湘教版六年级英语上册 unit 10

湘教版六年级英语上册 unit 10
湘教版六年级英语上册 unit 10

Unit 10I don't feel well today 第1课时




Unit1 What did you do during the holidays? Teaching Goals: 1.Learn new words. 2.Learn the text. 3.Know the Past Form of the verbs. Teaching Point: Master the Past Form of the verbs. Teaching Preparations: Tape and pictures Teaching Process: 1.Warming Up (1)Greetings (2)The students talk about their summer holidays. 2.Presentation and Drills (1)Learn new words during holiday learn practise speak (2)Learn Part A Let’s Listen and Say Read the text. What did you do during the holidays? I learnt writing. What are you reading?

I’m reading an English storybook. (3)Learn Part B learn words and sentences play games learn writing practise listening (4)Learn Part C Let’s Practise What did you do during the holidays? I read many books. Master the Past Form of the verbs. talk—talked practice—practised listen—listened do—did have—had go—went learn—learnt take—took read—read speak—spoke teach—taught write—wrote visit—visited play—played


Unit1 What did you do during the holidays? (你在假期里做了什么?) 学情分析: 学生已掌握一定数量的动词和动词的现在分词,现在要学习过去式,并要将它们联系起来有一些困难。再加上新语法知识,它们会有畏难情绪。我们要巧妙的将新知识通过迁移,运用由旧带新的过度法,帮助学生在不知不觉中获得新知,提高语言交际能力。 课时安排 A,B 1课时 C, D1课时 E,F1课时 教学目标 语音功能能正确运用过去时描述人物已经做过的事情。 语言结构What did you do during the holidays?. 词汇 掌握词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach; 理解词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach; 语法:一般过去时 Period1 一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说新单词during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,senten ce,teach; 2、能理解课文;能正确运用一般过去时描述人物已经做过的事情. 二、教学重点及难点重点:掌握本单元四会单词.难点:理解课文。 三、教学准备单词卡片和图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.唱已学的英文歌曲。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.T: Hello,boysandgirls.Nice tosee you again! Today is thefirst day of this new term。I’m very happy. So let’s talk aboutthe summer holidays together! 边说边将学生假期生活的图片贴在黑板上,布置成学生读书写字的场景。 2.可出示一张学生读书的图片。T: Look!What is Minging doing ? He is re ading an English storybook。 Mingming:I readmany books during theholidays。板书单词holiday,带读。复数形式是holidays。


2014~2015学年第一学期期末质量检测题六年级 综 合 英 语 一、下面三个选项中有一个与其他两个不同类,请把它选出来并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5) ( )1. A . baby B. brother C. town ( )2. A . east B. sound C. south ( )3. A. pancake B.elbow C. knee ( )4. A. date B. August C. March ( )5. A. lady B. straw C. king 一、找出下面汉语的英语解释,将其序号填入括号内。(5) ( )1. 最后A . beside B. finally C. direction ( )2. 气球A . balloon B. sneaker C. bat ( )3. 烘烤A . flat B. oven C. bake ( )4. 享受A . enjoy B. skip C. quietly ( )5. 庆祝A. firework B. light C. celebrate 三、把下面词组的英语和汉语对应起来,将其序号填入括号内。(10) ( )1. next to A . 紧靠 B. 在...旁边 ( )2. smile at A . 听说 B. 对...微笑 ( )3. safety first A . 安全第一 B. 很舒适 ( )4. take care A . 整理 B. 保重 ( )5. report card A . 成绩单 B. 比赛项目 ( )6. come along A . 休息 B. 出现 ( )7. make a plan A . 举行聚会 B. 制定计划 ( )8. look forward to A . 期盼 B. 寻找 ( )9. feel well A . 享受 B. 感到舒服 ( )10. be great at A . 擅长 B. 明白 四、把下面的单词翻译成汉语,将其汉语意思写在后面横线上。 (5) 1. town 2. film ______________乡(镇) ______________学校 班级_____________ 姓名_______________考号____________ …………………………密…………………………………………封……………………………………线…………………………………… _ _____________乡(镇) ______________学校 班级_____________ 姓名_______________考号____________ …………………………密…………………………………………封……………………………………线……………………………………


第一单元生物与环境 1、植物的生长具有向地性、向水性、向光性。 2、植物的生存是有地域性的,有些植物只适宜生活在南方,有些植物只适宜生活在北方。原因:阳光、水分、温度、土壤是影响植物生存的基本因素,但不同的植物对这些因素的需求和适应能力是不一样的。植物的这些习性是在长期适应当地的环境中形成的。它们的生活习性也决定了它们一般只能在具备这些环境因素的地方生存。,例如:生长于沙漠中的仙人掌,叶子是针状的,以减少水分蒸发。 3、产于北方的水果有:苹果、葡萄、梨子、哈密瓜等。产于南方的水果有:柑橘、荔枝、橙子、香蕉、芒果、菠萝、火龙果、榴莲等。 4、动物的生存也受环境的影响,例如北极熊、鱼、非洲豹、骆驼身体特征生活习性与所生活的环境有关。动物们还通过冬眠、迁徙、换毛等方法来适应气温的变化。 5、浮游生物孑孓水虿鱼,这种食物关系就像链条一样把各种生物紧紧联系在一起,我们把它叫做食物链。 6、食物链总是从植物开始到凶猛的肉食动物结束。 7、池塘中除了生活着植物和动物,还生活着微生物。它们能把死亡的动植物尸体分解。 8、自然界中的所有生物都无法避免成为食物链的成员。生物之间通过食物关系来达到相互依存、相互制约的作用,当某一种类生物的生存受到影响的时候,势必也会影响到许多与之有关的生物种类。严重时,甚至造成某些物种灭绝,这就是生态灾难。环境污染、盲目的物种引进、大量捕杀动物和砍伐森林都曾经在历史上造成过部分地区的生态灾难。 9、乱砍滥伐,破坏森林会给人类带来洪灾、干旱、沙尘暴等。假如大树都倒下了生物们将会失去食物不能生存,土壤流失,带来洪灾、干旱、沙尘暴等自然灾害,引起气候的变化。我们要做环保小卫士,爱护、保护生态环境,建设美好的家园。 第二单元营养与健康 10、人体需要的主要营养成分是:蛋白质、淀粉、脂肪。除此之外人体需要的营养成分还包括:盐类、维生素、水等。 11、蛋白质燃烧时会产生一种特殊的气味;淀粉遇碘酒变蓝紫色;脂肪涂在纸上会使纸变得透明。 12 食物金字塔图

2020年6年级英语上册湘教版教案unit 10

Unit 10I don't feel well today 第1课时 课时目标 1.词汇:能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词和 短语don't feel well,have a cough,have a headache,have a fever,take medicine,have a good rest,just等。 2.句型:能用“What's wrong with you?”向 他人表达关切的问候;能用“I have...”进行简 单的回答;能运用祈使句进行建议。 3.能用所学语言谈论身体健康状况,如 “What's wrong with you?I...”。 4.能根据标题和插图预测对话主要内容。 5.能听懂、会说A部分的对话。 重点难点 重点:能听懂、会说、认读don't feel well,have a cough,have a headache,have a fever,take medicine,have a good rest。 难点:medicine的发音,特别提醒学生注意发 音/sn/;fever的第一个e的发音为/i:/,在教 学中教师应提醒学生注意,避免误发成/e/。 教学准备 用于新授单词的图片或实物(温度计)、人物头 像、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学VCD等(有条 件的学校可利用幻灯片、多媒体课件)。 教学步骤教学内容 一、热身/复习 (Warm-up/ Revision) 1.Greetings 2.Listen and do T:Touch your head.Raise your arms.Run.Drink some water.Have a rest.教师边说边观察学生, 在有些学生不会的时候领着一起做。通过热 身活动,复习词汇head,drink some water,rest。


2014~2015学年第一学期期末质量检测题六年级 综 合 英 语 一、下面三个选项中有一个与其他两个不同类,请把它选出来并 将其序号填入题前括号内。(5) ( )1. A . baby B. brother C. town ( )2. A . east B. sound C. south ( )3. A. pancake B.elbow C. knee ( )4. A. date B. August C. March ( )5. A. lady B. straw C. king 一、找出下面汉语的英语解释,将其序号填入括号内。(5) ( )1. 最后A . beside B. finally C. direction ( )2. 气球A . balloon B. sneaker C. bat ( )3. 烘烤A . flat B. oven C. bake ( )4. 享受A . enjoy B. skip C. quietly ( )5. 庆祝A. firework B. light C. celebrate 三、把下面词组的英语和汉语对应起来,将其序号填入括号内。(10) ( )1. next to A . 紧靠 B. 在...旁边 ( )2. smile at A . 听说 B. 对...微笑 ( )3. safety first A . 安全第一 B. 很舒适 ( )4. take care A . 整理 B. 保重 ( )5. report card A . 成绩单 B. 比赛项目 ( )6. come along A . 休息 B. 出现 ( )7. make a plan A . 举行聚会 B. 制定计划 ( )8. look forward to A . 期盼 B. 寻找 ( )9. feel well A . 享受 B. 感到舒服 ( )10. be great at A . 擅长 B. 明白 四、把下面的单词翻译成汉语,将其汉语意思写在后面横线上。(5) 1. town 2. film 3. medicine 4.move 5. healthy 五、选择填空。(5) ( )1. It ’s May 2nd . A. / B. on C. in ( )2. is his birthday? A. When B. Whose C. What ( )3. I ’m good running. A. on B. at C. in ( )4. What your father work? A. do B. does C. are ( )5. There is a school the park and the lake. A. between B. in C. on 六、根据问句选择正确的答语,将其序号填入括号内。(5) ( )1. What ’s wrong with you ? A. It ’s Andy. ( )2. Do you enjoy Science? B. By plane. ( )3. Whose party is it ? C. I have a fever. ( )4. How do they come to China? D.Yes,Iam. ( )5. Are you good at basketball ? E. Yes,I do. 七、根据语言场景选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。(5) ( )1. 当别人问你去书店的,你怎么说? A. Turn south and go straight. B. You will see a bookshop. ( )2. 当顾客问你商店有什么,你怎么回答? A. What ’s in the sports shop? B. There are many toys in the shop. ( )3. 你想告诉别人你受伤了,怎么说呢? A. I ’m hurt. B.I hurt my knee. ( )4. 你想知道别人最喜欢哪个月份,怎么问? A . What ’s your favorite month? B . What ’s your favorite festivel ? ( )5. 中秋节通常在几月,你知道吗? A. It ’s in October. B. It ’s in September. ______________乡(镇) ______________学校 班级_____________ 姓名_______________考号____________ …………………………密…………………………………………封……………………………………线…………………………………… ______________乡(镇) ______________学校 班级_____________ 姓名_______________考号____________ …………………………密…………………………………………封……………………………………线……………………………………


六年级上册科学复习题 一、填空题: 1、(阳光、水分、温度、土壤)等是影响植物生存的基本因素。 2、食物链中能自己制造食物的生物叫做(生产者),直接或间接消费别人制造的食物的生物叫(消费者)。 3、森林的破坏给人类的生产和生活造成了严重的后果。如:(洪灾、干旱、沙尘暴、水土流失) 4、动物们通过(冬眠、迁徙、换毛)等方法来适应气温的变化。 5、池塘中除了生活着植物和动物,还生活着(微生物)。它们能把死亡的动、植物尸体(分解)。 6、环境的变化会影响动物的(生存),动物的数量变化也会影响(环境);随着环境的变化,生物的结构特征也会发生相应的(改变),从而适应环境。不能适应环境变化的生物将会被(淘汰) ¥ 7、自然界中的所有生物都无法避免成为(食物链)的成员。生物之间通过(食物关系)来达到相互依存、相互制约的作用。 8、植物适应环境,一般表现为具有(向地性、向水性、向光)性9、人体的消化器官主要有(口腔、食道、胃、小肠、大肠)。食物的养分主要是在人体的(小肠)里吸收的。 10、我国青少年一般从11---12岁开始身体进入发育阶段,(盲目地减肥或无节制进食)都会对身体造成伤害。(合理和均衡的饮食习惯)对身体的发育起着及其重要的作用。 11、比尔蒙特发现,胃液是一种(酸性液体),能将食物(分解)成比较简单的物质。

12.人体需要的营养成分包括(蛋白质、淀粉、脂肪、盐类、维生素、水)等 13、平衡饮食我们应该多吃(米饭、水果、蔬菜),少吃(油脂类食品) 14、口腔里的牙齿能(磨碎食物),舌头能(搅拌),唾液可以(消化食物中的淀粉)。 15、食物的腐败变质是由(微生物)引起的 ' 16、(地震)和(火山)是地球内部运动引起的。 17、(岩石)和(矿物)是组成地球的重要物质,也是人们生产和生活的(宝贵资源)。18、我国东汉时期的科学家(张衡)发明了世界上第一台自动测定地震方位的仪器------(地动仪)。 19、(温度)、(水)、(植物)等都会对岩石的变化产生作用。 20、地震发生的主要原因是(地壳运动),地壳的岩层在受到巨大的挤压时发生(褶皱),(褶皱)突然(断裂)时会释放出巨大的(能量),使大地猛烈地震动。 21、矿产资源是地壳在长期发展与演变过程中的产物,一般分为:(能源矿产)、(金属矿产)、(非金属矿产)等。 22、(火山)是地下熔融的岩浆沿着地壳的薄弱地带(喷发)形成的,是地球上最危险、最可怕的自然灾害之一。但火山活动也有有益的一面,能把地下的铁、铜、硫、铝等矿产搬上来。 23、常见的矿物有(煤)(石油)(金矿石)(任填3种)等 24、地球上的能量绝大部分来源于(太阳)。所有的生物能源也是来源于(太阳能),大多数能源最终都来自(太阳)。 ` 25.(节约用电)、(节约用水)、(节约资源)都是节约能源

最新-湘教版小学六年级英语下册(全英版) 精品


Unit 1 You are good at drawing, Peter. Period 1 Teaching aims: 1.Ss can be confident in English studying. 2.Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words: diving, pictures, good idea, watching films. 3.Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. I’m good at… Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss to listen, read, say and write the new words. Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss to be familiar with the sentence pattern: I like doing sth. I’m good at… Teaching tools: Tape, pictures Teaching methods: Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method. Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Make a conversation with the Ss. 3.Play a game--- Doing and say. Eg: swimming, running… I like swimming. I’m good at swimming. Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Show the picture of “diving” . T: I like diving. I’m good at diving. The Ss read after the T: Diving, diving, diving. T: Can you spell the word “ diving”, please? T: I like drawing. I’m good at drawing. Show some pictures, and learn the word. 2. Learn the other words in the similar way. 3. Read together. 4. Little teacher. Step 3 Practice 1. T: I don’t like running. I like swimming. I’m good at swimming. S1: I don’t like swimming. I like skating. I’m good at skating.


湘少版六年级上册英语复习资料 Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? 三、读出下列句子,并写出它们的汉语意思。 1.描述过去发生的动作,动词要用过去式态。(yesterday, during the holidays, last year, last week…) 例如:A: What did you do during the holidays? B: I learnt writing. I read many books. I practiced listening. I played games. 2.现在进行时:be动词(am, is , are)+动词-ing 例如:A: What are you reading? B: I’m reading an English storybook. 3. a+辅音音素an+ 元音音素(Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu)in English 用英语 例如:Anne wrote a storybook in English during the holidays. 4.to+ 代词宾格(me, you, him, her, us, them) 例如:Read it to us. Unit 2 Katie always gets up early.

三、读出下列句子,并写出它们的汉语意思。 在一般现在时中,当主语为第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。 1.Katie always gets up early. 2.Katie often does her homework before dinner. 3.Katie sometimes plays chess with her father after dinner. 4.Katie never takes a walk. 5.on+ 天,at+时,in+月,季,年 weekdays, she always gets up 6:30 a.m. 6.She waves goodbye to her mother. 7.She is never late for school. Unit 3 I like my computer. 二、读出下列句子并写出它们的汉语意思。 1.can+动词原形 A: What can we do on the computer?


湘教版小学六年级英语上册教案全册 Unit 1 The children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩) Period 1 一.教学目标 1. 能听懂.会说新单词swing.slide.bench.bark.chain.bite.stones, 2. 能理解课文,能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动. 二.教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词. 难点:理解课文. 三.教学准备 单词卡片和图片.教学挂图.教学磁带等. 四.教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1. 师生问候. 2. 唱已学的英文歌曲. Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. T: Hello. boys and girls. Nice to see you again! T oday is the first day of this new term. I`m very happy. So let`s go to the park together! 边说边将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上.布置成公园的场景. 2. 可出示一张秋千的图片. T: Look! A swing. Do you like it? 板书单词swing.带读.将图片贴在黑板上[公园"的相应位置. 3. 用同样的方法教单词slide和bench. 4. 出示一张狗正在叫的图片. T: What is the dog doing? It is barking. 板书单词bark.带读. T: Don`t throw the stones at the dog. It`ll bite you. 板书单词stone和bite.并用动作帮助学生理解其含义.然后带读. 5. 出示一张被铁链锁着的狗的图片. T,The dog always bites the strangers.so the owers use the chain. 板书单词chain.帮助学生理解其含义.并带读. 游戏--Look and say. (看看小说) 教师做口型.学生根据口型说单词. 游戏--Loud and low voice (大小声) 教师大声说单词.学生小声重复,或者教师小声说.学生大声说. Step 3 Fast reading and listening 1. 出示课文中人物的图片. T: Look! The children are playing in the park. 边说边将图片贴在[公园"的相应位置. 2. 快速阅读课文A部分.回答问题. T: Today we`ll learn Unit One. First let`s listen to the text. and then answer my question: Why is the dog biting Mingming`s foot


Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? (你在假期里做了什么?) 学情分析: 学生已掌握一定数量的动词和动词的现在分词,现在要学习过去式,并要将它们联系起来有一些困难。再加上新语法知识,它们会有畏难情绪。我们要巧妙的将新知识通过迁移,运用由旧带新的过度法,帮助学生在不知不觉中获得新知,提高语言交际能力。 课时安排 A, B 1课时 C, D 1课时 E, F 1课时 教学目标 语音功能能正确运用过去时描述人物已经做过的事情。 语言结构What did you do during the holidays?. 词汇 掌握词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach;理解词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach;

语法:一般过去时 Period 1 一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说新单词during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach; 2、能理解课文;能正确运用一般过去时描述人物已经做过的事情。 二、教学重点及难点重点:掌握本单元四会单词。难点:理解课文。 三、教学准备单词卡片和图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.唱已学的英文歌曲。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! Today is the first day of this new term. I’m very happy. So let’s talk about the summer holidays together! 边说边将学生假期生活的图片贴在黑板上,布置成学生读书写字的场景。


新湘教版六年级英语上册全册教案 Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? 教学目标 语音功能能正确运用过去时描述人物已经做过的事情。 语言结构 What did you do during the holidays? 词汇 掌握词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach; 理解词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach; 语法:一般过去时 Period 1 一、教学目标 1、听懂会说新单词during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach; 2、能理解课文;能正确运用一般过去时描述人物已经做过的事情。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词。 难点:理解课文。 三、教学准备 单词卡片和图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.唱已学的英文歌曲。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! Today is the first day of this new term. I’m very happy. So let’s talk about the summer holidays together! 边说边将学生假期生活的图片贴在黑板上,布置成学生读书写字的场景。 2.可出示一张学生读书的图片。


最新湘教版小学六年级英语上册教案合集 Unit 1 A family outing(第1课时) 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词together, ride, grandparent。 2、能用词组family outing, do things together, watch a movie, go shopping, take/ have a walk, look at the flowers等造句。 3、能用“What are we going to do?”询问他人活动计划。 教学重点: (1) 能听懂、会说、认读新单词together, ride, grandparent。 (2) 能用词组family outing, do things together, watch a movie, go shopping, take/have a walk, look at the flowers等造句。 (3) 能用“What are we going to do?”询问他人活动计划。 教学难点: (1) 运用B部分的词组造句。 (2) movie的发音。o发/u:/音; /v/的发音,要引导学生观察嘴形,仔细模仿。 教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up/Revision 1. Warming up T: Show me your hands,clap your hands,stamp your feet, say,“ Hooray! ’’ ,clap your hands, sit down. Look! 2. Brain Storm: Read and do 教师利用多媒体课件快速出示一组动作类单词或词组,让学生以最快的速度读出,并做出相应的动作。其中穿插几次老虎图案,学生看到老虎图案时只需要读出“Wow!”,以此增强活动的趣味性。 例如:


沱江二小2016年上期六年级英语模拟考试 学校:班级姓名:考室:座位号:

三.根据右边对应题的图片,选择方框内正确的短语填空,请填代码。(10分) A. play the piano B. do exercise every day C. make the place beautiful D. difficult E. the Great Wall 1. Trees can __________. 1. 2. 2 .The girl wants to ____________________. 3. We should _________. 3. 4. 4. I took a picture of the _________. 5. This is too _______. 5. 四.从右边II栏中选出正确的答句,把代码写在题前的括号内。(10分) I II ( ) 1. What are you reading? A. On Saturday morning. ( ) 2. When is he going to play football? B. I am reading a storybook. ( ) 3. What are the four seasons? C. OK! We will go shopping. ( ) 4. what was Dongdong afraid of? D. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. ( ) 5. Shall we go shopping? E. He was afraid of water. 五.阅读理解。阅读短文选择填空,写代码。(10分) It was sunny last Saturday. Peter and I wanted to buy books. Peter was interested in space. I was interested in science. We went to the bookstore by bus. I saw a book on science, so I bought it. I also bought a storybook for my sister. Peter saw a book on space, and he bought it. We were very happy. ( ) 1. It was _______ last Saturday. A. sunny B. windy C. cloudy ( ) 2. I was interested in ______. A. space B. science C. storybook ( ) 3. We went to the bookstore ______. A. by bike B. by car C. by bus ( ) 4. ______ bought a book on space. A. I B. Peter C. My sister ( ) 5. I bought a _____ for my sister. A. book on space B. book on science C. storybook

湘教版六年级英语上册教案 全册

湘教版六年级英语上册教案全册www.5y https://www.360docs.net/doc/a419002339.html, Unit1Thechildrenareplayinginthepark. Period1 一.教学目标 .能听懂.会说新单词swing.slide.bench.bark.chain.bite.stones, 2.能理解课文,能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动. 二.教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词. 难点:理解课文. 三.教学准备 单词卡片和图片.教学挂图.教学磁带等. 四.教学步骤 Step1warmingup .师生问候. 2.唱已学的英文歌曲. Step2Presentationanddrill .T:Hello.boysandgirls.Nicetoseeyouagain!Todayis thefirstdayofthisnewterm.I`mveryhappy.Solet`sgototh eparktogether!

边说边将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上.布置成公园的场景. 2.可出示一张秋千的图片. T:Look!Aswing.Doyoulikeit? 板书单词swing.带读.将图片贴在黑板上[公园"的相应位置. 3.用同样的方法教单词slide和bench. 4.出示一张狗正在叫的图片. T:whatisthedogdoing?Itisbarking. 板书单词bark.带读. T:Don`tthrowthestonesatthedog.It`llbiteyou. 板书单词stone和bite.并用动作帮助学生理解其含义.然后带读. 5.出示一张被铁链锁着的狗的图片. T,Thedogalwaysbitesthestrangers.sotheowersusethecha in. 板书单词chain.帮助学生理解其含义.并带读. 游戏--Lookandsay. 教师做口型.学生根据口型说单词. 游戏--Loudandlowvoice 教师大声说单词.学生小声重复,或者教师小声说.学生


2018年下学期六年级英语段考试卷 班级_______ 姓名_______ 分数______ 听力部分 一,听音,圈出你所听到的单词。每小题一分,共十分) 1, light bring heavy 2, find out search for nearly 3, often always never 4, orange juice a few cans of Coke a few bars of chocolate 5, weather forecast sunny and warm sunny and cool 6, lotus seed nuts peanut 7, email my friends send greetings have breakfast 8, wave goodbye play chess do her homework 9, learn writing play games practice listening 10, speak return taste 二,听音,排序,请将正确的序号写在括号内。(每小题两分,共十分) ( )( )( )

( )( ) 三,听音,判断句子的正(√),误(×)。(每小题两分,共十分)1,There will be a light wind in Changsha. ( ) 2,Katie always gets up at 6:30 am. ( ) 3,I’d like a box of red bean mooncakes , please. ( ) 4,I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. ( ) 5,She often does her homework after dinner. ( ) 四,听音,将方框中选择正确的单词填空。(每小题两分,共十分) 1,I ______________ an interesting bird in a book yesterday. 2, I ______________ many books during the holidays. 3, I will bring a big bottle of ________________ juice. 4, I _________________ eating mooncakes. 5, There will be a _________________ tomorrow. 笔试部分 一,书写,按正确的格式抄写单词和句子。(共二十分) 1, What did you do during the holidays? 2, It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.


新兴小学2017年下学期六年级英语段考试卷 班级_______ 姓名_______ 分数______ 听力部分 一,听音,圈出你所听到的单词。每小题一分,共十分) 1,light bring heavy 2, find out search for nearly 3, often always never 4, orange juice a few cans of Coe a few bars of chocolate 5, weather forecast sunny and warm sunny and cool 6, lotus seed nuts peanut 7, email my friends send greetings have breafast 8, wave goodbye play chess do her homewor 9, learn writing play games practice listening 10, spea return taste 二,听音,排序,请将正确的序号写在括号内。(每小题两分,共十分) ( )( )( ) ( )( )

三,听音,判断句子的正(√),误(×)。(每小题两分,共十分)1,There will be a light wind in Changsha. ( ) 2,atie always gets up at 630 am. ( ) 3,I’d lie a bo of red bean mooncaes , please. ( ) 4,I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. ( ) 5,She often does her homewor after dinner. ( ) 四,听音,将方框中选择正确的单词填空。(每小题两分,共十分) 2, I ______________ many boos during the holidays. 3, I will bring a big bottle of ________________ juice. 4, I _________________ eating mooncaes. 5, There will be a _________________ tomorrow. 笔试部分 一,书写,按正确的格式抄写单词和句子。(共二十分) 1, What did you do during the holidays? 2, It will be sunny and warm tomorrow. 3, We can send greetings to our friends. 4,What are we going to bring for the picnic?
