北师大版必修二Unit 5 重点短语归纳

北师大版必修二Unit 5 重点短语归纳

Unit 5 Key Phrases

1.1)add to...增加,增添

2)add... To...把……加入……;添加……到……中

3)add up to... 总计达

2.have a good/bad effect on...对……有好的/坏的影响

3.1)be used/accustomed to (doing) sth.


2)used to do ...过去常常

3)be used to do...被用来做……

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5.on stage 在舞台上

6.1)impress sb. with sth.


2)be impressed by/with... 对……有深刻的印象

3)impress sth. on/upon sb.


4)leave/make a/an... impression on


7.1)give a performance/

give performances


2)perform well/badly表现得好/差8.1)receive/win an award 获奖

2)award sb. sth.= award sth. to sb.


9.the stage design 舞台设计

10.the sound system音响系统

11.pick up 捡起,拿起;(开车)接人;学会;收听,接收;好转,康复;加快(速度)


2)combine to do sth.联合起来做某事

13.1)play an important part/role in...


2)play the role of...扮演……的角色14.in other words换句话说

15.at times有时;不时

16.1)quit doing停止做某事

2)quit to do辞职之后去做

17.1)have a talent for...

=have a gift for...


2)show one’s talent展示某人的才华18.transform ... into ...把……转换成……

19.pay attention to...注意……

20.be made to do...被迫去做……

21.in some ways在某些方面

22.from generation to generation

=from one generation to another


23.be dressed in ...穿着……(衣服)

24.back and forth往返;来回

25.be unique to...是……独有的

26.in the 1960s 20世纪60年代

27.sing/dance to music


28.1)be responsible for sth. 对……有责任;应对……负责

2)be responsible to sb.对某人负责29.1)ask for permission请求许可

2)without permission未经许可

3)permit doing...允许做某事

4)permit sb. to do...允许某人做某事

30.refer to 提及;谈到;说起;与……相关;查阅

31.be related to...和……有联系

32.as with...同……一样

33.1)recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物

2)recommend sb. to do sth.


3)recommend that sb. (should) do sth.


4)recommend doing sth.建议做某事


高中英语必修5短语、重点句子 Unit 1 Great scientists I. Phrases 1. put forward 提出 2. draw a conclusion 得出结论 3. be/get under control be/get out of control 在……控制下 失去控制,不能操纵 4. be absorbed in 专心 5. be to blame blame sb. for sth. 应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动)因某事责备某人 6. in addition 也,另外,此外 7. link...to... 将…和…连接或联系起来 8. die of die from 因…而死亡(内因)因…而死亡(外因) 9. lead to 导致,通向 10. make sense 有意义,说得通 11. apart from 除…之外,此外 12. contribute to 为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于 13. be enthusiastic about 对…热情 14. be curious about 对…好奇 15. cure sb. of illness 治好某人…病 16. point of view 态度,观点,看法 17. (be)strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

约翰·斯诺马上叫宽街上惊惶失措的老百姓拆掉水泵的把手,这样水泵就用不成了。 10. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其它行星的运动才能说得清楚。 11. But only his new theory could do that. 看是只有他的新理论才能作出解释。 12. Yet Copernicus’ theory is now the base on which all our ideas of the universe are built. 然而哥白尼的理论却是我们宇宙赖以建立的基础。 Unit 2 The United Kingdom I. Phrases 1. consist of 由……组成 2. divide…into…把……分成 3. at war (with…)(与……)交战中 4. break away ( from… )挣托(束缚);脱离 5. educational / legal system 教育/ 立法制度 6. have a good / bad influence on …对……有好/ 坏影响 7. take the place of 代替 8. break down (机器)破坏,损坏;(人)身体出毛病;(计划等) 受挫,失败 9. make an error 出错 10. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 11. puzzle over / about 为…烦恼,困扰 12. debate sth. with sb. 与某人讨论、争辩 13. at your convenience 在你方便的时候 14. in / with relation to (介)关于……;和……相关 15. under construction 在建设中 II. Sentences: 1. There is no need to debate any more why different words are used to describe the four countries. 对于用来描述这四个国家的词语,现在已经没有争辩的必要了。 2. To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war. 这三个国家惊奇地发现他们是和平地而没有通过战争联合起来了。 3. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile. 如果你想要使你的英国之旅不虚此行,你就必须把眼睛睁得大大的。 4. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London . 由于担心时间不够,张萍玉早就把她想在伦敦参观的地点列了一张单子。 5. It looked splendid when first built. 刚建成的时候,它看起来真是金碧辉煌。 6. What interested her most was the longitude line. 她最感兴趣的是那条经线。 7. Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 只要你方便,随时都可以来。


Unit 4 Making the news 1.What do you imagine will be your future occupation?(P25) 设想你未来的职业会是什么? 剖析do you imagine在此句中做插入语,类似的插入语还有do you think,do you believe,do you suppose等。 考点延伸 I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect+宾语从句,意为“我认为……”。 I don’t think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect+宾语从句,意为“我认为……不……”。 I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect so.我认为是这样。 I don’t think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect so. =I think/believe/suppose/imagine/expect not. 我认为不是这样。 2.Never will Zhou Yang(ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.(P26) 周阳永远都不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸办公室被分派的第一项工作任务。 剖析本句是一个倒装句。整个句子还原后是一个“主谓宾”结构的简单

句。正常语序应为:Zhou Yang(ZY)will never forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.否定副词never置于句首以加强语气,句子的语序往往要部分倒装。所谓部分倒装即把谓语的一部分如助动词、情态动词或系动词等提到主语的前面。 考点延伸 放在句首时,句子需部分倒装的含有否定意义的副词和短语还有hardly,rarely,seldom,little,nor,neither,not only,not until,scarcely,no sooner,by no means,at no time,under no circumstances等。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,ter you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.(P26) 晚些时候,你就可以独自去进行新闻采访并递交稿件了。 ★考点submit vt.提交;呈递(文件等)vi.服从,屈服 4.You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested.(P26) 你将发现你的同事们会非常热情地帮助你,因此如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去钻研。 ★考点assist vt. 帮助;协助;援助 5.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.(P26) 只有提很多不同的问题,你才能收集到你所需要的信息。


U5—6重点短语句型和练习 第一部分: 一、阅读理解。 A. two corneas B. all organs C. two hands D. two ears ()2. Yao Beina started to sing for people when she was ________ years old. A. four B. nine C. thirteen D. thirty-three

()3. The underlined word “releases” in the passage means________. A. provides B. performs C. publishes D. counts ()4. Which of the following is NOT true about Brother Atang? A. “Brother Atang” is full of positive energy. B. He quickly became popular because of three videos. C. Internet friends call him “Police Guo Degang”. D. Sina Micro-Blog makes him go to the Spring Festival gala. 【主旨大意】本文是两则介绍性材料。第一则材料主要介绍了姚贝娜的生平。姚贝娜出生于音乐世家,四岁学钢琴,九岁登台表演,荣获过许多音乐奖项。不幸的是,她因乳腺癌于2015年1月16日去世,但将眼角膜捐给了两名眼疾患者。网友和粉丝称她为“有美丽歌喉的善良天使”。第二则材料介绍了常州市天宁公安分局局前街派出所社区民警“阿汤哥”,他被警察圈称为90后“锦旗达人”,“阿汤哥”因爆笑讲解防诈骗防扒安全知识蹿红网络。 【参考答案】1-4 ABCD 二、任务型阅读。 阅读短文,按要求完成问题。 Don’t want to walk a long way to shop? You c an go shopping online. Everything you need at the click (点击) of a mouse (鼠标). Nine of the 36 students of Class 6 of Shanghai No.3 Girls Middle School have bought things on the Internet. Jin Xiuxuan, 16, loves to buy clothes on the ______. “I once bought so me T-shirts online. Altogether they cost just 30 yuan. Can you imagine such a cheap price in a shopping mall?” Some even buy costly things like computers online. Zhang Yi, 14, bought a PC from Dell's online department. “I bought it when it was on sale. It cost me 6,000 yuan. If I had gone to a shop, I would have had to pay about 7,000 yuan.”Most students shop online because it saves their feet. But some have had unpleasant experiences. Sometimes, for example, the product (产品) you get isn't what it seems from the Web page ad. Zhang Yanyan, 15, once bought a DIY book online. But when she got it, she found it was poor quality (质量). She felt she had been cheated. “I rarely buy things online now,” she said. Online shopping numbers for my class: 1. The top three products we buy online: books, clothes and CDs; 2. The top four websites we buy things from: https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,. 3. Every time we pay about 50 to 100 yuan. We pay after getting products.

高中语文必修一到必修五的成语[1] (1)

必修一 1峥嵘岁月形容不平凡的年月 2风华正茂正是风采动人和才华横溢的时候。形容青年朝气蓬勃、年轻有为 3挥斥方遒,是说热情奔放,劲头正足。 4百舸争流。形容群舟争相行驶。 5天伦叙乐老人和孩子在一起其乐融融的样子。 6危在旦夕形容危险即在眼前。 7从谏如流指听从好的建议就像水从高处流下一样顺畅自然,形容乐意接受别人的意见。 8【洞若观火】就像黑夜里看火一样,形容观察事物非常清楚。 9【以退为进】表面上退却,其实准备进攻的一种战略或战术。 10【化险为夷】将危险转化为平安。放浪形骸:指行为放纵,不受约束。 11一去不复返:一去之后就不再回来。 12图穷匕首:比喻事情发展到了最后,真相或本意显露出来。 13悲歌击筑:亦作“悲歌易水”,常用以抒写悲壮苍凉的气氛。 14切齿拊心:形容愤恨到极点。 15发上指冠:毛发竖起的样子。形容极度愤怒。 16无可奈何:没有办法,无法可想。表示事已如此,再要挽回已是无能为力。17变徵之声:乐声中的徵调变化,常作悲壮之声。 18秋毫不犯指军纪严明,丝毫不侵犯人民的利益。 19劳苦功高指出了很多力,吃了很多苦,立下了很大的功劳。 20约法三章比喻以语言或文字规定出几条共同遵守的条款。刘邦由于坚决执行约法三章,得到了老百姓的信任、拥护和支持,最后取得天下,建立了西汉王朝。 21人为刀俎,我为鱼肉比喻生杀大权掌握在他人手中,自己处于被人宰割的地位。 22长歌当哭:长歌:长声歌咏,也指写诗;当:当作。用长声歌咏或写诗文来代替痛哭,借以抒发心中的悲愤。 23目不忍视:眼睛不忍看视。形容景象极其悲惨。 24耳不忍闻:耳朵不忍听知。形容消息极其悲惨。 25百折不回:挫折。无论受多少挫折都不退缩,形容意志坚强。也说百折不挠。26殒身不恤:殒:牺牲;恤:顾惜。牺牲生命也不顾惜。 28步履稳健表面意思指步伐稳重,用在特定场合也可以指办事一步一个脚印,很稳健。 29博闻强记。形容知识丰富,记忆力强 30屏息以待抑止气息静静的等待。 31世人瞩目全世界都在关注某事或人 32婆娑起舞形容跳起舞来的姿态 33引人注目。吸引人们注意。 34发人深思。启发人深入地思考。形容语言或文章有深刻的含意,耐人寻味。35耸入云天形容,高山,或者参天巨树的高大,比云还要高。 36扭转乾坤比喻从根本上改变整个局面。 必修二

外研版必修五Book 5 各个模块重点短语总结

Book 5 Module 1 The British and American English Ⅰ写出下列短语的汉语意思。 1. have …in common with 2.make a difference 3.get around 4. pick up 5. lead to 6 as usual 7.in favor of 8. .go on vacation 9.carry out 10.belong to 11.thanks to 12.see to 13.in terms of 14. in need of 15.burst into laughters 16. at the flick of a switch 17.above all 18.no way 19. by the way 20.feel embarrassed on sth 21.be warmly welcomed by 22.have a place in… 23. donate sth to sb = 24. at the age of 5 25.be eager to do 26.be busy with sth/ be busy doing 27. be good at / do well in 28. give one’s views/ opinions on sth 30 I didn’t understand it = 31. fight against 32 fight for 33. be best known for Ⅱ根据中文释义写出下列短语。 33.偏爱做…/喜欢做…34.将A与B进行比较 35.将A比成B 36.与…相似 37.对…有影响38.习惯做… 39.过去常常做…40.被用来做… 41.称…为42.总体来说 43.根据44.既然,由于 45.通过/完成/接通46.在某人去…的路上 47.因为48引起/导致


【学习内容】本单元的重点单词词组 【学习目标】1.自主学习,合作探究,完成导学案预习探究案 2.能拼读并熟记本单元词汇 3.掌握重点单词短语的用法,并会熟练运用 【预习案】 根据要求写出下列单词 1. n.记者_______________ 2. n.照片_______________ 3. adj. 值得赞扬的_______________ 4. adj.不同寻常的________________ 5. submit 6. adj. 专业的_____________ : 7. colleague 8. v.获得;取得___________ 9. v.评估;评定_________________ 10. deadline 11. adv.其间;同时______________12. thorough 13. adj.有罪的;内疚的___________ 14. deliberately 15. adj.有天赋的__________ 对…有天赋_________________或_____________________ 16. case 万一_______________ 如果那样的话______________ 【探究案】 1. delighted 词性:______ 含义:____________ 【知识回顾】令某人高兴的是_______________ 高兴地____________ 以…为乐______________ - 【语境领悟】例句一:I am delighted at your success. 短语一:________________ 含义:_______________ 例句二:I was delighted to hear you passed the exam. 短语二:________________ 含义:_______________ 【牛刀小试】a. _______________, the trip to Qingdao was really fun. 令我们高兴的是,到青岛的旅行很有趣。 b. We’d be much ___________________ your invitation. 我们很高兴接受你的邀请。 2. assist 词性:_______ 含义:___________ n.助手;售货员___________ 【改写句子】assist sb to do sth=assist sb in doing sth=assist sb with sth帮助某人做某事… She employed a woman to assist her with the house work. = She employed a woman to _____________________________________. = She employed a woman to _____________________________________. 词性:_______ 含义:______________ 【语境领悟】例句一:Mike is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a while. 短语一:___________________ 含义:________________ 例句二:He is eager for success.


Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? 教材回放 重点词汇 1.忍受,站立Stand 2. 发生,出现happen 3.预料,期待expect 4.毫无意义的meaningless 5.文化,文 明culture 6.著名的,出名的famous 7.出现appear 8. 笑话,玩笑joke 9.希望hope 10. 计划,打算plan 11.主要的,最重要的main 12. 原因,理由reason 13.普通的,普遍的common 14. 电影movie/film 15. 简单的,易做的simple 16. 陆军部队army 17. 富有的rich 18. 讨论,商量discussion 19.教育的,有教育意义的educational 20. 开始变得,成为become 21. 成功的successful 22.幸运,运气luck 23.失去lose 重点短语 1.查明,弄清find out 2.一部刺激的动作片an exciting action movie 3.愿意迅速做某事be ready to do sth 4.装扮,乔装打扮dress up 5.代替他的女朋友take his girlfriend’s place 6.干得好do a good job 7.访谈节目talk show 8.肥皂剧soap opera 9.就……展开讨论have a discussion about 10.从他们那儿学到很多learn much/a lot from them 11.计划看些令人愉快的东西plan to watch something enjoyable 12.希望看恐怖片hope to watch scary movies 13.想起,想到think of 14.出版,发行come out 15.最主要的原因之一one of the main reasons 16.尽我最大的努力面对危险try my best to face danger 17.中国文化的象征a/the symbol of Chinese culture 经典句型 1.今晚你计划看什么?我计划看一部动作片。 What do you plan to watch tonight? I plan to watch an action movie. 2.你期待能够从情景喜剧中学到什么?What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? 3.他为什么喜欢看新闻节目?Why does he like watching the news? 因为他希望弄清世界各地在发生什么?Because he hopes to find out what is happening/going on around the world. 4.你认为游戏节目怎么样?What do you think of game shows? How do you like game shows? 我不能忍受。/ 我不在意。 I can’t stand them. / I don’t mind them. 5.我姐姐不喜欢肥皂剧,因为她认为毫无意义。My sister doesn’t like soap operas because she thinks they are meaningless. 6.木兰乔装打扮成男孩代父从军。Mulan dressed up like a boy and took her father’s place to fight in the army. 7.那位女演员将木兰的角色演得很好。The actress played Mulan’s role well. 8.Sally认为访谈节目比情景喜剧更有教育意义。Sally thinks that talk shows are more educational than sitcoms.


必修一词Unit 1 Friendship 1)be good to 对….友好 2)add up 合计 3)another time 改时间 4)get sth done 使…被做 5)calm down 镇定下来 6)have got to 不得不 7)be concerned about 关心;挂念 8)walk the dog 遛狗 9)make a list of 列出 10)share sth with sb 和某人分享某物 11)go through 经历;仔细检查 12)hide away 躲藏;隐藏 13)set down 放下;记下 14) a series of 一系列;一套 15)be crazy about 对…着迷 16)on purpose 故意 17)in order to/ so as to 为了 18)face to face 面对面地 19)according to 按照;根据…所说 20)get along with 与…相处 21)pack up 收拾,打理行装 22)have trouble with sb/sth 同某人闹意见; 做…有困难 23)fall in love 相爱 24)throw away the friendship 放弃/终止友 谊 25)try out 试验;试用 26)join in 参加(活动) 27)communicate with sb 和…交际 28)far and wide 到处 29)look to sth 注意,留心某事 30)cheat sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物 31)have the/a habit of doing sth 有做…的 习惯 32)be ignorant of 无知的组重点归纳 Unit2 English around the world 1)in…ways 在…方面 2)be different from 与…不同 3)play a role/ part (in) 在…中起作用;扮演 一个角色;参与 4)play an important role/part在..中起重要 作用 5)because of 因为;由于 6)such as 例如 7)come up (vi) 走进;上来;发生;被讨 论 8)come up with 提出 9)come up to a place 参观某地 10)ever before 从前 11)at the end of 在…末期 12)even if/ though 即使 13)be based on 在...基础上 14)close to 距离…近 15)make (good/ full) use of (好好/充分) 利用 16)change…into 把…变成 17)in the early days 在早期 18)take…with…随身携带 19)the same…as 与…相同的 20)at present 目前 21)as a rule 通常;照例 22)be present at 在席;出席 23)carry out a rule 执行规则 24)be absent from 缺席 25)be a native of 是…人 26)provide sth to sb / provide sb with sth给 某人提供某物 27)at sb’s request 应某人的要求 28)have a command of掌握 29)make a request 请求 30)give commands 命令 31)request that …(should)+v原形 32)in one direction 朝一个方向 33)as we know 正如我们所知


Module 1. 1.It is obvious (to sb.) that 2.confuse A with/and B 3.be confused by sth . 4.in confusion https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,pare. . .with. . . https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,pare. . .to https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,epared to/with 8.variety of=varieties of 9.differ from sb./sth. 10.differ in. . . 11.have sth.in common (with sb./sth.) 12.have a lot/much/a great deal in common with. . . 13.have nothing/little in common with. . . 14.in common with sb./sth. 15.make a difference 16.make some difference to. . . 17.make much difference to. . . 18.make no difference to. . . 19.be similar to 20.be similar in 21.have some/much difficulty(in)doing sth. 22.have some/much difficulty with sth. 23.with difficulty 24.lead to sb.doing sth. 25.lead sb.to do sth. 26.announce sth.to sb. =announce to sb.sth 27.add. . .to. . . 28.add to 29.add up. . . 30.add up to. . . 31.make an announcement 32.at present 33.make an attempt to do sth. 34.make an attempt at doing sth. 35.at one’s first attempt 36.attempt at(doing)sth. 37.in favour of 38.do sb.a favour 39.ask sb.a favour =ask a favour of sb 40.in sb.’s favour


一.What do you imagine will be your future occupation? He has no fixed occupation. She has been ___for years. A. out of job B. out of working C. out of a work D. out of a job Those who want to apply for the position should state their name, age and ____. A. occupation B. profession C. work D. job 1. occupation可泛指各种职业。Profession指必须受过相当的教育或专门训练才能从事的知识性职业,例如律师、医生、建筑师等。 The legal profession has[have] always resisted change. 法律界人士对变革总是加以抵制。 2. career指的是终身事业,而job work指人们为谋生而做的工作。 3. job主要指有报酬的工作,可数。而work可指任何需要作出努力来完成的事,不可数名词。Works指? She was born in France during German occupation. 她在德国占领期间生于法国。 The new house is ready for occupation. 新屋可以_______. 二.Suppose you were to be a journalist for China Daily, … Suppose引导条件状语从句。从句中表将来的事情不用将来时,而用一般现在时,若语气不肯定,有时还可用虚拟语气。 Suppose/supposing you had one million dollars, what would you do? 1.suppose sb to be + n./ adj.意为“认为某人是…..,假定某人是…..”。例如:All of her friends suppose him to be her husband. 2.be supposed to do sth = be expected to do sth/should do sth/ ought to do sth, 意为“应做某事”。例 如:We’re supposed to help each other. 3.do you suppose在句中常铸插入语。Suppose还可用在简略的回答中。例如:where do you suppose he will go after school? ——Are you going to the meeting?——Yes, I suppose so.(No,I don’t suppose so./No, I suppose not.) 1.—We haven't heard from Jane for a long time.—What do you suppose _____ to her? A.was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.having happened 2.I don't suppose anyone will volunteer,_____ ? A.do I B.don't I C.will they D.won't they 3._____ you do this experiment with a friend. A.Think B.Guess C.Suggest D.Suppose 4.—How do you ____we go to Beijing for our holidays? ---I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest 5. She is supposed ____ at home now. A. to read B. reading C. to be reading D. be reading 6.----you should apologize to her, Barry. ---- ____, but it’s not going to be easy. A. I suppose so B. I feel so C. I prefer to D. I’d like to 三.Then discuss in pairs and fill in the chart below.


7B Unit5 Amazing things重点短语和句型 1.an amazing thing 2.bright lights 3.something unusual 4.hear a whisper from the bushes 5.the following/next Sunday 6.a UFO https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,e on 8.the lights on the plane 9.stop growing 10.stop doing sth. 11.stop to do sth. 12.some fun facts 13.as usual 14.turn around 15.hear sb do sth. 16.hear sb doing sth 17.be afraid of (doing) sth 18.be afraid to do sth 19.on one’s/the way to sp 20.on one’s/the way home/here/there 21.leave the park quickly 22.listen to me carefully 23.be careful 24.take (good) care of…=look after…(well) 25.search sp. 26.search sp for sth 27.say to oneself 28.sound like a whisper 29.pick it/them up 30.be surprised to do sth. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d17578761.html,ter that day 32.take sb/sth to sp 33.say sth happily 34.be happy to do sth 35.find out 36.run away quickly 37.tell sb about sth 38.go back to sp 39.give sb sth=give sth to sb 40.get to=reach=arrive in/at(in大at小) 1、一个令人惊讶的事情 2、明亮的灯 3、一些不寻常的事 4、听见从灌木丛中传来的低语声 5、下个星期日 6、一个不明飞行物 7、得了吧、赶快、加油 8、飞机上的灯 9、停止生长 10、停止做某事 11、停下来去做另外一件某事 12、一些有趣的事实 13、像往常一样 14、转过去 15、听见某人做了某事 16、听见某人正在做某事 17、害怕(做)某事 18、害怕做某事 19、在去某地的路上 20、在回家/在来这儿/在去那儿的路上 21、快速离开 22、认真听我 23、当心,小心 24、(好好)照顾…… 25、搜寻某地 26、搜寻某地找某物 27、自言自语 28、听起来像一个低语声 29、把它/它们捡起来 30、惊讶做某事 31、那天晚些时候 32、带某人/物到某地 33、开心地说某事 34、开心做某事

人教版高中英语必修五重点句型 必背短语

必修五Unit 1 必背短语 put forward = come up with 提出 draw a conclusion 得出结论In conclusion 最后conclude sth from...从...推断出... be infected with 染上...(疾病) scientific research科学研究 remove...from...把...从...移开,去除 expose...to...使...暴露于...be exposed to...暴露于 cure sb of sth治疗某人某病inform sb of sth通知某人某事 accuse sb of sth控告某人某罪remind sb of sth使某人想起某事rid sb of sth使某人摆脱某事rob sb of sth抢劫某人某物suspect sb of sth怀疑某人某事 in the neighborhood在邻近在附近 link A to B = connect A with B = relate A to B将A与B联系起来 combine A with B 将A和B结合起来 with certainty确定地 contribute sth to...向...捐献,捐款;给...提供(忠告、建议);投稿 contribute to sth = lead to sth 有助于,是...的原因;促进某事物 make a contribution to...= make contributions to...为...做出贡献 apart from = besides “除...之外,而且” 或是expect “除...之外” positive 积极的肯定的确实的negative 消极的否定的 be strict with...对...严格的 make sense有意义讲得通make no sense 没意义,讲不通 make sense of...理解明白common sense 常识 be enthusiastic about...对...充满热情be cautious about...对...小心的,谨慎的 attend a meeting/a lecture/school 参加会议/听报告/上学 attend (on/upon) sb 照顾某人;伺候某人attend to 处理对付接待专心注意 face /meet a challenge面临/应对挑战 absorb sb’s attention吸引某人的注意力 be absorbed in...全神贯注于... suspect sb to be...怀疑某人是... blame sb for (doing) sth因(做)某事而责备某人 be to blame(for sth)(对某事)负有责任,(因某事)应受责备 blame sth on sb 把某事归咎到某人身上 announce sth to sb 向某人宣布、通告某事 It’s announced that...据宣布... instruct sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 follow one’s instructions/advice 听从某人的指示/建议lift up 举起抬高 prevent...from...=stop...from...=keep...from...阻止...做... so clever a child = such a clever child come to an end 结束lead to 导致通向at times 有时 be responsible for = take the responsibility for 对...负责 make room for 为...腾地方 必修五Unit 2 必背短语 the United Kingdom联合王国the United Nations联合国the United States美国 consist of...= be made up of...由...组成divide ...into...把...分成...(整体分成部分) separate...from...将...分隔开,隔离
