

Les Miserables

Act I

Prologue - Work Song

Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven What Have I Done? (Valjean's Soliloquy) At The End of the Day

I Dreamed a Dream

Lovely Ladies

Fantine's Arrest

The Runaway Cart

Who Am I? (The Trial)

Come To Me (Fantine's Death)

The Confrontation

Castle on a Cloud

Master of the House

The Bargain

The Thénardier Waltz of Treachery Look Down

The Robbery

Javert's Intervention (Another Brawl) Stars

Eponine's Errand

The ABC Cafe - Red and Black

Do You Hear the People Sing?

Rue Plumet - In My Life

A Heart Full of Love

The Attack on Rue Plumet

One Day More!Act II

At the Barricade (Upon these Stones) On My Own

Building the Barricade

Javert's Arrival

Little People

A Little Fall of Rain (Eponine's Death) Night of Anguish

First Attack

Drink With Me

Bring Him Home

Dawn of Anguish

The Second Attack

Death of Gavroche

The Final Battle

Dog Eats Dog

The Sewers

Javert's Suicide


Empty Chairs at Empty Tables Every Day (Marius and Cosette) Valjean's Confession

The Wedding Chorale

Beggars at the Feast



Prologue - Work Song

1815, Toulon, France. The chain gang, overseen by brutal warders, works in the sun.

Chorus (Prisoners):

Look down, look down

Don't look 'em in the eye

Look down, look down,

You're here until you die

1st Convict:

The sun is strong

It's hot as hell below


Look down, look down,

There's twenty years to go

2nd Convict:

I've done no wrong!

Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer!


Look down, look down,

Sweet Jesus doesn't care

3rd Convict:

I know she'll wait,

I know that she'll be true!


Look down, look down,

They've all forgotten you

4th Convict:

When I get free ya won't see me

Here for dust!


Look down, look down

Don't look 'em in the eye

5th Convict:

How long, oh Lord

Before you let me die?


Look down, look down,

You'll always be a slave

Look down, look down,

You're standing in your grave


Now bring me prisoner 24601

Your time is up

And your parole's begun

You know what that means.


Yes, it means I'm free.



It means you get

Your yellow ticket-of-leave

You are a thief


I stole a loaf of bread.


You robbed a house.


I broke a window pane.

My sister's child was close to death

And we were starving.


You will starve again

Unless you learn the meaning of the law. Valjean:

I know the meaning of those 19 years

A slave of the law


Five years for what you did

The rest because you tried to run

Yes, 24601.


My name is Jean Valjean


And I am Javert

Do not forget my name!

Do not forget me,



Look down, look down

You'll always be a slave

Look down, look down

You're standing in your grave. Valjean:

Freedom is mine. The earth is still.

I feel the wind. I breathe again.

And the sky clears

The world is waking.

Drink from the pool. How clean the taste.

Never forget the years, the waste.

Nor forgive them

For what they've done.

They are the guilty - everyone.

The day begins...

And now lets see

What this new world

Will do for me!

He finds work on a farm.


You'll have to go

I'll pay you off for the day

Collect your bits and pieces there

And be on your way.


You have given me half

What the other men get!

This handful of tin

Wouldn't buy my sweat!


You broke the law

It's there for people to see

Why should you get the same

As honest men like me?


Now every door is closed to me

Another jail. Another key. Another chain

For when I come to any town

They check my papers

And they find the mark of Cain

In their eyes I see their fear

`We do not want you here.'

He comes to an inn.

Innkeeper's Wife:

My rooms are full

And I've no supper to spare

I'd like to help a stranger

All we want is to be fair


I will pay in advance

I can sleep in a barn

You see how dark it is

I'm not some kind of dog!


You leave my house

Or feel the weight of my rod

We're law-abiding people here

Thanks be to God.

They throw him out of the inn.


And now I know how freedom feels

The jailer always at your heels

It is the law!

This piece of paper in my hand

That makes me cursed throughout the land

It is the law!

Like a cur

I walk the street,

The dirt beneath their feet.

He sits down despairingly outside a house from which emerges the Bishop of Digne. Bishop:

Come in, Sir, for you are weary,

And the night is cold out there.

Though our lives are very humble

What we have, we have to share.

There is wine here to revive you.

There is bread to make you strong,

There's a bed to rest till morning,

Rest from pain, and rest from wrong. Valjean:

He let me eat my fill

I had the lion's share

The silver in my hand

Cost twice what I had earned

In all those nineteen years -

That lifetime of despair

And yet he trusted me.

The old fool trusted me -

He'd done his bit of good

I played the grateful serf

And thanked him like I should

But when the house was still,

I got up in the night.

Took the silver

Took my flight!

Taking the silver cup, he runs off, but is brought

back by two constables.

Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven


1. Tell his reverence your story

2. Let us see if he's impressed

1. You were lodging here last night

2. You were the honest Bishop's guest.

And then, out of Christian goodness

When he learned about your plight

1. You maintain he made a present of this



That is right.

But my friend you left so early

Surely something slipped your mind

The bishop gives Valjean two silver candlesticks.

You forgot I gave these also

Would you leave the best behind?

So, Messieurs, you may release him

For this man has spoken true

I commend you for your duty

And God's blessing go with you.

Constables leave. The bishop addresses Valjean.

But remember this, my brother

See in this some higher plan

You must use this precious silver

To become an honest man

By the witness of the martyrs

By the Passion and the Blood

God has raised you out of darkness

I have bought your soul for God!

What Have I Done? (Valjean's Soliloquy)


What have I done?

Sweet Jesus, what have I done?

Become a thief in the night,

Become a dog on the run

And have I fallen so far,

And is the hour so late

That nothing remains but the cry of my hate,

The cries in the dark that nobody hears,

Here where I stand at the turning of the years?

If there's another way to go

I missed it twenty long years ago

My life was a war that could never be won

They gave me a number and murdered Valjean When they chained me and left me for dead

Just for stealing a mouthful of bread

Yet why did I allow that man

To touch my soul and teach me love?

He treated me like any other

He gave me his trust

He called me brother

My life he claims for God above

Can such things be?

For I had come to hate the world

This world that always hated me

Take an eye for an eye!

Turn your heart into stone!

This is all I have lived for!

This is all I have known!

One word from him and I'd be back

Beneath the lash, upon the rack

Instead he offers me my freedom

I feel my shame inside me like a knife

He told me that I have a soul,

How does he know?

What spirit comes to move my life?

Is there another way to go?

I am reaching, but I fall

And the night is closing in

And I stare into the void

To the whirlpool of my sin

I'll escape now from the world

From the world of Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean is nothing now

Another story must begin!

He tears up his yellow ticket-of-leave.

At The End of The Day

1823, Montreuil-sur-Mer. Outside the factory owned by the Mayor, Monsieur Madeleine (Jean Valjean in disguise).

The Poor:

At the end of the day you're another day older And that's all you can say for the life of the poor

It's a struggle, it's a war

And there's nothing that anyone's giving

One more day standing about, what is it for?

One day less to be living.

At the end of the day you're another day colder And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill

And the righteous hurry past

They don't hear the little ones crying

And the winter is coming on fast, ready to kill One day nearer to dying!

At the end of the day there's another day dawning

And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise

Like the waves crash on the sand

Like a storm that'll break any second

There's a hunger in the land

There's a reckoning still to be reckoned and

There's gonna be hell to pay

At the end of the day!

The foreman and workers, including Fantine, emerge from the factory.


At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing

Sitting flat on your butt doesn't buy any bread Worker 1:

Here are children back at home

Workers 1&2:

And the children have got to be fed

Worker 2:

And you're lucky to be in a job


And in a bed!


And we're counting our blessings!

Woman 2:

Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?

With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?

Woman 3:

It's because little Fantine won't give him his way

Woman 1:

Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands!

Woman 4:

And the boss, he never knows

That the foreman is always in heat

Woman 3:

If Fantine doesn't look out, watch how she goes

She'll be out on the street!


At the end of the day it's another day over

With enough in your pocket to last for a week Pay the landlord, pay the shop

Keep on grafting as long as you're able

Keep on grafting till you drop

Or it's back to the crumbs off the table

You've got to pay your way

At the end of the day!

Girl: (Grabbing a letter from Fantine)

And what have we here, little innocent sister?

Come on Fantine, let's have all the news! Reading the letter.

Ooh... "dear Fantine you must send us more money...

Your child needs a doctor...

There's no time to lose..."


Give that letter to me

It is none of your business

With a husband at home

And a bit on the side!

Is there anyone here

Who can swear before God

She has nothing to fear?

She has nothing to hide?

They fight over the letter. Valjean (M. Madeleine) rushes on to break up the squabble.


Will someone tear these two apart?

What is this fighting all about?

This is a factory, not a circus!

Now come on ladies, settle down

I run a business of repute

I am the Mayor of this town

(To the foreman)

I look to you to sort this out

And be as patient as you can-

He goes back into the factory.


Now someone say how this began!


At the end of the day

She's the one who began it

There's a kid that she's hiding

In some little town

There's a man she has to pay

You can guess how she picks up the extra

You can bet she's earning her keep

Sleeping around

And the boss wouldn't like it!


Yes it's true there's a child

And the child is my daughter

And her father abandoned us,

Leaving us flat

Now she lives with an innkeeper man

And his wife

And I pay for the child

What's the matter with that?


At the end of the day

She'll be nothing but trouble

And there's trouble for all

When there's trouble for one!

While we're earning our daily bread

She's the one with her hands in the butter

You must send the slut away

Or we're all gonna end in the gutter

And it's us who'll have to pay

At the end of the day!


I might have known the bitch could bite

I might have known the cat had claws

I might have guessed your little secret

Ah, yes, the virtuous Fantine

Who keeps herself so pure and clean

You'd be the cause I had no doubt

Of any trouble hereabout

You play a virgin in the light

But need no urgin' in the night.


She's been laughing at you

While she's having her men


She'll be nothing but trouble again and again Woman:

You must sack her today


Sack the girl today!


Right my girl. On your way!

I Dreamed a Dream

Fantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute. Fantine:

There was a time when men were kind

When their voices were soft

And their words inviting

There was a time when love was blind

And the world was a song

And the song was exciting

There was a time

Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high

And life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid

And dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paid

No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night

With their voices soft as thunder

As they tear your hope apart

And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side

He filled my days with endless wonder

He took my childhood in his stride

But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me

That we will live the years together

But there are dreams that cannot be

And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living

So different now from what it seemed

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Lovely Ladies

The docks. Sailors, whores and their customers, pimps, etc. Fantine wanders in.

Sailor 1:

I smell women

Smell 'em in the air

Think I'll drop my anchor

In that harbor over there

Sailor 2:

Lovely ladies

Smell 'em through the smoke

Seven days at sea

Can make you hungry for a poke

Sailor 3:

Even stokers need a little stoke!


Lovely ladies

Waiting for a bite

Waiting for the customers

Who only come at night

Lovely ladies

Ready for the call

Standing up or lying down

Or any way at all

Bargain prices up against the wall

Old Woman:

Come here, my dear

Let's see this trinket you wear

This bagatelle...


Madame, I'll sell it to you...

Old Woman:

I'll give you four


That wouldn't pay for the chain!

Old Woman:

I'll give you five. You're far too eager to sell. It's up to you.


It's all I have

Old Woman:

That's not my fault


Please make it ten

Old Woman:

No more than five

My dear, we all must stay alive!


Lovely ladies

Waiting in the dark

Ready for a thick one

Or a quick one in the park

Whore 1:

Long time short time

Any time, my dear

Cost a little extra if you want to take all year! All:

Quick and cheap is underneath the pier! Crone:

What pretty hair!

What pretty locks you got there

What luck you got. It's worth a centime, my dear

I'll take the lot


Don't touch me! Leave me alone!


Let's make a price.

I'll give you all of ten francs,

Just think of that!


It pays a debt


Just think of that


What can I do? It pays a debt.

Ten francs may save my poor Cosette!

Sailor 3:

Lovely lady!

Fastest on the street

Wasn't there three minutes

She was back up on her feet

Sailor 1:

Lovely lady!

What yer waiting for?

Doesn't take a lot of savvy

Just to be a whore

Come on, lady

What's a lady for? Fantine re-emerges, her long hair cut short.


Give me the dirt, who's that bit over there? Whore 1:

A bit of skirt. She's the one sold her hair. Whore 2:

She's got a kid. Sends her all that she can Pimp:

I might have known

There is always some man

Lovely lady, come along and join us!

Lovely lady!

Whore 1:

Come on dearie, why all the fuss?

You're no grander than the rest of us

Life has dropped you at the bottom of the heap Join your sisters

Whore 2:

Make money in your sleep!

Fantine goes off with one of the sailors.

Whore 1:

That's right dearie, let him have the lot Whore 3:

That's right dearie, show him what you've got! Women:

Old men, young men, take 'em as they come

Harbor rats and alley cats and every kind of scum

Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land

See them with their trousers off they're never quite as grand

All it takes is money in your hand!

Lovely ladies

Going for a song

Got a lot of callers

But they never stay for long


Come on, Captain,

You can wear your shoes

Don't it make a change

To have a girl who can't refuse

Easy money

Lying on a bed

Just as well they never see

The hate that's in your head

Don't they know they're making love

To one already dead!

Fantine's Arrest

Bamatabois is a well dressed gentleman. Bamatabois

Here's something new. I think I'll give it a try.

Come closer you! I like to see what I buy...

The usual price, for just a slice of your pie Fantine:

I don't want you. No, no, m'sieur, let me go. Bamatabois:

Is this a trick? I won't pay more!


No, not at al`.


You've got some nerve, you little whore

You've got some gall.

It's the same with a tart as it is with a grocer

The customer sees what he gets in advance

It's not for the whore to say `yes sir' or `no sir' It's not for the harlot to pick and to choose

Or lead me to a dance!

He hits her with his stick, she claws at his face, drawing blood.


I'll kill you, you bastard,

Try any of that!

Even a whore who has gone to the bad

Won't be had by a rat!


By Christ you'll pay for what you've done

This rat will make you bleed, you'll see!

I guarantee, I'll make you suffer

For this disturbance of the peace

For this insult to life and property!


I beg you, don't report me sir

I'll do whatever you may want


Make your excuse to the police! Javert enters, accompanied by constables. Javert:

Tell me quickly what's the story

Who saw what and why and where

Let him give a full description

Let him answer to Javert!

In this nest of whores and vipers

Let one speak who saw it all

Who laid hands on this good man here?

What's the substance of this brawl? Bamatabois:

Javert, would you believe it

I was crossing from the park

When this prostitute attacked me

You can see she left her mark


She will answer for her actions

When you make a full report

You may rest assured, M'sieur,

That she will answer to the court.


There's a child who sorely needs me

Please M'sieur, she's but that high

Holy God, is there no mercy?

If I go to jail she'll die!


I have heard such protestations

Every day for twenty years

Let's have no more explanations

Save your breath and save your tears

`Honest work, just reward,

That's the way to please the Lord.

Fantine gives a last despairing cry as she is arrested by the constables.

Valjean emerges from the crowd.


A moment of your time, Javert

I do believe this woman's tale


But M'sieur Mayor!


You've done your duty, let her be

She needs a doctor, not a jail.


But M'sieur Mayor!


Can this be?


Where will she end -

This child without a friend?

I've seen your face before

Show me some way to help you

How have you come to grief

In a place such as this?


M'sieur, don't mock me now, I pray

It's hard enough I've lost my pride

You let your foreman send me away

Yes, you were there, and turned aside

I never did no wrong


Is it true, what I have done?


My daughter's close to dying...


To an innocent soul?


If there's a God above


Had I only known then...


He'd let me die instead


In His name my task has just begun

I will see it done!


But M'sieur Mayor!


I will see it done!


But M'sieur Mayor!


I will see it done!


Look out! It's a runaway cart!

The Runaway Cart

The crowd parts to reveal that the cart has crashed, trapping Monsieur Fauchelevant.


Look at that!

Look at that!

It's Monsieur Fauchelevant!

Don't approach! Don't go near!

At the risk of your life!

He is caught by the wheel!

Oh, the pitiful man!

Stay away, Turn away!

There is nothing to do!

There is nothing to do!


Is there anyone here

Who will rescue the man?

Who will help me to shoulder

The weight of the cart?


Don't go near him, Mr. Mayor

The load is heavy as hell

The old man's a goner for sure

It'll kill you as well.

Valjean attempts to lift the cart... but fails. He tries again. They manage to pull Fauchelevant clear. Fauchelevant:

M'sieur le Mayor, I have no words

You come from God, you are a saint.

Javert takes Valjean aside.


Can this be true?

I don't believe what I see!

A man your age

To be as strong as you are!

A mem'ry stirs...

You make me think of a man

From years ago

A man who broke his parole

He disappeared

Forgive me, Sir,

I would not dare!


Say what you must

Don't leave it there...


I have only known one other

Who can do what you have done

He's a convict from the chain gang

He's been ten years on the run

But he couldn't run forever

We have found his hideaway

And he's just been re-arrested

And he comes to court today.

Well, of course he now denies it

You'd expect that of a `con'

But he couldn't run forever -

No, not even Jean Valjean!


You say this man denies it all

And gives no sign of understanding or repentance?

You say this man is going to trial

And that's he's sure to be returned

To serve his sentence?

Come to that, can you be sure,

That I am not your man?


I have known the thief for ages

Tracked him down through thick and thin

And to make the matter certain

There's the brand upon his skin

He will bend, he will break

This time there is no mistake.

Javert leaves. Valjean is alone.

Who Am I? (The Trial)


He thinks that man is me

He knew him at a glance!

That stranger he has found

This man could be my chance!

Why should I save his hide?

Why should I right this wrong

When I have come so far

And struggled for so long?

If I speak, I am condemned.

If I stay silent, I am damned!

I am the master of hundreds of workers.

They all look to me.

How can I abandon them?

How would they live

If I am not free?

If I speak, I am condemned.

If I stay silent, I am damned!

Who am I?

Can I condemn this man to slavery

Pretend I do not feel his agony

This innocent who bears my face

Who goes to judgement in my place

Who am I?

Can I conceal myself for evermore?

Pretend I'm not the man I was before?

And must my name until I die

Be no more than an alibi?

Must I lie?

How can I ever face my fellow men?

How can I ever face myself again?

My soul belongs to God, I know

I made that bargain long ago

He gave me hope when hope was gone

He gave me strength to journey on

He appears in front of the court

Who am I? Who am I?

I am Jean Valjean!

He unbuttons his shirt to reveal the number tattooed to his chest.

And so Javert, you see it's true

That man bears no more guilt than you!

Who am I?


Come To Me (Fantine's Death)

Fantine is lying in a hospital bed, deliriously dreaming of her daughter Cosette.


Cosette, it's turned so cold

Cosette, it's past your bedtime

You've played the day away

And soon it will be night.

Come to me, Cosette, the light is fading

Don't you see the evening star appearing?

Come to me, and rest against my shoulder

How fast the minutes fly away and every minute colder.

Hurry near, another day is dying

Don't you hear, the winter wind is crying?

There's a darkness which comes without a warning

But I will sing you lullabies and wake you in the morning.

Valjean enters.


Oh, Fantine, our time is running out

But Fantine, I swear this on my life Fantine:

Look, M'sieur, where all the children play Valjean:

Be at peace, be at peace evermore.


My Cosette...


Shall live in my protection


Take her now


Your child will want for nothing


Good M'sieur, you come from God in Heaven. Valjean:

And none shall ever harm Cosette

As long as I am living.


Take my hand. The night grows ever colder. Valjean:

Then I will keep you warm.


Take my child. I give her to your keeping. Valjean:

Take shelter from the storm


For God's sake, please stay till I am sleeping

And tell Cosette I love her

And I'll see her when I wake...

She dies with a smile. Javert arrives.

The Confrontation


Valjean, at last,

We see each other plain

`M'sieur le Mayor,'

You'll wear a different chain!


Before you say another word, Javert

Before you chain me up like a slave again

Listen to me! There is something I must do.

This woman leaves behind a suffering child.

There is none but me who can intercede,

In Mercy's name, three days are all I need.

Then I'll return, I pledge my word.

Then I'll return...


You must think me mad!

I've hunted you across the years

A man like you can never change

A man such as you.

Valjean (in counterpoint):

Javert (in counterpoint): Believe of me what

you will Men like me can never change

There is a duty that I'm sworn to do Men like you can never change

You know nothing of my life No, 24601

All I did was steal some bread My duty's to the law - you have no rights

You know nothing of the world Come with me 24601

You would sooner see me dead Now the wheel has turned around

But not before I see this justice done Jean Valjean is nothing now

I am warning you Javert Dare you talk to me of crime

I'm a stronger man by far And the price you had to pay

There is power in me yet Every man is born in sin

My race is not yet run Every man must choose his way

I am warning you Javert You know nothing of Javert

There is nothing I won't dare I was born inside a jail

If I have to kill you here I was born with scum like you

I'll do what must be done! I am from the gutter too!

Valjean breaks a chair and threatens Javert with the broken piece. Turns to Fantine.

Valjean (to Fantine):

And this I swear to you tonight

Javert: (to Valjean):

There is no place for you to hide


Your child will live within my care


Wherever you may hide away


And I will raise her to the light.

Valjean & Javert:

I swear to you, I will be there!

They fight, Javert is knocked out. Valjean escapes. Castle on a Cloud Young Cosette is working as a drudge in the Théardier's inn at Montfermeil.

Young Cosette

There is a castle on a cloud,

I like to go there in my sleep,

Aren't any floors for me to sweep,

Not in my castle on a cloud.

There is a room that's full of toys,

There are a hundred boys and girls,

Nobody shouts or talks too loud,

Not in my castle on a cloud.

There is a lady all in white,

Holds me and sings a lullaby,

She's nice to see and she's soft to touch,

She says "Cosette, I love you very much."

I know a place where no one's lost,

I know a place where no one cries,

Crying at all is not allowed,

Not in my castle on a cloud.

Oh help! I think I hear them now,

and I'm nowhere near finished sweeping and

scrubbing and polishing the floor.

Oh, it's her! It's Madame!

Mme. Théardier:

Now look who's here

The little madam herself!

Pretending once again she's been `so awfully good,'

Better not let me catch you slacking

Better not catch my eye!

Ten rotten francs your mother sends me

What is that going to buy?

Now take that pail

My little `Mademoiselle'

And go and draw some water from the well!

We should never have taken you in the first place

How stupid the things that we do!

Like mother like daughter, the scum of the street.

Eponine, come my dear, Eponine, let me see you

You look very well in that new little blue hat

There's some little girls who know how to behave

And they know what to wear

And I'm saying thank heaven for that.

Still there Cosette?

Your tears will do you no good!

I told you fetch some water from the well in the


Young Cosette

Please do not send me out alone

Not in the darkness on my own!

Mme. Théardier:

Enough of that, or I'll forget to be nice!

You heard me ask for something,

And I never ask twice!

Young Eponine pushes Cosette out. Théardier says good night to his daughter as the inn fills up for the evening.

Master of the House


3. Come on you old pest

2. Fetch a bottle of your best

1. What's the nectar of the day?

Théardier enters with a flask of wine.


Here, try this lot

Guaranteed to hit the spot

Or I'm not Théardier


Gissa glass a rum

Landlord, over here!


Right away, you scum (to himself)

Right away, m'sieur (to customer)


1. God this place has gone to hell

2. So you tell me every year


6. Mine host Théardier

He was there so they say,

At the field of Waterloo

7. Got there, it's true

When the fight was all through

1. But he knew just what to do

Crawling through the mud

So I've heard it said

Picking through the pockets

Of the English dead

8. He made a tidy score

From the spoils of war


My band of soaks

My den of dissolutes

My dirty jokes, my always pissed as newts.

My sons of whores

Spent their lives in my inn

Homing pigeons homing in

They fly through my doors

And their money's as good as yours

Diner 2:

Ain't got a clue

What he put in this stew

Must have scraped it off the street

Diner 1:

God what a wine!

Chateau Neuf de Turpentine

Must have pressed it with his feet Drinkers

Landlord over here!

Where's the bloody man?

One more for the road!

Théardier, one more slug o' gin.


Just one more, or my old man is gonna do me in.

Théardier greets a new customer.


Welcome, M'sieur

Sit yourself down

And meet the best

Innkeeper in town

As for the rest,

All of 'em crooks

Rooking their guests

And cooking the books.

Seldom do you see

Honest men like me

A gent of good intent

Who's content to be

Master of the house

Doling out the charm

Ready with a handshake

And an open palm

Tells a saucy tale

Makes a little stir

Customers appreciate a bon-viveur

Glad to do a friend a favor

Doesn't cost me to be nice

But nothing gets you nothing

Everything has got a little price!

Master of the house

Keeper of the zoo

Ready to relieve 'em

Of a sou or two

Watering the wine

Making up the weight

Pickin' up their knick-knacks

When they can't see straight

Everybody loves a landlord

Everybody's bosom friend

I do whatever pleases

Jesus! Won't I bleed 'em in the end!

Théardier & Drinkers:

Master of the house

Quick to catch yer eye

Never wants a passerby

To pass him by

Servant to the poor

Butler to the great

Comforter, philosopher,

And lifelong mate!

Everybody's boon companion

Everybody's chaperone


But lock up your valises

Jesus! Won't I skin you to the bone!

To another new customer

Enter M'sieur

Lay down your load

Unlace your boots

And rest from the road

Taking his bag

This weighs a ton

Travel's a curse

But here we strive

To lighten your purse

Here the goose is cooked

Here the fat is fried

And nothing's overlooked

Till I'm satisfied...

Food beyond compare

Food beyond belief

Mix it in a mincer

And pretend it's beef

Kidney of a horse

Liver of a cat

Filling up the sausages

With this and that

Residents are more than welcome

Bridal suite is occupied

Reasonable charges

Plus some little extras on the side!

Charge 'em for the lice

Extra for the mice

Two percent for looking in the mirror twice

Here a little slice

There a little cut

Three percent for sleeping with the window shut

When it comes to fixing prices

There are a lot of tricks he knows

How it all increases

All those bits and pieces

Jesus! It's amazing how it grows!

Théardier & Chorus:

Master of the house

Quick to catch yer eye

Never wants a passerby

To pass him by

Servant to the poor

Butler to the great

Comforter, philosopher,

And lifelong mate!

Everybody's boon companion

Gives 'em everything he's got


Dirty bunch of geezers

Jesus! What a sorry little lot!

Mme. Théardier:

I used to dream

That I would meet a prince

But God Almighty,

Have you seen what's happened since?

`Master of the house?'

Isn't worth me spit!

`Comforter, philosopher'

- and lifelong shit!

Cunning little brain

Regular Voltaire

Thinks he's quite a lover

But there's not much there

What a cruel trick of nature

Landed me with such a louse

God knows how I've lasted

Living with this bastard in the house!

Théardier & Drinkers:

Master of the house!

Mme. Théardier:

Master and a half!

Théardier & Drinkers:

Comforter, philosopher

Mme. Théardier:

Ah, don't make me laugh!

Théardier & Drinkers:

Servant to the poor. Butler to the great. Mme. Théardier:

Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!

Théardier & Drinkers:

Everybody bless the landlord!

Everybody bless his spouse!


Everybody raise a glass

Mme. Théardier:

Raise it up the master's arse.


Everybody raise a glass to the master of the house!

The Bargain

Valjean and Young Cosette, hand-in-hand, approach the now empty inn, singing. They arrive at the inn.


I found her wandering in the wood

This little child, I found her trembling in the shadows

And I am here to help Cosette

And I will settle any debt you may think proper

I will pay what I must pay

To take Cosette away.

There is a duty I must heed,

There is a promise I have made

For I was blind to one in need

I did not see what stood before me

Now her mother is with God

Fantine's suffering is over

And I speak here with her voice

And I stand here in her place

And from this day and evermore

Mme. Théardier:

Let me have your coat, M'sieur


Cosette shall live in my protection


You are very welcome here


I will not forsake my vow


Take a glass

Mme. Théardier:

Take a chair


Cosette shall have a father now!

The Théardier Waltz of Treachery


What to do? What to say?

Shall you carry our treasure away?

What a gem! What a pearl!

Beyond rubies is our little girl!

How can we speak of debt?

Let's not haggle for darling Cosette!

Dear Fantine, gone to rest...

Have we done for her child what is best?

Shared our bread. Shared each bone.

Treated her like she's one of our own!

Like our own, Monsieur!


Your feelings do you credit, sir

And I will ease the parting blow

He pays them.

Let us not talk of bargains or bones or greed Now, may I say, we are agreed?

Mme. Théardier:

That would quite fit the bill

If she hadn't so often been ill

Little dear, cost us dear

Medicines are expensive, M'sieur

Not that we begrudged a sou

It's no more than we Christians must do! M. and Mme. Théardier:

One thing more, one small doubt

There are treacherous people about

No offense. Please reflect.

Your intentions may not be correct? Valjean:

No more words. Here's your price.

Fifteen hundred for your sacrifice.

Come, Cosette, say goodbye

Let us seek out some friendlier sky.

Thank you both for Cosette

It won't take you too long to forget.

Valjean and Cosette leave the inn.

Come, Cosette, come, my dear

From now on I will always be here

Where I go, you will be. Cosette:

Will there be children and castles to see? Valjean:

Yes, Cosette, yes, it's true.

There's a castle just waiting for you.

Valjean & Cosette:

La la la la la...

Look Down

1832. The teeming, squalid streets of Paris. Beggars, urchins, prostitutes, students, etc. Beggars:

Look down and see the beggars at your feet

Look down and show some mercy if you can

Look down and see

The sweepings of the street

Look down, look down,

Upon your fellow man!


How do you do? My name's Gavroche.

These are my people. Here's my patch.

Not much to look at, nothing posh

Nothing that you'd call up to scratch.

This is my school, my high society

Here in the slums of Saint Michele

We live on crumbs of humble piety

Tough on the teeth, but what the hell!

Think you're poor?

Think you're free?

Follow me! Follow me!


Look down and show some mercy if you can

Look down, look down, upon your fellow man An old beggar woman finds a young prostitute occupying her pitch.

Old Beggar Woman:

What you think yer at?

Hanging round me pitch?

If you're new around here, girl

You've got a lot to learn!

Young Prostitute:

Listen you old bat...

Crazy bloody witch...

'Least I give me customers

Some pleasure in return!

Old Beggar Woman:

I know what you give!

Give 'em all the pox!

Spread around your poison

Till they end up in a box.


Leave the poor old cow,

Move it, Madeleine.

She used to be no better

Till the clap got to her brain.


When's it gonna end?

When we gonna live?

Something's gotta happen now or

Something's gonna give

It'll come, it'll come, it'll come

It'll come, it'll come, it'll come


Where the leaders of the land?

Where are the swells who run this show? Marius:

Only one man - and that's Lamarque

Speaks for these people here below. Beggars:

See our children fed

Help us in our shame

Something for a crust of bread

In Holy Jesus' name


In the Lord's Holy name.


In his name, in his name, in his name... Marius:

Lamarque is ill and fading fast!

Won't last the week out, so they say. Enjolras:

With all the anger in the land

How long before the judgement day?

Before we cut the fat ones down to size?

Before the barricades arise?


Watch out for old Théardier

All of his family's on the make

Once ran a hash-house down the way

Bit of a swine and no mistake

He's got a gang

The bleeding layabout

Even his daughter does her share

That's Eponine, she knows her way about

Only a kid, but hard to scare

Do we care?

Not a cuss

Long live us.

Long live us!


Look down and show some mercy if you can

Look down, look down upon your fellow man! The Robbery

Théardier assembling his gang.


Everyone here, you know your place

Brujon, Babet, Claquesous

You, Montparnasse, watch for the law

With Eponine take care

You turn on the tears

No mistakes, my dears

Mme. Théardier:

These bloody students on our street

Here they come slumming once again

Our Eponine would kiss their feet

She never had a scrap of brain


Hey, Eponine, what's up today?

I haven't seen you much about.


Here you can always catch me in.


Mind the police don't catch you out! Eponine:

Here, wotcher do with all them books?

I could have been a student too!

Don't judge a girl on how she looks.

I know a lot of things, I do!


Poor Eponine, the things you know

You wouldn't find in books like these. Eponine:

I like the way you grow your hair


I like the way you always tease


Little he knows!

Little he sees!

Valjean arrives with Cosette, now grown up.

Mme. Théardier:

Here's the old boy. Stay on the job and watch out for the law.

Eponine: (to Marius)

Stay out of this.


But Eponine...


You'll be in trouble here

It's not your concern

You'll be in the clear

She pushes Marius away.


Who is that man?


Leave me alone!


Why is he here? Hey, Eponine!

He tries to follow her, and bumps into Cosette.

I didn't see you there, forgive me.


Please m'sieur, come this way

Here's a child that ain't eaten today.

Save a life, spare a sou

God rewards all the good that you do.

Wait a bit. Know that face.

Ain't the world a remarkable place?

Men like me don't forget

You're the bastard who borrowed Cosette!

Théardier grabs Valjean and rips open his shirt, revealing the number on his chest.


What is this? Are you mad?

No, Monsieur, you don't know what you do! Théardier:

You know me, you know me.

I'm a con, just like you.


It's the police! Disappear!

Run for it! It's Javert!

Javert's Intervention

Javert and his constables break up the fight. Valjean picks himself up and looks for Cosette, who is with Marius.


Another brawl in the square

Another stink in the air!

Was there a witness to this? (Marius steps forward)

Well, let him speak to Javert!

M'sieur, the streets are not safe,

But let these vermin beware

We'll see that justice is done!

Look upon this fine collection

Crawled from underneath a stone

This swarm of worms and maggots

Could have picked you to the bone!

I know this man over here

I know his name and his trade

And on your witness, M'sieur,

We'll see him suitably paid.

Valjean and Cosette have disappeared.

But where's the gentleman gone?

And why on earth did he run?

Marius runs off to find Cosette


You will have a job to catch him

He's the one you should arrest

No more bourgeois when you scratch him

Than that brand upon his chest!

The constables search for Valjean.


Could it be he's some old jailbird

That the tide now washes in

Heard my name and started running

Had the brand upon his skin

And the girl who stood beside him

When I turned they both had gone

Could he be the man I've hunted?

Could it be he's Jean Valjean?


In the absence of a victim,

Dear Inspector, may I go?

And remember when you've nicked him,

It was me who told you so!


Let the old man keep on running

I will run him off his feet!

Everyone about your business!

Clear this garbage off the street!



There, out in the darkness

A fugitive running

Fallen from God

Fallen from grace

God be my witness

I never shall yield

Till we come face to face

Till we come face to face

He knows his way in the dark

Mine is the way of the Lord

And those who follow the path of the righteous Shall have their reward

And if they fall

As Lucifer fell

The flame

The sword!


In your multitudes

Scarce to be counted

Filling the darkness

With order and light

You are the sentinels

Silent and sure

Keeping watch in the night

Keeping watch in the night

You know your place in the sky

You hold your course and your aim

And each in your season

Returns and returns

And is always the same

And if you fall as Lucifer fell

You fall in flame!

And so it has been and so it is written

On the doorway to paradise

That those who falter and those who fall

Must pay the price!

Lord let me find him

That I may see him

Safe behind bars

I will never rest

Till then

This I swear

This I swear by the stars!


That inspector thinks he's something

But it's me who runs this town!

And my theater never closes

And the curtain's never down

Trust Gavroche, have no fear

Don't you worry, auntie dear,

You can always find me here!

Eponine's Errand

Eponine is alone in the square.


Cosette! Now I remember!

Cosette! How can it be?

We were children together

Look what's become of me...

Marius returns.

Good God! Ooh, what a rumpus!


That girl, who can she be?


That cop! He'd like to jump us

But he ain't smart, not he.


Eponine, who was that girl?


Some bourgeois two-a-penny thing!


Eponine, find her for me!


What will you give me?




Got you all excited now,

But God knows what you see in her

Ain't you all delighted now

She refuses Marius' money.

No, I don't want your money sir...


Eponine! Do this for me...

Discover where she lives

But careful how you go

Don't let your father know

'Ponine! I'm lost until she's found! Eponine:

You see, I told you so!

There's lots of things I know

Marius leaves.

'Ponine... she knows her way around!

The ABC Caf?- Red and Black

The ABC Caf? where the students, led by Enjolras, meet to discuss their revolutionary plans. Combeferre:

At Notre Dame the sections are prepared! Feuilly:

At rue de Bac they're straining at the leash! Courfeyrac:

Students, workers, everyone

There's a river on the run

Like the flowing of the tide

Paris coming to our side!


The time is near

So near it's stirring the blood in their veins!

And yet beware

Don't let the wine go to your brains!

For the army we fight is a dangerous foe

With the men and the arms that we never can match

It is easy to sit here and swat 'em like flies

But the national guard will be harder to catch.

We need a sign

To rally the people

To call them to arms

To bring them in line!

Marius enters.

Marius, you're late.


What's wrong today?

You look as if you've seen a ghost.


Some wine and say what's going on! Marius:

A ghost you say... a ghost maybe

She was just like a ghost to me

One minute there, and she was gone! Grantaire:

I am agog!

I am aghast!

Is Marius in love at last?

I've never heard him `ooh' and `aah'

You talk of battles to be won

And here he comes like Don Ju-an

It's better than an o-per-a!


It is time for us all

To decide who we are

Do we fight for the right

To a night at the opera now?

Have you asked of yourselves

What's the price you might pay?

Is it simply a game

For rich young boys to play?

The color of the world

Is changing day by day...

Red - the blood of angry men!

Black - the dark of ages past!

Red - a world about to dawn!

Black - the night that ends at last!


Had you been there tonight

You might know how it feels

To be struck to the bone

In a moment of breathless delight!

Had you been there tonight

悲惨世界音乐剧《One Day More》剧本

Les Miserable Role: Jean Valjean: 苏绎同 Cosette: 陈秋彤 Marius: 郑邵一 Eponine: 沈一诺 Enjolras: 汪浩天 Javert: 林语冰 Mr. Thenardier: 范宇浩 Mrs. Thenardier: 吕澍芊 Valjean: One day more Another day, another destiny This never ending road to Calvary; This man who seem to know my crime Will surely come a second time One day more... Marius: I did not live until today How can I live when we are parted? Valjean:One day more... Marius & Cosette:Tomorrow you'll be worlds away, And yet with you, my world has started. Eponine:One more day all on my own Marius & Cosette:Will we ever meet again? Eponine:One more day with him not caring Marius & Cosette:I was born to be with you. Eponine:What a life I might have known Marius & Cosette:And I swear I will be true! Eponine:But he never saw me there... Enjolras: (Marius:) One more day before the storm! (Do I follow where she goes?) At the barricades of Freedom! (Shall I join my brothers there?) When our ranks begin to form, (Do I stay or do I dare?) Will you take your place with me? All:The time is now, The day is here Valjean:One day more! Javert: One more day to revolution, We will nip it in the bud! We’ ll be ready for these schoolboys, They will wet themselves with blood! Valjean:One day more! Mr.& Mrs. Thenardier:Watch'em run amuck Catch'em as they fall,

音乐剧《悲惨世界 Les Miserables》

音乐剧《悲惨世界Les Miserables》中的歌曲《我曾有梦I Dreamed a Dream》I dreamed a dream in days gone by When hope was high And life worth living I dreamed that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving Then I was young and unafraid And dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung No wine untasted But the tigers come at night With their voice soft as thunder As they tear your hope apart As they turn your dream to shame He slept a summer by my side He filled my days with endless wonder He took my childhood in his stride But he was gone when autumn came And still I dream he'll come to me That we'll live the years together But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now from what it seemed Now life has killed The dream I dreamed. 忆花样年华春梦开, 我生活多姿向往多彩。 迷恋那梦里不朽爱, 青春无忌上帝都不怪。 年轻的心无忧自在, 多情的夜晚许身未来。 真相信无偿的关爱, 欢歌唱尽美酒敞入怀。 夜色朦胧人醉了,


最新音乐剧悲惨世界的鉴赏 《悲惨世界》音乐整体气势恢宏,大气磅礴,富有史诗般的色彩,配乐是以古典乐为基础的,营造出了一种磅礴而深沉的气势,与剧 中所表达的主题非常符合。在音乐剧《悲惨世界》中,全新的音乐 并不很多,而且旋律很简单。而正是因此,才更显出作曲家超凡的 创作才能,用很少的素材就能将雨果笔下的鸿篇巨著诠释地如此细 腻深刻。旋律简单不仅是为了好唱、好听,而且容易让观众理解和 记忆,从而受到广大观众的喜爱。 在《悲惨世界》中,每一个人物都有一种性格,这种性格可以用音乐表现出来,剧中不同人物的演唱曲调总有不同的音乐主题性, 比如芳汀的主题、冉阿让主题、沙威的音乐主题等。通过不同主题 来突显出人物鲜明的性格,人物的不同性格与各自的命运,冉阿让 经过苦难磨练而对上帝的深沉敬仰,芳婷的纯洁与软弱,沙威的威 严与冷酷,都很好的表现出来。 总的来说,背景音乐对于剧情的发展起了推动作用,当剧情发生变化,背景音乐也随之变化,并且反映了剧情的内容。音乐片段《AttheEndoftheDay》,这首曲子的节奏很快,演员们的词也都很多,但同样的曲调、同样的节奏在两类人的演绎下表现出了不同的 感觉。 曾几何时人们和颜悦色 他们声音温柔 话语讨人喜欢 曾几何时爱情无所禁忌 世界是一首歌 歌声动人心弦

曾几何时… 一切都变成如今的摸样 我层梦见过往的时光 那时梦想的帆高扬,人生充满了希望我梦见爱永不止息 我梦见上帝如此宽容 那时我年轻而无惧 梦想被打造也被虚掷 自由也无须赎买 没有未唱的歌没有未尝的美酒 可饿虎在夜晚降临 低吼如暗雷低回 摧毁你的希望 使你梦想蒙羞 他在我身旁睡了整个夏天 他让每天都充满奇迹 他从容的安定了我的童年 可秋天来时他却离开了我 我始终渴望她回到我身旁 一同度过往后的岁月 但这梦想不会成真了 我们再经不起这些狂风暴雨 我曾经梦想的人生


音乐剧《悲惨世界》赏析 看了一场音乐剧《悲惨世界》,从未看过音乐剧的我,居然没想到音乐剧会有这么大的魅力,撼动人心的情节、波澜壮阔的音乐和变化无穷的舞美,让我为之震撼,一种久违的来自心灵深处震撼瞬间传遍了全身,感动经久不息。人生中会有无数次的感动,但你永远不知道下一次会什么时候到来,所以最美。 我实在没想到一部音乐剧居然有这么强的感染力,但意料之外的事情往往也在情理之中,有这么好的舞台灯光、音乐设备,有这么强的阵容齐聚,可谓是一场净化心灵的视听盛宴。 首先,在音乐上 《悲惨世界》音乐整体气势恢宏,大气磅礴,富有史诗般的色彩,配乐是以古典乐为基础的,营造出了一种磅礴而深沉的气势,与剧中所表达的主题非常符合。 在音乐剧《悲惨世界》中,全新的音乐并不很多,而且旋律很简单。而正是因此,才更显出作曲家超凡的创作才能,用很少的素材就能将雨果笔下的鸿篇巨著诠释地如此细腻深刻。旋律简单不仅是为了好唱、好听,而且容易让观众理解和记忆,从而受到广大观众的喜爱。 在《悲惨世界》中,每一个人物都有一种性格,这种性格可以用音乐表现出来,剧中不同人物的演唱曲调总有不同的音乐主题性,比如芳汀的主题、冉阿让主题、沙威的音乐主题等。通过不同主题来突显出人物鲜明的性格,人物的不同性格与各自的命运,冉阿让经过苦难磨练而对上帝的深沉

敬仰,芳婷的纯洁与软弱,沙威的威严与冷酷,都很好的表现出来。总的来说,背景音乐对于剧情的发展起了推动作用,当剧情发生变化,背景音乐也随之变化,并且反映了剧情的内容。 音乐片段《At the End of the Day 》,这首曲子的节奏很快,演员们的词也都很多,但同样的曲调、同样的节奏在两类人的演绎下表现出了不同的感觉。音乐片段《Castle on a Cloud 》空灵般的歌曲这部音乐剧中最振奋人心的音乐,最后尾声时将全场气氛推向了高潮的《Do You Hear the People Sing 》,比如酒馆老板有着喜剧感的节奏不禁让人随着节奏摇摆起来的《Master of the House 》,比如被真挚感情深深地打动人心的珂赛特、马吕斯、爱波宁互诉衷肠的《In My Life 》,比如爱波宁独诉相思之苦的《On My Own》;比如爱波宁为革命牺牲时在马吕斯怀里与马吕斯对唱的催人泪下的《A Little Fall of Rain 》,比如《Do You Hear the People Sing 》让 人在悲惨的世界也存有希望。这些歌曲生动地刻画出了一个个鲜活的形象,仿佛活生生地站在观众面前,令人爱的,令人恨的,令人不屑的,令人同情的??所有这些构成了这部经典的音乐剧。 在人物上在《悲》剧中,剧中的人物也在演员的完美演绎下给我留下了深刻的印象。尚万强的善良令我为之动容,他在大战前夕祈祷上苍保佑 养女珂赛特的爱人马吕斯的独唱《让我死,让他活》,其神情之恳切、旋律之优美,令人过耳难忘。还有,当被寄养在德纳第夫妇家中已5 年的珂赛特在为自己的悲惨命运吟唱时,我也流下了同情的泪水。珂赛特终日受到非人的虐待,但剥削她的黑心肠的夫妇却对自己的两个女儿疼爱有佳。可


西方经典音乐剧赏析 在这学期的西方经典音乐剧课程里,我们学习观看了很多部世界世界名剧。有《歌剧魅影》、《悲惨世界》等。在老师对这些戏剧的讲解后,使我对西方戏剧产生了兴趣,我们在不知觉间已经与音乐剧亲密接触了整整一个学期。从一开始的仅仅听过《猫》和《歌剧魅影》的懵懂无知,到现在对于音乐剧有了些更深入的了解,越是了解越发喜爱,西方音乐剧带领我们进入了一个全新的世界,一个以前从未深入涉猎,基本不曾了解的美妙世界。 《悲惨世界》的音乐整体气势恢宏,大气磅礴,富有史诗般的色彩。人物性格鲜明,剧中不同人物的演唱曲调总有不同的音乐主题性,来突显出人物的不同性格与各自的命运。唱段刚开始,是芳汀的主题。芳婷的“我曾有梦”,她的梦是美好的,然而现实却是残酷无情的。而当芳婷即将死去,向冉阿让托孤时两人的对唱也让人不禁心痛。她不愿死去,更不愿让珂塞特孤苦伶仃。当她唱到“告诉珂塞特我爱她,我会在醒来后看见她”时带着哭腔,仅这一句,就将一个人、一个女人、一位母亲临终前的不舍和恳求之情表现得淋漓尽致,令人不心碎都难!芳汀主题概括而言,就是被爱遗弃、渴望爱、为爱牺牲、将爱交讬。 在《悲惨世界》中,每一个人物都有一种性格,这种性格可以用音乐表现出来。冉阿让经过苦难磨练而对上帝的深沉敬仰,芳婷的纯洁与软弱,沙威的威严与冷酷。这些性格分别用不同的主题旋律表现出来以后,显得格外鲜明。 以前有朋友曾经讨论过音乐与语言的问题,实际上,我认为,音乐不是不可言说,像音乐剧《悲惨世界》这样,把音乐语言化,不仅使语言的魅力大增,也使音乐变得更加容易理解。毕竟,音乐并非为了音乐本身,而是为其表达的内容。单单旋律是没有意义的,但是如果这个旋律打动了某一根心弦,那便是它的意义所在。在音乐的国度里,没有国家的界限,没有民族的差异,更没有语言的障碍,这是一种心灵的融合,是人类共同追求的体现吧。一部好的作品,必定有其出色的艺术功底以及深刻的思想内涵的,而《悲惨世界》则同时兼备了这两点。不可否认,《悲惨世界》是一部名副其实的世界名剧。 我最喜欢的就是安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的《歌剧魅影》,不仅给我以视觉的冲击,而且结构和音乐也给我记到的震撼和感动! 《歌剧魅影》的结尾处给我留有一个疑问,刚开始看到魅影从镜子中走后,我觉得魅影应该是死了,因为他不曾接触过这个世界,他除了歌剧院哪里都没去过,无法生活,可最后回到现实,墓碑前的花,那是克莉斯汀和魅影“信物”除了魅影不会是别人,真的挺让人迷惑的;再就是克莉斯汀到底爱没爱过魅影,劳尔把音乐盒放到克莉斯汀墓碑前,说明这对她很重要,但同时那又是魅影心爱的东西,给人一个可以想象的空间,让大家有不同的感受。天生的丑陋和残酷的现实使得魅影变得冷漠无情,用暴力来反抗这个世界,但其实他也渴望被大家接受、认可,在最后克莉斯汀对魅影说“你不是孤单一人”就是很好的说明了魅影内心的恐惧,其实也就是说当时人们以貌取人,歧视他人的一种社会风气,不论他是否才华出众,但同时也告诉我们不管遇到什么挫折,都不要悲观,要积极面对,是金子总会发光的,不要事事激进,学会安慰、鼓励自己。对于我这样学音乐表


精品文档 悲惨世界》音乐剧赏析 背景介绍 不可辨驳,音乐剧《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)改编自雨果的超级IP著作《悲惨世界》,但也推动书籍《悲惨世界》成为了人们心中不朽的著作,两种艺术形式互相成就。推动彼此成为不朽的传奇。音乐剧从20 世纪开始就成为了舞台上闪耀的一颗明星,当然音乐剧《悲惨世界》已经成为了经典中的经典,有一丝后不见来者不可撼动感。音乐剧《悲惨世界》以法国半个世纪的历史为背景,在历史的长河中用一个社会中极其不起眼的小人物冉.阿让去揭露历史的现状,歌词深刻干练,音乐丰富多样,仔细观赏是一场视觉与听觉的极大享受。 情景简介 那是十九世纪的巴黎,贫困潦倒的冉.阿让为了自己妹妹的孩子活下来不被活活饿死, 选择了去偷面包,结果被不知人间饥渴的法官判处了19 年的牢狱苦役,出狱之后的冉.阿让 依旧的无以生存,陷入多年以前的走投无路的困境,但上帝还没有完全地将这个悲惨的人物 忘记,好心的米里哀主教收留了他过夜,但贫穷再次让他犯下了错误,填饱肚子抓住偷走了主教的银器潜逃。后被警察沙威逮捕,主教声称银器是送给他的。让冉.阿让免于逮捕,主 教的行为再一次触及到了阿让的良知,感化了阿让,化名马德兰,决定开始新的人生,十年的时间造就了阿让,使他成为了成功的商人并成为了马兰德市市长,沙威警察再一次的出现, 一心想要找阿让的麻烦。在此期间阿让得知了妓女芳汀的悲惨经历,并承诺要照顾私生女柯 赛特,这一切的一切都被警察沙威看在眼里,一系列的行动让沙威开始陷入了深深的自我怀疑,最后经不住内心的考验选择了用死亡那个来终结犯下的错误。之后阿让将柯赛特抚养长大,在法国大革命的炮火中救出了柯赛特的心上人,并将看做自己亲生孩子的柯赛特交付给了年轻人,并选择在婚礼上失踪,只是因为内心中逃犯的身份让他在隆重的场合上显得无比怯懦。 歌词赏析 作为史诗派的先河,但是音乐剧《悲惨世界》的歌词极其的简洁易懂,不需要任何高深的理解,不不必揣摩深意。在开始的Starring( in order of appearance )中,开始以厚重的中音啊来拉开篇章啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 天可怜见悲惨世界 低头等死俯首认降烈日荼毒此处是人间炼狱 十年内老死无望 曲子开始工人们愤愤唱着歌,一边不断的劳作控诉这黑暗的现实,工人们一刻也不得闲,只要敢怠慢一分钟,头顶的皮鞭就会落在身上,在劳累和疼痛的折磨下唱出了低鸣声啊,奠定了一种极其悲惨的氛围,描绘了当时的社会背景,正如歌词中演唱的人间炼狱,等死无望。、 精品文档清白如我唉哎上告 仁慈我主听我衷肠我知伊人在水一方(犯人开始控诉)


音乐剧悲惨世界论文精 选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

《悲惨世界》音乐剧论文学院机械与动力工程学院 专业机械设计制造及其自动化 年级 姓名 学号 2013年5月19日

题目:《悲惨世界》音乐剧论文 摘要: 《悲惨世界》用音乐诠释了冉阿让的一生,从一个刑满释放的盗窃犯,到一市之长,再到后来东躲西藏的生活,都被影片中的音乐表现的淋漓尽致。同时,音乐不仅仅诠释了冉阿让的生命历程,更是那段历史的写照。音乐抒发了人们对现实社会的憎恨,对未来和谐的向往。音乐驱散了黑暗,洗涤了心灵。音乐是心与心的沟通,是爱与爱的交汇。 关键词:黑暗现实希望勇敢音乐 电影《悲惨世界》是根据雨果的小说创作的电影。小说《悲惨世界》是雨果1862年发表的一部长篇小说,主要讲的是十九世纪拿破仑战争和之后的法国。电影中主要描述了主人公冉阿让从刑满释放,直到死去的一生的历程。 电影讲述了十九世纪,生活在法国巴黎的一位穷苦的百姓,冉阿让因为快要饿死的侄子去偷了一块面包,结果获刑20年。刑满出狱后的冉阿让再次走投无路,在好心的主教收留后头走银器逃走,后被警察捉回。主教不但没有怪他,还说银器是自己送给冉阿让的,并且给了冉阿让一对更加贵重的烛台。从此,冉阿让被感化。利用这些银器成为了成功的商人并当上了市长。这时,以前缉拿过他的警长沙威再次出现,一心要找他的麻烦。在此期间,冉·阿让得知了妓女芳汀的悲惨遭遇,并承诺照顾她的私生女柯赛特。八年过去了,平静的生活再起波澜——柯赛特爱上了共和派青年马吕斯,轰轰烈烈的巴黎人民起义爆发了,而多年来从未放弃追捕冉·阿让的警长沙威又出现在冉·阿让的面前......最终大革命以失败告终,但是沙威警长被冉阿让感化,以自杀结束了生命。冉阿让也安详的死在了主教的教堂里。 电影《悲惨世界》中,以音乐诠释了冉阿让的一生的历程。以歌声打动了每一个观众。电影开头的音乐《look down》再加上电影画面,充分反映了当时处于社会下层的冉阿让在监狱中所受的折磨与蹂躏。而这一切都是因为他为了救小侄子的命偷了一块面包。当



西方经典音乐剧赏析 在这学期的西方经典音乐剧课程里,我们学习观看了很多部世界世界名剧。有《歌剧魅影》、《悲惨世界》等。在老师对这些戏剧的讲解后,使我对西方戏剧产生了兴趣,我们在不知觉间已经与音乐剧亲密接触了整整一个学期。从一开始的仅仅听过《猫》和《歌剧魅影》的懵懂无知,到现在对于音乐剧有了些更深入的了解,越是了解越发喜爱,西方音乐剧带领我们进入了一个全新的世界,一个以前从未深入涉猎,基本不曾了解的美妙世界。 《悲惨世界》的音乐整体气势恢宏,大气磅礴,富有史诗般的色彩。人物性格鲜明,剧中不同人物的演唱曲调总有不同的音乐主题性,来突显出人物的不同性格与各自的命运。唱段刚开始,是芳汀的主题。芳婷的“我曾有梦”,她的梦是美好的,然而现实却是残酷无情的。而当芳婷即将死去,向冉阿让托孤时两人的对唱也让人不禁心痛。她不愿死去,更不愿让珂塞特孤苦伶仃。当她唱到“告诉珂塞特我爱她,我会在醒来后看见她”时带着哭腔,仅这一句,就将一个人、一个女人、一位母亲临终前的不舍和恳求之情表现得淋漓尽致,令人不心碎都难!芳汀主题概括而言,就是被爱遗弃、渴望爱、为爱牺牲、将爱交讬。 在《悲惨世界》中,每一个人物都有一种性格,这种性格可以用音乐表现出来。冉阿让经过苦难磨练而对上帝的深沉敬仰,芳婷的纯洁与软弱,沙威的威严与冷酷。这些性格分别用不同的主题旋律表现出来以后,显得格外鲜明。

以前有朋友曾经讨论过音乐与语言的问题,实际上,我认为,音乐不是不可言说,像音乐剧《悲惨世界》这样,把音乐语言化,不仅使语言的魅力大增,也使音乐变得更加容易理解。毕竟,音乐并非为了音乐本身,而是为其表达的内容。单单旋律是没有意义的,但是如果这个旋律打动了某一根心弦,那便是它的意义所在。在音乐的国度里,没有国家的界限,没有民族的差异,更没有语言的障碍,这是一种心灵的融合,是人类共同追求的体现吧。一部好的作品,必定有其出色的艺术功底以及深刻的思想内涵的,而《悲惨世界》则同时兼备了这两点。不可否认,《悲惨世界》是一部名副其实的世界名剧。 我最喜欢的就是安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的《歌剧魅影》,不仅给我以视觉的冲击,而且结构和音乐也给我记到的震撼和感动! 《歌剧魅影》的结尾处给我留有一个疑问,刚开始看到魅影从镜子中走后,我觉得魅影应该是死了,因为他不曾接触过这个世界,他除了歌剧院哪里都没去过,无法生活,可最后回到现实,墓碑前的花,那是克莉斯汀和魅影“信物”除了魅影不会是别人,真的挺让人迷惑的;再就是克莉斯汀到底爱没爱过魅影,劳尔把音乐盒放到克莉斯汀墓碑前,说明这对她很重要,但同时那又是魅影心爱的东西,给人一个可以想象的空间,让大家有不同的感受。天生的丑陋和残酷的现实使得魅影变得冷漠无情,用暴力来反抗这个世界,但其实他也渴望被大家接受、认可,在最后克莉斯汀对魅影说“你不是孤单一人”就是很好的说明了魅影内心的恐惧,其实也就是说当时人们以貌取人,歧视他人的一种社会风气,不论他是否才华出众,但同时也告诉我们不管遇到什么挫折,都不


音乐剧《悲惨世界》的启示 音乐剧《悲惨世界》的启示 值此中国音乐剧正待上路之时,引进《悲惨世界》这样一部作品是非常有意义的。这将使得我们原先依据为数不多的见闻所形成的有关“音乐剧”的概念发生改变和深化。 音乐剧并不都是流行歌加踢踏舞加爵士乐,也不是每个演员都得会急口令和翻筋斗。音乐剧中最重要的是以具有戏剧意味的声乐演唱来完成对角色的塑造,演员的音色形象和演唱风格是与角色的身份性格情绪密切关联的,而不是单一的“流行唱法”。音乐剧所使用的音乐语言也并不是“流行音乐”所能一言以蔽之的,而是由戏剧情境、表现意图和作品所处时代之间的平衡来确定的。 一部成功的音乐剧并不是非要有一首象《回忆》和《阿根廷,别为我哭泣》那样能独立于音乐剧母体而“上榜”的流行曲,也不是有了这样的金字招牌就万事大吉了。在《悲惨世界》的音乐构造中,使用了诸如多个音乐主题的并置支撑,音乐材料在场景中的贯穿发展,不同声乐体裁(独唱重唱合唱)的交替对比,音乐情境与戏剧情境的紧密关联,正剧与喜剧因素的调剂配置,还有显然是从莫扎特的歌剧中借来的那种逐层递增的终场结构等音乐戏剧手法。所有这些手法的目的都是为了造就出丝丝入扣引人入胜的音乐戏剧效果。与那种“动听”曲调大串连的结构相比,要复杂和“严肃”得多。 音乐剧的“商业性”并不是将大把的钞票都贴在脸上,也不是满台的金壁辉煌和机关噱头的代名词。《悲惨世界》的演出设备装置需用一架波音运输机来承载,所呈现出来的竟然是一个如此简洁朴实的舞台画面,而这正是这部戏剧作品的艺术表现所要求的,也是高度精致的制作和严密精细的操作的结果。昂贵的票价并不是获得商业利润的唯一途径,更值得重视的是音乐剧整体市场的培育、剧目演出的生命周期在时间和空间上的延伸、衍生产品的开发、以及剧场活动与当地社会生活的互动等。 音乐剧的“娱乐性”并不是仅仅体现在舞台上的滑稽效果和观众的哄笑声中。尽管《悲惨世界》中确实有不少这样的元素,但这并不是一部狭义上的喜剧。广义上的“娱乐性”可


<音乐剧赏析>教学设计方案 教材分析:音乐剧赏析选自人民音乐出版社初中音乐八年级上册第二单元的欣赏内容,是对欧美、本土的音乐剧进行赏析。 课程类型:欣赏课 教学目标:通过欣赏音乐剧猫、悲惨世界、金沙片段回忆、云中的城堡、总有一天,对音乐剧有初步的认识,对音乐剧产生兴趣,并尝试编排音乐剧 知识目标:能了解音乐剧是什么? 技能目标:能自创短小的音乐剧。 情感目标:感受音乐剧所带来的情绪。 教学重点:本土音乐剧金沙的赏析 教学难点:体会音乐剧的韵味和美好意境。 教学时间:一课时 教学设备:多媒体 教学过程: 1.复习歌曲“雪绒花” 2.导入:提问学生都知道些什么剧? 3.介绍音乐剧:一种高度综合性的舞台综合艺术,它的构成要素几乎囊括了当今世界上现存的绝大多数艺术品种----从文学、戏剧、诗歌、音乐、舞蹈、雕塑、绘画、建筑,到幽默艺术、滑稽表演和声光艺术,甚至也包括了电影、杂技、魔术等等 4.介绍韦伯的音乐剧猫:《猫》是美国戏剧史上持续巡回演出时间最长的剧目。首演以来,全世界已有6500万人观看过《猫》。到1995年9月,《猫》在全世界的总收入已超过20亿美元。剧中总共有2000到2500个道具,使用了250多套服装。《猫》在伦敦、在百老汇、在全世界获得了一个又一个成功,《猫》赢得了一切。它于1983年获得七项托尼奖,包括最佳音乐剧奖。观看猫介绍视频,提问学生:猫的舞蹈以什么舞蹈元素为主?【爵士】 5.介绍并聆听音乐剧猫片段回忆:这首歌是由剧中的魅力猫“格里泽贝拉”演唱的,这是一只年轻时魅力十足而年老后邋遢肮脏的猫,她孤独衰弱,遭人唾弃,流浪在最下等的街区,受到猫族的排挤。她也渴望能升入天堂,但这对她显然是一种奢望。在这个情景下,她演唱了这首<回忆>。在她唱完之后,猫儿们都被感动了,一致推选她升上天堂,全剧落下帷幕。 6.介绍音乐剧“悲惨世界”:故事发生在19世纪的法国,穷苦农民冉阿让因偷面包而入狱多年,终获假释却再次无视法律,不得不开始逃亡。被收留他的主教感化后,冉阿让决心洗心革面,开始新生活。十年后他成为成功的商人并当上市长,却一直受到铁面警官贾维尔锲而不舍地追捕, 聆听片段云中的城堡,并提问学生,这个片段讲述了什么故事。【可怜的珂赛特又累又饿,她幼小的身体负担着沉重的劳动,德纳迪夫妇又不让她休息,任意打她骂她,她在歌曲里唱到:云中的城堡,有温暖的烛光有可口的食物而不再擦不完的地板。】 7.介绍四川本土音乐剧‘金沙’公元2001年的一天,转世为考古学家却已经失忆的“沙”来到金沙王都遗址,发现了“太阳神鸟金箔”残留的印迹。当“沙”手捧着自己的半片“太阳神鸟金箔”,一种莫名的激情在他的心中产生,既熟悉又陌生,他努力回忆着……在他脚下神秘遗址里尘封了三千年的幽灵,终于等来了重见天日的日子,为首的乌木精灵“丑”为了帮助昔日的主人恢复记忆,找回自己,只有让金箔重圆,爱情才能重生,记忆才能复苏。于是,丑决定让往事重现!在3100年前,庄严威仪的祭祀中,“丑”带着“沙”与美丽的太阳神鸟化身的“金”再次相见。失忆的“沙”对美丽的“金”一见如故,并产生了朦胧的情愫。由此,美丽的“金”为了唤醒昔日爱人“沙”重获往日的爱情,她决定用生命换取往事重现,引领着“沙”飞向未来的场景…… 8.介绍主创及演员,沙宝亮、姚贝娜、谭维维。欣赏金沙片段‘总有一天’ 9.总结:音乐剧是现代文化的典型代表,无论是它的音乐风格、舞台、灯光设计、以及演出形式都代表了


对《巴黎圣母院》与《悲惨世界》两部音乐剧的比较(一) 当今著名的音乐剧大多是由纽约百老汇和伦敦西区的演艺公司包装而成的,因此这些剧目也带有了百老汇和西区特有的风格特征和运作方式。而《巴黎圣母院》却是一个例外,它是少数几部闻名世界却没有受到百老汇和西区影响的著名音乐剧。 《巴黎圣母院》诞生于法国巴黎,远离纽约和伦敦,先天就没有受到百老汇和西区的影响。而作品诞生后,从包装到制作推销的整个过程,也全部是由法国公司全权包办的,而不像《悲惨世界》和《西贡小姐》那样在法国诞生,却由伦敦西区的公司来包装和运作。因而,《巴黎圣母院》中几乎没有百老汇和伦敦西区的印记,让我看完这部剧会有与众不同的感受。 1.舞蹈角色与歌唱角色分离: 《巴黎圣母院》的一大特色是采用了舞蹈和歌唱相分离的形式,也就是跳舞的演员不唱歌,而歌唱的演员不跳舞。这与当今大多数音乐剧处理歌唱和舞蹈的做法不太相符。在音乐剧中,舞蹈和歌唱演员的角色分配会有侧重,但基本上没有绝对分开的情况,歌唱演员也会和舞蹈演员一起舞蹈,而舞蹈演员也会参与歌唱(更多是合唱),从而体现出歌舞一体的样式。而《巴黎圣母院》则是将两者完全的分离,整个剧目的歌曲全部由7位主要演员演唱,他们歌唱的时候不参与任何舞蹈,个个全情投入,就像聚光灯下的超级明星。舞蹈演员则完全不参与歌曲的演唱,在非法移民(Therefugees)>,愚人庆典(TheFeastofFools)>,

奇迹之殿(ThecourtoftheMiracles)>,爱之谷(valleyoflove)>等几个大场面的段落中,舞蹈几乎就是演出的全部。 将舞蹈与歌唱完全分离,可以让两者更加投入于自己的演出,将各自的表演发挥到极致。而不需要因为歌唱演员的缘故而降低舞蹈的难度,也不需要因为舞蹈演员的缘故而影响声音的质量。当歌唱演员用声音表达情感时,一旁的舞者就全情投入地用肢体表达复杂的感情纠葛。以爱斯米拉达一出场为例,当她演唱起吉普赛女郎(Bohemiagirl)>的时候,在她身旁的舞者就跳起狂热欢快的舞蹈,这样的舞蹈比演唱更能表现她内心奔放的思想。而当菲比斯演唱心痛欲裂(Heartbreak)>一曲时,在他身旁的四位男性舞者只露着背影跳舞,让人感受到他黑暗的内心和痛苦的抉择。 在《巴黎圣母院》中,歌唱者用具象的歌词来表达情感,舞者用抽象的动作来表达情感,歌者和舞者在同一舞台上同时表达了内在和外在、具象和抽象。 在舞蹈动作上,编舞还给予舞者很大的自由度,有些段落明显带有自由发挥的成份。同时舞者在舞蹈时还运用了栏杆、棍棒等道具,体现出了写实和写意的双重效果。 2.纯流行化的演绎: 在演唱方法上,《巴黎圣母院》完全运用了流行唱法,没有融入一点美声唱法。而在演奏乐器上,《巴黎圣母院》也全部采用电声乐器,没有一件管弦乐器。这两者都表明了《巴黎圣母院》追求纯粹流行风格的


悲惨世界电影简介 悲惨世界电影简介 《悲惨世界》是在纪念法国著名作家雨果诞辰210周年暨《悲惨世界》出版150周年之际,由汤姆霍伯执导的一部电影,由休杰克曼、罗素克劳、安妮海瑟薇、阿曼达塞弗里德等主演。本片的前身是同名音乐剧,根据法国大文豪维克多雨果1862年发表的同名长篇小说改编。 影片故事发生在19世纪的法国,穷苦农民冉阿让(休杰克曼饰)因偷面包而入狱多年,终获假释却再次无视法律,不得不开始逃亡。被收留他的主教感化后,冉阿让决心洗心革面,开始新生活。十年后他成为成功的商人并当上市长,却一直受到铁面警官贾维尔(拉塞尔克劳饰)锲而不舍地追捕。 2013年2月28日,电影《悲惨世界》在中国内地公映。 悲惨世界电影剧情简介 十九世纪的巴黎,贫苦的冉阿让为了挨饿的孩子去偷面包,结果被饱食终日的法官判处19年的苦役。出狱后,走投无路的冉阿让被好心的米里哀主教收留过夜,却偷走了主教的银器潜逃,后被警察捉回。主教声称银器是送给他的,使冉阿让免于被捕。主教的言行感化了冉阿让,他化名马德兰,从此洗心革面奋发向上,十年后成为成功的商人并当上市长。这时,以前缉拿过他的警长沙威出现,一心要找他的麻烦。在此期间,冉阿让得知了妓女芳汀的悲惨遭遇,并承诺照顾她的私生女柯赛特。八年过去了,平静的生活再起波澜柯赛特爱上了共和派青年马利尤斯,轰轰烈烈的巴黎人民起义爆发了,无赖德纳迪埃和冉阿让又狭路相逢,而多年来从未放弃追捕冉阿让的警长沙威又出现在冉阿让的面前。 悲惨世界电影幕后花絮 1、1980年法语版音乐剧《悲惨世界》在巴黎体育馆上演,观众达50万人。后来音乐剧金牌制作人卡梅隆麦金托什把法语

版改成了英语版,英语版音乐剧1985年在伦敦上演,取得了极大的成功,被看做是音乐剧的经典。卡梅隆麦金托什也担任了本片制作人。 2、安妮海瑟薇和休杰克曼在杰克曼主持的奥斯卡颁奖典礼一起唱过歌。而在海瑟薇和詹姆斯弗兰科主持的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,海瑟薇演唱了一首从《悲惨世界》音乐剧改编来的On My Own 。这是在吐槽休杰克曼没有和她第二次携手表演。 3、为了扮演生活贫困的芳汀,安妮海瑟薇减重20磅,约合20斤。当被问及是如何在短时间内减掉这么多体重的时候,安妮海瑟薇守口如瓶。她说自己的方法会对生命健康产生威胁,所以她不愿意公布自己的方法,不希望年轻的女性效仿。 4、为了扮演囚犯冉阿让,休杰克曼减掉了可观的体重,有报道说,他减掉了30磅(27斤多)的体重。并且还留起了乱糟糟的胡子。剧组在一开始就拍摄了冉阿让在监狱里的镜头,好让休杰克曼去刮掉胡子并且重新回到正常体重,因为在影片的后面,他将变成一个生活富裕的商人和市长。 5、在片中安妮海瑟薇扮演的角色卖掉了自己的头发。而在现实生活中,海瑟薇的确剪掉了自己的长头发。 6、安妮海瑟薇第一次和芳汀这个角色有关联是在1987年,那个时候她还是个孩子,而她的妈妈Kate McCauley Hathaway在《悲惨世界音乐剧》的美国巡演中就扮演了芳汀这个角色。 7、多年之前,安妮海瑟薇曾经有机会在百老汇的舞台上主演歌舞剧《歌剧魅影》。但是当时她却拒绝了这个角色,因为她那个时候要拍摄《公主日记》。 8、7岁的时候,阿曼达塞弗里德就在一场音乐会中扮演了童年的珂赛特。 9、在片中扮演夫妻的海伦娜伯翰卡特和萨莎拜伦科恩曾经一起出演过另一部歌舞剧《理发师陶德》。


音乐剧悲惨世界的观后 感 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

音乐剧《悲惨世界》的观后感 曾经看过雨果的《悲惨世界》,现在又看了《悲惨世界》的歌剧。我相信读过《悲惨世界》的人,会理解这部书直击了人们灵魂最脆弱的地方,整个歌剧淋漓尽致,让人无法释怀。 《悲惨世界》的音乐整体气势恢宏,大气磅礴,富有史诗般的色彩。在序曲中,耳边总是“mi”“la”/“do”“fa”两个音不断的四度跳进。旋律虽简单,却能立即营造出沉重、压抑的氛围。你会听到串铃的声音,它就像牛马身上的铃铛,也暗示着此时的人民正受压迫,过着牛马不如的悲惨生活,这正是当时黑暗社会的写照。德纳第夫妇“房间主人”的主题暴露了他们想在战争中大发一笔横财的小人嘴脸;而冉阿让、沙威、起义学生和穷苦百姓各自的主题也都交织在“one day more”的大主题下,表达了各个阶层、立场的人对于这场战斗寄予的期望。这首曲子虽然主题众多,但却是多而不乱、层次清晰,且曲调朗朗上口,让人过耳不忘。 在众多的唱段中,我最钟爱的唱段之一便是爱波宁与马吕斯的二重唱“一场小雨”。德纳第夫妇的女儿爱波宁暗恋着学生马吕斯,而马吕斯已有心上人珂塞特,他只把爱波宁当作好朋友。爱波宁为爱而追随他参加了街垒战,不幸在为保护马吕斯时而中弹牺牲。临死前她靠在爱人的怀里,同唱了这首凄美无比、令人鼻酸的“一场小雨”。她知道自己就要死了,但能在心爱的人怀里死去已感到无比的欣慰和满足了。但最后一句还没唱完,爱波宁就闭上了眼睛。这首歌很感人,不过爱波宁

也太可怜了!雨果怎么这样“残忍”要让她死掉呢?干脆就让她和马吕斯在一起算了!但是越是悲剧才越能打动人! 当然全剧感人的场面不仅只表现在革命的激情上,人与人之间的亲情、爱情和道义也不得不让人为之动容。像芳婷的“I dreamed a dream,她的梦是美好的,然而现实却是残酷无情的。而当芳婷即将死去,向冉阿让托孤时两人的对唱也让人不禁心痛。她不愿死去,更不愿让珂塞特孤苦伶仃。当她唱到“告诉珂塞特我爱她,我会在醒来后看见她”时带着哭腔,仅这一句,就将一个人、一个女人、一位母亲临终前的不舍和恳求之情表现得淋漓尽致,真让人心碎! 在这部剧中,全新的音乐并不很多,而且旋律很简单。而正是因此,才更显出作曲家超凡的创作才能,用很少的素材就能将雨果笔下的鸿篇巨着诠释地如此细腻深刻。旋律简单是为了好唱、好听,让观众容易理解和记忆。有人不屑一顾地说这远不如歌剧的音乐语言丰富。的确,我承认这点,但这毕竟是大众文化,若搞的像歌剧一样,必定造成曲高和寡的局面,受不到广大观众的喜爱,那么演出商到哪里去赚钱?音乐剧最根本的商业属性又从何谈起? 我认为,音乐不是不可言说,像《悲惨世界》这样,把音乐的语言化,不仅使语言的魅力大增,也使音乐变得更加容易理解。毕竟,音乐并非为了音乐本身,而是为其表达的内容。单单旋律是没有意义的,但是如果这个旋律打动了某一根心弦,那便是它的意义所在。在《悲惨世界》剧中,每一个人物都有一种性格,这种性格可以用音乐表现出来。冉阿让经过苦难磨练而对上帝的深沉敬仰,芳婷的纯洁与软弱,沙威的


试论个人对电影《悲惨世界》的鉴赏心得怀着好奇与兴奋的心情,这学期我选修了影视鉴赏这门课,整个一学期中我们看了《天堂电影院》、《卧虎藏龙》、《万箭穿心》、《阿甘正传》、《霸王别姬》、《悲惨世界》六部经典电影,这些电影让我学会了思考人生,学会了欣赏电影这门艺术。其中我最喜欢的是《悲惨世界》这部电影,可能是因为它是部音乐剧,所以它更能带给我极大的震撼与感动,让我印象最为深刻。 18世纪的前半叶在法国文豪维克多·雨果的现实与浪漫之间刻画了一个“男人因穷困而道德败坏,女人因饥饿而生活堕落,儿童因黑暗而身体羸弱……”的《悲惨世界》。后来由 Alain Boublil和Claude-Michel Schonberg谱曲,Herbert Kretzmer作词改编的音乐剧《悲惨世界》则又一次极大地震撼了世人,并红遍了世界。1980年的法国版同名音乐剧首映便取得成功,而85年版的英文首演版一经制作人Cameron Mackintosh推出则奠定了《悲惨世界》歌剧史上夯实的地位。2012年这部盛名已久的音乐舞台剧终于成功搬上了荧幕。 电影版《悲惨世界》真实而震撼的呈现了属于那个动荡年代的生活:土伦监狱下怨声载道的萦回束缚;海滨蒙特勒伊市贫民窟下准备向死神报道的扭曲的面孔;妓女与嫖客的买卖关系成为了一种求生救命的当然选择;德纳第夫妇的揩油酒馆依旧“生意兴隆”;圣米歇尔广场的为了自由而战的呐喊唱出了年轻人的血气方刚···这些真心的呈现是一种诚意更是一种怀念与致敬。 根据音乐舞台剧改编的电影,保持原有音乐纯正度的基础上表演则是影片较之舞台所独具的优势和看点。其中芳汀的《I DREAMED A DREAM》(《我曾有梦》)则是其中最为显著而又颇为成功的代表,它充分发挥了特写镜头的优势,芳汀演唱那段令人同悲共泣的哀歌,她嘴角的抽搐,眼睛里闪动的羞辱、幽怨、绝望和愤怒,在泪水夹杂着苦涩震颤的哀婉吟唱将这个角色身上该有的隐忍和痛苦表现得淋漓尽致。该片通篇都采用了大量的原版歌唱台词作为支撑,主要人物的典型性特点也都有了一个完整而深刻的交代。《悲惨世界》的音乐整体气势恢宏,大气磅礴,富有史诗般的色彩。在序曲中,耳边总是“mi”“la”(固定唱法)/“do”“fa”(首调唱法)两个音不断的四度跳进。旋律虽简单,却能立即营造出沉重、压抑的氛围。拉马克将军的死讯传开后,学生领袖恩佐拉带领众人唱的“你可听到人民的歌声”(do you hear the people sing?)充满着昂扬的斗

Les Miserables 音乐剧《悲惨世界》歌词教学教材

L e s M i s e r a b l e s音乐剧《悲惨世界》歌 词

Les Miserables Act I Prologue - Work Song Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven What Have I Done? (Valjean's Soliloquy) At The End of the Day I Dreamed a Dream Lovely Ladies Fantine's Arrest The Runaway Cart Who Am I? (The Trial) Come To Me (Fantine's Death) The Confrontation Castle on a Cloud Master of the House The Bargain The Thénardier Waltz of Treachery Look Down The Robbery Javert's Intervention (Another Brawl) Stars Eponine's Errand The ABC Cafe - Red and Black Do You Hear the People Sing? Rue Plumet - In My Life A Heart Full of Love The Attack on Rue Plumet One Day More!Act II At the Barricade (Upon these Stones) On My Own Building the Barricade Javert's Arrival Little People A Little Fall of Rain (Eponine's Death) Night of Anguish First Attack Drink With Me Bring Him Home Dawn of Anguish The Second Attack Death of Gavroche The Final Battle Dog Eats Dog The Sewers Javert's Suicide Turning Empty Chairs at Empty Tables Every Day (Marius and Cosette) Valjean's Confession The Wedding Chorale Beggars at the Feast Epilogue Finale


经典音乐剧介绍——悲惨世界 音乐剧《悲惨世界》改编自法国文学巨匠雨果同名小说的音乐剧《悲惨世界》诞生于1978年的法国,首演于1980年。1985年被改成英文版登上伦敦舞台。1987年亮相美国百老汇。乃当今音乐剧界"四大名剧"之一。2002年在中国上海的演出也让许多人一下子爱上了音乐剧,更让一些听惯了韦伯的人们见识到了韦伯以外的世界。跻身于四大名剧之列的《悲惨世界》以其撼动人心的情节、波澜壮阔的音乐和变化无穷的舞美另全球的音乐爱好者为之疯狂。 尽管普契尼等一些19世纪的作曲家都曾考虑过把《悲惨世界》做成歌剧,然而直到120年后这个梦想才成为现实…… 音乐剧《悲惨世界》的曲作者是1944年出生的克劳德-米歇尔·勋伯格(Claude-Michel Sch?nberg),他是祖籍匈牙利的法国人,据说还是20世纪无调性十二音体系创始人之一阿诺德·勋伯格(Arnold Sh?nberg)的侄子。早年的勋伯格酷爱音乐,但未能如愿进入专业音乐学校学习的他,靠着聪颖的天资和敏锐的乐感,倒是在酒吧、歌舞厅里练就了一身过硬的流行音乐基本功,掌握了一般听众的欣赏习惯和音乐口味。在厌倦了流行音乐后,他开始想向音乐剧领域发展。 当他结识了阿兰·鲍伯利(Alan Boublil即《悲》剧法文版词作者)后,共同的志向使两人一拍即合,于1973年创作了他们的第一部音乐剧《法国大革命》。但真正使他们一举成名的还要算是这部《悲惨世界》了。当Alain Boublil在伦敦看了由查尔斯·狄更斯的小说《雾都孤儿》改编的音乐剧Oliver!(奥立佛)之后,其中Artful Dodger(道奇,小扒手)这个角色让他想到了一个唱歌的Gavroche(流浪儿加夫洛许)的形象。 Boublil和他长时间的搭档Claude-Michel Schonberg着手改编《悲惨世界》,使音乐剧变得几乎和原着一样的出名。改编工作中,Boublil和Schonberg回到书中去挖掘故事中的环境,人物和情节,推动音乐剧的进行。经过两年作曲家和作词家之间的交流取舍,他们录制了一个2小时的录音样品。到1980为止,这个录音卖出了26万份。在Jean Marc Natel在法语歌词创作方面的协作下,它形成了一张法语概念专辑。第一个舞台版本是1980年9月17日在巴黎体育馆(Palais des Sports)进行的演出,共有50万观众有幸欣赏,该剧大受好评。但那时《悲》还是法语的,法国以外几乎无人知晓。 然而随着一个至关重要的人物的介入,《悲惨世界》才得以声名远扬、闻名世界。他就是音乐剧界大名鼎鼎、号称音乐剧"沙皇"的制作人--卡麦隆·麦金托什(Cameron Mackintosh)。若是喜欢音乐剧的人还不知道这名字,那就太不够格了!说来有趣,在此之前,这位精明的英国人从未读过小说原着,脑子里仅有一个电影的模糊记忆。1982年,一位曾被《悲》剧深深打动的年轻导演Peter Fergo 将一张该剧唱片给了麦金托什,它富有感召力的音乐立即引起了这位英国制作人的注意与兴趣,并毅然决定要将其搬上英语舞台。正如麦金托什所说的那样:好的作品不是创作出来的,而是再创作出来的。 于是他召集了一批精兵强将,把法语版的《悲》剧精心地修整了一番:他请来了诗歌戏剧界的评论家James Fenton来做翻译工作;说服Trevor Nunn做导演(此人亦是猫、星光快车的导演),不过Nunn建议和John Carid合作(他们曾执导了改编自狄更斯小说的Nicholas Nickleby);还邀
