB (free on board)离岸价


II 作文 Genius without education is like silver in the mine. 要求:1、破题;2、立意;3、论证 III 英译汉 FEAR OF VERBS Blair, too, is singled out as a king of language corruption. Humphrys notes Blair's apparent fear of verbs and mocks his speeches, which are peppered with verbless phrases like "new challenges, new ideas," or "for our young people, a brighter future" and "the age of achievement, at home and abroad." By using this technique, Humphrys says, Blair is simply evading responsibility. "The point about verbs is that they commit the speaker," he writes. "Verbs cement sentences to their meaning so it's not surprising that politicians tend to mistrust them." Humphrys also blames institutions like the European Union and the world's media for the decline in standards of English. He laments the inclusion of such words as "pertannually" in the proposed EU constitution -- and despairs that when concerns were raised, the word was replaced with "insubdurience." He urges the public, and journalists in particular, to reject meaningless phrases and to demand they are explained. "When you get enough people pointing it out, the public starts to spot what is going on," he says. "That's why the battle has to be fought." "We should expect -- and should demand -- that when people are setting out policies or trying to persuade us of something, they engage in proper debate and don't simply give us a set of unchangeable propositions." 汉译英 语言是活的,随时在变,字义以及句法等等都在变。我们现代所认为不合文法的词句,往往正是二三百年前大家通用的英文。不用说二三百年,三五十年间就可能有显著的变化。所以“标准的英文”是很难讲的。每一时代有其不同的标准,拿五十年前甚至一百年前的文法书来衡量现代的英文,实在是自寻烦恼的事。


小学英语测试题 考试时间40 分钟试卷满分100分姓名__________总分_________ Listening Test(20分) I. 选择你所听到的单词或音标(10分) ()1.A. Thursday B. Monday C. Friday ()2.A. Sandy B. Sunday C. Sunny ()3.A. rice B. nice C. price ()4.A/a:/ B. /i/ C. /u:/ ()5.A. /s?up/ B./ su:p/ C. /ɡru:p/ ()6.A. cheese B. geese C.look ()7.A. [bi:n] B. [kli:n] C. [?:n] ()8.A. nose B. lose C. close ()9.A. /trai/ B. /drai/ C. /bai/ ()10.A. lights B. night C. bright II. ○1听问句,选答语. 念一次(5分) ()1.A. I am 11 years old B. I’m French C. It’s London ()2.A. Yes, I am. B.I am a student. C. It’s all right ()3.A.It’s Saturday. B. It’s half past 9:00. C.No, she isn’t. ()4.A. They are here. B. I am swimming C. He is my uncle. ()5.A.You’re welcome. B. Bye-bye! C. Good evening. ○2听句子,将图片排序. (5分) 1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. () 笔试(80分) I. 选出划线部分发音不同于其他两者的选项(10points) ()1.A. up B. cup C. student ()2.A. home B. stone C. clock ()3.A. sat B. wash C. clap


1.How do you understand “an end in itself” and “a means to an end”? Is going to college “an end in itself: or “a means to an end”? Why or why not? 2. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 3. How do you think parents should discipline their children to be empathetic? 4.Which do you think is more important, IQ or EQ? 5. What steps can you take to protect your identity from being stolen? How will you do if it is stolen? 6. Do you think file-sharing should be made illegal? Answer:A:我认为文件分享是非法的,因为这是属于个人隐私B:我不认同,文件共享是思想交流的一种方式,通过文件交流 我们才能够更了解对方 A:但是文件交流的同时可能会造成机密泄露,因此也有可能造 成别人无意中的犯罪,或者更确切的说,这是故意造成犯罪, 从而这会引发社会的许多问题,比如说诚信问题


广东外语外贸大学2013级本科生选课手册 教务处 2013年9月


二、选课注意事项 1.选课结束系统关闭后,教务处不再接受学生个人退选、改选和补选课程的申请,请同学们对本人的选课结果负责。此外,请同学们选课结束后务必按照教务处通知时间上网查看自己电子课表,严格按照所选课程及课程的教学班上课。因各类原因会造成上课时间、地点或任课老师的变动,请同学们要经常关注“数字广外”上挂出的调停课通知,切勿错过上课时间或错找了上课地点。 ●除公共必修课(体育课、英语课)、院系选修课(仅限于英文学院2013级学生)和《大学生心理与训练》课程外,其他专业课于第九周(2013年10月28-11月1日)批量生成,在此之前,同学们请按学院给予的纸质课表上课,待电子课表生成后,于第十周(11月4日-8日)上网检查自己电子课表,如与纸质课表有误请及时与本学院教学秘书联系,加以修改。 ●学生未经过网上选课,私自参加课程的学习和考核,则课程成绩无效。 ●学生网上选课后,未参加所选课程的学习和考核,考核成绩以零分计。 ●学生网上选课后,未按照所选课程的教学班上课或考试,考试成绩无效。 2.创新班的同学请特别注意: 待创新班选拔结果公布后,被选拔进入创新班的同学需在2012年9月25日9:00——28日17:00期间,退选原专业已选的相关课程(如体育课、英语课、大学生心理与训练课等),再根据创新班所属学院或专业选大学生心理与训练和体育课程,国贸创新班无需再选体育课。 3.部分学院全英班班级学生名单因创新班学籍调整缘故会在选课结束后有些微调动。如有同学在选课后存在学籍调动的情况(如A同学原在普通班级,后因创新班选拔走部分全英班同学的缘故,按照候补身份补录入全英班),请注意调整以下课程:★大学英语课程:如尚在选课期间,请自行到选课系统退课。 如已错过选课时间,无法自行退课,请及时前往英语教育学院,提交删课申请(A4纸、写清个人学号姓名专业,需删除原网上选课所选的英语课程的课程名称、任课教师和上课时间) 4.关于新疆生、留学生选大学英语: 2013级新疆学生、留学生如需调整大学英语教学班跟艺术学院学生上课,请在上课第


Straightforward Quick Placement & Diagnostic test 麦克米伦出的题。有50个问题,每个问题只有1分。前40个是语法问题,后10个是词汇问题。 要确定您的水平,请使用下面的转换表。 Grammar 1. I ________________ from France. Beginner Unit 1 a) is b) are c) am d) be 2. This is my friend. _____________ name is Peter. Beginner Unit 1 a) Her b) Our c) Yours d) His 3. Mike is ______________. Beginner Unit 4 a) my sister’s friend b) friend my sister c) friend from my sister d) my sister friend’s 4. My brother is ______________ artist. Beginner Unit 2 / Elementary Basics 2 a) the b) an c) a d) 5. _______________ 20 desks in the classroom. Beginner Unit 7 / Elementary Unit 3 a) This is b) There is c) They are d) There are

6. Paul ________________ romantic films. Beginner Unit 5 a) likes not b) don’t like c) doesn’t like d) isn’t likes 7. Sorry, I can’t talk. I _____________ right now.Beginner Unit 11 a) driving b) ‘m driving c) drives d) drive 8. She _________________ at school last week. Beginner Unit 8 / Elementary Unit 5 a) didn't be b) weren’t c) wasn’t d) isn’t 9. I _________________ the film last night. Beginner Unit 9 / Elementary Unit 5 a) like b) likes c) liking d) liked 10. __________________ a piece of cake? No, thank you. Elementary Unit 1 a) Do you like b) Would you like c) Want you d) Are you like 11. The living room is ___________________ than the bedroom. Elementary Unit 10 / Pre-int Unit 6 a) more big b) more bigger c) biggest d) bigger 12. The car is very old. We’re going ____________________ a new car soon.Beginner Unit 12 / Elementary Unit 11 a) to buy b) buying c) to will buy d) buy


2017年广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士真题 本内容凯程崔老师有重要贡献 基础英语: 单选。 今年单选大方向是词汇搭配,和语义理解,逻辑衔接这一块,从政府工作报告中摘取了许多原句,选项比较相近,像:with face to ,in the face of ,in the front of , in the ground of ,on the basis of 。 英语作文专八相近吧,词汇没有专八难。细节分析,推断题的难度都差不多。 两篇选择题的阅读,两篇阅读是问答,第一篇问答文章讲的是Corot(一种星际探测器) 问发送Corot的目的是什么。第二问从文中抽了一句话,教你paraphrase it。第二篇是讲新能源methanol代替燃油为汽车功能。问题有三问。第一问不太记得了,不过是细节定位题。第二问是推断题,问从人们对新能源的批判声中能推断出什么东西。第三问是与另一种相比,methanol的优势所在。 翻译基础: 词汇翻译基本都出自英语点津,一周词汇整理好像都有。英译中是讲leader的。回忆一下开头好像是: people want and expect their leaders to lead,and good leaders have the skill and talent to do just that : lead. 中译英是讲的海上丝绸之路, 古代形成,发展,繁荣,转折。 第一段大概是; 海上丝绸之路因大量输出中国丝绸而闻名,又称“陶瓷之路”“茶叶之路”“香料之路”。(这里有一句忘记了)它形成于秦汉,发展于魏晋南北朝,繁荣于唐宋,转折于明清。中间一段海上贸易线开始于广州XX,XX港口,远达印度洋斯里兰卡。也是在秦汉形成,在唐宋繁荣这类。于上面有所重复。后面加了句,广州成为东方大港闻名世界。还讲了,明清时期,广州是对外贸易的主要港口而且“一口通商”,贸易远达东非海岸线。 百科知识: 4段话,4个主题,每个主题5个名词解释。 气候方面,巴黎协定衍生出来4个相关词汇。如京都协定,国家自主贡献,二氧化碳排放,温室气体。经济方面。G20衍生出来的国际货币基金组织,世界银行,全球治理。法律文化方面,产权,忘记了。 政治时事方面一带一路衍生的,伙伴关系,服务外包。 公文写作,一篇关于第三届世界物联网大会乌镇峰会的新闻报道。要求乌镇人民政府给上级说明情况。要求有四点,1公文文种自选 2 格式正确 3 语言符合公文写作 4 可适当增添内容。 大作文, 3段材料。第一段材料,主要内容讲通过保障电影产业发展的一部法律。第二段


广东外语外贸大学2005年研究生入学考试 英语专业水平考试试题 I.Cloze (30 points, 1 point for each) Read the following passage and choose a proper word from the Word List to fill in each of the blanks in the passage. Each word can be used only once. Write the words you choose for each blank on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way: Example I. Cloze 1. paper 2. continuously 3. … Now, do the Cloze. WORD LIST stay form fictional there Begun classics novel whose published of One related away In After When with most disliked until hide aboard destroying against But then finished who Rebellion on Most of Mark Twain’s books bubbled out 1 him like water out of a fountain. 2 of his gifts was the capacity to take a scene and fill it 3 every sparkling detail of nature and of human action, to put in every spoken word and accompanying gesture, and to slowly exaggerate the successive moments 4 the whole episode reached a climax of joyous, sidesplitting laughter. 5 he had trouble weaving his incidents into meaningful plot patterns. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,Mark Twain’s masterpiece, came into __ 6 slowly. 7 in 1876, immediately after he had dashed off The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he wrote 400 manuscript pages quickly and 8 stalled; in disgust he meditated 9 the work. __10 the winter of 1879-1880 he penned further sections; again the spark of enthusiasm died. __11 taking a journey down the Mississippi River in April, 1882, he quickly completed Lift on the Mississippi(1883) and with unabated zest 12 the novel. The trip had reawakened his boyhood memories and suggested new episodes; the two books became 13 , the weaker travel account serving as scaffolding for the great edifice. __14 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was 15 in 1884, it met a mixed reception. A Brooklyn lady protested 16 its presence in the children’s room of the


Fudan English Test (Paper A, June 27, 2011 ) Part I Listening (20 minutes) Section A Spot Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage twice. The passage is printed on the first page of the Answer Sheets with eight blanks. It will be read at the normal speed with a 30-second pause afterwards. You are required to fill in the blanks numbered from L1 to L8 with the exact word or words that are missing. Section B Multiple Choice Questions Based on Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the questions together with the choices marked A), B), C) and D), and choose the best answer for each question. Then mark the corresponding letter on the first page of the Answer Sheets. Conversation One 1. According to Dr. Peterson, what can stress do to us in the short term? A) It deprives us of energy. B) It makes us feel under threat. C) It motivates us. D) It enables us to achieve more. 2. According to Ann, how much does stress cost the American industry? A) 300 million dollars a year. B) More than 300 million dollars. C) 300 billion dollars a year. D) More than 300 billion dollars a year. Conversation Two 3. Which of the following is true according to the man? A) Women are especially vulnerable to shopping addiction. B) Men are actually more prone to shopping addiction than women. C) Both men and women may have the compulsion to just shop. D) Women’s shopping psychology is different from men’s. 4. How many Americans are addicted to shopping? 15%. A) B) 20%. C) One out of twenty.
