


In ancient times, Dunhuang was the center of trade between China and its western neighbors. It provided the only access westward for the Chinese Empire and eastward for western nationalities[,n???'n?l?ti]. Today, Dunhuang is a typical tourist city,cultural and beautiful. Including Dunhuang City in your tour is a decision you won't regret!

DunHuang Mogao Caves is one of the most important cultural relics(文化遗产)in China. DunHuang Caves is famous for its fine painted murals (壁画)And clayey sculptures(泥质彩塑). Now it has become the largest, most plentiful Buddhist Art in the Holy Land over the world. The DungHuang Caves is a history book describing masses of romantic stories from the early Qin Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. It presents the ethnic look(民族风情)and the historical change during 1500 years.

And then the Crescent Moon Spring is embraced in the bosom(怀抱)of the Mingsha Mountain and obtain its name for its crescent-like(新月形)shape. It boasts sweet and cool water, clear as the mirror. Since time immemorial, the spring survived even in the dry desert.why? because of the unique terrain(地形), the sand will never bury the Crescent Moon Spring, known as the desert wonders.

The Mingsha Mountain is so named due to the sound-making sand. stretching over 40 kilometers, 20 kilometers north-south widespread, the highest elevation of 1715 meters. The sand of Mingsha mountain has five colors: red, yellow, green, white and black. It's special,right?

Dunhuang City, an obvious pearl on the Silk Road, opens her arms to welcome tourists from all over the world.


环境治理渐入佳境旅游市场悄然复苏 ——敦煌市旅游业发展情况调查报告 (国家统计局酒泉调查队马雪峰) 敦煌是飞天的故乡,敦煌艺术的发祥地。以莫高窟、月牙泉为代表的旅游景点,是中国西部最具魅力的旅游黄金线路,同时也是甘肃省旅游业发展的“龙头”。经过改革开放30年的努力,敦煌已经发展成为一个集东方历史艺术、大漠奇观、民族风情、人文旅游资源与自然旅游资源组合相得益彰的旅游强市。先后荣膺“感动世界品牌城市”、“人民最满意城市”、“国家旅游名片”、“中国县域旅游品牌十强县市”、“中国自驾车旅游十大目的地”、“2008中国魅力中小城市”等荣誉称号。2007年,全年共接待海内外游客140万人次,同比增长16.85%,实现旅游总收入8.06亿元,同比增长14.74%。 然而,进入2008年以来,在自然灾害、人民币升值、金融危机等多头不利因素的影响下,旅游人数急剧下滑。至2008年底,接待游客人数下降三成,其中境外游客下降四成。 3月25日至3月27日,酒泉调查队一行四人,按照甘肃调查总队的安排,会同敦煌市统计局、旅游局,深入敦煌市莫高窟、月牙泉两个景点及多家旅行社和宾馆饭店,对当前旅游市场的现状、问题和金融危机影响及应对措施等进行了认真地调研。现就调研情况报告如下: 一、发展现状

近年来,敦煌以“建设国际旅游名城”为目标,以旅游促开发、以开放带旅游,加快软硬件设施建设,创新宣传促销方式,整合优化旅游资源,健全规范旅游市场,旅游业发展取得了新的突破。 (一)旅游交通四通八达。敦煌铁路建成投运,开通了敦煌到西安、乌鲁木齐、兰州、银川、酒泉五条线路;境内公路是通往新疆、西藏、青海的交通枢纽,313线高等级公路已全线贯通投入运营。敦煌机场开通了13条大中城市的航线。2007年10月,敦煌机场国际联检大厅建成并投入使用,实现了敦煌航空口岸临时开放暨首架国际包机正式通航,使敦煌成为全国第二个开放航空口岸的县级城市。 (二)旅游接待服务设施日臻完善。新建了阳关大酒店、邮政宾馆、月影宾馆、东方宾馆、楼兰宾馆、飞天大酒店等一批新的旅游接待宾馆。目前,敦煌市已拥有各类宾馆饭店128家,其中星级宾馆32家,标准床位12000张;拥有国际国内旅行社及驻敦分支机构65家,持证导游832人。 (三)旅游产品日益丰富。按照市场化运作的方式,采取BOT等开发模式,形成了莫高窟艺术观赏区、鸣沙山月牙泉自然风光旅游区、阳关渥洼池绿洲旅游区、玉门关汉长城古战场观光区和雅丹国家地质公园等五大风景名胜旅游区。同时,积极开发了民族风情体验游、农家田园风光游、大漠骆驼游、民族歌舞等一批娱乐性、健康性、参与性强的特色旅游项目。今年,将省杂技团、敦煌市艺术团、敦煌电影院


西安及周边着名景点英语简介 西安几大着名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty 大雁塔Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”. The pagoda is built on the premises of the Temple of Great Maternal Grace (Da Ci'en), originally built in 589 AD and then rebuilt 647 AD by the Tang Emperor Gaozong in memory of his mother EmpressWende. Before the gates of the temple stands a statue of Xuanzang. 大雁塔北广场North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda Surrounding Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the scenery is also quite charming, especially the square north of the Da Ci'en Temple. Covering about 110,000 square meters (131563 square yards) plus 20,000 square meters square yards) of water area, it holds many records: in Asia, it is the biggest Tang-culture square, the biggest fountain and waterscape square, and the largest-scale sculptures area. In the world, it has the most benches, the longest light-belt, and the largest-scale acoustic complex. The entire square is composed of waterscape fountains, a cultural square, gardens and tourist paths. There you can taste real Chinese culture and traditions and fully enjoy the truly attractive views. With reliefs on the theme of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 200-meter-long (656-foot-long) sculpture groups, 8 groups of sculpted figures, 40 relievos on the land, and 22 styles of musical fountains, it has become a must-see when you visit Big Wild Goose 秦始皇兵马俑The Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses One of the most significant archaeological finds in the world, this 16,300-square-meter excavation reveals more than 7,000 life-size terracotta figures of warriors and horses arranged in battle formations. (3 pits) The terracotta warriors and horses, created about 2,200 years ago, were found in 1974 on the east side of the tomb of the First Emperor Qin Shihuang (259 BC - 210 BC) near Xi'an. Emperor Qin Shihuang had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. In 221 ., when he unified the whole country, named himself Shihuang Di and carried on the


大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 黄帝陵The Huangdi Tomb 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 乾陵 The Qian Tomb 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Terra-cotta warriors -- Qin Dynasty 秦始皇兵马俑 The Silk Road 丝绸之路 Big and Little Goose Pagodas 大小雁塔 Shaanxi is one of civilized important , all together China headstream, as far back as having

Lantian Man to grow work here right away in the front for 1000000 years, starting from the 11th century B.C., successively have 13 in history dynasty found a capital here. Shaanxi Province field of being that our country cultural relics and historic sites gathers together , name of having "the natural history museum ": Acient Chang An county City historical remains, are known as eighth Shaanxi not only cultural relics and historic sites is a lot of , but also natural scene is beautiful: Have precipitous West Hua Mountain and Lin Tong Mt. black horse intelligent and elegant; Huanghe River kettle mouth waterfall having rapids to surge; Still have the organism's habits tourist area giving first place to protecting a giant panda waiting for a rare animal. Not only northern Shaanxi highland be Chinese revolution base area , but also be Shaanxi folk custom local manners and feelings headstream: Shaanxi opera loud and sonorous , vehement gong and drum , consummate paper-cut and extremely rich life breath peasant painting etc. , the sight having


甘肃联合大学学生毕业论文 题目:浅析敦煌市旅游发展 作者:李婷 指导老师:殷姿 旅游学院旅游管理系 旅游管理专业 2010 级 三年制旅游管理班 2013年 6月1日

浅析敦煌市旅游发展 内容摘要:敦煌是我国著名的历史文化名城。以“世界文化遗产”莫高窟为代表的敦煌文化艺术和丝路风情,为旅游市场的拓展提供了更多的文化内涵。本文就敦煌市的旅游发展现状,提出问题并研究了相关对策。不断加快旅游深度开发,促进旅游转型升级,使旅游业长足发展。 关键词:敦煌;旅游业;解决措施 敦煌是甘肃省酒泉市辖的一个县级市,中国的国家历史文化名城。敦煌位于古代中国通往西域、中亚和欧洲的交通要道——丝绸之路上,曾经拥有繁荣的商贸活动。以“敦煌石窟”、“敦煌壁画”闻名天下,是世界遗产莫高窟和汉长城边陲玉门关、阳关的所在地。东西分别与瓜州县、肃北蒙古自治县和阿克塞哈萨克自治县相接。全市总面积3.12万平方公里,其中绿洲面积1400平方公里,仅占总面积的4.5%,且被沙漠戈壁包围,故有"戈壁绿洲"之称。全市总人口18.29万人,其中城镇人口4.04,农业人口14.25万人。敦煌市凭借其奇特而丰富的旅游资源和历史发展机遇, 现已成为甘肃省旅游业发展的“龙头”。 因此,对敦煌旅游发展现状,存在问题及解决措施的研究具有非常重要的战略意义,是其旅游业稳定、健康发展的关键。 一.敦煌的旅游发展现状 1.旅游资源得到充分利用 旅游资源是旅游业发展的前提,是旅游业的基础。敦煌是一个旅游城市,它丰富的旅游资源是它能够发展旅游业的大前提。依托众多的历史遗迹和自然人文景观,目前敦煌市初步形成了莫高窟艺术观赏区、鸣沙山·月牙泉自然风光旅游区、阳关博物馆景区、阳关渥洼池绿洲旅游区、玉门关汉长城古战场观光区、雅丹地貌国家地质公园等五大风景名胜旅游区和“石窟艺术”、“古关古城”、“大漠奇观”三大旅游品牌,先后推出了一日游、两日游、三日游等7个旅游线路,同时,敦煌市还积极加强与丝路沿线城市及周边县市的营销合作,整合旅游资源,联合推出了丝路文化游、古关古城游、民族风情游、大漠探险游、度假休闲游、宗教艺术游等一批精品旅游线路,有力地提升了区域旅游整体效应。 2.文化产业快速发展 敦煌市现有各类文化产业经营单位287家,经营范围涉及文化旅游、音像影视、网络文化、演艺娱乐、艺术培训等文化产业体系,形成玉器、工艺骆驼、木刻画等12类3000多个品种文化旅游特色商品。全市共有非物质文化遗产保护项目11个,


mogao caves are the nation key cultural relic preservation organ, isnamed thousand buddhas cave, is situated west the gansu corridor enddunhuang, is world famous by the fine mural and the cast. itsbeginning constructs at 16 countries' former qin times, has beenthrough repeatedly 16 countries, the northern dynasty, sui, tang, fivegenerations, tangut , the yuan and so on all previous dynastiesconstructing, forms the huge scale, existing cavern 735, the mural45,000 square meter, argillaceous painted sculpture 2,415, are in theworld the extant scale is biggest, the content richest buddhism artplace. since the modern times had discovered the buddhist scriptureshole, in had 50,000 ancient times cultural relics, and grew speciallyto study the buddhist scriptures hole ancient book and dunhuang artdiscipline - dunhuang studies. but since mogao caves receive many people in the modern times for thedamage, the cultural relic massively drain, its integrity wasseriously destroyed. in 1961, mogao caves are announced by thepeople's republic of china state council one of for first batch ofnational key cultural relic preservation organs. in 1987, mogao cavesare listed as the world culture inheritance. mogao caves are located southeast the chinese gansu province dunhuang east 25 kilometer place mt. mingsha on the foothill cliff, first near dawdle quan river, face east, north and south length 1680 meters, height 50 meters.cavern distribution height scattered about, row after row, about most has five.its beginning constructs at 16 country times, ?°the li obliging repairs mogao caves niche for a statue of buddha tablet?± according to tang the record. the mogao caves extant northern wei dynasty to yuan cavern 735, divides into the north and south two areas.south the area is mogao caves' main body, is engaged in the religious activities for the clergy the place, some 487 caverns, have the mural or make an idol.north the area has 248 caverns, in which only then 5 existence murals or makes an idol,but after other all is the clergy leads a pious life the place which, the housing and the death buries, has life facilities and so on the adobe bed, stove kang, flue, niche, desk lamp.two area total 492 cavern existence mural and makes an idol, has the mural 45,000 square meter, the argillaceous painted sculpture 2415, tang songmu constructs cliff eave 5, as well as several thousand lotus flower pillars, spread out on the floor the decorative brick and so on.

西安旅游景点英文介绍 带图片

西安旅游景点英文介绍(带图片) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 鼓楼The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang ’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 黄帝陵The Huangdi Tomb 华清池The Huaqing Pond 乾陵The Qian Tomb 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 1. Xi'an city wall 西安城墙景区 地址:西安市南门里 Xi'an city wall is located in the center of the city---- Total perimeter 11.9 kilometers. The existing walls were built during the seven years to eleven years (1374 hongwu--- 1378 hongwu) , it’s the oldest shape in the world, the most spectacular and best-preserved ancient buildings. Ticket: 40 yuan Card discount: Open-times free admission tours, excluding Mid-Autumn Festival, Oct.1st holiday, Chinese New Year Lantern Festival Phone :029 -84057153, 87235239 By car: take the city bus to arrive at the South Gate , North Gate, West Gate, or East Gate bus stop 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty


2014敦煌用“新模式”打造国际文化旅游名城 2017年12月31日晚,在中国传媒大学超高清4K演播大厅举行的“中国文化产业学院奖跨年直播盛典(2017—2018)”上,敦煌市获“2017中国年度文化影响力城市”殊荣。酒泉市委常委、敦煌市委书记詹顺舟代表敦煌市登台领奖。2015年7月7日—9日,我在敦煌市。敦煌:用“新模式”打造国际文化旅游名城 2014年6月14日中国旅游报 □本报驻甘肃记者张陇堂 建设敦煌国际文化旅游名城,不能简单模仿东部发达地区、走大规模城市建设的粗放式发展道路,必须走出一条以有限容量为先决条件,以快速增长为基础,以文化旅游产业为主导产业的“内涵型巧增长”发展之路。“莫高窟、鸣沙山·月牙泉景区、雅丹地貌、玉门关、榆林窟、阳关……敦煌市的旅游资源在甘肃独树一帜。建设敦煌国际文化旅游名城,就是要把敦煌变成名副其实的国际旅游目的地,吸引更多的游客,敦煌的旅游就会发生翻天覆地的变化。”敦煌市旅游局党委书记、副局长张健说。2014年6月前不久,甘肃省出台《敦煌国际文化旅游名城建设发展规划纲要》,敦煌将以文

化遗产和自然遗产保护为前提,探索文化与经济、社会、生态、旅游、科技深度融合的绿洲经济科学发展新模式。敦煌拥有世界级的文化资源,既是古丝绸之路的重要枢纽城市,也是丝绸之路经济带甘肃段的重要节点城市,是甘肃对外交流的一张名片。 “建设敦煌国际文化旅游名城,就一定不能回避敦煌的差距和问题。过去,我们总是站在甘肃看敦煌、对照过去看敦煌;现在,我们必须要以世界胸怀、国际标准、名城目标来审视敦煌。”敦煌市委书记詹顺舟(2015年12月任甘肃省文化博览局副局长、酒泉市委常委、敦煌市委书记)说。 他这样看待敦煌的差距: 城市功能紊乱、服务设施不全,城市四条大街背后多是棚户区,市民游客停车难、如厕难的问题日益突出,特别是没有会展中心、专业剧院、健身场所。 资源没有得到充分开发,玉门关遗址、雅丹景区基础设施严重不足,旅游服务设施几乎空白。 文化没有有效地传承发展,还停留在洞窟里面、学术层面,没有转化成可感知、可体验、可消费、面向市场、面向大众的精神文化产品。 交通条件还跟不上发展的需要,敦煌机场设计客运能力为30万人次,在2012年就已经突破;距离敦煌最近的高铁车站——柳园站,通往敦煌的道路年久失修、破烂不堪,将来会


敦煌莫高窟英文介绍 发 Mogao Caves are the nation key cultural relic preservation organ, isnamed Thousand Buddhas Cave, is situated west the Gansu Corridor endDunhuang, is world famous by the fine mural and the cast. Itsbeginning constructs at 16 countries' former Qin times, has beenthrough repeatedly 16 countries, the Northern Dynasty, Sui, Tang, fivegenerations, Tangut , the Yuan and so on all previous dynastiesconstructing, forms the huge scale, existing cavern 735, the mural45,000 square meter, argillaceous painted sculpture 2,415, are in theworld the extant scale is biggest, the content richest Buddhism artplace. Since the modern times had discovered the Buddhist scriptureshole, in had 50,000 ancient times cultural relics, and grew speciallyto study the Buddhist scriptures hole ancient book and Dunhuang artdiscipline - Dunhuang



T H E C O N T E N T S ?Relevance as a tourist destination ?History ?Heritage attributes ?Special Local Snack ?Accommodation

Relevance as a tourist destination The Mogao Caves or Mogao Grottoes , also known as the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas , form a system of 492 temples 25 km southeast of the center of Dun Huang, an oasis strategically located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road, in Gan Su province, China. The caves may also be known as the Dun Huang Caves, however, this term also include other Buddhist cave sites in the Dun Huang area, such as the Western Thousand Buddha Caves, and the Yu Lin Caves farther away. The caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years. Murals The murals on the caves spanned a long period of history, from the 5th to the 14th century The murals are largely of Buddhist theme, some however are of traditional mythical [‘miθik?l] themes(传统神话主题)and portraits (画像)of patrons (赞助人) A distinct Dunhuang style (截然不同的的敦煌风格)however began to emerge(浮现)during Northern Wei Dynasty


西安几大著名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five stories.The original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator.Xuanzang is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”.


Shaanxi is the most important Chinese civilization, the birthplace of one of the most concentrated, as early as 100 million years ago in Lam Tin live and work here, from the 11th century BC, one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here. Shaanxi is China's cultural relics and cultures meet, there is a "natural History": a relic of the ancient city of Chang'an, known as the Eighth Wonder of the World's Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang, the size of the grand spectacular 72 ... ... broad Mausoleum of Chinese civilization so distant Every one of the early Shaanxi consciously digging deep inside You think the tone. Shaanxi is not only the many cultural relics, natural scenery and beautiful: There are inspiring area of natural and dangerous Xiyue Huashan Lintong Lishan; there is surging white water of the Yellow River's Hukou waterfall; also for the protection of rare animals such as giant pandas-based eco-tourism area. Plateau in northern Shaanxi is China's only revolutionary base, but also in Shaanxi Province is the birthplace of customs: the resounding Shaanxi Opera, passionate percussion, exquisite paper-cut and very breath of life of farmers such as painting, and all of its heavy and unique culture at the end of rhyme The Loess style has attracted more and more attention. The full name of the Wild Goose Pagoda "En Wild Goose Pagoda Temple", located 4 kilometers away from Xi'an area of the Grace Temple, built in 652 AD, according to legend Grace Temple is the first abbot presided over the Master Xuan (Tang Sancang) from India after the return of the country, in order to Dedicated to storage and classical Sanskrit and Buddhist relics and other objects Duzao personally designed and built. Huaqing Pool is located in Xi'an Lintong district on the north side of Lishan, 30 km east of Xi'an. Huaqing Pool because of the emperor and Yang legend and reputation spread far and wide, in fact, the Huaqing Pool is a long history, legend, in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou You Wang Jian Li was in the palace; generations of the First Qin Emperor, Emperor also set up here Palace; more large-scale construction of the Tang Dynasty, in particular the emperor Tianbao years to build a more luxurious palace pavilion, and changed its name to the official "China Palace." Terracotta warriors and horses is the only imperial tombs from the mass grave, located on the eastern side of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum of about 1 kilometer and a half, was found in 1974, is the most important archaeological discoveries of. One pit was discovered when local farmers digging, drilling after another has found that two pit on the 3rd, one of which pits the largest, covering an area of 14,260 square meters. A total of three pits excavated more than 700 pieces of pottery figurine, by more than 100 tanks, more than 400 horses Ma Tao, more than 100,000 pieces of weapons. Pottery figurine at the height of 1 meter 75-1 m 85, according to dress, look, the style, can be divided into general figurines, warrior figurines, figurines, and other vehicles with disabilities. There are also excavated pit sword, spear, halberd, bronze weapons such as machetes, although buried in the soil in more than two thousand years, the blade is still sharp, sparkling, can be seen as a miracle in the history of metallurgy in the world. Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang large-scale, powerful scenes, with high artistic value. Clock Tower is located in Xi'an city of the North and the South East and West Main Street, four of the interchange. Ming Hongwu 17 years before, the site of the Xi'an Guangji in this corner, Wanli next 10 years to move the site of the Qing Emperor Qianlong had five-year renovation. Bronze bell hanging on the clock tower to time, the clock tower named. Drum Tower in Xi'an is
