
1. What are they talking about?

A. A maths test.

B. An English test.

C. Their teachers.

2. What does the girl think of the English teacher?

A. He is nice.

B. He’s strict.

C. He’s hard-working.

听下面一段对话, 回答第3~5三个小题。

3. Where will the girl’s mo ther go next month?

A. Beijing.

B. Shanghai.

C. Hainan.

4. When will they have the end-of-year exam?

A. Tomorrow.

B. Next week.

C. Next month.

5. What will the boy do during summer holiday?

A. Play with the girl.

B. Stay at home.

C. Go to the beach.

听下面一段对话, 回答第6~8三个小题。

6. Where did the speaker go last summer?

A. America .

B. Asia.

C. Africa.

7. What did the speaker do there?

A. Helped in a hospital .

B. Learned to paint .

C. Built a bridge.

8. What does the speaker think of the trip?

A. Terrible.

B. Dangerous.

C. Great.

听下面一段对话, 回答第9~12四个小题。

9. What’s the time now?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. In the evening

10. What is the woman?

A. A reporter.

B. A teacher

C. A doctor

11. What do they talk about?

A. Family life.

B. Success stories.

C. Dream jobs.

12. What can we know about the man?

A. He is rich

B. He is famous C, He is hard-working

听下面一段独白, 回答第13-15小题。

13. What does the speaker think of wild animals?

A. All of them are dangerous.

B. None of them are dangerous.

C. Few of them are dangerous

14. How many kinds of animals does the speaker mention?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four

15. What do wild elephants usually do if they see people?

A. They run away.

B. They attack people.

C. They stay with people



A Visit to the Old People’s Home


第一节单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从16~25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出一个填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑16. —I feel stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice?

—________ sharing your worries with your parents?

A. How about

B. Why don’t you

C. Why not

D. Would you like

17. You have to leave now_______ you can catch the early bus.

A.although that C.because soon as

18. The football player felt extremely _____________ after they won the game.

A.luck B.lucky C.luckily D. unlucky

19. Rebecca ________ to Shanghai and she won’t come back until next Monday.

A.has been B.had gone C.went D. has gone

20. Mr. Brown wants to _____ a double room ______﹩50 per month .

A. rent; under

B. borrow; with

C. lend;

with D. borrow; under

21. ________ the government’s efforts, our life is becoming better and better.

A.Instead of B.Thanks for C.Thanks to D.In order to

22. —Would you like _______ shopping with me?

—I’d like to. But I’m busy _______ my homew ork.

A. to go; to do

B. to go; doing

C. going; to do

D. going; doing

23. Mary’s grandpa lives ______ in the mountain village. He tells her he feels

very______. So she’s going to visit him next week.

A. along; alone

B. single, alone

C. alone, along

D. alone; lonely

24. —John was heard ________ just now. What happened?

—People was telling a joke.

A. to cry

B. cry

C. to laugh

D. laugh

25. — Can we leave the classroom now?

— No, you ______. You ______ to leave until the bell rings.

A.mustn’t, are allowed B. don’t have to, are allowed

C.needn’t, aren’t allowed D. can’t, aren’t allowed

26. — At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups.

—More chances _______ to students to learn from each other.

A. offer

B. is offered

C. are offered

D. have offered

27. —What a heavy rain!

—So it is. I prefer ________ instead of _______ on such a rainy day.

A. to go out; stay at home

B. to stay at home; go out

C. to go out; staying at home

D. staying at home; going out

28. My parents often tell me __________ too much junk food because it’s bad for my health.

A. not eating

B. not to eat

C. eating

D. to eat

29.—Eng lish has a large vocabulary, hasn’t it?

—Yes. ________ more words and expressions and you’ll find it easier to read and communicate.

A. Know

B. Knowing

C. To know

D. Known

30. His words remind me________ we did together in the past.

A. that

B. of what

C. what

D. of that

第二节语法选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



Three small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had 31 each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and dared to swim deeper and further.

One morning, the three fish were 32 to a shallow(浅) water by a big wave.

A small boat was taken there, too. It was hard for the fish 33 back to the sea because the boat was right in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were in danger, and said they had to find a way to leave there as 34 as possible. The second largest fish agreed with his elder brother, 35 the youngest one did not. He said that there was much water for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around happily.

At last, the largest fish returned to the sea by 36 over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also 37 in joining his elder brother in 38 side of water. But the youngest one didn’t follow them and still swam joyfully.

Two hours later, when the sun rose up, the water in the small shallow

corner 39 . The fish who did not try 40 to the sea died of lack of water.

31. A. look after B. looked after C. to look after D. to looking after

32. A. allowed B. given C. invited D. taken

33. A. go B. to go C. went D. going

34. A. fast B. fastly C. faster D. fastest

35. A. and B. but C. so D. thus

36. A. jump B. jumped C. to jump D. jumping

37. A. success B. succeed C. successed D. succeeded

38. A. the other B. other C. another D. each

39. A. rose up B. washed away C. ran out D. dried up

40. A. return B. returned C. to return D. returning



42. A. throughout B. thought C. though D. although

43. A. say B. reported C. recorded D. reading

44. A. used to B. was used to C. was used D. used

45. A. off B. from C. on D. out

46. A. be B. was C. had D. have

47. A. because B. because of C. by D. as

48. A. fewer B. less C. more D. most

49. A. after B. behind C. in front of D. in the front of

50 A. when B. as C. however D. while

四、阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



The idea of what shaking the head means is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first come to India. When they talk to an Indian, they would find he would often shake his head. The visitors might think that the Indian doesn’t like what they say. But in fact, they would be completely wrong.

Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. It doesn’t mean “No”. If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or he will be in trouble.

One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired a car and asked an

Indian to drive him. When he told his driver to take him to his office, the Indian shook his head at once. The officer said again and the driver shook his head again. At last the officer, of course, got angry.

“How dare you refuse my order?” he shouted, “Drive me to my office at once!”

The driver answered in quite a loud voice, too. “Yes, sir!” But to the officer’s surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.

The car started and the foreign officer was now too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and then he nodded with a smile, “‘No’ means ‘Yes’ here!”

51. What does shaking one’s head mean all over the world?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Glad.

D. Yes or No.

52. What should you do in India if you agree with somebody?

A. Shake your head.

B. Nod your head.

C. Speak in a loud voice.

D. Say it again and again.

53. Why did the officer go to India?

A. He went there to visit his friend.

B. He went there to buy a car.

C. He went there to learn driving.

D. He went there because of his job.

54. Why did the officer get angry?

A. Because the driver didn’t understand him.

B. Because the driver still shook his head after he said again.

C. Because the driver didn’t like the officer.

D. Because the driver didn’t answer in a loud voice.

55. What can we learn from the story?

A. When you are in India, you should always shake your head.

B. You shouldn’t shake your head if you’re a driver.

C. Shaking head will make others get angry.

D. Different countries have different customs.


Born in 1954 in Taiwan, Ang Lee has become one of today's greatest filmmakers. Ang graduated from the National Taiwan College of Arts in 1975. Later on, he went to the USA for further study on art. And he got a Master Degree in Film Production at New York University.

During Ang’s film career, he has made a lot of successful films and honored himself wit h many international awards. Early in 1993, Ang’s film The Wedding Banquet (喜宴)won a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, which drew the whole world’s attention to this Chinese director. In the following years, Ang’s talent got more brilliant. At the beginning of 2000, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(Wo Hu Cang Long), a kongfu film directed by Ang Lee, won Best Foreign Language Film at the 73rd Academy Awards(奥斯卡金像奖). This surprised the world. However, what really takes Ang to the peak of the film world is the film Brokeback Mountain (2005). For this film, Ang Lee won the Best Director Academy Award. And he is the first Chinese director who’s ever won the golden statuette(小金人).

In 2012, Ang made a huge success again. His first 3D film Life of Pi came out. It was a story about the adventure of a brave Indian boy. This film helped him beat out

Michael Haneke of "Amour", Benh Zeitlin of "Beasts of the Southern Wild", Steven Spielberg of "Lincoln" and David O. Russell of "Silver Linings Playbook". For the second time, Ang was honored as the Best Director at the 85th Academy Awards in 2013.

Along Ang Lee’s film road, we can say that he is really born for films and he is worth all the praise from the world, especially all the Chinese.

56. How old was Ang Lee when he won the Best Director Academy Award for the second time?

A. 59.


58 C.51 D. 39

57. Of the following films, which one is NOT made by Ang Lee?

A. The Wedding Banquet.

B. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

C. Beasts of the Southern Wild.

D. Life of Pi.

58. According to the passage, what is the correct order of the following events?

①. Life of Pi came up on the screen.

②. Ang Lee went to America for further study.

③. Ang Lee won a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.

④. Ang Lee won Best Foreign Language Film at the 73rd Academy Awards.

⑤. Ang graduated from the National Taiwan College of Arts.

A. ②⑤①③④

B. ②⑤④①③

C. ⑤②③④①



59. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “peak” in the second paragraph?

A. 边缘

B. 顶峰

C. 荣誉

D. 成就

60. According to the passage, which statement is RIGHT?

A. Ang Lee was born in the USA.

B. Ang Lee only won the Best Director Academy Award once.

C. Life of Pi is Ang Lee’s second 3D film.

D. Ang Lee has great talent in making films.

(C )

Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence(智力) and feelings.

In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.

The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 report by scientists, IQ of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% lower. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).

Weather also has a strong influence on people’s feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer. At about 18℃, people become stronger.

Low air pressure(气压) may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days. People feel best at a temperature of about 18℃.

Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the weather’s problem.

61. What can cause problems on health?

A. Hot and wet weather

B. A strong wind

C. Warm weather

D. Low air pressure

62. A report shows that people may have more intelligence when ______ comes.

A. rain

B. a strong wind

C. very hot weather

D. low air pressure

63. According to the writer, fat people may feel bad in ______ weather.

A. cold

B. cool

C. warm

D. hot

64. The writer wants to tell us that ______.

A. hot and cold weather influences all people in the same way

B. weather influences people’s behaviour

C. IQ changes when weather changes

D. people feel good on low pressure days

65. Which is the best title(标题) for this passage?

A. Hot Weather Causes Health Problems

B. Different Weather Makes People Feel Bad

C. Weather Influences Feelings

D. Weather Influences Health, Intelligence and Feelings


Place: 25 Road Pyramids, 75001 Paris

A. 1—20 Mar

B. 15—20 Nov

C. 26 Nov—7 Dec

D. 1 Mar—20 Nov

67. You can e-mail ____________if you want to see Documentary Film.

A. info@,

B. askus@,

C. info@,


68. You can buy ____________at the Craft Show.

A. glass, ironwork and clothing

B. different kinds of flowers

C. classic music CDs

D. some books about film

69. If two adults and two boys of 9 want to see Flower Show and Craft Show, it will cost them


A. $40

B. $56

C. $76

D. $112

70. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Young musicians from all over Germany perform at Quasimodo music hall.

B. Cinemas, schools and libraries across France take part in Documentary Film Month.

C. People can enjoy the Craft Show from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday.

D. Toronto Garden and Flower Sh ow is the world’s largest garden show.



71. It is necessary to make a good i_________.

72. She keeps f_______ by swimming every morning.

73. He is not here right now. Can I take a m_________?

74. Lawyers are p_______ about 50 dollars an hour.

75. They did arrive together, but I think they left s__________.

76. I’m giving you a final w_________ —don’t be late again.

77. S_______ the bottle before taking the medicine.

78. When she retired, she did a lot of v__________ work for the Red Cross.

79. Olaf is one of the most interesting c__________ in the film, Frozen(冰雪奇缘).

80. Please don't laugh - I'm being s____________.

第二节:完成句子(共15分,每空1分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子. 81. 警察一直都知道谁有罪。

The police knew _________ _________ ________ who was guilty.

82. 故事在哪里发生的呢?

Where does the story ________ ________?

83. 不要抄我的作业,你会让我陷入麻烦的。

Don’t copy my homework, you’ll _______ me _______ ________.

84. 他们正在讨论如何筹募到更多的钱。

They are discussing _______ ______ _______ ______ money.

85. 什么时候去参观那家新博物馆还没有定下来。

When to visit the new museum _______ ______ ______ yet.

Recently, nearly 26 restaurants in Yangcheng have joined the “Clearing Your Plate”campaign(活动)against wasting food by offering smaller dishes.

__________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________




(A)_________________ (B)________________ (C)____________

(D) ___________________(E) _______________


第一节单词拼写根据句子意思和所给首字母写出所缺单词。(每小题1分,满分10分)71____________ 72____________ 73____________

74____________ 75____________ 76____________

77____________ 78____________ 79 ____________ 80____________



81 ____________ __________ ________

82 ____________ _________

83 ____________ __________ ________

84 ___________ ________ _________ __________

85____________ ________ _________


No Wasting On Food

Recently, nearly 26 restaurants in Yangcheng have joined the “Clearing Your Plate”campaign(活动)against wasting food by offering smaller dishes.

___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________


八年级期中考试英语试卷 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. A B C 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每

段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. Why do they need to clean the house? A. Peter’s grandpa is coming. B. Peter’s grandma is coming. C. Peter’s aunt is coming. 7. What will Peter do? A. He will do the dishes. B. He will sweep the floor. C. He will fold his clothes. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. Why do Wei Ming’s parents give him too much pressure? A. They want him to go to a good university. B. They want him to be better than other students. C. They want him to get good grades. 9. How can Wei Ming and his classmates get better grades? A. They need to compete with each other. B. They need to help each other. C. They need to play with each other. 请听一段独白,完成第10至第11小题。 10. What was wrong with the old man? A. He had a broken leg. B. He had a heart problem. C. He had a stomachache. 11. What surprised the bus driver? A. All of the passengers got off. B. Most of the passengers waited for the next bus. C. All the passengers went to the hospital with him. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What did Tony do when he saw a boy in the garden? A. He introduced himself and talked to him. B. He played basketball with him. C. He asked the boy some questions. 13. What is the relationship between the two boys? A. They're friends. B. They're twin brothers. C. They're classmates. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。 14. What is the speaker mainly talking about? A. How to join the environment club. B. Why to make the environment clean. C. What to do to protect the environment. 15. Which of the following opinions will the speaker probably agree to? A. We should eat less meat and more vegetables. B. We should help others when they are in trouble. C. We should give away the books we have read to others. 三、听独白,记录关键信息,独白你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 请根据所听到的内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。


八年级英语试卷 第二学期期中质量检测 卷I(共80分) 听力部分(第一节) I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 1. A. train B. plane C. trip 2. A. park B. bank C. back 3. A. put up B. call up C. cheer up 4. A. plan B. plane C. play 5. A. homework B. housework C. work II.听句子,选出该句最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 6. A. It’s two o’clock. B. Two years. C. Two years ago. 7. A. No, I am not. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. 8. A. It was great. B. I am happy. C. Good idea. 9. A. Tomorrow. B. At home. C. Yesterday. 10. A. By bus. B. Last year. C. With my parents. III.听对话选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分) 11. What are they talking about? A. Tom’s first school. B. Tom’s first friend. C. Tom’s first teacher. 12. How old is Lily? A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen. 13. When did Tim begin to learn music? A. Three years ago. B. Six years ago. C. Seven years ago. 14. What are they going to do? A. To watch a football match. B. To see a film. C. To go to a concert. 15. Who did Betty go with on holiday? A. Her brother. B. Her parents. C. Her cousin.


八年级下册期中测试题 姓名:分数: 第一部分听力 I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()1.A.LiLeiworkshardatmaths. B.LiLeidoesn’tlikemaths. ()9.A.Notatall. B.I’msorrytohearthat. C.Itdoesn’tmatter. D.Reallybad. ()10.A.Thesametoyou. B.It’sallright. C.What’sthematter? D.I’mfine. III.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()11.A.Playinggames B.Running C.English

D.Drawing ()12.A.basketballplayer B.Agooddoctor C.Aworker D.Amoviestar (),eEnglish B.Listentotheradio C.WatchTV D.Readbooks ()14.A.Playing B.Reading C.Playingthepiano D.Drawing ()15.A.Singing B.Drawing I 1.Ifitsunnytomorrow,wefootballinthepark.,play,willplay C.willbe,willplay D.willbe,canhave 2.WhileJimmytheCD,hisfathercamehome. A.waswatching B.washearing C.waslisteningto D.bough t


1. What are they talking about? A. A maths test. B. An English test. C. Their teachers. 2. What does the girl think of the English teacher? A. He is nice. B. He’s strict. C. He’s hard-working. 听下面一段对话, 回答第3~5三个小题。 3. Where will the girl’s mo ther go next month? A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Hainan. 4. When will they have the end-of-year exam? A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. Next month. 5. What will the boy do during summer holiday? A. Play with the girl. B. Stay at home. C. Go to the beach. 听下面一段对话, 回答第6~8三个小题。 6. Where did the speaker go last summer? A. America . B. Asia. C. Africa. 7. What did the speaker do there? A. Helped in a hospital . B. Learned to paint . C. Built a bridge. 8. What does the speaker think of the trip? A. Terrible. B. Dangerous. C. Great. 听下面一段对话, 回答第9~12四个小题。 9. What’s the time now? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening 10. What is the woman? A. A reporter. B. A teacher C. A doctor 11. What do they talk about? A. Family life. B. Success stories. C. Dream jobs. 12. What can we know about the man? A. He is rich B. He is famous C, He is hard-working 听下面一段独白, 回答第13-15小题。 13. What does the speaker think of wild animals? A. All of them are dangerous. B. None of them are dangerous. C. Few of them are dangerous 14. How many kinds of animals does the speaker mention?


广东省广州广大附中花都教育集团2021-2022学年八年级下 学期期中考试英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、语法选择 V olunteers are probably some of the most overlooked (被忽视的) people. But no activity ___1___ carry on smoothly (顺畅地) without hardworking volunteers. This month, I volunteered at the Color Run ___2___ Beijing. Although I didn’t have as ___3___ fun as the runners, I still learned an important lesson. My job was ___4___ a high five to every runner at the finish line. At the beginning we saw it as a simple job. When the first runner passed, we reached out our hands and yelled “Good job” ___5___. However, as more and more people crossed ___6___ finish line and touched their hands with mine, my arm got sore. To make things worse, it became ___7___. Our clothes were all wet because of the sweat (汗) ___8___ we felt tired. But soon we saw a group of kids ___9___ toward us—they were about 6 years old. Although they could hardly ___10___ their breath, they still kept going with big smiles on their faces. They put up their hands and said, “High-five!” At that moment, I ___11___ by them—they were so young, and they refused to give up. Suddenly, I felt ___12___ become full of strength. I capped (拍) their hands, “Well done, little guys!” That is the meaning of ___13___ a volunteer. It is never an easy job. However, we ___14___ different people and see the spirit that touches us. Although such spirit ___15___ not often found in daily life, it can help us learn a lot when we see it by accident. 1.A.must B.can C.need D.would B.on 3.A.many B.much C.few D.little 4.A.give C.given give 5.A.excited B.exciting C.excitedly D.excitingly 6.A.a C.the D./ B.hotter C.the hottest D.hottest 8.A.and C.but D.or 9.A.runs B.ran C.running run


八年级下册英语期中考试试卷及答案 八年级第二学期班主任工作计划:本学期的目标是进一步培养学生良好的研究惯,引导个别学生有明显进步,并鼓励学生自己尝试力所能及的事情。同时,我们也要做好组织引导工作,最大限度地营造一个团结、积极、先进的班集体。 八年级下册英语期中考试英语试题 班级。考号。姓名。成绩: 请将答案写在答题卡上,考试结束只需交答题卡。 I。单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) 1.母亲节,我们可以给我们的母亲一些礼物。 A。In B。On C。At D。For 2.去邮局需要多长时间?步行需要十五分钟。

A。How much B。How long C。How far D。How soon 3.XXX在哪里?他去了阅览室。 A。has been B。has gone C。went D。goes 4.他在班上做了一个报告,不是吗? A。XXX 5.当车停下来时,那个人从车里出来进了一间房子。A。got in B。got on C。got off D。got out 6.嗨,XXX,我在派对上没看到你。 哦,我在为数学考试做准备。 A。am getting B。was getting C。got D。have got

7.许多学生加入了“英语俱乐部”来研究英语。 A。XXX 8.我的妹妹七岁了,她已经足够大去上学了。 A。too old B。enough old C。old enough D。so old 9.C。Until my brother told me。I knew nothing about it. 10.A。We are going to do a science XXX. 11.A。You'd better not eat the sugar too much. 12.C。The candle in the jar will。burning XXX. 13.B。Hundreds of people lost their lives in the Sichuan XXX. 14.D。The boy on the playground can't be Jack because he is in the library. 15.C。They have searched the。for 4 hours for the n. XXX. 17.B。How many is the n of China? 18.A。Windows are made of wood.


第二学期期中考试八年级英语试题 (考试时间为100分钟,试卷满分120分。考试形式闭卷。)听力部分 共20小题,每小题1分,计20分 第一部分:听对话回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. Where would Andy like to visit for his holiday? 2. What does Ben do after school now? A. B. C. A. B. 3. Where does this dialogue probably take place? A. B. 4. What does Simon usually use his computer for? A. B. 5. What will the gover nment build here? A. A new school. B. A new cin ema. 6. How does the man ofte n con tact his friends abroad? A. By e-mail. B. By Wechat. 7. When will the bus come? A. At 9:50. B. At 10:00. 8. What will they invite Susan and Peter to do? A. Go on a camp ing trip. B. Go for a pic nic. 9. How long will Father stay in the USA? B. For about fiftee n days. C. A new park. C. Through letters. C. At 10:10. C. See a film. A. For a week. C. For a month. C.

2020-2021 学年度第二学期八年级期中考试 英语试卷( 含答案)

第二学期 八年级期中考试英语试卷 试卷总分80 分,考试时间60 分钟 一.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1. my surprise, the dog really can . A.In, pick it up B.To, pick it up C.In, pick up it D.To, pick up it ( )2.I don't mind the floor,but I think there's no need it every day. sweep, sweeping B.sweep, to sweep C.sweeping, sweeping D.sweeping, to sweep ( )3.—How is your grandma? —She’s fine. She used to TV at home after dinner.But now she is used to out for a walk. A.watching,go,going C.watching, going,go ( )4.His mother’s made him very sad.But he kept on hard. A.die,working B. dead,we C. death, to work D.death,working ( )5.My pocket money and he also his money.So we had to walk home. A.ran out of, ran out B.ran out, run out C.ran out of, ran out D.ran out, ran out of ( )6. If you want to know more information about the coming party,please the website. A.look after up C.set up D.look through ( )7.She practiced for the dancing competition ,but she didn't feel . A.alone,lonely B alone,alone C.lonely,lonely D. lonely,alone ( )8.—How long may I your bike? —For a week. But you mustn’t it to others.


八年级英语下册期中测试题 一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分) 1. —You should sweep the floor every day ______ your room clean. —Yes, I will. A. keep B. keeps C. to keeping D. to keep 2. ______ their opinion, I can solve the problem by myself. A. For B. In C. To D. With 3. —Did you call her up last night? —No, I didn't. I wrote her a letter ______. A. instead B. and C. either D. however 4. My brother has a ______. He has to see a dentist at once. A. stomachache B. headache C. sore back D. toothache 5. —I got lost when I was traveling to the forest. —______. A. You're so great B. Sorry to hear that C. Not at all D. I don't mind it 6. To avoid gathering (聚集), neither the students nor their teacher ______ going to the party this evening. A. was B. were C. are D. is 7. China has ______ area of about 9,600,000 square kilometers. A. a B. an C. the D. / 8. —Why not the window? I feel really hot. —Sure, I'll do it right now. A. to open B. open C. to close D. close 9. Many parents want their children to do chores from an early age because they think it’s good for their_________. A. development B. fairness C. difficulty D. study 10. —Did you hurt __________ playing soccer? —No, I didn’t. But my classmate, Mike hurt __________ knee.

2019-2020年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案(III)

2019-2020年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案(III) 八年级下英语 考试时间:90分钟;分值:100分 Ⅰ.单项选择(20) 1.What’s the matter _______ you ? A. of B. at C. with D. in 2.Let’s ask the teacher for ____________ . A. some advices B. an advices C. any advice D.some advice 3.It’s easy __________ this game. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays 4.He isn’t happy today. Let’s ______________. A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. to cheer him up D. cheering up him 5. I’m thirsty, I’d like ______ a glass of water. A. drink B. drinks C. to drink D. drink 6. Little Tom often stays at home _____, and he feels very______. A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone 7. Could you _______ watch TV ? I’m sleeping. A. please don’t B. don’t please C. not please D. please not 8.He needs __________ his room. A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleans D. clean 9. Father asked Jim to __________ the rubbish. A. bring out B. take out C. carry out D. fetch out 10.Why don’t you ______ talk to your parents? A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. talks 11.Everyone _______ be polite to their parents. A. could B. may C. can D. should 12. My parents want me ________ at home every night. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed 13. What were you doing _______ the rainstorm came? A. when B. while C. as soon as D. after 14. What was she doing ________ he was sleeping? A. because B. while C. when D. with 15. I argued _________ my best friend.. A. about B. at C. with D. and 16. There are some books in the box. Could you please_________? A.take it out B.take them out C.take out it D.take out them 17.---Mum, Could I finish________ the football match?


八年级下册英语期中测试卷(附答案) 2020年线上初二教学阶段性测试 ——XXX 考试范围:unit1-unit6分值:100分考试时间:4月11日8:00-9:40一.单选题(共15分) 1.(1分)—Don't ______ XXX. —Yes.We should learn to be brave when we are in trouble. A.turn upB.give XXX up 2.(1分)You __ drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous. A.XXX't 3.How time flies! We should show love for our parents and make them ________ how much(1分) they mean to us. A.XXX 4.(1分)—I’ve made much progress in grammar. The ideas you ______ XXX. — Glad I could help. A.XXX 5.(1分)— Where is Tommy now?

— I saw him________in the garden a moment ago and I told him________.; go home play; goes home B.playing; to go home; going home XXX 6.(1分)—The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult. —XXX right. ________ you eat, ________ you will be. A.The less; the healthier C.The more; XXX B.The less; the XXX D.The more; the XXX 7.(1分)The plane will________from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A.XXX XXX off 8.(1分)XXX, XXX to get up early this morning. A.not to be late XXX late


八年级下册英语期中高频题专项训练——短文填空 (一) 阅读下面的短文,在短文空白处填入一个适当的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,使短文的意思完整。 Hi,I'm Yu,st year,I 1 (stay)in the UK for about two months.I found 2 (children) life in the UK is really 3 (difference)from Chinese children's.They have more free time 4 (develop) their interests.They can choose to do things they like.But it also means that children don't have to depend 5 their parents too much.They can take good care of themselves. At home children have to learn how to do chores such as 6 (sweep)the floor and folding clothes.And they have to help with housework every day.At school,they don't have much 7 (stress).They can take part in(参加)all kinds of activities 8 homework for them. All in all,the children in the UK get to know the idea of 9 (independent)at 10 early age. And this will be helpful in their future life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . (二) 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。 make,they,careful,place,weather, interested,but, perhaps, train,raise Joe Swain and Bella King are both nurses at Bradford Royal Infirmary in Yorkshire. They are(1) in cycling(骑自行车).When the two nurses from the north of England heard (2) hospital badly needs a new running machine,they decided to cycle from Land's End to John o’Groats(3) the money themselves. John o’Groats in Scotland is the far north you can go on land(陆地)in the,nd’s End is on the southwest coast(西南海岸)of England. Traditionally,the journey between these two(4) is the longest in the UK.By road,it is about 1,400 km.So how long will it (5) Joe and Bella to finish the journey? “We’re hoping to do it in ten days,”says Joe.“But(6) we’ll need two weeks.” The two nurses have planned the journey very(7) .They are going to do it in May because the (8) at that time will be warm,but not hot.These days,they're (9) hard.“We cycle every day,” says Bella. “And every weekend, we do a long ride-100 km or more.I’m getting very strong.It’s really a long journey.We may meet some difficulties, (10) we won't give up!” (三) Jenny comes from America and she has a small clinic(诊所).She had a busy day today. One boy 1 (hurt)his knees in P.E.class.When he was running in the hot sun,he felt sick and then he fell down.Something cut his knees. 2 (lucky),his cuts were not serious. Jenny washed his cuts and put some medicine on them.She told him 3 (lie)down and have a good rest. Later,a girl came and said that she had a bad headache and had problems 4 (breathe).


八年级第二学期期中考试(英语) (考试总分:150 分) 一、听力(本题共计1小题,总分20分) 1.(20分)第一节听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 第二节听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ( )6. A. I have a cold. B. I like reading English. C. I’m at school. ( )7. A. Because it’s difficult. B. Because I like helping others. C. Because I missed the bus. ( )8. A. I don’t have any time. B. I must go now. C. I’m going to sweep the floor. ( )9. A. That’s too bad. I am very upset. B. You should go to a doctor. C. You should spend more time watching TV. ( )10. A. Two girls. B. In a bank. C. In the morning. 第三节听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

听第1段对话,回答第11,12题。 ( )11. What is Jeff doing? A.Cleaning the house. B.Washing the car. C. Playing computer games. ( )12. Who is Dave? A. Jeff’s brother. B. Jeff’s friend. C. Jeff’s cousin.听第2段对话,回答第13至15题。 ( )13. Where is Molly going? A. The hospital. B. The school. C. The bank. ( )14. When will Molly get there? A. At 8 o’clock. B. At 9 o’clock. C. At 10 o’clock. ( )15. What is David going to do? A.Cheer up the kids. B. Give out food. C. Raise money. 第四节听短文,完成下列信息表格。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ( )16. A. communicate B. improve C. relax ( )17. A. talks B. listens C. compares ( )18. A. jumping B. swimming C. climbing ( )19. A. Understands B. Changes C. Visits ( )20. A. food B. program C. subject 二、单选题(本题共计28小题,总分40分) 2.(5分)单词辨音(每题1分,共5分) 从四个选项中,找出其划线部分与其他单词的划线部分读音不同的选项。 21A. fold B.notice C. stomach D. alone 22.A.sea B. repeat C.meat D.deaf 23. A.waste B. imagine C. act D.passage 24. A. risk B. sign C.ill D.wind 25. A. crazy B. icy C. difficulty 3.(5分)选出与句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。


2022-2023学年八年级下学期期中考试01(广东卷) 英语 说明: 1. 全卷满分为90分,考试用时为80分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡填写自己的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号。用2B铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。 3.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试题上。 4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 5.考生务必保持答题卡的整洁。考试结时,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 For many kids, the summer vacation is the time to play. But Penelope is different. She ____1____ to waste time on meaningless things, so she always tries something different. Last summer vacation, Penelope came up with a plan ____2____ a library in the neighborhood. Her parents ____3____ agreed with her since they knew Penelope loved reading. And they were glad to provide her ____4____ the family’s garage (车库) as her library. Then after making some preparations, Penelope ____5____ the library. Soon children started lining up (排队) outside the garage. And every day the library was getting ____6____ than the day before. Most children liked communicating with others after reading something interesting. So Penelope also set up a reading club for ____7____ to share ideas. Many children joined ____8____ club. They thanked Penelope for her meaningful action. ____9____ she was busy at the library, Penelope smiled (微笑) with great satisfaction every day. Penelope’s story shows that although we are not in school, we should ____10____ reading and learning. The garage library is really a fantastic way to help us be life-long learners. 1.A.hate B.hates C.hated D.will hate B.ran run D.runs 3.A.heavy B.heavily C.complete D.completely 4.A.with B.from D.for
