


分A B C三项:(根据自己上学期的英语学习情况任选一项,填写在在线表格上)

A B C 都要完成寒假生活指导

A 组作业:



3、少儿趣配音(学习板块绘本板块每周至少配音一篇,分享到QQ 群)




3、少儿趣配音(学习板块绘本板块每周至少配音一篇,分享到QQ 群)






英语寒假作业清单 Day 1 一、口语考试部分 1. P18 朗读Passage 1,标注生词的音标,完成5个问题 P46 情景对话 1 Talking about the Olympic Games P65 背诵话题简述1 Education两篇文章 二、笔头作业部分 1. 完成《高考英语冲刺练习》词汇专练之词汇检测 M1 U1&M1 U2的填空,并完成下面的练习1. 出于好心______________________________

2. 赢得……的尊重______________________________ 3. 遗憾要做某事/后悔曾经做过某事______________________________ 4. 为……做准备______________________________ 5. 通知(告知)某人某事______________________________ 6. lose one’s temper ______________________________ 7. make it ______________________________ 8. refer to ______________________________ 9. in charge (of …) ______________________________ 10. how come ______________________________ 11. go out ______________________________ 12. insist on ______________________________ 13. explain (n.) ______________________________ argue (n.) ______________________________ behave (n.) ______________________________ 14. forbid — _______________(过去式) ________________(过去分词) 2. 《高考英语冲刺练习》P58 任务型阅读(一) Day 2 一、口语考试部分 1. P19 朗读Passage 2,标注生词的音标,完成5个问题 P47 情景对话2 Meeting Somebody at the Airport P67 背诵话题简述2 Music两篇文章 二、笔头作业部分 1. 《高考英语冲刺练习》词汇专练之词汇检测 M1 U3&M2 U1的填空,并完成下面的练习 1. 避免含有脂肪的食物______________________________ 2. 以失败告终______________________________ 3. stay in shape ______________________________ 4. 被感动地流泪______________________________ 5. 集中注意______________________________ 6. on a diet ______________________________ 7. 在压力下______________________________ 8. 对……有害______________________________ 9. quit smoking ______________________________


2020初二年级英语寒假作业答案练习一 一、ABCDD DBCDD BBCDD 二、AABCB AABBB 三、DDAAA CCDDD 四、 was doing is was doing to leave natural easily importance 五、grew into to make for the first time are in danger encourages us to help will catch the school bus at the beginning are good at take away 六、you will what is How long How can by plane 七、She started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves Less and less space Too much traffic how to make a home page weighed 35 kilograms 八、natural wetlands provides ideal comfortably 九、China 13 basketball film fruit 十.作文略。

练习二 二. 单项选择。(20分) 1-5 BDAAD 6-10 CDDAB 11-15 BBCAD 16-20 ABACC 二. 交际英语。(5分) 21-25 BCDEA 三. 完形填空。(10分) 26-30 C B A CA 31-35 C B D A D 四. 阅读理解。(每空2分,共30分)、 (A )36-40 BBBCC (B) 41-45 CABDB (C). 46-50 BCCDD 五. 词汇。 A) 51. government 52. disasters 53. importance 54. encourages 55. height 56. screamed 57. directions 58. arrival 59. covers 60. unnecessary B) 61. killing 62. foggy 63. trapped 64. alive 65. carelessly 66.tourists 67. endangered 68. playing 69. was mopping 70. to build C) 71. crashed into 72. in fear 73. provide for 74. at birth 75. calmed down 六. 任务型阅读。(5分)


初三英语寒假Challenge Seven Name Date Score__________ Richard, Ray, Jerry and Larry together bought 114 pounds of watermelo ns. Richard received 12 pounds more than Ray, 26 more than Jerry, an d 32 more than Larry. How many pounds of watermelons did Richard re ceive? ________________________ Starring Quiz 7 151. One or two days ____quite enough to complete the work. ___ you or he going to work with me? A. is; Is B. is; Are C. are; Is D. are; Are 152. Your new clothes fit you, but mine_____ me. A. don’t fit for B. doesn’t fit for C. don’t fit D. doesn’t fit 153. It is not I but you who ___ the first to run to the goal in the competition. A. was B. were C. are D. is 154. What he says and what he does ___ agree. A. does n’t B. don’t C. isn’t D. aren’t 155. Although the first part is easy the rest ____. A. is supposed difficult B. are difficult C. has proved difficult D. could have been difficult 156. Rain and freezing temperatures ____ to make snow. A. combined B. combine C. combine with D. combined with 157. The express No.12_____ at two pm. A. reaches B. gets in C. cuts in D. knocks 158. Our city has changed a lot; who can tell what it will be like in ___ ten years? A. other B. next C. more D. another 159. She fell and hit her head, but she ___ to be all right now. A. seemed B. appears C. has D. seems 160. ____ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill. A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not having known D. Having not known 161. I don’t like the way____ she talks to her teacher. A. in that B. in what C. by which D. 不填


八年级上册英语寒假作业 翻译各单元的短语和习惯用语,认真阅读词语辨析及重点语法 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 重点短语: (1)go on vacation (2)stay at home (3)go to the mountains (4)go to the beach (5)visit museums (6)go to summer camp (7)quite a few (8)study for…… (9)go out (10)most of the time (11)taste good (12)have a good time (13)feel like (14)go shopping (15)in the past (16)walk around….. (17)too many (18)because of+短语 (19)one bowl of (20)find out (21)take photos (22)something important (23)up and down (24)come up (25)of course (26)come down 重点语法: (1)Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. (2)Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. (3)Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father. (4)How was the food? Everything tasted really good. (5)Did everyone have a good time? Oh,yes. Everything was excellent. 习惯用法: (1)buy sth for sb./ buy sb. Sth (2)taste + adj. (3)nothing ….but + V.(原形) (4)seem + (to be) + adj (5). arrive in + 大地方 arrive at + 小地方 (6)decide to do sth. (7). try doing sth. (8)try to do sth. (9)try one`s best to do sth (10)enjoy doing sth. (11)want to do sth. (12)start doing sth. (13)stop doing sth. stop to do sth (14)look + adj (15)dislike doing sth. (16)Why not do sth (17)so + adj + that + 从句(18)tell sb. (not) to do sth. (19)keep doing sth.


三年级英语寒假作业参考答案(完整版) 第1页 III. D C B A A 第2页 I. 1. mouse (老鼠) 2. bird (鸟) 3. rabbit (小兔) 4. pig (小猪) 5. bear (熊) 6. dog (狗) 7. panda (熊猫) 8. cat (猫) 9. monkey (猴子) 10. duck (鸭子) II. 1. red, blue 2. yellow, blue 3. red, yellow 第3页 I. 1~6. A A A A A A III. 1~5 B A A A A 第4页 I. 1. Hi---Hello 2. What’s your name?--- My name’s Linda. 3. How are you? --- I’m fine. Thank you. 4. Nice to meet you! --- Glad to meet you. 第5页 I. 1、鼻子 2、眼睛 3、脚 4、膝盖 5、腿 6、嘴 7、脸 8、头 9、手 10、胳膊 11、耳朵 12、脖子

II 1. 红色 2. 橙色 3. 蓝色 4. 紫色 5. 粉色 6. 黄色 7. 绿色 8. 黑色 第6页 I. 1. Touch your eye. 2. Open your mouth. 3. Close your eyes. 4. Wave your arm. 5. Touch your foot. 6. Look at my leg. II. 1. ball 2. doll 3. bus 4. taxi 5. train 6. ship 第7页 I. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. ○4 ○8 ○1 ○9 ○7 ○6 ○5 ○2 ○3 第8页 I. rice(米饭) noodles(面条) chicken(鸡肉) hamburger(汉堡包) kite(风筝) bird(鸟) taxi(出租车) nose(鼻子) II. 1. 5 3 6 1 4 2 2. 5 6 3 1 2 4 第9页 I. 1. Show me your leg. 2. Not very well. 3. Wow! It’s big. 4. This is Wang Lin. 5. Nice to meet you! 6. Good night, Mum and Dad. II.


新课标八年级上册英语寒假作业答案人教版 一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个(5%) ()1. A. bike B. dive C. big () 2. A. books B. bags C. cakes () 3. A. tail B. day C. hat () 4. A. pine B. baby C. pain () 5. A. whales B. sharks C. sperm 二、写出下列单词的比较级(5%) 1. many 2. new __ 3. fast 4. easy 5. big. 6. weak 7. large 8. happy 9. good 10.little 三、选出下列每组单词中不同的一个(5%) ()1. A. feet B. finger C. teeth () 2. A. long B. age C. weight () 3. A. foot B. centimeter C. gram () 4. A. seal B. whale C. fish () 5. A. heavier B. long C. thinner 四、选择题(10%) ()1. _______ tail is longer. A. He B. She C. His () 2. I’m ____________ than you. A. heavier and taller B. heavy and taller C. heavier and tall () 3. My arms are longer than ________. A. you B. yours C. your () 4. -How _______ are your feet? -I wear size 17. A. old B. size C. big () 5. My legs are longer than ________. A. Mike B. Mike’s C. Mikes’() 6. I’m 3 ________ taller than you. A. cm B. m C. km () 7. Zhang Peng is five ________ tall. A. foots B. feets C. feet () 8. His legs are 85 cm ________. A. length B. long C. longer () 9. The baby has only 6 _______. A. tooths B. teeth C. tooth ()


初一英语寒假作业设计 李卓玉 寒假即将来临,学生在放松娱乐的同时,也不应该忘记对英语的学习。下面就李卓玉为学生们精心计划的寒假英语作业,希望学生们完成作业,巩固所学知识和技能的同时,让学生们度过一个有意义的假期! 为了更好地贯彻减负精神,真正实现轻负高质,优化作业设计是其中的重要内容,然而作业形式单一、枯燥、效率低下等问题一直困扰着我。在新形势和新理念下,我们的假期作业设计该如何优化呢? 传统作业被视为“课堂教学的延伸和补充”,作业内容日趋封闭僵化,仅局限于学科知识范围,远离学生实际生活和社会生活。 作业方法、手段、技术日趋单一,注重作业程式规范统,强调死记硬背和机械训练,既削弱教师的主导作用,又忽视了学生的主体地位,更忽视了学生非智力因素的培养。作业目的与内容越来越注重学生死记硬背、机械训练,注重重复与模仿,而学生的困惑、情感、态度、价值观、创造能力、实践能力则被冷落了。而新课程作业的价值观要求作业应是具有学生鲜明的价值追求、理想、愿望的活动,作业应当成为学生课外、校外的一种生活过程和生活方式,学生对待作业的态度也就应该成为一种生活态度,让学生在作业过程中体验幸福和快乐、苦恼和辛劳。这样作业已不再是强加给学生的负担,而是学生成长的一种自觉的生活需要、人生需要、学习需要。 因此,我经过几天的思索,设计了以下的作业。 尊敬的家长,亲爱的同学们: 经过一个学期紧张的学习生活,同学们终于迎来了盼望已久的寒假。在与家长、朋友欢度寒假新年之际,大家每天也要抽出至少两个小时的时间学习英语,巩固已学,汲取新知。为了使同学们明确自己的任务,下面从听、说、读、写四个方面给大家布置了一些任务。同学们要独立、认真完成,并请家长给与监督和检查。 巩固已学: 七年级人教版上册、和下册前两个单元所学语法:1 一般现在时;2 一般疑问句,特殊疑问句;3 情态动词,be动词,实义动词(助动词do/does);4 词类(名词、冠词、数词、代词);5句子种类(陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句)。 本学期听力:对全英授课有初步的感知与认识。 本学期口语:1.课堂Free Talk,及report等活动有效结合,进行口语训练。2.用英语思维,完整句子回答问题。3.多种阅读材料与教材相配套的阅读材料同步听力并用,并且增强实效性。 本学期写作:加大写作训练根据单词造句, opening sentence, concluding sentence、以及每单元写作训练大量应用注重思维过程。 请利用假期查缺补漏,巩固所学,勿忘汲取新知。 一:听/说


致家长的一封信 亲爱的家长朋友们: 新年好!我们是八年级的英语老师。与您的孩子一同学习英语已有一个学期,从陌生到熟悉,其中有快乐,有担忧,有难过,有失望。不管孩子们在学习上的成果怎样,我都很高兴地和您说,孩子的书写更规范了,孩子的朗读更注意连贯了。 八年级,是一个向高年级过渡的关键时期,对孩子们的要求是越来越高,孩子们普遍感觉英语难了。翻看英语书,我们发现,单词难了,句型多了,课文长了,课文涉及的内容也更加丰富了。 作为孩子们的英语老师,我希望在此阶段学到的不仅是英语知识,更重要的是养成良好的英语学习习惯。因为习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。习惯养得好,终身受其福,习惯养得不好,则终身受其累。所以孩子成功教育从好习惯培养开始。我希望等到孩子们进入高,使他们受益的并不只是学的英语,而是良好的学习习惯。 但是掌握英语知识,养成良好的学习习惯,单靠学校一个星期五节课的时间是远远不够的,我希望能够得到各位家长的支持和配合。 因为很多是书面和非书面作业,由于时间,距离等因素我们很难检查,所以需要您的监督与配合。作业我们在下一页已经注明。 总而言之,望各位家长多关注孩子们的英语学习。您的重视会增加孩子的信心,提高孩子的学习积极性。如果你的孩子在英语学习上有什么困难或疑问,请及时与我沟通。让我们为孩子们的进步共同努力吧!感谢您的支持与配合,祝您工作顺利,合家欢乐,新年福气多多。祝您的孩子学习进步! 2014.01

初二英语寒假作业 第一次 一、单项选择 ()1. —When were you born , Lily ? —I was born ________ June 17 , 1987 . A. in B. on C. at D. to ()2. Do you enjoy _________ at the party last Saturday ? A. oneself B. themselves C. ourselves D. yourselves ()3. My father likes _________ stories in his free time . A. reading B. watching C. seeing D. looking ()4. ________ of them went to the zoo , _________ went to the park . A. Some, others B. Some, the others C. Some ,some D. All, others ()5. _____ I finish middle school , I‘ll go to a vocational school . A. Before B. When C. After D. Because ()6. I like the green coat , _____ my mother likes the red one better . A. and B. but C. so D. or ()7. We saw many people wait for the bus ___________ . A. at the bus stop B. in the way C. on the way D. by the way ()8. We _________ in this school for about two years . A. studies B. studying C. will study D. have studied ()9. My room is not _________ . A. big very much B. enough a big C. a big enough D. big enough ()10. She met her uncle _________ her way _________ school . A. at , / B. on , / C. at , to D. on , to ()11. Last Saturday , we visited _________ house in the country . A. the Green B. the Greens‘ C. Greens D. the Greens ()12. Mr. Smith ________ an hour on this work . A. spent B. took C. used D. paid ()13. The visitors _________ here two hours ago . A. arrived in B. got to C. arrived D. arrived at ()14. _______ do you want to be when you grow up ? A. What B. How C. Who D. When ()15. We can do more English listening and speaking in a __________ . A. computer room B. physics lab C. language lab D. reading room 二、阅读理解 Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office . One day, Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown ,―We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening . Would you and your wife like to join us ?‖


2014---2015学年度上学期寒假作业(完型填空与阅读理解专练三) I. 完形填空 Do you have the habit of drinking a cup of tea every day? Tea is one of the 46 drinks around the world, second only to water. For over 4,000 years, people, especially Chinese, have enjoyed teas like green tea, black tea, flower tea and oolong tea. 47 do so many people like tea? As a national 48 in China, tea drinking has a longtime tradition. When people invite guests to their homes, they offer them a cup of tea. Young people show respect to elders 49 serving them tea. Tea has 50 health benefits. Tea can help to keep blood pressure low, 51 us from getting fat, and protect the heart. It can 52 keep our teeth healthy. Tea is rich in fluoride (氟化物). Fluoride makes the teeth brighter and 53 . Tea can also give us energy and help us to focus on our studies and other work. When we are tired after 54 of studying or hard work, drinking tea can lift our spirits and help us to relax. It 55 that tea can help us keep a good memory. So next time you study for a test, remember to drink tea. It might help you to remember the answers you’ll need. 46. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular 47. A. Why B. How C. What 48. A. food B. drink C. medicine 49. A. by B. with C. to 50. A. much B. many C. little 51. A. help B. prevent C. take 52. A. also B. either C. too 53. A. worse B. softer C. stronger 54. A. minutes B. hours C. seconds 55. A. reports B. is reporting C. is reported II. 阅读理解 The angry-looking deep sea anglerfish (琵琶鱼) is quite possible the ugliest animal on the earth, and it lives in the worst place, the lonely, lightless bottom of the sea. There are more than 200 kinds of anglerfish, most of which live in the dark depths of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans, up to a mile below the surface, although some live in shallow, hot environments. They have huge heads and big moon-shaped mouths filled with sharp, bright teeth. Most anglerfish are very small, often less than a foot. Their most special feature is a piece of dorsal spine (脊椎骨) that sticks out above their mouths like fishing pole—as their name. Their mouths are big and their bodies so soft, they can actually swallow food up as twice as their own size. The male (雄性) is smaller than the female, instead of often looking for the rich food for a female, it has become into a parasitic (寄生的) partner. When a young, free-swimming male anglerfish meets a female, he catches her with his sharp teeth. Over time, the male together with the female, connecting to her skin and bloodstream and losing his eyes and almost all his internal organs (内部器官) . A female will carry six or more males on her body. 61. Anglerfish is a kind of beautiful animal living in the deep sea. 62. This anglerfish has a bad living environment. 63. Most of the anglerfish are quite small with big heads and mouths. 64. The male anglerfish often gives food to the female. 65. A female anglerfish can carry less than six males on her body.


八年级英语寒假作业集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

8A牛津英语寒假作业(2) 一、词形变化根据句意﹑汉语注释及所给单词,在空格内写出各单词的正确 形式。 1. Tim and I are good friends, and we keep our secrets to _________(we). 2. The girl lost her money on her way home yesterday. How _______ she was! ( care ) 3. My cat weighs two kilos. But I don’t know my son’s ___________. (weigh ) 4. Tom has the _________ milk of us three. ( little ) 5. Amy is becoming much _________after playing softball. (health) 6. ________ (幸运的是), he was not hurt badly. 7. They got the first place, so they were the __________(获胜者)of the football final. 8. We will remember the _________ (令人愉快的)trip forever because we really had a good time during the trip. 9. Jim is ill. He has to take some ________( 药 )three times a day. 10. The _______ ( 广告 )in this newspaper are more interesting than those in that one. 二、单项选择在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. John is ______ honest boy. He has ______useful book. A. an ; an B .a ;a C .a ;an D .an ;a ( )2. Most of the workers like driving or riding to work,______ I like walking. A. and B. so C. but D. or ( ) not join us in the game, Kitty ---________, but I have to do my homework first. A. Let’s go B. I’d like to C. Yes, please D. It’s a pleasure ( )4. --________ terrible weather it is! --The radio says that it’ll get _________later. A. What a ; bad B. What; worse C. How; bad D. How a ; worse ( )5.Is there _______ about animals on the Internet A. special something B. something special C. special anything D. anything special ( )6. Don’t speak to him like that , he’s only an___________ boy. A. 8 years old B. five-year-old


六年级英语寒假作业及答案 听力部分 30 Ⅰ. 根据录音内容,选择你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(8分) ( )1. A. cleaner B. clean C. cleaning ( )2.A.after lunch B.after school C.next week ( )3. A. watches TV B. reads a book C. plays the *iolin ( )4. A. by train B. by bus C. by plane ( )5. A. riding B. singing C. di*ing ( )6. A. read books B. read newspapers C. read magazines ( )7. A. It comes from the water. B. It comes from the rain. C. It comes from the clouds. ( )8. A. It’s near the cinema. B. It’s far from the cinema. C. I’m going to the cinema. Ⅱ.根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并填写相应句子的标号。(5分) ( ) ( ) Ⅲ.听问句,从A、B两个选项中选择适合的答句。 (5分) ( )1. A. Go straight and you can see it. B. Go to school by bus. ( )2. A. I am watching TV. B. I am going to watch TV.

( )3. A. I can see two flowers. B. I like flowers. ( )4. A. I like riding. B. Yes, I like swimming *ery much. ( )5. A. It is big. B. It is next to the school. Ⅳ.听录音,选择方框中的单词,并将其标号填入短文中的横线上。(7分) Hello! My name is Ben. I am a little ______ drop. I like flying in the ______. One day, my friends and I are ______ in the sky. Suddenly we ______ down from the sky. Then we ______ in the sea. The sun ______ out, and we ______ *ery hot. We ______ up higher and higher. Then we can play again. Ⅴ.听短文,然后判断。正确的打“&%61654;”,错误的打“&%61620;”。(5分) ( )1. My school is small but nice. ( )2. There are 20 classes in our school. ( )3. Our school is far from a big supermarket. ( )4. There is a bus stop on the left. ( )5. I go to the cinema by bus. 读写部分 70 Ⅰ.读音选择。(4分) /'mir&%601; / / gз:l/ /nз:s/ /bз:d/ /'m∧δ&%601; / /skз:t/ /'sist&%601;/ / b&%601;na:n&%601;/


初二英语寒假作业答案人教版 导语】Unit5 单项选择 BCDAA DDDAC BCDDC DDACB 二、1. longer interesting 2. less 3. hottest coldest 4. laugh 5. hiking 6. closed 7. to help 8. watching 9. better 10. the prettiest 三、1. to protect. 2. carefully 3. hearing 4. action 5. northern 6. continue 7. preparing 8. science 四、1. noisily 2. unhappy 3. disappear 4. peaceful 5. living 6. wetter 五、1. feel 2. shining 3. is sleeping 4. reading 5. dropping 6. comes 7. to see 8. be 9. will arrive 10. have told Uni6 BCDCA CCACD CABDC ABCC 二、1. brightly sunny 2. snowy 3. foggy 4. windy strongly 5. worse 6. easily 三、1. to lock 2. not to talk 3. look 4. doing 5. not to get 6. playing playing 7. to learn speaking 8. to be 9. happen 10. working 四、BCDAB CDABB 五、DBDAD 选择题DACDB CADCB BDBCA 完型填空CBAAB DCCDA 阅读理解A)ADB B)DBC C)ABAC 四https://www.360docs.net/doc/9c10113432.html,fortably 57.worst https://www.360docs.net/doc/9c10113432.html,rmation 59.yourselves 60.accidents 61.frightening 62.training 63.dropped 64.luckier 65.providing
