



1)What is the name of your new English teacher?

2)How old do you guess she is?

3)What does she look like?

4)What is her personality?


1)Her name is Charlee Dodds.

2)I guess she is about 30 years old.

3)She is short. She has big eyes and short hair. And she usually

wears sports clothes.

4)I believe she will be a good friend of ours. We are going to get

well along with her.


1)Do you like English?

2)What kind of English teacher do you prefer?

3)What do you think of your new English teacher?

4)How do you know you can get along with well with her?


2word 格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。

5) How are you going to learn English from your new English

teacher? 根据卡片1可以提出的问题:

1) What’s the name of the restaurant? 2) What kind of food/flavor does it offer?

3) What are the business hours? / When does it open/close? 4) Can I order by telephone? What ’s its phone number? 5) Where is the restaurant? 根据卡片2可以给出的答案:

1) It ’s called Chuan Mei/ Sichuan Sisters Restaurant/ 2) It offers Sichuan/ hot and spicy food.

3) It opens from eleven o ’clock in the morning till three o ’clock the next morning. 4) You can call to order your meal. The telephone number is . 5) It is at 48 Yonghe Street, opposite Tianhua supermarket. 两人一组,根据卡片的信息进行问答:

1) How often do you go to the restaurant? 2) What is your favorite dish?

3word 格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。

3) Can you describe a restaurant near your home/ the one you have

heard about? 4) Why do many people prefer to eat out?


根据卡片1可以提出的问题: 1) When will the lecture be held?

2) Where is the lecture? / Where will it be held? 3) What is the title/ subject/ topic of the lecture?

4) Who will be giving the lecture? / Who is the speaker?


1) The lecture will be held nest Friday evening form 7 pm to 9 pm.

2) It will be held at the First Meeting Room on the top floor of the main building. 3) A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Culture: A Historical Perspective. 4) The speaker is a very famous professor form Beijing University.

4word 格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。

两人一组,根据卡片的信息进行问答: 1) Do you sometimes attend lectures?

2) What kind of lectures do you usually go to? Why?

3) Can you tell us something about the difference between Chinese

culture and American culture? 4) How much do you know about the history of UK or the United



1) What do you usually do on the weekends? 2) What do you plan to do for the next weekend? 3) Why do you want to do so?

4) What are your plans for weekends in the future? 根据卡片2可以给出的答案:

1) I usually read books, do housework, watch television and surf on the Internet. 2) I’m going to take a short trip out of town. 3) It ’s good for my health and good for my work.

4) My plans will be to spend my weekends traveling into the

5word 格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。

countryside and taking part in sports. 两人一组,根据卡片的信息进行问答:

1) How important are weekends to you?

2) What do you know about how other people spend their

weekends? 3) Do you make plans for your own weekends?

4) If you have a choice, what do you really want to do during the

weekend? 5) Do you have any suggestions to your friends about weekends?


根据卡片1可以提出的问题: 1)When did you go to London? 2)How long did you stay there? 3)How was the weather in London? 4)Are building heated in winter?

5)What kind of clothing should I bring with me? 根据卡片2可以给出的答案: 1) October last year.

2)One year and three months.

3)Generally speaking, it is mild. The average temperature in

summer is around 25°C and in winter it is around 10°C.

4)Yes, there are heating systems inside buildings. It rains a lot in

England and it is damp. So I think heating is quite necessary.

5)Shirts, coats or jackets, and sweaters.


1)Do you know of any places abroad?

2)How will you find information about weather in Britain or

America if you are going to visit these countries?

3)Describe the weather in autumn or winter in your hometown?

4)Do you like winter? Why?



XXXXX学院2011年基础英语培训方案 1、目的: a)兴趣是最好的教师。培训采用实用教材与科学教法,通过课堂体验式互动,不仅提高学 生外语综合能力,更教会他礼仪、文化和英语的思维能力,培养学习习惯与兴趣;b)针对英语基础较差的学生,因材施教,在短期内使学生掌握英语基础知识,与大学英语 AB级考试衔接;针对英语基础较好、打算今后通过学院对外合作渠道留学英国考文垂大学或其他国外大学的学生,提高英语综合运用能力,应对留学雅思、托福考试,达到相关要求分数; c)除了注重学生英语综合能力提高,还将传授学生考试应对策略与技巧,指导临场发挥关 键因素; 2、招生对象:大一或大二在校生; 适合学群: 综合英语基础班: a)中学英语基础薄弱的学生; b)从入门级过渡到B级或A级英语水平; c)想巩固语法知识,提高听、说、读、写基本能力; 综合英语提高班: a)英语基础较好想进阶提高整体英语水平的学生; b)为参加托福、雅思等社会英语考试做准备; c)想提高口语运用与翻译写作能力; 出国考试冲刺班:(目前暂不开班,下学期再考虑) a)决定参加雅思、托福考试的学生; b)通过模拟考试,短期强化冲刺; c)想学习雅思、托福笔试与口语技巧; 3、培训费用: 初级:1356元/48学时; a) 教材费:教科书/39元+练习册/17元=56元; b)学习费:25*48课时=1200元; c)资料费:100元(*包括复印试卷等,以实际开销核算,多退少补) 中级:1579元/48学时 d)教材费:教科书/29元+练习册/10元=39元; e)学习费:30*48课时=1440元; f)资料费:100元(*包括复印试卷等,以实际开销核算,多退少补) 4、授课教材:《新概念英语》第二册(初级)、第三册(中级) 5、授课教师:XXXX学院英语专职教师+外聘经验丰富的专业教师。

BFT考试(全国出国培训备选人员外语水平考试)-16 (1)

BFT考试(全国出国培训备选人员外语水平考试)-16 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Listening(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Part 1(总题数:1,分数:16.00) CONVERSATION 1 (Questions 1-4) Arranging Travelling The second speaker plays (1) and goes to a short (2) The first speaker is busy with his (3) And he encourages the second speaker to try and then he will feel (4) better. (分数:16.00) (1).CONVERSATION 1 (Questions 1-4) Arranging Travelling The second speaker plays (1) and goes to a short (2) The first speaker is busy with his (3) And he encourages the second speaker to try and then he will feel (4) better. (分数:2.00) 填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:ping pong) 解析:[解析] 1-4 M: Hi, you look tired. W: Yeah, but actually 1 feel great. I've just been working out of the gym. Really? What do you do? M: Well, usually I play ping pong three times a week. If I have time, I go to a short swimming. W: I have never been to the gym. I am so busy with my classes that I just don't have time to exercise. M: Oh, that's too bad. W: I think you will enjoy the gym if you started going. M: My schedule is so tight. You know, my teachers all have great expectations of me. W: Well, anyway, think about it. And if you will find the time, 1 do encourage you to try it. You'd feel 100% better. M: Yeah, I really need to start to get some exercise. I will give it some serious thought. (2).CONVERSATION 1 (Questions 1-4) Arranging Travelling The second speaker


一、概述 “全国出国培训备选人员英语考试”(Business Foreign-language Training/Test:English,简称BFT: English)是由国家外国专家局主办的国家级英语水平考试,适用于我国政府、工商企业、财政金融等部门出国培训人员、已在或准备到国外资企业工作的各类英语学习者及参加国家人事部中、高级专业技术资格评定的各类专业技术人员。考试的目的是根据商务及技术工作的实际需要,从听、说、读、写四个方面对考生在商务、技术工作和一般生活环境下使用英语的基本能力进行全面考查。 本考试分初级(C级)、中级(B级)和高级(A级)三个等级,每个级别的考试由四个部分组成,即听力理解、阅读理解、书面表达、口头表达。 “全国出国培训备选人员英语水平考试”每年举行两次,分别于1月份和7月份举行。初、中、高三级的考试时间均为2小时10分钟,其中笔试时间为2小时,口试时间为10-20分钟。三级考试总分均为200分,初级(C级)120分为及格;中级(B级)和高级(A级)采用同一份试卷,中级90分为及格,高级120分为及格。 二、考试项目、题量、分数和考试时间 初级(C级)考试项目、题量、分数和考试时间 考试项目题量满分分数百分比考试时间 听力理解 30题 50分 25% 30分钟 阅读理解 35题 70分 35% 50分钟 书面表达 6题 30分 15% 40分钟 口头表达 3题 50分 25% 10分钟 合计 74题 200分 100% 130分钟 中级(B级)、高级(A级)考试项目、题量、分数和考试时间 考试项目题量满分分数百分比考试时间 听力理解 30题 50分 25% 30分钟 阅读理解 45题 70分 35% 50分钟 书面表达 2题 30分 15% 40分钟 口头表达 3题 50分 25% 10分钟 合计 80题 200分 100% 130分钟 三、初、中、高三个等级能力的主要界定标准及适用对象(略) 四、试卷内容与要求(略) 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? 五、考试程序及成绩 考试分两场进行。第一场上午进行,考听力、阅读和书面表达;第二场于当日下午进行,考口头表达。凡参加考试的考生均由各BFT考试中心发给成绩单。通过BFT考试者由BFT


金融英语口语考试简介 Financial English Certificate Test(FECT) 金融专业英语证书考试制度是1994年经中国人民银行和国家教委联合发文(银发【1994】107号)批准建立的我国第一个行业性外语证书考试制度。中国人民银行银发【1996】229号文批准正式实施。其考试目标是为国家培养既精通现代国际金融业务,又能使用英语实行银行业务操作及管理的中高级复合型人才,提升金融系统职工队伍的整体素质,并促动金融系统职工培训工作逐步与国际专业培训接轨。考试分为初级(现改称"银行综合类")、中级、高级(当前尚未开考)三种水准,分别针对不同层次,提出不同要求。为实施此制度,在人民银行领导下,专门成立了金融专业英语证书考试委员会。考委会由人民银行主管副行长任主任,各主要金融机构人事教育部门负责同志任委员。考试办公室设在中国人民银行北京培训学院,负责考试的组织实施。 考试1995年11月试点,1996年正式推行。其中银行综合类(原初级)考试由考委会专家组自主设计实施;中级证书与香港银行学会合作,教材由香港银行学会引进,双方共同命题。中级考试设立奖学金,资助优秀考生赴港攻读硕士学位。 整个考试坚持严格要求,严密组织,严肃纪律的原则,树立了考试的与信誉,为金融系统培养了大批既懂现代金融业务,又精通外语的中高层复合型人才。从1995年开始试考至2004年,全国报考金融专业英语证书考试的共有181098人(次),其中122006人(次)报考初级(银行综合类)考试,23043人取得合格证书;59092人(次)报考银行类中级考试,8845人(次)取得单科合格证书,近700人取得中级合格证书。 2000年初中国人民银行已与国家外国专家局签署合作备忘录,在取得FECT证书后加试BFT的英语口语考试合格后即可获BFT证书,中级四科考试成绩亦得到香港银行业务证书考试的相对应科目的认可。


姓名:_________________ 座位号:_______________ 时间表时长开始结束 听力35分钟9:009:35 笔试客观题55分钟9:3510:30(收答题卡1) 翻译30分钟10:3011:00 写作30分钟11:0011:30(收答题纸及试卷) DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Time allowed:150minutes Section I Listening Test(Answer Sheet1) Section II Reading Comprehension(Answer Sheet1) Section III Cloze(Answer Sheet1) Section IV Translation(Answer Sheet2) Section V Writing(Answer Sheet2) 1

Section I Listening Test(50marks) Section II Reading Comprehension(40marks) Directions:There are4reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked [A],[B],[C]and[D].You should decide on the best choice and write your answers on Answer Sheet1. Passage1 Phones are now the dominant technology with which young people,and urban youth in particular,now define themselves.What sort of phone you carry and how you customize it says a great deal about you,just as the choice of car did for a previous generation.In today's congested cities,you can no longer make a statement by pulling up outside a bar in a particular kind of car.Instead,you make a similar statement by displaying your mobile phone,with its carefully chosen ringtone,screen logo and slip cover.Mobile phones,like cars,are fashion items: in both cases,people buy new ones far more often than is actually necessary.Both are social technologies that bring people together;for teenagers,both act as symbols of independence. And cars and phones alike promote freedom and mobility,with unexpected social consequences. The design of both cars and phones started off being defined by something that was no longer there.Cars were originally horseless carriages,and early models looked suitably carriage-like;only later did car designers realize that cars could be almost any shape they wanted to make them.Similarly,mobile phones used to look much like the push-button type of fixed-line phones,only without the wire.But now they come in a bewildering range of strange shapes and sizes. Less visibly,as the structure of the mobile-phone industry changes,it increasingly resembles that of the car industry.Handset-makers,like carmakers,build some models themselves and have the design and manufacturing done by others.Specialist firms supply particular sub-assemblies in both industries.Outwardly different products are built on a handful of common underlying"platforms"in both industries,to reduce costs.In each case,branding and design are becoming more important as the underlying technology becomes increasingly interchangeable.In phones,as previously happened in cars,established western companies are facing stiff competition from nimbler Asian firms.Small wonder then that Nokia,the world's largest handset-maker,recruited its design chief,Frank Nuovo,from BMW. That mobile phones are taking on many of the social functions of cars is to be welcomed. While it is a laudable goal that everyone on earth should someday have a mobile phone,cars 2


BFT真题6 Part 1 ·You will hear two conversations ·Write down one word or number in each of the numbered spaces on the forms below. Questions 9-13 (10 marks ) ·You will hear extracts of five people talking about their holidays. For questions 9-13, choose from the list A to F the experience each speakers describes. Use each of the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. A. The airline lost one of the suitcase. Speaker 1 (9) ________ B. We took the wrong suitcase from the baggage claim. Speaker 2 (10) ________ C. A suitcase was damaged. Speaker 3 (11) ________ D. The hotel was fully booked. Speaker 4 (12) ________ E. The room didn't have a sea view. Speaker 5 (13) ________ F. The room was very small. Part 3 Questions 14-23 (10 marks ) ·Look at the ten statements for this part. ·You will hear part of a lecture on the history of robots. ·Decide whether you think each statement is right, wrong or not mentioned. ·Mark your answers on your Answer Sheet. 14. George Devol designed the first programmable robot in 1954. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 15. Unimaton belongs to General Motors. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 16. The first industrial robot was installed in 1962. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 17. Shakey was a computer-controlled robot developed in 1970. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned


考试前复习重点 Part1 1. Where are you from? / 2. Can you tell me something about your home town/village?/ history of your hometown. .3. What’s the weather like in your home town/village? 4. Are you proud of your home town/village? Why? .5. Can you tell me something about your family? 6. Can you say something more about yourself? 7. Could you say something about your work/job/study? 8. How important is English/computer for your work? .9. Do you have any hobbies? (Do you like sports?) 10.What do you do in your spare time?=hobby 11. What do you hope to do in the next few years?. 12 If you have an opportunity to go abroad, which country would you like to go to? Why? Part2 Part 2 Places From the pictures, I can see two places, and both of them are modern cities. In the first picture, it is a city with spacious grassland, high skyscrapers and clean environment. There are many people relaxing on the grassland. In the second picture, I can also see a modern city with many high buildings and trees. It looks crowded and dirty. You can see many cars crowed on the road. I guess that the first picture shows us the clean city and life must be convenient there! It looks quiet and tidy. It must have not any pollution in the areas. You can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery. However, in the second picture, it must have the common problems modern cities faced, such as pollution, traffic jam, over-population, pressure etc. That’s what I see and feel about the pictures. Part 2 Sample ---travel Now let me try to compare and contrast these photographs and telling you why people choose different places for traveling. In the first photograph, a group of people is traveling across the desert by driving jeeps. Now may be they stop and have a rest. The traces of the jeeps are obviously seen in the photograph. In the second one, a young couple is just down a luxury ship and walking along the seashore. Maybe they are in their honeymoon. Traveling in desert, there may no roads, no shops, no campground and no facilities. However, people can experience the adventure, exciting and unique culture. In contrast, traveling in a city by seashore is convenient, comfortable and relaxing. People can also benefit from the pleasant weather, the fresh air, and many kinds of delicious seafoods. That’s what I saw and perceived from the two pictures.


BFT考试(全国出国培训备选人员外语水平考试)模拟2 Listening Part 1 Questions 1-8 ·You will hear two telephone conversations. ·Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.CONVERSATION 1 Time for the man to arrive at the hotel: (1) . Price of the room: $ (2) . Number of the unit: No. (3) . On the (4) floor. CONVERSATION 2 For: (5) Blake. From: (6) Anderson. Tomorrow's (7) is cancelled. Helen's telephone number: (8) . Part 2 Questions 9-13 ·You will hear a teaching instructor's words. ·For questions 9-13, choose.from the list A-F the main ideas of the teaching instructor's words each time. ·Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. Speaker 1: ______ 10. Speaker 2: ______ 11. Speaker 3: ______ 12. Speaker 4: ______ 13. Speaker 5: ______ A. final exam B. teaching problems in reading C. paying attention to one's teaching style D. canceling some classes E. stuff meeting F. students' attendance Part 3 Questions 14-23·Look at the ten statements for this part. ·You will hear a passage about "Who First Started to Smoke?" ; you will listen to it twice, ·Decide if you think each statement is right(R), wrong(W) or not mentioned(NM). 14、 People in Europe started smoking long ago.


BFT口语考前辅导Suggestions to Oral Test 口试形式及内容(2:2) 测试要点

评分标准(very good 优) ?45-50:充分地掌握了实际运用语言的能力,恰当、准确、流利,而且理解透彻。 ?40-44:充分地掌握了实际运用语言的能力,只是偶尔地、局部地出现表达不准确、不恰当的情况。遇到不常见的场景有时有理解错误。能处理好复杂详细的论证。 ?35-39:掌握了实际运用语言的能力,在某些场景中偶尔表达不准确、不恰当和理解不当。总体上能处理好复杂的语言,理解详细的推论。 评分标准(良) ?30-35:尽管有一些不准确、不恰当和理解错误,总体上仍能进行有效的表达。在常见的场景中,能使用和理解相当复杂的语言 ?25-29:虽然不能全面地掌握语言,犯有大量错误,在大多数场景中仍明白大概意思。在自己熟悉的方面基本能进行交流。 ?20-24:只在常见的场景中基本能运用语言。理解和表达均常犯错误。不能运用复杂的语言。 评分标准(中-差) ?15-19:在很常见的场景中只能表达和懂得大概意思。在交流中经常出现停顿。 ?10-14:不能进行真正的交流,表达常见场景的大部分基本信息只能用不相连的单词或短的结构,且不能展开表达。理解书面语和口语都极为困难。 ?5-9:除了认识一些单词,基本上不能使用英语。 口试问答的应试技巧 备考阶段——准备充分 要做到:

?熟悉题型以及考试的目的 ?背诵一些基本句型 ?背诵一些套话 ?做好充分心理准备应对各种情况 应考阶段——反应迅速 要做到: ?对主考教师的指示做出反应。 ?听懂问题迅速反应。 ?如果听懂了问题但确实不知道答案,可凭上一个问题推断出这 个问题给一个答案,反正答错与不答同样失分。 ?主考教师不会示意考生问题回答的对与错,考生应抛开一切杂 念,尽心尽力答题。 口语讨论中考生典型错误 ?三言两语。 ?内容空洞无物。 ?没有结尾。 ?结构松散,缺乏连贯性。 ?卡壳冷场现象。 ?有明显的背诵迹象。 ?流水账,无比较对照、观点阐述。 Ten strategies on Two-way discussion


姓名:_________________ 座位号:_______________ DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Time allowed: 150 minutes Section I Listening Test (Answer Sheet 1) Section II Reading Comprehension (Answer Sheet 1) 专业资料

Section III Cloze(Answer Sheet 1) Section IV Translation(Answer Sheet 2) Section V Writing (Answer Sheet 2) Section I Listening Test (50 marks) Section II Reading Comprehension (40 marks) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and write your answers on Answer Sheet 1. Passage 1 Phones are now the dominant technology with which young people, and urban youth in particular, now define themselves. What sort of phone you carry and how you customize it says a great deal about you, just as the choice of car did for a previous generation. In today's congested cities, you can no longer make a statement by pulling up outside a bar in a particular kind of car. Instead, you make a similar statement by displaying your mobile phone, with its carefully chosen ringtone, screen logo and slip cover. Mobile phones, like cars, are fashion items: in both cases, people buy new ones far more often than is actually necessary. Both are social technologies that bring people together; for teenagers, both act as symbols of independence. And cars and phones alike promote freedom and mobility, with unexpected social consequences. The design of both cars and phones started off being defined by something that was no longer there. Cars were originally horseless carriages, and early models looked suitably carriage-like; only later did car designers realize that cars could be almost any shape they wanted to make them. Similarly, mobile phones used to look much like the push-button type of fixed-line phones, only without the wire. But now they come in a bewildering range of strange shapes and sizes. 专业资料


Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems


来自新西兰的新英语老师 根据卡片1可以提出的问题: 1)What is the name of your new English teacher? 2)How old do you guess she is? 3)What does she look like? 4)What is her personality? 根据卡片2可以给出的答案: 1)Her name is Charlee Dodds. 2)I guess she is about 30 years old. 3)She is short. She has big eyes and short hair. And she usually wears sports clothes. 4)I believe she will be a good friend of ours. We are going to get well along with her. 两人一组,根据卡片的信息进行问答: 1)Do you like English? 2)What kind of English teacher do you prefer? 3)What do you think of your new English teacher? 4)How do you know you can get along with well with her? 1word格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。

2word 格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。 5) How are you going to learn English from your new English teacher? 根据卡片1可以提出的问题: 1) What’s the name of the restaurant? 2) What kind of food/flavor does it offer? 3) What are the business hours? / When does it open/close? 4) Can I order by telephone? What ’s its phone number? 5) Where is the restaurant? 根据卡片2可以给出的答案: 1) It ’s called Chuan Mei/ Sichuan Sisters Restaurant/ 2) It offers Sichuan/ hot and spicy food. 3) It opens from eleven o ’clock in the morning till three o ’clock the next morning. 4) You can call to order your meal. The telephone number is . 5) It is at 48 Yonghe Street, opposite Tianhua supermarket. 两人一组,根据卡片的信息进行问答: 1) How often do you go to the restaurant? 2) What is your favorite dish?

BFT 考试复习心得

BFT 考试复习心得+考经 作者: saka_bodhi(站内联系TA)发布: 2014-06-13 事先声明,Tofel 85以上,GRE ≥1200,六级600+的哥们就不要来砸场子了,高富帅玩卡丁车没意思^_^ ============================== =我是分割线========================想要因公出国培训,所以单位教唆我等参加BFT考试,于是乎集团在和外专局觥筹交错间给我们加了个专场。估计卷子是4月份的B版题吧,考试倒也没有放水,流程基本走全。闲来无事,给想要出国做短期培训的筒子们普及如何搞掂这个挂羊头卖狗肉的考试。 说白了,这个美其名曰Business Foreign Language Test的买路费考试其实跟Business没半毛钱的关系,就是外专局在穿过自己家的一亩三分地的公路上设了个每车200¥的私人收费站,还分了个高中低档车道。一帮杂毛老道把listen to this 的中级听力、六级的阅读、高考的完形和阉割版的剑7(剑桥商务英语)词汇揉把到一起整出来的个四不像而已。这类考试,我等势必要战略上藐视对手,战术上重视对手。 好了,既然我们已经知道这个四不像的头头爪爪来自哪里,那么参加过六级的,当年受过老式听力锤炼的,或闲情逸致学过剑桥商务,或高考在语法题海中翱翔过的筒子们大可放宽心,你们是有基础地^_^,关键是得到行军地图。 行军策1:指南针-考试大纲 如果你没有上述基础或者已经久疏战阵,秀才蜕化成了大兵,

那么词汇还是要恶补一下的。给自己先整本专业的考试大纲(BFT收费站官网有卖),首先了解对应等级考试的流程和评分标准,在大纲里附有词汇表,备考时间给自己放了50天以上的,建议全背,至于方法,什么21天背单词,记忆曲线,词根词缀等~多如牛毛烟海,选定一样,坚持下去就行,没有哪个方法是更好的。备考时间低于50天的,百度上Pia Pia输入“BFT 核心词汇”,妥妥地找到下载链接,1300个不到的词儿,两周背完!至于裸考的,壮士出门右转狼牙山,不送! 行军策2:演习场-真题集 俗话说:要想短平快,全靠真题带~此话不假,真题就是最接近实战的演兵场。请各位筒子不管是发挥网络黑客、复印套打,还是二手收购、一手血拼等抗战套路,务必要准备模拟题+真题6套以上,而且得跟自己的BFT级别对应,高不成低不就那可抓瞎了。如果实在不知哪里有且财大气粗,建议去网上买本机械工业出版社的《BFT模拟试题集》,要最新版的(目前是第五版)。把对应等级的模拟题不掐表做一遍,真题掐表做一遍。(BFT的流程,上午听力30 分钟,写作90分钟;下午口语10分钟)。遇到薄弱板块,反复做3遍,中途不要停顿或者看答案。所有真题中的听力建议不分级别全做两遍。如果时间来不及,那么至少对应等级的6套得做全,而且必须达到材料的大致内容听明白九成以上的程度。等一会儿给大家详述一下; 接下来,从听力、阅读、口语、写作四个考试板块分别介绍一下我的经验(以中高级试题为案例): 1. 听力
