

108. The One Where Nana Dies Twice

[Scene: Chandler's Office, Chandler is on a coffee break. Shelley enters.]

break: 休息

-Shelley: Hey gorgeous, how's it going?

【gorgeous: A beautiful girl/guy –from Urban Dictionary】


-Chandler: Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights... does it get better than this? dehydrated: 脱水的noodle: 面条fluorescent: 日光灯


-Shelley: Question. You're not dating anybody, are you, because I met somebody who would be perfect for you.

date: 约会


-Chandler: Ah, you see, perfect might be a problem. Had you said 'co-dependent', or 'self-destructive'...

co-dependent: 相互依靠的self-destructive: 自我毁灭的


-Shelley: Do you want a date Saturday?


-Chandler: Yes please.


-Shelley: Okay. He's cute, he's funny, he's-



-Chandler: He's a he?


-Shelley: Well yeah! ...Oh God. I- just- I thought- Good, Shelley. I'm just gonna go flush myself down the toilet now...(backs out of the room) Okay, goodbye...

flush: 淹没toilet:厕所back out of: 退出


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is there.]

-Chandler: Couldn't enjoy a cup of noodles after that. I mean, is that ridiculous? Can you believe she actually thought that?

ridiculous: 荒谬的actually: 实际上


-Rachel: Um... yeah. Well, I mean, when I first met you, y'know, I thought maybe, possibly, you might be...


-Chandler: You did?


-Rachel: Yeah, but then you spent Phoebe's entire birthday party talking to my breasts, so then I figured maybe not.

entire:整个的全部的breast: 胸部,乳房figure: 认为

对,不过随后你在Phoebe的整个生日派对上都盯着我的胸部谈话。所以我认为也许不是。-Chandler: Huh. Did, uh... any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me?


-Monica: I did.


-Phoebe: Yeah, I think so, yeah.


-Joey: Not me.


-Ross: Nono, me neither. Although, uh, y'know, back in college, Susan Sallidor did.

y'know =you know. college:大学

不不,我也没有。虽然,呃,你知道,上大学时,Susan Sallidor那样想过。

-Chandler: You're kidding! Did you tell her I wasn't?

kid: 开玩笑


-Ross: No. No, it's just 'cause, uh, I kinda wanted to go out with her too, so I told her, actually, you were seeing Bernie Spellman... who also liked her, so...

go out;出去

没,没有,只是因为,呃,我也有点想约她出去,所以我告诉她实际上,你那时正在和Bernie Spellman……也就是另一个也喜欢她的家伙,所以……

(Joey congratulates Ross, sees Chandler's look and abruptly stops.)


-Chandler: Well, this is fascinating. So, uh, what is it about me?

fascinating: 迷人的


-Phoebe: I dunno, 'cause you're smart, you're funny...

'cause=because funny:有趣的


-Chandler: Ross is smart and funny, do you ever think that about him?



-All: Yeah! Right!


-Chandler: WHAT IS IT?!


-Monica: Okay, I-I d'know, you-you just- you have a quality.



-All: Yes. Absolutely. A quality.


-Chandler: Oh, oh, a quality, good, because I was worried you guys were gonna be vague about this.



-Joey: you know, Chandler, I think it is going to work for you.

work for: 为...效力


-Chandler: Excuse me ?


-Joey: sure, sure, women find you less threatening, they let their guards down, they boom, you are like a stealthy hetersexual .

threatening: 威胁的guard: 警戒心boom: 发展stealthy: 偷摸的heterosexual: 异性恋的


(Phone rings; Monica gets it)

-Monica: Hello? Hello? Oh! Rachel, it's Paolo calling from Rome.

喂?喂?哦!Rachel ,是Paolo从罗马打来的。

-Rachel: Oh my God! Calling from Rome! (Takes phone) Bon giorno, caro mio.

哦我的天!从罗马打来的!Bon giorno, caro mio.(意大利语)

-Ross: (to Joey) So he's calling from Rome. I could do that. Just gotta go to Rome.


-Rachel: Monica, your dad just beeped in, but can you make it quick? Talking to Rome. (Showing off to Phoebe and Chandler) I'm talking to Rome.

beep: 哔哔声show off:炫耀


-Monica: Hey dad, what's up? (Listens) Oh God. Ross, it's Nana.

nana:[儿语] 奶奶,祖母


[Scene: The hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Geller are there, along with Aunt Lillian. Ross and Monica enter and everyone says hi and kisses.]


-Monica: How you doing?


-Ross: Hey,Dad. So, uh, how's she doing?


-Aunt Lillian: The doctor says it's a matter of hours.

a matter of: (关于...)的问题,大约


-Monica: How-how are you, Mom?


-Mrs. Geller: Me? I'm fine, fine. I'm glad you're here. ...What's with your hair?


-Monica: What?


-Mrs. Geller: What's different?


-Monica: Nothing.


-Mrs. Geller: Oh, maybe that's it.


(Monica strides over to Ross, who is making coffee, and talks to him aside.)


-Monica: She is unbelievable, our mother is...

unbelievable: 难以置信的


-Ross: Okay, relax, relax. We are gonna be here for a while, it looks like, and we still have boyfriends and your career to cover.



-Monica: Oh God!


(They hug.)

hug.: 拥抱

[Cut to the hospital, later. Everyone is talking about Nana.]

-Monica: The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse.

fuzzy: 有绒毛的,微毛覆盖的mint: 硬币bottom: 底部的purse: 钱包


-Ross: Oh! ...Yeah, they were gross. Oh, you know what I loved? Her Sweet 'n' Los. How she was always stealing them from- from restaurants.

gross: 恶心steal: 偷restaurant: 饭店


-Mr. Geller: Not just restaurants, from our house.


-Nurse: Mrs. Geller?

Mrs. Geller?

(Everyone stands up. Cut to Ross and Monica in Nana's room.)

stand up站起来

-Ross: She looks so small.


-Monica: I know.


-Ross: Well, at least she's with Pop-Pop and Aunt Phyllis now.

恩,至少现在她有Pop-Pop 和Phyllis阿姨陪着了。

-Monica: Aunt Philillis is dead?

Philillis 婶婶死了?

-Ross: Yeah, for about six years


-Monica: where?


-Ross: Can we focus, please ?

focus: 集中,聚集


-Monica: Goobye, Nana. (She kisses her on the forehead.)



-Ross: Bye, Nana.


(He goes to kiss her but she moves. Monica screams. Ross shouts and stares in disbelief. Monica runs out of the room.)

scream: 尖叫disbelief: 不相信

-Monica: Ross!


(Ross runs out too.)

-Mrs. Geller: What is going on?!


-Ross: Y'know how-how the nurse said that-that Nana had passed? Well, she's not, quite..

pass:去世quite: 完全;全部;十分


-Mrs. Geller: What?


-Ross: She's not- past, she's present, she's back.

present: 存在的,现存的


-Aunt Lillian: (reentering) What's going on?



-Mr. Geller: She may have died.


-Aunt Lillian: She may have died?


-Mr. Geller: We're looking into it.

look into: 调查,观察


(Monica returns with the nurse and they go into Nana's room.)

-Ross: I, uh, I'll go see. (He goes in)


-Nurse: This almost never happens!


(Nana passes for the second time and the nurse pulls the blanket over her. Ross and Monica go to tell the family)

blanket: 被单

-Ross: Now she's passed.


[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey, and Rachel are there.]

-Chandler: I just have to know, okay. Is it my hair?


-Rachel: (exasperated) Yes, Chandler, that's exactly what it is. It's your hair.

exasperated: 恼火的

是的,Chandler, 完全正确。就是你的头发。

-Phoebe: Yeah, you have homosexual hair.

homosexual: 同性恋的


(Monica and Ross enter.)

-Rachel: So, um, did she...


-Ross: Twice.


-Joey: Twice?


-Phoebe: Oh, that sucks!



-Joey: You guys okay?


-Ross: I dunno, it's weird. I mean, I know she's gone, but I just don't feel, uh...

dunno: <口>(我)不知道


-Phoebe: Maybe that's 'cause she's not really gone.


-Ross: Nono, she's gone.


-Monica: We checked. A lot.

check: 检查


-Phoebe: Hm, I mean maybe no-one ever really goes. Ever since my mom died, every now and then, I get the feeling that she's like right here, y'know?

now and then: 时而,不时


(She circles her hand around her right shoulder. Chandler, sitting on her right, draws back nervously)

shoulder: 肩膀draw back:撒回,收回circle:转圈nervously: 神经质地

Oh! And Debbie, my best friend from junior high got struck by lightning on a miniature golf course.

strike : (自然力或超自然力)击毁,摧毁miniature:小规模的golf course:高尔夫球场

还有Debbie ,我初中时最好的朋友,在打迷你高尔夫球时被闪电击中.

I always get this really strong Debbie vibe whenever I use one of those little yellow pencils, y'know? ...I miss her.

miss: 想念


-Rachel: Aw. Hey, Pheebs, want this? (Gives her a pencil)

欧。嗨,Pheeb ,要这个吗?

-Phoebe: Thanks!


-Rachel: Sure. I just sharpened her this morning.



-Joey: Now, see, I don't believe any of that. I think once you're dead, you're dead! You're gone! You're worm food! (realises his tactlessness) So Chandler looks gay, huh?

dead: 死的worm: 虫子realise: = realize察觉;领悟tactless: 不得体的gay: 男同性恋


-Phoebe: Y'know, I dunno who this is, but it's not Debbie. (Hands back the pencil)

恩,我不知道这是谁,但不是Debbie 。

[Scene: Nana's house, Ross, Mrs. Geller and Aunt Lillian are going through clothes.]

go through:查找

-Monica: Dad, let us make s decision.


-Mr. Geller: You are right ,it is crazy ,it is going to the ground. we should get the most basic thing . basic: 基本的


-Monica: The non-protective corrugated fiberboard with white laminate。Dad, we can not bury Nana a dresser from kea.

non-protective:非保护性的corrugated: 波纹的fiberboard: 纤维板laminate:薄片bury: 埋kea: 食肉鹦鹉

上面有白色薄片的,不受保护的波纹纤维板。爸爸,我们不能把奶奶穿的像一只食肉鹦鹉。-Mr. Geller: This is why your mother buys all my clothes, I hate to shop, I hate it


-Monica: Dad, isn’t more about the fact that once you make a decision like acknowledging Nana’s actually gone?


-Mr. Geller: No, I really hate to shop


[Scene: Nana's house, Ross, Mrs. Geller and Aunt Lillian are going through clothes.]

go through:查找

-Ross: I thought it was gonna be a closed casket.

casket: 棺材


-Mrs. Geller: Well, that doesn't mean she can't look nice!


(They open a cupboard which, amongst other things, contains a chest of drawers)

cupboard: 碗橱chest of drawers:五斗橱,衣柜chest: 衣柜

-Mrs. Geller: Sweetie, you think you can get in there?


-Ross: (sarcastic) I don't see why not.

sarcastic: 讽刺地


(He tries pushing against the chest of drawers. Then he opens one of the drawers and climbs into the closet using that; he falls behind the chest of drawers with a shout.)

push: 推climb:爬closet:壁橱

-Ross: Here's my retainer!

retainer: 牙齿矫正器


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is talking to her father.]

-Mr. Geller: I was just thinking. When my time comes-


-Monica: Dad!


-Mr. Geller: Listen to me! When my time comes, I wanna be buried at sea.

bury: 埋


-Monica: You what?


-Mr. Geller: I wanna be buried at sea, it looks like fun.


-Monica: Define fun.



-Mr. Geller: C'mon, you'll make a day of it! You'll rent a boat, pack a lunch...

make a day of it:(痛快地)玩它一整天;干上整整一天rent:租pack:打包


-Monica: And then we throw your body in the water... Gee, that does sound fun..

gee: 惊讶时所发声音sound: 听起来


-Mr. Geller: Everyone thinks they know me. Everyone says 'Jack Geller, so predictable'. Maybe after I'm gone, they'll say 'Buried at sea! Huh!'.

predictable: 可预言的

每个人都以为他们了解我。每个人都说“Jack Geller,循规蹈矩”。也许我死后,他们会说“海葬!啊!”

-Monica: That's probably what they'll say.

probably: 大概,或许


-Mr. Geller: I'd like that.


[Scene: Chandler's Office, Shelley is drinking coffee; Chandler enters.]

-Chandler: Hey, gorgeous.

gorgeous.: 极好的


-Shelley: (sheepish) Hey. Look, I'm sorry about yesterday, I, um-

sheepish: 胆怯的


-Chandler: No, nono, don't- don't worry about it. Believe me, apparently other people have made the same mistake.

apparent: 明显的mistake: 错误


-Shelley: Oh! Okay! Phew!

phew: 唷;呸;咳;哦(表示厌恶、惊讶、不安、宽慰、劳累等)


-Chandler: So, uh... what do you think it is about me?


-Shelley: I dunno, uh... you just have a-a...

dunno=do not know


-Chandler: ...Quality, right, great.

quality: 气质


-Shelley: Y'know, it's a shame, because you and Lowell would've made a great couple.



-Chandler: Lowell? Financial Services' Lowell, that's who you saw me with?

financial: 财政的service: 服务,帮助


-Shelley: What? He's cute!


-Chandler: Well, yeah... 's'no Brian in Payroll.

payroll.: 工资名单


-Shelley: Is Brian...?


-Chandler: No! Uh, I d'know! The point is, if you were gonna set me up with someone, I'd like to think you'd set me up with someone like him.

set up:供给,供应


-Shelley: Well, I think Brian's a little out of your league.

out of your league:[口语]与某人不同一类型


-Chandler: Excuse me? You don't think I could get a Brian? Because I could get a Brian. Believe you me. ...I'm really not.

什么?你认为我配不上Brian 那样的?因为我配得上。相信我……我真的配不上。[Scene: Nana's Bedroom, Ross is holding a dress out from inside the closet.]

-Ross: (holding a dress out from inside the closet) This one?


-Aunt Lillian: No.


-Ross: I have shown you everything we have. Unless you want your mother to spend eternity in a lemon yellow pant-suit, go with the burgundy.



-Aunt Lillian: You know, whatever we pick, she would've told us it's the wrong one.



-Mrs. Geller: You're right. We'll go with the burgundy.


-Ross: Oh! A fine choice. I'm coming out. (Starts to climb over the furniture)


-Aunt Lillian: Wait! We need shoes!


(Ross falls back inside)

-Ross: Okay. Um, how about these? (Holds out a pair)


-Mrs. Geller: That's really a day shoe.


-Ross: And where she's going everyone else'll be dressier?

dressier: 对衣着考究的人


-Aunt Lillian: Could we see something in a slimmer heel?

slim: 细长的heel:跟


-Ross: (forages around) Okay, I have nothing in an evening shoe in the burgundy. I can show you something in a burgundy silver that may work.

forage: 乱翻burgundy: 紫红色的silver: 银色的


-Aunt Lillian: No, it really should be burgundy.


-Mrs. Geller: Mm. Unless we go with a different dress?

go with:搭配衣服


-Ross: No! Nonono, wait . I may have something in the back.


(He finds a shoebox (out of shot), pulls it down and opens it. It is full of Sweet 'n' Lo's.)


-Ross: Oh my God..


-Mrs. Geller: Is everything all right, dear?


-Ross: Yeah, just... just Nana stuff.



(He reaches up higher and knocks down another shoebox lid. Sweet 'n' Lo's rain down on him) knock down:打翻lid: 盖rain down: 倾泄

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Rachel are preparing to leave for the funeral.] prepare: 准备leave for: 前往funeral:葬礼

-Ross: (entering) How we doing, you guys ready?


-Monica: Mom already called this morning to remind me not to wear my hair up. Did you know my ears are not my best feature?

remind:提醒wear up:挽起feature:外表


-Ross: Some days it's all I can think about.


-Phoebe: (entering) Hi, sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my bearings.

bearings: 方向感


-Rachel: Oh, you-you mean your earrings?

earring: 耳环


-Phoebe: What'd I say?


-Rachel: (sticking her foot out) Hm-m.


-Monica: Are these the shoes?


-Rachel: Yes. Paolo sent them from Italy.


-Ross: What, we-uh- we don't have shoes here, or...?


-Joey: (entering with Chandler) Morning. We ready to go?


-Chandler: Well, don't we look nice all dressed up?...It's stuff like that, isn't it?

dress up: 打扮


(They all leave.)

[Scene: The cemetary, after the funeral.]


-Monica: It was a really beautiful service.


-Mrs. Geller: It really was. Oh, come here, sweetheart. (Hugs her) Y'know, I think it might be time for you to start using night cream.

c'mere =come here.night cream: 晚霜


(Joey listens to his overcoat for a second and sighs, then notices Chandler watching)

overcoat: 外套sigh: 叹息

-Joey: What?


-Chandler: Nothing, just your overcoat sounds remarkably like Brent Mussberger. remarkably: 非常Brent Mussberger: CBS的著名体育播音员

没什么,只是你的外套听起来很像Brent Mussberger。

-Joey: Check it out, Giants-Cowboys. (He has a pocket TV)

pocket TV: 便携电视


-Chandler: You're watching a football game at a funeral?


-Joey: No, it's the pre-game. I'm gonna watch it at the reception.

reception: 招待会


-Chandler: You are a frightening, frightening man.



(Rachel steps in a patch of mud)

patch: 小块土地mud: 泥,泥浆

-Rachel: Oh no! My new Paolo shoes!

哦不!Paolo 送的新鞋!

-Ross: Oh, I hope they're not ruined.

ruin: 弄坏


-Phoebe: God, what a great day. ...What? Weather-wise!


-Ross: I know, uh, the air, the-the trees... even though Nana's gone there's, there's something almost, uh- I dunno, almost life-aff- (Not looking where he is going he falls into an open grave) fall into: 掉进

我知道,呃,空气,还有-还有树木……尽管外婆去世了,还有,呃-我不知道,好像生命……-All: God! Ross!

天呐!Ross! !

-Ross: I'm fine. Just-just... having my worst fear realised..



[Scene: The Wake, at the Gellers' house. Ross is lying on his back, with Phoebe squatting over him, checking to see if he's injured.]

squat:蹲下injured: 受伤

-Phoebe: Okay, don't worry, I'm just checking to see if the muscle's in spasm...huh.

muscle: 肌肉spasm: 痉挛


-Ross: What, what is it?


-Phoebe: You missed a belt loop.

miss:丢失belt loop:皮带环


-Ross: Oh! No-n-


-Phoebe: Okay, it's in spasm.


-Mrs. Geller: Here, sweetie, here. I took these when I had my golfing accident. (Hands Ross a bottle of pills. Then turns to Monica and pats her hair over her ears)

golf: 高尔夫球accident:事故pat:轻拍


(Cut to Chandler and a woman, Andrea, reaching for the same slice of meat)

-Chandler: Oh, no-


-Andrea: Sorry- Hi, I'm Dorothy's daughter.


-Chandler: Hi, I'm Chandler, and I have no idea who Dorothy is.

嗨,我是Chandler ,而且我不知道Dorothy是谁。

(They shake hands. Cut to Ross emerging from a hallway, grinning inanely. He is obviously very stoned)

grin :咧嘴笑hallway:走廊inanely: 愚蠢地stoned:喝醉

-Phoebe: Hey, look who's up! How do you feel?


-Ross: I feel great. I feel- great, I fleel great.


-Monica: Wow, those pills really worked, huh?


-Ross: Not the first two, but the second two- woooo! ...I love you guys. You guys are the greatest.

I love my sister (Kisses Monica), I love Pheebs... (Hugs her)

头两片没有,不过后两片-哦哦!……我爱你们。你们是最棒的。我爱我的老妹,我爱Pheebs ……

-Phoebe: Ooh! That's so nice...


-Ross: ...Chandler! -


-Chandler: Hey.


-Ross: (hugs him) And listen, man, if you wanna be gay, be gay. Doesn't matter to me.



-Andrea: (turns to a friend) You were right. (They walk off and leave Chandler.)


-Ross: Rachel. Rachel Rachel. (Sits down beside her) I do love you.

Rachel. Rachel Rachel..我最爱你了。

-Rachel: (humouring him) Oh, Ross, I love you too.

humour: 调侃

哦,Ross, 我也爱你.

-Ross: Oh, no, I really love you.


-Rachel: I really love You!


-Ross: Oh.. you don't get it! (Passes out and slumps across her)



(Cut to Joey watching TV in the corner. He makes an extravagant gesture of disappointment.) extravagant: 夸张的disappointment: 失望

-Mr. Geller: Whaddya got there?

Whaddya=What do you


-Joey: (hides the TV, but he still has an earphone) Just a, uh... hearing disability.

earphone: 耳机disability:障碍


-Mr. Geller: What's the score?

score: 比赛得分


-Joey: Seventeen-fourteen Giants... three minutes to go in the third.


-Mr. Geller: Beautiful! (Turns to watch with him)


(Time lapse. A large crowd of men are now watching the game)

-Rachel: (still trapped under Ross) Pheebs, could you maybe hand me a cracker?

rap: 陷入cracker: 饼干


-Mrs. Geller: (to Monica) Your grandmother would have hated this.


-Monica: Well, sure, what with it being her funeral and all.

funeral: 葬礼


-Mrs. Geller: No, I'd be hearing about 'Why didn't I get the honey-glazed ham?'。



I didn't spend enough on flowers, and if I spent more she'd be saying 'Why are you wasting your money? I don't need flowers, I'm dead'.


-Monica: That sounds like Nana.

sound: 听起来


-Mrs. Geller: Do you know what it's like to grow up with someone who is critical of every single thing you say?

grow up: 长大be critical of: 挑剔的every single:每一个


-Monica: ...I can imagine.



-Mrs. Geller: I'm telling you, it's a wonder your mother turned out to be the positive, life-affirming person that she is.

wonder: 奇迹turned out:变成positive:积极向上的affirm:确定


-Monica: That is a wonder. So tell me something, Mom. If you had to do it all over again, I mean, if she was here right now, would you tell her?


-Mrs. Geller: Tell her what?


-Monica: How she drove you crazy, picking on every little detail, like your hair... for example.

crazy: 发疯的pick on: 挑剔detail: 细节


-Mrs. Geller: I'm not sure I know what you're getting at.


-Monica: Do you think things would have been better if you'd just told her the truth?

truth: 事实


-Mrs. Geller: ...No. I think some things are better left unsaid. I think it's nicer when people just get along.

unsaid: 未讲出的get along: 相处


-Monica :Huh.


-Mrs. Geller: More wine, dear?



-Monica: Oh, I think so.


-Mrs. Geller: (reaches out to fiddle with Monica's hair again, and realises) Those earrings look really lovely on you.

fiddle with: 摆弄,玩弄ear ring: 耳环


-Monica: Thank you. They're yours.


-Mrs. Geller: Actually they were Nana's.


(There is a cry of disappointment from the crowd of men.)

disappointment: 失望

-Mr. Geller: Now I'm depressed! ...(To everyone) Even more than I was.

depressed: 伤心的


[Scene: Central Perk, the gang are looking at old photos.]

-Monica::Oh, look. My first grade picture. Please ignore the Dynomite T-shirt.

哦,快看,我的一年级照片。请略过Dynomite T恤衫。

-Rachel: Hey, who's this little naked guy?

naked: 裸体的


-Ross: That little naked guy would be me.


-Rachel: Aww, look at the little thing.


-Ross: Yes, yes, fine, that is my penis. Can we be grown-ups now?


-Chandler: Who are those people?


-Ross: Got me.


-Monica: Oh, that's Nana, right there in the middle. (Reads the back) 'Me and the gang at Java Joe's'.

gang: 一帮人【Java Joe's: 一家咖啡店的名字。】

哦,这是外婆,在中间“我和一帮人摄于Java Joe's'”。

-Rachel: Wow, Monica, you look just like your grandmother. How old was she there?


-Monica: Let's see, 1939... yeah, 24, 25?


-Ross: Looks like a fun gang. (They all look at each other and smile)


-Joey: Ooh, look-look-look-look-look! I got Monica naked!


-Ross: (looking) Nono, that would be me again. I'm, uh, just trying something.


[Scene: Chandler's Office, Chandler is on a coffee break as Lowell enters.]

-Chandler: Hey, Lowell.


-Lowell: Hey, Chandler.


-Chandler: So how's it going there in Financial Services?


-Lowell: It's like Mardi Gras without the paper mache heads. How about you?

paper mache: 纸模【Mardi Gras:这是美国南部一些州在天主教复活节斋戒前的盛大狂欢节,正确的日子应该在“四旬斋前的最后一天”。因为马上要进入斋戒,所以人们抓住最后机会狂欢。在这个狂欢节上,很多人要举行大头游行,用纸糊的大头(paper mache heads)装饰,这是狂欢节最快乐的节目之一。所以,剧中Chandler问他的同性恋同事Lowell财务部状况还好吗,Lowell回答说:“就像Mardi Gras狂欢节没有大头游行一样。”也就是说,不怎么样。】

就像Mardi Gras没有纸糊的大头装饰一样你怎么样?

-Chandler: Good, good. Listen, heh, I dunno what Shelley told you about me, but, uh... I'm not. dunno=do not know


-Lowell: I know. That's what I told her.


-Chandler: Really.


-Lowell: Yeah.


-Chandler: So you can tell?

tell: 分辨,辨别


-Lowell: Pretty much, most of the time. We have a kind of... radar.

pretty: 相当radar:雷达


-Chandler: So you don't think I have a, a quality?

quality: 气质


-Lowell: Speaking for my people, I'd have to say no. By the way, your friend Brian from Payroll, he is.


-Chandler: He is?


-Lowell: Yup, and waaay out of your league. (Exits)

out of your league:不相匹配


-Chandler: Out of my league. I could get a Brian. (Brian enters behind him) If I wanted to get a Brian, I could get a Brian. (Sees him) Hey, Brian.



本文来自: 爱酷英语(https://www.360docs.net/doc/a112578548.html,) 详细出处参考:https://www.360docs.net/doc/a112578548.html,/film_video/friends_chapter8


第一季第一集 [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.] Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with! Joey: Come on, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him! Chandler: All right Joey, be nice.? So does he have a hump A hump and a hairpiece Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk (They all stare, bemused.)困惑的; 茫然的; 不知所措的 Phoebe: Just, because I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh! Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex. Chandler: Sounds like a date to me. [Time Lapse] Chandler:Alright, back in high school, I am standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realized I am totally naked. All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there. Joey: Instead of... Chandler: That's right. Joey: Never had that dream. Phoebe: No. Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me. Monica: They were looking at you before! Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me! Weird: 怪诞的; 神秘而可怕的; 超然的; 古怪的; 离奇的 [Time Lapse, Ross has entered.] Ross: (mortified) Hi. Mortified: 1.使受辱,伤害(人的感情) 2.克制,抑制(肉体、情感等) Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. Monica: Are you okay, sweetie Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck... Chandler: Cookie Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today. Joey: Ohh. Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee. Ross: Thanks. Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.) Pluck: 采; 摘; 拔; 弹, 拔(乐器的弦)

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第6季中英文对照完整剧本606 The One The Last Night素材

606 The One The Last Night [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is balancing a mini hockey stick on his hand as Chandler enters from his room carrying a bunch of bills.] Chandler: (watches Joey for a moment) Okay! (Joey quickly moves the hockey stick so that he’s scratching his back with it.) Listen, I’m gonna be moving out so you will be in charge of paying the rent. Joey: Right! And when is that due? Chandler: First of the month. Joey:And that’s every month? Chandler: No, just the months you actually want to live here. Joey: Ahhh. Chandler: Okay, here is the phone bill. (Hands it to Joey.) Joey: (looking at it) Oh my God!! Chandler:That’s our phone number. Now look, I know I kinda sprung this whole me moving out on thing, so why don’t I just—why don’t I just cover you for a while? Joey: No-no! No way! Joey Tribbiani does not take charity…anymore. Chandler:It’s not charity, Joe… Joey: No! Forget it! Okay—I mean thanks, but I’m done taking money from you. All right, I can take of myself. Now, what’s next? Co me on. Chandler:Okay uh, here’s the electric bill. (Hands it to him.) Joey: This is how much we pay for electric?!!! Chandler: Uh, yeah. (Joey runs over and shuts off the lights.) Chandler:So, we’ll do the rest of the bills later then? Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler is talking to Phoebe about trying to give Joey some money.] Phoebe: So is Joey going to have to give up the apartment? Chandler: No, I hope not! I tried to offer him some money, but he wouldn’t take it. Phoebe: Well, how much do you think he needs? Chandler: I figure that $1,500 would cover him for a few months, y’know? But I have to trick him into taking it so I won’t hurt his pride. Phoebe:Why don’t you hire him as an actor? You could have him dress up and put on little skits. Whatever you want. Chandler: Well that would help the pride thing. Monica: (entering from her room) Hey! Chandler: Hey! Wow! You look great! Wanna move in with me tomorrow? Monica: (thinks) Okay. Chandler: Okay! (They kiss) So, what do you girls have planned for tonight? Monica: Well, instead of being sad that tonight is my last night together with Rachel we thought we’d go out to dinner and celebrate 606 他们的最后一夜 好吧 我就要搬走了,以后你记得交费。好!都是什么时候交? 月初。 每个月都交? 不,你住在这儿多久交多久。 这是电话帐单。 天啊!! 那是电话号码 搬家的事都是因我而起 我帮你负担几个月如何? 不干! 崔乔伊不再接受施舍了! 不是施舍 少来!不要再提 谢你好心,以后不要你的钱了 我能养活自己。 还有什么费用,接着说 电费单 电费这么高? 对 剩下的帐单以后再算 乔伊也要搬? 我希望他留下。 我想支援他些钱,他不收 你说他需要多少钱? 1500元够他对付几个月 但我得想方设法、在不伤他自尊的前提下,把钱给他 你干吗不请他表演? 让他打扮一下演小品什么的 那样他自尊不会受伤? 你真美!明天就和我同居、好吗 好 今晚有什么节目? 我们不想为离别而伤感 所以今晚一起出去吃饭, 庆祝瑞秋搬去跟菲比住 顺便庆祝我的生日 今天不是你的生日 刻薄! 我决不会这样说你! 分离在即,你们俩又有什么计划以前总待在一起胡混, 这次我们决定什么都不做 尼克斯队本赛季今晚开赛,

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第3季中英文对照完整剧本312 The One With All Th

312 The One With All The Jealousy [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is getting ready for her first day.] Rachel:(running in from her bedroom, wearing only a towel) Okay. Hey. Umm. Does everybody hate these shoes? Chandler:Oh yeah, but don't worry. I don't think anybody's gonna focus on that as long as your wearing that towel dress. Rachel: (to Ross) Tell him. Ross: (to Chandler) It's her first day at this new job. Your not supposed to start with her! Chandler: All right, I suppose I can wait a day. Hey, what are you doing Friday? Ross: Why? Chandler:I need you to come to this bachelor party for my weird cousin Albert, y'know he's the botanist. Ross: Oh God. Y'know, botanists are such geeks. Chandler: Yeah. Is that a dinosaur tie? Ross: Hmm? Oh, yeah. (he makes a growling sound) Phoebe: (entering, with about 20 purses hanging around her neck) Morning. Rach, I'm here with the purses! Chandler: (to Phoebe) It must take you forever to find your keys. Rachel: (running into the living room) Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pheebs. Phoebe: Your welcome, oh please not the one with the turtles. Rachel: No, no, no, no turtles scare me. I don't need that today. Ross: Honey, just relax, it's gonna be fine. Hey, umm,. why don't I come down there and I'll take you out to lunch? Rachel: Oh honey, thank you, but Mark's taking me out. Ross: Mark is that ah, the same Mark that helped you get the job? Rachel: Yeah, it's kinda like a 'good luck on your first day' sort of thing. (to Phoebe) Is this actually a lunchbox? Phoebe: Umm, no, it's a purse. And there's a thermos in it. Rachel: Oh. Chandler: (to Ross) Hey, so can you make it on Friday? Ross: What? Oh yeah, yeah I think so. Why am I invited to this again? Chandler: Well apparently Albert has no friends. He's very excited about the bachelor party though. I think actually the only reason he's getting married is so he can see a stripper. P hoebe: A stripper at a bachelor party, that is so clich? Why don't you get a magician?! Chandler:Well, if the magician can open my beer with his but cheeks, then all right. Opening Credits [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross and Chandler are entering, Joey is on the phone.] Ross: She's having lunch with him. She's having lunch with him. And 312 嫉妒 你们都觉得这双鞋很丑吗? 对 别担心,没有人会注意的 只要你穿着那件浴巾装 你跟他说吧 这是她履新职的第一天 你不该一早就开她玩笑 好吧,我可以等到晚上再说 你星期五有节目吗? 干嘛? 你得来参加我的怪堂哥 艾勃特的告别单身派对 你知道,他是植物学家 老天 植物学家都神神经经的 那是恐龙领带吗? 早安 瑞秋,我拿皮包来了 找钥匙就要找老半天吧 谢谢,菲比 不客气,拜托你用 这个乌龟包包 不,乌龟让我害怕 今天尤其不是时候 亲爱的,别紧张,没问题的 我过来跟你一起吃午饭吧? 谢了,但马克要带我去吃饭 马克?就是那个帮你找工作的马克? 对,算是祝我工作顺利 那是午餐盒吗? 不,是皮包里面 还有个热水瓶 你星期五能来吗? 什么? 我想可以吧 可是你为什么要请我呢? 显然艾勃特没有朋友 他对告别单身派对充满期待 我想他是为了看脱衣舞娘 才结婚的 请脱衣舞娘参加告别单身派对 你们真是老套 为什么不请魔术师? 如果魔术师可以 用臀部给我开啤酒,那就行

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本121 The One With The Fake Monica素材

121 The One With The Fake Monica [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is looking at papers.] Joey: How could someone get a hold of your credit card number? Monica: I have no idea. But look how much they spent! Rachel:Monica, would you calm down? The credit card people said that yo u only have to pay for the stuff that you bought. Monica: I know. It's just such reckless spending. Ross: I think when someone steals your credit card, they've kind of already thrown cautio n to the wind. Chandler: Wow, what a geek. They spent $69.95 on a Wonder Mop. Monica: That's me. Phoebe:Oh! The yuk! Ross, he's doing it again! (Points to a lamp which is shaking behind the sofa) Ross: Marcel, stop humping the lamp! Stop humping! Now Marcel, come back- (Marcel runs toward Rachel's room) come here, Marcel- Rachel: Oh no, not in my room! I'll get him. Monica: Ross, you've got to do something about the humping. Ross: What? It's, it's just a phase. Chandler: Well, that's what we said about Joey... Ross: Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal. Rachel: (Out of shot) Stop it! Marcel! Bad monkey! Ross: What? Rachel: Let's just s ay my Curious George doll is no longer curious. Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, late at night Monica is still examining her bill as Rachel emerges from her room.] Rachel: Oh, Monica. You are not still going over that thing. Monica: This woman's living my life. Rachel: What? Monica:She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me! Look at this, look. She buys tickets for plays that I wanna see. She, she buys clothes from stores that I'm intimidated by the sales people. She spent three hundred dollars on art supplies. Rachel: You're not an artist. Monica: Yeah, well I might be if I had the supplies! I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I don't. Rachel: Oh, Monica, c'mon, you do cool things. Monica: Oh really? Okay, let's compare, shall we. Rachel: (Yawning) Oh, it's so late for 'Shall we'... Monica: Do I go horseback riding in the park? Do I take classes at the New School? Rachel: (Yawning) Nooo... Monica:This is so unfair! She's got everything I want, and she doesn't have my mother. [Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Chandler are discussing stage names.] Chandler: How about Joey... Pepponi? 121 假莫妮卡 怎有人知道你的信用卡号码? 我也不知道 你看他们花了多少钱 摩妮卡,冷静一下好吗? 信用卡的人说 你只须付你所买的东西 我知道,他真是挥霍无度 我想他偷去你的信用卡时 根本就已忘了王法 真是个变态 花了69?95元买”神奇拖把”我买的 真的,它又来 马修,别再侵犯那盏灯了 马修,回来… 不,又到我房里了 我去抓它出来 罗斯,你得想办法阻止 什么?这只是个阶段 我们当时也是这么说乔伊的你们冷静点行吗? 这又没什么了不起 马修,停,坏猴子 又怎么了? 我只能说 我的好奇乔治玩偶不再好奇摩妮卡,你还是无法释怀 这女人过着我的生活 什么? 她过着我的生活 而且过得比我好,看 她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏她买的衣服是我早就想买的她花了三百块买艺术用品 你又不是艺术家 如果有艺术用品 我或许已是个艺术家 我本来可以的,只是现在不是导演:盖尔曼库索 摩妮卡,别泄气 你做的工作很酷 真的?我们来做比较,好吗? 现在说”好吗”有点太迟了我到过公园骑马吗? 我在新学校上过课吗?


《老友记》第一季第一集 (中央咖啡厅) 没什么好说的!他只不过是我的同事 There's nothing to tell. It's just some guy I work with. 少来了,和你交往的男人… Come on. You're going out with a guy. 多多少少一定有点问题! There's gotta be something wrong with him. 他既驼背又戴假发? So does he have a hump and a hair piece? 等一下,他是不是会吃粉笔? Wait. Does he eat chalk? 我只是不希望你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙 I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl. Oh. 各位放轻松,这不算约会 Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. 不过是两个人一起出去吃晚餐而且不上床 It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex. 对我来说这就是约会 Sounds like a date to me. 做了个梦,在中学时代我站在餐厅中央… I'm back in high school, in the middle of the cafeteria... 突然发现自己全身赤裸 ...and I realize I'm totally naked. 对,没错我做过那样的梦 Oh, yeah. I've had that dream. 我低头一看,看见有一个电话… Then I look down and I realize there is a phone... 在那里 ...there. 而不是…没错 Instead of... That's right! 我没做过那样的梦没有 That one, I've never had. No. 突然,那个电话响了 All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. 结果是我妈妈打来的 And it turns out it's my mother. 这非常奇怪因为她从来都不会打电话给我! Which is very, very weird because she never calls me. 嗨 Hi. 这家伙说〝嗨〞的时候我却想杀了我自己 This guy says "hello," I wanna kill myself. 你还好吧,亲爱的?


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小学英语话剧英文剧本(我们是朋 友)We are friends We are friends 《我们是朋友》 Charractors: Mother Bird. Little Bird. Father Bird. Butterfly. Rabbit. Student s1_4 Narrater: It was a sunny day. The wind blew lightly. The birds sang sweetly. Near a lake, many animals play sports together. They’re very happy. B:Oh, what a nice day. Dad, wake up. Mom , Mom , wake up, wake up. D:Oh, it’s time to get up.

M:Yes. Early bird catches the worms. Darling, honey. Let’s do morning exercises. D:Ok! B:Great! B:Ready! M:Go. (Insert disco) B:I’m hungry. I want to eat something. D:What’s the time? M:Oh, My god! It’s 7:40. It’s time for breakfast. D:Darling. We’d better prepare our breakfast. M:Honey, We have to look for worms outside. You know you can’t fly. If you go out, human will hurt you. You must stay at home. Do you remember?

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第2季中英文对照完整剧本202 The One With the Breast Milk素材

202 The One With the Breast Milk [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Carol and Susan are showing off Ben to the gang.] MONICA:(entering from her bedroom carrying a present) Ok, these were unbelievably expensive, and I know he's gonna grow out of them in like, 20 minutes, but I couldn't resist. (There a little pair of Nike shoes.) PHOEBE: Oh, look at these! Hey, Ben. Just do it. (Ben starts to cry) Oh my god, oh, ok, was that too much pressure for him? SUSAN: Oh, is he hungry already? CAROL: I guess so. (Carol starts to breast feed Ben.) CHANDLER: You know, it's... (sees the feeding taking place next to him) something funny about sneakers. I'll be right back. (Goes into the kitchen) JOEY: (joins him) I gotta get one, too. ROSS: (following them into the kitchen) What are you guys doing? CHANDLER: We're just hanging out by the spoons. Ladle? ROSS:Look, would you guys grow up? That is the most natural beautiful thing in the world. JOEY: Yeah, we know, but there's a baby suckin' on it. ROSS: This is my son having lunch, ok? It's gonna happen a lot, so you'd better get used to it. Now if you have any problem with it, if you're uncomfortable, just ask questions. Carol's fine with it, now come on. (They go back into the living room) CHANDLER: Carol, Carol? I was just wondering if Joey could ask you a question about breast-feeding? CAROL: Sure. JOEY: Uh, does it hurt? CAROL: It did at first, but not anymore. JOEY: Chandler? CHANDLER: So, uh, how often can you do it? CAROL: As much as he needs. JOEY: Ok, I got one, I got one. If he blows into one, does the other one get bigger? OPENING TITLES [Scene: Central Perk, the gang is all there.] JULIE: Rachel, do you have any muffins left? RACHEL: Yeah, I forget which ones. JULIE:Oh, you're busy, that's ok, I'll get it. Anybody else want one? ALL: No thanks. JULIE: Oh, you're losin' your apron here, let me get it. There you go. (Ties it back up for her) RACHEL: (to Julie) Thank you. (under her breath to Chandler) What a bitch. JULIE:Oh, listen you guys. I have this friend at Bloomingdales who's 202 母乳 这些非常昂贵我知道他很快就穿不下…但是我就是无法抗拒 看看这些 嗨,班 做了就对! 是不是对他压力太大? 他已经饿了吗?我想是的 他已经饿了吗?我想是的 球鞋真的很有趣我马上就回来! 我也要一个 你们在干什么? 我们只是来看看汤匙 要调羹吗? 你们成熟一点好吗? 这是世上最自然美丽的 我们知道担心在有个婴儿在吸它 这是我儿子在吃午餐你们最好习惯 如果你们感到不自在发问就好 卡萝不介意的 卡萝? 我想问问乔伊能不能提出关于哺乳的问题? 当然可以 会不会痛? 刚开始会,现在不会了 钱德? 你能多久喂一次? 只要他需要就可以 我想到了一个问题 如果他对一个吹气另一个会不会变大? 还有松糕吗?还有,我忘记是哪一种 你太忙了,我来拿 你的围裙松了,我帮你系好 了谢好谢 真是个恶婆娘! 我有朋友在布明岱尔百货上班明天就不干了 他想要花掉他的折扣优待 谁想跟我去捡便宜? 我不行我要带我祖母去看兽医 我跟你去 我跟你去 哈罗,各位 你不能跟她去逛百货瑞秋怎么办? 会有问题,对不对?


-Rachel:Oh my god.Oh my god.(She decides to make a break for it.)Excuse me. make a break for it:(趁人不注意时)偷跑,逃跑excuse me:对不起 天哪!天哪!(她决定趁人不注意时逃跑)对不起。 Move!Move!Emergency!Excuse me!(She tries climbing over a bench and falls down.) emergency:紧急情况climb over:翻过bench:长椅子fall down:跌倒 借过,借过!紧急事件,拜托! -Ross:Rachel!Rachel! -Rachel:Oh,there you are Hi!Oh,so,so,how was China,you?(Hits him with the flowers.) hit:打flower:花 原来你在那里!所以,所以…中国怎么样?老兄? -Ross:It was,it was great.Oh,what happened? 很好。你怎么啦? -Rachel:What? 什么? -Ross:You're bleeding. bleed:流血 你在流血。 -Rachel:I am?Oh,look at that,yes I am.Enough about me,enough about me,Mr.Back from the Orient.I wanna hear everything!(Looks at Julie) enough about me:不要管我了Orient:东方,亚洲everything:每件事 我吗?噢,看啊!我是在流血。别管我了,从东方归来的先生。我要听一切事情! -Ross:Well,where do I start?This is Julie.Julie,this is Rachel. start:开始 嗯,要从何开始?这位是Julie,Julie,这位是Rachel。 -Rachel:These are,these aren't for you.(to Julie)These are for you.(Loudly,thinking she can't speak English.)Welcome to our country. loudly:大声地country:国家welcome:欢迎 这些不是要给你的。这些是要送给你的。欢迎光临敝国。 -Julie:(Loudly,proving she can speak English.)Thank you.I'm from New York. prove:证明 谢谢,我是纽约人。 -Rachel:Ok,well,not a problem.We'll just use them to stop the bleeding.Ok.Baggage claim? Ok?好吧,没关系,我用它来止血。去拿行李?怎样? baggage claim:领取行李baggage:行李claim:要求 [Scene:Monica and Rachel's,the gang is waiting for Rachel to return from the airport with Ross.] gang:一帮人wait for:等待 -Chandler:No way! no way:决不 没门! -Monica:I'm telling you,she went to the airport,and she's gonna go for it with Ross! go for it with sb:【向某人告白】gonna:=going to就要 告诉你,她去了机场准备跟Ross告白了 -Phoebe:Oh my god.This is huge.This is bigger than huge.This is like,all right,what's bigger


108. The One Where Nana Dies Twice [Scene: Chandler's Office, Chandler is on a coffee break. Shelley enters.] break: 休息 -Shelley: Hey gorgeous, how's it going? 【gorgeous: A beautiful girl/guy –from Urban Dictionary】 嗨,帅哥,你怎么样? -Chandler: Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights... does it get better than this? dehydrated: 脱水的noodle: 面条fluorescent: 日光灯 在荧火灯下吃日本方便面……我能有多好? -Shelley: Question. You're not dating anybody, are you, because I met somebody who would be perfect for you. date: 约会 问个问题。你没有约会对象,是吧,因为我碰到个人对你来说相当完美。 -Chandler: Ah, you see, perfect might be a problem. Had you said 'co-dependent', or 'self-destructive'... co-dependent: 相互依靠的self-destructive: 自我毁灭的 啊,是啊,不过“完美”也许有点不恰当。你可以说“相互依靠”,或者“自我毁灭”。 -Shelley: Do you want a date Saturday? 你想星期六约会吗? -Chandler: Yes please. 是啊请说吧。 -Shelley: Okay. He's cute, he's funny, he's- cute:可爱 好的。他很帅,很风趣,他- -Chandler: He's a he? 他是男的? -Shelley: Well yeah! ...Oh God. I- just- I thought- Good, Shelley. I'm just gonna go flush myself down the toilet now...(backs out of the room) Okay, goodbye... flush: 淹没toilet:厕所back out of: 退出 恩对!……哦天呐。我-只是-我以为-好的,Shelley。我现在只想去把自己冲进下水道……好的,再见…… [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is there.] -Chandler: Couldn't enjoy a cup of noodles after that. I mean, is that ridiculous? Can you believe she actually thought that? ridiculous: 荒谬的actually: 实际上 从那以后就没心情吃面条了。我意思是,那不荒谬吗?你能相信她真那样想吗? -Rachel: Um... yeah. Well, I mean, when I first met you, y'know, I thought maybe, possibly, you might be... 呃……对,恩,我是说,我第一次见到你时,要知道,我想也许,可能,你也许是……
