

Nightmare n. 恶梦

sweep off 被迷住

horror n. 惊骇;惨状

eliminate vt. 消除;排除

majesty n. 威严;王权;雄伟

wisdom n. 智慧;至理名言

mustard n. 芥末

eternity n.来生;不朽

fiance n. 未婚夫

T he film I’d like to introduce today is a movie called “Life is Beautiful,” which is about the love of a devoted father.

Guido met Dora when she was an elementary school teacher in the late 1930s. Although Dora had a fiancé, Guido ran away with her because he believed that the love between them was meant to be. She married Guido and gave birth to a son Joshua and they enjoyed their life together full of happiness. However, Guido and Joshua were taken to a concentration camp because of their Jewish heritage during the time of Hitler’s reign. Guido lied to Joshua that the situation was not real but an exciting game, and that the people in camp were selected in a special order and the person who first gained 1,000 points would win. The father and son passed through many crises, but in the end Guido was shot dead by a German soldier. When Guido was dying, he tried to not worry his son by pretending as if he is playing a game. Joshua thought that the current situation was hide-and-seek and so he hid until the Sun came up and did not witness his father’s death. In the end, Joshua got back to his mother after tak ing a tank.

The movie focused on the father’s love and his positive and optimistic attitude he kept for his son, and this deeply moved the audience. He was so worried about the trauma that his son would get that he told the young boy that everything was just part of a big game. Whenever he saw his son tremble, he would make a funny face just to try to cheer him up. He even posed as a clown when he was facing death because he didn’t want his son to notice that they were in a dangerous situation. It was one of the most touching scenes I’ve ever seen. We tend to concentrate on our own lives and think about our goals in the journey of life. Also, we focus on activities that we enjoy rather than on family. As a result, many of us lack communication with our families and sometimes create an alienated relationship with them. However, the most important thing that we are likely to be unaware of is parental love and the sacrifice our parents make for us. We should reflect on our actions because we have all neglected our parents on more than one occasion.

DAD is an important part for a family.There are a lot of good dad in the movie. Do you know some movies about dad?

The film I’d like to introduce today is a movie called “Life is Beautiful,” which is about the love of a devoted father.

But,before show you the lovely story, I will show you some new words

Now read after me, please.

Here are their conversation .Let’s welcome to paly the role of Dad and his son. Give her a big hand.

Much as mom's work is often unnoticed and under appreciated, dad's role apparently slides by even lower on our radar screen. He may be out of the house a lot, but remember the bedtimes stories he would read to you when he got home, the games of chess and catch, those fishing and camping trips, and how nervous yet proud he was when you went out on your first date?

Beyond the movie ,we can found the answer to the question:

what makes a dad .

That’ all. Let’s welcome to show you what makes a mom


浅析电影《美丽人生》的叙事时空 14级戏剧与影视学张成成2014200737时间因素与空间因素的综合,是电影与生俱来的特性,随着电影技术与艺术的发展,这种综合的形态又越来越趋向于复杂性和多样性。影视中的时间设计和空间设计是相互依存,相辅相成的。时间借助空间中实物的运动,如行云流水,斗转星移,季节的变化、人物的成长无不预示着时间的存在和运转;另外空间的扩展,又依赖于时间的流程得以实现,并让人得到具象的感知。可见,电影在表现时间和空间方面享有着极大的自由,也正是这种特性使电影有着无穷的潜力。 《美丽人生》这部电影的叙事很成功,它没有按传统的方法处理,而是用寓言的方式写实,用悲剧情境营造喜剧效果。影片前半部为后半部做了充分铺垫,如孩子爱玩坦克,就有了父亲利用他对坦克的期盼编织谎言;孩子不爱洗澡,后来恰恰这一点救了他的命;圭多和心上人去看歌剧,最后他也是通过咏叹调向妻子传达他们活着的信息。 电影作为时间与空间的综合艺术,时间的流变和空间的转换,在电影中都有着无穷的潜力。而这种流变与转换携带着深厚的本土文化蕴涵,因而在影视叙事作品中对时空的深层探究显得必要而迫切。分析电影叙事的空间结构,主要是对电影叙事的主体空间的框架结构、故事间的空间和故事内的各场景空间的排列组合以及空间表述的变异形态等问题进行探讨。 《美丽人生》在叙事时间方面,是以倒叙为基本大背景采取线性叙事为主要手段。影片的最后一句“这就是我的故事”,体现了本片是一个回忆性质的故事,顺叙以平铺直叙的方式交待了剧情的开始和缘由,而通过倒叙的方式,插在顺叙与补叙的情节之间使读者可以感觉到整部影片气势曲折、首尾呼应,整个影片十分完整。 影片的叙述时间的大背景是在战争年代二战期间,影片用黑色幽默的手法描述了圭多一家在纳粹集中营中的悲欢离合,展示了圭多对美丽人生的憧憬和在残酷环境中特有的乐观。这部电影完全不同于以往任何一部反映二战题材的影片,它是一幕黑色的喜剧,它以一种超越常规的新鲜的角度,通过另一个侧面来面对二战这段历史。


《美丽人生》观后感【8篇】《美丽人生》讲述的是一位叫圭多的父亲和他的儿子被纳粹抓入集中营的故事。下面为你整理了电影《美丽人生》观后感,希望能帮到你! 电影《美丽人生》观后感 在多媒体教室观看了电影——《美丽人生》,感触很深。 這是一部震撼人心的黑色喜剧。讲述了一个活泼乐观的犹太青年圭多来到小镇阿雷佐,遇见了漂亮的姑娘朵拉,经过几番努力,他终于与朵拉结婚,生了一个可爱的儿子约叔华,并开了一个书店。可是,好景不长,在儿子五岁时,圭多一家人被德军抓走。为了不让孩子的心灵蒙上阴影,在惨无人道的集中营里,圭多让儿子以为這只是一场游戏,得到1000分就赢了,奖品是坦克,儿子信以为真。于是,圭多一边乐观地干着脏苦的工作,一边编造游戏的谎言。“游戏”结束时,圭多惨死在德国军的枪下,這时一辆真的坦克车开到他的面前,上面下来一个美军士兵,将他抱上坦克。最后,约叔华母子相聚。 這个故事悲中带喜,记得刚看故事的开头,真是让大家笑得都快喘不过气了。冒充从罗马来的督学在课桌上跳起脱衣wu的情节、圭多追求朵拉的情节,都让大家笑声不止。 可想不到的是美好的日子竟然过得這么快,德军抓走了他们,故事此时进入了转折,可让人更没有想到的是圭多竟

如此乐观,那种对于人生磨难的乐观,那种不惧死亡的乐观。为了让儿子不恐惧,他竟编下了谎言,以微笑面对残酷的生活。可這也是惊险的,死中脱险的约叔华几次险些被德军发现,這时,大家的心也悬着,好在圭多每次都机智的化险为夷,也一次次瞒过了儿子這件事情的真相。 直到最后,德军决定杀死所有人,圭多把约叔华藏在铁箱子中,并嘱咐他一定要藏好,等没有人的时候才能出来,要不然就会扣分的,就不能得到奖品坦克了。纯真的儿子就這样看着父亲微笑着被德军带走了,再也没有回来。看到這儿,大家都沉默了,心里沉甸甸的。 终于,战争胜利了,美军开着坦克把约叔华带到了朵拉身边,开始了他的美丽人生。 原来,圭多早就知道残酷只是短暂的,美丽人生终会到来,所以小心翼翼地守护着儿子纯洁的心灵。 父爱是伟大的,生活也是美好的,噩梦终将过去,用乐观扫清路途的阴霾,美丽的人生之光在迎接着你、我、他…… 电影《美丽人生》观后感 看了這部电影,我的心里除了感动,剩下的还是感动。 “這是我的经历,這是我父亲所作的牺牲,這是父亲赐我的恩典。”——這是影片最后一句台词。 同时,他也让我感到了父爱的伟大。 罗贝托?贝尼尼主演,深刻的表现了父亲和儿子之间的


受朋友之托,帮他找一些英文的原版电影,给他刚上初中的儿子看,自已也是开始从大学时候,开始看英文电影,那个时候,多看的是《罗马假日》、《魂断蓝桥》、《飘》、《阿甘正传》等,感觉等好像不太适知初中生,于是便上网百度一看,再给合影评和观众的观后感,推荐10部个人认为最适合初中生看的英文原版电影如下: 在网上找到一些原版的英文电影片面,有些是自已看过的,有些则是影谜们介绍的,为了确认内容,便一个一个的找过去的: 《幸福终点站》、《风雨哈佛路》、《阿甘正传》、《肖申克的救赎》、《放牛班的春天》、《朗读者》、《海上钢琴师》、《死亡诗社》、《大鱼》、《忠义犬八公》、《歌舞青春》、《魔法师的学徒》、《三个白痴》、《美丽人生》、《音乐之声》、《天使爱美丽》、《心灵搏手》、《阿呆与阿瓜》、《料理鼠王》、《纳尼亚传奇》、《艾尔文与花栗鼠》、《哈利波特》、《冰河世纪》、《新基督山伯爵》、《公主日记》。 随着网络电影的普通,各位可百度视频等大型网站进行在线观看! 以上各部电影简介如下: 1、《美丽人生》(Life is Beautiful):二次世界大战期间的意大利,由罗伯托·贝里尼(Roberto Benigni)饰演的小人物─基多,来到图斯坎尼小镇追求他的理想与爱情,全然不顾法西斯主义之下的政府管制,在这里他与小学老师桃拉坠入情网。几年后,他们拥有了一个小男孩─约书亚,而基多也开了一间书店。但好景不常,在法西斯主义政府统治下,一家人失散,被关入集中营,爸爸和儿子关在一起,妈妈则被关在另外一处,在残酷无比的集中营里,爸爸以玩游戏的方式让儿子仍保有童年的快乐与天真。最后,爸爸牺牲了自己,死于纳粹的枪下,而儿子回到妈妈身边。《美丽人生/ La Vita E Bella》最引人入胜之处,在于它以诙谐的方式看待无情的战争。在该片里,我们见识到战争的可怕,看见了人们的无助,却也看到了有人以幽默的态度自处。

乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲 - 中英文完整版

This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. Thank you. I’m honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college, and this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: “We have an unexpected baby boy, do you want him?” They said: “Of course.” My biological mother found out later that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would go to college. This was the start in my life. And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents’ savings were being spent on my college tuit ion. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no idea


英语正能量句子语录集 01. Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic. 带着激情做事,你就会有激情。(卡耐基) 02. Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. 人生不在于抓到一副好牌,而在于打好你手里的牌。(Josh Billings) 03. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. 成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。 04. After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. 登上高峰后,你会发现还有更多的山峰要翻越。 05. A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams. 只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老。 06. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 没有什么比信念更能支撑我们度过艰难的时光了。《纸牌屋》 07. Figure out what you like. Try to become the best in the world of it. 找到你喜欢做的事,并努力成为这个领域里的顶尖人物。 08. If you can do what you do best and be happy, you're further along in life than most people. 只要能把自己的事做好,并让自己快乐,你就领先于大多数人了。(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥) 09. Things to do to day: 1.Get up; 2.Be awesome; 3.Go back to bed. 今天的计划:1、起床;2、做牛B的事;3、睡觉。


史蒂夫乔布斯的英语简介英文介绍 Steven Paul Jobs English: Steven Paul Jobs, February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2021, referred to as Steve Jobs English: Steve Jobs, the co-founder of apple, and apple's board chairman, former chief operating officer, and former chairman and chief executive of pixar animation studios pixar animation studios has been acquired by Disney in 2021 . Jobs also was a board member of the Disney company and the largest individual shareholder . Steve jobs is considered to be the computer industry and entertainment industry icon, at the same time, the people also regarded him as Macintosh computer, iPod, iTunes Store, iPhone, tablet, etc. The founder of the famous digital products . In 2021, Steve jobs was "fortune" magazine named the year's most powerful businessmen . Jobs's career has greatly affected the legendary silicon valley venture entrepreneur, he will be the design concept of aesthetics is the highest in the world. His praise highly of simple and convenient design won him many devoted followers . Steve jobs and wozniak jointly make personal computers in the late 70 s to the early 80 s, he was also the first person to see the commercial potential of mouse . Steve jobs in 1985 apple high-level power struggle to leave and set up the NeXT, aimed at professional market. In 1997, apple bought NeXT, jobs returned to apple took over as chief executive. On August 24, 2021, Mr. Jobs announced his resignation as apple's chief executive, died on October 5, for with pancreatic cancer , 56 years old have to . Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2021 was an American businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields. 史蒂芬?保罗?乔布斯,通称史蒂夫?乔布斯,1955年2月24日-2021年10月5日,是美国商业巨子,设计家和发明家。他是蘋果公司的創辦人之一,曾任该公司董事長及行政總裁等职位。他在苹果公司被公认是一个具有领导风范的先锋人物,其在个人电脑领域和电脑和电子消费领域的个人影响力不可估量。

美丽人生 电影影评

电影《美丽人生》声音及音乐分析 意大利影片《美丽人生》由罗贝尔托·贝尼尼自编、自导、自演。它以“二战”为背景,用极富喜剧色彩和游戏精神的叙事语言讲述了一个散发着人性光辉的温情故事。 片中的音乐色彩富有地域特色且不失感伤浪漫的复古气息,张弛有度的欧陆风格,常常会挑动听者内心的反思与共鸣。意大利著名作曲家尼科拉.皮奥瓦尼创作出画面与情节所需的大量音乐元素。它们在片中以情节描述、反衬等形态出现,并多次变换节奏与配器。《美丽人生》在音乐处理上以小见大匠心独具。华尔兹、康塔塔等多元风格的音乐与影片剧情严丝合缝的搭配,及表现出颇有品质的生活,又在灵活的交替转换和情节的巧妙设置中对影片诸多元素进行解构。这些音乐段落成就了一部令人笑中带泪的影片,成为构筑影片风格不可或缺的成分。 影视自发明以来,给我们带来了多姿多彩的生活,而音乐,这一人们表达感情的最原始而又最具活力的艺术形式,基于声音技术在影视中得以运用以后,使影视艺术不再是单一的视觉表达,在视听上满足了我们的需求,让我们的生活更丰富多彩。音乐是记忆之门。它凝结着影片中最深刻的思想和最深沉的情感。丰子恺说:“作为时间艺术的音乐比作为空间艺术的绘画更为神秘。”这种神秘使它包容了丰富的内涵,具有了直指人心的力量。面对人类复杂的情感,再出色的台词也显得苍白无力,惟有沉默是明智的选择。若辅之以婉转低回的

音乐,这个片段定会成为影片中最撩动心弦的篇章。比如影片中当解放来临之际,一天深夜纳粹准备逃走,圭多将儿子藏在一个铁柜里,千叮嘱万叮咛让乔舒亚不要出来,他打算趁乱到女牢去打妻子多拉,但不幸的是他被纳粹发现,当纳粹押着圭多经过乔舒亚的铁柜时,他还乐观地、大步地走去,暗示儿子不要出来,主人公的死我们没有看见,但通过德国士兵的两声枪响就心领神会了。这样的处理避免观众直面悲剧的不忍,又很好地介绍了情节,因为这是一个情理之中的结果。天亮了,乔舒亚从铁柜里爬出来,站在院子里,这时一辆真的坦克车隆隆地开到他的面前,上面下来一个美军士兵,将他抱上坦克。儿子在空旷的广场上对坦克也是先闻其声,后见其形。这时的坦克声也是起到了连接镜头、参与情节的作用,同时也象征着战争的结束,胜利的到来,恰当的渲染了气氛。多么伟大的父亲,为了自己的儿子牺牲了自己的生命,就在最后将被枪毙之前,他看到儿子的柜子缝隙露出的眼睛,竟然大步前进,孩子一直以为就是一场游戏,他幼小的心灵就是这样被父亲呵护着!最后父亲被枪毙了,所有人都走了,小乔舒亚从铁柜里出来,真的坦克驶来,那一刻,他真的觉得自己是游戏的最终胜利者. 只有音乐才能解读他心头的百般滋味。“宁静”死前面带微笑的高歌,远比慷慨陈词来得壮烈、凄美。画面是具象的,音乐则是精神层面的。音乐则是对画面的升华。 《美丽人生》中,基多的那句“早上好,公主!”成为他对朵拉的爱情宣言,见证了他们爱情的发展历程。每次基多见到朵拉的第一句话总是“早上好,公主!”配上他夸张的动作和语调,展开了他们美好


早上好,我的公主! ——观《美丽人生》有感还记得那天晚上和百来个同学一起观看了在A楼组织观看的《美丽人生》。当时看着电影的前半段,感觉有些隐隐的乏味无聊。以为这又是一部老套的“灰姑娘”与“王子”的故事,只不过王子与灰姑娘互换身份罢了。但是,随着影片中,男女主人公走进美丽的花房的那一幕开始,不仅仅是故事的时间轴推进的好几年,同时故事的基调也发生了三百六十度大转变。可以说,一直到最后最后,电影带给我的,都是巨大的震撼。看完后,我才明了,这是一部完全意大利式的电影,也是一部纯粹以剧情和演技取胜的电影。整部电影中,没有一处宏大的场面和夸张的音效特技,但扣人心弦的剧情和演员精湛的表演,使我完全忽略了这些因素的存在。 整部电影,都充满了爱和希望,让人看了以后不禁深深感慨。就算在最艰难最黑暗的日子里,男主人公依然深爱着并用生命与智慧保护着他的妻子与儿子。为了儿子能够生存下去,即使在战争的硝烟弥漫中,即使在集中营的暗无天日中,即使在最后枪声响起死亡来临的那一刻,他依然在为儿子编造着一个美好的幻想:这所有的一切都只是一场游戏,游戏的奖励是一辆崭新的坦克。也正是因为这一个美丽的谎言,我们的小男孩才能够一直坚持到最后的最后,最终看见他梦中的坦克。当我看见黑暗结束后,男孩想着父亲说过会有坦克来接他们然后真的在街上看到坦克的刹那,我知道,奇迹发生了。父爱的奇迹,对生活的热爱的奇迹,对生命诊视的奇迹。 除了伟大的父爱,贯穿整部电影的爱情元素也深深的让人为之动容。为了妻子能够得知他们的消息从而安下心来,他在路过集中营的广播室时,冒着危险在广播里呼喊妻子的名字,他只想告诉她,他和儿子都安好。还有那一句“早上好,我的公主”,就这一句,它抵得过万千的甜言蜜语,让人不禁心口一暖。不仅如此。他趁着做侍者的机会,为妻子播放了《船歌》——这首曾经响在他们定情之夜的歌曲。歌声飘过沉沉迷雾的阻挡,在黑夜里,给他的妻子带去安慰,和信念。看完电影,脑海中还是一幕幕的回想着男女主人公相爱的画面。响彻脑海的还是那一句“早上好,我的公主”。能永远被自己所爱的人像称作公主,绝对是一件幸福至上的事情。 我看过的反映二战的影片很多,像《钢琴家》、《辛德勒的名单》、《安妮日记》、《英国病人》,《拯救大兵瑞恩》……可是,同《辛德勒的名单》以及很多的反映二战的电影不同,《美丽人生》更多的是从情感方面进行描写,从一个普通的故事入手,蔓延伸展铺开,让我们看到战争的真相,同时,也让我们看到真爱的力量。主人公圭多用自己的生命,告诉我们所有人:黑暗一定会有尽头,幸福不会一直走远。


乔布斯生平英文简介 《经济学人》网络版今天发表评论文章,对乔布斯的逝世做出了默哀,并对乔布斯的生平进行了总结。指出乔布斯非凡的成就源于其丰富的经历,而乔布斯将科学技术与人文科学和人性相结合是其产品成功的根本所在。 NOBODY else in the computer industry, or any other industry for tha t matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs. His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up a “magical ” or “incredible” new electronic gadget in front of an awed crowd, were t he performances of a master showman. All computers do is fetch and s huffle numbers, he once explained, but do it fast enough and “the result s appear to be magic”. He spent his life packaging that magic into elega ntly designed, easy to use products. He had been among the first, back in the 1970s, to see the potenti al that lay in the idea of selling computers to ordinary people. In those days of green-on-black displays, when floppy discs were still floppy, the notion that computers might soon become ubiquitous seemed fanciful. Bu t Mr Jobs was one of a handful of pioneers who saw what was coming. Crucially, he also had an unusual knack for looking at computers from t he outside, as a user, not just from the inside, as an engineer—somethi ng he attributed to the experiences of his wayward youth. Mr Jobs caught the computing bug while growing up in Silicon Valle y. As a teenager in the late 1960s he cold-called his idol, Bill Hewlett, a nd talked his way into a summer job at Hewlett-Packard. But it was only after dropping out of college, travelling to India, becoming a Buddhist an d experimenting with psychedelic drugs that Mr Jobs returned to Californi a to co-found Apple, in his parents’ garage, on April Fools’ Day 1976. “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences,” he once said. “So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end u p with very linear solutions.” Bill Gates, he suggested, would be “a broa der guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger”.


关于电影《美丽人生》优秀观后感5篇 《美丽人生》优秀观后感1 很多年后,他明白了父亲用自己的生命换来他的美丽人生。想必小叔本华也一定会像他父亲那样去让他的下一代拥有美丽人生。《美丽人生》这部影片讲述了一个爱情与亲情的故事。在二战期间,一个犹太青年基度来到了意大利阿雷佐的斯坎小镇准备开一家书店,途中邂逅了年轻美丽的女子Dora,基度认定她是他心中的公主,总是制造惊喜的“巧遇”,“早上好,美丽的公主”。他凭着自身的幽默感和聪明机智赢得Dora的芳心,并生下小叔本华。 几年后,在小叔本华5岁生日时,纳粹分子把基度和小叔本华送往集中营。Dora坚持同往。基度不愿意使儿子的童年受到“玷污”骗儿子说是在玩游戏,谁得到1000分,就能得到一辆真的坦克,不幸的是在二战接近尾声时,基度把小叔本华藏在铁箱子里,伪装成女人去找妻子,却在找的途中被纳粹份子发现发现而被枪毙。小叔本华终于如愿以偿的得到坦克。在影片的上半部分主要讲述基度和Dora 的爱情故事。我们深深被基度对他的公主的爱而感动,也被基度的幽默和机智所折服。其中有两个场景让我印象尤为深刻。一是基度怕Dora的脚被雨水弄湿,从车的后座拿出一卷红丝绸,从楼梯由上向下铺开,一直延续到屋檐下,那是他们曾相遇的一个地方。 二是Dora在鲁道夫的订婚典礼上让基度把她带走,基度机智的

骑着他叔叔的马把Dora从酒店中带走。基度的“搞笑”演出,让我们现场爆笑不断。而在影片的下半部分主要讲基度一家的亲情故事。小叔本华的诞生。基度一家平静而美好的生活着。这一切却被纳粹份子破坏了。从进入集中营开始基度就骗儿子。小叔本华天真活泼的样子与集中营惨无人道的现实形成了鲜明的对比。基度为了妻儿在集中营中艰难的生存着,在每天繁重的劳动后,还要哄着小叔本华,怕儿子的心灵蒙上悲惨的色彩。 广播中,小叔本华稚嫩的声音传来,让Dora泪流满面。在基度被纳粹兵发现要被带走经过小叔本华藏匿的箱子时,故意用夸张的步伐走过还对小叔本华眨了下眼睛,成功的骗过了小叔本华。这一幕,让我们的眼中有了酸涩感,那几声枪声连带我们的心也震动了。人类自身美好的向往,在战争面前总是无力的。影片中并没有血淋淋的战争的场面,而是用基度一家的故事来展现战争的残酷。呼唤和平。在经过集中营日子的“基度一家”还有什么是过不去的呢。现实的挫折有什么比得上那些。就像现在的我们,不能因为小小的挫折而被打败。母爱细致,父爱深沉。基度的爱小叔本华懂得的。“这是我父亲的牺牲,这是我父亲赐我的恩典”。 《美丽人生》优秀观后感2 《美丽人生》,一如片名,那和煦温暖的阳光、那充满智慧的幽默、那深深的爱恋与舐犊之情……这些能够得上美丽人生的因素却是发生在战争阴霾之下。残酷的战争为背景使得这一切都那么难能可贵。战争是黑暗的,可主人公的心中有阳光,生活便是美好的,态度

美丽人生 电影英文简介

La vita èbella INTRO La vita èbella (or “life is beautiful”), a 1997 Italian tragic comedy-drama film ,tells a story of a man named Guido Orefice, a Jewish Italian book shop owner, who dares to find humor and tenderness in the midst of the Holocaust, employing his fertile imagination to shield his son from the horrors of internment in a Nazi concentration camp. STORY The film depicts the changing political climate in Italy: Guido frequently imitates members of the National Fascist Party, skewering their racist logic and pseudoscientific reasoning. In the town, Guido survives by quick improvisation. Mistaken for a school inspector, he invents a quick lecture on Italian racial superiority, demonstrating the excellence of his big ears and superb navel. In 1945, Hitler's anti-Semitism had slithered its slimy way across Europe, tearing apart the Orefice family. Guido and his 5 year old son, Joshua, are packed in to a train filled with desperate souls, towards a concentrate camp. Gazing in to Joshua’s lucent, innocent eyes, instinct stuck him: “this is all a game”, he says to his son. In the camp, Guido congers up a fictional bubble for his son to live in shielding him from the ruthless truth. In his “elaborate game”, the first one to get 1,000 points will win a tank--not a toy tank but a real one, which Joshua can drive all over town. Guido acts as the translator for a German who is barking orders at the inmates, freely translating them into Italian designed to quiet his son's fears. And he literally hides the child from the camp guards, with rules of the game that have the boy crouching on a high sleeping platform and remaining absolutely still. Guido uses this game to explain features of the concentration camp that would otherwise be scary for a young child: the guards are mean only because they want the tank for themselves; the dwindling numbers of children (who are being killed) are only hiding in order to score more points than Joshua so they can win the game. He puts off Joshua's requests to end the game and return home by convincing him that they are in the lead for the tank, and need only wait a short while before they can return home with their tank. Despite being surrounded by the misery, sickness, and death at the camp, Joshua does not question this fiction because of his father's convincing performance and his own innocence. Guido maintains this story right until the end when, in the chaos of shutting down the camp as the Americans approach, he tells his son to stay in a sweatbox until everybody has left, this being the final competition before the tank is his. As the camp is in chaos Guido goes off to find Dora, but while he is out he is caught by a Nazi soldier. The soldier makes the decision to execute Guido. Guido is led off by the soldier to be executed. While the soldier is leading him to his death, Guido passes by


关于乔布斯的英文简介 乔布斯,美国发明家、企业家、美国苹果公司联合创办人。下面是给大家整理的关于乔布斯的英文简介,供大家参阅! 乔布斯简介Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011), was born in San Francisco, California, USA inventor, entrepreneur, co-founder of Apple. On April 1, 1976, Jobs signed a contract to decide to set up a computer company. In April 1977, Steve Jobs demonstrated the Apple II prototype at the first American computer show. 1997 Apple launched iMac, innovative shell color transparent design makes the product sold, and let Apple through the financial crisis. August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs to Apple's board of directors to submit a resignation application. Steve Jobs is considered a symbol of the computer industry and entertainment industry, he experienced a few decades of Apple's ups and downs and ups and downs, has led and launched the Macintosh computer (Macintosh), iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other popular in the world Of the electronic products, profoundly changed the modern


美丽人生观后感1 影片用简便诙谐的态度来对待使人无法承受的大痛苦,这是犹太人的幽默,这种幽默是一个饱受蹂躏的民族为了求得生存的一种技巧。年幼的儿子就在父亲的蒙骗下以游戏的态度来对待法西斯的种种暴行。影片结尾时,当法西斯的枪声夺去了父亲的生命,当联军的坦克隆隆开向法西斯主义者丢弃的集中营时,基多的儿子还天真地认为自我是游戏的胜利者——父亲告诉过他的坦克出现了——看到那里,我相信所有的眼睛都会噙满了泪水。影片的主题至此脱颖而出,在这荒谬的游戏中美丽与丑陋颠倒,恐怖与幽默并存,把美丽的人生当作游戏的恰恰是那些法西斯主义者。 这是一部以诙谐、简便的手法表现沉重、悲惨的人生的故事片。主人翁基多是一个犹太人,在法西斯主义的铁蹄统治下,他和他的儿子受到了非人的待遇,妻子朵拉虽然不是犹太人,但也毅然跟着丈夫与儿子一齐登上了前往集中营的火车。爸爸与儿子关在一处,妈妈被关在了另一处,在比铁还冷的黑暗中,基多不能对孩子解释集中营中发生的一切骇人听闻的暴行,只能对孩子撒谎说,眼前的事情是一场游戏,在这场游戏中只要能够经过各种考验,就会得到最高分,胜利者将得到一辆真正的坦克。于是,整部影片就在父亲饱含眼泪的微笑中展开了。 美丽人生观后感2 这是一部相当带有浪漫色彩的电影,悲伤的同时又不失一些搞笑的气氛和画面。 影片中的男主角基度是一个智慧、滑稽、感性集一身的人,他一生只爱多拉一个人,爱的很执着很艰辛很浪漫。幸福欢乐的时光很短暂,在他儿子生日的那天,基度是犹太人被抓去了集中营。多拉为了和自我的儿子丈夫在一齐,自愿踏上了那条艰辛的道路——上了火车,来到了集中营。基度是一个超级伟大的父亲,为了不让自我的儿子担心、害怕,他说这是一次旅游。他用尽全力,在集中营的悲惨世界里,为儿子,营造了一幕完美的幻想,他告诉儿子,所有的残酷只可是是一场游戏,游戏的奖励是一辆崭新的坦克。这样,他的儿子才有了足够的勇气,游戏般的在这现实而又残酷的集中营中度过了每一天。直至最终一刻,就在他生命的最终一晚,当他被捕之后,走过那个铁箱子时,仍然装出一副滑稽的模样,惹得儿子笑出声,他仍然坚持着,坚持着使儿子相信这一切都只是一个游戏,千


美丽人生 林语堂给人生列出了几个公式: 1)Reality — Dreams = Animal Being 2)Reality + Dreams =A heartache(usually called Idealism) 3)Reality + Humor = Realism(also called Conservatism) 4)Dreams - Humor = Fanaticism 5)Dreams + Humor = Fantasy 6)Reality + Dreams + Humor = Wisdom 他把他心目中理想的人生设想成R3D2H3S2的人,就是有三分现实主义,两份理想主义,三分幽默(自嘲),两分多愁善感的人。数字表示程度,4为最高级。 Guido,我把他看作是H4的人物。这是一个关于H4人的传说。这部片子,我看得泣不成声,心情却是一直很舒服很舒服。我欣赏那些将悲伤和灾难当笑话的人,或者更应该用崇敬这个词来形容。他人说,不可以凭名字来猜测一部片子的内容,这个快乐的传说根本不快乐。不是的,不是。我从来没有看过这么快乐的片子,还有其它比儿子的世界更好的角度去看纳粹么?一个游戏。是个“快乐”的二战。儿子那个看到真坦克的表情,我想我一辈子都不会忘记。这种被精心保护的快乐心灵,这样伟大的父爱,这种胆敢对苦难用游戏来掩饰,有乐观来面对的人。读了这个传说,我们哭泣着快乐。 Guido,杀不住车,被当成纳粹军首领被欢迎。 Guido,随口掰自己是个王子,将要会见公主,就接住了从天而降的公主。 Guido,用机智骗倒审视官,装成他在宣扬民族主义的场合上大闹一通。 Guido,曲解叔本华的理论,用意念唤得公主一瞥。 Guido,下雨天的红地毯,从天而降的钥匙,适当时候被换回来的帽子,他那段真情表白,顶着贵宾犬的盘子,直到他骑着青马像一个真的王子出场,把公主偷走。 以上没有一处不是让人忍俊不禁,对其胆大妄为,出奇的好运气,以及幽默式智慧的感叹。Guido从来没有像一个真正的王子出现,每一处他的处境都有尴尬之处,都有为难之点,而他从不以为然,用一种幽默自嘲而不失尊严的态度处理。 故事的前半段,我只看到了在和平社会中爱情。认为Guido更多的像一个小丑而不是一个王子,这段爱情更多的像一个欺骗人的童话而不是现实,公主喜欢的更多的是一时的幻想性的感动而不是长久现实的考虑。那时的我没有看明白这个传说,其实是关于一个Humor4人的传记。当灾难降临的时候,生活中最强悍的感情是Humor。我以为面对困苦,最普通的反应是怨天尤人,是抱怨生活的不幸,悲苦命运的不公。这是平常人。优之为默然处之,安之若素,这样的人可以被称赞包容度大,忍耐力强。这是忍士,我们称其坚忍不拔。再优之是不畏困难,奋力反抗,不承认世间的非人道。这是勇士,是战士,是那些最终可能改变历史的人,我们或称其为英雄,或称尊其为领袖。像斯巴达克领导斗兽场的人们起义那样。还有一种人,他没有强大的征服和领导欲望,他没有成为大人物的愿望,他只是当他的小市民,希望自己的家人幸福安康。同时,他的H值,教他对现实种种灾难无畏。他没有干上大事情,却用他的精神力量,成为最伟大的人。H4的人有最强悍的心灵,就像Guido。我不知道还有什么,比一个彻底了解集中营现实境况的父亲,用各种方法去保护自己孩子的心灵更伟大的举动。比一个能够冒着生命危险给自己妻子带去安慰的丈夫更完美的角色。Guido之前的小丑感彻底淡去,展现在眼前的是一个伟大的父亲和丈夫。 他为了令儿子相信所有的痛苦只是一个游戏的种种,为报平安的广播,为妻子播出的歌剧。都只有他才做得出来,这里面有小聪明,更有敢于嘲笑生活的心理,这是一种humor,虽然我无法用词汇很好的表达这种态度。
