西安交通大学 英语

西安交通大学  英语
西安交通大学  英语



一.选择填空(每空2分, 25题, 共50分)

1. Are you sure you don’t have _______ advice to give me? I really need _______.

A. any; any

B. some; any

C. any; some

D. any; some

2. of the earth is made up of vast oceans.

A. Two-third

B. Two thirds

C. Two third

D. Twos- third

3. “Jack is no more careful than Tom” means .

A. Both Jack and Tom are careful

B. Neither Jack nor Tom is careless

C. Both Jack and Tom are careless

D. Tom is careful, but Jack isn’t

4. When we saw his face, we knew _______ was bad.

A. the news

B. some news

C. a news

D. news

5. The number of students in our college ________.

A. increased

B. is increased

C. has increased

D. are increased

6. While cleaning a long-deserted house the other day I came an old photo

of my grandpa.

A. to

B. by

C. across

D. with

7. Jane was ill for about a week, She didn’t until yesterday.

A. get good

B. get rid of

C. get over

D. get on

8.________ your step, or you might fall into the water.

A. See

B. Watch

C. Miss

D. Look at

9. The meeting _______.

A. is to put off

B. is going to put off

C. is to be put off

D. will put off

10. Nothing could stop _______.

A. him come

B. that the came

C. him from coming

D. him to come

11. He didn’t go to France, the doctor suggested that he _______there.

A. won’t go

B. not go

C. not to go

D. didn’t go

12. ________, I would have gone to see him.

A. Have I had time

B. Had I time

C. Had I had time

D. would I have had

13. The harder he studies, _______.

A. he’ll make great progress

B. the greater progress he’ll make

C. he’ll make greater progress

D. the greater he’ll make progress

14. Nobody knew _______ there.

A. how long time I had been

B. how long had I been

C. how long time had I been

D. how long I had been

15. More than one person that kind of experience.

A. has had

B. have had

C. are having

D. were having

16. The teacher told you to do it .

A. how he said

B. as you had been shown

C. which he told you

D. what you had heard

17. , we must take time to discuss it carefully.

A. Being rather difficult

B. Because the question being rather difficult

C. the question being rather difficult

D. Because the question be rather difficult

18. Tom told me that you were going to take a trip to America, ?

A. wouldn’t you

B. didn’t he

C. weren’t you

D. didn’t you

19. You may not go out _______ your work is done.

A. before

B. until

C. where

D. as

20. This book is for students ______ native language is not English.

A. of whom

B. that

C. which

D. whose

21. It is quite clear he won’t see us.

A. what

B. that

C. why

D. how

22. Today’s weather isn’t as cold as it was yesterday, ________?

A. wasn’t

B. is it

C. was it

D. isn’t it

23. This lesson is _______ than the last one.

A. more easier

B. more easy

C. very easier

D. much easier

24. She can speak German better than ________else.

A. the one

B. no one

C. anyone

D. another

25. They lives ______ the other side of the road.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. by

二.阅读理解(每空2分, 20题, 共40分)


Jimmy was five years old and his brother, Billy, was only a baby. One morning his mother waited for an important telephone call for hours, but nobody called. There was no bread in the house and she had to go out to buy some. Jimmy stayed at home to look after the baby. When the mother was out, the telephone rang and Jimmy answered.

Mr. Baker:Hello! May I speak to Mrs. White?

Jimmy:Sorry, Mother is out.

Mr. Baker:Well, when she comes back, say to her, “Mr. Baker called.”


Mr. Baker:Mr. Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R.

Jimmy:How do you write B?

Mr. Baker:How do I write…? Listen, little boy, is there anybody else with you? Any brothers or sisters?

Jimmy:Yes, my brother Billy is here.

Mr. Baker:Good. I want to talk to him, please.

Jimmy:All right. Jimmy took the telephone to the baby’s bed and put it beside its head. Not long after that his mother came back.

Mother:Did anybody call?

Jimmy:Yes, a man called. But he only wanted to talk to Billy.

26. Jimmy’s moth er waited for ________.

A. an important man

B. a good friend

C. a telephone call

D. a piece of good news

27. Jimmy’s mother went out because ________.

A. she waited for hours

B. nobody called

C. she had to buy some bread

D. she had to buy some milk

28. Jimmy couldn’t write down Mr. Baker’s name because ________.

A. he had no pen or paper

B. he couldn’t read or write

C. he had to look after the baby

D. he had to play with his brother

29. Mr. Baker wanted to talk to ________.

A. a child older than Jimmy

B. a child younger than Jimmy

C. Jimmy’s brother Billy

D. Jimmy’s sister Betty


For some minutes, all was quiet in the street. Then from across the street someone came walking.

It looked like a man of middle height, dressed in a big raincoat, a soft hat and rubber-soled boots or shoes, and making little sound while walking. No one was in sight. It was a street with two rows of about fifty small houses and there were three lamps on either side. The lamp nearest to the child’s house could be seen clearly, but the others were almost hidden by the smoky air. A car passed the end of the street and its lights showed faintly, but clearly enough to show the smooth skin of a woman’s face. The car disappeared as the woman, wrapped up in her coat, reached the doorway of the child’s house.

She put a key in the lock quickly, pushed the door open and stepped inside, then closed the door without looking round. She began to breathe hard.

She leaned against the door for a moment, then straightened up as if with an effort, and walked towards the door of the front room, the passage leading to the kitchen, and the narrow staircase. She hesitated outside the door, then went up the stairs quickly but with hardly a sound. There was enough light from the narrow hall to show the four doors leading off a small landing (楼梯平台). She pushed each door open in turn and shone a torch inside, and the light fell upon beds, walls, furniture, a bathroom hand-basin, a mirror which flashed brightness back; but this was not what the woman was looking for. She turned away and went downstairs, and hesitated again at the foot of the stairs, then turned towards the kitchen. Clearly there was nothing there, or in the small washroom that she wanted. Two rooms remained; the front room and a smaller one next to it. She opened the front room door. After a moment, she saw the child’s bed and the child.

30. The lights of the car passing the end of the street showed that .

A. a woman was driving the car

B. someone was standing by a street lamp

C. a man and a woman were walking up the street

D. a woman was walking by herself up the street

31. After the woman closed the front door, she .

A. looked round quickly

B. started breathing again

C. rested before moving

D. walked straight towards the front door

32. Which of the following plans (平面图) is the right position of the child’s room?

= door F = front room

C = child’s room P = passage K = kitchen W= washroom

33. When she was upstairs, the woman .

A. saw that there was a wash – basin in each room

B. noticed a mirror which she was looking for

C. found a torch in one of the rooms

D. opened four different doors

34. Once she was in the house, the woman behaved as if what she was looking for .

A. might be in the kitchen

B. was more likely to be upstairs

C. would be easily seen by the light from the hall

D. would look frightening to a child


The cowboy is the hero of many movies. He is, even today, a symbol of courage and adventure. But what was the life of the cowboy really like?

The cowboy’s job is clear from the word “cowboy”. Cowboys were men who took care of

cows and other cattle. The cattle were in the West and in Texas. People in the cities of the East wanted beef from these cattle. Trains could take the cattle east. But first the cattle had to get to the trains. Part of the cowboy’s job was to take the cattle hundreds of miles to the railroad towns.

The trips were called cattle drives. A cattle drive usually took several months. Cowboys rode for sixteen hours a day. Because they rode so much, each cowboy brought along about eight horses. A cowboy changed horses several times each day.

The cowboys had to make sure that the cattle arrived safely. Before starting on a drive, the cowboys branded the cattle. They burned a make on the cattle to show who they belonged to. But these marks didn’t stop rustlers, or cattle thieves. Cowboys had to protect the cattle from rustlers. Rustlers made the dangerous trip even more dangerous.

Even though their work was very difficult and dangerous, cowboys did not earn much money. They were paid bally. Yet cowboys liked their way of life. They lived in a wild and open country. They lived a life of adventure and freedom.

35. The cowboy’s job was ________.

A. to be a hero

B. to take care of cattle

C. to be a rustler

D. to be a driver

36. Cowboys ________.

A. made a lot of money

B. had a difficult job

C. did not like their way of life

D. were rich

37. When you do something new exciting, you have ________.

A. a symbol

B. an adventure

C. a job

D. a trip

38. The cowboy was the most important person in the movie. He was the ________.

A. chief

B. rustler

C. hero

D. president


The favorite food in the United States is the hamburger (汉堡包). The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant. At fast food restaurants, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants. people can order their food, pay for it and pick it up without leaving their cars.

There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. The greatest in number

sell hamburgers, French fries (油炸马铃薯片) and so on. They are popular food among Americans. Besides, fast food restaurants that serve Chinese food, Mexican food, Italian food, chicken, seafood and ice-cream are very many. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one.

Fast food restaurants are popular because they reflect (反映) American life style. Customers can wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are busy do not want to spend time preparing their own food or waiting while someone prepares it. In fast food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore, people are able to buy and eat at a fast food restaurant often, while they may not be able to go to a more expensive restaurant very often.

39. Hamburgers and French fries can be got at the fast food restaurants.

A. some of

B. most of

C. a part of

D. all of

40. What do people do when they come to a fast food restaurant?

A. They order and eat their food at the restaurant.

B. They buy and take their food out and eat it in their cars or in their homes.

C. They order, pay for and get their food in their cars.

D. They do one of the three above-mentioned things.

41. Why do Americans like to go to fast food restaurants?

A.It is because fast food restaurants are fast, informal (不拘礼节的), and


B. It is because people can easily find fast food restaurants.

C. It is because people like to eat hamburgers.

D. It is because fast food restaurants sell nearly every kind of food.

42. Is the food in fast food restaurants always ready before the customers order it?

A. Yes, it is

B. No, it is seldom ready

C. Yes. It is cooked to order

D. No. Not always, but usually

43. Seafood and ice-cream are served at all fast food restaurants, aren’t they?

A. Certainly

B. Yes, they are

C. No, I’m afraid not

D. No. Only at a few of them


Uncle Sam is a tall, thin man. He’s an older man with white hair and a white beard. He often wears a tall hat, a bow tie, and the stars and stripes of the American flag.

Who is this strange, looking man? Would you believe that Uncle Sam is the US government? But why do you call the US government Uncle Sam?

During the War of 1812, the US government hired meat packers to provide meat to the army. One of these meat packers was a man named Samuel Wilson. Samuel was a friendly and fair man. Everyone liked him and called him Uncle Sam.

Sam Wilson stamped the boxes of meat for the army with a large US for United States. Some government inspectors came to look over Sam’s company. They asked a worker what the US on the boxes stood for. As a joke, the worker answered that these letters stood for the name of his boss, Uncle Sam.

The joke spread, and soldiers began saying that their food came from Uncle Sam. Before long, people called all things that came from the government “Uncle Sam’s”, “Uncle Sam”became a nickname for the US government.

Soon there were drawings and cartoons of Uncle Sam in newspapers. In these early pictures, Uncle Sam was a young man. He wore stars and stripes, but his hair was dark and he had not a beard. The beard was added when Abraham Lincoln was President. President Lincoln had a beard.

The most famous picture of Uncle Sam is on a poster from World War I. The government needed men to fight in the war. In the poster, a very serious Uncle Sam points his finger and says “I want YOU for the US Army.”

44. “Uncle Sam” became a ________ for the US government.

A. boss

B. nickname

C. picture

D. businessmen

45. In the drawing and cartoons of Uncle Sam ________.

A. he wore the stars and stripes

B. the never had a beard

C. he had no hair

D. he wore a bow tie

三.完型填空(每空1分, 20题, 共20分)

I hand been sitting by myself in my usual compartment for at least ten minutes, waiting _46__. The trains from Littlebury never seemed to start __47__ and I often thought that I could have __48__ in bed a little longer or had _49__ cup of tea before __50__. Suddenly I heard someone shouting __51__ the platform outside. A young girl was running towards the train. The

man __52__ put out his hand to stop her but she ran past him and opened the door of my compartment. Then the whistle blew and the train started.

“I nearly missed it, __53__?” the girl said.“How long does it take to __54_ London?” “It depends on the __55__.” I said. “Some days it’s __56__ others.”

“I’ll have to have my watch mended, __57__ late again tomorrow,” she said. “It’s my first day __58__ with a new firm today and they told me that the man __59__ is very strict. I __60__ him yet so I don’t know _ 61__ but he sounds a bit frightening.”

She talked about her new job __62__ the way to London and before long, I realized that she was going to work for my firm. My __63__ secretary had just left so I must be her new boss. __64__ only fair to tell her.

“Oh, dear,” she said. “__65__ mistake! I wish I had known.”

“Never mind,” I said. “At least you’ll know when your train’s late that mine will be, too.”( )46.A. the train to start B. for the train start

C. the train’s start

D. for the train to start

( )47.A. on their hour B. on time C. at their hour D. at time

( )48.A. lain B. laid C. lied D. lay

( )49.A. other B. some other C. another D. one other

( )50.A. I had left the home B. leave from home

C. leaving home

D. to leave home

( )51.A. at B. by C. in D. on

( )52.A. at place B. on duty C. for control D. in post

( )53.A. haven’t I B. don’t I C. wasn’t I D. didn’t I ( )54.A. get to B. arrive to C. reach to D. make to ( )55.A. driver to the engine B. driver engine

C. engineer’s driver

D. engine driver

( )56.A. far slower that B. much slower than

C. a lot more slow than

D. a great deal more slow that

( )57.A. in order not be B. so as not to be

C. for not being

D. so that it’s not

( )58.A. at job B. in job C. in work D. at work

( )59.A. I’m going to work for B. what I’m going to work for

C. for which I’m going to work

D. which I’m g oing to work for

( )60.A. didn’t meet B. haven’t met C. didn’t know D. haven’t known

( )61.A. what he is like B. what is he like C. how he is D. how is he

( )62.A. through B. by C. on D. in

( )63.A. proper B. own C. same D. self

( )64.A. There was B. That was C. It was D. Was

( )65.A. What a terrible B. What terrible C. How terrible D. So terrible a

四.短文识错(每空1分, 10题, 共10分)

An experienced teacher may conduct a language lesson as follow:

( )66. Draw a simple picture on a piece of paper after the lesson. The


( )67. drawing must be big enough to be seen by the whole classroom.


( )68. Show the picture you are prepared to someone sitting at the


( )69. front. Let him look at the picture for ten seconds, but ask


( )70. him to draw the picture when he remembers it. Then he must


( )71.show it to his neighbours for ten seconds or so, until everyone


( )72. had shown his to his neighbour. Display(展示) the last picture


( )73. and the first one together and discusses the differences. Then ask


( )74. students in threes or fours to show why the picture was changed


( )75. while drawn from memory as they passed through the class, and,


if possible, display all the pictures in order on the wall.


提示:假设你是凯丽,启明中学的学生,你给你的好友小红写信讲述你的美国之行。内容包括:先去了纽约,看到许多摩天大楼,但看不到世贸大厦了;两天后去了洛杉矶(Los Angeles),参观了好莱坞,游了迪斯尼乐园;还去了内华达(Nevada)的里诺(Reno),游了风景优美的大沪(Dahu)湖;





一.选择填空(每空2分, 25题, 共50分)

1. The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to ______ it.

A. lift

B. reach

C. rise

D. touch

2. It looks _______ it’s going to rain.

A. that

B. as

C. as if

D. like that

3. This novel is worthy of _______.

A. reading

B. read

C. having read

D. being read

4. A few years later, I found my hometown completely _______.

A. changed

B. changing

C. to be changed

D. to change

5. The medicine will ______ you good.

A. do

B. save

C. give

D. help

6. The noise of desks _______ could be heard out in the street.

A. opened and closed

B. to be opened and closed

C. being opened and closed

D. having been opened and closed

7. What would you ________ to eat tonight?

A. like

B. wish

C. want

D. hope

8. I ________ my bicycle on the left side.

A. get off from

B. get down

C. get down from

D. get off

9. —I feel a bit thirsty.

—Why don’t you have tea?

A. any

B. some

C. little

D. a few

10. When wood is burnt, it heat and light, together with heavy smoke.

A. give up

B. sends up

C. sends away

D. sends out

11. The soldier from a wound and died a heroic .

A. died …deadly…death

B. was dead…dying…death

C. died…dead…dying

D. was dying…dead…death

12. Do you think we’ll still catch the train?

—Well, we won’t we walk faster.

A. as

B. unless

C. until

D. no matter how

13. —What shall we do this weekend, Sara?

—What about to a movie?

A. go

B. going

C. went

D. to go

14. Why can’t you do this small _______ for me? I’ve helped you often enough in the past.

A. work

B. demand

C. favour

D. good

15. Your coat will lose its color it is washed.

A. after

B. until

C. though

D. not until

16. There is little ink in the bottle, ?

A. isn’t there

B. isn’t it

C. is there

D. is it

17. There are many in this hospital.

A. woman doctors

B. women doctors

C. women doctor

D. doctor woman

18. It is important us the balance of nature.

A. for…to keep

B. of…to keep

C. for…keeping

D. of…to have kept

19. —Do you mind if I smoke here?


A. No, please don’t

B. Yes, please

C. No, not at all

D. Yes, if you like

20. —May I move your bag a little and take this seat?


A. I don’t mind

B. Go ahead

C. It doesn’t matter

D. You do it, please

21. —When will you be free this month, Mr. White?

—, maybe we’ll be free next Sunday.

A. Let me be

B. Let me see

C. Think it over

D. I’m afraid

22. Mr. Brown, together with his students, to the Science Museum.

A. has gone

B. are going

C. have gone

D. have been

23. He often goes to school by bike it rains.

A. besides

B. except for

C. except

D. except when

24. Still water run .

A. quick

B. deeply

C. deep

D. quickly

25. His father died and him a lot of money.

A. sent

B. afforded

C. left

D. gave

二.阅读理解(每空2分, 20题, 共40分)


We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming (把……按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!

Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.

In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyse and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.

Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

26. In the passage the author’s attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching” is .

A. critical

B. questioning

C. approving

D. objective

27. By “held back” (Line 1) the author means “”.

A. made to remain in the same classes

B. forced to study in the lower classes

C. drawn to their studies

D. prevented from advancing

28. The author argues that a teacher’s chief concern should be the development of the

student’s .

A. personal qualities and social skills

B. total personality

C. learning ability and communicative skills

D. intellectual ability

29. Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the third paragraph?

A. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others

B. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities

C. Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable


D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities

30. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to .

A. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class

B. recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities

C. offer advice on the proper use of the library

D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching


It is understood that a ballad is a song that tells a story, but a folk song is not so easily defined. A balled is a folk song, but a folk song is not a ballad until it tells a story. Folk song, then has included many kinds of music. For example, a sailor’s song of the sea is a folk song. The blues, a type of jazz popular in New Orleans, may be a folk song. In fact, there are folk songs for every job.

“Home on the Range”shows how a popular song may become a folk song. It was first picked up as a folk song in 1910 by John Lomax in San Antonio, Texas. Lomax heard the song

from an old man who had been a cook many years before. The song was known all over the Midwest; thought it did not come to national attention until the early 1930s. By 1947 “Home on the Range” was so popular that it became the official state song of Kansas.

31. A folk song is also a ballad when it .

A. tells a story

B. is sung by workers

C. makes the listeners feel sad

D. covers many kinds of music

32. According to the author, which of the following is not always a folk song?

A. A ballad

B. A sailor’s song

C. A state song

D. A goatherd’s song.

33. According to the passage, which of the following is not true of a folk song?

A. It is passed on orally

B. It has different forms

C. It may talk about work

D. It is found only in the western states

34. The author uses the example of “Home on the Range” to show that folk songs .

A. always tells a story

B. are based on written forms

C. may come from popular songs

D. have become state songs

35. The main topic of the passage is the .

A. different kinds of folk songs

B. development of popular music

C. definition of a ballad

D. importance of folk songs in American life


It was January 1848. A man was digging near the small village of San Francisco, California, Suddenly, he saw something shiny—gold.

By the next year the California gold rush had begun. Thousands of men came to California. They were called “forty-miners” after the year 1849. The fo rty-miners came from all around the USA. They even came from other countries, including Mexico, Australia, China, France, and England. They left their families and jobs, and made the difficult trip to California. They all shared a dream. They all wanted to make a fortune in gold.

Towns and camps grew quickly wherever gold was found. These towns were rough places. There was almost always a saloon, where the men drank whiskey and gambled at cards. In mining towns, men stole and sometimes killed for gold.

Did the miners make their fortune? Some did, especially those who came early were lucky. In 1848, miners usually made about twenty dollars a day. In 1852 miners made about six dollars a

day. Many other people came to California to make money from the miners. Prices were very high.

A loaf of bread, which cost five cents in New York, cost almost a dollar in San Francisco.

In 1848 San Francisco had been a village. Six years later it was a city with a population of 50,000. In 1850 California had enough people to become a state.

36. In 1849 thousands of men came to California because _______.

A. they were forty-miners

B. they wanted to find gold

C. they had families

D. California was a beautiful place

37. Towns and camps _________.

A. grew quickly

B. grew where there was a saloon

C. grew where there was no gold

D. grew fast wherever there was gold

38. Some of the miners who were lucky _________.

A. made twenty dollars

B. made their fortune

C. made bread

D. became poor

39. The towns of the old West were rough places ________.

A. where people fought a lot

B. where there are mountains

C. where there is no water

D. with irregular land

40. Which one is right?

A. the prices are higher in New York than in San Francisco.

B. the prices are higher in San Francisco than in New York.

C. the prices in San Francisco are the same as in New York.

D. it is not mentioned in this passage.


Baseball is America’s most popular sport. In a baseball game there are two teams of nine players. Players must hit ball with a bat and then run around four bases. A player who goes around all the bases scores a run for his team. The team that finishes with more runs wins the game.

Where did baseball come from? No one knows for sure. Many people believe that the idea came from a game played by children in England. Other people believe that a man named Abner Doubleday invented the game in Cooperstown, New York, in 1839. But the first real rules of baseball were written in 1845 by Alexander Cartwright. Two teams from New York played a game following Cartwright’s rules. The rules worked well. Soon there were many teams.

These early teams were not professional. They played only for fun, not money. But baseball was very popular from the start. Businessmen saw that they could make money with professional

baseball teams.

The first professional team was started in 1869. This team was the Red Stockings of Cincinati. Within a few years there were professional teams in other cities. In 1876, these teams came together in a league, or group, called the National League. The teams in the National League played one another.

In 1901, a new league, called the American League, was formed. To create some excitement, in 1903, the two leagues decided to have their first-place teams play each other. This event was called the World Series.

Each year since then the National League winner and the American League winner play in the World Series. And, each year, millions of people look forward to this exciting sports event.

41. A group of people that play together is _________.

A. a team

B. a league

C. a game

D. a player

42. A wooden stick used to hit a ball in baseball is called ________.

A. a ball

B. a sport

C. a bat

D. a stick

43. When a player runs around all four bases he makes ________.

A. a four

B. a winner

C. a run

D. a game

44. When teams play sports for money they are ________.

A. businessmen

B. fun

C. professional

D. amateur

45. Does people like the World Series?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. just so so.

D. it isn’t mentioned in this passage.

三.完型填空(每空1分, 20题, 共20分)

The common cold is familiar to everyone. People often catch cold in __46_ winter or spring. They may __47_ catch cold at other times __48_ the year. A person with __49_ bad cold usually buys some __50_ of medicine. Pharmacies have many __51_ for a cold. However, doctors __52_ that these medicines do not __53_ very much. They that __54_ person with a bad cold __55_ stay in bad, keep warm, and drink a lot of water.

In 1928 an English doctor was working in his laboratory in London hospita l. The doctor’s name _56_ Alexander Fleming. One day he _57_ a tiny bit of mold (霉) _58_ a dish that he was _59_ in his work. He started _60_ throw the mold away. Then _61_ noticed that it seemed unusual.

He _62_ the mold and studied _63_ for a long time. He _64_ that it could kill germs. He _65_ it penicillin.

( )46.A. a B. the C. some D. none

( )47.A. too B. also C. to D. still

( )48.A. at B. from C. of D. on

( )49.A. some B. a C. one D. the

( )50.A. kind B. set C. quantity D. deal

( )51.A. medicine B. much C. medicines D. doctors

( )52.A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say

( )53.A. helps B. help C. helping D. helped

( )54.A. many B. some C. a D. one

( )55.A. ought B. shall C. to D. should

( )56.A. is B. was C. called D. be

( )57.A. finding B. founded C. found D. finds

( )58.A. in B. among C. above D. into

( )59.A. playing B. using C. cooking D. making

( )60.A. to B. and C. but D. by

( )61.A. she B. Dr C. it D. he

( )62.A. kept B. keeps C. keep D. keeping ( )63.A. them B. mold C. it D. him

( )64.A. knew B. studied C. invented D. discovered ( )65.A. calls B. named C. made D. liked

四. 短文识错(每空1分, 10题, 共10分)

Last Saturday, I wanted very much to see a film

( )66. together with my brother after supper. On my


( )67. way to the cinema, we happen to meet with an American


( )68. named Peter, who had lost his way, looked worried.


( )69. when he told us that he wasn’t able find


( )70. the hotel, we decided take him there. While we went


( )71. to the hotel, we told of Peter the great changes that had taken place in our


( )72. country in the past few year, and he told us a lot of things about the youths in


( )73.the USA. Although my brother and I missed a interesting


( )74. film, we felt very happily, for we had not only helped

( )75. Peter out of trouble and also learnt something from him.


五. 作文


For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a letter of about 100 words according to the following situation.



一.选择填空(每空2分, 25题, 共50分)

1. A computer _______ think for itself; it must be told what to do.

A. can’t

B. couldn’t

C. may not

D. might not

2. Don’t smoke in the meeting-room, ________?

A. do you

B. will you

C. can you

D. could you

3. —Have you moved into the new house?

—Not yet. The rooms ________.

A. are being painted

B. are painting

C. are painted

D. are being painting

4. Alexander Graham Bell invented ________ telephone in 1876.

A. \

B. a

C. the

D. one

5. We ________ each other the best of luck in the examination.

A. hoped

B. wanted

C. expected

D. wished

6. ______! There’s a train coming.

A. Look out

B. Look around

C. Look forward

D. Look on

7.—Will somebody go and get Dr. White?

—He’s already been _______.

A. asked for

B. sent for

C. called for

D. looked for

8._______ he was old and sick did the enemy set him free.

A. Until

B. Not until

C. Unless

D. When

9.—We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.

—What do you suppose ________ to her?

A. was happening

B. to happen

C. has happened

D. having happened

10. These players lost the game. They were ______ players.

A. losing

B. lost

C. lose

D. being lost

11. Which is ______ country, the United States or Canada?

A. a larger

B. larger

C. the larger

D. the largest

12. The silk feels ________.

A. soft

B. softly

C. softness

D. softy

13. Two nuclear power stations _______ in the past ten years.

A. are built

B. have been built

C. would be built

D. are building

14. They kept on ______ till they got to the foot of the hill.

A. to run

B. running

C. runing

D. run

15. There is much work to do, _______?

A. isn’t it

B. is there

C. isn’t there

D. is it

16. _______ as he is, he can’t understand the English film.

A. A student of English

B. Though a student of English

C. Student of English

D. Being a student of English

17. The old in the country _______ taken good care of.

A. have

B. has

C. is

D. are

18. Not a single mistake _______ in the test.

A. he made

B. did he make

C. he has made

D. made he

19. ______ my surprise, I got a high grade in this test.

A. For

B. To

C. To be

D. On

20. She never agree _______ you, did she?


西安交通大学考博英语试题及其解析 I.In each question,decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET,(15points) EXAMPLE: I was caught_the rain yesterday. A.in B.by C.with D.at ANSWER:(A) l.Those two families have been quarrelling__each other for many years. A.to B.between C.against D.with 2.There are many things whose misuse is dangerous,bur it is hard to think of anything that can be compared___ A.in B.with C.among D.by 3."How often have you seen cases like this?"one surgeon asked another."Oh,__times,I guess,"was the reply. A.hundred of B.hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred 4.Give me your telephone number__I need your help. A.whether B.unless C.so that D.in case 5.You sang well last night.We hope you'll sing__. A.more better B.still better C.nicely D.best 6.Those people__a general understanding of the present situation. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a016917214.html,ck of B.are lacking of https://www.360docs.net/doc/a016917214.html,ck D.are in lack 7.Alone in a desert house,he was so busy with his research work


西安交通大学17年3月课程考试《项目管理》作业考核试题 一、单选题(共30 道试题,共60 分。) 1.以下哪种计算不能用来确定项目完成时费用估计?() A.当前的 B. C.WP加上剩余的项目预算 D.当前的实际成本加上所有剩余工作新的估算 E.当前的实际成本加上剩余的预算 F. 当前的实际成本加上按照现有趋势调整的剩余的预算 正确答案: 2. 我国的建设工程监理属于国际上()的范畴 A. 设计方项目管理 B.施工方项目管理 C.业主方项目管理 D. 项目总承包方项目管理 正确答案: 3.M工作与N工作之间的逻辑关系为工艺关系,说明他们之间的先后顺序是由() 决定的 A. 人力调配需要 B.材料供应需要 C. 资金调配需要 D. 工作程序需要 正确答案: 4. 一个人估计在最常见的情况下往返家里需要1小时。在被进一步询问后,他估计最少的时候需要45分钟,最多的时候需要1小时45分钟,该估计的标准差是多少?() A. 10分钟 B. 15分钟 C.50分钟 D. 60分钟 正确答案: 5. 协商解决施工所需的水.电等必备条件是业主在()的主要任务。 A. 项目决策阶段 B.项目准备阶段 C.项目实施阶段 D.项目验收阶段 正确答案: 6. 建筑安装工程费中的材料费包括材料由来源地到()的全部费用

A. 施工工地仓库 B.施工操作地点 C. 施工工地仓库后出库 D. 施工现场所在地 正确答案: 7.为了充分发挥工人、主导机械的效率,每个施工段要有足够的()和工作面,使其所容纳的劳动力人数或机械台数,能满足合理劳动组织的要求 A. 流水步距 B.工作面 C.流水强度 D. 流水节拍 正确答案: 8. 下列关于业主对工程项目管理的表述中,正确的是() A. 管理目的是实现项目各利害关系人的全部期望 B.业主是对工程项目进行全面管理的中心 C.在项目建设过程中,业主对项目大都采用直接管理方式 D. 以进度为中心进行控制 正确答案: 9.下列项目组织形式中,项目经理的权限各有不同,其中权限最大的是() A. 职能式 B. 项目式 C. 平衡矩阵式 D. 强矩阵式 正确答案: 10.以下哪个不是项目进度控制所需的输入:() A.项目进度 B. 进展报告 C.变更请求 D.组织结构 正确答案: 11.一般说来,在处理项目干系人之间的争议时,应该偏向于以下哪一方() A. 项目发起者 B. 高级经理 C. 执行组织 D. 顾客 正确答案: 12.下列哪个不是虚工作的特性:() A.需要资源 B. 在双代号网络中使用 C. 具有零的持续时间 D.指示一个先后关系 正确答案: 13.招标人以招标公告的方式邀请不特定的法人或者组织来投标,这种招标方式称为() A.公开招标


西安交通大学2015年博士研究生入学考试英语试题 The technological dimension of innovation process has been extensively commended on. Market innovation processes._____(1)has remained underexplored both theoretically and empirically. Our starting point was that the conception of market innovation depends strongly on our ____(2) Of markets. Two different approaches to markets were contrasted: one epistemologial orientation ____(3) generating the right knowledge about markets,and one ontological orientation emphasizing their active production. Drawing on the latter, we defined “market”innovation ____(4)changes in the way business is done. In this respect, the contribution to this special issue are ____(5) by the idea that market innovation is not something that envelops market from the outside (like technological innovation or regulatory change).____(6)something that comes from changing the very components that make up markets, ____(7),recent theorizing about markets from a practice prospective suggests markets are continuous outcomes of on-going efforts.____(8)change the rule and stability the exception. In line with this, the markets repeatedly illustrate efforts at directing and /or preventing change rather than promoting it. This leads us to suggest that market innovation. Face the balancing act of capturing opportunities____(9) change through stabilizing efforts that produce innovation rems. Such stabilizing efforts were noted in two special areas: establishing and maintaining a bounded network of buyers,sellers,goods, etc. And configuring this network in particular ways____(10)channel interaction between entities. These stabilizing efforts were parsued in four ways: Internationalizing norms and rules; building devlees and technical infrastructures,generating and Dissemination images, models,and representation and ____(11) practices, routines and habits. Despite stabilizing efforts,however, stability is hard to achieve,____(12)due to competing political project about how a market should work, herein wu argue,____(13)the key dynamic of market innovation processes. While market innovation seek stability,____(14)also strive for dynamic transformation. While stability id=s sought ,instability offers stack ____(15)allows markets to develop and pursue new opportunities. Actors trying to reconfigure markets ____(16) sufficient predictability to anticipate potential rents, yet thrive on the opportunities of of market in flux____(17),efforts to eliminate market slack,e.g,through extensive marked rationalization, is not only difficult but also undersirable. ____(18)brings us to our final removal. We ____(19) that market innovation processes designed above play a significant part in what has been said to characterize a well functioning market,namely the ability to handle its own overflows. To further develop action-oriented insights commingle such processes, one would do well to return the comprehensive and dynamic perspective offered by conceiving of markets as service Eco-system, social-material networks, or tech-lednical enhancements____(20) exemplifed in the subsequent articles. 1.A to be specific B however C therefore D on the other hand

西安交通大学现代远程教育 大学英语 答案版

现代远程教育 2012年专升本大学英语 入学考试复习题 (一) 注;答案一律写在答题纸上,做在试题上无效 I. Grammar Structure and Vocabulary Section A ( 1.5 marks each) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. Not long ago, a person whom I know very well was ___ an accident. A. related to B. involved in C. included in D. subjected to 2. We want him to retire but he won’t ___ to it. A. accept B. admit C. agree D. allow 3. He doesn’t enjoy ___ fish, you know. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. to eating 4. The girl didn’t go to bed ___ her parents came home. A. until B. unless C. when D. as 5. In the newspaper, we can learn ___ is going on in the world. A. that B. which C. what D. who 6. The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. A. after B. with C. by D. from 7. I wish I ___ a doctor. A. have been B. am C. were D. will be 8. We are going to ___ up for our lost time by taking a short cut. A. make B. take C. find D. put 9. No sooner had we returned home ___ it rained. A. then B. than C. when D. as 10. I can’t afford ___ a new dress. A. buying her B. her to buy C. buy for her D. to buy her


一、单选题(共26 道试题,共52 分。)V 1. 资本周围速度()、 A. 与周转时间成正比,与周转次数成反比 B. 与周转时间成反比,与周转次数成正比 C. 与周转时间成正比,与周转次数成正比 D. 与周转时间成反比,与周转次数成反比 标准答案:B 2. 把剩余价值看成是全部预付资本的产物,剩余价值就转化为()、 A. 成本价格 B. 利润 C. 生产价格 D. 利息 标准答案:B 3. 社会资本简单再生产的基本实现条件是()、 A. I(c+v+m)=I(c+△c)+II(c+△c) B. I(v+m)>IIc C. I(v+m)=IIc D. I(v+m)<IIc 标准答案:C 4. 划分固定资本和流动资本的根据是()、 A. 生产资本不同部分在价值形成中的作用不同 B. 生产资本不同部分在剩余价值生产中的作用不同 C. 生产资本不同部分的价值转移方式不同 D. 生产资本不同部分的价值周转方式不同 标准答案:D 5. 我国在发展对外经济关系中必须坚持的根本方针是()、 A. 独立自主自力更生 B. 自筹资金没有外债 C. 大量进口不怕逆差 D. 自给自足剩余出口 标准答案:A 6. 生产关系的基础是()、 A. 产品归谁所有 B. 人们在生产中的地位及相互关系 C. 生产力 D. 生产资料所有制 标准答案:D 7. 农业雇佣工人创造的剩余价值中,土地所有者获得的是()、 A. 全部剩余价值 B. 租金 C. 平均利润 D. 超额利润 标准答案:D 8. 社会主义制度的经济基础是()、 A. 股份制

B. 国家所有制 C. 多种经济形式 D. 生产资料公有制 标准答案:D 9. 资本主义经济危机的实质是()、 A. 生产绝对过剩 B. 生产相对不足 C. 生产相对过剩 D. 资本主义基本矛盾 标准答案:C 10. 国家垄断资本主义的实质是()、 A. 国家政权同私人垄断资本相结合 B. 国家直接掌握垄断资本 C. 国有资本和私人资本在企业内、外部的结合 D. 私人垄断资本利用国家机器来为其服务的手段 标准答案:D 11. G-W…W`-G`是()、 A. 货币资本循环公式 B. 生产资本循环公式 C. 商品资本循环公式 D. 流通资本循环公式 标准答案:A 12. 垄断资本主义阶段,资本主义对外经济关系的一个重要经济特征是()、 A. 商品输出 B. 原料输出 C. 资本输出 D. 劳动力输出 标准答案:C 13. 社会主义按劳分配的对象是()、 A. 生产资料 B. 个人消费品 C. 社会总产品 D. 生存资料 标准答案:B 14. 垄断资本主义阶段,价值规律发挥作用的形式是()、 A. 商品价格围绕价值上下波动 B. 商品价格采取垄断价格形式 C. 商品价格围绕生产价格上下波动 D. 价值规律已经不再起作用 标准答案:B 15. 职能资本家使用借贷资本所获得的平均利润可以分割为()、 A. 利息和企业利润 B. 产业利润和商业利润 C. 利息和超额利润


西安交通大学17年9月课程考试《项目管理》作业考核试题 一、单选题(共30 道试题,共60 分。) 1. 《招投标法》规定,招标人采用公开招标方式,应当发布招标公告,依法必须进行招标项目的招标公告,应当通过()的报刊.信息网络或者其他媒介公开发布 A. 国家指定 B. 业主指定 C. 当地政府指定 D. 监理机构指定 正确答案: 2. 按照()方式,可将项目管理划分为不同的类型,包括业主方的项目管理.施工方的项目管理等等 A. 建设工程项目不同参与方的工作性质和组织特征的不同 B. 建设工程项目不同参与方的权利和责任的不同 C. 建设工程项目不同参与方的利益的不同 D. 建设工程项目不同参与方的地位的不同 正确答案: 3. “为了合理地使用资源,我们将客厅的粉刷调整到主卧室的粉刷之后进行。”这种观点描述了下列哪种工作关系:() A. 依赖 B. 组织 C. 逻辑 D. 外部约束 正确答案: 4. 平行发包模式的优点不包括() A. 有利于缩短工期 B. 有利于质量控制 C. 有利于业主对所有承包人的管理及组织协调 D. 有利于业主选择承包单位 正确答案: 5. 不属于工程项目范围确认依据的是项目的() A. 可行性研究报告 B. 工作分解结构

C. 第三方评价报告 D. 施工成本管理手册 正确答案: 6. 《招投标法》规定,招标人采用公开招标方式,应当发布招标公告,依法必须进行招标项目的招标公告,应当通过()的报刊.信息网络或者其他媒介公开发布 A. 国家指定 B. 业主指定 C. 当地政府指定 D. 监理机构指定 正确答案: 7. 建设工程合同签订后,发包人给承包人一定比例的预付款,一般为合同金额的() A. 15% B. 20% C. 10% D. 25% 正确答案: 8. 招标管理中的公平原则是指() A. 工程项目招标具有较高的透明度 B. 给与所有投标人平等的权利 C. 评标时按事先公布的标准评审 D. 当事人应正确行使权利和履行义务 正确答案: 9. 工程师在收到承包人送交的索赔报告和有关资料后,于()天内给予答复,或要求承包人进一步补充索赔理由和证据 A. 28 B. 15 C. 21 D. 1个月 正确答案: 10. 组织中最高领导层到基层人员之间划分成的职位等级的数目称为() A. 分权程度; B. 管理层次; C. 集权程度; D. 管理幅度 正确答案: 11. 以下哪个不是项目进度控制所需的输入:() A. 项目进度 B. 进展报告 C. 变更请求 D. 组织结构 正确答案: 12. 对技术复杂而又缺乏设计经验的工程项目,根据主管部门的要求,可增加() 阶段 A. 方案优选


西安交通大学大学英语二 在线作业答案 High quality manuscripts are welcome to download

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1. — Hello, may I t a l k t o t h e h e a d m a s t e r n o w—______________. A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can’t C. Sorry, you can’t D. I don’t know 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 2. We are interested in the weather because it ______ us so directly — what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. A. benefits B. affects C. affects D. effects 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 3. The g overnment official explained that there’s no point _______ about the cultural gap in that city. A. to worry B. with them worrying C. in worrying D. worry 正确答案:B 满分:2 分

4. The police are________ the two missing children. A. looking out B. looking after C. looking for D. looking on 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 5. If he _______such a good chance, he would have planned to learn more. A. was giving B. had given C. had been given D. was to give 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 6. —What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!— __________________. A. No, thanks B. Thank you C. Yes, it is D. Sorry, it isn’t 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 7. — What can I do for you, madam — __________________. A. I want a kilo of apples


西安交通大学课程考试侵权行为法作业考核试 题 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. 患者在诊疗活动中受到损害,医疗机构及其医务人员有过错的,由()承担赔偿责任。 A. 医务人员 B. 医疗机构 C. 医疗机构负责人 D. 医务人员和医疗机构 满分:2 分 2. 受害人和行为人对损害的发生都没有过错的,() A. 受害人自行承担责任 B. 行为人承担责任 C. 可以根据实际情况,由双方分担损失 D. 由受害人和行为人平均承担责任 满分:2 分 3. 劳务派遣期间,被派遣的工作人员因执行工作任务造成他人损害的,由()承担侵权责任;劳务派遣单位有过错的,承担相应的补充责任。 A. 劳务派遣单位 B. 被派遣的工作人员 C. 当地人民政府 D. 接受劳务派遣的用工单位

满分:2 分 4. 侵害他人财产的,财产损失按照()的市场价格或者其他方式计算。 A. 提出请求时 B. 判决生效时 C. 损失发生时 D. 财产生成时 满分:2 分 5. 请求赔偿精神损害必须是造成他人()。 A. 严重精神损害 B. 一般精神损害 C. 精神损害 D. 身体残疾 满分:2 分 6. 因抢救生命垂危的患者等紧急情况,不能取得患者或者其近亲属意见时,经谁批准可以立即实施相应的医疗措施() A. 经治医生批准 B. 所在临床科室的主任批准 C. 医疗机构负责人或者授权的负责人批准 D. 医疗机构职工代表大会批准 满分:2 分 7. 药品不合格导致患者损害时,患者可以向谁索赔()


西安交通大学关于研究生学位申请的若干 规定 (2013年3月27日校学位评定委员会会议讨论通过)第一条为营造良好的学术探索氛围,激发研究生的创新意识,鼓励研究生在科学、技术和工程等方面取得创新成果,提高博士和硕士学位论文的学术水平,规范研究生学位论文答辩申请程序,制定本规定。 第二条博士生在攻读博士学位期间,达到以下基本条件之一,方可提出博士学位论文答辩申请。 (一)攻读博士学位期间发表过与博士论文相关的学术论文,并需达到以下要求: 1.理、工、医(除临床医学专业学位外)学科的博士学位申请者,至少有1篇学术论文全文在国际知名学术刊物上发表并被SCI收录,或2篇学术论文全文被SCI/EI/IM收录(其中至少1篇在国际期刊或高水平国际会议上发表); 2.管理、经济、人文类学科的博士学位申请者,至少有1篇学术论文全文在国际知名学术刊物上发表并被 SCI/SSCI/AHCI收录,或2篇学术论文全文被SCI/EI/IM收录(其中至少1篇为英文文章),或1篇英文论文全文被SCI/EI/IM收录及2篇学术论文全文发表在CSSCI源期刊上,或3篇学术论文全文发表在CSSCI源期刊上;

3.临床医学专业学位的博士学位申请者,至少有1篇学术论文在国际知名学术刊物上发表,或有1篇学术论文在全国核心期刊上发表和1篇英文期刊论文或高水平国际会议论文。 (二)攻读博士学位期间在全英文期刊上发表过与博士论文相关的学术论文1篇,并取得下述重要科研成果之一:1.获得与博士论文密切相关的科研成果或发明专利,且符合以下要求:至少获省部级二等以上科研成果奖1项(国家级奖前3名、省部级奖前2名)或获得授权发明专利2项(本人排名前2名); 2.从事国家重大项目、专项工程的重大实验、系统设计或专门设备研究的博士研究生,需要有独立完成且具有创新性的研究内容,主要研究成果已通过省部级正式鉴定或验收,并得到相应的应用,且学位论文的研究内容是该成果的重要组成部分。由博士生本人申请,经导师同意,所在学院组织专家组审核,专家组由至少3位具有博士生指导资格的人员(导师除外)组成。专家组出具的书面审核意见作为学位评定分委员会主席审批送审的依据之一,同时还是答辩委员会、学位评定分委员会是否建议授予学位,以及校学位评定委员会是否授予学位的依据之一。 (三)博士学位论文成果为博士生在参与国家重大重点项目[如国家973项目、863重大(重点)项目、国家自然科


西安交通大学课程考试计算机应用基础作业考 核试题 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

西安交通大学18年3月课程考试《计算机应用基础》作业考核试题 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分) 1.以下说法正确的是()。 A.在Word中新建文档会替代原来的窗口 B.每次选择“保存”命令都会打开“另存为”对话框 C.使用Alt+F4组合键可以关闭Word窗口 D.以上都不对 正确答案:C 2.在Excel工作表第4行第D列交叉位置处的单元格,其绝对单元格名应是()。 A.D4 B.$D4 C.D$4 D.$D$4 正确答案:D 3.下面以()为扩展名的文件是不能直接运行的。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/a016917214.html, B..BAT C..SYS D..EXE 正确答案:C 4.在Excel单元格中输入负数时,可以用“-”开始,也可以采用()的形式。 A.用[ ]括起来 B.用括起来 C.用()括起来 D.用{ }括起来 正确答案:C 5.个人计算机(PC)属于()类型。 A.微型计算机 B.大型计算机 C.小型机 D.超级计算机 正确答案:A 6.下列属于音频文件扩展名的是()。 A.WAV B.MID C.MP3 D.以上都是 正确答案:D 7.对于Excel数据库,排序是按照()进行的。 A.记录 B.字段

D.工作表 正确答案:B 8.下列关于“快捷方式”的说法中,错误的是()。 A.“快捷方式”是打开程序的捷径 B.“快捷方式”的图标可以更改 C.删除“快捷方式”,它所指向的应用程序也会被删除 D.可以在桌面上创建打印机的“快捷方式” 正确答案:C 9.在PowerPoint2003中,要使幻灯片在放映时能够自动播放,需要为其设置为()。 A.超接链接 B.排练计时 C.动作按钮 D.录制旁白 正确答案:B 10.Windows XP 任务栏不能设置为()。 A.自动隐藏 B.时钟显示 C.总在最前 D.总在底部 正确答案:D 11.在Windows系统中,下列不属于对话框的组成元素的是()。 A.标题栏 B.菜单 C.输入框 D.按钮 正确答案:B 12.在PowerPoint2003中,按()键可以停止幻灯片播放。 A.Ctrl B.Shift C.Esc D.Enter 正确答案:C 13.在Word中,要选定全文,可用的快捷键为()。 A.Ctrl+S B.Ctrl+V C.Ctrl+A D.Ctrl+C 正确答案:C 14.以下()不是常用的声音文件格式。 A.JPEG文件 B.WAV文件 C.MIDI文件


1.博士毕业的年限的问题 一般是3年半到6年,如果到第6年还没能够毕业,可以做2个选择,一个是申请毕业答辩,申请毕业答辩后2年内再申请一个学位答辩;另外一个选择是直接申请一个结业,注意“结业”只是一个状态,等于把博士时间又推迟了2年(也就是8年的博士生涯),结业后2年内可以申请学位答辩一次,顺利通过同时获得毕业跟学位证书。 对比以上两种方法:第一种方法把毕业答辩跟学位答辩分开弄,略显麻烦,好处则是先有个毕业证书,有些单位允许你拿毕业证书就可以上岗;第二种方法相对简单,去研究生院拿一个结业表格填写好提交即可离校,然后2年内再申请一个学位答辩,注意:2年内那次申请学位答辩的时候需要带上结业表格。另外如果你的一卡通学生账户被关掉可以打电话开通:电话号码是82668328张老师,这关系到你后续很多表格的提交和下载。 2.学位答辩的发表文章要求: 无论哪种离校法,最终都要进行学位答辩(当然你不要学位证者除外),那么就得符合学校的学位答辩条件,其本质上就是发表文章条件是否达到学校的要求了。 参考这个文件:西交研〔2005〕24号 关于《西安交通大学关于研究生学位申请的若干规定》执行时间的通知 =xwsq 毕业都是5个专家审查你的大论文,一般都是选择3个常规审查+2个专家盲审走毕业把,5个盲审过的机会会非常曲折,严重不推荐! 按照3+2盲审走需要达到的最低要求有两大类,每大类里面又细分不同学科,其中最低的要求我用蓝色字体加粗了。其中:知名和非知名期刊list见: 291711077484.rar (一)攻读博士学位期间发表过与博士论文相关的学术论文,并需达到以下要求:1.理、工、医(除临床医学专业学位外)学科的博士学位申请者,至少有1篇学术论文在国际知名学术刊物上发表并被SCI收录,或2篇被SCI/EI/IM收录(其中至少1篇在国际期刊或高水平国际会议上发表); 2.管理、经济、人文类学科的博士学位申请者,至少有1篇学术论文在国际知名学术刊物上发表并被SCI/SSCI/AHCI收录,或2篇被SCI/EI/IM收录(其中至少1篇为英文文章),或3篇发表在CSSCI 源期刊上; 3.临床医学专业学位的博士学位申请者,至少有1篇学术论文在国际知名学术刊物上发表,或有2篇学术论文在全国核心期刊上发表和1篇英文期刊论文或高水平国际会议论文。 (二)攻读博士学位期间在全英文期刊上发表过与博士论文相关的学术论文


Unit 1. V ocabulary: 1.assortment 2.narcissistic 3.obsessively 4.slaying 5.legion 6.instilled 7.ingrained 8.hustled 9.stampede 10.qualms Cloze: 1.remorse 2.reponsibility 3.reason 4.triggered 5anxiety https://www.360docs.net/doc/a016917214.html,mitted 7.criticism 8.empathy 9.develop 10.violates 11.value 12.against 13.fulfill 14.generally 15.failing 16.intended 17.biochemical 18.judged 19.since 20.nature Unit 2. V ocabulary: 1.profane 2.ignited 3.concocted 4.reverberations 5.subversive 6.engimatic 7.convergence 8.provisonal 9.defy 10.transparent Cloze: 1.concerned 2.deeply 3.movements 4.longing 5.endeavor 6.present 7.religious 8.suffice 9.varying 10.experence 11primitive 12.evokes 13.stage 14.poorly 15.creates 16.depend 17.handed 18.disposed 19.degree 20.basis Unit 3. V ocabulary: 1.confidental 2.facilitate https://www.360docs.net/doc/a016917214.html,arre 4.innovation 5.surveillance 6.incidentally 7.administered 8.deregulation Cloze: 1.sophisticated 2.protect https://www.360docs.net/doc/a016917214.html,d 4.employed 5.other 6.private 7.only 8.public 9.possessed 10.periodically 11.forge 12.limit 13.approved 14.privileges 15.accountable 16.confidential 17.access 18.difficult 19.mixture 20.symboles Unit 5 1.Vocabulary (1) contrariness (2) tangle (3) stamina (4) roam (5) subtlety (6) bustling (7) conspire (8) foray (9) tangible (10) savor 2.Cloze (1) crowded (2) vacationers(3) stretch(4) tight (5) beginning(6) seem (7) cash(8) against (9) dreaded (10) possible (11) avoiding(12) popular (13) surprise (14) route (15) filled (16) same (17) difficult (18) ultimately (19) given (20) expect Unit 7 2. Vocabulary (1) dietary (2) trigger (3) syndrome (4) subside (5) nary (6) alienate (7) hodge-podge (8) emigrate (9) feast (10) presumptuous 4. Cloze

最新西交大本科《工程项目管理》精品案例 (2)

案例9 1. 背景 某建设单位投资兴建科研楼工程,为了加快工程进度分别与三家施工单位签订了土建施工合同、电梯安装施工合同、装饰装修施工合同。三个合同都提出了一项相同的条款:建设单位应协调现场的施工单位,为施工单位创造可利用条件,如垂直运输等。 土建施工单位开槽后发现一输气管道影响施工。建设单位代表察看现场后,认为施工单位放线有误,提出重新复查定位线。施工单位配合复查,没有查出问题。一天后,建设单位代表认为前一天复查时仪器有问题,要求更换测量仪器再次复测。施工单位只好停工配合复测,最后证明测量无错误。为此,施工单位向建设单位提出了反复检查两次的配合费用的索赔要求。 此外,土建施工企业在工程顶层结构楼板吊装施工的时候,电梯安装企业进入施工现场,而后装饰装修企业也在施工现场进行了大量垂直运输工作,三家施工单位因卷扬机吨位不足发生了矛盾。由于建设单位没有协调好三个施工单位的协作关系,他们互相之间又没有合同约束,引起了电梯安装企业和装饰装修企业的索赔要求。最终,整个工程的工期延误了43d。 2. 问题 (1)建设单位代表在任何情况下要求重新检验,施工单位是否必须执行?其主要依据是什么? (2)土建施工企业索赔是否有充分的理由? (3)若再次检验不合格,施工单位应承担什么责任? (4)电梯安装企业和装饰装修企业能否就工期延误向建设单位索赔?为什么? 【解答】 (1)建设单位代表在任何情况下要求施工单位重新检验,施工单位必须执行,这是施工单位的义务。其主要依据是《建筑工程质量管理条例》第二十六条:施工单位对建设工程的施工质量负责。 (2)土建施工企业索赔有充分的理由。因为该分项工程已检验合格,建设单位代表要求复验,复验结果若合格,建设单位应承担由此发生的一切费用。 (3)若再次检验不合格,施工单位应承担由此发生的一切费用。


Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a leading university in China, covering a comprehensive range of subjects sciences, engineering, management and liberal arts. It is directly administered by the Chinese Education Ministry. The educational quality and the academic level of XJTU are among the best of over 1,000 universities in China. Xi'an Jiaotong University, as one of the earliest universities entering China's "211 Project" (of the 21st century, 100 key universities) in January 1995, is striving to become a first-class university of the world. Jiaotong Universiy is one of the two oldest universities in China, with a history of over one hundred years. Her predecessor is Nanyang College, which was founded in 1896 in Shanghai. In 1956, the main body of Jiaotong University was moved to Xi'an according to the decision issued by the State Council, and formally named Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1959. Currently, Xi'an Jiaotong University includes School of Electrical Engineering, School of Electronics and Information Engineering,School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering,School of Chemical Engineering, School of Architecture and Mechanics, School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Management, School of Science, Graduate School, Research Institute of Engineering and Science, School of Chinese Language Study and School of Adult Education. There are over 14,000 full-time students, among whom about 2,000 are master's degree candidates and 1,000 are doctoral candidates. The number of the faculty totals up to 1,800, with 900 professors and associate professors, among whom there are five academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. XJTU has 75 Master's degree programs, 36 doctoral programs and 8 post-doctoral research stations. There are 72 laboratories. One State Engineering Research Center, 10 national key laboratories and esearch laboratories. The university's library, covering a floor area of 30,000 square meters, housed 1.85 million volumes of books. In addition, XJTU has a book publishing house and an audio-visual publishinghouse. The area of the campus is 133 hectares, with a building floor area of 670,000 square meters. XJTU has established broad cooperative relationships with over 90 universities in 20 countries and regions including the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Canada. Every year, about 2,000 professors, scholars and experts visit the University to give lectures, do scientific research or attend international conference. Xi'an Jiaotong University is a well-known university, integrating traditional culture with modern higher education. It faces Xing Qing Park, the location of Xing Qing Palace of Tang Dynasty. To the south of the university is the Green Dragon Temple. On the campus of the university, the East Pavilion, the original residential site of a famous Tang poet Gai Juyi, has been discovered,
