

Unit 1

1.小包价 package rate 26.救生演习 muster drill

2.基本房价 rack rate 27. 疏散 evacuate

3.免费的 complimentary 28.强制性的 compulsory

4.豪华套房 deluxe suite 29.演习 drill

5.旅游与酒店业 hospitality industry 30.行李牌 claim tag

6.自助餐 buffet 31.菜肴 cuisine

7.住宿登记卡 registration card 32.餐厅总管 restaurant manager

8.纸币 bank note/bill 33.可以自由选择座位

9.时间安排 schedule 34.风味餐厅 specialty restaurant

10.叫早服务 morning call service 35.每日安排表 daily schedule

11.早餐券 coupon/voucher 36.汽笛 siren

12.酒店大堂 hotel lobby 37.终点站 terminal

13.无预定客人 walk-in guest 38.探测器 detector

14.保留房 blocked room 39.休息室 lounge

15.维修部 maintenance department 40.安检 security check

16.礼宾部 concierge 41.登船embarkation

17.走廊 corridor 42.紧急集合地点 muster station

18.机场大巴 airport shuttle bus 43.逃避者evader

19.货币的面额、面值 denomination 44.赌场casino

20.收据 receipt 45.停靠港 Port of call

21.发票 invoice 46.国际海上人命安全公约 SOLAS

22.姓名牌 name tag 47.折叠婴儿车 push chair

23.定金 deposit 48.手提行李 hand luggage

24.出纳员 cashier 49.度假地 resort

25.房费 room rate 50.房卡 room card

(1) 我把这些内容确定一下,好吗?您要定一个豪华套房,从23号星期五到27号星期二,包括起止日。房价是每晚699美元,含税。

Let me confirm the details of your reservation. You have reserved a deluxe suite from Friday the 23rd to Tuesday the 27th inclusive.the cost is $699 per night, including tax.is that correct?

(2) 乘电梯到三楼,出电梯一直往前走,右边就是美容院。

Take the lift to the third floor,go straight ahead out of the lift and the beauty salon is on your right.

(3)你要兑换什么,是现钞还是旅行支票? 请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗? What are you going to convert,bank note or traveler’s

checks?would you please sign the exchange form,giving your name and address?


To express our regret for all the trouble,we offer you complimentary flowers.

(5)我们酒店是中午结账。但是您下午5点才来结账。我们需要额外收取您50%的房费。Our hotel is noon check-out ,But you at 5 PM to check ,We need additional charge you 50% of the price

1. what are the statuses of the hotel rooms? please list them.

Occupied 住客房 vacant 空房 check out 走客房out of order 待修房

Blocked room 保留房 sleep out 外宿房 occupied with light luggage 携带少量行李的住客房 DND 请勿打扰房

2. what are the checking-in service procedures at the reception office?

Please list the steps.

1. Greet the guest

2. Confirm whether the guest has made a reservation

3. Confirm the guest’s room type,rate and length of stay

4. Check the payment status and comfirm the method of payment

5. Present the guest registration card and lease agreement

6. Arrange the room for the guest

7. Extend good wishes to the guest

3. What information can be found on a cruise ship card?

4. What are uses of a cruise ship card?

How to solve the complaints?

1. The guest just checked in, after the bellman sent the baggages to his room, the guest found out the baggages weren’t his. The guest called reception and complaint about it, how would you handle this issue?

2. It was 11PM, the guest from Room 1023 called reception, complained the TV in the next room was very loud while he was sleeping in the night. How would you help the guest solve this problem in a polite way?

Unit2 housekeeping service

1.面纸 tissues 16.餐车 dining car

2.衣架 hanger 17.熨烫工 presser/valet

3.烟灰缸 ashtray 18.单烫 pressing only

4.热水瓶 thermos 19.女士衬衫 blouse

5.被子 quilt 20.缝补服务 mending service

6.床垫 mattress 21.睡衣 pyjamas

7.床头柜 night stand 22.水管工 plumber

8.棉签 cotton buds 23.电工 electrician

9.变压器 transformer 24.保养维护 repair and maintenance

10.垃圾桶rubbish bin 25.淋浴喷头 shower head

11.浴缸 bathtub 26.自来水 tap water

12.开关 switch 27.失物招领 lost and found

13.温度调节器 temperature adjuster 28.水龙头 tap

14.夜床服务 turn-down service 29.赔偿金 compensation

15.插座 socket/outlet 30.缩水 shrink

? 1. 全天供应热水。 The hot water supply is 24 hours a day .

? 2. 洗衣袋和洗衣单在衣柜,如果您需要洗衣服务,请填写好洗衣单,然后将洗衣单和洗衣一同放入洗衣袋。Laundry bag and laundry form in

the chest, if you need laundry service, please fill out the laundry form,

then put the laundry list and laundry in the laundry bag.

? 3. 床头柜上有一个控制台,您可以控制所有的灯光、音乐、电视和空调。

There is a switchboard on the bedside table.you can control all the

lamps ,music,TV and air conditioning

? 4. 服务指南薄在抽屉内,上面有对我们酒店服务和设施设备的介绍。

The service information booklet is within in the drawer,there is

introduction to our hotel service and facilities.

? 5. 如果你想在客房用餐,你可以用门把菜单,也可以打电话找送餐部。

If you want to have breakfast in your room,you can use the door-knob

menu or phone housekeeping .

? 6. 我们有3小时快洗服务,需要付50%的额外费用。

We have a three-hour quick service,there is a 50% extra charge for it.

?7. 按照酒店规定,我们会付给您一定的赔偿金,但赔偿金最多不能超过洗衣费的10倍。希望您谅解。

According to the hotel policies,we pay an indemnity no more than 10

times the laundry charge ,I hope you can understand us.

?8. 湿洗与干洗衣服请分两袋装并分别填写表格。

Please place laundry and dry-cleaning into separate bags and fill in

separate forms.

?9. 迷你吧有酒精类和不含酒精的饮料,还有一些小吃,您使用的每一件东西都会记在您的账单上。

Mini-bar contains alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and a few

snacks.anying you use will be added to your bill.

?10. 这件毛衣请用冷水手洗。否则,它会缩水。The sweater washed by hand in cold water,otherwise,it will be shrink.

Answer the followed questions

? 1. Please state the service procedure of room service.

1.greet the guest

2.get the information from the guest(what he wants.special

demands for cooking,the guest’s name and his room number)

3.confirm the order

4.tell the guest tne order will be ready soon

5.deliver the food to the guest room

6.speak out the order and give the bill to the guest

7.ask the guest to sign the name and room number

8.express your wishes

? 2. Please state the service procedure of handling the repair and maintenance service.

1.when something breakdown in the room,get the details

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9f4553333.html,fort the guest

3.contact the engineering staff immediately

4.if the problem couldn’t be resolved right now ,change room

for guest

5.make an apolgy for the inconvenience

? 3. what is the kai ye chuang service?

Turn-down service is when the hotel staff come into your room in

the evening to turn down the bedcovers,the conventional practice is to

turn down a corner of the blankets to make the bed look inviting and that much more restful.they also either fold the bedcover nicely at the

food of the bed ,or put away in a discrteet shelf in the wardrobe.turn-

down service is not just about the bed,staff doing turn-down service also tops up(加满) the ice box,draws the curtains,put out your

bedroom slippers,turns on the radio at the audible but soft

volume,tidies up the room a little,tops up your toiletries(化妆品),folds the end of tne toilet paper roll into a little triangle,and sometimes

changes your bathroom towels

?Mr. Bernat lost his mobile phone when he left his room for breakfast this morning. The room attendant gets the details about that and

comforts him. He promise to help the guest to find the mobile phone.

?You are introducing the room service to the guest, you may tell the guest what the room service is, how to order the room service and

how to do with the plates after using the meal. Please be specific.

Room service,also called food delivery service,refers to the service

provided by room service section in food and beverage department in a hotel,which means guests can order their food via telephone or

marking down the knob menu,then the food will be delivered by the same staff who serve in the restaurants and bars,or by the

housekeeping staff,or by room service staff in a large hotel.

Guests can place orders either through a telephone order taker or

through doorknob menu,just check the items you’d like for

breakfast,mark down the time,and hang it outside your door brfore you go to bed tonight.

You can just leave the plates on the table afer using the meal,the staff will come and collect them latter.


饭店服务员常用英语口语 1、What?kind?of?rooms(foods)?would?you?like?to?have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)? 2、 Here?is?a?brochure?of?our?hotel?and?t ariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。3、 We'll?give?you?a?10%(ten?percent?)?di scount.? 我们给您九折优惠。 4、 We'll?offer?tour?guides?complimentary ?breakfasts.? 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 5、We?accept?your?terms.? 我们接受您的条件。 6、May?I?introduce?myself?? 让我介绍我自己。 7、 May?I?present?you?a?litter?souvenir??请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 8、Let's?drink?to?our?friendship!? 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、 Let?me?propose?a?toast?to?the?health ?of?our?guests!? 建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!)? 干杯! 11、How?do?you?like?Chinese?food??您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、 What?do?you?think?of?our?service??您对我们的服务有什么意见?

13、 Thank?you?for?your?comments(compli ment,?suggestions).? 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)14、 I'm?afraid?it's?against?the?hotel's?regul ations.? 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、 In?our?hotel?we?don't?accept?tips.? 我们饭店是不收小费的。 16、 It's?our?pleasure?to?serve?our?guests? well.? 我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。 17、Thank?you?all?the?same.? 然而,还是要谢谢您。 16、 I'm?afraid?you'll?have?to?pay?for?the? damage.? 您必须赔偿。 17、 Thank?you?for?telling?us?about?it.? 谢谢您告诉我们 18、 I'll?look?into?the?mater?right?away.?我马上去处理这件事情。 19、 I?assure?you?it?wont?happen?again.?我保证此类事情不会再发生。 20、Please?don't?worry,?sir?(madam)?先生(夫人),请不必担心。 21、 I?will?send?someone?up?to?your?room? right?away.?


酒店前厅部常用英语Hotel English 100 sentences Greetings (打招呼) 1、Good morning ,sir(madam) 早上好,先生(小姐) 2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen 下午好,女士们,先生们. 3、Good evening ,miss Price 晚上好,普莱丝小姐. 4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ? 你今天好吗?布朗先生. 5、I’m quite well ,thank you. 我很好,谢谢你. 6、Hs good to see you again ,sir(madam) 再次见到你真高兴,先生(小姐) 7、Nice to meet you ,sir. 见到你真高兴,先生. Tithes(称呼) 8、Are you mrs,Best? 你是贝丝特夫人吗? 9、You must be professor Ford. 你一定是福特教授. 10、May I know your name,sir(madam)? 我可以知道你的名字吗?先生(小姐). 11、Here’s a letter for you ,Dr white. 怀特医生,这儿有你的一封信. 12、you’re wanted on the phone,Captain Smith. 史密斯船长,有你的电话. 13、Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry. 欢迎来到我们酒店,享利小姐. 14、May I be of service to you,mr Baker ? 我能为你服务吗?贝克先生? 15、Can I help you, Ms Blake? 我能帮你吗?布雷克小姐? 16、Would you take the seat ,young lady ? 请坐,小姐, Offering Help 主动提出帮助 17、May I help you ? 18、Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? 19、What can I do for you ? 我能为你作什么? 20、 May I take your ba for you?


酒店餐饮日常英语会话 1、可口可乐Coca cola 2、矿泉水Mineral water 3、橘子汁orange Squash 4、啤酒Beer 5、香槟酒Champagne 6、葡萄酒Port 7、威士忌Whisky 8、白兰地Brandy 9、伏特加Vodka 10、味美思Vermouth 11、冰淇淋Ice cream 12、苹果Apple 13、梨Pear 14、桃Peach 15、香蕉Banana 16、橘子Oragne 17、西瓜Watermelon 18、哈密瓜Harmi Melon 19、白兰瓜Lanchou melon 20、葡萄Grape 21、荔枝Lichee 22、菠萝Pineapple 23、面包Bread 24、巧克力Chocolate 25、蛋糕Cake 26、咖啡Coffee 27、红茶Black tea 28、口布A mouth Cloth 29、香烟Cigarette 30、火柴Match 31、手纸Toilet paper 32、盘子Plate 33、叉子Fork 34、勺子Spoon 35、汤勺Soup Spoon 36、牙签Toothpick 37、筷子Chopsticks 38、茶杯Cup 39、开水Hot water 40、凉开水Cold water 41、甜Sweet 42、酸Sour

43、咸Salty 44、辣Hot 45、苦Bitter 46、糖Sugar 47、味精Monosodium Glutamate 48、咖喱粉Curry Powder 49、辣椒粉Chilli powder 50、胡椒粉Black Pepper 52、砂糖Powdered sugar 53、香肠Sausage 54、服务员(男性)Waiter 55、您好Hi! 56、您好!Hello! 57、您好吗?How do you do? 58、先生(女士),早上好。Good morning, Sir(Ladies) 59、先生们(女士们),下午好!Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen 60、先生们(女士们),晚上好!Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. 61、您好,欢迎你们(女士们、先生们)到我们俱乐部Hello!Wolcome to our club. 62、这里是接待处,可以为您效劳吗?Here’s the reception. What can I do for you? 63、您早!How do you do! 64、早上好!Good morning! 65、下午好!Good afternoon! 66、明天见!See you tommorow! 67、欢迎您!You are welcome 68、见到您很高兴!I’m very glad to meet you 69、请这边走!This way, please 70、请里边坐!Come in and sit down please 71、请您休息一下!Take a rest, please 72、请饮用一杯茶。Have a cup of tea, please 73、请饮用咖啡。Have some coffee, please 74、对不起。I’m sorry. 75、没关系。Doesn’t ma tter. 76、请原谅。Excuse me, please 77、好的(好吧)。That’s all right. 78、您需要点什么?What would you like to have?


酒店常用英语-打铃服务 Ring the Bell 打铃服务 -Did you ring,madam?-是你按铃吗,太太? -Yes.Kindly turn off the air-conditioner in this room.I've tried to do so,but I can't. -是的,麻烦你把这屋的空调器关掉。我自己已经试过了,可我关不动。 -Yes,madam.There's something wrong with the switch;perhaps it needs repairing .-好的,太太。这个开关有点毛病,大概需要修理一下了。 -What can I do for you,sir?-先生,你有什么事要我办吗? -The light has fused.Please change the bulb for me.-电灯泡坏了,请换一个。 -The light of this room is dim,please get me a brighter one.-房间里灯光太暗,可否调一只亮灯泡? -There is no water in the bottle.-热水瓶没水了。 -The tea cup is dirty.Please get some glasses for me.-茶杯脏了,请拿几只玻璃杯来。 -Please bring me some ice blocks.-请拿些冰块来。 -I've got some coffee.Please get me some cube sugar.-我自己有咖啡,请拿几块方糖来。 -I should like you to bring me some hot watcr.-我想请你给我送些热水来。 -Please buy tow packets of Zhonghua cigarettes(filter tipped)and a box of match for me. -我要两包带过滤嘴的"中华"香烟和一盒火柴。


Dialogue A Individual clients check in(散客入住) G=客人R:=接待员 R:Good afternoon. Madam.Welcome to Grand Park Kunming .May I help you? 下午好,欢迎光临昆明君乐酒店,请问有什么可以帮到您? G:Yes, I’d like to check-in .please. 我要登记住宿。 R:Certainly, Madam. May I have you name, please? 好的,小姐。能告诉我您的姓名吗? G:I’m Christine.Nolan 我叫克莉丝汀?诺兰 R:Do you have a reservation, Ms. Nolan? 诺兰小姐,请问您预定了房间吗? G:Yes, form today. 是的,预定了。从今晚开始。 R:OK, Ms .Nolan, please show me your passport. 好的,诺兰小姐,麻烦您出示一下您的护照。 R:(双手接客人证件) R:(扫描客人证件后双手归还客人) R:Just a moment, please. I’ll check our reservation record. (After a while)Thank you for waiting. Ms. Nolan. Your reservation is for a business single room for one night, the room rate is ¥800 that including two breakfasts. Is that all right? 请稍等,我查一下预定记录。(过了一会)让你久等了,诺兰小姐,您预定了一个晚上的商务单间,房价¥800(房价用手指给客人不要说出报价),含两份早餐是吗? G:Yes. 是的 R:Print out the registration form? 打印住宿登记表。 (再次与客人确认姓名,来店离店日期,房号,房价和早餐数等信息并礼貌的让客人在登记单上签名) R:You stay here one day, the deposit is ¥1500,you want pay for credit card or cash? 您住一天,押金是¥1500,请问您是刷卡还是付现金呢? G:By Credit Card. 刷卡。 R:OK, Ms. Nolan, please show me your credit card, I’ll brush ¥1500 of per-authorization(预授权)as your deposit. Do you have a password of your card? 好的,诺兰小姐请您出示一下您的信用卡,给您刷¥500的预授权做您的押金,请问您的卡有密码吗?(刷卡前先核实是否为有效的信用卡,有无客人签名) G:Yes. 有密码 R:OK, please input the password. 好的,请您输一下密码。 R:(刷卡后双手将卡还给客人,礼貌的让客人在POS单上签名并再次告知刷卡的金额)R:This is for you to brush a ¥1500 per-authorization, please sign in POS list to confirm.


Hotel English Words: make a reservation:预定 register:登记、注册 Room Reservation: 客房预订处 Book : 预订 book a room/ book a ticket Confirm : 确认 Counter : 柜台 Double room: 双人房 Single room: 单人间 Triple room:三人间 Standard room : 标准间 Family suite: 家庭套房 Deluxe suite : 豪华套房 Presidential suite : 总统套房 Double room with tiwn beds:有两张单人床的双人间 Double bed:双人床 Room change : 房价 Special rate : 优惠价 Service change: 服务费

Discount : 折扣 a 10 percent discount/off suites: 套房 How would you like to pay credit card or cash (您想怎么付款) ---Credit card: 信用卡 ---Cash : 现金 Name tag : 标签,行李牌 Luggage/baggage: 行李 Suitcase : 箱子 Handbag : 手提包 Valuables: 贵重物品 Breakable : 易碎的 Full name/complete name: 全名 Fill in : 填写 Nationality : 国籍 Departure date : 离开日期 Signature : 签名 Passport :护照 Receipt : 收据 Fine : 罚金 Sundry fee : 杂费


酒店常用接待服务英语欢迎语: (1) 欢迎光临我们酒店! Welcome to our hotel! (2) 欢迎您来这里进餐。 Welcome to have meals here. (3) 欢迎您再度光临,很高兴再见到您。 Welcome back. Nice to see you again. *禁语:喂!您好哇! Hello. Hi. Well. 问候语: (1) 您好!(初次见面) How do you do? (2) 您好吗!布莱克先生。(见到常客) How are you today. Mr.Black? (3) 早上好!先生/夫人。 Good morning. Sir/Madam. (4) 下午好! Good afternoon. (5) 晚上好! Good evening. (6) 多日不见,您好吗? Long time no see. How are you? (7) 我很好,谢谢!先生您好吗?(回答问候时) Very well, Thank you, And yourself Sir? (8) 早上好!这里是——,能为您效劳吗? Good morning. This is - - ,May I help you? (9) 希望您在我们酒店住得愉快!

Hope your enjoy your stay in our Hotel. *禁语: (1) 您吃过饭了吗? Have you had lunch (breakfast dinner) (2) 您到哪里去啊? Where are you going? (3) 什么事? Yes? What? 祝贺语: (1) 恭喜您! Congratulations! (2) 祝您生日快乐! Wish you a Happy birthday! (3) 祝您新年快乐! Happy new year to you! (4) 祝您周末愉快! Wish you a good weekend! (5) 祝您圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas! 征询语: (1) 先生,我能为您效劳吗? May I help you, Sir? (2) 先生,我能为您做些什么? What can I do for you, Sir. (3) 请问先生您喜欢吗? Do you enjoy it , Sir? (4) 布莱克先生,如果您不介意的话,我能——吗? Mr. Black, Would you mind if I ……. (5) 先生,请问您贵姓? Could I have your name, Sir?


hotelenglish part 1 greetings问候 2. good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. what can i do for you? 先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么? 3. my name is ..., is there anything else i can do for you, just let me know. 我叫...,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。 4.if you have any problems, please feel free to contact us . 如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。 5.have you make a reservation ?\have you booked the room?\are you the vip? 请问有预订吗?\请问你是会员吗? 6.what kind of room would you like ? 请问您需要什么类型的房间。 7.sorry ,i don’t quite understand . 对不起,我不是很明白。 8.i’m afraid we’ve fully booked for that time . 抱歉,我们那个时段已给订满了。 9.it’s the hot /peak/busy season ,you know ? 这是酒店业的旺季。 10.excuse me ,how do spell it ,please ? 打扰一下,您能拼写一下您的名字吗? 11.we can only keep your table /room till … 我们能保留您的房间直到... 12.let me show you to your room ,this way please . 让我带您到房间,这边请。 _______________________________________________________________________________ part 2 helping to check-in帮助入住 1.please have a seat for a while, i’ll help you with the check-in procedure. 请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。 2. would you please give me your passport or id card and credit card ?, i’ll help you to fill in the form. 请把您的护照和信用卡交给我,我帮您办理入住手续。 3. how many nights will you stay this time? 这次入住您会住多少天? 4. which room would you like, we have these kinds of rooms...? 您是要哪种房间? 5. excuse me, sir/madame. how would you like to pay the deposit, cash or credit card(together or separately)? 先生/女士,不好意思,打搅一下。请问您是要付现金还是刷卡(分开付押金还是一起付)呢? 6.here is your room key and the breakfast coupon. would you please sign here? 这是您的房卡和早餐券。请您在这里签个名好吗? 7. here are your passport and the credit card . you can go up to the room now i hope you enjoy your stay with us..


酒店常用英语口语语句 1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ... May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么? 2.麻烦客人时,可使用Couldyou ... Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗? Could you write that down, please? 请您写下来好吗? Could you draft the fax, please? 请您写下传真的草稿好吗? Could you hold the line, please? 请不要挂电话好吗? 3.询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ... Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡? Would you like to take a taxi? 请问您要搭计程车吗? Would you mind sitting here? 请问您介意坐在这里吗? 4.在提供建议协助、征求意见时,可使用Shall I ... 或Would you like me to do ...? Shall I draw the curtains? 请问需要我把窗帘拉上吗? Shall I draw you a map? 请问要我为您画一张地图吗? Shall I make the reservation for you? 请问要我为您安排预约吗? 二、招呼语 Good morning. (用于中午以前) Good afternoon. (用于中午至下午六点以前) Good evening. (用于下午六点过后) 在这些招呼语的后面接句子,例如: Good morning, sir. Are you checking-out? 早上好,先生,请问您要退房吗? Good afternoon, sir. Welcome toLI JIA Hotel. 中午好,先生,欢迎光临丽嘉酒店。Good evening, Ms. May I help you? 晚上好,小姐,请问我能为您服务吗? 后面也可以接上自己酒店名称、部门名称,如:


酒店常用英语口语:前厅部用语 来源:餐饮管理发布时间:2010年08月26日点击数: 1195 【字体:小大】【收藏】 (1) Have you a reservation? 您预订过吗? (2) May I have your name and room number? 您能告诉我您的名字与房间号码吗? (3) Here is your room key. 给您房间钥匙。 (4) Please pay at the cashier's desk over there. 请去那边帐台付款。 (5) Are these your baggage? May I take them for you? 这些是您的行李吗?我来帮您拿,好吗? (6) I'm afraid our hotel is fully booked on that date. 对不起,我们饭店那一天的客房全部订满了。 (7) Your room is confirmed for that day. We look forward to serving you. 您要的那一日房间已经确认了。我们期待着为您服务。 (8) I'll cancel Mr Bell's reservation from February 27th for three nights. 我将取消BELL先生从2月27日开始3个晚上的预订。 (9) May I reconfirm your departure date? 我可以再次确认您的离店日期吗? (10) I'm sorry, madam. We don't have any vacancy at the moment. 对不起,小姐,我们现在没有空房间。 (12) How many pieces of luggage do you have? 请问您有几件行李? (13) Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag? 您包里有贵重或易碎物品吗? (14) You can get your money changed at the cashier's Desk.. 您可以去收款处兑换钱。 (15) Could you take a message for her, please? 你能不能为我给她留信口信? (16) Just a moment, please, sir. I'll put you through. 请稍等一下,先生。我马上为您接通。 (17) For outside calls, please press 9 first and when you hear the dialing tone, press the number you want. 打外线请先按9,听到声响后再按您所要的号码。 (18) How would you like to make payment, sir. 先生,请问您将如何付款? (19) Here is your change and receipt, sir. I'll send a bellman up to get your luggage. 先生,这是您的找钱和收据。我马上叫行李员上去取您的行李。 (20) The rate of your room will be paid by your host unit while the others should be at your expense. 您的房费将由接待单位支付,而杂费则应由您自己付。 (21) How many copies do you need? 您要复印几份? (22) Can you give me your fax number, sir? 请您告诉我您的传真号码好吗? (23) When can I pick it up? 我什么时间能取? 礼宾部 Concierge 行李生 Bell man / Bell boy 门童 Doorman 行李 Luggage / Baggage 行李架 Luggage rack

4 酒店餐饮常用英语40句

PART FOUR 第四部分 FOR FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT 餐饮部用 Reserving a table 订座 1.I want to reserve a room for two hundred people to hold a dinner party. 我想预定一间能容纳二百人的宴会厅举行晚宴。 2.I’m sorry we are booked out for this evening. 抱歉,今晚订满了。 3.When do you start to serve dinner in the evening? (When is the restaurant open for breakfast?) 你们什么时候供应晚餐?(几点供应早餐?) 4.When are the restaurant opening hour / operating hour? 餐厅营业时间几点到几点? 5.But I prefer a table by the window. My wife loves the night view of Jinji Lake. 但是我想要一个靠近窗户的桌子。我爱人喜欢看金鸡湖的夜景。 6.I’m sorry. The tables by the window are all occupied. 对不起,靠近窗户的桌子全都有人了。 7.Good morning, Aurora Café / O’S Café , this is ××speaking, how may I help you? 早上好,畅园咖啡厅/欧式咖啡 厅,我是××,能为您效劳吗? 8.We have received many bookings and I cannot guarantee a table by the window. 我们已接到许多预定,因而无法向您保证能有一个靠窗的桌子。 9.Y ou can be sure that we’ll try our best. 请相信我们会尽最大努力的。 10.Thank you for calling, sir. We look forward to your visit. 谢谢您的电话,我们盼望着您的光临。 Receiving a guest 引座 11.Have you got a reservation? 您预订座位了吗? 12.Just a moment. I’ll take a look at out reservation book. Y es, Mr. Dewey, a table for two, 8 o’clock. Would you come this way, please? 请稍候,我查一下我们的预定簿。对了,Dewey先生,二人桌,8点到。请这边走。 13.Oh, yes, Mr. Smith. We’ve been expecting you. Would you please come with me? 史密斯先生我们正等您呢,请跟我走。 14.Good morning, madam / sir, welcome to our restaurant. 早上好,女士/先生,欢迎光临我们餐厅。 15.Sorry, sir, all the tables are taken. Would you mind waiting until one is free? 对不起先生,没有空位了,等一会儿好吗? 16.The buffet is over there. Please help yourself. 自助餐在那边,请自己享用。 17.I haven’t got a reservation. Can I get a seat anyway? 没有预约,有位子吗? 18.How long is the wait? 要等多久才有位子?


餐厅服务常用语 1.G ood morning, Mr. / Ms. 早上好,先生/女士。 2.W elcome to our Hotel. 欢迎来到酒店。 3.H ow are you? 你好吗? 4.N ice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 5.H ave some tea please. 请用茶。 6.P lease take a seat. 请坐。 7.T hank you. 谢谢。 8.H appy New Year. 新年快乐。 9.Y ou are welcome. 不用客气。 10.How many people in your group? 请问你几位? 11.This way, please. 这边请。 12.Please come with me. 请随我来。 13.Please wait a minute. 请稍等。 14.Excuse me. 打扰一下。 15.Enjoy your meal. 请慢用。 16.May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 17.Is there anything wrong, sir/madam? 先生/女士,有事吗?(指不好的事情) 18.I am very sorry. 很对不起。 19.Can I help you. 我能帮到你吗?

20.I will call my manager. 我去叫我们的经理过来。 21.I will bring it right away. 我马上给你送过来。 22.I will check it for you. 我帮你查一下。 23.It is my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。 24.Glad to be of service. 很高兴为你服务。 25.Please sign here. 请签名。 26.Have a nice stay. 祝你入住愉快。 27.Have a nice trip. 祝你旅途愉快。 28.Thank you for coming. 多谢光临。 29.Hope to see you again. 希望再见你。 30.Good-bye. 再见。 前厅部日常接待用语 1.W elcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临我们酒店。 2.H ow many nights will you stay? 你要住几个晚上? 3.For which dates do you want to book the room? 你想预定哪几天的? 4.W hat kinds of rooms do you want? 你想订哪种房间?


餐饮部常用英语1.English of Chinese Restaurant 中餐 1.How many, please? 请问几位? 2,This way , please .这边请. 3,A waiter /waitress will e soon to take your order .服务员很快会来为您写菜单. 2 4,It looks good ,smells good and tastes good .这道菜色,香,味俱全. 5,Why not try the…….?要不要试试………呢? 6,Which brand of milk / beer/ cigarettes/wine/…would you prefer ?你喜欢什么牌子的牛奶/啤酒7,It may take about 15 minutes 可能需要15 分钟. 8,It's crisp/tasty/tender/clear/strong/spicy/aromatic 它很酥脆/可口/鲜嫩/清淡/浓烈/辣/香味扑鼻. 9,Here is **** for your order, please enjoy it.这是您点的菜,请慢慢享用. 10,Here is your bill.这是您的帐单. 西餐: English of Western Restaurant 西餐: 1,Wele to our restaurant.欢迎光临本餐厅. 2, Do you have a meal voucher / breakfast voucher?您有早餐券吗? 3,Would you like coffee or tea?您想要咖啡还是茶? 4,This way please. Would you like sitting by the window?这边请,您想坐在窗边吗? 5,May I take this plate away?我可以收掉这个盘子吗? 6,What kind of egg style would you like?请问您的鸡蛋需要什么样的形式? 7.We have pan-fried egg, scramble egg, boiled egg, poached egg.我们有煎蛋,炒蛋,煮蛋,荷包蛋. 8.Would you like one side or two sides?您是要单面还是双面?(煎蛋) 9,How would you like the steak rare, medium, or well done?您喜欢几成熟的牛排,是生的,5 分熟, 还是全熟? 10,What kind of sauce would you like?您需要配什么汁? 11,Would you like one glass of red wine with your steak?您的牛排需要配杯红酒吗? 12,Would you like a vegetable salad or a fruit salad?你要蔬菜沙拉还是水果沙拉? 13,Here is **** for your order, please enjoy it.这是您点菜,请慢慢享用.

Daily Service 日常服务(酒店常用英语)

Daily Service 日常服务(酒店常用英语) Daily Service 日常服务 -(Knocking at the door.)-(敲门。) -May I come in?-我可以进来吗? -Come in,please.-请进。 -Please don't come in.-请不要进来。 -Just a moment(a minute),please.-请稍等一下。 -I'm sorry to disturb you.May I clean the room,sir?-对不起打扰你了,我来打扫一下房间好吗? -All https://www.360docs.net/doc/9f4553333.html,e in,please.-好的,请进来。 -Please clean it when I am out.-我马上要出去,请等一会儿打扫。 -May I change the water of the thermos now?-我现在可以换水吗? -Yes,please.-请换吧。 -Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon.Will you please give me some more hot bottles and tea cups? -下午我有几位朋友来访,请给加些热水瓶和茶杯。 -Well,we'll send tea into the room when the visitors come. -好,客人来访我们会端茶进来的。 -By the way,is there any mail for me?-顺便一下,有我的邮件吗?

-No.If there is,I'll give it to you in time.-没有。如果有的话,我会及时给你送来的。 -Why did you come in without my permission?-你为什么没经我允许就进来了? -It's my negligence.I beg your pardon.-我疏忽了,请你原谅。 -I come and make the bed.Shall I do it now or later?-我来做夜床,你看是现在做还是等会儿做? -Since you have come,you may do it now?-既然来了,现在就做吧。 -Here's your clean laundry.you'd better check it.-衣服洗好了,请您过目。 -I am collecting the fee of the long distance call.-我来收长途电话费。 -This is the bill for the room rent of half a day.-这是补半天房金的帐单。 -Here is a telegram for you.-这儿有一封你的电报。 -Why is it unsealed?-它怎么被拆开了? -Because there is no name of the receiver on the envelope,therefore the clerk uns ealed it in order to find out the name of the receiver. -因为电报封面没有收报人姓名,服务台为了查对姓名而拆开的。 -Have you lost anything today,sir?-先生,你今天丢过什么东西吗? -Yes,a wallet.I'm looking for it now.-丢了一只皮夹子,我正在找呢。 -What is there in the wallet?-皮夹子里有些什么? -My daughter's photo and some money.-有一张我女儿的照片,还有一些钱。 -Look,is this wallet yours?-看,这只皮夹子是不是你的? -Yes,it's mine.Thank you ever so much.-是我的,太感谢你了。
