


商务英语期末考试参考答案 说明:商务英语期末考试有五种题型: 一、中英短语互译已经全部总结,见下文 二、问答题已经提供了参考答案,仅供参考,见下文 三、案例分析题请根据题目要求自行准备 四、英语段落翻译中文已经注明,请自己翻看商务英语教程 五、写作请根据题目要求自行准备 1、中英短语互译(详见商务英语课件——每个PPT中的短语部分) PPT1: 1. individual proprietorship个体经营,独资企业 2. convertible bonds 可转换债券 3. memorandum of association 公司章程 4. monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 5. business credit 商业信用 1. 财政资源 financial resources 2. 有限责任公司 limited company 3. 销售收入 sales revenue 4. 有形商品 tangible goods 5. 流动资金 working capital PPT2: 1. flexible manufacturing system 弹性生产系统 2. fractional reserve system 部分准备金制度

3. credit instruments 信用工具,信用票据 4. bull market/bear market 牛/熊或多头/空头市场 5. manufacturing process 制造工艺 1. 厂址选择 facility location 2. 库存控制 inventory control 3. 总支出 aggregate expenditures 4. 股权证/权益证 equity instruments 5. 财务管理 financial management PPT3: 1. performance appraisal 绩效/业绩评估 2. promotion-from-within 内部提拔 3. skills inventory 技术库存 4. macroeconomic ramification 宏观经济衍生物/结果 5. closed-end fund 封闭式基金 1. 项目生命周期 project life cycle 2. 软技能和硬技能 soft skills and hard skills 3. 补偿制度 compensation system 4. 开放式基金 open-ended fund 5. 优先股 preferred stock PP4: 1. profit-oriented objective 利润导向的目标 2. marketing intermediary 营销代理商


第一部分 一、交际用语 (共计 10分, 每小题2 分) 1-5 题: 阅读下面的小对话, 选择恰当的答语。 ( B )1.Could you give me an example of good team working there? 。 A. Sorry. I can see from your resume B. Sure. I was the treasurer of the Students Union C. Not at all. I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia ( C )2. Where shall we have the meeting? . A. The first conference room is spacious B. The first conference room isn't good C. In the first conference room ( C )3. Do you have any suggestions about it? . A. No, I have no idea B. Let me give you a hand C. After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion ( A )4. Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? . A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you B. No, thank you C. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking


广东外语外贸大学公开学院辅导资料 商务英语翻译课程试卷 (课程代码:5355) 考生注意:1. 答案必须写在答卷上,写在问卷上无效。 2. 考试时间150分钟。 I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each) 第一套试卷 1.It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. A.在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。 B.不足为奇,全世界看到了汇率的回归,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币的汇价了。 C.此时此刻,世界各国又恢复了移动的交换比率,因此各国中央银行无需维持本币汇价。 D.在这种情况下,全世界又恢复了浮动交换率,这已不足为奇了,因此各国中央银行也就无需维持本币价格了。 2.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. A.假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。 B.若实验室检验合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货的。 C.若实验室检验良好,且你们给出的报价具有竞争性,我们一定会定期定量订货的。 D.假定实验室发展良好,且你们的报价具有竞争力,我们一定会大量定期订货的。 3.Chinese researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new materials for nickel-hydrogen batteries used in low temperatures, Inhaul reported. A.中国研究者已经在开发新材料用于低温下使用的镍氢电池方面有了突破,据新华社报道。 B.新华社报道,中国科学家在从事新材料制造低温镍氢电池方面有了突破。 C.新华社报道,中国研究人员在开发利用新材料制造在低温下使用的镍氢电池方面已有了突破。 D.中国研究者在开发新材料制造低温镍氢电池有了重大突破,这是新华社报道的。 4. Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive


A. It dorsn 11 matter. B. Not 1 can't. C. Surct why do you need it? 5. 一I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier. A. We should also find what the customers keep in their minds- B. So be careful with our job. C. WclL Mike isn f f a fool. he won 1: do thnt again. 二、阅汇与结构(共计30分,每小JB 2分) 6—20 B :ffi )读下面的句子,从A 、B.C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,井将答 案序号写在答IE 纸上。 6. You won't choose this brand namj A. wtll you B< won't you C ? don'i you 7. There WHK in the meeting room n 、 the gcncrnl munogcr predicted the compuny 1* niilcB iurgrh A. silence C. silently 8. rd like to know whnt time wc enn 帝 the contninrr it IH in the parh 国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语1》2024期末试题及答案(试卷号:3897) 一,交际用语(共计10分.每小题2分) 1一5 Jffi :选择正确的语句完成下面对话,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。 L — Could you give me an example of good tcamwarking there? A- Sorry. 1 can see from yaur resume. B- Surc> I was the treasurer of the Students 1 Union. C ? Not at all. 1 was in charge of saleji for Corporate Pan-Asia- 2. - Thr senior managers need the results from Iasi month straight way ,so I can't stop to talk. P ve got to hurry. A. Stay longer. C. Ck ? see you laten 3. Hello* I'm Susan. Nice to meet you. B. Nice to meet you. too< C. How are you? 4. Sally ? could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working. B. Go sluwly. A- Are you?


暑期学习阶段测试三 (基础知识与商务英语衔接卷) (总分:100分)得分:一、词汇(20) (1)按要求写词语 low(反义词)----- full(反义词)---- beautiful(比较级)------- fat(最高级)----- 304(英文)------ in the 1290s(中文)----- 第二十九(英文)------ 第五(英文)---- one to one(用数字表时间)----- Three quarters past twelve (用数字表时间)------ 10:11(英文表示时间)----- 在七月一日(英文)----- ten point 0 two(小数)----- a quarter(分数)------ (2)翻译下列短语或词语 take a message ----- place an order---- Russia ----- New Zealand------ Peru---- M oscow---- 二句子应用(2’*10=20) 中译英 1.这不是我的行李,是她的。

2.我会尽快让他知道这个消息。 3.弹钢琴对我来说是很容易的。(It's +adj. for sb. to do sth.) 4.越快越好。 5. 你知道他什么时候回来吗? 英译中 6.Do I need a reservation for the dining car? 7. Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat? 8. May I see a timetable? 9 Could you tell me my reservation number, please? 10 Will this flight leave on time? 三英语应用及常识题(30’) 中英互译1 Water boils at one hundred degrees centigrade.

《商务英语翻译》 期末试卷答案

2012-2013学年第一学期2011级《商务英语翻译》毕业清考A 卷答题卡 一,单项选择题(10X2’) 1.__ __D__ 2. ___A_____ 3.__ _C_______ 4. ____C__5. C___ B,(5X3’)6._ _D_____ 7. ______A___ 8._____C_______ 9. ___C____10. _____A___ 二.(10X2’) 11___e___12___g___13____g__14____b___15__j_____ 16___k___17___d____18____m___19___c___20__a___ 三.把下列句子译成汉语,注意翻译技巧(10X4’)黑体为主要评分点 21.他觉得把会议上讨论的事情告诉他妻子是不恰当的。 22. 你必须注意你方出口产品的质量 23. 我的升职多亏你的帮忙;我过去是,现在也是十分感激你的。 24.教师应在教学上有耐心。 25. 他无权签订这样的合同 26.他未遵守安全操作规则导致引擎事故的发生。 27. 显而易见,建一所中学的计划将会被取消 28. 他旅途中的所见所闻给他留下了深刻的印象。 29.他讲得太快了,我们不能听懂他说什么。 30.对亚洲事务感兴趣的大使不禁受宠若惊. 四.请将下面这封信函翻译成汉语,注意翻译技巧(15’) 尊敬的李先生: 4月15日有关付款条件的来函已经收悉。 本公司同意贵公司如下建议: 1. 以见票即付的保兑不可撤销信用证付款,而非见票直接付款。 2. 贵公司的报盘不会有折扣。以上建议获本公司总经理批准,今后将如述执行。现正拟订有关订单,十日内将送达贵公司。 诚望今后两公司间的会谈能促进双方的业务发展。 敬复


上海应用技术学院2009-2010学年第1学期 《大学英语3A-商务英语》期(末)(A)试卷 课程代码:B11101D3 学分:2 考试时间:100 分钟 课程序号:5551\5580\5610\5639 _____________________________ 班级:____________ 学号: _______________ 姓名: _______________ 我已阅读了有关的考试规定和纪律要求,愿意在考试中遵守《考场规则》,如有违反将愿接受相应的处理。 试卷共8页,请先查看试卷有无缺页,然后答题。 Part I Term Translation (20%) Section A: Translate the following terms into Chinese. 1.career ladder 2.high staff turnover 3.Matrix Organization 4.Fortune 500 list of the worlds largest corporations 5.market share Section B: Translate the following terms into English* 6.净利润 7.前沿 8.性价比 9.库存控制 10.商誉赔偿金 Part II Reading Comprehension (40% ) Questions 11-17 Read these sentences and the three company plans below. Which company does each sentence describe ? For each sentence mark one letter (A9 B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Example To combine its operations in different parts of the world will save a lot of money for the company. Answer: B 11.The company has businesses in four continents of the world?


第一部分 一、交际用语(共计10分, 每小题2 分) 1-5 题: 阅读下面小对话, 选择恰当的答语。 (B )1.Could you give me an example of good team working there? 。 A. Sorry. I can see from your resume B. Sure. I was the treasurer of the Students Union C. Not at all. I was in charge of sales for Corporate Pan-Asia (C )2. Where shall we have the meeting? . A. The first conference room is spacious B. The first conference room isn't good C. In the first conference room ( C )3. Do you have any suggestions about it? . A. No, I have no idea B. Let me give you a hand C. After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion ( A )4. Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? . A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you B. No, thank you C. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking (A )5. Well, after my report, there’ll be a break for refreshments. . A. The break won't be long B. All right, I see C. All right, I'll see it 二、词汇与结构(共计30 分,每小题2 分) 6-20題: 阅读下面句子, 从A , B,C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项(A )6.The company's Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people to an interview. A. attend B. join C. go ( A ) 7.I'm particularly proud of I organized the finances. A.who B. which C. how ( C )8.There was in the meeting room as the general manager predicted the company's target. A. silence B. silent C. silently (C )9. There are some visitors to our marketing department next week. A. come B. coming C. to coming ( C )10.The meeting suggested the loan first. A. to reply B. replied C. repaying


镇原职专17级商务英语班商务英语期末试题(卷)I. Choose the best answer. ( )1. September 10th is ____in China. A. Teacher's Day B. Teachers'Day C. Teacher Day D. ( )2. ____ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 years. A.Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand o ( ) have never seen ____ interesting film. A. such B. such an C. so D. such a ( ) 4. They asked___ to do the work. A.you, he and I B. you, him and me C. I, you and he D. me, you and him ( ) 5. This book is____ that one, but____ than that one. A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more C. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult as; as ( ) 6. He speaks English___his aunt. A. as good as B. as well as C. as better as D. as best ( )7. Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays. ; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on ( ) 8. HecanspeakEnglish_______Chinese. B.also C.so D.and ( )9. — ______you help me carry these books —Sure. A. Should B. Could C. May D. Must ( )10. —Must I finish my homework today, —No, you you have to finish it tomorrow. ’t B. needn’t C. may not D. can’t ( ) uncle together with his two children every morning. running running to run to run ( ) 12. English ____ in Canada. A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken ( ) 13. A new house ___ at the corner of the road. A. is building B. is being built C. been built D. be building ( ) 14. Where ___ these boxes made A. Was B. were C. is D. am ( ) 15. The flowers ___ often. A. must be water B. must be watered C. must watered D. must water


商务英语翻译试题(三) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) credit A. a kind of money B. a method of paying at a later time C. currency D. charge or service (2) assign A. to take or move out B. to put sth in a particular order C. to choose or give a particular job to sb. D. to decide how sth will be made (3) to perform A. to project a program B. to contribute a fund C. to do an action or piece of work D. to cater for (4) to withhold A. to offer something for a decision B. to have a particular right to do C. to put something in a particular order D. to refuse to give or to keep back (5) to schedule A. to take on responsibility B. to trust in someone C. to bring in a consultant D. to list or state details (6) reimbursement A. to charge B. to pay back esp. money C. to claim for damages D. to ask for (7) qualify A. to make sth. Better B. to cause sb. to have the legal right to have or do sth. C. to choose sb. officially for a job D. to pay for the damage (8) put forward A. to arrange for something B. to come on something C. to put on an event D. to suggest an idea for consideration (9) to boost A. to take back or to remove B. to refuse to give C. to become less in number or smaller D. to improve or increase (10) to comply with


国开04009 商务英语 1 任务 6 参考答案 说明:如果课程题目是随机的,请按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案题目1:What if he still doesn't pay up? : If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we ; I've got to hurry. ; I have already done that. 标准答 If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we 案: 题目2:—The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I can ' t stop to talk. I ' ve got to hurry. : Go slowly. ; Stay longer. ; Ok, see you later. Ok, see you later. 标准答 案: 题目3: —Hello, Sally. What ' s the matter with you? You look worried. : What shall I do if a customer doesn ' t pay up on the due date? ; Yeah, that ' s true. It requires great attention. ; Don ' t mention it. 标准答案:What shall I do if a customer doesn 't pay up on the due date? 题目4:He didn ' t seem to any actions. : make ; do ; take 标准答 案:take 题目5:your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative. : Unless ; As ; If 标准答 案:Unless 题目6:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 _Dear Sirs,_ _Account No.8756_ 1. {A; B; C; D; E}


试卷号: ********学院20**学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业商务英语科目商务英语翻译出卷老师 ***** 试题号一二三四总分 得分 一请将下列合成词译成汉语:(1* 15=15) 1. free-spender 2. good--to—excellent care 3. office-bearer 4 . character-building 5 Bad news travels quickly. 6 knock-out system 7 marriage lines 8 nest egg 9 off-hour hobby 10 off-the-job training 11 on-the-job training 12 on-the-spot broadcasting 13 pension insurance

14 red-hot news 15 red-letter day 二下面的句子可采用增减词法来翻译,请写出具体的增词法或具体的减词法:(2*5=10)1.Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes. 2. I could knit when I was seven. 3. The day when he was born remains unknown. 4.We live and learn. 5.Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out. 三写出下列每组分别属于何种合译:(2*5=10) 1.to and from here and there off and onup and down 2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours 3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul 4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end 5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home 四. 按要求用所学过的翻译技巧翻译下例句子:(3*5=15) 1.我没注意到这一点.(用正译法) 2.你的工作令人满意.(用反译法) 3.我们不应该听闲话.(用正译法)


最新国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语2》期末试题标准题库及答案(试卷号:3936) 考试说明:本人汇总了历年来该科的试题及答案,形成了一个完整的标准考试题库,对考生的复习和考试 起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。内容包含:交际用语、词汇与结构、阅读理解、翻译。做 考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具(Ctrl+F ),把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速 查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核、机考及教学考一体化试题答案,敬请查看。 《商务英语2》题库一 一、交际用增(每小JE 2分,共计10分) :选择正魂的语句完成下列对话,弁格答案序号写在答霆纸上。 !? 一 Do we need io (ill in the application form? £. How about your friend? IJ Yan? Docs she work in the same department with you? A. Shr is fig thank you> and you? K She is thnnk you ? and she 1II be happy to see you agnin. (L She 15 fine, thnnk you, and she works in the Auditing Department In most cases? it is the total income rrceivecL A. When do you start to learn Rbout taxable income? B. Why do you want to know taxable income? (:. Whar docs taxable income rrfcr to? h Do you mean that dejjosits and withdrawals are posted to my Account inmirdiately? A. Yest we prtxress ca^h transactions during the working day. Yrs. wr process cgh transactions as soon as they Take place. C. Ycst wc process cash transactions on the second day. 5?一How can people avoid food contamination nowadays? A. The government should set strict rules to standardize the production of food. 氏 People should have balanced food to get different nutrients they need> C ? I agree with you On this pointe and we should pay more to attention to food safetye A. Yes. you niuxt. (L YtRw you may. B. Y CJ you need.


商务英语翻译试题(一(1-5)BBCCB (6-10)ABAAB 2.(1-5)CBCBD (6-10)BCABA ) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) to conclude A. to give one’s place to each B. to end or judge after some consideration C. to explain D. to contain (2) to enforce A. to break or act against a law B. to cause a law or rule to be obeyed C. to prevent movement from happening D. to direct something into a particular place (3) to appoint A. to take back property B. to meet someone’s needs C. to choose someone officially for a job D. to claim for something (4) to approve A. to abide by B. to comply with C. to have a positive opinion D. to come up with (5) obviate A. to violate B. to remove a difficulty, to avoid C. to allow sb to do D. to be apparent (6) to violate A. to break or act against a law, principle B. to beat or threaten someone C. to obey a law D. to cause a rule to be obeyed. (7) with respect to A. comply with B. in relation to C. conform to D. coincide with (8) to entertain a client A. to cater for B. to treat sb. at the table C. to launch a product D. to shorten a vacation

中国大学MOOC商务英语听说 期末测试答案

The technology giant’s revenue in China fell 14% in the first quarter, its fifth (1)_______quarterly sales decline: China was the only region where Apple’s sales fell last quarter. The lack of a new iPhone model explains some of the fall. 得分/总分 你没有填写答案 正确答案:consecutive 或Consecutive 2填空(1分) The company also faces strong (2) _________ from Chinese brands like Huawei, Oppo and Vivo, which together hold more than half of the market share. 得分/总分 你没有填写答案 正确答案:domestic competition 或Domestic competition 3填空(1分) But one key factor that’s often overlooked is (3) _________ Apple’s success in most countries is largely down to the way it locks users into the iOS operating ecosystem. 得分/总分 你没有填写答案 正确答案:customer loyalty 或Customer loyalty 4填空(1分) Anyone thinking of (4) _________ to a new Android-based handset has to ponder the hassle of a new interface and setting up all their apps again. 得分/总分 你没有填写答案 正确答案:switching 或Switching 5填空(1分) About 92% of iPhone owners in the U.S. who consider buying a new phone are going to (5) _________, according to a recent Morgan Stanley survey. 得分/总分 你没有填写答案 正确答案:stay put 或Stay put 6填空(1分) That stickiness allows Apple to sell new iPhone models (6) _________. 得分/总分 你没有填写答案 正确答案:at a premium 或At a premium 7填空(1分) In China, though, operating systems aren’t such a big (7) _______, says Ben Thompson, founder of research firm Stratechery. 得分/总分 你没有填写答案 正确答案:deal 或Deal 8填空(1分) Instead WeChat, the ubiquitous social network owned by Chinese (8) _________ Tencent, is crucial.


Unit 17 Problems, problems 17.1Dealing with problems (1)\ Listening and speaking Listen to someone talking about office problems. Offer to help by phoning the correct department. Use the words in the box to help you like this: VOICE 1: We need some more envelopes, (beep) YOU: m phone the Purchasing department VOICE 2: m phone the Purchasing department* (repeat) Accounts Service Purchasing Marketing (2)Grammar Underline the correct future form in italics. A: Hello. David Watkins speaking. B: Oh, rm trying /Tll try (1) to reach Ms North. A: She's in a meeting. Could I help? B: I want to place a large order and I'd like to discuss discount and delivery terms. Could I arrange a meeting with her for next week? A: Of course. Vm checking / Til check (2) her diary. When would you like to see her? B: Is next Tuesday at 3 OK? A: She's going /She'll go (3) to the new factory that afternoon. How about Wednesday at 10? B: That's fine. Wednesday at 10. A: Could I have your name please? B: Yes, it's Jenkins. Sandra Jenkins. A: Fine, I'm sending /Til send (4) you a letter to confirm the meeting. B: By the way, could you send me a copy of your catalogue? A: Yes, of course. I'm sending /Til send (5) you a copy today. B: I'd also like information about prices. A: OK. I'm enclosing /Tll enclose (6) a copy of our price list. B: Thanks very much. 1 look forward to seeing Ms North next week. Goodbye. A: Goodbye. (3)Writing What will you do? Write the offer you would make in each of these situations. 1BOSS: I'm going away next week and I need a plane ticket. YOU: I'll【)h(me the travel age/iL 2COLLEAGUE: I've got a lot of filing to do. YOU: ______________________________________ 3BOSS: I need a table at the restaurant for Thursday night next week. YOU: ______________________________________ 4CLIENT: rd like to make an appointment to discuss my account. YOU: ______________________________________ 5FRIEND: I'm not feeling very well, and I can't get out to go shopping. YOU:
