








主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。


第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。

托福听力题型4、态度/ 推断


托福听力题型5、内容连接题 / 排序题











托福听力功能题及态度题 功能题 在新托福听力中, function功能题占大约15%的比重。那么考生要学会识别function 功能题并把握其解题技巧。 首先我们看看功能题的典型提问方式: What is the purpose of the lecture? What does the professor imply when she says this? Why does the professor say this? What can be inferred from the student’s response? 其次我们学习下功能题的解题技巧 解答这类题目,考生需要注意重听的某句话在重听的小层次中所起到的作用。单独看这句话,可能考生无法判定它的功能。那么放在语境中,考生才能更好地把握其功能。 而在托福听力中常见的功能的分类有解释,总结,建议,鼓励,强调,纠正错误等。此外考生可以根据这些常见的功能分类,分析可能出现的考点,利用听力过程中的笔记把握重点内容。在记笔记的过程中注意把握语气、语调的升降。这些都是功能题常出现的考点。有重点地把握这些能够更好地把握功能题,并提升功能题的正确率。 态度题 在P类问题(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)中,态度题所占的比重相对较少。但是不可忽视其重要性。下面我们来看看托福听力中态度题的一些情况。 态度题的典型提问方式: What is the professor’s opinion of …? What can be inferred about the student when he says this?


TPO Listening Exercises Subject: Animal Sciences Your Name: Your Class:

TPO1 Lecture 4 is the main topic of the lecture The types of habitats marmots prefer Methods of observing marmot behavior Feeding habits of some marmot species Differences in behavior between marmot species to the case study, why are marmots ideal for observation They do not hide from humans They reside in many regions throughout North America They are active in open areas during the day Their burrows are easy to locate the appropriate description of each marmot species' behavior to the box below the marmot's name Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs. One of the phrases will not be used Displays aggressive tendencies is family oriented says active during the winter reason does the professor give for the difference in marmot behaviour patterns? Type of food available The size of the population Interaction with other marmot species



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2


托福听力态度题全面分析 摘要:态度题是托福听力考试的常见题型之一,考生们千万不能因为态度题所占比重较少而忽略它的重要性,为帮助考生更好的了解,我们特别为大家奉上托福听力态度题全面分析。 新托福听力考试总共有六大题型的测试,分别是:主旨题、细节题、句子功能题、态度题、结构题和推论题。而ETS将这六大考题细归类为B, P, C三部分,即Basic Comprehension Question基本信息理解题,Pra gmat ic Understanding Question语用信息理解题和Connecting Information Question信息关联题。B部分包括:主旨题和细节题;P部分包括句子功能题和understanding the speaker's attitude态度题;C部分包括结构题和推论题。 在P类问题(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)中,托福听力的态度题所占的比重相对较少。但是因其一般解题难度较高,因此不可忽视其重要性。下面我从以下几个方面为同学们解析态度题。 一.托福听力态度题的典型提问方式: What is the professor’s opinion of …? What can be inferred about the student when he/she says this (reply)? What is the professor’s attitude about/toward…? What does the man/woman mean when he/she says this? 二.托福听力态度题的典型出题角度 1.互动时教授的回复,学生的疑问(以反驳观点为主)


TPO Listening Exercises Subject: Animal Sciences

Your Name: Your Class: TPO1 Lecture 4 12.What is the main topic of the lecture ●The types of habitats marmots prefer ●Methods of observing marmot behavior ●Feeding habits of some marmot species ●Differences in behavior between marmot species 13.According to the case study, why are marmots ideal for observation ●They do not hide from humans ●They reside in many regions throughout North America ●They are active in open areas during the day

●Their burrows are easy to locate 14.Drag the appropriate description of each marmot species' behavior to the box below the marmot's name Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs. One of the phrases will not be used Displays aggressive tendencies is family oriented says active during the winter 15.What reason does the professor give for the difference in marmot behaviour patterns? ●Type of food available ●The size of the population ●Interaction with other marmot species ●Adaptations to the climate 16.Why does the professor say this() ●To inform the student that his definition is incorrect ●To suggest that the student did not do the reading ●To encourage the student to try again


解析托福听力考试出题思路 俗话说:知己知彼,百战百胜。知道游戏规则,自然可以掌握游戏。托福听力自然也是如此。 1.对话或讲座的目的(purpose)意指其功能,是这个对话或讲座发生的主要理由。 对话中,说话人的目的是与对话的话题、说话人之间的关系以及谈话的背景相关的。 新托福考试中,关于目的的试题形式如下: Why does the student go to see the professor? What is the man's problem? Why is the woman concerned? What is the purpose of the conversation? 2.谈话或讲座的目的与主题相关。新托福考试中关于目的的试题形式如下: What is the purpose of the talk? ' i What is the main purpose of the lecture'l What is the speaker's main purpose? 3.有些关于目的的试题只与部分对话或讲座的内容相关。这些问题通常问的是某个短语或句子的作用: Why does the student say _? Why does the professor mention -? Why does the instructor talk about . ? Why does the speaker tell a story about -? Why does the professor ask the class about 4.有时考生可以再听一次部分对话或讲座的内容。之后会听到问题问及说话人的目的。例如: Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.(You hear part oftbe lecture again.


托福考试听力有几道题 托福听力考试由是两个部分组成的,每个托福听力部分是由一段对话和两个讲座组成,在每个部分的考试时间上每个部分需要听的录音大约是20分钟加上答题时间是10分钟,这样每个部分则需要30分钟的时间。如果遇到托福听力加试的话,听力加试中的一个部分也是由一段对话和两个讲座组成的,则也需要30分钟。所以托福听力在没有加试的情况下是60分钟,如果遇到托福听力加试,听力考试的时间延长至90分钟。 托福听力连录音+做题一起一共有60分钟时间,每部分听力题目播放时间各20分钟左右,剩余是答题时间各10分钟左右。其中托福听力section10分钟答题时间。一个section做题时间有没有限制呢? 如果有的话多少时间? 托福听力两个section答题十分钟,每道选择题不计时。在播放听力时不计时。一般会遇上听力加试,时间和前两个section一样。 每个section10分钟答题时间,也就是说十七道题十分钟作答完成。这个时间是卡死的。做不完就懵了。 听力10分钟答题,考生要注意把握好时间,在平时模拟练习的时候自己掐一下时间。否则上场会慌。如果大家没有注意时间,后来的题目都很容易答不完。 托福听力答题时,选择答案后,自己点确认,才会跳到下一个问题。读题的时间是够够的,通常都会剩余。 托福听力题目播放的时候屏幕上会显示总共的播放进程,让你知道自己听了多少,还要听多少,有点像播放器下面的长条条似的。屏幕上有时候还会显示新给的学术名词。每放完一组就会问题,准备好继续答了你可以趁机休息一下。这是网友的托福听力section问题的经验分享。 扩展阅读:托福听力5大出题规律 一、矛盾规律 从托福听力真题可以看出,对话板块一定是建立在矛盾上的。如果没有矛盾的存在,那么就不会有对话。具体一点,比如说:男生是校队的,每周上课时间要去比赛,但是又怕耽搁课程,所以就问女生怎么办。正因为又上课和比赛这对矛盾,所以才产生了对话.所以,在做对话题的时候,你要搞清楚矛盾是什么,这样对做题又很大的帮助。 二、性别规律 在托福听力题型中,女性永远是光明正确的,男性永远是窝囊倒霉的。男生总是生活在女生的细心关怀呵护下。所以,一旦在对话题中你遇到男女对话(其


托福听力:常见的10大疑难杂症 很多学子都会在托福备考的托福听力准备中遇到各种各样的难题。那这些难题有哪些呢?这些难题又该如何解决呢?下面我们就盘点一下学子们在托福听力中常见的10大疑难杂症! 托福听力疑难杂症1:听不清 所谓“听不清”是指听到单词或短语反应不出来。其实托福听力考试考察的也是单词的听觉形象,所以重要的是单词的发音、意思,而不是单词的拼写。最好从一开始就养成大声朗读英文的习惯,具体而言:短单词注意读准(元音要发得饱满,辅音要发得到位,易混音注意区分),多音节单词要注意重音的位置,短语要注意是否包含连读和失爆等语音现象。 托福听力疑难杂症2:听得断断续续 “听得断断续续”突出的表现是句子只能接收到个别单词的意思,无法抓住重点。听段落只记得个别句子,无法抓住主题。这个现象主要由两个原因导致:1)听力长句断句有问题,抓不住意群;2)听的材料过短。 托福听力疑难杂症3:听清楚了,但没明白 “听清楚了,但没明白”指的是仅仅理解了字面意思,但说话人暗示的意思没有听出来。 托福听力疑难杂症4:听明白了,把题做错了 “听明白了,把题做错了”主要原因是干扰选项的迷惑性。在考试中,每道题我们平均只有20多秒时间读完4个选项加选答案,所以越临近考试越要注意对错误选项的特征分析。提示:我们经常选的干扰选项:包含听得特清楚的原词的选项,文中提到但答非所问的选项。任何时候,选答案之前最好再认真看一遍问题。 托福听力疑难杂症5:听长一点易犯困 “走神”是练习听力中普遍存在的问题,考试时非专业段落平均长度3分20秒左右,专业段落平均5分钟左右,其实已经大大超过了我们习惯的单段1分半到2分的长度,所以在平时练习中就要慢慢地实现材料由短到长的跨越。 托福听力疑难杂症6:特定学科恐惧症 总体说来,听听力段落存在着“文理互恐”的情况。但听力段落考察的是知识的广度而非深度,所以平时练习的材料,学科领域越宽越好,看看下列这些考试中的高频话题,有没有你比较恐惧的。文科:艺术史、历史、哲学;理科:生物学、地质学、天文学。 托福听力疑难杂症7:特定题型恐惧症 托福的听力考试涉及的题型主要有这样几大类:主旨/目的题、单选/双多选型细节题、重听题、态度题、表格题、结论题等等。通常而言,大家错题较多的是主旨题、细节题、重听题、表格题。考生要有意识地针对自己爱错的题型做相关的题型训练。 托福听力疑难杂症8:语速的恐惧 一般而言,不太建议大家直接上手就做TPO的题,需要一个打基础,材料由短到长,语速由慢到快的适应过程。对于听力基础不那么扎实的同学,可以从一些语速稍慢的材料开始,泛听一段时间,培养听的感觉,比如Discovery


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO9听力Conversation2文本+题目+答案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO9听力Conversation2文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a librarian employee. Stu: Excuse me. Can you help me with something? Pro: I'll do my best. What do you need? Stu: Well, I received a letter in my mailbox saying that I'm supposed to return a book that I checked out back in January. Um, it's called "Modern Social Problems". But because I'm writing my senior thesis, I'm supposed to be able to keep the book all semester. Pro: So, you signed up for extended borrowing privileges? Stu: Yeah. Pro: But we are still asking you to bring the book back? Stu: Uh-huh. Pro: Well, let me take a look and see what the computer says. The title was "Modern Social Problems"? Stu: Yeah. Pro: OK. Um... Oh, I see. It's been recalled. You can keep it all semester as long as no one else requests it. But, someone else has. It looks like one of the professors in the sociology department has requested it. So, you have to bring it back, even though you've got extended borrowing privileges.You can check out the book again when it's returned in a couple of weeks. Stu: But I really need this book right now. Pro: Do you need all of it or is there a certain section or chapter you're working with? Stu: I guess there is one particular chapter I've been using lately for a section of my thesis. Why? Pro: Well, you can photocopy up to one chapter of the book. Why don't you do that


托福听力态度题直接间接态度提示 信号词整理解析 托福听力中态度题是高频常考题型,这种题型的特点在于答案不会直接给出,需要考生自己根据听力中的各种提示来进行判断。下面就给大家带来托福听力态度题直接间接态度提示信号词整理解析,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福听力态度题直接间接态度提示信号词整理解析 托福听力态度题信号词整理解读:直接态度 ①说话人的语气语调听力中,最为直接的跟说话人态度相关的提示就是说话人的语气。常见的语气如:疑问,惊讶(Really? /I couldn’t believe…/JesusChrist!/Wow!/Oh, my God! /Gosh!/ What!),重读,放慢语速,停顿,怀疑,犹豫(Um...),可惜(what a shame/ that’s too bad./ I’m sorry to hear that)等等。 ②形容词等评价性内容在听力中,不是所有的形容词都要记下来。考生们需要记录的是有感情色彩的形容词。常见的形容词如下: 积极正面:

favorable,approval,interesting,enthusiastic,supportive,great,magnif icent,glamorous,excellent,fantastic,outstanding,terrific,awesome,a mazing,charming... 消极负面: disapproval,dissatisfied,boring,suspicious,critical,bad,skeptical,ques tionable... 中立客观: neutral,unprejudiced,impartial,unbiased... 托福听力态度题信号词整理解读:间接态度 ①一语双关在托福听力中,说话人有些话没有直接表达出实际意思,需要考生结合上下文语境去理解。 ②委婉表达有的时候,说话人会通过委婉表达的方式阐明自己的意见,比如教授提问学生时,学生的回答并不完全正确,此时教授就会通过引导的方式,委婉的表达学生回答错误这个信息。常见信号词:Sounds great...but/ Soundslike fun...but/I’d liketo...but/ I should have, but.../ I wish I could... b ut/ I’d love to...but...


4-8 94年8月TOEFL听力 A 1. (A) Forget about going to the bank either Thursday or Friday. (B) Go to the bank Friday instead of the holiday. (C) Go to the bank Thursday because the next day is a holiday. (D) Get the money from the bank Friday for your vacation. 2. (A) Can we have two tape recorders like this one? (B) Can we order another tape? (C) Can someone fix this tape recorder? (D) Can this tape be recorded again? 3. (A) Steve cooked dinner for me last night. (B) Steve agreed to have dinner with me. (C) The meal tasted good to Steve. (D) Steve was unpleasant yesterday evening. 4. (A) She doesn't know which day to go. (B) She has no plans for today. (C) She doesn't want to do anything more now. (D) She doesn't want to do anything more now. 5. (A) Betty has had the book for months. (B) Betty has become a faster reader. (C) Betty borrowed the book for a week. (D) Betty used to read much more. 6. (A) The visitors were looking for a place nearby to eat. (B) We met the visitors at a restaurant far from here. (C) We were invited to dinner by the visitors. (D) The visitors nearly passed us by. 7. (A) Mark and his friends like to spend money. (B) Mark's friends are likely to take a long time. (C) Mark enjoys the company of his friends. (D) Mark's time with his friends is wasted. 8. (A) The game didn't start until ten minutes of seven. (B) There are ten minutes left in the game. (C) The game ran ten minutes into overtime. (D) The game won't begin for ten more minutes. 9. (A) She needs more space for her collection. (B) Her paintings have been damaged. (C) Her paintings cannot be replaced. (D) She has corrected the text of the exhibit program. 10. (A) He has worked for three companies. (B) Three of the companies turned him away. (C) His company wants to hire three people. (D) He decided not to accept several job offers. 11. (A) His sight is still not too good.


托福听力态度题解析 托福听力有时并不需要整个托福听力原文中的词语全一个不差的听明白,一些题目只要听出了说话人的态度,抓住了关键点也照样能做对,下面的托福听力技巧就为大家讲一讲如何通过讲述人的attitude来判断题目的选项。 托福听力中说话人的态度,是指对发生过的事件,或者科学研究所表达的看法。一般,我们可以分为4类:支持,反对,怀疑或者客观。提问方式一般为: What is the student's attitude toward ? What is the speaker's opinion of ? What does the professor think of ? What is the professor's point of view concerning…? 有时教授会通过语音语调直接表达自己对某事的态度,有时文章中则会出现评价性的语言,当我们听到评价性语言时,我们一定要注意记笔记,因为这里通常会有态度题出现,表示评价的提示词有favorable, approval, enthusiastic , supportive,disapproval, dissatisfied, objection, opposition, critical, compromising, concerned,suspicious, incredulous, skeptical, questionable,neutral, impartial, disinterested, unprejudiced, unbiased, detached等。 在讲座中,教授通常讲解对某项研究不同团队所做出的假设,教授通常对此类研究也会表明自己的态度:证实假设,假设错误,有待研究,具体情况需具体分析,或者没有结果,将来才能得到答案。 例如:TPO4 L3 Moving Rocks这篇文章中,教授提到“风+雨”的理论时的托福听力原文是这样的: How about wind combined with rain? The ground of this desert is made of clay. It’s a desert, so it’s dry. But when there is the occasional rain, the clay ground becomes extremely slippery. It’s hard for anyone to stand on, walk on. Some scientists theorized that perhaps when the ground is slippery the high winds can then move the rocks. There’s a problem with this theory. One team of scientists flooded an area of the desert with water, then try to establish how much wind force would be necessary to move the rocks. And get this,you need winds of at least five hundred miles an hour to move just the smallest rocks! And winds that strong have never been recorded. Ever! Not on this plan et. So I think it’s safe to say that that issues has been settled. 【翻译】:那风加雨怎么样呢?这片沙漠是由黏土构成的,因为是沙漠,所以很干燥。然而,偶然有雨时,黏土地就会变得格外滑,人无法站立,无法行走。一些科学家设想当地面湿滑,风就能推动这些岩石。这个理论有个问题。一个科学家团队将沙漠的一片区域弄湿,试着测试多大风力可以将岩石移动。让最小的岩石移动,需要风速至少 500英里每小时。地球上从来没有见过这么强劲的风力。从来没有!所以,我认为这一问题已经被解决了。 The professor mentions experiments on the wind speed necessary to move rocks. What is the


得听力者得天下,托福听力对于考生来说至关重要!如何攻克托福听力,除了要多听,托福TPO听力也是托儿必刷的真题.今天,小编为托福考生们带来了托福TPO49听力,希望可以帮助广大托福考生轻松备考托福。 Conversation1 1.What are the speakers mainly discussing? A.The student’s difficulties locating sources for a research project B.The topic of the student’s research project C.The student’s request to visit a particular part of the library D.Procedures for requesting different editions of a book 答案:C 解析:学生的第一句话“I need to get into special collections,in particular the british literature”,通过I need to表明意图是来看图书馆中关于英国文学的书籍。而之后的全文都在讨论学生没有教授的授权,是否能借阅这些书。所以答案选C。 2.Why is the student unable to use later editions or reproductions of a book he mentions? A.The later editions contain errors. B.Professor Gray specified the use of a particular edition. C.The later editions must be requested from another library. D.Reproductions typically omit the specific material he needs. 答案:D 解析:通过工作人员的题问和学生的回答,我们能定位到这道题。考点即是师生之间的问答,而回答我们要重点记。学生说他的project需要用到文献当中的注释,而这些注释并未在复制品中体现,都被clean up了(clean up相当于D选项中的omit忽视)。所以答案选D。 3.Why is the student reluctant to contact Professor Gray?


新托福听力考试总共有六大题型的测试,分别是:主旨题、细节题、句子功能题、态度题、结构题和推论题。而ETS将这六大考题细归类为B, P, C三部分,即Basic Comprehension Question基本信息理解题,Pragmatic Understanding Question语用信息理解题和Connecting Information Question信息关联题。B部分包括:主旨题和细节题;P部分包括句子功能题和understanding the speaker's attitude态度题;C部分包括结构题和推论题。 在P类问题(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)中,托福听力的态度题所占的比重相对较少。但是因其一般解题难度较高,因此不可忽视其重要性。下面我从以下几个方面为同学们解析态度题。 一.托福听力态度题的典型提问方式: What is the professor’s opinion of …? What can be inferred about the student when he/she says this (reply)? What is the professor’s attitude about/toward…? What does the man/woman mean when he/she says this? 二.托福听力态度题的典型出题角度 1.互动时教授的回复,学生的疑问(以反驳观点为主) 下面以TPO6-C2为例: What can be inferred from the professor when he says this:(Well, that’s certainly an interes ting topic. But you may not realize, I mean, the scope...) 联系上下文,原文中学生问到:The section on dialects, ‘cause…like, that’s the kind of thing that’s always sort of intrigued me, you know?学生对dialect这个话题感兴趣,问教授的意见。教授认可这个话题还不错但提出了自己的进一步的建议,即:范围太广泛。虽然教授没有直接说出来,但通过转折词“but”,我们可以推测出范围太宽泛这一论断。 2. Lecture最后教授对某观点,某研究的结论、前景等的态度。 下面以TPO 28-L4为例进行解析: TPO28-L4 题目如下: What is the professor’s opinion about the future of the Gonur‐depe site? A. She believes it would be a mistake to alter its original form B. She doubts the ruins will deteriorate further C. She thinks other sites are more deserving of researchers’ attention. D. She is not convinced it will be restored. 教授在文章的最后一段提到:“So now the question is, do we partially restore and rebuild the site before the entire thing dis integrates? It will take a lot of funding to restore it and I am not sure it’ll be made available, which would be a pity. Even a partly altered site can provide valuable information, which would be lost otherwise.”他认为修复这一考古发现需要很多资金,不确定是否能修复。如果因为钱的原因不能修复的话,很遗憾。即使修复一部分,也能提供很有价值的信息。因此据此判断正确答案是D。他不确定这里能否被修复,但是他是认可修复的的意义的,因此A选项不对。再者,部分同学即使不能完全听懂,但从教授的语气中,应该能分辨出“不确定的”,根据排除法,依然能选出正确答案D.


2019 年托福真题: 4 月 23 日托福听力题目解析2017 年托福真题: 4 月 23 日托福听力题目解析 以下是 4 月 23 日托福听力部分遇到的考试题目: lecture 1.animal grooming 2.physical ecology 3.静物绘画 4.历飞机场的建造 5.发展心理学小孩心理发展的四个阶段 6.艺术史中国青铜器 7.earth science 8.黄金比例 1.6 9.物理 10.art history 11.English literature 12.urban planning 13.美索不达米亚地区和埃及两种城市化的对比 14.青蛙叫 15.deer management 16. 天文学 the death of star

17.文艺复兴艺术家赞助商客户 conversation 1.女生问一个管理员他们的电影社需要的东西,管理员说他不负责这个,但是能够帮她宣传,然后女生就在说自己的电影社 2.男生去找自己的 anthropology 教授 3.学生要改善自己的住宿环境 4.学生询问作业的选题 5.honey bees 新托福听力题完整版第一套回忆: Conversation1- 论文 - 选题 -English Literature 学生提到写罗宾汉Robin Hood。 Conversation2- 宿舍 - 改善住宿环境 两个建议:在新造的停车场与宿舍之间种树,改善房屋的保温效果。 Lecture1- 物理学 - 布朗运动 ( 旧题 =2016.10.15) 布朗运动和 random motion 。科学家希望将布朗运动应用到工业上,但是因为 particle 运动是很难控制的,然后提到了难以控制的原因,而且说这种原因学生们肯定已经知道了,然后说到使用 bacteria 会更好地控制他们向同一个方向运动,而且能够通过控制氧气的浓度来控制 bacteria 运动的速度。 Lecture2- 艺术史 - 中国青铜器【此篇对于中国学生来说送分】


托福听力的八大题型及解题技巧分析 托福听力的八大题型及解题技巧分析。托福听力一般来说,听力材料和题目都只念一遍,但有些让考生理解原段中某句话含义的题目,则会在念题时把该句也重读一遍,所以新托福听力有单听和复听两种形式。 就题型分为,单选题:从数选项中选择一个正确答案;多选题:从数选项中选择两个或者两个以上正确答案;排序题:将题目各项按原文所述的正确顺序进行排列;搭配题:将表格或图表中的各项与其所属类别进行搭配。专家分析认为,根据考察目的,新托福听力可以分成以下3大“题类”,从不同侧面测试考生的听力能力:¨ 考察对听力材料的基本理解能力(Basic Comprehension Questions),以下是四种题型的详细分析: - 内容主旨题(Gist-Content) 听力要点:考查的是听力材料的总体内容,而非某个局部细节,要选择的是最为贴切的主题 - 目的主旨题(Gist-Purpose) 听力要点:①在听时,要关注对话中一致性的主题;②在听Campus conversation时,学生常试图解决一个问题,理解学生的问题所在及其解决办法将有助于回答 - 细节题(Detail) 听力要点:①笔记应该包括Campus conversation或者Academic lecture中的重要细节;②不要仅仅因为某个选项中包含有Campus conversation或者Academic lecture的几个原词就将其认定为正确选项;③如果无法确定正确选项,就选择一个与Campus conversation或者Academic lecture的主题最符合的选项 ¨ 考察推理能力,要听出话中隐含的意思,即考生对某句话的作用或者说话人的立场的理解程度(Pragmatic Understanding Questions) - 句子功能题(Understanding the Function of What Is Said) 听力要点:①通常为复听题;②说话人的字面意思可能与其真实意图不符 - 说话人态度题(Understanding the Speaker’s Attitude) 听力要点:学会关注说话人的语气(说话人听起来是愧疚的、困惑的、还是充满热情的),说话人的语气可以帮助考生回答此类问题 ¨ 考察关联能力,要求考生将材料中的信息相互联系起来,作出郑和、推论,以及得出结论、归纳总结、进行预测(Connecting Information Question) - 组织结构题(Understanding Organization)


新托福听力经典加试全解析 Section 1 一、conversation鸟类迁徙 1. Why does the man go to see his professor? (A) He wants to change his paper topic. (B) He doesn`t understand how to analyze bird migration. (C) He cannot find enough information on his term paper topic. (D) He doesn`t understand the ideas that he has been reading about. 【解析】对话开头部分,学生说:I`m having trouble finding enough sources;But I`ve only got a couple of books to work with right now. 2. How does the professor help the man? (A) By suggesting a change in his approach to a paper (B) By explaining some theories about bird migration to him (C) By providing some additional examples he can use on the topic he chose (D) By giving him direction on where to find sources 【解析】老师说:“you don`t need to discard the idea completely…but…take a really different focus.” 3. What information will the man probably include in his paper? (A) Description of the migration habits of the Common Poorwill (B) His own analysis of early theories about bird migration (C) A comparison between birds that migrate and birds that do not (D) Current research on bird migration 【解析】原文对应B:you could present what you think are some reasons;D:you`ll be supporting your views with current research 4. Why does the man talk about birds that migrate at night? (A) To determinate that he understands the professor`s recommendation (B) To give examples of what he wants the professor to explain (C) To give an alternative explanation of the hibernation of the Common Poorwill (D) To ask whether he should change his topic to the sleeping behavior of birds 【解析】学生说:I think I see what you`re saying. So… Listen again to part of the conversation and then answer the question.
