
Titanic Survivor Reading Response

1. Introduction

When we think of the Titanic, we often think of it as a tragic event in history. However, there is more to the story than just the sinking of the ship. In this article, we will explore the experiences of the survivors of the Titanic and how their stories have impacted our understanding of this historical event.

2. The Titanic Legacy

The sinking of the Titanic was a pivotal moment in history, and the stories of the survivors have shaped our understanding of the event. One of the most famous survivors is Violet Jessop, who also survived the sinking of the Titanic's sister ship, the Britannic. Her memoir, "Titanic Survivor," provides a unique perspective on the events leading up to the disaster and its aftermath.

3. Personal Reflection

Reading "Titanic Survivor" has given me a new appreciation for the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the tragedy that occurred, the survivors found the strength to move forward and even contribute to the understanding of the event. Their stories

serve as a reminder of the importance of hope and perseverance in the face of adversity.

4. The Impact of Survivor Stories

The accounts of the survivors have had a profound impact on our understanding of the Titanic. Their firsthand experiences have provided valuable insights into the conditions onboard the ship, the response to the disaster, and the aftermath for those who survived. Through these stories, we gain a deeper understanding of the human cost of the tragedy and the lessons that can be learned from it.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, the stories of the Titanic survivors offer a unique perspective on one of the most infamous maritime disasters in history. Their experiences have not only shaped our understanding of the event but also serve as a source of inspiration for resilience and hope in the face of adversity. "Titanic Survivor" is a captivating read that sheds light on the human side of this tragedy, and it continues to be a source of reflection and insight for generations to come.


成果展示十四(杭州市余杭第二高级中学) 学生:潘露等 学校:杭州市余杭第二高级中学 所在年级:高一 学习《典范英语》时间:2010年10月至2011年12月 案例说明:该校普通班学生高一上学期开始学习《典范英语》,以下是学习两个月后学生读完《泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德·布莱德的故事》写的读书报告,体现了学生对语言的驾驭水平和对所读内容的思考。 作品1: A Report on Titanic Survivor: the Story of Harold Bride 作者:高一(12)班潘露 In Titanic Survivor: the Story of Harold Bride (Beijing: Qunyan Press, 2009), Paul Shipton tells the story of one of the worst disasters at sea which Harold Bride goes through when he is only 21 years old. The Titanic makes its first voyage from England to the United States. But it is heading for disaster. The Titanic, which is called “Queen of the Seas”, is the “the biggest…and the best” (page 5). Harold Bride starts a new job as a radio operator on the ship. He becomes good friends with Jack Phillips, who is the Senior Radio Operator. The beginning of the disaster is on Sunday, 14th April. The Titanic strikes an iceberg and it starts sinking. Children and women are allowed to leave first. A few minutes later, they realize that it’s too late to wait for other ships, so some passengers prepare themselves for the end. However, Phillips continues to work in the radio room as water is getting into it. “Incredibly, the band still played” (page 22)! At last the Titanic is gone. Luckily, Harold Bride spends the rest of the trip to New York in the radio room of another ship, sending messages to passengers’ families and friends on land. I benefit a lot from reading this story. On the one hand, I know we should pay attention to everything, even though they are small. In the story, if Captain Smith had paid attention to the warnings, the disaster would not have happened. On the other hand, we should put other people’s lives above our own. During the sinking of the Titanic, many people gave the chance of life to the women and children. They were selfless. What’s more, Phillips was also brave. He cared about other people more than about himself. Because he knew his job was the most important for passengers to be alive, he didn’t leave until the last moment. I was really impressed by their good qualities. I’m proud of them! 作品2: A Report on Titanic Survivor: the Story of Harold Bride 作者:高一(12)班黄萍 In Titanic Survivor: the Story of Harold Bride (Beijing: Qunyan Press, 2009), Paul Shipton tells the story of Harold Bride, who was only 21 years old when he got a job aboard the Titanic. But Harold played a part in one of the worst disasters at sea the world had ever seen. The Titanic was the biggest and most famous ship built to make its first voyage from England t o the United States. It took Harold’s breath away when he first got onto the Titanic. On Sunday,

典范英语八年级 第四册 《泰坦尼克号幸存者》译文

典范英语八年级第四册《Titanic Survivor》泰坦尼克号幸存者 chapter 1 4. 人们称我为英雄。我并不知道,因为在1912年4月15日那天早些时候,有太多英雄。那年我21岁。作为一名船上无线电发报员,我工作了近一年了。4月1号那天,我在泰坦尼克号上开始了新工作。 5. 我在Belfast第一次看到了船,惊叹地无法呼吸。现在我明白为什么人们称之为“海上皇后”,泰坦尼克是最大的,也是最好的邮轮。乘客们4月10号从南安普顿登船。中午时,船出发开往纽约。 6. 泰坦尼克号为头等舱乘客提供舒适的漂浮宾馆和豪华餐厅,图书馆和游泳池。还有很多其他乘客。很多人都是单程票,想在美国寻找新生活。当然,这些人不允许接近高层的头等舱。 7. Jack Phillips 是一位高级无线电发报员。他和我为富有的乘客发送了很多信息。我们用摩斯电码发送信息。有时要捕捉发回的信息很困难。Jack和我很快成为好友。这是幸运的事,因为我们住在睡在发报间里! Chapter 2 冰山 8. 我们周日的时候特别忙。4月14号对于Phillips而言是漫长辛苦的一天。我们收到了前面一些船只关于冰山警告的讯息。Smith船长知道这些,但他并没有担心——因为在“不会沉没的泰坦尼克上”。Phillips有太多乘客的信息要发送,他甚至打断了一条有关冰山警告的讯息。 9. 我本该在那天后半夜开始工作,所以早早上床睡了。事故发生时,我还睡着,浑然不知。 10. 船长过了几分钟回来,告诉我们船要沉了。“发送求助呼叫,”他阴郁地说。“是的,马上”Phillips说,他开始用摩斯码发出船的位置信息和求救信息。“不会沉没的船”就要沉没了,实在难以置信。 11. 我们还没有感到担忧。“你会看到生平第一座冰山,”Phillips说。有几艘船回应了我们,但他们都太远了。当Phillips寻找近一些的船只时,我拿着信息跑到舰桥上,船员开始让乘客登上救生艇。妇女和儿童先走。 12. 最初,乘客们拒绝离开。“泰坦尼克怎么可能沉没?”他们想。所以很多人无法相信到底发生了什么,第一批的救生艇有些事空的。渐渐地,人们明白了危险,救生艇很快就坐满了。父母把孩子放上船时,孩子们哭了。丈夫和妻子最后一次亲吻。 13. 最后,一艘叫Carpathia的船回应了我们的无线电呼叫,赶来救援。我们继续寻找其他船只,船长Smith问我们用的什么信息,Phillips告诉他时“CQD”-快来,危险。我建议用新的摩斯码呼救,用SOS,我们开玩笑说,我们是第一艘用SOS的沉船。 Chapter 3 可拍的事实 14. 当我们算出Capathia要过多久才能到时,我们不再开玩笑了。她将在4小时候才能到,但泰坦尼克将在不到2小时内沉没。没有人能及时就我们。Phillips寻求更近的船只,我跑到舰桥告诉他们消息。甲板更陡了,因为船的前端开始沉了。有些乘客开始等死。 15. 其他的乘客拼命挤向救生艇。有多少人知道可怕的真相呢?船上船员和乘客共2200多名,但救生艇只够1178个人用。船上的指挥官越来越难控制秩序了。 16. 回到无线发报间,我把一件外套披在phillips肩上,并给他系上了救生衣。收发信息越来越难了,因为动力不足。水已经进到发动机室了。甲板上的嘈杂声非常可怕,我不知道


典范英语读后感五篇 篇一:典范英语读后感 上学期,我们集体购买了《典范英语6》,通过一年的学习,我们的英语是在提高,学习了许多知识。 我们每次学习前都先听录音,这大大提高了我们的英语听读水平,使我们的听力题成绩有了一些提高,是我们受益匪浅。 二是我们在看,在读时,有许多生词,老师也让我们自己猜,然后自己查,这给我们下了很深的印象,也比老师告诉我们要好得多。 三是我们由教材中的故事,自己改编成话剧,有一些同学表演,更是英语融入了我们的生活。 总而言之,这套教材给我们留下了许多知识,是我们受益匪浅。 篇二:典范英语读后感 寒假,我读了高尔基的自传体小说《童年》,它给我的感触颇深。 它向我们艺术地展示了阿廖沙在黑暗社会追求光明的奋斗历程,还有十九世纪七十到八十年代的俄国社会风貌。3岁的时候,父亲病故,母亲就带阿廖沙回了娘家。可惜外公是个自私而又专横的小业主,但是资本主义俄国的发展打断了外公发财的好梦,从此破产以至于贫困潦倒。可怜的母亲改嫁之后,生病而死,十一岁的作者被外公残忍地赶出了家门,到社会上自谋生路……其实,阿廖沙的原型就是高尔基本人,高尔基借阿廖沙这个人物来描述自己的童年。高尔基用真实优美的文笔描述了自已苦难而令人难以置信童年. ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

我们现在丰衣足食,要什么有什么,又是父母的“掌上明珠”、“心肝宝贝”哪能和高尔基那悲惨的童年相提并论,年代的不同就是这差别,一个是天堂,一个是地狱;一个充满陽光,一个到处黑暗。我们现在的童年来之不易啊!童年充满着欢乐,童年到处是温暖,童年是值得回忆的相机,童年爱满心窝!而高尔基的童年除了一些教育和友谊,没有什么再值得回忆! 假如我们生活俄国沙皇时期又会怎么样?会认为那根本不是人生活的地方吗?我们不仅要珍惜眼前的幸福,而且要学会制造幸福。屠格涅夫说过:“屠格涅夫说过:“想要得到幸福,你首先要学会吃得起苦。”美好的生活必须有所付出,才会长久,有所争取,才会得到. 篇三:典范英语读后感 有一个在城堡。皇家清洁工给告诉女皇,一开始不能有乱七八糟的朋友。国王哈利认为我们可以尽量将城堡变得整洁。女皇诺拉不休息。公主简写了一份通知。她把这份通知贴在了城堡的门上。清洁工希望能得到一个更高的薪水才去拜访城堡。日子一天天过去,没人来问关于清洁的工作。这个城堡变得非常脏。一天早上,皇后诺拉看到了一个令人震惊的意见。国王哈利在做饭。史密斯队长在拖地。琼斯上尉洗女王诺拉的皇家衬衫,女皇认为你应该去与龙战斗。但他们不这么认为。女王诺拉非常伤心,便去了皇家旅行。三个戴着面具的人站在那里。整天这个蒙面女子在城堡里清洁、打扫、洗。公主简认为他们会偷东西。公主简走到她背后。她抓住了桌布拉过来用奶清洗了一下。二公主简关闭了那个按钮。三公主简匍匐在她身后。最后,其


泰坦尼克号英语读后感 泰坦尼克号英语读后感(通用5篇) 当阅读完一本名著后,大家心中一定是萌生了不少心得,是时候静下心来好好写写读后感了。但是读后感有什么要求呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的泰坦尼克号英语读后感,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 泰坦尼克号英语读后感篇1 I watched The Titanic today. In fact, I have seen it two times. It is the third time for me to watch it. I saw this film with my elder female cousin when I was young. I remember that she cried when Rose and Jack jumped into the sea. I didn’t know why she cried. I just wondered how cold it is! The sea was very cold and it was colder at night. I thought it must be a disaster film at that moment because many bodies floating on the sea. I saw it second time when I graduated from middle school. I had nothing to do on that summer holiday. So I decided to see one or two films every day. I wanted to cry when I see Rose and Jack jumped into the sea. Then Jack made Rose lay on a wooden board. He wanted Rose to marry with other man if she was still alive. I cried when Rose released Jack’s hands and promised to Jack. Then Jack sank into the sea. I thought I knew why my cousin cried then. The love between Jack and Rose was very touching. This time I noticed other people. People were scared when


Titanic Survivor Reading Response 1. Introduction When we think of the Titanic, we often think of it as a tragic event in history. However, there is more to the story than just the sinking of the ship. In this article, we will explore the experiences of the survivors of the Titanic and how their stories have impacted our understanding of this historical event. 2. The Titanic Legacy The sinking of the Titanic was a pivotal moment in history, and the stories of the survivors have shaped our understanding of the event. One of the most famous survivors is Violet Jessop, who also survived the sinking of the Titanic's sister ship, the Britannic. Her memoir, "Titanic Survivor," provides a unique perspective on the events leading up to the disaster and its aftermath. 3. Personal Reflection Reading "Titanic Survivor" has given me a new appreciation for the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the tragedy that occurred, the survivors found the strength to move forward and even contribute to the understanding of the event. Their stories


英语作文泰坦尼克号英文读后感 泰坦尼克号是一部世界闻名的电影,下面是小编为大家整理的英语作文泰坦尼克号英文读后感,希望你会喜欢! 泰坦尼克号英文读后感 "Do you believe in love?" When a stranger into an acquaintance, sometimes I will ask him. If he says: don't believe. I will not alert. A person, even the love doesn't believe that his heart would not soft, not light, he will only believe in money, power, also will not believe friendship. He probably has a breakup would think so, so he must be very pessimistic: see a leaf, suspected that the whole forest withered. He may think about whether to believe in love a little bit silly, then his life will not love. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" When an acquaintance into a friend, I might ask him. If he says: don't believe. I feel a bit disappointed. A person, even love at first sight do not believe that his heart would not romantic, even dreamed of have no ability. What is the most sad thing? Not arrive not to dream, but have no dream! Even scoff at the dream, as the sparrow sarcastic geese: "where are you going? Not the warm South ". "Do you believe in life for love at first sight?" When a friend become good friends, I could not help but ask him. If he says: don't believe. I feel really sorry: how to talk about "Titanic" and he? He watched "Titanic" will not be moved. Like a hard stone, not talking rain gentleness. Ten years ago, see "Titanic", as it moved. Ten years later, again see "Titanic", still I moved. Even though, just sit in the room, the story takes place only at the small screen, or the same boat, the same love. See "Titanic" many times. Suspected human time, will look at


典范英语7的1~5读后感翻译 摘要: 1.引言:简要介绍典范英语7的1~5读后感翻译的背景和目的 2.概述:概括典范英语7的内容和特点 3.翻译技巧:分析在翻译过程中应用的技巧,如词汇选择、语法调整、句子重构等 4.案例分析:挑选具有代表性的句子进行详细翻译和解释 5.读后感想:分享阅读典范英语7的感悟和启示 6.结语:总结本文翻译的经验和收获,对典范英语7的推荐 正文: 【引言】 随着全球化的发展,英语作为国际交流的通用语言,在我国的地位日益重要。学习和掌握英语,阅读原版英文书籍是必不可少的环节。近日,我阅读了典范英语7的1~5篇,并对其进行了翻译,下面将分享我的读后感翻译经验。 【概述】 典范英语7是一部具有很高价值的英语学习教材,内容丰富多样,涵盖了生活、科技、文化等多个领域。文章用词恰当,结构清晰,通俗易懂,旨在提高读者的英语阅读能力和词汇积累。在翻译过程中,我力求保持原文的风格和意义,同时使译文通顺易懂。 【翻译技巧】

1.词汇选择:在翻译过程中,我尽量选择与原文意义相近的词汇,保证译文准确度。例如,原文中的"state of the art"翻译为“尖端技术”。 2.语法调整:根据中文的表达习惯,对原文的语法结构进行适当调整,使译文更符合中文语法。如原文的"They are developing a new device that can analyze samples from the air."翻译为“他们正在研发一种新型设备,可以分析空气中的样本。” 3.句子重构:在保证原文意思的基础上,对句子进行重新构造,使译文更加通顺。如原文的"The device will have a significant impact on the field of environmental protection."翻译为“这款设备将对环保领域产生重大影响。” 【案例分析】 1."It is pointed out that the device has the potential to revolutionize the way we monitor air quality." 分析:原句中的"pointed out"可以理解为“指出”,但在中文中,我们更习惯说“指出某事”。因此,我将这句话翻译为“有人指出,这款设备有潜力彻底改变我们监测空气质量的方式。” 2."The device is designed to detect tiny particles in the air and analyze their chemical composition." 分析:这句话的难点在于“detect”和“analyze”的翻译。我将它们分别翻译为“检测”和“分析”,使句子更加形象易懂。最终翻译为“这款设备的设计目的是检测空气中的微小颗粒,并分析其化学成分。” 【读后感想】


Reflections on "Good English 7": An Enriching Journey Through Language and Culture "Good English 7" has been an enchanting and enlightening experience, delving deep into the intricacies of the English language and its rich cultural tapestry. As I turned the final page, I found myself reflecting not just on the stories and lessons within, but on the journey of linguistic discovery it had taken me on. The book is a testament to the versatility and beauty of the English language. Each chapter unfolded like a tale, weaving together grammar, vocabulary, and contextual understanding in a seamless narrative. The lessons were not just about mastering the language; they were about immersing oneself in the cultural and historical contexts that give English its unique flavor. One of the most striking aspects of "Good English 7" is its ability to make language learning both engaging and accessible. The variety of topics covered—from the nuances of everyday conversation to the subtleties of literary devices—ensured that there was something for every learner, regardless of their proficiency level. The lessons were structured in a way that encouraged active participation and critical thinking, making


典范英语8来麻烦了读后感 After reading "Exemplary English 8", I feel inspired and motivated to improve my English language skills. The book is filled with engaging content that challenges readers to think critically and expand their vocabulary. It covers a wide range of topics, from literature and history to science and technology, making it a comprehensive resource for learners of all levels. 读完《典范英语8》后,我感到受到启发并且有动力去提升自己的英语能力。这本书充满了引人入胜的内容,挑战读者进行批判性思考并扩展他们的词汇量。它涵盖了各种主题,从文学和历史到科学和技术,使其成为所有水平学习者的全面资源。 One of the things that stands out to me about this book is its well-organized structure. Each unit is divided into manageable sections, with clear objectives and exercises to help reinforce learning. The inclusion of grammar and vocabulary lessons alongside authentic texts and listening activities ensures a well-rounded approach to language acquisition.


典范英语8读后感 People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem. If we never posseanything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we don’t want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor. The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up ‘by hand’. His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didn’t have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isn’t very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met MiHavisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich. Four years later, MiHavisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and educated as a gentleman who


《典范8》每一本书都以故事为核心,以激发兴趣为首要目标,倡导“在故事中轻松、快乐、自然习得英语”。每个故事成功塑造了几个活泼可爱的核心人物形象,内容生动有趣,引人入胜,易于理解和接受。 刺猬女孩艾蜜(Amy)向读者栩栩如生地展现了乐观、善良、包容、好奇、坚持的女孩艾蜜的形象。她用自己的方式改变了冷漠、吝啬、挑剔的派克(Peck)先生。读这本故事的时候,想起了几年前度过的波丽安娜(Pollyanna)。乐观的小女孩Pollyanna在一定程度上改变了美国甚至其他国家的人民,Pollyanna也被写进词典,成了“乐观的人”的代名词。从某种程度上讲,Amy就是Pollyanna,“送错的信”中的Pippa Jones 和Flo Jones,“罗比.伍兹和她快乐的弟兄们”中的Robbie Woods,“传球”中的爷爷都是Pollyanna。他们“热爱生活,并执著得以快乐为事业”,在逆境中能自得其乐并为别人带来快乐。 友善、敬业等个人的优秀品质的培养不是靠说教,更不是靠背诵口号,而是靠正向核心价值观念的引领。除了个人榜样的引领外,孩子们价值观念的培养和阅读有着很大的关联,正如朱永新所说的“一个人的精神成长史就是他的阅读史”。语言是文化的载体,思想的反映,阅读怎样的书籍,自然就会接受什么样的思想,孩子的心灵就会打上什么样的烙印,日后就会成为什么样的人。莎士比亚说“书籍是全人类的营养品”,《典范8》的18个经典故事正是滋养孩子心田的养料。“泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德布莱德的故事”,用第一人称的口吻再现了当年泰坦尼克号下沉的时候,他的同事,高级话务员Jack Phillips视死如归坚守岗位以身殉职的感人故事;再现了生死关头乐队人员的高贵品质,他们面临死亡,优雅地为人们演奏者;再现了大难面前的人性的伟大,男人将生的机会留给了父女和儿童。“坦白”中的不修边幅爱生如子的Mr Such老师和尊师如父的学生Derec 和Janey之间的故事令人忍俊不禁。“精灵简姆.斯通----撞击事件”中,勇敢诚实的JemStone最终战胜了自私虚伪Pear,赢得了同学、老师和校长的赞赏。 想象力是创造力的摇篮。《典范8》有几本科幻故事,如“杜希奇与机器人”、“危险的运动鞋”、“废铁人与神奇飞行器”。这些故事激发学生探索神秘的好奇心,为想想插上翅膀。 独立自主、自力更生是每个孩子应知应会的技能。“酷酷的克莱夫”为读者奉献了一个自尊自强的小男孩形象。他看中了一双跑鞋,但他了解家中的拮据,体谅父母的艰辛,但他依靠自己的诚实劳动得到了梦寐以求的跑鞋,实现了自己的梦想。 其他的故事就不再一一列举了,读完这些故事,忍不住和我们的经典名著做了比较。老师鼓励学生读《三国演义》、《水浒传》《红楼梦》等名著,但这些名著所描写的都是尔虞我诈、勾心斗角、打打杀杀、男欢女爱、唯利是图。现在许多孩子甚至成人迷恋的作品和电视节目中处处透露着暴力粗俗、低能弱智、和唯利是图,社会中频频出现的诟病难道不是这些文艺作品中的翻版吗?我们的一些文艺名人不正如时下一些作品中描写的那样过着一种过度奢靡的生活吗?很多家长不正在倾其所有尽力将孩子培养成“星”吗?


英语读后感15篇 英语读后感1 I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingways novel “the old man and the sea”,very admire kept the will of the novel, he let me know how a man must have perseverance, can succeed. The man is a novel depicts a near the old fisherman, in a single out to sea fishing, caught a big fish, but pull not up. The old fisherman al with fish after a few days, found that this is a more than his several times as big marlin fishing boats, although knowing is hard to win, but still dont give up. Later and because the big marlin wound fish smell drew a few group of sharks rob food, but the old man still would not so give up, eventually beckoning, the big fish back to the fishing port, let the other fishermen to admire. 英语读后感2 周一的时候,教师发了一篇文章让我们写读后感。我第一眼看到这篇文章就感到很惊异,正如文章所说,我们从学校——有的甚至从幼儿园,到学校始终在学英语,考英语。以后上高中,考高校,读讨论生,甚至工作了以后还要不断地学英语,考英语。爸爸妈妈也常对我说:“假设你英语不好,不管做什么都将拖你的后腿,要想有更好的生活,更高的社会地位,就必需娴熟把握外语。”记得在学校的时候英语教师就告知我们:“要是你的英语特殊好的话,出国进修或


《泰坦尼克号》观后感15篇 《泰坦尼克号》观后感1 泰坦尼克号是人类的美好梦想达到顶峰时的产物,反映了人类掌握世界的强大自信心,英语电影读后感,读后感《英语电影读后感》。她的沉没,向人类展示了大自然的神秘力量,以及命运的不可预测。到泰坦尼克号沉没那天为止,西方世界的人们已经享受了100年的安稳和太平。科技稳定地进步,工业迅速地发展,人们对未来信心十足。泰坦尼克号的沉没惊醒了这一切。这艘"永不沉没的轮船"--埃菲尔铁塔之后最大的人工钢铁构造物,工业时代的伟大成就,因为对自然的威力掉以轻心,满不在乎,所以在第一次处女航中就沉没了。泰坦尼克号将永远让人们牢记人类的傲慢自信所付出的代价。人们永远也忘不了这幅画面:泰坦尼克号在海底昂着头,残破和污迹也掩盖不了她的高贵。这就是她的归宿。历史就这样演变成了传奇。 这场灾难震惊了国际社会。因为它向一些人证明了:人和人们的技术成就无法与自然的力量相比。电影中不是讽刺地说到:"泰坦尼克号是"永不沉没的轮船"."人类的自负在此时变成了可悲的后果. 在我通览《泰坦尼克号》之后,电影中的男女主角杰克与露丝的生死爱情打动着我的心,在这里,爱成为人们魂牵梦萦的最终主题。 ROSE说:"我觉得这一生不外如此,像活了一辈子似的,又像是站在悬崖边上,没人拉我回来,没人关心,甚至无人理会."我从这句话中,我仿佛看到了自己.在这个物欲横流的时代,我其实就像站在悬崖上一般,不堪一击. 当看到正准备上船的ROSE又从容地跳上即将沉没的泰坦尼克号时,我从那一刻明白:无论有多少险阻,我应当要敢于去追求自己想要的.

泰坦尼克号一部告诉人类应时时审视自己劣根性的警世电影,也是一则包融信念、勇气、牺牲和爱的不朽传奇. 《泰坦尼克号》观后感2 今日凌晨零点,3D版《泰坦尼克号》登陆省会各大影院,期待已久的影迷熬夜观看。本人亲身参与,在潇湘影院1号厅的首映上座率均为百分之百,并且过道还加座。除了重温14年前的经典之作,3D版带给影迷的是融合了最新电影科技、让人身临其境的观影感受。 《泰坦尼克号》3D版由詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,将原有的《泰坦尼克号》转制,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、凯特·温丝莱特等演员形象不变。影片以3D形式再现经典《泰坦尼克号》的爱情故事。 1912年4月10日,泰坦尼克号从英国南安普敦出发,四天后的晚上11时40分,这艘号称永不沉没的"梦之船"在北大西洋撞上冰山,两小时四十分钟后沉没。电影《泰坦尼克号》就是根据这一真实海难改编,为了纪念泰坦尼克号沉没100周年,卡梅隆亲自将这一经典电影转制成3D版本。 据了解,《泰坦尼克号》3D版本工程浩大,不论是时间还是成本,在规格上都堪比制作一部新影片。卡梅隆参与了每一帧画面的转制过程,并把每帧画面都当成艺术品来对待,每个画面的3D效果和深度呈现,对于他和制作团队来说都是重新创作的过程。卡梅隆透露,有300位计算机工程师为此辛苦了超过一年以上时间,他们需要画出每一个物体和每个角色脸部的轮廓,放进正确的深度位置,非常精巧的处理让这些效果完全融入并不留痕迹。 观影有感,这3D版最值得称道的是水下场面和长镜头的效果,比如影片开头可以真切地去"探访"泰坦尼克号的残骸,仿佛你就是那个机器人;露丝在杰克的怀抱中喊着"我正在飞"的时候,你能清晰的感觉到他们的视线,仿佛也在船头


《泰坦尼克号》观后感14篇 《泰坦尼克号》观后感篇1 泰坦尼克号是人类的美好梦想达到顶峰时的产物,反映了人类掌握世界的强大自信心,英语电影读后感,读后感《英语电影读后感》。她的沉没,向人类展示了大自然的神秘力量,以及命运的不可预测。到泰坦尼克号沉没那天为止,西方世界的人们已经享受了100年的安稳和太平。科技稳定地进步,工业迅速地发展,人们对未来信心十足。泰坦尼克号的沉没惊醒了这一切。这艘"永不沉没的轮船"--埃菲尔铁塔之后最大的人工钢铁构造物,工业时代的伟大成就,因为对自然的威力掉以轻心,满不在乎,所以在第一次处女航中就沉没了。泰坦尼克号将永远让人们牢记人类的傲慢自信所付出的代价。人们永远也忘不了这幅画面:泰坦尼克号在海底昂着头,残破和污迹也掩盖不了她的高贵。这就是她的归宿。历史就这样演变成了传奇。 这场灾难震惊了国际社会。因为它向一些人证明了:人和人们的技术成就无法与自然的力量相比。电影中不是讽刺地说到:"泰坦尼克号是"永不沉没的轮船"."人类的自负在此时变成了可悲的后果. 在我通览《泰坦尼克号》之后,电影中的男女主角杰克与露丝的生死爱情打动着我的心,在这里,爱成为人们魂牵梦萦的最终主题。 ROSE说:"我觉得这一生不外如此,像活了一辈子似的,又像是站在悬崖边上,没人拉我回来,没人关心,甚至无人理会."我从这句话中,我仿佛看到了自己.在这个物欲横流的时代,我其实就像站在悬崖上一般,不堪一击. 当看到正准备上船的ROSE又从容地跳上即将沉没的泰坦尼克号时,我从那一刻明白:无论有多少险阻,我应当要敢于去追求自己想要的.

泰坦尼克号一部告诉人类应时时审视自己劣根性的警世电影,也是一则包融信念、勇气、牺牲和爱的不朽传奇. 《泰坦尼克号》观后感篇2 《泰坦尼克》号讲述了一艘撞上冰山的豪华巨轮上的故事,当我看了这部影片之后,被露丝、杰克两位主人公的感情所震撼。 这部影片讲述了主人公杰克和露丝在豪华巨轮上相遇,他们两个人深深爱上了对方,豪华巨轮在海上航行,不料却撞上了一座海面上的冰山,巨轮进水,船长让老弱妇孺上救生艇,其余的人统统等待死亡,当露丝上船时,她又回到船上寻找杰克,两人决定等到船快沉时才逃生,到了水里,他们趴到一块木板上,但轻轻的`木板只能坐上去一个人,杰克把露丝推了上去,自己在冰冷的水里冻死…… 生死只在一霎之间时,杰克选择了露丝,他伟大的爱救下了露丝的性命,他将自己冻死在水里,他是神圣的,而在生死之间,却有许多无耻之徒,有人用钱收买船长,用钱玷污了纯洁的生命,有个人居然未保自己不沉水底,按住露丝的头,人性的好坏,在这里就能展现,生与死之间,人类显而易见恐惧死亡,但是,有些东西比生命重要,选择别人生的人是高尚的,伟大的爱情打败了恐惧,杰克让露丝好好的活下去,他让自己人生中挚爱的生命逃离了死亡,走向了生。 相比之下,那些为了自己的利益去伤害别人的人,如李甲,他为了钱财将杜十娘卖给别人,他跟杰克相比,他是多么无耻、渺小、不屑呀! 死虽然令人害怕,但身边的人能够好好活下去却能让人感到开心,生命并不代表只是自己一个人,其他人或动物也是生命,自私自利将别人应有的权利夺去,你的人生也不会快乐, 当看到别人快乐时,自己也会快乐。
