

II. Text Learning

How to Start Your Own Business

1 The paradox of starting your own business lies in the simultaneous challenge

and reward, making it an experience unlike any other. So many businesses fail,

and most entrepreneurs exclude thiselves from the possibility. The tragic

reality is that when businesses fail, the passion often dies with it.(承上句)By

following some sound advice and being prepared for the process, you will

decrease your chances of losing a lot more than you bargained for. I have

recently started a business and have learned some crucial lessons in the process

that I feel privileged to share with you.(承上启下句)

2 1. Identify your motivation. Why do you want to start your own business? To

have more time? To make more money? To be your own boss? To have creative

control over what you love to do? Write out all of your

motivating factors and

prioritize thi.(承上启下句)When you see thi listed, you might see a pattern in that

you're just unhappy at your current job and starting your own business isn't the


3 2. Identify your passion. What do you love to do? What skills and knowledge do

you uniquely bring to the table? What gets you excited about your work? Keep

that passion at the forefront of your business plan, your marketing strategies,

and your daily routine. (1)If you keep your passion in plain sight, you will

stay focused on the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics.

4 3. Identify your market. If you are starting your business locally, research

your competitors. Determine if there is room in the market for your business.

What will you do differently to draw in customers? What niche market are the

other businesses missing? If you are starting an Internet company, research the

requirients for your own unique Web presence. Your business cannot survive

without customers, so do enough research on the front end to determine if there

are enough potential clients to keep your business alive.

5 4. Identify your finances. If you have ever purchased a new home, you know

that the financial obligations (债务)extend beyond the down payment and the

mortgage. You have to buy furniture, trash cans, a garage door opener(车库门遥控开关),

light fixtures and landscaping equipment(景观美化设备), and before you know it, you've

far exceeded your financial boundaries. That can happen just as easily in a

business. Do exhaustive(详尽的)financial planning. Meet with a financial

advisor(财政顾问)or someone at your bank to examine the financial viability of your

business and the process of getting it up and running. Plan

wisely and do not

assume the best about your business. Be prepared for financial loss and get

advice on how to alleviate that burden in the future.

6 5. Identify your support systi. Seek out advice from seasoned business owners,

even those in your own field. Develop relationships with people who can offer

sound advice and criticism that you might not see. If there is a business owner

in your community or in your network that you aspire to model, examine his or

her business practices and how they handle various situations. Ask for counsel

before big decisions, and even create your own makeshift Board of Directors to

help guide you in the planning and start-up process.

7 Once you have all of these elients in place, you are prepared to start the

process of developing a business plan, applying for a license, establishing a

marketing presence(营销实体), etc. (2)Owning your own

business can be unparalleled

in the professional world, and if you surround yourself with wise counsel, you

can have a career that daily feeds your passion.



1. If you keep your passion in plain sight, you will stay focused on the purpose

of your business and not solely on the logistics.(1) keep sth. in plain sight

显而易见,一览无余(2) stay focused on 关注于 2. Owning your own business can be unparalleled

in the professional world, and if you surround yourself with wise counsel, you

can have a career that daily feeds your passion.(1) unparalleled 无双的,无与伦比的,空前的(2) surround yourself with wise counsel 征求他人的建议(3) a career that

feeds your passion 满足你的热情的事业,充满激情的事业


Unit 2 Text A salesgirl n.女售货员 couple n.几个,一对 glance vi.看一下瞥一眼He glanced nervously at his watch when he was waiting for the bus. uncomfortable a.不舒服的,不自在的 behave vi 举止 desire vt.想望, 期望, 希望, 请求(官方丈礼)n.愿望, 心愿, 要求v.要求 They showed a desire to improve relations. She desires that he (should) do it at once. distant a.在远处的,疏远的 outsider n.外人,局外人,门外汉 feature n.特征,特色 mark n.标志, 分数, 痕迹, 记号 You’d better make some marks while reading. vt.做标记于, 打分数, 标志vi.作记号 Please mark all of the large cities on this map. adapt vt.使适应, 改编 Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style? adopt vt.采用, 收养 They were trying to persuade the UN to adopt an aggressivenly anti-American resolution. accent n.重音, 口音, 重音符


Unit 9 Facing Life’s Challenges I. New words and expressions New words 1. hurdle n. hurdles [pl.]跨栏赛;栏架,跨栏;难关,障碍 2. negative n. 否定词;否定;拒绝 adj. 坏的;有害的 3. despair v. 绝望;失去希望;丧失信心 4. petty adj. 小的:琐碎的;次要的 5. individual adj. 一个人的;供一个人用的 6. lane n. (比赛的)跑道,泳道 7. spot n. 地点;场所;处所 8. symbolize v. 象征;是…的象征;代表 symbol -ize常用的动词后缀:modernize, globalize, economize 9. incredibly adv. 极端地;极其 credible 可靠的,可信的 credibly 变副词时需省略-e的形容词有simple, true, credible, believable simply, truly, (in)credibly, (un)believably 10. positive adj. 良好的;正面的 11. tough adj. 艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的 12. arise v. 发生;产生;出现 arise from sth. 区分:arouse / arise arouse one's anger / respect / sympathy 13. lost adj. 不知所措的;一筹莫展的 14. leap v. 跳跃 15. yard n. 码 16. inch n. 英寸 17. cinch n. 很容易的事;小莱 Phrases and Expressions 1. line up 排成一行;站队;排队(等侯) 2. end up最终成为;最后处于 end up (in) doing sth. end up begging / being arrested end up as a beggar / prisoner / millionaire


完整版讲义---华夏大地自考高伟老师主讲,真的很MAN!! 第一单元知识点的回顾 Text A 1.choose----choice:词型转换经常考,同时注意该词的过去式和过去完成式。 2.★available:这个词考的频率很高。换句话说,如果在答案中出现了该词, 从词义上应该给予其优先考虑。这个词出现的句子中经常会同时出现ticket, food, book等。 3.decide----decision,注意词性上的变化。 4.purpose:这个词一旦出现,它既可以考本词的意思,也可以考后面的谓语 动词的形式,记住:凡是出现purpose, aim, objective, plan,dream, goal等 有含有目的性的词,后面的谓语动词一定是to do的形式,同时关注这些 词是否为复数形式,如果是,谓语动词一定是复数的。 5.achieve----achievement,注意词型上转换。 6.★in the way:妨碍,挡路,阻碍。区别in a way:从某种程度上。★on the way (to)在去…路上(★on the way home)和by the way:顺便说一句。 7.★★involve----involve ment(in):注意词型转换,词义及介词搭配。 8.★consider----consideration。注意词型上的转换,同时牢记take into consideration(account),如果单独考本词,后面的动词一定是+ing形式(动名词),但注意主动和被动含义上的区别。 9.make a guess at:注意固定习语的搭配。 10.certain----certainly----★certainty----★★uncertainty:注意词性和词义上 的转换。 11.risk:注意后面接ing的动名词形式。 12. sometimes…;at other times…:注意前后句型上的搭配,很有可能在完型里 考。 13.range:这个词应该注意经常考的方式,range from…to…,句子中经常会 出现price,或地点等波及到范围上的词汇。 14.a number of/the number of:注意区别后面的谓语动词的单、复数。 15.★(be)based on/upon:注意搭配,完型常考。 16.therefore:学会so的另一种表达方式,说明结果,完型常考(=consequently, 本词还需要注意词型转换consequent/consequence)。 17.treat:注意搭配及同义词组,treat…as, see…as,view…as;另外treat the problem=deal with=cope with。


重点单词扩充讲解: 1. organizational: a 组织上的 由此我们可以联想到:organize: v 组织;organization: n 组织;organizer: n 组织者 请看下列习题,选择该组词里恰当的词填空: 1). Last week, our school __organized_____ a spring outing. 2). The task calls for the highest _organizational_ skill. 3). China has joined World Trade _organization_________. 4). He is the ____organizer______ of the speech contest. Answers: organized, organizational, Organization, organizer 2. objective: n 目标; a 客观的,反义词subjective: 主观的 3. predict: v 预言、预示; 由此我们可以联想到:prediction: n 预言;predictable: a 可预测的;predictor: n 预言家 4. simplify: v 简化 由此我们可以联想到:simple: a 简单的;simply: ad 简单地,仅仅地;simplification: n 简化;simplified: a 被简

Exercises for the above words: 1). The machine is simple_____ in operation but complex in structure. 2). Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in the original is beyond our capacity while __simplified__ edition is quite easy. 3). There is no point in arguing about it, becau se it is __simply_____ a question of procedure. 4). The _simplification_____ of working process freed the workers fro heavy labor. Answers: simple; simplified; simply; simplification 5. tendency: n 趋势、倾向;tend : v 倾向于…,tend to do sth e.g. old people have the tendency of getting fatter. Or old people tend to get fatter. 6. managerial: a 经理的、经营上的; 由此我们可以联想到:manage: v管理、经营;management: n; manager: n 经营者,管理者;manageable: a 可管理的、可经营的。 7. argue: v 争辩、争论,常用固定搭配:argu with sb about/over sth由于某事而同某人争论;argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事;argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不


Unit 2 Mistakes to Success I. New words and expressions New words 1. spill v.(使)洒出,泼出,溢出 2. respond v. 作出反应;响应 respond to… response 3. interview v. (媒体)采访,访问 4. creative adj. 创作的 5. occur v. 发生;出现 It occurred to me that… 6. remove v. 拿开;去掉 7. refrigerator n. 冰箱 8. grip n. 紧握;紧抓 9. slippery adj. 滑的;滑得抓不住(或站不稳、难以行走) 10. content n. 所容纳之物;所含之物 11. veritable adj. 十足的;名副其实的;不折不扣的 12. yell v. 叫喊;大喊;吼叫 13. lecture n.(冗长的)教训,训斥,谴责 14. mess n. 肮脏;杂乱;不整洁 15. rarely adv. 罕有;很少;不常 rare animals / stamps Rarely is he late for class. 16. puddle n. 水洼;小水坑 17. eventually 最后;终于 18. restore v. 使复原;使复位;使复职 19. sponge n. 海绵块 20. effectively adv. 有效地 effective ineffective 注意区分:effective / efficient 21. tiny adj. 极小的;微小的 22. discover v. 了解到;认识到;查明 discovery 23. grasp v. 抓紧;抓牢 24. lip n.(容器或凹陷地方的)边,边沿


Unit 8 The Great Minds The Great Minds 名人名言部分补充make A of B A famous quote A pessimist makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist makes opportunities of his difficulties. ----Harry S. Truma n 悲观者让机会沦为困难;乐观者把困难铸成机会。----杜鲁门 make A of B make a success of on e's career make a musician of the little boy wan ted The father exposed his son to music when he was still a little child becaused he to make a musicia n of him. expose sb. / on eself to sth. Don't expose yourself to the stro ng sun light, or you will get sun bur nt. 联想:sunburnt / suntanned gain exposure to sth. make a footballer of Tom make a mess of the accou nt I. New words and expressions New words 1. wrap v. 用…缠绕(或围紧) 2. seen ario n. 设想;方案;预测 3. explanation n.解释;说明 explai n expla natory 4. un eve ntful adj. 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的 5. preg nancy n. 怀孕;妊娠;孕期 6. imperfect adj.有缺陷的;不完全的;不完美的 perfect perfecti on


Unit 3 Friendship and Loyalty I. New words and expressions New words 1. reflection n. (关于某主题的)思考,回忆 2. loyalty n. 忠诚;忠实;忠心耿耿 3. recognize v. 承认;意识到 4. betray v. 辜负;对…不忠 5. indeed adv. 其实;实际上 6. virtue n. 高尚的道德;正直的品性;德行 7. trend n. 趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向 8. befriend v. 做(尤指需要帮助者的)朋友;友善相待 9. request v. (礼貌或正式地)请求,要求 10. trendy adj. 时髦的;赶时髦的 11. multitude n. 众多;大量 12. mutual adj. 共有的;共同的 mutual respect / understanding 辨析:mutual / manual / manure / mature / menu / mental 13. term n. 词语;术语:措辞 14. site n. 网站;站点 15. acronym n. 首字母缩略词

16. perish v. 丧失;湮灭;毁灭 17. thought n. 想法;看法;主意;记忆 18. gossip n. 流言蜚语 19. challenge v. 考查…的能力;考验…的技巧 20. akin adj. 相似的;类似的 21. deposit n. 存款 22. account n. 账户 accountant current account deposit account 23. interest n. 利息 24. well-being n. 健康;安乐;康乐 25. welfare n. (个体或群体的)幸福,安全与健康 26. essence n. 本质;实质;精髓 27. seek v. 寻找 28. notoriety n. 恶名;坏名声 notorious 相当于infamous 29. premise n. 前提;假定; 30. exploit v. 利用(…为自己谋利) 31. reconnect v. 再联系;再联络 32. virtual adj. (通过计算机软件,如在因特网上)模拟的,虚拟的 33. assure v. 使确信;向…保证


自考“英语(二)”复习资料 第一单元 1.常考单词: goal,objective,accomplish,predict,accompany,implement,tendency,achievement,argue,budget,define,entity 2. 常考词组: in the way,in part,point of view,contribute to,to apply for,in hand,to turn down 3. 常考句子: 1)A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. 2)Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. 3)If there is no choice,there is no decision to be made. 4)For managers every decision has constraints based on politics,procedures,laws,precedents and the like. 5)For example,managers sometimes treat problems in an either/or fashion. 6)Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is best - that is,which contributes the most to the achievement of organizational goals. 7)In the larger scheme of things,however,increased funding for research to improve the products might be more beneficial to the organization. 8)Some of these objectives are more important than others,but the order and degree of importance often vary form person to person and from department to department. 第二单元 1.常考单词: escape,explode,collapse,shrink,gravity,measurement,basis,launch,convincing,companion,speculation,swallow,operate,to make use of,a great many,above all 2. 常考句子: 1)Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape. 2)The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point. 3)Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova. 4)If a man fell into a black hole,he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. 5)It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. 6)On the other hand,scientists have suggested that every advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. 第三单元 1.常考单词: weaken deteriorate debate legal request criterion ensure oppose tradition consideration disabled burden vulnerable prohibition sensitive 2. 常考词组: to debate on to make request for be opposed to to take … into account 3. 常考句子: 1)Affected with a serious disease,van Wendal was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. 2)Van Wendel's last three months of life before being given a final,lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlands. 3)The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown,it starts a nationwide debate on the subject. 4)What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven't the right. 第四单元 1.常考单词: demestic statistics diplomat exploit campaign execute convict despite de serving shelf minimum status deport 2. 常考句子: 1)There are estimated to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain. 2)Of these 20,000,just under 2,000 are being exploited and abused by their employers. 3)The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicized cases. 4)A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted of murder,despite protests form various quarters that her guilt had not been adequately established. 5)She used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka. 6)Because she found it difficult to feed her four children,she accepted a job working as a domestic in London. 7)So if they do complain,they risk being deported. 第五单元 1.常考单词: Musician,rhythmic,distinct, consciousness,originate,readily, instrument,electronic,thereby, passive,participant 2. 常考词组: to take place to take over to take on in a sense at a stretch to serve as in advance for the sake of 3. 常考句子: 1)The new music was built out of materials already in existence. 2)Folk music,old and modern, was popular among college students. 3)They freely took over elements form jazz,from American country music. 4)With records at home, listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could. 第六单元 1.常考单词: efficiency increasingly inst all personnel expose reduc tion completion specific s witch critical intensity s cale defective 2. 常考词组: in that in question plenty of 3. 常考句子: 1)Most of today's robots are employed in the automotive industry,where they are programmed to take over such jobs as welding and spray painting automobile and truck bodies. 2)Robots,already taking over human tasks in the automotive field are beginning to be seen,although


III. 部分练习讲解 P168 Bridging the Gap Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given. 解题方法:把词分类 动词名词形容词 improve weight stressed check out priority different clearing away routine routine arrive route We all get the Monday blues from time to time, but there are ways to 1 improveyour working life and be happy at work. If you're going through a rough patch(经历难关,经历一段困难时期)at work or are lacking job satisfaction, 2 check outthese ways to boost your mood and have a happier work day. If your workday often leaves you feeling 3 stressed and overwhelmed, it is time to calm things down by getting more organized. Firstly, make sure you 4 arrive a


? UNIT 1 ? 重点单词和短语 ? objective accomplish predict accompany attain scheme skilled argue define ? interview prospect ? course of action in the way(by the way, in no way, in a way) make a guess at contribute to and the like (and so on) ? seek to do sth. in part point of view vary from…to … ? apply for (to) ? have no idea bring about take the trouble to do ? put oneself in one’s place ? to one’s advantage at a disadvantage ask for in hand turn down (up, on, off, out, over, back) ? 重点、难点句子详解 ? 1.A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. ? 解析:courses of action意思是行动方案、做事步骤;made是过去 分词;from among 为二重介词 ? 例:We’ll inform you as soon as tickets become _____. (06-4) ? A. valuable B. capable C. acceptable D. available (D) ? 2. … some suggest that the management process is decision making. ? 解析:suggest表示认为、提出、暗示意思,后面不用虚拟语气,表


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 Unit 12 A Break from Life I. New words and expressions New words 1. cranky adj. 脾气坏的 2. laundry n. 要(或正在)洗的衣物;刚洗好的衣物 3. resemble v. 看起来像;显得像;像 resemble: take after resemblance 4. throb n. (强烈有规律的)跳动;阵阵的疼痛 5. subside v. 趋于平静;平息;减弱;消退 6. ache v. 疼痛;隐痛 7. joint n. 关节 8. shuffle v. 拖着脚走 9. wiggle v. (使)扭动,摆动,摇动 10. sniffle n. 抽鼻子(声) 11. tissue n. (尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸 12. pillow n. 枕头 13. crack v. 找到解决(难题等的)方法 14. contagious adj. 患接触性传染病的 15. germ n. 微生物;细菌;病菌 16. resourceful adj. 机敏的;足智多谋的;随机应变的 17. scrounge v. 觅取;搜寻 18. nurture v. 养育;养护;培养 19. chore n. 令人厌烦的任务、乏味无聊的工作 20. respite n. 暂停;暂缓 21. manufacture v. 编造;捏造 22. symptom n. 症状 23. pamper v. 细心照顾;精心护理;娇惯;纵容

24. hermit n. 隐土;隐修者;遁世者 25. gel n. 凝胶,冻胶(尤指用于头发或护肤的产品) 26. hearty adj. 大的;丰盛的 27. chamomile n. 苹果菊;春黄菊;甘菊 28. vanilla-scented adj. 香草味的 29. gingerly adv. 谨慎地;小心翼翼地;轻手轻脚地 30. grateful adj. 感激的;表示感谢的 be grateful to sb. for sth. ungrateful 比较:graceful disgraceful 31. spa n. 水疗 32. tub n. 浴缸;浴盆 33. drain n. 下水道;排水管 34. refresh v. 使恢复精力;使凉爽 35. emotionally adv. 感情上地;情感上地 emotion emotional 36. empower v. 增加(某人的)自主权;使控制局势 37. permission n. 准许;许可;批准 permit 38. justify v. 对…作出解释;为…辩解(或辩护) 39. awareness n. 知道;认识;意识 Phrases and Expressions 1. pile up 堆积;积压 2. come down with患,得,染上(小病) 3. slip away 消失;消亡;死去 4. respond to 作出反馈;响应 5. care for 照顾,照料(病、老、幼者等) 6. tend to 照料;照管;护理


III. 部分练习讲解 P149 Bridging the Gap Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given. 解题方法:把词分类 while(连词) share(动词/名词) on(介词)unique(形容词) whatever(连接词) that(关系代词/指示代词/连接词)opposites(名词)a couple of (数词) personalities(名词)wisely(副词) In the daily drama and comedy of our life, it's nice to have friends. ___1 While___ family is extremely important, friends are a different support system of your choosing. As the saying goes, you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends." Choosing them ___2 wisely___ can make your life more exciting and inspiring.

Deciding whom you choose as your friends says as much about you as it does them. You may choose your friends based ___3 on___ similar interests. You may choose them because you're both polar ___4 opposites___ of each other and find this interesting and intriguing. Often, friends become "friends" because they naturally gravitate(被吸引)towards each other because of similar ___5 personalities___ and temperaments. Sometimes it's just circumstances ___6 that___ bring two individuals together who then become friends. ___7 Whatever___ prompts a friendship, developing one is a very rewarding experience. This is especially true when, before you know it, a certain friendship turns into a ___8 unique___ lifelong close friendship. Again, it's been said that a person normally has only ___9 a couple of___ very close friends in their life. Think of whom you deem as truly close friends.


一、名词和短语的英汉互译: 1.Quota―配额、定量 maintenance―维持、保持 tariff barriers―关税壁垒 invalid contract―无效合同 monopolistic competition―垄断性竞争 depreciation=devaluation―贬值 inventory―存货清单 cost effectiveness―成本效益 direct/indirect tax―直接/间接税 the req uired reserve―法定最低储备金 economics of scale―规模经济 packaging material―包装材料 inferior product―残次品 manufactured goods―产成品 survey report―调查报告 consumer goods―消费品 export/import quota―出口/进口配额 claim―索赔 technical expertise-技术知识 compensation trade-补偿贸易 raw material-原材料 traffic jam-交通阻塞

subsidiary company-分公司 multilateral trade-多边贸易 service trade-服务贸易 trade gap-贸易差额 assembly line-生产线 planned/market economy-计划/市场经济Universal Product Code-产品统一条形码visible/invisible trade-有形/无形贸易insurance policy-保险单 excess reserves-额外储备金 free port-自由港 public interest-公共利益 comparative advantage-比较优势 trail order-试订单 foreign-trade zones-外贸保税区 sole agent-独家代理 registered trade mark-注册商标geographic area-地理位置standardized container-标准集装箱delivery rate-运费 target market-目标市场 fraud-欺诈 annal revence/annual gain-年收入


2013年新版英语二讲义(全)Unit 1 The Power of Language I. Ne w wor ds a nd ex p r es s ions Ne w wor ds 1. c r itic a l a dj. 有判断力的;判断公正(或审慎)的 2. no n-f ic tion n. 纪实文学 3. pos iti on n. 观点;态度;立场 4. s tatem ent n. 说明;说法;表态 5. qu es tio n v. 表示疑问;怀疑 out of ques ti on / ou t of the q ues ti on 6. e va luat e v. 估计;评价;评估 7. c ont ex t n. 事情发生的背景,环境,来龙去脉 8. v al ue n. v al ues [p l.]是非标准;价值观 va lu abl e in va lua bl e=pr ic el es s va lu eles s 9. r epr es e nt v. 描述;表现r epr es enta tiv e a dj./n. 10. as s er ti on n. 明确肯定;断言 11. s uf f ic ient a dj. 足够的;充足的 Suf f ic ienc y ins uf f ic ient 12. s tat is tic n. s tat is ti c s [pl.]统计数字;统计资料 13. inte gr ate v.(使)合并,成为一体 14. a uth or it y n.专家;学术权威;泰斗 an/th e a uthor it y o n s th. auth or i ze 15. c om par e v. 比较;对比 c om par e A w ith B c om par e A t o B 16. s ubj ec t n. 主题;题目;题材 17. c ons is tent adj. 相符的;符合的 18. inc ons is t enc y n. 不一致 19. as s um ption n. 假定;假设 20. c as e n. 具体情况;事例 in c as e
