



( ) 1. -----it’s cloudy outside. please take an umbrella. -----____________.

a. yes, take it easy

b. well,it just depends

() 2. convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are _______in most supermarkets.

a. incredible

b. acceptable

c. probable

d. available

( )3. allow children the space to voice their opinions,____________ they are different from

your own.

a. until

b. even if

c. unless

d. as though

( ) 4. the advertisement should be banned if they made children feel __________ others if

they didn’t own the advertised product.

a. superior to

b. inferior to

c. superior than

d. inferior than

of insects arrive to attack the farmers’ crops.

a. healthily and hungrily

b. healthy and hungry

c. healthily or hungrily

d. healthy or hungry

( ) 6. we should take effective measures__________ the environment and make full _______

of limited resources.

a. to protect; use

b. to protect; advantage

c. protecting; most

d. protecting; time

( ) 7. -----do you know where david is? i couldn’t find him anywhere.

-----well. he __________ have gone far----- his coat’s still here.

a. shouldn’t

b. mustn’t

c. can’t

d. wouldn’t

( ) 8. the theory of relativity, which was not accepted by most people,_________ later.

a. was proved true

b. proved true

c. was proved truly

d. proved truly

( ) 9. if you grow up in _________ large family, you are more likely to develop ________

ability to get on well with __________ others.

a. / ; an ; the

b. a; the; /

c. the; an; the

d. a; the; the

( ) 10. they __________ on the program for almost one week before i joined them, and now

a. had been working; are still working

b. had worked; were still working

c. have been working; have worked

d. have worked; are still working



bedtime stories are one of the delights of early childhood. but according to dr julie spreadbury from queensland university, parents should not up reading to their children

(12)_they enter primary school. she says listening to, reading and discussing the stories help 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后每题所给的4个选项中选择最


children’“reading to them,” dr spreadbury says. “(16)_ may be at the end of year one, which is far too ”parents and their children closer. “this makes it for them to open up and talk to parents about things that are worrying them, or things they are (20)_ in their everyday life.”

( )11. a. speedb. keep c. gived. hold

( )12. a. until b. after c. ifd. unless

( )13. a. entertainmentb. development c. relaxation d. thinking

( )14. a. theory b. study c. storyd. decision

( )15. a. beginb. just c. stop d. start

( )16. a. some b. most c. theyd. that

( )17. a. difficult b. early c. muchd. informal

( )18. a. children b. usc. themd. you

( )19. a. clearer b. funnier c. rarerd. easier

( )20. a. reading b. promisingc. celebrating d. receiving


according to some scientists, high-risk sports can be particularly valuable for certain types of people. such activities help them (21)_ that being frightened doesn’

t mean that they have to lose the recent year fashion for jumping from bridges fastened to a length of elastic rope, known as “bungee jumping”, has now been by over one million people worldwide, and

before the special elastic rope tightens around kilometers per hour. people who never did this before are usually too (26)_ to open their mouths, of refusing to jump at the last minute (30)_ finally persuades them to conquer their fear of heights and push themselves off into space.

( )21. a. learn b. imagine c. admit d. think

( )22. a. trust

( )23. a. tried

( )24. a. add

( )25. a. it b. temperc. hope d. control b. playedc. performedd. jumpedb. extendc. broaden d. grow b. them c. people d. the bridge

( )26. a. delighted b. shy c. frightenedd. relaxed

( )27. a. suddenly b. skillfully c. softly d. safely

( )28. a. smilesb. teeth c. eyes d. mouths

( )29. a. boringb. tiring c. exciting d. ridiculous

( )30. a. which b. that c. what d. this




there are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. the first is the sort of brain he is born with. human brains differ greatly, some being more powerful than others. but no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has chances to learn. so the second factor is what happens to the individual, the sort of environment in which he is reared.

if an individual is disabled environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable. the importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be shown by

( )31. this selection can be titled ________.

a. measuring your intelligence

b. the case of peter and mark

c. intelligence and environment

( )32. the best statement of the main idea of this passage is that ________.

a. environment is crucial in determining a person’s intelligence

b. the brain a person is born with is important in determining his intelligence

c. human brains differ considerably

d. persons having identical brains will have roughly the same intelligence

( )33. according to the passage, the average iq is ________.

a. 85

b. l00

c. 110

d. 135

( )34.the case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that ________.

a. individuals with identical brains seldom test at the same level

b. an individual’s intelligence is determined only by his environment

c. changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain

d. lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence

( )35. this passage suggests that an individual’s iq ________.

a. can be predicted at birth

b. can be increased by education

c. stays the same throughout one’s life

d. is determined by one’s childhood


so all over the world there are millions of families left alone, each in its own box—parents faced with the specter of what may happen if either one gets sick, children fearful that their parents may end their quarrels with divorce, and empty-handed old people without any role in the life of the next generation.

individuals and families do get some kind of help, but what they learn and what those who work hard within the framework of social agencies convey, even as they try to help, is that families should be able to care for themselves.

( )36. according to the passage, when young families are isolated, ________.

a. old people can easily accept the change

b. people keep moving from place to place

d. economy develops at high speed

( )37. what is said to be the major problem facing young couples?

a. they need to fulfill more obligations.

b. they are incapable of balancing the budget.

c. they have their children spoiled and over-indulge


d. they get empty-handed after divorc


( )38. we know from the second paragraph that ________.

a. old people are less healthy than the younger generations

b. young people are easier to fall ill than old people

c. divorce is possible as a result of quarrels between the parents

d. parents care more about the health of their children than their own

( )39. it is implied by the author that ________.

a. social agencies in america can be very helpful

b. the help to american families from social agencies is limited

c. the government should do more to improve patchwork programs

d. the fragmentary nature of the american family is unique

( )40. which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?

a. family and society

b. the mobility of american families

c. individualism and society

d. who care for families











11.c 12.b 13.b 14.b 15.c16.b 17.b 18.a 19.d


21.a 22.d 23.a 24.d 25.b26.c 27.d 28.a 29.c


31.c 32.a 33.b 34.d 35.d36.b 37.a 38.c 39.c






1. 自选题—“英语达人秀”(分值30分,2分钟)



1) 小学a、b、c组:情景描述(2分钟)



2) 初中d组、高中e组、大学成人f组:超级演说(2分钟)



1) my dream

2) value every minute

3) learn and have fun

4) the power of a smile

5) what should we thank?我的梦想珍惜时间学习与娱乐微笑的力量感恩

6) honesty is the best policy. 诚实乃上策

7) a mistake i will never repeat 不会再犯的一次错误

8) the greatest invention in my eyes 我眼中最伟大的发明

9) my views on chatting on the internet 我对网上聊天的看法


1) the future is now 现在决定未来

2) my future occupation我的职业规划

3) my opinion on team spirit 关于团队合作

4) the smile behind the tear 阳光总在风雨后

5) love and take care of nature 关爱自然

6) finding me-time is important 自我时间

7) harmonious campus in my eyes 和谐校园

8) what kind of a person i hope to be?我想成为这样的人

9) the importance of keeping optimistic 保持乐观的重要性

10) what would you do if you had only one day left to live?



1) how to sell yourself 自信

2) opportunity around us 机会无处不在

3) building trust between people 人与人之间的信任

5) the most valuable investment最有价值的投资

7) knowing the consequences of choice选择的重要性

8) what college education means to me.大学教育对我的意义

9) what kind of success i hope to achieve我的成功观

10) let’s stand up from where we fall down 哪里跌倒哪里爬起


1) 小学a组:单词联想(2分钟)

比赛规则:参赛选手随机抽取一个字母,在规定时间2分钟内说出与以该字母开头的单词。(如抽到b----baby, banana等)每说出一个单词得5分,说对6个得满分,满分30分。(范例如下)

2) 小学b、c组:字母组词(2分钟)

比赛规则:选手随机抽取试题,试题上有若干个元音字母和辅音字母。选手自由选择字母进行组词,字母可重复使用。每完成一个正确的单词得5分,完成6个得满分,满分30分。 (范例如下)













for: surfing the internet is helpful for middle school students.上网对中学生有益。

against: surfing the internet is harmful for middle school students. 上网对中学生有害。


for: setbacks will contribute to success. 挫折有利于成才。

against: setbacks will impede success.挫折不利于成才。

4. 城市文化现场问答(分值20分,1分钟)





★第一环节:英文自我介绍(20秒)+ 英语才艺展示(40秒)









希望之星英语演讲稿 篇一:XX希望之星小学组英语演讲稿6篇 1.学生两分钟英语演讲稿 Good morning everyone, now is my turn to the speech. First of all, I would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good year. My English is not high, I wish I could within the next two years to learn English well. I hope you will be able to learn English after graduation to have a good future. Finally, I wish the students and teachers a happy new year, further study and work. Well! I finished the speech. Thank you for listening。 大家早上好,今天是轮到我讲话。首先,我要说的是,快速测试,我们希望很好的准备,良好的测试的所有,是唯一回家的路上有一个良好的一年。我的英语水平不高,我希望我能在未来两年内学好英语。我希望,你将能够学习英语毕业后有一个美好的未来。最后,我祝愿学生和教师的快乐新的一年里,进一步研究和工作。好!我完成了讲话。谢谢你听。 2.英语两分钟自我介绍演讲稿 Hello,everyone!


《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初赛演讲稿 第1篇: My Dreams Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today,my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it . I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come tru e one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will,there is a way 《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初中比赛演讲稿 第2篇: I Love English Ladies and Gentlemen ,


希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿 My Dreams Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it . I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way . I love English I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me GREat pleasure. When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world. Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons. On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English. I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the GREat Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.


希望之星英语风采大赛活动策划书 上饶师范学院英语风采大赛暨2014年中央电视台“希望之星英语风采大赛”上饶师院赛区选拔赛 主办单位:上饶师范学院团委、学生会 上饶师范学院外国语学院 承办单位:上饶师范学院外国语学院团总支、学生分会 上饶师范学院外语协会 一、活动目的 为进一步加强我校学风建设,营造良好的学习氛围,展现我校师生良好的专业素养,为学校参加2014年中央电视台“希望之星英语风采大赛”选拔人才、储备人才,特策划举办“上饶师范学院英语风采大赛暨2014年中央电视台‘希望之星英语风采大赛’上饶师院赛区选拔赛”。 二、大赛主题:talk with the world , share our dreams!

三、大赛宗旨: 1.培养兴趣、增强信心、展示风采、树立榜样; 2.成长比成绩更重要,体验比名次更珍贵; 四、报名及参赛方式 1.报名方式: 学院推荐:除外国语学院之外的其他二级学院向大赛组委会推荐1-2名优秀选手参加大学英语组校级选拔赛;外国语学院在xx和xx级同学中推荐若干名优秀选手参加学校专业组比赛; 自愿报名:各在籍在校、对英语学习有强烈的兴趣、大学英语四级成绩超过450分、大学英语六级和英语专业四级的同学,凭相关成绩单于3月14日前在学校指定报名点报名。 五、比赛环节:比赛分为预选赛、校级决赛两个环节,组委会根据选手的表现,推荐选手参加5月份在南昌进行的全省总决赛。 预选赛采取口试和笔试的方式,选

拔20名左右的选手参加校级比赛的决赛; 决赛 ?主题演讲,各参赛选手围绕大赛的主题,进行五分钟的英语演讲; ?才艺展示,各参赛选手根据自己的特长,在3-5分钟内表演节目; ?即兴演讲,选手根据比赛组委会提供的视屏以及其它的相关材料,根据要求做5分钟即兴演讲,并回答评委的提问。 六、奖项设置 奖项 英语专业组 大学英语组 一等奖 1 1 二等奖 2 2 三等奖


希望之星英语风采大赛小学A组看图说单词培训参赛题库 参考历年全真例题 例题1 参考答案: cherry樱桃、watermelon西瓜、mouse老鼠、pear梨子、grape葡萄、snail蜗牛、sheep绵羊 例题2 参考答案: bread面包、cake蛋糕、peach桃子、hamburger汉堡包、mango芒果、watermelon 西瓜、pineapple菠萝 例题3

参考答案: strawberry草莓、apple苹果、lemon柠檬、cow奶牛、frog青蛙、horse马、sheep绵羊 例题4 参考答案: banana香蕉、orange桔子、French fries/ chips薯条、coconut tree椰子树、hot dog热狗、orange juice桔子汁、milk牛奶 例题5

参考答案: mouse老鼠、cake蛋糕、milk牛奶、pig猪、cow奶牛、dog狗、goat山羊 例题6 参考答案: bird鸟、bee蜜蜂、butterfly蝴蝶、snail蜗牛、flower花、rabbit兔子、frog青蛙 例题7

参考答案: cook厨师、doctor医生、nurse护士、policewoman女警察、waiter男招待员、worker工人、driver司机 例题8 参考答案: duck鸭子、fox狐狸、cat猫、elephant大象、goose鹅、fish鱼、coconut tree 椰子树、sun太阳、cloud云、ball球、water水、sea海 例题9

参考答案: sunny天晴的、rainy下雨的、snowy下雪的、windy刮风的、cloudy多云的 例题10 参考答案: spring春天、summer夏天、fall/ autumn秋天、winter冬天、pig猪、cow奶牛、dog狗、goat山羊 例题11

CCTV希望之星英语风采大赛小学C组 样题

……………密………………封………………线………………内………………禁………………止………………答………………卷…………… 第九届国际英语电视大赛 城市初赛样题(小学C组) 注意事项: 1)本试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟。 2)考生务必将自己的姓名、学校、班级及准考证号等分别写在答题卡左侧远离密封线的边缘处。 答题要远离密封线。 3)考生务必将答案填写在答题卡上,填写在试题卷上的答案无效。 ⅠChoice.(选择正确的答案;共15小题,每小题1分,合计15分) 1.My parents usually get up________6:40. B.on 2.----What's the date today? ----____________ A.It's Friday. B.It's hot. C.It's April1st. 3.----__________?----They are listening to music. A.What do they do? B.What are you doing? C.What are they doing? 4.The girl can dance,______the boy can’t. A.but B.and 5.I can play___________football.My sister can play___________violin. A.the;the B.the;/ C./;the 6.My brother___________books now. A.reads B.reading reading 7.Mary is ill.__________________ A.She should take a rest. B.She should go to school. C.She should eat a lot of food. 8.June comes July. A.before B.after C.above 9.---How________your father usually go to bed? ---He usually______to bed at11:00. A.did…go B.does…goes…go 10.What is the national animal of China? A.Tiger B.Panda C.Lion 11.Which one is from China? 12.When is Boxing Day? A.26th December B.25th December. C.26th November. 13.People in Mexico,Japan,Korea,China use to give or receive presents to show their mutual respect. A.right hand B.left hand C.both hand the world's longest man-made structure. A.Eiffel Tower B.Great Wall C.Tiananmen Square 15.Scotland is in Europe.It is part of. A.Unite State B.Britain C.China ⅡTrue or False. (判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误;共5小题,每小题2分,合计10分) 1.I am seeing lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon. 2.Table Tennis is the national sport of China. 3.Black Friday is the Friday following Christmas in the United States. 4.People in Brazil don’t give red flowers as gifts because it is unlucky. 5.In China,people avoid giving a clock as a gift,because it might imply the end of friendships or death. ⅢFilling.(根据短文内容,选择正确的单词填空,每小题1分,合计5分) had was saw took left It6a long holiday.We7Shanghai on April1st and got to Hainan on the 2nd.On that day,I went to a park with my parents.We8many pictures.On the 3rd,I9elephants in the zoo.On the4th,I did my homework.On the5th,I bought many presents for my friends.We went back to Shanghai by plane on the6th.We10a good time. ⅣWriting.(连词成句,共5小题,每小题2分,合计10分) you what have lunch for today(?) there on the a book desk(.) 13.what usually do on you do the weekend(?) 14.let’s TV watch together(.) you why like summer(?) ⅤWriting.(用所给单词的适当形式填空,共5小题,每小题2分,合计10分) 16.What about_____(go)for a walk? 17.Can you_______(give)me some books? 18.Let’s go(skate)on Sunday. 19.Mike often goes(swim)in summer. 20.Helen is(fat)than Yang Ling.Because she likes eating sweet food. ⅥMatching.(根据问句选择正确的答句,共10小题,每小题2分,合计20分) 21.Can you play piano? A.Because it’s sweet. 22.What do you do on Sundays? B.Yes,I can. 23.I like summer.What about you? C.Yes,he is. 24.What would you like to eat for dinner? D.There are some books and two pens. 25.Is he strong? E.Yes,they are. 26.When do you have music class? F.They are in the zoo. 27.Why do you like ice-cream?G.I read books at home. 28.Are there any boats near that lake?H.I like spring.

英语希望之星风采大赛即兴问答题库 (小学组)

希望之星英语风采大赛小学组评委即兴问答题库(附参考回答) 1.Which school do you study in?Which subject do you like best?Why? I study in …School. I like…best. I’m good at … Because my father/mother is a/an…I want to be a/an …in the future, just like my mother/father... 2.H ow many people are there in your family?Can you tell us a story that happened in your family? There are three/five…people in my family. They’re my grandmother/mother, …and me. My father is a businessman/an English teacher…My mother is working at school/in the hospital/in the…company. Last winter/summer holiday, I went to Shanghai/Beijing/Hangzhou…with my family. We vistied the Science Museum/the Tiananmen Square/the Fordden City/the West Lake…It’s very famous and interesting. We had a lot of fun together. 3.W ho is your best friend? Why he or she is your best friend? My best friend is …She’s/He’s kind/funny/active/quiet/lovely/cute/serious/helpful…She/He has big shining eyes and long wavy/straight/curly hair…I often play games/do homework/have lunch/go shopping…with my friend. We help each other. We always do sports/play badminton/jump ropes/read books…together. 4.W ho is your English teacher? Do you like her (him)? Why? Miss…/Mrs…is my English teacher. She’s/He’s funny/serious…She/He is wearing glasses. She/He often wears yellow dress/white T-shirt with blue jeans…I like her/him/my English


cctv-news的女主持人有哪些? 田薇,女。中央电视台英文国际频道(CCTV NEWS)《Dialogue 》cctv-9田薇和《World Insight》节目主持人。曾在中国国际广播电台任播音员,制作人,历任POP全国少儿英语风采大赛资深评委,CCTV希望之星英语风采大赛资深评委(CCTV-10)。曾驻美国报道伊拉克战争等国内外重大事件。在2009年2月20~22日希拉里来华访问期间田薇应美国方面邀请,以个人身份,亲历了美国国务卿希拉里对中国为期两天的访问全过程,并与希拉里进行了面对面的访谈。 李东宁,女。中央电视台英文国际频道(CCTV9)《中国各地》节目主持人。专长是编稿、责编与主持,曾制作电视专题片《西藏的灵感》。李东宁生活中清新随意,清秀干净,明澈灵动的双眸,纯净得不含一丝杂质。她的话不多,但流畅而隽永,尤其在谈到她心弛神往的西藏时,纯净的眼眸间更夹裹着丝丝神秘与热切。娇小纤细一如东宁,却素爱探险活动。她如高原藏民般单纯、自信、乐观的性格,外加一份对大自然不断探寻的执著与热爱使然。敢于冒险更是缘自她对工作的热爱与投入。 于泽 一口流利简洁的英语,一双犀利敏锐的眼睛,她就是CCTV-9的新闻节目主持人于泽(英文名字cctv-9于泽shirley)。于泽在2002年以优异的成绩毕业于美国佛州州立大学并获得MBA工商管理硕士学位,不久就加入MerrillLynch (美林集团)工作。在2007年,她应邀参加了美国前总统克林顿组织的一场私人聚会,终于有幸站在了心目中的英雄身边,她感到从这位老人的身上得到一种非凡的力量。从那以后,在中国博鳌论坛上,她邂逅了澳大利亚前总理霍克(RobertHawke),后来又结识了菲律宾前总统拉莫斯和美国前国务卿鲍威尔,还有《福布斯》富豪榜的几十名英才。从克林顿到霍克,她倾听他们身后那些鲜为人知的人生经历,了解了领袖们的成功故事并深深感受着他们的人格魅力。这些高端人物带给她的时空视野,坚定了她的高远志向,也触发了她报效祖国,做出了到中央电视台工作的人生选择。 刘欣江苏镇江人,1993年考取南京大学外国语学院英语系。1996年3月代表南大参加首届“21世纪杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛,获得冠军;1996年5月代表中国大学生首次参加在伦敦举办的世界英语演讲比赛,获得冠军。1997年8月进入中央电视台。她精通英语,法语流利,还可以用土耳其语进行日常对话。刚进中央电视台工作,一开始做翻译,然后慢慢向新闻采访转轨,再到后来做主持人,刘欣一直在一个小小的角落里默默耕耘,至于观众看到看不到,她从来没有多想。但是在不知不觉中,已经有很多人开始关心刘欣、爱护刘欣。她也被网友评为“最富有智慧且富有美感的女性。 谈及主持风格,刘欣有着独到的追求。刘欣的节目追求平淡,但力求实在,把自己放在与观众平等的的位置,以最自然的态度与观众交流。刘欣的主持没有过多花哨的东西,不以气势压人,电视上的刘欣显得很沉稳,不是靠华丽的装束,


希望之星英语演讲稿高中 Thank you . Now I have a song to share with you.The title is “Can you swim in the river? We students are the builders and masters of the country. It is important for us to know how to be a good student .As far as I think, there are many important traits, the traits like this: Nowadays,Some students may have wrong ideas of what a good student is. they think a good student should study all the subjects well and listen to the teachers all the time, but actually these ones don't care about anything except study. Firstly, we must have clear world values. We must knows what we should do and what we shouldn't do. Secondly, a good students should learn as much as possible. So a good student always tries to learn from both text-books and other books. Besides reading, doing some sports and manual works. however, we can’t always study alone, sometimes you need a discussion, don’t forget to work hard with your friends, it will be great help to you. Thirdly, a strong character and will-power are also need. Because we have troubles every day. How to face the difficulties in study and our lives is very important. A good student won't be afraid of difficulties, we'll always try our best, we will never give up.


C C T V希望之星英语风 采大赛城市决赛样题 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

第八届国际英语电视大赛 暨中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛国际 赛 广东赛区城市决赛说明及相关样题 1.自选题—“英语达人秀”(分值30分,2分钟) 比赛规则:选手运用多种才艺表演形式来充分展现自己,如英语故事、英语歌曲、名人模仿, 乐器,舞蹈,武术,书法,地方戏曲、魔术等;力求内容丰富,形式新颖,充分展 示你是“英语达人”。 2.指定题(分值20分,2分钟) 1)小学A、B、C组:情景描述(2分钟) 比赛规则:参赛选手随机抽取图片,根据所选图片的情景用英语进行现场描述,使画面更加生 动、有趣;立意新、内容丰富,密切联系实际生活,充分体现英语在 生活中的应用。 请尽可能发掘你的丰富想象力,用最幽默风趣的英语表达你的想法。(范例如下) 小学A组情景描述: Example: Look at the picture. I can see a boy and a girl. They are flying kites in the park. They are happy. There are five birds in the sky. They are singing. I can see some beautiful flowers, too. And there are many trees over there. Look at the dog, it is running. I also have a dog and I like it very much! 小学B组情景描述: Example: Today I want to introduce my family to you. My Daddy is the tallest in my family. He has short brown hair. And he is wearing a red sweater and a pair of blue trousers. He is


第八届国际英语电视大赛暨中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛国际赛 城市初赛中西方文化备考范围 小学A组: About China: 1.What is the capital of China? -----Beijing. 2.What are the two big rivers in China? -----Changjiang and Huanghe. 3.What are ancient China’s four inventions? -----Compass, gunpowder, papermaking skill and typography. 4.Symbols of Chinese Culture: A. Dragon--It is a great animal in Chinese tale. It’s the spirit of struggle, hard working and harmony. B. Tea--It has a very long history and it’s regarded as China’s national drink. C. The Great Wall--it is one of the greatest wonders of the world with a history of more than 2000 years. About Australia: 5.What is the capital of Australia? -----Canberra. 6.What is the official language? -----English. 7.What color is the flag of Australia? -----Blue, red and white. 8.What are the famous animals in Australia? -----Koala, kangaroo and emu. Five symbols of American: 9. Statue of Liberty--The statue of liberty is also called Liberty Enlightening the World. 10. Barbie Dolls--it is the most famous and best-selling doll in 20th century.


希望之星英语演讲稿 希望之星英语演讲稿 一、 harmony between man and nature is economic and social development to a certain extent, a certain stage,the only way is to sum up experiences and lessons of humanity after the inevitable choice, time goes by, the dramatic increase in population, human experience and the accumulation of knowledge and the development of science and technology , especially after the industrial revolution, human transformation of nature, affect the ability of the natural growing .more than 100 years ago, engels pointed out that human beings can change the natural order to make the natural world for their own purposes, to dominate the natural world, but every stepwe take must bekept in mind that human domination of nature is not standing outsidenature 人与自然的和谐,是经济和社会发展在一定程度上,一定阶段,唯一的方法是总结后的必然选择,时间的经验教训和人类的推移,人口的急剧增加,人类的经验和积累的知识和科学技术的发展,特别是在工业革命,人类改造自然,影响自然增长的能力。一百多年前,恩格斯指出,人类可以改变自然,以弥补自己的目的自然世界,主宰自然世界,但我们采取的每一步,必须牢记,人类统治自然不是站在外面的性质 二、youth

希望之星英语风采大赛小学B 组演讲稿 This is me

Hello, everyone! My name is Gaoyuan. I am thirteen years old. I was born in Yixing and I live with my parents in Yixing now. My hometown -----Yixing is a beautiful city.There are a lot of famous[’feim?s] sceneries, such as the Shan Juan cave [keiv], the Mu Li Cave and so on .The scenery [’si:n?ri] is superb [.sju:’ p?:b] in mountains. The most famous thing in Yixing is traditional teapots. They are very beautiful. And a teapot is a very good present to send to your good friends, I am sure your friend will like it very much. But that is a little expensive. I am lively [’laivli].I work hard at all my lessons, so I am a top student in my class. I like reading very much. I have a lot of good books, such as , and so on. I like the writer of -----Margaret Mitchell best, the novel [’n Dv?l] is very interesting, and I think the dramatis personae[’dr?m?tis p?:’ s?unai] of the novel -----Katie Scarlett O'Hara is vixenish[’viks?ni?] . English is my favourite lesson. My English teacher often says that it is important to learn English well, English is useful. I go along with it very much. Chinese is our mother


1 Showing China to the world. Everybody knows that China is a very big country in the world . China covers 9,600,000 (9 millions and 6 hundred thousands) square kilometers. 56 nations make up the whole population of China. About 1.3 billion people live and work together on the land. It has a long history with five thousand years. there are many interesting places in China. such as the Great wall(长城),the Summer palace(故宫),Changjiang River (长江)and so on. so lots of people will come China to visit every year. and it held Olympic in 2008.and it will become more and more beautiful. I love China,Welcome to China,That’s all, Thank you very much. 2 The Advantages of Travelling Travelling is good for everybody's health. When you travel outside, you must walk a lot, so that you will take lots of exercises. You can also see many beautiful scenes in the places you travel. That is good for your eyes. Moreover, travelling can broaden your knowledge that you can't get in the textbooks in class. Travel is beneficial to us in at least three ways. First, we can visit some famous cities by traveling. Second, we will meet people with different culture and interest when we travel.Third,travelling will help us to gain knowledge of geography and history. In a word, we can benefit from travelling. That’s all, Thank you very much. 3 My Chinese teacher Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher. She is young and beautiful. She graduated from Chongqing university. She comes to our school for five years. I like her class very much, because she always tell us interesting stories. In her class, everything seems to be easy. she can lead the teaching joyful. I can learn a lot from her, because she is knowledgeable. I like her lessons. That’s all, thank you very much. 4 Thanksgiving day Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in December. Thanksgiving Day is very popular in western country. On that day, people will make a big turkey. The day is to in honor of Indian people’s great kindness. Last Thanksgiving, I spent Thanksgiving day with many American friends at the church. American Friends of the church shared delicious turkeys. Although the turkey doesn't taste as good as the chicken from my homeland, I remember this special Thanksgiving day and the friendship of American. That’s all, thank you very much. 5 My favorite sport There are many kinds of sports . Some people like playing basketball, some like playing football, others liking swimming, However, the sport that I like most is badminton. It is very popular in China because of lin Dan. Because of him, many boys in China get to know about badminton. He is so excellent that everybody wants to play like him. I started playing badminton in the third grade. Before playing badminton, I was a cheerleader(拉拉队)for sports meeting in our class. After playing badminton, I became an sports man in our class. I found I had loved deeply this sport. The badminton games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.
