

大学生英语演讲竞赛选手演讲稿English speech contest for College Students

编订:JinTai College



Good aftrnoon, ladies and gentlemen:

My topic today is “The Internet Will Become More Popular.”

The Internet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people. Especially these days, it has been developing faster and faster, people do not have much time to do everything by themselves. So making full use of the Internet is a good way to color one’s life.

For instance, students could learn more and more from all over the world so that they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge. Absolutely, the bridge that connects the whole world is the Internet.

Secondly, scientists and mathematicians, too, can share research results in order to promote the wheel of human society much more quickly.

I suppose the key factor of importance of

Internet is to find a good job . In the society which is full of competition, more information means more opportunities. A job hunter can get on the Internet to browse for a favorable job.

Well, from what has been mentioned above, I believe with the high speed and efficiency, the Internet will become more and more popular among people in the near future.

Thank you very much!

-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------


十佳大学生演讲稿 目录 第一篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 第二篇:十佳大学生演讲稿上传 第三篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 第四篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 第五篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 正文 第一篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 老师们同学们,大家晚上好,小姓余,名浩恺,我是来自法律系,法学102班,非常幸运成为最后一个上台,也非常感谢大家能坐到最后听我的演讲,我知道大家一定都非常想念自己的寝室,我保证我的演讲将在5分钟之内结束。 时光荏苒,转眼间,我的大学生活已过了大半,作为最后一个候选人,我没有很多的豪言壮志,我只想跟大家一起分享大学两年多来我的一些心得和体会, 还记得开学第一天,一个学长拍拍我的肩说,学弟,在理工的校园有两句话非常流行,“第一句,到理工来干什么就能找到什么样的女朋友?第二句,将来毕业了要成为什么样的人就能找到什么样的妻子,努力奋斗小四年,幸福生活一辈子啊,学长只能帮你到这了。当时我的表情只能用“懵”字来形容,但看着学长坚定的眼神,这两句话却也默默在我心里开始生根发芽。 第1 页共19 页

到宁波理工来干什么,将来毕业了要成为什么样的人! 很幸运的,在开学典礼上,陈小兰书记为迷茫我指点了迷津,她说作为新时代的大学生,要有理想,有目标,社会需要综合性的人才,你们要结合自己的专业,努力学习,去适应社会发展的需求。听完陈书记的话,我辗转反侧了一整晚,综合性人才,包括了语言表达能力,组织协调能力,待人处事能力,学习能力等等等等,我热爱自己的专业,到理工来我要锻炼自己各方面的,毕业了我要成为一个法律人! 因此在大学里,我给自己定了三个目标。文艺小青年、工作达人、小学霸。 可能在座的很多同学最初知道我,并不是因为我是一名学生干部,而是我的另一个身份——播音员兼主持人。作为一个法(来源好范文网:)律工作者,经常要在公众场合宣读法律文件,为了锻炼自己的朗读能力,在大一开学初,我莽莽撞撞地参加了校“魅力新声”主播选拔大赛,并荣幸的成为了校广播电视台播音部和校艺术团主持队的一员。从大一开始至今,我播过将近100期节目,先后主持了大大小小不下20场比赛和晚会,并且在大一参加校“神话”金话筒主持人大赛,作为唯一个男生进入了8强,并且最终取得了第四名兼最具潜力奖的好成绩。为了锻炼自己的逻辑能力和口语表达能力,我加入了法传分院辩论队,通过队友们的团结协作和共同努力,大一一年我们取得了校“启新杯”新生辩论赛的冠军,大二一年,我们取得了校“求是杯”辩论赛的冠军。除此之外还取得了宁波市以及学校大大小小的奖项。但这一切的一切并不是我炫耀的资本,而是在鞭策我,


英语演讲大赛(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语演讲大赛主持词 good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.i’m very honoured to be the host for today’s competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. this is the final of senior and junior groups. thank you for coming to this afternoon(请您支持:)’s competition. in today’s show. there are 21 contestants in both groups. they are coming from different classes of different grades. i hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope we’ll all make good use of this opportunity. 二、ok, now, let’s warmly welcome our headmaster ,mr.fu to make remarks.(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎符校长给我们演讲赛) 1、first, let’s warmly welcome contestant no.1 xxx,his topic is “my scool life”and contestant no.2 get ready please. 2、the next one making a speech for us is contestant no.2xxx. let’s welcome. 3、let’s continue the competitio n. the next will be no.3xxx please.her topic is “my family”and contestant no.4 get ready please 4、now it’s time for no.4 xxx.her topic is “my friend”. no.5 get ready


大学生英语演讲作文5篇 大学生应当有坚定正确的政治方向,热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导和社会主义制度,努力学习马克思主义;应当热心于改革和开放,有艰苦奋斗的精神,努力为人民服务,下面给大家分享一些关于大学生英语演讲作文5篇,供大家参考。 大学生英语演讲作文(1) Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book,whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words,but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it,first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks,


篇一:大学英语演讲稿 大学英语演讲稿:选择的重要性 over the past spring festival, i got involved in a family dispute. right before i got home, four satellite channels of cctv were added to the 14 channels we had already had. in prime time at night, they all had inter esting shows. therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and i-had to argue over what to watch. finally, we agreed that we should watch the most interesting program... if wecould agree what that was. howe ver, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had tv, there were only one or two channels available. the increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice. fiftee n years ago we all dressed in one style and in one color. today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades. fiftee n years ago, we read few newspapers. today, we read english news papers like the china daily and the 21st century, as well as various chinese newspapers. the emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in chinas history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the chinese nation. abou t 150 years ago, china was forced to open up its door by western canons and gunboats. it has been through the struggle and sacrifice of gene rations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. the policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference. like others of my age, im too young to have experienced the time when the chinese


演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们! 大家下午好: 我是来自汽车学院09级汽车营销班的学生万斌、很荣幸可以代表赣州市优秀大学生在此发言! 当华不再扬、当时不我与、当我人生蔷薇慢慢走过岁月长廊时、是一朵娇艳欲滴的牡丹花点缀了我平凡的人生画卷、赋予我不再平凡的森林、她有一个幽美、尊贵的名字、所有人都亲切的称她“花园学府、绿色摇篮”。岁月如梭、光阴似箭。转眼我已与母校相识、相知两年之余、在校期间我一直铭记着“修德立艺、尚勤求实”的校训,努力进取,勇攀高峰。 回眸这一路走来虽然有过许多挫折与坎坷、但在这段路上我得到了迅速的成长、学会了自我超越!不可否认的是各位领导、老师们的率先垂范让我迅速成长、教会我仰天飞翔。谈到大学生活我不禁想说的是社团这个优秀的团队、给予了我改变堕落性格的机遇、从摄影协会成员、慢慢的凭借着我的努力和团委领导的培养下担任了优秀社团摄影协会会长、在任期间通过我与战友共同努力、把社团活动由小做到大、由大到强、由里到外、由学校宣传到媒体报道的变化。 在工作中我一直秉承“敢于挑战与突破局限、勤于思考与积极进取、热与奉献与忠于学校的宗旨”曾联谊其它大中专院校的学生交流合作、并且以我校为领头共同举办了摄影比赛、技术交流、和走出校园联合展览等活动。鼓励同学们积极参加全国各种比赛、举办各式具有创新性的校园文化活动、这一切切的努力目的就是要带领同学们勇敢的走出去、吸收别人的优点、反省自己的缺点。我知道“当现实

无情地查封了生活的舞台,当周遭叹息着贫困的悲哀”,唯有经历了风雨彩虹,铿锵玫瑰的洗礼才能迎来美好的未来。 在谈到工作心德体会上我的观点很实在、“只要老老实实做人、踏踏实实做事”、以身为范、团结协作、就没有什么困难可以阻扰前进的步伐、对待工作我是坚持不惜一切代价的拼搏精神、不怕苦、不怕累、不怕付出的干劲、曾经不知道多少次是一整天不吃饭、多少次付出生活费、多少次的批评、多少个课余时间、虽然我只是一个臭皮匠顶不上诸葛亮但是我相信我花三个臭皮匠的时间定能顶过一个聪明的诸葛亮、虽然我做的还不算很好、但是我想告诉大家这就是我对待工作的态度、这就是做为一个大学生应为手上这根接力棒应尽的责任和义务。 在大学这两年的生活中我通过个人努力和表现现在所获荣誉涉及全国摄影比赛大专类二等奖、全市优秀大学生、直至现在我仍然在婚庆公司兼职摄像工作.和参加了赣州市志愿者团队、我认为只有不断的思索进取、就一定可以为梦想插上飞翔的翅膀!同时本人积极参加学校各项活动和比赛、在争做全面发展的学生的同时曾获得两校同创辩论赛一等奖、学校二等奖学金、模拟招聘会二等奖、优秀社团工作者、优秀班干部等方方面面的荣誉。 我深知在得到成绩和肯定的同时也在提醒着我、在未来的人生中应该更加谦虚面对成绩、总结经念和教训不断完善自我,超越自我、不断努力谱写平凡人生道路上的华美篇章。 最后借此祝各位领导老师同学们明天越来越好!愿美丽的环境工程学院明天更加枝繁叶茂! 谢谢大家的聆听。


大学生英语演讲竞赛参赛选手演讲稿英特网会越来越流行 good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: my topic today is “the internet will bee more popular.” the internet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people. especially these days, it has been developing faster and faster, people do not have much time to do everything by themselves. so making full use of the internet is a good way to color one’s life. for instance, students could learn more and more from all over the world so that they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge. absolutely, the bridge that connects the whole world is the internet. secondly, scientists and mathematicians, too, can share research results in order to promote the wheel of human society much more quickly. i suppose the key factor of importance of internet is to find a good job . in the society which is full of petition, more information means more opportunities. a job hunter can get on the internet to browse for a favorable job. well, from what has been mentioned above, i believe with the high speed and efficiency, the internet will bee more and more popular among people in the near future. 第二篇:大学生英语演讲竞赛参赛选手演讲稿 英特网会越来越流行good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: my topic today is “the internet will bee more popular.” the i nternet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people. 第1 页共11 页


篇一:大学英语演讲稿3分钟 大学英语演讲稿3分钟 when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. its funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy. i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also ill introduce china to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country. i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i my future is not a dream. 篇二:大学英语演讲稿3分钟 大学英语演讲稿3分钟 when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. its funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy. i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also ill introduce china to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country. i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i my future is not a dream. 篇三:3分钟英语演讲稿带翻译3篇 my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后,我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we


大学生英语演讲稿范文三分钟 Although we would all love to be Ms Popular at home and in the office, at work the task is not to be liked, but to be effective, says computer sales executive Andrea. “This is possibly the single most important lesson we can learn. You can't always be popular. You shouldn't have to be; it's not what you're there for. Progress depends on having your own ideas and sticking to them. And that means having the guts to make difficult decisions when you have to,” she says. We're aware from day one in our first job that every decision we make is either a building block or a stumbling block on our career path. We should use the time to lay the groundwork of future respect by being professional, responsible, innovative, diligent and reliable. Respect is never given for nothing. Claire knew that she was offered a move to Paris with her finance company because she had gained a reputation for keeping cool under fire. And the next step up the ladder would depend on her performance in Paris. “It's essential to build regard if you're going to be able to do what you want in your job,” she says. Winning respect enhances all you do. A proposal for change is more likely to be well received; an application for a raise or a request for promotion is more likely to succeed.


亲爱的学弟学妹们: 大家好。今天我能够站在这里向大家讲述我过去一年的经验和历程,同时能够代表09级的学生们抒发我们的心声和承诺,我感到很荣幸。 首先介绍一下我自己。我叫高x,来自临床医学系07级7班。目前的职务是院报学生记者,学生分会学习部干事,五月剧社副会长。过去两个学期做出的成绩和贡献主要在学习和写作两个方面,两次期末考试,我的学习成绩都是班里第二名,拿过一次一等奖学金和一次二等奖学金,截至目前,共五次在院报发表作品,在其他校园报刊上也经常有文章发表,在院系组织的各种征文比赛中也拿过不少奖项。另外,我还比较喜欢表演,在英语短剧大赛中,我们五月剧社选送的《吕布与貂蝉》以幽默生动的表演征服了全场的观众,获得第二名的好成绩,我饰演的王允一角颇受师生们的好评。 在竞争残酷的医学院里,学习永远是第一要务,尤其是临床医学系就业形势严峻,我们都背负着考研的压力,更应加倍努力,争取考研以将来获得一份比较不错的工作。就第一学期的课程而言,由于都是公共基础课,所以相对轻松,只要上课专心地听讲,跟上老师的思路,把功夫下在平时,期末考出高分拿到奖学金还是十分有可能的。就具体的科目来说,高等数学,医用物理,基础化学这些科目理解的成分更多,所以上课必须跟上老师的思路,第一遍就把知识学通学透,如果一时疏忽走神没有跟上,下课一定多学多问,以免造成知识的空白。思修,形势与政策,计算机等科目都是记忆的成分多一点,所以上课认真听课,课后若有时间就及时的复习一下前面的内容,考前下点力气背一背,也问题不大。我想强调的是英语,因为我们最后拿学位或考研,都要过英语这一关,而且英语的分数是死杠,这里通不过,其他科目分数再好也无济于事,而第一学期课程相对轻松,你们就必须把英语的基础打牢,以免将来考研时太过吃力,所以你们平时要把英语课重视起来,作业认真对待,最好提前做一下四级考试题,将来肯定受益很多。 在没有上大学之前,大学在我们的印象里是一座圣洁典雅、遥不可及的梦幻乐园。学习之余,我们经常构思着大学里的幸福图景,良师益友的畅谈宏辩,假山花圃的春意盎然,并行恋人的漫步私语,人工湖畔的徐徐暖风,多少次出现在酣然的梦中。然而,当我们真的站在大学的门前,呈现给我们的却是一座漫天黄土,遍地沙石的硕大荒园。于是,我们期待中的精彩纷呈便被大大简化,甚至简化到了每天宿舍、教室、餐厅三点一线来回奔忙。虽然心中有一点失望,但我并没有因为生活方式的枯燥单一而觉得委屈了自己,相反,溢满心头的是一种充实之后的满足和快慰。因为我明白,选择了医学就选择了这种枯燥单一,医学的博大精深要求我们必须去承受学习的苦涩的磨砺,也只有远离了那些浮华和喧嚣,我们的心灵才变得空明澄澈,一丝不乱,我们才能将那些淳厚的心志倾注于知识的沃土,才有可能去实现心中的誓言和宏愿,才有资格去做一个笃行济世的天使。而学习的道理也是朴拙平易的,只要我们精诚地努力,勤勉地付出,学习道路上的风景便会呈现给我们最最真实的美丽。 学习固然是重中之重,但大学的殿堂却实在不应该仅仅被学习所充斥,大学就是大学,大学生就应该有不一样的风采。如果跨出大学校门后我们的回忆中只有学习,这不能不说是留给青春的遗憾,这段最美好的年华应该丰盈充实,但不应暗淡无光,我们需要的是一些安恬劳碌的景致和气度。刚来潍医时,虽然硬件设施条件不是很好,但我依然尝试着将身影投向校园的每一个角落。从院报到五月剧社,从学生分会到大学生艺术团,从在红协中的演唱到在英语短剧大赛中的演出,从在院报发表第一篇文章到在各类征文比赛中屡屡获奖。在这些纳新和比赛的参与和竞争中,我不知经历了多少挫败,但在我的词典里,青春就应该轰轰烈烈,大学就应该潇潇洒洒,即使我们热切的付出没有得到应有的回报,即使我们自鸣得意的作品没有受到应有的赏识,只要我们去做了便心满意足,只要我们努力过了便无怨无悔。其实一切都没有成败可言,停止就意味着一切,努力过了便会有很好的未来。面前的机会很多很多,


英语演讲比赛的技巧 演讲是一门艺术,参加英语比赛演讲,靠的不单单是英语能力,还有演讲的方式与方法,掌握正确的演讲方法可以使我们在比赛中脱颖而出,取得好成绩,今天给大家分享一些英语演讲比赛的技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语演讲比赛的技巧一、演讲前的准备 首先是要确立一个题目或一个话题。一般演讲赛都分为命题演讲和即兴演讲。如要进行演讲比赛则必须对各个方面加以准备:政治、经济、文化、教育等,找好立意点,拟定题目。做到心中有数。 英语演讲比赛的技巧二、演讲时的姿势 诀窍之一是张开双脚与肩同宽,挺稳整个身躯。另一个诀窍是想办法扩散并减轻施加在身体上的紧张情绪。例如将一只手稍微插入口袋中,或者手触桌边、或者手握麦克风等等。 英语演讲比赛的技巧三、演讲时的脸部表情 说话速度一旦缓慢,情绪即可稳定,脸部表情也得以放松,再者,全身上下也能够为之泰然自若起来。 英语演讲比赛的技巧四、超强的自信心 自信是成功的关键,要信心满满,充满希望。 下面给大家分享一下英语演讲的12个要素: 1、knowyourtopic(知道你要讲什么题目) 2、knowyouraudience(了解你的听众) 3、knowyourstartandstoptimes,aswellaswhoelseison(知道你开始

和停止的时间以及除你之外还有谁要讲话) 4、knowwhatyouwantpeopletododifferentlyandtellthem(对你所说的和人们所做的有什么不同,心中要有数,并让听众知道) 5、makemajorpoints、(写下你的讲话要点) 6、checkallyourequipment,sound,lightingandseatingarrangements、(检查你的器材、音响、灯光和座位) 7、asksomeoneyoutrustandrespecttoconstructivelycritiqueyou、(请一个你所信任和尊敬的人对你的讲稿提出建设性的批评和意见) 8、relaxbeforeyougoon、(演讲前要放松) 9、practise,practise,practise、(练习、练习,再练习) 10、rememberthatevenifyoumissabitorforgetacoupleoflines,nobodyknowsexceptyou、(记住即或你漏掉一点或忘掉几行,除了你自己,别人是不会发现的) 11、omittellingjokesunlessyouarealreadyagoodjoke—tellerorplantogetbetter、(收起你想讲的笑话,除非你已经擅长讲笑话或者计划在这方面有所提高) 12、havefun(要有趣味)


英语演讲最新大学生作文大全(1) My dear Teachers,fellow students and friends:Good afternoon. As we all know, the earth is a planet almost covered by water,and it is water made every thing on the earth lively.Water is also one of the important part of our environment.Though,is there really so much water for us to clean,to produce many things,to play with? how much water are there on the earth then? Most of the water is in the oceans or locked away as ice.The largest volumes of fresh water are stored underground as groundwater,imagine there is only one barrel of water in the world,then there is only a spoon of it on the land,and the water we can use is only a drop of it.Now I have to remind all of you here that the single drop of water is never as Clean as before,it has been polluted severely by our human beings. There is a very beautiful river in Paris.It is the Seine,it runs across the City,people drink coffee, chat on the bank in the day,at night,they enjoy the beautiful scenery in the boat,songs from the river fly into the Sky made the river more attractive, the Seine is a famous symbol of France;on the west coast of pacific ocean there lies the modern City Shanghai,anot ther river which used to be a very important transportation route runs through the center of the city,people respected and regard it as"mother".It is the"suzhou river,but l believe that few of you would sit beside it,people will be scattered by the terrible smell of water when walk by.I have to say it is extremely dirty! And we all know that a lot of beautiful rivers in the world also are Sharing the same fate with suzhou river. Many human activities and their by-products have the potential to pollute water. Please have a look along the banks of the river, large and small industrial enterprises discharge dirty water, tons of garbage were thrown into the river, the water contained so much that it can't clean itself. Compared with the dramatic development in many sides of Shanghai, the suzhou river has become a black point of the appearance of city. Fortunately, the government has control the situation now, we are happy to see some parts of the river has become clean again, and we even can find fish sometime. The unique earth is the only planet full of lives, the water is just like the blood in the active body, protecting water is saving ourselves. Not to waste a single drop of water, otherwise, the only drop of water we could keep in the future would be our tear!


大学生关于英语演讲稿范文 Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman! First I want to say is that I’m very proud of to be invited to to present my topic here, which is “ Inter Civilization”. Before I begin my topic, please allow me to ask you a question: Every time you click the mouse to surf the web, do you know what does it mean? On the , you can make friends overseas and call them with IP phones; you can get information from all over the world; you can even give a hand to some people in troubles and get help when in need. However, we have to admit that inter also leads to intimacy before acquaintance; it scatters secrets outwards, not inwards; and, most worrying of all, it is a vehicle for liars. Here we should see, there exists good and evil, right and wrong on the web. As izens, we’d better grow to realize the importance of Inter Civilization.


十佳大学生演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家好!我叫***,来自信息工程与自动化系应用电子2班,今天有机会作为代表在此发言,我感到非常荣幸和无比激动。首先,我代表获奖学生对所有关心培育我们的领导、老师以及帮助鼓励过我们的同学致以最诚挚的谢意,是你们的关怀与支持才有我们今天的收获。 在青春的大学里,多彩的舞台上,你我都在思索现在,畅想未来。我们用热情和汗水谱写自己的人生路。 现代社会是一个崇尚礼节与和谐的社会。能力和素质是两个概念,能力是挥出去的一把锋利的剑,素质则是握住剑柄的手。面对现代社会对高素质、高技能型人才方面需求的现状,在进入大学校园后,我们要把握自己兴趣所在,明确目标,坚定不移的学习。学习专业知识,熟练专业技能,提升自我思想品质,积极投入社会实践,备战未来。 我们的专业可能不同,但我们却有一些共同的人生信念:对于学习,我们始终以扎实掌握知识为目的。孔子说:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”快乐和兴趣是一个人成功的关键。而大学正是一个可以让你接触并尝试众 多领域的独一无二的场所。因此,我会更好地把握在校时间,充分利用学校的资源,通过使用图书馆资源、旁听课程、络、听讲座、打工、参加社团活动、与朋友交流、使用电子邮件和电子论坛等不同方式接触更多的领域、更多的工作类型和更多的专家学者

大学,大代表广博,学代表学识。大学出去的人一定要有广博的学识才能算得上是真正的大学毕业生。从大学的第一天开始,我们就必须从被动转向主动,成为自己未来的主人,积极地管理自己的学业和将来的事业,做好人生和职业生涯规划。作为大学生,最重要的我认为还是学习,学生第一要事是学习,学习好了才能做其他的事情。毕竟现在是知识,信息第一的时代,有了知识你才能改变,得到自己想要的,实现自己的梦想。 学校优美的校园环境,明确完善的校风,校训;现代化的教学设施,宽松的学术氛围为我们创造了一个良好的学习环境;思想崇高,学识渊博的教师们让我 们如沐知识的春风意气风发,刻苦努力的同学们充满着青春的激情。可以说,我们正是学习成长于这样一个积极向上,朝气蓬勃的环境和集体之中。 尊敬的各位领导,老师,亲爱的各位同学,作为十佳大学生,成绩只能代表过去,新的征程在前方等待着我们。我想,所有获奖的同学都不会沉浸现在的鲜花和掌声中,这只能是我们出征的战鼓,前进的号角。让我们积极行动起来,从我做起,从现在做起,在校园精神文明创建活动中争当模范,让我们勇敢地肩负起当代大学生的历史使命,自觉加强三个代表”重要思想的学习,并深入学习实践科学发展观,努力掌握科学文化知识,不断提高自身的综合素质。亲爱的同学们,让我们一同抱着一颗坚强勇敢的心用自信与乐观来展示平凡的美丽,托起明天的太阳! 十佳大学生”颁奖大会上的大学生获奖感言十佳大学生演讲稿范文—年度十佳大学生演讲稿十佳大学生演讲稿范本校园十佳大学生演讲稿__________ 十佳


our future: a battle between dreams and reality good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: when i was in the primary school, i have a dream. i want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. when i was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. and when eventually i got into the university, my dream was to graduate. ladies and gentlemen, the reality is not real. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. a hundred years ago, man could not fly was still regarded as the reality. now if that was really the reality, what did the wright brothers do? how did some of you get to macau? only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar with our dreams. people say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. and if, unfortunately, mr. reality wins this war, then i see no future of mankind at all. aids will never be curable as this is the reality; people living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this is the reality; 4)disputes among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance is the reality. ?÷3?è?£othank you. 2ü·á£othank you. ?êìa£onow in the age of the internet,reading books does not seem as important as it once was.do you think people can learn as much on the internet as they can by reading books?which method do you prefer? ?êìa£ocontestant no.13.thank you very much for encouraging us to be unrealistic dreamers(thank you) and not surrender to mr.reality.(hehe..) with the traffic jam getting worse--especially in big cities--im actually very interested in your childhood dream:to invent a device that can move people around easily.is this still your dream?if not,why do you give it up?is it because it is considered unrealistic?thank you. ??′e£othank you very much.this is not my dream now.not because it is (not), realistic.maybe you can say its unrealistic.but if i,my interest is still inventing this device,i will keep on trying my best to invent this decive.my changing of my dreams is because of the fact that i realized my interest does not lie in science.now i am a law school student.but last semester,as ive just mentioned,i was working on my physics essay paper and actually last semester i was a student in the school of aerospace.oh my god,aerospace!and ive changed my major to law school.and so ?êìa£othank you very much for your speeches.talding about internet,i just want to know your view.do you believe everything is ture on the internet?if not,why not? ??′e£othank you very much.i dont believe everything is true in the internet.this is a straight forward answer.and if not,why not?because i dont believe them.and i have an experience of meeting someone on the internet who claims to be a girl.yes and,a very sad,sorry story for me.but yes,for this reason,i think i dont believe that everything on the internet is true.but i will try my best to discover if that was true or not,or that was falsified or not.thank you very much.
