


2008-08-02 12:09


successful / sEk5sesful/ a.成功的

adult / 5AdQlt/ n.成年人; a.成年的, 成熟的

disagree / 5disE5gri:/ vt.(with)1.有分歧,不同意;2.不一致,不符statement / 5steitmEnt/ n.声明,陈述

guarantee / 5gArEn5ti:/ n./vt.保证,担保,保修

intelligent / in5telidVEnt/ a.聪明的,明智的

conversely / 5kRn5vE:sli, 5kRnvE:s-/ ad.相反地

similar / 5similE/ a.相似的,类似的;与…相似(to)

independent / 5indi5pendEnt/ a.独立的,自主的

pattern / 5pAtEn/ n.1.型,模式,样式;2.花样,图案

guesser n.猜测者

clue / klu:/ n.线索,提示

conclusion / kEn5klu:VEn/ n.结论,推论

communicate / kE5mju:nikeit/ vi.通讯,交流,交际;vt.传达,传播communication / kE5mju:nikeiFEn/ n.通讯,交流;传达;通讯联系,交通工具

inexact / inig5zAkt/ a.不正确的,不精确的

incomplete / 5inkEm5pli:t/ a.不完整的

purpose / 5pE:pEs/ n.1.目的,意图;2.用途

regularly / 5regjulEli/ ad.整齐地,经常地,定期地

purposefully ad.有目的地,蓄意地

technique / tek5ni:k/ n.1.技术;2.技巧,手艺

outline / 5aut-lain/ vt.概括,提出要点;n.轮廓;提纲

disagree with 与…有分歧,不一致

first of all 首先,第一

depend on 依赖,依靠;依…而定

be willing to 愿意,乐意

be interested in 对…感兴趣

on the other hand 另一方面


instance / 5instEns/ n.例,实例

deaf / def/ a.聋的;听力不佳的

dumb / dQm/ a.哑的;无言的

Englishman / 5iNgliFmEn/ n.英国人

Italian / i5tAljEn/ n.意大利人;意大利语

waiter / 5weitE/ n.侍者,服务员

beer / biE/ n.啤酒

soda-water n.苏打水,汽水

traveler / 5trAvlE/ n.旅客,旅游者

macaroni / 5mAkE5rEuni/ n.通心粉

primitive / 5primitiv/ a.原始的

exact / ig5zAkt/ a.精确的,正确的

consist / kEn5sist/ vi.组成(of)

simply / 5simpli/ ad.1.仅,只;2.完全地;3朴素地

parrot / 5pArEt/ n.鹦鹉

not only...but also 不但…而且

neither...nor 既不…也不

consist of 由…组成

Italy / 5itEli/ n.意大利


tax / tAks/ n.税(款) vt.对…征税

generally / 5dVenErEli/ ad.一般地,通常,大体上

federal / 5fedErEl/ a.联邦的

type / taip/ n.类型,种类,品种;vt./vi.打字

salaried / 5sAlErid/ a.拿薪水的,领工资的

salary / 5sAlEri/ n.工资 vt.[常用被动语态]给…发薪

earn / E:n/ vt.1.挣得,赚得;2.获得,赢得

percentage / pE5sentidV/ n.百分比,百分率

vary / 5vZEri/ vi.变化,有不同,差异;vt.改变,使不同

graduated a.1.(税)累进的;2.分等级的;3.刻度的;4.毕业的

sale / seil/ n.出售,卖;廉价出售

charge / tFa:dV/ vt.1.索价;2.指控;3.装填,使充满;n.1.价钱,费用;2控告,指控;3.负责,主管;4.负荷

item / 5aitEm/ n.条,条款,项目

packet / 5pAkit/ n.小包,小盒;vt.打包,装行李;包装

cigarette n.香烟,纸烟

figure / 5figE/ n.1.数字;2.人物;3外形,轮廓;vt.(out)计算出;想出;理解addition / E5diFEn/ n.1.加,加法;2.附加物

revenue / 5revinju:/ n.1.(国家的)岁入,税收;2.收入,收益

diverse / dai5vE:s/ a.1.不同的,相异的;2.多种多样的

confuse / kEn5fju:z/ vt.使混乱,混淆

property / 5prRpEti/ n. 1.财产,资产,所有物;2.性质,特性

excise / ek5saiz/ n.国产税;本国消费税

fund / fQnd/ n.1.基金,专款;2.储备,贮存;vt.供以款项,提供资金department / di5pa:tmEnt/ n.部,部门,系

municipal / mju:5nisipEl/ a.市的,市政的

complain / kEm5plein/ vt./vi.抱怨(of, about)

protest / prE5test, 5prEutest/ vt./vi.抗议,反对

useless / 5ju:zlis/ a.1.无用的;2无价值的;3.无效的

impractical / im5prAktikl/ a.不切实际的,不能实行的

program / 5prEugrAm/ n.1.计划,规划;2.程序;3.节目,节目单;vt.为…编制程序

view / vju:/ n.1.看法,见解,观点;2.视野,眼界;3.景色,风景;vt.看待,考虑,估量

issue / 5iFu:/ n.1.问题,争论点;2.发行;3(书刊的)期号;vt.发行,颁布,出

tend / tend/ vi.(to)易于,往往会;倾向于;vt.照管,护理

be sure of 确信…;确定…

have a corner on 垄断(某物)=to have a(the) corner (on)

similar to 跟…类似的,与…同样的

in addition to 加之;又;除…之外;并且

tend to 倾向,有…的趋势,趋于

California / 5kAli5fR:njE/ 加利福尼亚(美国州名)

North Dakota 北达科他(美国州名)


advertise / 5AdvEtaiz/ vt./vi.为…做广告;登广告

attract / E5trAkt/ vt.吸引,引起…的注意

design / di5zain/ vt./vi.1.设计;2.预定,指定;n.1.设计;2.图样,图案;3.企图

mail / meil/ n.邮件,邮递;vt.邮寄

constantly / 5kRnstEntli/ ad.经常地;不断地;时常地

product / 5prRdEkt/ n.产品,产物

persuade / pE:5sweid/ vt.1.说服,劝服;2.使相信;

leisure / 5leVE/ n.1.空闲时间,空暇;2.悠闲,安逸

activity / Ak5tiviti/ n.1.活动,活跃;2.行动

classified / 5klAsifaid/ a.1.分类的,被归为一类的;2.保密的,机密的edition / i5diFEn/ n.版,版本

section / 5sekFEn/ n.1.章节,部分;2.部门,科;3.截面,剖面announcement / E5naunsmEnt/ n.通告,布告,告示

available / E5veilEbl/ a. 可利用的,可获得的

amount / E5maunt/ n.数量,数额,总数;vi.合计,共计(to)

display / dis5plei/ n./vt.1.陈列,展览;2.显示

entertainment / 5entE5teinmEnt/ n.(戏院,马戏团等的)娱乐,游艺,技艺表演;2.招待,款待

audience / 5R:djEns/ n.听众,观众,读者

limited / 5limitid/ a.有限的

attractive / E5trAktiv/ a.有吸引力的,引起注意的

characteristic / 5kAriktE5ristik/ a.特有的,典型的;为…特有的(of);n.特性,特征

slogan / 5slEugEn/ n.标语,口号

identify / ai5dentifai/ vt.认出,鉴定;认为…等同于(with) commercial / kE5mE:FEl/ a.商业的,商务的;n.商业广告

department / di5pa:tmEnt/ n.部,部门,系

responsible / ris5pRnsEbl/ a.1.需负责的,承担责任的(for);2.有责任感的,负责可靠的;3.责任重大的,重要的

company / 5kQmpEni/ n.1.公司;2.同伴,陪伴

particular / pE5tikjulE/ a.特定的;特殊的,特别的 n.详情,细节estimate / 5estimit, 5estimeit/ n.估计,估价;评价;vt.估计,估价management / 5mAnidVmEnt/ n.1.管理,经营;2.管理部门;3.资方

approve / E5pru:v/ vt.1.赞成,同意;2.批准,核准

involve / in5vRlv/ vt.1.使卷入,使参与(in);2.牵涉;3.包含,含有

for the most part 在很大程度上,多半

be characteristic of 为…所特有,是…的特征

catch the eye 引人注目

no more than 仅仅

identify...with 把…和…等同起来

carry over 继续下去,遗留下来

as well as 除…之外(也);和

over and over 反复

put up with 忍受,容忍

be responsible for 对…负责任的;对…承担责任的

decide on 决定,选定

be involved in 与…有关联,参与,介入


sailor / 5seilE/ n.水手,海员

unwilling / 5Qn5wiliN/ a.不情愿的,不愿意的

equator / i5kweitE/ n.赤道

km n.公里;千公尺

bulge / bQldV/ n.不规则突起;鼓起之处

unusual / Qn5ju:VuEl/ a.不寻常的,与众不同的

salty / 5sR:lti/ a.含盐的,咸的

average / 5AvEridV/ n.平均数,平均;a.1.平均的;2.平常的,普通的;v.平均spot / spRt/ n.1.地点,处所;2.点,斑点;vt.1.点缀;2.认出,准确定位range / reindV/ n.山脉;幅度,范围;vi.(在某范围内)变动,变化;vt.把…排列成行

peak / pi:k/ n.1.山峰;2.顶点

mid-Atlantic a.大西洋中部的

eastward / 5i:stwEd/ a.向东的;ad.向东

vessel / 5vesl/ n.1.船,舰;2.容器,器皿

crew / kru:/ n.全体船员,全体机务人员

becalm / bi5kB:m/ vt.1.(常用被动)(指帆船)因无风而停止前进;2.使平静,使安静

gulf / gQlf/ n.海湾

stream / stri:m/ n.小河,溪流;vi.流,涌

current / 5kQrEnt/ n.1.(空气,水等)流,潮流;2.潮流;3.电流;a.当前的,通行的

affect / E5fekt/ vt.影响,打动

climate / 5klaimit/ n.气候

flow / flEu/ vi.流动;n.流

furnish / 5fE:niF/ vt.1.供应,提供2.装备,(用家具)布置

fishing / 5fiFiN/ n.捕鱼,钓鱼

region / 5ri:dVEn/ n.地区,区域

highway / 5haiwei/ n.公路;(水陆)交通干线

iceberg / 5aisbE:g/ n.冰山

float / flEut/ vi./vt.(使)漂浮

steamship / 5sti:mFip/ n.汽船,轮船

airplane / 5ZEplein/ n.飞机

separate...from 使从…分离(分开,隔开)

on average 根据平均标准;平均而言

pile up 累积;(指若干车辆)碰撞在一起

Atlantic / Et5lAntik/ 大西洋(=the Atlantic Ocean)

America / E5merikE/ 美洲(前边加定冠词the)

Pacific / pE5sifik/ 太平洋(=the Pacific Ocean)

Columbus / kE5lQmbEs/ 哥伦布(意大利航海家,新大陆发现者)

Puerto Rico 波多黎各(美国的一个自由联邦,实行自治)

Azores / E5zR:z, E5zREz/ 亚速尔群岛

Florida / 5flRridE/ 佛罗里达(美国州名)

Sargasso Sea 马尾藻海(在西印度群岛东北)

Gulf Stream 墨西哥湾流

Labrador / 5lAbrEdR:/ 拉布拉多半岛(加拿大地名)

Arctic / 5a:ktik/ 北极(the Arctic北极北区;北冰洋)

Grand Banks 大浅滩(纽芬兰岛东南的大西洋浅滩)

Newfoundland 纽芬兰(加拿大岛或省名)


remain / ri5mein/ vi.1.仍然是,依旧是;2.剩下,余留

observation / 5RbzE:5veiFEn/ n.注意,观察;观察物

continually / kEn5tinjuEli/ ad.不停地,频频地

gravitational / grAvi5teiFEnl/ a.吸引作用的,万有引力的,地心引力的diameter / dai5AmitE/ n.直径

disc / disk/ n.1.圆盘;2.唱片,磁盘

artist / 5a:tist/ n.艺术家,美术家

merely / 5miEli/ ad.仅仅,只不过

reflect / ri5flekt/ vt.反射,反映; 思考,考虑

absolutely / 5AbsElu:tli/ ad.1.完全地,绝对地;2.肯定地uncomfortably ad.不舒适地,不安地

inhabitant / in5hAbitEnt/ n.居民,住户

earthlight / 5E:Wlait/ n.地球光

moonlight / 5mu:nlait/ n.月光

lunar / 5lju:nE/ a.月亮的

occasionally / E5keiVEnEli/ ad.偶尔地,间或

sunlight / 5sQnlait/ n.日光,太阳光

except for 除了…外;除去;撇开

keep...in mind 记住

light up 使明亮,发亮

speak of 谈起,提到


psychological / 5saikE5lRdVikEl/ a.心理(学)的

focus / 5fEukEs/ vt./vi.(on)(使)聚集,(使)集中焦点n. (注意,活动,兴趣等的)中心

basic / 5beisik/ a.基本的,基础的

principle / 5prinsEpl/ n.1.原理,原则;2.主义,信念

meaningfulness n.富有意义

organization / 5R:gEnai5zeiFEn/ n.1.组织;2.团体,机构

association / E5sEusi5eiFEn/ n.1.联合,结合,交往;2.协会,社团; visualization / viVuElai5zeiFEn/ n.想象,设想

meaningful / 5mi:niNful/ a.富有意义的,意味深长的

rhyme / raim/ n.韵,押韵

ability / E5biliti/ n.能力,能耐

random / 5rAndEm/ a./ad.胡乱的,任意的, 随便的; n.无目的或目标organize / 5R:gEnaiz/ vt.组织

jumble / 5dVQmbl/ vt./vi. 混杂

chunk / tFQNk/ n.一大块,一厚块;vt.分块,组块

easily / 5i:zili/ ad.容易地

categorize / 5kAtigEraiz/ n.分类

following / 5fRlEuiN/ a.接着的,下列的

category / 5kAtigEri/ n.1.门类,种类;2.范畴;3.(整个系统或组合中的)部门needless / 5ni:dlis/ a.不需要的,不必要的

refer / ri5fE:/ vi.提到,涉及;查阅 vt.把…归类于

relate / ri5leit/ vt.1.叙述,讲述;2.使相互关联(…to);vi.(to)有关联accurately / 5Akjuritli/ ad.准确地,精确地

memorize / 5memEraiz/ vt.熟记,记住

associate / E5sEuFieit/ vt.把…联系在一起;交往 n.同事 a.副的improvement / im5pru:vmEnt/ n.改进,增进

visualize / 5vizjuElaiz/ vt.想象,设想

imagery / 5imidVEri/ n.写作中直喻或比喻的使用;像或肖像的总称;意象repetition / 5repi5tiFEn/ n.1.重复,反复;2.背诵

integrated / 5intEgreitid/ a.成整体的,完全的,完整的

image / 5imidV/ n.像,形象,映像,图像

mental / 5mentl/ a.1.智力的,脑力的;2.精神的,思想上的

preserve / pri5zE:v/ vt.1.保护,维持;2.保存,保藏

focus on 集中

make sense 有意义

make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用

needless to say 不用说

refer to 提到,涉及;参考,查阅

relate...to 与…有关系

associate...with 把…联系在一起;与…常在一起,与…为友

Mount Fuji 富士山

Japan / dVE5pAn/ 日本


short-term a.短期的

long-term a.长期的

recall / ri5kR:l/ vt.1.回忆,回想;2.召回;3.撤消,收回

contrast / 5kRntrAst, kEn5trAst/ n.对比,对照 vi.形成对比 vt.把…与…对比

dial / 5daiEl/ vt./vi.拨(电话号码),打电话(给);n.1.钟(或表)面;2.标度盘;3.拨号盘

interrupt / 5intE5rQpt/ vt.打断,打扰;终止,阻碍;vi.打断,打扰

unable / 5Qn5eibl/ a.[后接动词不定式]不能的,不会的

psychologist / sai5kRlEdVist/ n.心理学家

human / 5hju:mEn/ a.人的,人类的;n.人

apparatus / ,ApE5reitEs/ n.器械,器具,设备

rat / rAt/ n.鼠

release / ri5li:s/ n./vt.1.释放,解放;2.发布,发行;3放开,松开

reward / ri5wR:d/ n./vt.1.酬劳,奖赏;2报答

interval / 5intEvEl/ n.间隔,间距;幕间(或工间)休息

represent / 5repri5zent/ vt.作为…代表(代理);表示;表现

intermediate / 5intE5mi:djEt/ a.中间的;中级的

advanced / Ed5va:nst/ a. 先进的,高级的

native-speaking a.说本族语的,讲本国话的

recording / ri5kR:diN/ n.录制(尤指广播,电视等)节目

speaker / 5spi:kE/ n.1.说话者,演讲者;讲某种语言的人;2.扬声器paragraph / 5pArEgra:f/ n.(文章的)段落,节

alike / E5laik/ a.同样的,相像的

wither / 5wiTE/ vt./vi.(使)枯萎,凋谢

method / 5meWEd/ n.方法,办法

system / 5sistim/ n.1.系统,体系;2.制度,体制

unrelated a.无关的,不相关的

proficiency / prE5fiFEnsi/ n.[U]熟练,精通

in contrast 成对比

look up 在字典、参考书中查找

be unable to 不能做某事

turn on 开,接通(水源,电源,煤气等)

turn off 关,关断(水源,电源,煤气等)

to begin 首先,开始

Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国加州西南一港市)


fallacy / 5fAlEsi/ n.谬见,错误的信念;谬误推理,谬论

quality / 5kwRliti/ n.1.质量;2.品质,特性

deer / diE/ n.鹿

savage / 5sAvidV/ a.1.野蛮的,未开化的;2凶猛,残酷的

tribe / traib/ n.1.种族,部落;2.(植物,动物)族,类

bravery / 5breivEri/ n.[U]英勇,勇敢;勇气

man-eating n./a.食人;食人的

eager / 5i:gE/ a.热切的,渴望的

civilized / 5sivilaizd/ a.文明的,开化的

ginger / 5dVindVE/ n.生姜,姜

root / ru:t/ n.1.根(部);2.根本,根源;v.(使)生根,(使)扎根

magical / 5mAdVikEl/ a.1.魔术的,似魔术的;2.不可思议的,迷人的poisonous / 5pRiznEs/ a.有毒的

overseas / 5Euve5si:z/ ad.在(向)海外,在(向)国外;a.(在)海外的,(在)国外的

widespread / 5waidspred/ a.分布(或散布)广的,普遍的

muscle / 5mQsl/ n.1.肌肉;2.力量,实力

chew / tFu:/ vt./vi.咀嚼

helpful / 5helpful/ a.1.给予帮助的,肯帮助的;2.有益的,建设性的digestive / di5dVestiv/ a.消化(食物)的

juice / dVu:s/ n.汁,液

digest / di5dVest, 5daidVest/ vt.消化;n.文摘

foundation / faun5deiFEn/ n.1.根据;2.基金会;3.基础,地基

mixture / 5mikstFE/ n.混合;混合物

belief / bi5li:f/ n.1.相信;2.信念,信仰

acid / 5Asid/ n.酸,酸性物质;a.酸的

curdle / 5kE:dl/ vi./vt.(使)结成凝乳;变成凝乳状

indigestible / indi5dVestEbl/ a.难消化的;不能消化的

digestion / di5dVestFEn/ n.消化;吸收

cream / kri:m/ n.奶油,奶油色

combination / 5kRmbi5neiFEn/ n.1.结合,联合;2.化合,化合物

protein / 5prEuti:n/ n.蛋白质

carbohydrate / 5ka:bEu5haidreit/ n.碳水化合物;[pl.]淀粉质食物

chiefly / 5tFi:fli/ ad.大半, 主要

contain / kEn5tein/ vt.包含,容纳

be eager to 热切想做,渴望要做

substitute for …的替代物

have...to do with 与…有关

as a matter of fact 事实上,其实;事实恰恰相反

think of...as 把…看成


insect / 5insekt/ n.昆虫

ant / Ant/ n.蚂蚁

hardworking / 5ha:d5wE:kiN/ a.努力工作的

wrestle / 5resl/ vi.角力或摔跤比赛

mock / mRk/ vt./vi.愚弄,嘲弄;a.假的,模拟的

engage / in5geidV/ vi. (in)从事于,参加;vt.1.使从事于,使忙于;2.占用(时间等)

sober / 5sEubE/ n.1.冷静的,镇定的;2.认真,严肃的

frog / frRg/ n.蛙

grave / greiv/ a.1.严重的;2.严肃,庄重的;n.坟墓

owl / aul/ n.猫头鹰

nest / nest/ n.巢,窝

beaver / 5bi:vE/ n.海狸

dam / dAm/ n.坝, 堤

arrange / E5reindV/ vt.1.安排,筹划;2.整理,排列

plaster / 5pla:stE/ vt.1.粘贴;2.涂灰泥于(墙等);n.灰泥,石膏

mud / mQd/ n.泥,泥浆

spider / 5spaidE/ n.蜘蛛

scarcely / 5skZEsli/ ad.几乎不,几乎没有

creature / 5kri:tFE/ n.1.生物,动物;2.人

imitate / 5imiteit/ vt.1.模仿,仿效;2.仿制,仿造

shepherd / 5FepEd/ n.牧羊人

improvement / im5pru:vmEnt/ n.改进,增进

fashion / 5fAFEn/ n.1.方式,样子;2.流行式样

instinct / 5instiNkt/ n.1.本能,直觉;2.生性,天性

hut / hQt/ n.小屋,棚屋

cage / keidV/ n.笼

variety / vE5raiEti/ n.1.变化,多样化;2.品种,变种;3.种种,多种多样

boot / bu:t/ n.靴

etc. (=et cetera)[缩][拉]以及其他,等等

wit / wit/ n.智力,才智

unlike / 5Qn5laik/ prep.不像…,和…不同 a.不相似的,不同的

a great deal 大量,许多

be true with 对…一样,对…也是真的

engage in 从事,忙于

be true of 对…一样,对…也是真的

as if 好像,似乎仿佛

search for 搜寻,搜寻,探察

take care of 1.爱护;2.照顾,照料;3.处理,对付


rare / rZE/ a. 稀有的,难得的

substance / 5sQbstEns/ n.1.物质;2.实,本质;3.主旨,大意

slight / slait/ a.轻微的,纤细的

carbon / 5ka:bEn/ n.碳

extreme / iks5tri:m/ a.1.极端的,极度的;2.尽头的,末端的;n.极端pressure / 5preFE/ n.压力,压强

liquid / 5likwid/ a.液体的,液态的;n.液体

molten / 5mEultEn/ a.(melt的过去分词)(指金属)熔化的

crack / krAk/ n.裂缝,裂口;vi.爆裂,破裂

crust / krQst/ n. 1.地壳;2.面包皮,硬外皮,外壳

crystal / 5kristl/ n.水晶;晶粒;a.清澈透明的,水晶制的,晶体的

popular / 5pRpjulE/ a.流行的,通俗的,大众的;受欢迎的

gem / dVem/ n.宝石,珠宝

handful / hAndful/ n.一把,一小撮

gravel / 5grAvEl/ n.碎石,砂砾

formation / fR:5meiFEn/ n.[地]岩层;形成,构成

pipe / paip/ n.1.管子,导管;2.烟斗;3.火山筒;vt.用管道输送

volcano / vRl5keinEu/ n.火山

somewhat / 5sQmwRt/ ad.稍微,有点

blast / bla:st/ n.1.疾风,强风;2.爆炸;vt.炸,炸掉

elevator / 5eliveitE/ n.电梯,升降机

crush / krQF/ vt.1.压碎,碾碎;2.镇压,压倒

destroy / dis5trRi/ vt.1.破坏,毁灭;2.消灭

grease / gri:s, gri:z/ n.油脂;滑脂

impressive / im5presiv/ a.给人印象深刻的,感人的

greasy / 5gri:si/ a.1.涂有油脂的,油污的;2.油腻的,滑的

pebble / 5pebl/ n.小圆石;卵石

experienced / iks5piEriEnst/ a.有经验的

miner / 5mainE/ n.矿工

immediately / i5mi:djEtli/ ad.1.立即地,即刻地;2.直接地,紧密地

be made of 由…构成

be popular with 受…喜欢;受…欢迎

run out 用尽

sort out 分类,整理

stick to 附着,粘住

India / 5indiE/ 印度

Brazil / brE5zil/ 巴西

Russia / 5rQFE/ 俄罗斯

South Africa 南非


beneath / bi5ni:W/ prep.在…下面(或底下),低于

haze / heiz/ n.薄雾

morning-glory n.牵牛花

aside / E5said/ ad.在旁边,到(或向)一边

magnify / 5mAgnifai/ vt.1.放大;2.扩大,夸大

puzzle / 5pQzl/ vt.(使)迷惑,(使)为难;vi.迷惑,苦思;n.1.测验(智力,技巧等)的问题(或游戏),智力玩具;2.迷,

seed / si:d/ n.种子

observe / Eb5zE:v/ vt.1.注意到,察觉到;2.观察;3.说;4.遵守,奉行seaweed / 5si:wi:d/ n.海草;海藻

former / 5fR:mE/ a.在前的,以前的;n.前者

latter / 5lAtE/ a.1.后者的;2.后一半的,接近终了的;n.后者

inorganic / 5inR:5gAnik/ a.无机的

dwelling / 5dweliN/ n.住处;住宅

fairy / 5fZEri/ n.神仙,仙人

broad / brR:d/ a.1.宽的,阔的;2.广泛的

delicious / di5liFEs/ a.1.美味的;2.(味觉或嗅觉)使人愉快的

closely / 5klEusli/ ad.1.紧密地;2.严密地,密切地

suck / sQk/ v.吸,吸收

sap / sAp/ n.1.树液;2.元气,精气

dissolve / di5zRlv/ vt.1.(使)溶解,(使)融化;2.解散,取消

turn aside from 离开

be satisfied with 对…感到心满意足

take place 发生

lie in 在于

hold good for (对…)适用

live on 靠…生活

take in 吸收;让…进入;接纳,接受

suck up 吸收,吸出,吸起

take up 1.拿起;2.吸收,溶解;3.占去(地方,时间,注意力等)


definition / 5defi5niFEn/ n. 定义,释义

marriage / 5mAridV/ n.结婚,婚姻

descend / di5send/ vi.1.传下,遗传;2.下来,下降

ancestor / 5AnsistE/ n.祖先,祖宗

household / 5haushEuld/ n.家庭,户;a.家庭的,家常的

grandparent / 5grAndperEnt/ n.(外)祖父或(外)祖母

relative / 5relEtiv/ n.亲属,亲戚;a.相对的

traditional / trE5diFEnl/ a.传统的

security / si5kjuEriti/ n.安全

basically / 5beisikEli/ ad.基本上,从根本上说

nuclear / 5nju:kliE/ a.1.核子的,核能的;2.核心,中心的

extended / iks5tendid/ a.1. 展开的,扩大的;2.延伸的,延续的;3.广阔的,广泛的

nucleus / 5nju:kliEs/ n.(原子)核;核心

mother-in-law n.岳母;婆母

agricultural / 5Agri5kQltFErEl/ a.农业的

industrial / in5dQstriEl/ a.工业的,产业的

industrialize / in5dQstriElaiz/ vt.(使)工业化

post-industrial a. (经济基础已由重工业转为服务业,高技术等的)后工业化的

earner n.赚钱者;获得收入者

split / split/ vi.1.撕裂,裂开;2.分裂,分开;vt.劈开,使分裂;n.分裂,裂口divorce / di5vR:s/ n./vi.离婚 vt.与…离婚,使分裂

social / 5sEuFEl/ a.1.社会的;2.交际的,社交的

remarry / 5ri:5mAri/ vt./vi.(使)再婚

care for 喜欢,对…中意;对…担心;照顾,照料

split up 1.分裂,分开;2.吵架,离婚

talk of 谈到,谈起


structure / 5strQktFE/ n.1结构,构造;2.建筑物;vt.建造,建立

generation / 5dVenE5reiFEn/ n.1.一代(人);2.产生,发生

customary / 5kQstEmEri/ a.1.习惯上的,惯常的;2.合乎(或基于)习俗的partner / 5pa:tnE/ n.1.配偶;2.搭档,伙伴,合伙人

similarity / 5simi5lAriti/ n.相似,类似

role / rEul/ n.1.角色;2.作用

similarly / 5similEli/ ad.相似地,类似地

physical / 5fizikEl/ a.1.身体的,肉体的;2.物理的,物理学的;3.物质的,有形的

emotional / i5mEuFEnl/ a.感情的,情绪的

provider n.1.供应者;提供者;2.养家糊口的人

housework / 5hauswE:k/ n.家务劳动;家事

preparation / 5prepE5reiFEn/ n.准备,预备

pregnant / 5pregnEnt/ a.怀孕的,妊娠的

primary / 5praimEri/ a.最初的,初级的;首要的,主要的,基本的

preschool / 5pri:5sku:l/ a.学龄前的,入学前的

baby-sitter n.代人临时照看小孩的人

dependent / di5pendEnt/ a.依靠的,依赖的(on, upon)

provide for 赡养,为…提供必需品

in addition 另外,加之

give up 交出,让出;放弃,抛弃,辞去

instead of 代替;而不是…

be busy doing 忙于做(某事)

in conclusion 最后,在结束时


telecommunication n.电信,远距离通信

via / 5vaiE/ prep.经由,经过,通过

satellite / 5sAtElait/ n.卫星,人造卫星

transmit / trAnz5mit/ vt.1.播送,发射;2.传送,传递;3.输送

photography / fE5tRgrEfi/ n.1.摄影,照相;2.摄影术

telegraph / 5teligra:f/ n.1.电报机,电报(指通信方式);2(一份)电报;vt.用电报发送;打电报给;vi.打电报

establish / is5tAbliF/ vt.1.建立,创办,设立;2.确立,使确认

signal / 5signEl/ n.信号,暗号 vt./vi.(向…)发信号

orbit / 5R:bit/ vt./vi.绕(…的)轨道运行 n.轨道

visual / 5vizjuEl/ a.视觉的,看得见的

capable / 5keipEbl/ a.有能力的,有才能的;能…的(of)

broadcast / 5brR:dka:st/ n./vt./vi.广播,播音

computer / kEm5pju:tE/ n.计算机,电脑

theory / 5WiEri/ n.1.理论,原理;2学说

access / 5Akses/ n.1.通道,入口;2.接近(或进入)的机会,享用机会unlimited / 5Qn5limitid/ a.1.无界限的,无边无际的;2.无限制的,无约束的;3.无数的,无限量的

demonstrate / 5demEnstreit/ vt.1.说明,演示;2.论证,证实;vi.示威游行educational / 5edju5keiFEnl/ a.1.教育的,教育方面的;2.有教育意义的remote / ri5mEut/ a.1.遥远,偏僻的;2.(可能性)很小的

isolate / 5aisEleit/ vt.使隔离,使孤立;a.孤立的

transportation / 5trAnspR:5teiFEn/ n.1.运输;2.运输系统,运输工具instruction / in5strQkFEn/ n.教学,指导;命令,指示,用法说明conversation / 5kRnvE5seiFEn/ n.谈话,会话

simultaneously ad.同时发生地,同时进行地

channel / 5tFAnl/ n.频道;航道;渠道 vt.通过…获得,传送

risk / risk/ vt.冒…的危险 n.冒险,风险

privacy / 5praivEsi/ n.1.私事,私生活;2.隐私;3.独处

personal / 5pE:sEnl/ a.1.个人的,私人的;2.亲自的

movie / 5mu:vi/ n.电影

contact / 5kRntAkt, kEn5tAkt/ n.接触,联系 vt.与…接触,使联系technology / tek5nRlEdVi/ n.工艺,技术

harm / ha:m/ n./vt.伤害,损害,危害

expert / 5ekspE:t/ n.专家,能手;a.熟练的,内行的

application / 5Apli5keiFEn/ n.1.申请,申请表;2.应用,实施

be capable of (指人)有某种能力或倾向的

have access to 可接近,可进入

lead to 导致;通向

Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

Tokyo 东京

Olympics / ou5limpiks/ 奥林匹克运动会比赛项目(=Olympic Games)


obvious / 5RbviEs/ a.显然的,明显的

widely ad.1.广泛地,普遍地;2.广博地;3.大大地

shelter / 5FeltE/ n.1.掩蔽,保护;2.掩蔽处,躲避处;vt.掩蔽,庇护atmosphere / 5AtmEsfiE/ n.1.大气,大气圈,大气层;2.(心理上的)周围情况,环境,气氛

deadly / 5dedli/ a.致死的,致命的

ray / rei/ n.光线,射线

atmospheric / 5AtmEs5ferik/ a.1.大气的,空气的;2.大气层的;大气所引起的automobile / 5R:tEmEbi:l/ n.汽车

tire / 5taiE/ n.轮胎

gas / gAs/ 1.气体;2.煤气;3.汽油

per / pE:/ prep.每,每一

column / 5kRlEm/ n.1.柱,圆柱;2.栏,专栏(文章)

electrical / i5lektrikEl/ a.电的,电气的

existence / ig5zistEns/ n.1.存在;2.生存,生活

gaze / geiz/ vi./n.凝视,注视

lightning / 5laitniN/ n.闪电

thorough / 5WQrE/ a./ad.1.彻底的,完全的;2.仔细周到的,精心的

radar / 5reidE/ n.雷达

create / kri(:)5eit/ vt.1.创造;2.创作;3.引起,产生

hydrogen / 5haidridVEn/ n.氢

curve / kE:v/ n.1.曲线,弧线;2.弯曲;vt./vi.(使)弯曲,(使)成曲线

unending / Qn5endiN/ a.1.永无止境的,不尽的;2.不断的,不停的

meantime / 5mi:n5taim/ n.同时,其间

element / 5elimEnt/ n.1.成分,要素;2.元素

atomic / E5tRmik/ a.原子能的;原子的

explosion / iks5plEuVEn/ n.爆炸,爆发

in order to 为了

protect...from 防御(危险;敌人等)

rest upon 依赖,依靠

in the meantime 在此期间,(与此)同时

pay attention to 注意

Sydney Chapman 西德尼·查普曼(人名)


learned / 5lE:nid/ a.1.有学问的,博学的;2.学术上的;a.经过训练学到的cultivated / 5kQltiveitid/ a.1.耕种的,耕作的;2.栽培的,非野生的;3.有修养的,文雅的

concern / kEn5sE:n/ n.1.关心,挂念;2.关系,关联;vt.1.涉及,有关于;2.使关心,使挂念

stock / stRk/ n.1.备料,库存;2.股票,公债;3.有货;vt.储备,储存possession / pE5zeFEn/ n.所有,拥有;所有物

relatively / 5relEtivli/ ad.比较而言;相对地

educated / 5edVukeitid/ a.1.受过教育的,有知识的;2.有教养的

occasion / E5keiVEn/ n.1.时刻;2.场合,重大(或特殊)的活动;3.时机,机会acquaintance / E5kweintEns/ n.1.认识,了解;2.相识的人,熟人

formal / 5fR:mEl/ a.1.正式的;2.形式的3.礼仪上的

highly ad.高度地;极;非常

topic / 5tRpik/ n.1.题目,话题;2.主题

elevated / 5eliveitid/ a.1.提高的,升高的;2.高贵,庄严的

style / stail/ n.1.风格;2.文体;3.式样

importance / im5pR:tEns/ n.重要(性)

vivacious / vi5veiFEs/ a.活泼的,轻快的

case / keis/ n.1.情况,事实;2.病例;案件;3.箱,盒

noun / naun/ n.名词

Latin / 5lAtin/ a.拉丁的,拉丁人的,拉丁语的;n.拉丁语,拉丁人derivative / di5rivEtiv/ n.派生词;派生物;a.派生的,衍生的

adjective / 5AdViktiv/ n.形容词

grown-up a.成熟的,成人的;n.成年人

apply / E5plai/ vi.1.申请,请求(for);2.适用(to);vt.应用,运用(to) absolute / 5AbsElu:t/ a.绝对的,完全的

popularity / 5pRpju5lAriti/ n.1.普及,流行;2.名望,受欢迎

classification / 5klAsifi5keiFEn/ n.分类;分级

convenient / kEn5vi:njEnt/ a.方便的

avoid / E5vRid/ vt.避免,避开

misconception / 5miskEn5sepFEn/ n.误解,错误想法;错误印象

presence / 5prezns/ n.1.出席,到场;2.存在

cultivation / 5kQlti5veiFEn/ n.1.耕种,耕作;2.教养,修养

literature / 5litEritFE/ n.1.文学,文学作品;2.文献,图书资料

make up 1.(由部分)组成,构成(全体);2.弥补,补偿,赔偿(损失等);3.捏造,虚构

stock in trade 1.库存;2.常用手段

belong to 属于;是…的成员

at large 1.普遍,一般地;2.自由地,(未被捕)逍遥自在地

come up 出现

as to 至于,关于

be due to 由于,因为

rather than 与其…(不如);不是…(而是)


vocabulary / vE5kAbjulEri/ n.1.词汇(量);2.词(汇)表

context / 5kRntekst/ n.上下文,语境

interrupt / 5intE5rQpt/ vt.打断,打扰;终止,阻碍;vi.打断,打扰

process / 5prEuses/ n.1.过程,进程;2.工序,加工方法;vt.加工,处理productive / prE5dQktiv/ a.1.生产的;2.多产的,富饶的;3.富有成效的

swift / swift/ a.快速的,敏捷的

securely ad.1.安全地;2.牢固地,稳固地;3.信心十足地,有把握地

intend / in5tend/ vt.1.想要,打算(后接to do或doing);2.意指,意思是specific / spi5sifik/ a.1.具体的,明确的;2.特定的,特有的

preference / 5prefErEns/ n.(for, to)1.偏爱;2.优先(权)

prefix / 5pri:fiks/ n.前缀

suffix / 5sQfkis/ n.后缀

insert / in5sE:t, 5insE:t/ vt.插入,嵌入

apparently / E5pArEntli/ ad.1.显然地;2.表面上,似乎

consult / kEn5sQlt/ vt.1.请教,向…咨询;2.查阅,查看;vi.交换意见,商议tentative / 5tentEtiv/ a.试探性的;尝试性的

spark / spa:k/ n.火花,火星;vi发火花,发电花;vt.激发,引起

personally / 5pE:sEnEuli/ ad.1.亲自,当面;2.就个人而言;3.作为个人,个别地

heighten / 5haitn/ vt.1.加高,提高,增高;2.增加,,加强

formula / 5fR:mjulE/ n.公式

maximum / 5mAksimEm/ n.最大限度,最大量,顶点;a.最高的,最大的effectiveness / i5fektivnis/ n.效果,有效性

sharpen / 5Fa:pEn/ vt.1.削尖,磨尖;2.使敏锐,使敏捷

awareness n.1.意识,觉悟;2.懂事,明智

contextual / kEn5tekstFuEl/ a.上下文的;取决于上下文的

accuracy / 5AkjurEsi/ n.准确(性),精确(性)

ease / i:z/ n.1.容易;2.舒适,安逸;vt./vi.缓和,减轻

come across 偶然遇见,碰上

begin with 以…开始,以…为起点

come up with 提出

after all 毕竟;终究

provide somebody with 给某人提供…Sherlock Holmes 夏洛克·福尔摩斯


自考英语(二)常考英语词汇汇总 1.in the way 挡路,阻碍,妨碍 2. to make a guess at 对...进行猜测 3. to blind sb.to sth. 使某人看不到某物,使某人对某物丧失判断力 4. to contribute to sth.(1)促成,导致(2)有助于,增添(3)捐助,贡献(4)撰稿,投稿 5. to seek to do sth.设法做某事 6.in part 部分地;在某种程度上 7. vary from...to... 从...变为...;在...与...之间变化 8. and the like 等等,诸如此类 9. point of view 观点,看法 10. to apply for 申请,请求 11. day-to-day (1)日常的,每日常规工作的(2)逐日的 12. to have no idea 不知道;无能力 13. to take the trouble to do sth. 费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事 14. to put oneself in sb 'p s lace 设身处地替某人着想 15. to one's advantage 处于不利地位 16. to ask for 要求,请求,要价,讨价 17.in hand (1)在手中(持有);在手头(随时可用)(2)在控制下(3)正在办理、处理之中 18. to make sure(of/that)(1)弄清楚,核实查明(2)设法确保,最好 19. to turn down (1)to turn sb./down 顶回,拒不理会,拒绝(2)to turn sth.down 调节(炉具、收音机等) 使热量、音量温度等降低(3)翻下 20. as soon as一...就...,不迟于 21. aim to do sth.或aim at doing sth 计划;打算;以...为目标 22. experiment with 进行实验(试验) 23.in case 免得,以防万一,说不定 24.in theory 理论上,理论上讲 25. to apply to sth. (1)把...应用于...(2)致力于...,集中精力(做某事) 26. research into 研究、探讨、调查 27. to swallow up (1)吞没,淹没,掩盖(2)用尽,耗尽 28. to make use of 利用 29. depend on 依靠,指望 30. together with 和,连同 31.in every respect 在各个方面 32.in other words 换句话说,也就是说 33. to consist of 由...组成,由...构成 34. a great many 许多,很多 35. to consist of 对...有影响 36. above all 最重要的,尤其,首先 37. as a rule 在多数情况下,通常,一般而言 38. to be affected with 感染(疾病),患有...病 39. to carry out (1)实施,执行,完成,贯彻,落实(2)进行(实验等) 40.in addition to 加之,除...以外


旅游管理专业自考生自我鉴 定 通过两年的函授学习和社会实践是我不断的挑战自我、充实自己的一个过程。本人在思想认识、业务知识和专业技能方面都有了很大的提高。毕业之即,对自已两年来的学习和生活作一个自我鉴定。 本人注重政治理论学习,能自觉与党中央保持高度一致;尊重 领导,团结同志,热爱本职,作风严谨,为人正派,热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国共产党,忠心拥护党和国家的重大方针、政策。平时关心国家大事,总是尽力去做有益于国家、社会的事。 自参加XX广播电视大学旅游管理专业大专高教自考学习以来,本人能按照学校的有关规定,利用业余时间自学各门课程,积极参加集中面授和串讲,按时完成各项作业。通过两年学习,现已认真完成了《酒店管理》、《旅游管理》等课程的学习,掌握了所学知识,并通过了所学课程考核。 为适应社会发展的需求,我认真学习专业知识,对本专业一丝不苟,由于所学的是旅游管理专业,也是我现在所从事的事业,因此非常努力刻苦。除了理论学习之外,还把学到的理论知识用到我现在的工作中来,我的实践能力也得到非常大的提高。再有就是懂得了运用学习方法同时注重独立思考。在学习时,以“独立思考”

作为自己的座右铭,时刻不忘警戒。做什么都勤于思考,遇有不懂的地方就请教老师。 随着学习的进步,我不止是学到了专业知识,我的心智也有了一个质的飞跃。我一直坚信:只要有恒心铁棒就能磨成针。为适应社会发展的需求,为了提高我的业务能力,我认真运用我所学习的各种专业知识,发挥自己的特长;挖掘自身的潜力,结合我工作时所操作的旅游团队,为我解决了很多实际操作中的困难。从而逐步提高了自己的学习能力和分析处理问题的能力以及一定的协调组织和管理能力。 在今后的工作中我还要继续努力,不断提高和完善自己。面对现在,我努力拼搏;面对将来,我期待更多的挑战。战胜困难,抓住每一个机遇,相信自己一定会演绎出精彩的一幕。


旅游常用英语词汇及句型整理 下面为大家带来出国旅游常用英语词汇及句型整理,欢迎大家学习!旅游常用英语词汇:姓family name名First (Given) Name性别sex男male女female国籍nationality国籍country of citizenship护照号passport No.原住地country of Origin(Country where you live)前往目的地国destination country登机城市city where you boarded签证签发地city where visa was issued签发日期date issue前往国家的住址address while in街道及门牌号number and street城市及国家city and state出生日期date of Birth(Birthdate)年year月month日day偕行人数accompanying number职业occupation专业技术人员professionals & technical行政管理人员legislators &administrators办事员clerk商业人员commerce (Business People)服务人员service农民farmer工人worker其他others 无业jobless签名signature官方填写official use only旅游常用英语句型:麻烦请给我你的护照。 May I see your passport, please?这是我的护照。 Here is my passport / Here it is.旅行的目的为何?What’s the purpose of your visit?观光(公务、学习)。 Sightseeing (Business、Study).在哪个学校?Which University?学习什么课程?What course will you take?预计在英国停留多久?How long will you be staying in the UK?预计停留约1年。 I plan to stay for about 1 year.我只是过境而已。


1 why should a student of English study English lexicology ? First ,it will help his personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power . second ,it will give him a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable him to organize ,classif y and store words more effectively .third, it will gradually raise his awareness of meaning and usages of words ,and enable him to use words more accurat ely and appropriat ely. f ourth, it will improve his skills of using reference books and raise his problem-solving ability and eff iciency of individual study .and at last ,it will improve his receptive and productive skills in language processing as will as language production. 2 How does a students of English study English lexicology? We have two approaches to the study of English words, namely synchronic and diachroni c. From a synchronic point of view, words can be studied at a point in time, regardless of changes whatsoever. From a diachronic point of view, we can consider words historically, looking into their origins and changes in f orm and meaning. These two ways are complementary. As f or the course of English lexicology, there are quite some def initions, principles and explanations that govern the law of English words. We need to be clear about them. Everything has its own special aspects. We should grasp them so that we can closely f ollow its law. So it is also the case with English lexicology 3 Illustrate the relationship between sound and meaning with examples. A word is a symbol that stands f or something else in the word. Each of the world’s cultures has come to agree that certain sounds will represent certain persons, things, places, properties, processes and activities arbirtrary, and there is“no logical relationship between the sound which stands f or a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”.a dog is called a dog not because the sound and the three letters that make up the word just automatically suggest the animal in question. It is only symbolic. The relationship between them is conventional because people of the same speech community have agreed to refers to the animal with this cluster of sound. In dif ferent language the same concept can be represented by diff erent sound. Woman, f or example, becomes “frau”in German, “f emme”in French and “f u nu”in Chinese. On the other hand, the same sound /mi:t/ may be used to mean meet, meat, mete, denoting entirely different thing. Differences of Sound and Form:语音和类型的区别the internal reason f or this is that the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans;the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years, and in some cases the two have drawn far apart;some of the differences were created by the early scribes;f inally comes the borrowing, which is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary。 4 Enumerate the major modes of modern vocabulary development. (列举现代英语词汇发展的主要方式) generally speaking, there are three modes of modem English vocabulary development. They are: creation, semantic change and borrowing. 1, creation refers to the f ormation of new words by usin g the existing materials, namely roots, aff ixes, and other elements. 2, semantic change means an old f orm which takes on a new meaning to meet the new word. This does not increase the number of word f orms but create many more new usages of the words, thus enriching the vocabulary. 3, borrowing has played a vital role in the development of vocabulary, particularly in earlier times. 5 What are the f undamental f eatures of the core of the English vocabulary? (英 语基本词汇有什么基本特征?) the f oundamental features of the basic word stock are f ollows:1, all national character 2, stability 3, productivity 4, polysemy 5, collocability 6 What is reference? (什么是所指关系?) reference is the relationship between language and the word. “by means of reference, a speaker indicat es which thing in the word (including persons) are being talked about. ”words have meaning only when they have acquired reference. In other words, only when a connection has been est ablished between the linguistic sign and a referent, i.e. an object , a phenomenon, a person, etc. does the sign become ,meaningf ul. The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conventional. 7 What is the dif f erence between grammatical meaning and lexical meaning? (语法意义和词汇意义有何区 别?) unlike lexical meaning, different lexical items, which have different lexi cal meaning, may have the same grammatical meaning. On the other hand, the same word may have diff erent grammatical meaning. Functional words, though having little lexical meaning, possess strong grammatical meaning whereas content words have both meaning, and lexical meaning in particular. Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning make up the word-meaning. It is known that grammatical meaning surfaces only in use. But lexical meaning is constant in all the content words within or without context as it is related to the word conveys. 8 Associative meaning comprises f our types: connotative, stylistic, aff ective, and collocative.(联想意义包括四种类别:内 涵意义,文体意义,感情意义,搭配意 义) 9 What is the different between the processes of radiation and concatenation? (辐射型和 连锁型有什么区别?) unlike radiation where each of the derived meaning is directly connected to the primary meaning, concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains. Though the latest sense can be traced back to the original, there is no direct connection in between. 10 Differentiation of homonyms f rom polysemants. (同形同音异义词与多义 词的区别) the f undamental difference between homonyms and polysemants lies in the f ace the f ormer refers to diff erent words which happen to share the same f orm and the latter is the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings. One important criterion is to see their etymology, i.e. homonyms are f orm different sources whereas a polysemant is f orm the same source which has acquired different meaning in the course of development. The second principal consideration is semantic relat edness. The various meaning of a polysemant are correlated and connected to one central meaning to a greater or lesser degree. On the other hand, meanings of different homonyms have nothing to do with one another. In dictionaries, a polysemant has its meaning all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate enties. 11 sources of synonyms. (同义词的来源) 1, borrowing 2, dialects and regional English 3, f igurative and euphemistic use of words 4, coincidence with idiomatic expressions. 12 discrimination of synonyms. (同义词 的区别) 1,diff erent in denotation. 2, dif ferent in connotation 3, diff erent in application. 13 type of antonyms. (反义词的类别) 1,contradictory terms 2, contrary terms 3, relative terms 14 some of the characteristics of antonyms. (反义词的一些特点) 1,antonyms are classi f ied on the basis of semantic opposition. 2, a word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym. 3, antonyms diff er in semantic inclusion. 4, contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intensity, so each has its own corresponding opposite. 15 give examples to explain the characteristics of each of the three types of antonymys: contradictiory terms, contrary terms, relative terms. (举例解 释下列三种反义词:1 互为矛盾的反义 词 2 相对反义词 3 表示相互关系的 反义词) contradictiory terms: these antonyms truly represent to each other that they are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them. Examples: dead—alive; present—absent; contrary terms: antonyms of the type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes. f or instance, rich—poor; old—young; relative terms: this type consists of relative opposites such as parent—child; husband—wi f e; 16 What are the causes of semantic charge? (语义变化的原因?) there are many causes of semantic change. The main causes are extra—linguistic f actors and linguistic f actors. In extra—linguistic f actors, there are historical reasons, class reasons, and psychological reasons. In linguistic factors, there are shortening of phrases, inf lux of borrowings and analogy. 17 Types of changes. (词义变化的种类) 1, extension (词义的扩大) 2, narrowing (词义的缩小) 3,elevation (词义的升格) 4,degradation (词义的


学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 English Lexicology(英语词汇学) 1.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.英语词汇学旨在调查和研究英语单词和单词的等价物的形态结构,其语义结构、关系、历史发展、形成和用法。 2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论)and lexicography(词典学) Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary 1.Word(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence 词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。 2.Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”词语是一个符号,代表着世界上其他的事物。每种世界文化已经赞成一定的读音将代表一定的人,事,地方,特性,过程,行动,当然是在语言系统之外。这种象征性的联系几乎总是主观的,并且“在代表事物和思想的声音和实际的事物和思想之间没有法定关系” 3.Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other内因是因为英语字母表采用罗马字母,罗马字母没有独立的字母代表每个读音,因此一些字母代表两个读音或者组合在一起发音。 (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years另一个原因是发音比拼写的变化快,在一些时候还拉开了距离。在最近五百年里,尽管口语发音已经出现了显著的变化,却没有相应的拼写变化。 (3)some of the difference were created by the early scribes第三个原因是一些早期的书写员发明了一些不同。(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary最后借词来了,这是丰富英语词汇的重要途径。 (5)printing印刷已经变得非常普及。它有助于固定单词的拼写、standardization标准化使得拼写不容改变。、dictionary字典在拼写终结中得到好处。 —Old English,The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today. 古代英语中的口语比今天更忠实的代表书面语 —The written form of English is an imperfect representation of the spoken form。英语的书写是发音形式不完善的代表 4.What is vocabulary? (1)Total number of the words in a language一个语言的单词综合 (2)Words used in a particular historical period 特殊历史时期使用的单词 (3)All the words of a dialect,a book ,a discipline...某个方言,书籍,学科中的所有单词 5.Classification of English Words:英语词汇由所有种类的词汇组成。它们可以根据不同的标 准或者不同的目的进行分类。 By use frequency:basic word stock&nonbasic vocabulary根据使用频率,单词可以分为基础词和非基础词。 By notion:content words&functional words可以根据概念分成实词和虚词


旅游管理专业 2012级高职教学计划 一、专业名称:旅游管理 二、招生对象与修业年限:招收高中毕业生,学制3年。 三、培养目标: 本专业培养德、智、体等全面发展的,熟悉我国旅游方面的相关法律法规和政策,系统掌握旅游管理专业知识,能在国家旅游部门、企事业单位和社会团体,特别是在旅行社、高级饭店、管理公司,以及旅游管理实务和研究单位工作,具有一定理论基础知识、较强实践动手能力和创新精神、良好职业道德的高素质的复合应用型人才。 四、培养要求 (一)知识要求 掌握旅游管理学科的基本理论、基础知识,具备运用这方面的理论分析和解决问题的基本能力;熟悉我国关于旅游业发展的方针、政策和法规,熟悉旅游管理业务,了解旅游业的发展动态。 (二)能力要求 具有较强的口头、文字表达能力和一定的科学研究能力;有扎实、宽广的基础知识(专业知识、科技、人文社会知识)。较熟练地掌握文献检索、资料查找、电脑操作的基本技能。较熟练地运用一门外语阅读本专业的外文资料,具有用外语会话、写作的初步能力。 (三)素质要求 具有良好的思想品德与职业道德修养;基本的政治素质及一定的社交能力;较强的法律法规观念及政策水平;具备良好的身体素质,良好的心理素质和审美素养等旅游从业人员的健全人格。 (四)技能要求(资格证书要求) 学生经过三年的学习与实践,要拿到“四证”:通过大学生英语应用能力A、B级考试,即外语二级证、全国计算机等级考试二级证、职业资格证、大学专科毕业证。 五、知识、能力、素质结构分解表


六、主要课程设置说明 (一)职业基础课 1.旅游学概论 主要内容:旅游学的基本概念、旅游资源开发问题、旅游发展规划问题、旅游业的市场营销以及旅游业的可持续发展问题、旅游业管理体制及旅游业行业管理问题等。 2.管理学原理 主要内容:从计划、组织、人事、领导、控制五项职能予以阐述,结合现今企业的经典案例,在理论联系实际的讲授中,渗透管理学的基本思想。 3.经济学原理 主要内容:现代西方经济学的基本原理和基本常识,并通过一些具体的例题/案例向说明如何把这些原理和结论运用于日常生活中。 4.旅游心理学 主要内容:主要涉及的研究内容包括旅游者的心理、旅游服务心理和旅游企业管理心理等内容。 5.旅游服务礼仪 主要内容:服务人员仪容仪表礼仪、服务人员的仪姿礼仪、服务人员的交流礼仪、饭店服务礼仪、导游服务礼仪、中国主要客源国礼仪、国内部分民族和港澳台礼仪、涉外服务礼仪规范、宗教礼仪等。 (二)职业技术课 6.旅游经济学 主要内容:旅游经济活动与旅游产业、旅游资源与旅游产品、旅游市场、旅游需求、旅游价格、旅游消费、旅游收入与分配、旅游经济效益、旅游投资等内容。 7.旅游文化学 主要内容:旅游企业文化构建、旅游产品文化开发、旅游地形象策划、旅游消费文化引导等四个部分。 8.旅游地理学 主要内容:旅游地理学发展概论、旅游行为地理、旅游资源地理、旅游环境地理、旅游空间结构与生命周期、区域旅游合作理论及应用、旅游地理信息系统。 9.旅游市场营销学 主要内容:从旅游市场营销的基本概念入手,介绍旅游市场营销中的环境分析、市场调查与预测、市场细分与目标市场的选择和营销战略等基本原理;阐述了旅游市场营


旅游英语词汇tour旅游 scenery风景 Buddha 大佛 trip旅行 check-out离开酒店 check-in住进酒店 travel 旅行 agency旅行社 welcome欢迎 hotel酒店 city城市 luggage/ baggage 行李 registered/ checked luggage 托运行李 light luggage 轻便行李 baggage elevator 行李电梯 baggage receipt 行李收据 trolley 手推车 storage room 行李仓 briefcase 公文包 suit bag 衣服袋 traveling bag 旅行袋 shoulder bag 背包 trunk 大衣箱 suitcase 小提箱

name tag 标有姓名的标签 regular flight 正常航班 non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班 flight number 航班号 airport 机场 airline operation 航空业务 alternate airfield 备用机场 landing field 停机坪 international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼 control tower 控制台 jetway 登机道 air-bridge 旅客桥 visitors terrace 迎送平台 concourse 中央大厅 loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务 shuttle bus 机场内来往班车 guidebook 旅游指南 guild practice 导游实践 international tourism 国际导游 itinerary 旅行计划,节目 local guide 地陪,地方导游 local tourist organization 地方旅游组织


全国2019年4月高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%) 1. There are ______ major classes of compounds. A. two B. for C. three D. five 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Connotative meaning refers to associations suggested by the conceptual meaning. B. Stylistic meaning accounts for the formality of the word concerned. C. Affective meaning is universal to all men alike. D. Denotative meaning can always be found in the dictionary. 3. After the invading Germanic tribes settled down in Britain, their language almost totally blotted out ______. A. Old English B. Middle English C. Anglo-Saxon D. Celtic 4. The idiom “Jack of all trades”results from ______. A. addition B. position-shifting C. dismembering D. shortening 5. ______ are those that cannot occur as separate words without adding other morphemes. A. Free roots B. Free morphemes C. Bound morphemes D. Meaningful units 6. The major factors that promote the growth of modern English are ______. A. the growth of science and technology B. economic and political changes C. the influence of other cultures and languages D. all the above 7. Since the beginning of this century, ______ has become even more important for the expansion of English vocabulary. A. word-formation B. borrowing C. semantic change D. both B and C 8. Which of the following characteristics of the basic word stock is the most important? A. Stability B. Collocability. C. Productivity. D. National character. 1


各章重点内容串讲: Introduction 1.Lexicology(名词解释题) (1)Definition: Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words(WNWD). 本句翻译:词汇学是语言学的一个分支,它主要是研究词汇的来源以及意义(词汇学的定义)。 (2)Domain: English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages. 本句翻译:它研究的是英语词汇的形态结构,同时它还研究英语词汇的语义结构、英语词汇的发展历史和英语词汇的形成与用法。 2.Methods of Study(单选题/名词解释题) (1)Two approaches There are generally two approaches to the study of words, namely synchronic and diachronic. synchronic 共时法 diachronic 历时法 (2)Definition: A, synchronic From a synchronic point of view, words can be studied at a point in time. However, if we take a diachronic perspective, we will consider the word historically, looking into its origin and changes in form and meaning. 1.word(名词解释) (1)a minimal free form of a language 1)Therefore, we can say that a word is a minimal free form of a language(词是语言中的最小的自由形式) 2)that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.(词有固定的读音,固定的意义,固定的句法功能。) 2.the relationships between the sound and meaning (1)简答题 1)Sound is the physical aspect of a word. And meaning is what the sound refers to. 本句翻译:音是词的物质外壳;义是音的所指。 2)A word is a symbol that stands for something else in the world, which is outside the language system. (2)单选题或填空题 arbitrary/conventional 1)there is ‘no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself’.(音与实际的实物和实际思想本身并没有一定的逻辑关系) 2)The relationship between them is conventional because people of the same speech community have agreed to refer to the animal with this cluster of sounds. 3.More and more differences occur between the two.(简答题)(音和形之间的距离越拉
