



【英语】中考英语阅读理解经典题型带答案 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 A Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here are some suggestions for you to bridge generation gap(代沟). Don't argue with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them You can't express(表达)yourself well if you are angry. Go to some place to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree(有分歧) on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a car. They argued over it, but finally they came to a compromise. Michael bought the car, but only drove it on certain days. Of course your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try. (1)From the passage we know_______ have a communication problem. A. parents and children of all ages B. children and other people C. parents and their school children D. teachers and their students (2)How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 (3)The underlined phrase "cool off" in the passage means_______. A. make yourself happy B. make yourself quiet and relaxed C. become angry D. go away (4)If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you'd better_______. A. argue with them B. keep away from them


英语大阅读实施方案 阅读教学是中学英语教学的一个重要组成部分,阅读能力是英语学习中必须具备的能力之一。我们既重视对学生阅读策略能力的培养,又重视学生对阅读习惯、技巧的培养,这样才能更好地提高学生的阅读能力和英语运用能力。通过集体备课,群策群力,共同讨论,我们英语教研组认为,英语阅读教学要遵循以下原则: 一、主要原则 1、整体性原则。 整体性原则一是指在教学中教师要从单元整体出发,整体把握教材的逻辑体系,通盘考虑教材处理:将一单元中各课的内容和教学过程所涉及的有关环节作整体安排和设计,使各部分、各环节构成一个合理、优化的整体,在不同的阶段有所侧重。从阅读教学而言,教师应当清楚在一个单元中,哪些听、说、写的内容与阅读有关,教师应当有意进行铺垫,或利用之进行扩展。其二,是指在阅读教学中采用语篇教学法。语篇教学法是指从语篇分析入手,把语篇作为一个整体来考虑,要求学习者从其层次结构及内容上入手,最大量地获取和掌握文章所传递的信息,同时逐步培养其恰当使用语言的能力。所以这种方法可以达到把语篇分析、打语言基础及提高交流能力三者有机结合起来的目的。 2、精泛结合原则。 精读和泛读是阅读的两个方面。精读属于分析性阅读,它对课文中各种语言现象进行分析,并详细讲解其内容。精读是使学生获得语言知识的重要途径。而泛读则是综合性阅读,它不进行语言形式的分析,只要求了解阅读材料的内容。泛读是扩大语言知识和吸收信息的重要手段。由此可见,精读和泛读的教学目的和教学要求是不同的。在入门阶段应以精读为主,教给学生基本的语音、语法、词汇、句型等基础知识,让学生尽量多地背诵一些课文。在基础阶段应将精读和泛读结合起来,训练学生掌握基本阅读的方法、阅读技能与技巧。随着学习的逐步深入,泛读的比例应逐渐增加,在大量的阅读中熟练阅读技能技巧,提高阅读速度,养成良好的阅读习惯。只有精读与泛读相互结合,才是真正意义上的阅读。 3、兼顾听说写原则。 阅读领先并非只强调重视阅读技能的训练,而是通过阅读为突破口带动其他几项技能的训练。英语教学大纲明确规定:中学英语教学的目的,是“侧重培养阅读能力”。这里的“侧重”除了指从总的教学目标和安排出发,提出教学重点之外,还有另一个含义:指在不同的教学


北京市2020年高级中等学校招生考试 英语 姓名准考证号考场号座位号. 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Mr. Jackson is a popular writer,and we all like reading books. A. his B. her C. their D. your 2.Usually I make breakfast for my family Saturdays. A. at B. in C. on D. to 3.Wash your hands before meals,you may get ill. A. and B. but C. or D. so 4.—you give me a hand? I can't move the box by myself —No problem. A.Could B. Should C. Must D. Need 5.—do you visit your grandparents,Tom? —Twice a month. A.How much B. How often C. How long D. How soon 6.Zhaozhou Bridge is one of stone bridges in the world A.old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest 7.If you take this train,you in Shanghai in five hours.


九年级英语中考备考策略及采取的措施 龙山中学备课组 九年级的英语教学是中考前英语教学中最重要的一环,其方法很多,且各有各的特点,如果采用得当,时间把握得好,且落实到位,将会事半功倍,如果不当,那将会事倍功半、劳而无益。初三是初中学习生活的关键年级,学习内容多,要求高,强度大。一个多月后同学们就要参加中考,学生的状态应该是这样的、:树立明确的人生目标,拥有足够的学习动力,具有强烈的自信心;变“要我学”为“我要学”,时间安排合理,学习效率高;学习得法,不搞题海战术,既会学习,又会考试。 九年级的英语复习拟定分两个阶段进行,第一阶段从本学期第一周到第五周,第二阶段是从本学期的第六周起直到中考。第一阶段重点是完成初中阶段英语课本的基础复习,主要抓好以下三个方面的工作: 一、落实好三种类型的课堂。 1、七、八、九年级基础知识的落实:1)加大集体备课力度,确定每个模块的重点、难点。2)利用早读、自习及课后时间落实单词、范文背诵。 2、辅导课的开展:1)通过考试及平时的观察选定辅导对象,分层进行辅导。2)集体讨论确定辅导内容、研究辅导课授课形式。3)认真编选好每次辅导题目,上好每一节辅导课。 3、复习课型的落实:1)通过小测、月考、模拟考、统考查漏补缺,上好每一次的试卷讲评课。2)中考前进行三轮复习:第一轮:语法课(落实基础知识和语法知识)。第二轮:专项课(总结各题型的解题技巧)。第三轮:综合课(查漏补缺、系统梳理知识)。复习要梳理知识。在复习过程中,对已理解的知识要加以综合分析,概括提炼,抓住关键,锁定要点,串连知识,触类旁通,从而充实自己的学习成果。如,对初中所要求掌握的八个时态,可以按照“用法——构成——时间状语”三要点进行归纳整理。 二、教育学生应试答题技巧。


I In the early 1990s,the word” Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类) Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There



中考英语与2016年相比,仅词汇表有变化。具体变化为由杭州版的约1200个考纲词汇变为省版的约1600个考纲词汇。以下为词汇表的具体变化情况: 一、2017年新增词汇(红色为2017年补充的词性) A 1.about prep.关于;在各处;四处?ad.大约;到处;四处 2.above prep.在……上面a.上面的 ad. 在……之上 3.actually ad.实际上,事实上 4.advantage n.优点,有利条件(因素) 5.advise v.建议,劝告 6.afford v.买得起;提供 7.Africa n.非洲 8.agreement n.协议;同意;一致 9.alive a.活着的,存在的 10.amazing a.令人惊异的 11.ant n.蚂蚁 12.army n.陆军;军队 13.around ad. 在周围;在附近?prep. 在……周围;大约

14.Asian a.亚洲的;亚洲人的 n. 亚洲人 15.Australian a.澳洲的;澳大利亚人的 n. 澳大利亚人 B 16.back ad.回(原处);向后 a. 后面的n.背后,后部;背 17.basket n.篮子 18.beginning n.开始,开端;起源 19.blank n.空白处 20.block n.一大块;街 21.blouse n.女衬衫 22.board n.木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部 23.boil v.煮沸,烧开 24.bottom n.底部;下端 C 25.cafe n.咖啡馆;餐馆 26.call n. 喊,叫;电话,通话v.称呼;呼唤;喊;叫


上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷 阅读部分 F. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12分) 08年 English is an important international language, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn. Many experts have tried to make English easier to learn —but they weren’t always successful. In 1930, Professor C.K. Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English. It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages, but they couldn’t understand the answers in ‘real’ English! It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn’t in the Basic English word list. R.E. Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, so he invented a language with the name Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with much simpler spelling. ‘Father’ became ‘faadher’, ‘new’ became ‘nue’ and ‘years’ became ‘yeerz’. Unluckily, Anglic never became p opular. In the age of international communication through the Internet, who knows what will happen? ... a new form of English might appear. A large


英语考试说明(2018) 本考试说明是以《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》(以下简称《英语课程标准》)为依据,结合我市初中英语教学的实际情况而制定的。说明旨在使英语学科学业考试科学全面地考查学生在经过初中阶段学习后所具有的真实语言水平,以便进一步促进初中英语教学质量的提高。 一、命题原则 1. 命题应严格遵循《英语课程标准》所规定的九年级结束时应达到的五级目标的基本要求来确定考查内容与标准。 2. 命题应充分体现学生在评价中的主体地位。试题的命制要以学生为中心,切实体现素质教育面向全体的要求。命题立足基础,难易适中,充分考虑到各个层面学生的水平状况。同时所选用的语言素材应尽量贴近学生生活,尽可能避免生僻的词汇,不出繁、偏、旧及过难的试题。 3. 命题应以考查学生能力为目标。注重考查学生综合语言环境的设置,全面考查学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,控制纯知识性测试题和单一语法测试题。 4. 命题应坚持科学性和指导性原则。试题结构、选材、题目表述、问题设置等应尽量做到科学、合理、规范。正确发挥评价对初中英语教学的导向作用,命题应努力做到有利于激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,有利于帮助学生建立学习英语的成就感和自信心,有利于引导教师改进教学和学生学会学习,有利于综合评价学生的英语学习状况。 二、考试范围 要求考生能掌握初中阶段所学的语法知识(见附录);学会使用1500~1600个单词和200~300个习惯用语或固定搭配;能够围绕《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》五级所列话题,恰当理解与运用相关的语言表达形式;能够在所给情景中恰当理解和运用《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》五级所列功能意念的语言表达形式。 三、考试内容及要求 (一)听力 1.考查学生理解和获取信息的能力,以及对信息进行判断、归纳、综合的能力。考生应能: (1)根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图; (2)听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并从中提取信息和观点; (3)借助语境克服生词障碍,理解大意; (4)听懂接近正常语速的故事和叙述,理解故事的因果关系; (5)针对所听对话或语段的内容,记录简单信息。 2.阅读 考查学生能够理解常见体裁的真实语言材料(生词率不超过3%)和获取信息、处理信息的能力,阅读速度为每分钟50~70词。考生应能: (1)找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; (2)根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; (3)根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;


中考英语阅读理解复习策略 【阅读理解题型】阅读理解部分考试题型大致可分为以下几个类型1、主旨题主旨题主要测试学生对文章中心思想、主旨大意的理解能力。在初中阶段,有关这类题的常见提问方式为What is the main idea of this passage?What ist he best title of this passage?在处理这类问题时,通常采用快读,先从头到尾把文章浏览一遍,因为这样可以使注意力集中于文章的整体思路及要点之间的联系,而较慢的阅读会使你过分注意细节,甚至个别词,因而影响对主题的概括。特别要注意仔细阅读开头段和结尾段,因为大多数文章的中心思想都出现在这两段里。2、细节题细节题主要测试学生识别阅读材料中的具体事实和细节的能力。考生必须特别注意作者在陈述中谈到的是何人、何事、何处、何时、何故,在有关此类问题的地方作一个标记,以便在回答问题时迅速查找。3、词义题词义题主要是检测学生在具体文章中,根据上下文理解某个词或某个短语的意义的能力。遇到这类试题,可从以下三方面入手(1)通过上下文的种种提示来准确猜出这个词的含义。(2)一个单词可以通过前缀、后缀、合成等形式派生出来很多单词,因此可以根据构词法辨认其中的词根的含义,就可以判断出其派生、转化或复合词的其他词义。(3)如果遇到非常熟悉的词汇,一定要尽量撇开其基本含义,注意其引申的意义。4、推断题推断题主要考查学生透过文章的表面文字信息,进行分析、综合、归纳等逻辑推理的能力。5、观点态度题观点态度题主要考查学生通过掌握主题思想和具体事实,对作者的观点和态度做出合理推断的能力。如果能按照以上的技巧来答题,我想你的答案的准确率就会大大提高了。【解题技巧】对阅读理解能力的测试是英语考试中必不


20XX年贵州省中考英语试题分析 及20XX年中考复习备战策略 一、20XX年贵州省中考英语概述 20XX年贵州省中考英语依然采取各地自主命题的方式,九个地州(市)共有九套试卷。各套试卷严格依据《义务教育英语课程标准》,注重考查基础知识,深挖教材内容,杜绝了偏、难、怪、旧题的出现。结合全省英语教学实际,从各地基础教育的发展水平出发,注重面向全省考生,科学规范,符合新课程理念,整套试题难易适中,较好地体现了中考的信度与效度。从内容来看,每套试题都能够准确地把握试题的科学性与开放性,并与时代脉搏紧密相连,贴近生活实际,关注社会热点。试题把基础知识与综合运用技能巧妙地融入试卷中,考查了学生准确运用英语知识的能力,以及在语境中运用语言知识和语感进行判断、分析、推理、表达完整语言等信息的能力,既符合初中学业考试的特点,又能够体现初中毕业学业考试在水平的基础上兼顾选拔的功能。 二、20XX年贵州省中考英语试题分析 (一)试卷结构 20XX年贵州各地州(市)试卷结构与前一年基本保持一致,试题包含了听力理解(黔西南和黔南州不设置此题型)、单项选择、情景交际、完形填空、阅读理解、词汇运用、任务型阅读(黔西南和黔南州不设置此题型)和书面表达等常见题型。此外,六盘水卷还设有看图写话题,遵义卷、毕节卷和铜仁卷还设有改错题,六盘水设有完成句子题,安顺卷和黔西南卷还设有句型转换题。各地州(市)试卷的结构及分值详见下表:

(二)试题分析 1.听力部分 贵阳、遵义、毕节、黔东南、六盘水和铜仁6个地州(市)均设置有30分的听力试题。安顺设置有15分的听力试题。听力材料充分利用了教材中的资源,贵州中考英语听力主要有以下几个题型: (1)听句子或对话选图片。所给图片信息涉及:生活物品、日常活动、日期、人物动作、食物、图示标志、交通工具、动物、职业、天气、爱好、人物表情、外貌特征、比例、图形及建筑标志等,大都是学生们熟悉的话题。在听力录音中每小题都有关键词,便于学生捕捉有效的信息。 (2)听句子选答语。听力材料的句子简单,所涉及的话题有:日常活动、问候、时间日期、地点、打电话、感谢、咨询建议、人物喜好、就餐、职业、频率及表达观点意愿等。主要考查学生运用日常交际用语的能力。 (3)听短对话选择正确答案。主要的话题涉及:日常活动、时间、地点、人物喜好、职业、计划、交通方式、就餐、购物、邀约、请求、订购及节日等。相对前两种题型,难度稍大。个别试题需要在学生获取有效信息后进行简单的计算或推理判断,对学生的逻辑能力进行了考查。 (4)听长对话或短文选择正确答案。考查学生是否可以从整体把握文章大意,并抓住what,who,when,where,why和how等关键信息来作答。所设问题基本围绕5个W和1个H来提问。 (5)听长对话或短文填写单词/表格。主要的话题涉及:问路、打电话、看病、购物、提供帮助、谈论假期活动及打电话邀约等。所填词一般是从句子里抽出的关键词,多为名词、动词、形容词、数词等实词。这就要求考生平时注意词汇的积累,特别是一些基本词汇的书写。 (6)听短文判断正误。20XX年安顺中考涉及此题型。话题主要谈论跑步明星的健康饮食及她是好学生、好女儿。要求考生抓住关键信息,作出准确判断。


【英语】英语中考英语阅读理解及答案1 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 What do you see when you look at abstract (抽象的)art? Can you understand it? Does it look like anything? Abstract art became popular in the early 20th century. Artists did not want to paint, draw, or sculpt things exactly like they looked. They didn't want their art to be realistic(现实的). They were more interested in basic shapes and colours. Picasso is probably the most famous of these artists. He painted and drew in many, many styles. Sometimes he used a lot of blue colours (his "blue period"). Later, he used more red and pink colours (his "rose period"). Many of his other paintings are called "cubist (立体派的)" because they are made of painted squares. After a long time, Picasso's paintings became more and more abstract. He painted people and things using strange shapes. His work was so strange that many of his workmates didn't understand it. Kandinsky, another famous artist, used lines, shapes, and patterns to paint his subjects. His paintings also used strong colours to express feelings. Other artists like the surrealists (超现实主义画家),were interested in subconsciousness (潜意识). Painters like Breton and Magritte used many symbols in their work. The meaning or subject of their work wasn't always clear. Dali, another surrealist artist, painted pictures that looked like dreams. There are still many abstract artists around the world. That's the way many artists prefer. They want each person to look at art and find their own meaning in it. (1)Which would be most like abstract art? A. A painting of a house. B. A sculpture of a car. C. A drawing of two people in a coffee house. D. A red and blue painting, with no clear subject. (2)What happened to Picasso's work after a long time? A. It became more abstract. B. It became less strange. C. He went from using red colours to using blue colours. D. He only painted with coloured squares. (3)How did Kandinsky express feelings? A. By using strong colours. B. By painting realistic people. C. By painting with a lot of symbols. D. By painting in red and pink colours. (4)Which of the following is NOT true? A. Picasso painted in many different styles. B. Dali was interested in dreams. C. Abstract artists feel each work of art only has one meaning. D. Magritte's art was full of symbols.


2017年广东省初中毕业生英语学科学业考试大纲 一、考试性质 初中毕业生英语学科学业考试(以下简称“学业考试”)是义务教育阶段的终结性考试。目的是全面、准确地反映初中毕业生达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》(以下简称《课程标准》)五级课程目标水平的程度。考试结果既是衡量学生是否达到毕业标准的主要依据,也是高中阶段学校招生的重要依据之一。 二、指导思想 贯彻《课程标准》的新理念,反映《课程标准》的目标要求,遵循如下命题原则: 1.要着重考查学生听、说、读、写等四种英语语言技能的综合实践能力以及灵活运用语言知识的能力。 2.要依据《课程标准》来确定考查内容与标准。 3.要充分考虑学生的实际生活和身心发展水平。 4.要选用真实、地道的语言素材,根据语言实际使用情况命题。 5.要确保试题的信度和效度,杜绝繁、偏、旧的试题。 6.要根据试题的考查目的和考查重点,科学合理地制订评分标准。 三、考试依据 依据《课程标准》的五级课程目标的等级要求、《教育部关于积极推进中小学评价与考试制度改革的通知》和广东省考试中心粤[2003]85号文《关于高中阶段学校招生考试英语口语工作有关问题的通知》的精神,以及我省各地初中英语新课程教学实际情况。 四、考试内容与要求 “学业考试”的内容是《课程标准》制定的三级至五级目标内容,即初中学生在全日制义务教育七年级至九年级阶段应该完成的学习内容和达到的学习目标,包括语言技能(听、说、读、写)、语言知识(语音、词汇、语法、功能、话题)、文化意识(文化知识、文化理解、跨文化交际意识和能力)、情感态度(动机兴趣、自信意志、合作精神、祖国意识、国际视野)、学习策略(认知策略、调控策略、交际策略、资源策


阅读理解解题策略:五选四 1了解大背景:donating blood 这种体验,中考越来越强调这些内容了,大背景要多体验,开拓知识面 2首句理解,topic基本确定结尾总结升华。 3通过理解上下文,建立联系排除无意义的错误选项和选出正确选项 如果词汇量不够造成理解不到位,需要加强反复推敲 如何联系上下文: 1 )相关的的或者,类似的话题词汇1 life alive life saver 等。 2)有顺序提示的词 2 then 3 )后文内容是选项内容的说明解释。3 题献血不难,怎么不难?过程是怎么样的? 4)如果是结尾处的题目,要考虑结尾的总结和升华作用。 4建立对词汇的敏感度这篇文章中很多词汇,前后呼应,给出做题的线索。 第一遍阅读大致了解大意,第二遍就要注意到词句之间的呼应。Simple not difficult 5读完全篇,理清作者思路,观点和态度。 常见总-分-总,等节奏注意随时应用。 每篇文章学完,知识整理的时候,画出思维导图、研究和积累下重点词汇:donate store draw 等,分析一两个重点句子。 ?一、阅读理解(2019·福建中考改编)Seeing blood in a horror movie might make you cover your eyes, but real blood isn't scary at all. 1. donors are considered life ?savers.Blood donors are those giving blood-usually about 200ml at a time-to blood banks or blood donation(捐赠)centres. 2. For example someone may have lost blood in accidents, or havea serious illness that requires his blood to be replaced. Hospitals and blood banks store the blood and try to keep enough on hand.3. Medical workers ask donors several questions to make sure the blood is safe to use.Then the donors relax, often reading a magazine or talking as their blood is drawn.Afterward, the donors may receive some juice or water and maybe fruit to give them energy. The process is simple, not scary.Most people are able to donate blood again in several months if they wish. To give blood, a person must be at least 18 years old and must meet certain other requirements. Students of all ages,though, can learn more about the donation process by visiting a local blood donation centre. 4. It is also an easy way to help a community 根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。



词汇表 注:1. 本词汇表共收约1600个单词。带*号的单词不要求掌握,只要求理解。 2.部分可根据构词法推导出的副词、名词等不单列。 a(an)art. 一(个、件……) * ability n. 能力;才能 able a.能够,有能力的 about prep. 关于;在各处;四处ad. 大约;到处;四处 above prep. 在……上面 abroad a. ad.到(在)国外* absent a.缺席;不在 * accent n.重音;音调;重读accept v. 接受 accident n. 事故,意外的事* ache n.痛,疼痛 * achieve v.达到,取得across prep.横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v.(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出;行动,做事 action n.行动 active a.积极的,主动的 activity n.活动 * add v.添加,增加 address n.地址 advantage n.优点;好处 advertisement n.广告 * advice n.忠告,劝告,建议 advise v.忠告,劝告,建议 afford v.负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供after ad.在后;后来

prep. 在……之后;在……后面 conj.在……之后 afternoon n.下午,午后 again ad.再一次;再,又 against prep.对着,反对 age n.年龄;时代 ago ad.以前 agree v.统一;应允 * agreement n. 统一,一致;协定,协议 air n. 空气,大气 * airline n. 航空公司;航空系统 * airplane n. 飞机 * airport n. 航空站,飞机场 alive a. 活着的,存在的 all a. 全(部);所有的;总;整pron.全部;全体人员 allow v.允许;准许almost ad.几乎,差不多alone a. 单独的,孤独的along ad. prep. 沿着 aloud ad.大声地 already ad.已经 also ad. 也 although conj.虽然,尽管always ad.总是;一直;永远America n.美国;美洲 American n.美国人 a.美国的;美国人的 among prep.在……中间;在(三个以上)之间* ancient a.古代的,古老的 and conj.和;又;而 angry a.生气的,愤怒的 animal n.动物 another a.再一;另一;别的;不同的pron.另一个 answer n.回答;答复;回信;答案 v.回答;答复;回信;(作出)答案 * ant n. 蚂蚁


中考英语阅读理解 阅读下列短文,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。 阅读理解(1) A ( )1.If Joe wanted to buy the cheapest ticket for Peak Day,he could book(预定)one during . A.Pre - sale ⅠB.Pre – sale ⅡC.Pre – sale ⅢD.Expo Session ( )2.On March 1,2010,Sue bought two Standard Day tickets for her parents.

She paid for them. A.¥380 B.¥300 C.¥260 D.¥180 ( )3.It cost Thomas ¥160 to get a ticket for Standard Day.He probably bought it on .A.April 23,2009 B.August l,2009 C.February 2,2010 D.May 20,2010 ( )4.Kathy spent 900 yuan on a ticket for Shanghai Expo.Her visit can last days.A.one B.three C.seven D.ten ( )5.Visitors to Shanghai Expo could buy tickets only after May 1,2010. A. morning B.afternoon C.evening D.midnight B On February 3rd,1949,New York Harbor(港)was an exciting place.Many people were there to greet a ship from France.On the ship were 49 French railroad boxcars(火车车厢)filled with gifts from the people of France to the people of America.These boxcars were from the famous Merci Train(Merci:a French word meaning “thank you”). After World War II(二战),a lot of factories,roads and farms in France had been destroyed.Many French people had no jobs or money and had little to wear and little to eat.In the winter of 1947,a train was sent across the United States,stopping in cities and towns along the way.At every stop,people gave whatever they could.Factories gave clothing and medicine.Farmers gave food.Families gave money.Even school children gave away their pocket money.All the things were then taken to France by ship. By 1949,the French had begun to recover(恢复)from the war.The Merci Train was their way of saying “thank you” to America.French people had filled the boxcars with gifts.Most of them were personal,like hand - made toys,children’s drawings,or postcards.But the boxcars themselves were perhaps the most meaningful of the gifts.On each car,the French people had painted the pictures of all their 40 provinces.with an American eagle on the front.The boxcars were taken to each state of America,where they were warmly greeted.
