


It s my pleasure to introduce the city of Nanjing to you!Nanjing is a famous historical city in China .Nanjing has lots of beautiful spots in the downtown or rual of the city such as confucius temple xuanwu lake and olympic sports centre.The most beatiful is actually ming great wall locate in the fringe of the city.


Located at the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy in China and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River.



Nanjing is one of the most famous ancient Chinese cities as well as a historical-important one. Flowing Yangtsz River not only credles Yangtsz civilization but also contributes to the formation of Nanjing, a city lies in the south region of Yangzi River.

南京襟江带河,依山傍水,钟山龙蟠,石头虎踞,山川秀美,古迹众多。Nanjing is clocked by hills and grided by rivers. Zhong Mount stretches in a dragon's shape and the Rocky Stronghold looks like a crouching tiger. Landscape here is beautiful and there are array of historical sites.

To sum up, Nanjing was treated as the fortune place of the Han's renaissance and has an unique status and value in Chinese history.



南京市情简介 南京是江苏省省会,古老而又充满活力,历史文化名城和现代都市重合交融。曾被联合国授予“人居环境特别奖”,获全国十佳卫生城市、全国城市环境综合整治十佳城市、全国园林城市、优秀旅游城市、环保模范城市等荣誉称号。 Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province, the ancient and vibrant, historical and cultural city and a modern metropolis blend coincide. The United Nations has been awarded the "Habitat Environment Special Award", won the honorary title of National Top Ten Health City, the comprehensive improvement of urban environment ten cities nationwide, the National Garden City, outstanding tourist city, environmental protection model city and so on. 地理环境 南京地处长江三角洲,距入海口380公里,为我国东西水运大动脉长江与南北陆运大动脉京沪铁路的交汇点,素有“东南门户,南北咽喉”之称。南京处三面环山, 一面临水山环水绕的河谷盆地,境内山峦环抱,湖川偎依,自然条件优越,物产丰富,属于北亚热带季风气候区,日照充分,雨量充沛。气候温和湿润是四季分明的旅游城市。 孙中山先生就曾经这样赞誉南京:“其位置乃在一美善之地区,其地有高山,有深水,有平原,此三种天工,钟毓一处,在世界中之大都市诚难觅此佳境也”。 Geographical environment Nanjing Yangtze River Delta, 380 km away from the estuary, to the intersection of the main artery of the Yangtze River waterway stuff and north-south Beijing-Shanghai railway land aorta, known as the "gateway to the southeast, north and south of the throat," said. Nanjing place surrounded by mountains, facing the water mountain water ring around the valley basin, surrounded by the territory of mountains, lakes River snuggled superior natural conditions, rich, belonging to north subtropical monsoon climate, sunshine and abundant rainfall. It is mild and humid climate with four distinct seasons tourist city. Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing once this praise: "The position is a goodness in the region, which places high mountains, deep water, plains, three works of nature, a bell Yu, Cheng metropolis in the world of hard to find this nirvana too. "


介绍南京导游词 导读:南京导游词800 字南京以“博爱之都”闻名海内外,是江苏省的省会城市,全省政治、经济和文化中心。全市面积6598平方公里,常住人口为800 万人,下辖11区2 县。 南京位于长江下游的中心地带,主要是丘陵盆地地形,城区附近东有紫金山,西有清凉山,南有牛首山,北有栖霞山。紫金山由东向西延伸,从南京城中横穿而过,使南京城南城北形成了两条水系,南为秦淮河,北为金川河。除此之外,还有玄武湖和莫愁湖宛如两颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在南京的城东和城西。山与水的交织,共同造就了地形险要,山水壮丽的南京城。 由于南京城山环水绕,自古就是兵家必争之地。公元前472 年,越王勾践命范蠡最早在此建城,也就有了南京的第一个名字“越城”。从越城算起,南京的建城史已有近2500 年。古城南京具有深厚历史文化底蕴,位列我国四大古都之一,在此定都的朝代有:东吴、东晋、南朝时的宋、齐、梁、陈、以及后来的南唐、明初、太平天国和中华民国,故而南京又被称作“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”。历朝历代为南京留下了许多名字,如:金陵、秣陵、建邺、建康、蒋州、江宁、昇州、集庆、应天、天京等,有些名字作为南京的地名沿用至今。南京的得名来源于明朝初年,当时的南京叫应天府,朱元璋曾经打算把都城迁到开封,将开封命名为北京,应天府称南京,后来国都虽然没有迁成,但是南京的名称却一直保留下来。 中国的近代史从南京开始,也在南京结束。1842 年,清政府在南京下关的江面上与英国侵略者签订了中国近代史上第一个不平等条约——《南京

条约》。1949 年,中国人民解放军解放南京,标志着中国进入了社会主义的全新时代。 今日南京铁路、公路、航空、水运、管道等运输方式齐全,是华东地区重要的交通枢纽。南京禄口国际机场已开通覆盖国内45 个城市以及韩国、日本、泰国、新加坡等地在内的国内外航线。南京港地处长江下游黄金水道,目前通航五大洲近50 个国家和地区。近年来,南京市实施了规模空前的城市建设,南京第二长江大桥、南京第三长江大桥、玄武湖隧道、九华山隧道、赛虹桥立交桥、华东最大的双桥门五层立交等均已建成通车,大大提高了城市的交通能力,进一步优化了南京的投资环境。 南京是我省惟一跨江发展的城市,在我省沿海、沿江、沿线开放格局中处于枢纽位置,是中国东部地区重要的综合性工业基地和全国六大通讯枢纽之一。目前已形成了以“电子、石化、钢铁、汽车”四大支柱产业。 近年来,南京外向型经济成果显著,产业结构不断优化,第三产业占国内生产总值比重明显增加。金陵石化、南汽集团、熊猫电子等著名企业实力雄厚、产品畅销国内外,苏宁集团已经成长成为中国零售企业和民营企业的龙头老大,在业内具有较高的知名度。同时,南 京还是全国高等教育和科研重镇,科教实力雄厚,综合实力仅次于北京、上海。教育、科技的发达,为南京城市经济的持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。 南京城市品牌众多,多次被评为全国十佳卫生城市、全国城市环境综合整治十佳城市、全国园林城市、中国优秀旅游城市、环保模范城市等称号。南京的绿化水平全国闻名,森林覆盖率达到23%,森林与城市绿地在改


点如下: 1,南京位于中国东南部,是江苏省省会,人口约500万 2,南京有2400多年历史,曾有九个朝代在这里建都 3,南京很美,有许多名胜;如玄武湖,鸡鸣寺,石头城等。还有许多现代化工厂和高大的楼房 capital首都lie in位于have a population of有。。。人口have a history of 有。。。长历史dynasty朝代places of intere1名胜the stone city 石头城Jiming Temple 鸡鸣寺Xuanwu lake 玄武湖 提问者:拉力一- 二级最佳答案ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Nanjing . Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu. It is at the lower reaches of the Changjang River. It has more than 4 500 square kilometres. Nanjing is one six famous ancient capitals of China which has a history of over 2 400 years. From the third century AD, six dymasties, early or late, made Nanjing then capitals. Nanjing is a beautiful and quiet city. There many scenic spots and historical sites, such as the sun zhongshan Tomb, Ming Xiao Tomb ,Yuhuatai, Xuanwu lake.In 1968, the gyeat Nanjing Changjiang Bridge wasbuilt, which links up transport from the north to the south. Nanjing is the capital of China's Jiangsu Province and a city with a prominent place in Chinese history and culture. Nanjing has served as the capital of China during several historical periods, and is listed as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. Nanjing is also one of the fifteen sub-provincial cities in China's administrative structure, enjoying jurisdictional and economic autonomy only slightly less than that of a province. In addition, the Republic of China, which controls Taiwan and neighbouring islands, claims it as its de jure capital. Located in the downstream Yangtze River drainage basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Nanjing has always been one of China's most important cities. Apart from having been the capital of China for six dynasties and of the Republic of China, Nanjing has also served as a national hub of education, research, transportation and tourism throughout history. It is also the second largest commercial center in the East China region, behind only Shanghai. Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province in China, is situated in the golden Yangtze River Delta, it was built in 1386. The city plays an important role in the economy, transportation and education of the east part of China, and is said to be the second largest commercial port in the East China. With its majestic landscapes and epic history and cultures. Send teenagers to study abroad As we know, Chinese parents always like to give their kids the best thing, and education is a good example. Nowadays, especially in big cities, there is a tendency that more and more chinese parents try their best to send very young teenagers to study abroad. What will the overseas study bring to these children? In my opinion, oversea study is a good thing and is beneficial to these children. Firstly, as far as I am concerned, oversea study can help to open their minds, broaden their

介绍南京 英文对话

关于南京景点的英文对话 A:Hey sally. Long time no see B:Hey candy, welcome to Nanjing.I miss you so much. A: I miss you too. It's my first time to come to Nanjing, i know there are many places of historic interests.I'm very interested in .Can you show me around ? B:Absolutely. I've already arrange that A:You're so nice. B: The famous one is Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) .It is not only a memorial place for the Great Sage in China but has a surrounding area bustling with shops, restaurants and a snack street housed in traditional Chinese architectural buildings. A:Wow,it's amazing. No wonder there are so many people B:Yeah,Nanjing has been capital for six dynasties.So there are millions of people travelling here every year. A:what's name of this river?It seems historic B:Oh, that is Qin Huai river.It extends one hundred kilometers. The river used to be the most flourishing part of Nanjing in the old days. In many Chinese novels, it is renowned as a place which nurtured beauties and romance. Today, it is a place for people to recall the old splendor of this historical city. A:It must be quite be an experience to stand here and recall the heros and the old friends B:Yeah. It's very meaningful.Let's take this car..I'll take you to the next place……Here we are. It is called the Rampart of Nanjing A:Wow ,could I take a shots here? B:Sure. Go ahead A:It seems very immemorial B:Yeah, it was built in 1386,so it had a very history.but what a pity ,some of it had been destoried in the past.in nowdays,our government realize it is a big problem,so they try their best to protect it well.so until today we can still see the beautifui scenery. A:Ir is also a witness of some of the most important events down the chinese history


Nanjing Introduction: Nanjing is situated on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangzi river in eastern China. The city covers an area of over six thousand square kilometers with a population of over 6.2 million. As the capital of Jiangsu province, Nanjing is an important cultural and education center. The city boasts many of the province’s top universities and colleges. The city’s notable student population consists of both native Chinese and foreigners. The name Nanjing, which means "South Capital", is reflective of the importance of Nanjing as the capital of six dynasties in China’s fabled history (Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen). The Chinese often refer to Nanjing as "Jinling" and/or "Stone City", while some foreigners know it as "Nanking". Officially named Nanjing during the Ming dynasty, it was called "Ning" for short. Visitors to Nanjing will be impressed by the city’s well-preserved traditional architecture and historical sights. Parts of the original city walls and city gates are still intact, a feature which sets Nanjing apart from most ancient Chinese cities. food: Duck blood and vermicelli soup is a traditional delicacy of Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province, and is also eaten in other regions of China. A similar dish is also eaten in Poland, Belarus and Lithuania where it's called czernina.Duck blood, vermicelli, dried fried tofu, dried small shrimp, duck gizzards, duck intestines, duck livers, shallots, ginger, sesame oil, caraway, (and possibly some other ingredients) are used to make the soup. Legend: It is said that once there was a poor man in Nanjing. He killed a duck and used a bowl to hold the duck’s blood, but accidentally dropped some vermicelli into the bowl. He cooked them together and surprisingly found that the soup was delicious. A rich man heard the story and employed the poor man to cook the dish for his family. The soup has been popular ever since. Xiaolongbao is a type of steamed bun (baozi) from the Jiangnan region of China, especially associated with Shanghai and Wuxi. It is traditionally prepared in xiaolong, small bamboo steaming baskets, which give them their name. Xiaolongbao are traditionally filled with pork. One popular and common variant is pork


1.栖霞山 Qixiamountain (pronounced as Kitsya), called She Mountain in ancient times, is named because the QiXia Temple is located on the west side of its highest peak. There are three peaks along the mountain: Feng Xiang (Phoenix Flying) Peak,Long(dragon) Peak and Hu(Tiger) Peak. The QiXia Temple is the biggest one in the Nanjing Area. It is the cradle of the Buddhism School of The Three Sastras. It is one of the earliest established monasteries and is still currently in use. Here you can visit some typical Buddhist structures and learn about the history of Buddhism. QiXia Temple is famous not only for the structure, the stone sculptures and the pagoda, but also for the clear spring, luxuriant plant life; especially the red leaves of maple trees. These are in full bloom in spring and autumn making these times very popular. Lying 22 km northeast of Nanjing City, Qixia Mountain (SheMountain) is dubbed “the most beautiful mountain in Nanjing”. The mountain is 286 meters high and has three peaks - Dragon Peak, Tiger Peak and Fengxiang Peak. The well-known Buddhist temple, Qixia Temple, is located on the mountain. This temple was erected in 489 BC and was enlarged in the Tang Dynasty. It was once recognized as one of the Four Largest Temples in history. The temple was destroyed by fire during Qing Dynasty and reconstructed years later. The temple has a number of critical historic relics such as the Thousand Buddha Cliff, the Royal Stele and the Sheli Pagoda. The Qixia Temple Restaurant offers vegetarian foods for travelers. Recently, Chinese archeologists have found numerous ancient stone inscriptions carved on the cliffs of the Mountain. The cliff inscriptions were found during a research project for cultural relics and they could be dated back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties (960-1279). The archaeologists have also unearthed four grottoes and dozens of Buddhist sculptures in the grottoes. The mountain is popular for its maple trees. Each year, when the autumn arrives, thousands of local residents and visitors rush to the mountain to camp and to see the red and golden maple leaves, which covers the whole mountain. 2.Tangshan Hot Spring Tangshan is located in about 28 kilometers east of Nanjing Zhongshan gate. Tangshan spring water comes from 380 meters underground and Tangshan hot springs has been in a constant temperature. Whether in winter or summer, there is always little difference in temperature. It is in everywhere which has five mouth of all the spings.It is the east China's largest open-air hot spring base, tangshan is still the hot spring resort. 3.Confucius Temple Confucius, China's legendary sage, has lost. The advocate of respect, restraint and order is now associated in Nanjingers' minds with one thing--shopping! Centered around the ancient Confucius Temple (Fuzi Miao), this neighborhood in southern Nanjing is the place to be on weekends and holidays. Clothing shops and


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A SURVEY OF NANJING It s my pleasure to introduce the city of Nanjing to you!Nanjing is a famous historical city in China .Nanjing has lots of beautiful spots in the downtown or rual of the city such as confucius temple xuanwu lake and olympic sports centre.The most beatiful is actually ming great wall locate in the fringe of the city. 这是我的荣幸介绍城市南京的你!南京是中国著名的历史文化名城。南京有许多美丽的景点或城市的市中心乡村面临诸如孔子寺风景区玄武湖和奥林匹克体育中心。世界上最漂亮的实际上是明长城位于城市的边缘。 Located at the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy in China and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River. 位于中国东部,南京是江苏省省会,是中国经济的发展和一个重要的中部城市中下游的长江。 南京是中国著名的四大古都及历史文化名城之一。千百年来,奔腾不息的长江不仅孕育了长江的文明,也催生了南京这座江南城市。 Nanjing is one of the most famous ancient Chinese cities as well as a historical-important one. Flowing Yangtsz River not only credles Yangtsz civilization but also contributes to the formation of Nanjing, a city lies in the south region of Yangzi River. 南京襟江带河,依山傍水,钟山龙蟠,石头虎踞,山川秀美,古迹众多。Nanjing is clocked by hills and grided by rivers. Zhong Mount stretches in a dragon's shape and the Rocky Stronghold looks like a crouching tiger. Landscape here is beautiful and there are array of historical sites. To sum up, Nanjing was treated as the fortune place of the Han's renaissance and has an unique status and value in Chinese history. 总之,南京被认为是财富的地方汉族的文艺复兴和有一个独特的地位和价值在中国历史。


Nanjing Located at the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy in China and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River. Nanjing is situated on the vast plain of the lower reaches of the Yangtse River and at 32??03'N, 118??47'E. It belongs to the northern subtropical monsoon climate zone where the four seasons are clearly demarcated, the annual mean temperature is 16??, the annual even precipitation is 1,106 mm and the frost-free period is 237 days.At present, Nanjing has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 5 counties,covering an area of 6,516 square kilometers and having a population of about 5,200,000. Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple-producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and communication center, one of China's four major scientific research and educational central cities. The gross national products of the whole city in 1995 amounted to 58 billion yuan, a 12% increase over the previous year. Industry Nanjing is an important industrial base of China where a multi-producing industrial system taking electronics, automobiles, chemicals and a number of special products as the leading factors and having 36 industrial trades, over 200 industrial branches and more than 2,000 categories of products have been established. The industrial output value of the whole city in 1995 amounted to 81,800 million yuan, a 24.4% increase over the previous year, and the ratio of output to sales reached 96.4% which took the lead throughout the province. Commerce and Finance Nanjing is a major international commercial port in the Yangtse delta region, second only to Shanghai. The total turn over of retail sales of the social consumer goods in 1995 amounted to 24 billion yuan, a 27% growth over the previous year, ranking among ten major cities of the country. The monetary market plays an important controlling role in the economic operation of the city. Transportation and Communication Five means of transportation such as railway, waterway, air transport and piping constitute a three-dimensional and mass transport volume traffic network in an all-round way. Nanjing Port is a port for foreign trade leading to the ocean. The port area is 98 kilometers in full length and has 64 berths including 16 berths for ships with a tonnage of more than 10,000. Within the boundary of Nanjing, there are over 60 highway long-distance passenger traffic lines leading to all parts of the province; the Tianjin-Pukou, Shanghai-Nanjing and Nanjing-Wuhu Trunk Railways meet


介绍南京导游词 导读:南京导游词800字 南京以“博爱之都”闻名海内外,是江苏省的省会城市,全省政治、经济和文化中心。全市面积6598平方公里,常住人口为800万人,下辖11区2县。 南京位于长江下游的中心地带,主要是丘陵盆地地形,城区附近东有紫金山,西有清凉山,南有牛首山,北有栖霞山。紫金山由东向西延伸,从南京城中横穿而过,使南京城南城北形成了两条水系,南为秦淮河,北为金川河。除此之外,还有玄武湖和莫愁湖宛如两颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在南京的城东和城西。山与水的交织,共同造就了地形险要,山水壮丽的南京城。 由于南京城山环水绕,自古就是兵家必争之地。公元前472年,越王勾践命范蠡最早在此建城,也就有了南京的第一个名字“越城”。从越城算起,南京的建城史已有近2500年。古城南京具有深厚历史文化底蕴,位列我国四大古都之一,在此定都的朝代有:东吴、东晋、南朝时的宋、齐、梁、陈、以及后来的南唐、明初、太平天国和中华民国,故而南京又被称作“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”。历朝历代为南京留下了许多名字,如:金陵、秣陵、建邺、建康、蒋州、江宁、昇州、集庆、应天、天京等,有些名字作为南京的地名沿用至今。南京的得名来源于明朝初年,当时的南京叫应天府,朱元璋曾经打算把都城迁到开封,将开封命名为北京,应天府称南京,后来国都虽然没

有迁成,但是南京的名称却一直保留下来。 中国的近代史从南京开始,也在南京结束。1842年,清政府在南京下关的江面上与英国侵略者签订了中国近代史上第一个不平等条约——《南京条约》。1949年,中国人民解放军解放南京,标志着中国进入了社会主义的全新时代。 今日南京铁路、公路、航空、水运、管道等运输方式齐全,是华东地区重要的交通枢纽。南京禄口国际机场已开通覆盖国内45个城市以及韩国、日本、泰国、新加坡等地在内的国内外航线。南京港地处长江下游黄金水道,目前通航五大洲近50个国家和地区。近年来,南京市实施了规模空前的城市建设,南京第二长江大桥、南京第三长江大桥、玄武湖隧道、九华山隧道、赛虹桥立交桥、华东最大的双桥门五层立交等均已建成通车,大大提高了城市的交通能力,进一步优化了南京的投资环境。 南京是我省惟一跨江发展的城市,在我省沿海、沿江、沿线开放格局中处于枢纽位置,是中国东部地区重要的综合性工业基地和全国六大通讯枢纽之一。目前已形成了以“电子、石化、钢铁、汽车”四大支柱产业。 近年来,南京外向型经济成果显著,产业结构不断优化,第三产业占国内生产总值比重明显增加。金陵石化、南汽集团、熊猫电子等著名企业实力雄厚、产品畅销国内外,苏宁集团已经成长成为中国零售企业和民营企业的龙头老大,在业内具有较高的知名度。同时,南
