


I went there to have a look. All I remember now is that the guards at the entrance were Swiss soldiers in yellow uniforms.


China has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world’s average.

你们的计划要进行调整。Y our plan will have to be adjusted.

他总算把记者招待会对付过去了。After all, he survived the press conference.

公共汽车为人们去长城参观提供了方便。Buses provide easy access to the Great Wall.


They live frugally to accumulate more money to buy a house.


We must utilize the results of modern science and technology on a wide/large scale.


Our hearts are always towards our motherland.


Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.


So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.


Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last.大家都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦些。

Everyone knows that life on the Korean battlefield was rather hard.


We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration.


Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.


This young couple is not well-matched, one is a Xishi,--a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhangfei—a well-known ill-tempered brute.


The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.

郭末若同志曾说:“中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、用语革命的。”Comrade Guo Moruo once said, “The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution.”

Comrade Guo Moruo once said, “The people of China have always been courageous in explora tion, innovation and revolution.”


Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people have succeeded in their liberation.


While the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.


That the theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind.


No violation of this principle can be tolerated. (v—n)


The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.


Our attitude towards the question of world war is, first, we are against it; second, we are not afraid of it.


The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.


An acquaintance of the past is helpful to the acquaintance of the present, which is in turn helpful to the prediction of the future.


Adherence to the principle of One China is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification.


Some suggested lower government spending and higher salary for teachers.


China’s policy of opening to the world can only be continued by its closed ties with the world.


Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water.


The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.


An acquaintance of the past is helpful to the acquaintance of the present, which is in turn helpful to the prediction of the future.


Adherence to the principle of One China is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification.


Some suggested lower government spending and higher salary for teachers.


China’s policy of opening to the world can only be continued by its closed ties with the world.


Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water.


Chinese differs greatly from English in pronunciation.


Y ou wanted to go, but she insisted on not going on purpose.


How much we respect Professor Zhang, whom we used to despise so much.


Since you want to succeed, you must pluck up your courage.


Seeing that she’s lawfully old enough to get married, you shouldn't stop her.


Having adopted this method, he overcame the difficulties.


He refused to take the money.


A driver’s absence of mind is absolutely forbidden.


We are in complete ignorance of his plan.


That fellow is far from being honest.


Slips are scarcely avoidable when you are new to your work.


He has never missed a class this semester.


One cannot read a book without learning something.


Men only shed tears when deeply hurt. / Men never shed tears unless they are deeply hurt.


She had already finished washing. Seated on a stone beside the stream, she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic.


We should come forward in defence of truth.


The earthquake reduced all the houses to ruins.


The Party is capable of leading the peasants along the socialist road.


This outrage shocked the world opinion.


The Party Central Committee’s mobilization and organization of the Border Region’s capacities to make war against the Japanese won high praise from the people throughout the country.


His support for Portugal’s occupation of Goa has turned the Asian people against his government all the more.


Newspapers criticized the author because he failed to present a true picture of life in his works.


Y oung lady, you’d better mind your own business.


It worries her mother much that her daughter often stays up so late.

*Attention has been paid to the new measures to prevent corrosion.

*Little did I then know the meaning of war and what it was in reality.



I find this simplified English book is suitable for those who have learned English for two or three years.


The final is said to have been postponed till next Monday morning.


Unit1 P8 1.我们认为你方的格力空调在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。 2.贵方若能报优惠价并保证收到订单后四周内交货,我方将定期订购。 3.如能报到岸价,折扣以及发货日期等详细情况,将不胜感激。 4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。 5.关于贵方9月29日的询价信,我方就如下产品报价,以我方最后确认为准。 6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。 7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。 8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。 9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。 10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。 Unit1 P9 1.(我们正打算订购)We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details. 2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated. 3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment. 4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present. 5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we haven’t received any news from you. It would be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter. 6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount. 7.(许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services. 8.(很高兴我们)I’m glad that we have settled the price. 9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That’ll be definitely rock-bottom. 10. (我们正在仔细研究)We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month. Unit1 P10 1、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。如果你们接受,我们将说服客户向你们订货。如果你方不能做进一步的让步,我们就没有必要再谈下去了。我们不妨取消整个交易。顺便说一下,在考虑你方的新报价时,请考虑到我们的佣金问题。 2、我们的报价以合理利润为基础,不是漫天要价。你必须考虑到质量问题。这一行的每个人都知道三星产品质量上乘。如果我们不是朋友,我们愿意以这个价格为你们好。 Unit1 P11



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup


口译与听力(口译部分) 课程代码:00602 (考试时间60分钟满分50分) (本试卷共4页) 汉译英(20分) 第一部分 从汉代起,西安就已经是一座在中外国际交流中十分重要的城市。著名的丝绸之路始于此地。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 世界银行的使命是建立一种机制,为恢复和发展经济提供长期所需的外汇。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 落后的教育和人才的缺乏是中国成功实施西部大开发战略的最大障碍。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 联合国儿童基金会将在2001-2005年间向中国提供200万美元的援助。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 上海将建设一条全长33公里的磁悬浮铁路,连接浦东国际机场和龙阳路地铁站。这项工程将采用德国的技术。 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 面对旅游市场的需求,中国以培养翻译导游人员为主要特点的旅游教育应势而生。 __________________________________________________________________________


《商务现场口译1》复习试题 汉译英 1. 今晚没什么安排,吃过饭您就在酒店休息,明天早上我们接您去工厂,看看样品,参观生产线,下午谈谈合同的细节,后天观光旅游。您觉得这安排怎么样? 2. 很荣幸应邀到普林斯顿大学参加你们的研讨会。对我本人、我的同事及许多中国人来讲,普林斯顿大学的名字早以耳熟能详。她的历史比这个国家还长。 3. 虽然我们两国地理上相距万里,但在日常生活中却非常相近。好莱坞影片、麦当劳快餐成了许多中国人生活中的内容。而中国加工的服装、日用品也天天伴随着美国人民。 4.这次旅行非常有意义,也非常有收获。过圣诞节的时候,如果你有空的话,欢迎你带着家人到深圳来。我可以带你们看看我们的城市。 5.今天我们去长城,回来的路上顺便去看看十三陵。十三陵是明朝13个皇帝和皇后的陵墓,15世纪建造的。虽然说和长城相比,名气没那么大,看一看也是值得的。 6. 在公元前221年的时候,秦始皇统一中国以后,他把各段长城连接起来,并把它加长。根据历史记载差不多有100万人参加过这个工程,工程总共花了10年的时间。 7.孔夫子说过,“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?” 这次布郎先生和夫人从大洋彼岸不远万里光临我们公司,我感到非常高兴。 8. 在过去几年里,我们两家公司已经建立了卓有成效的合作关系。我相信通过布朗先生的这次访问,我们的合作还会得到进一步的加强。 9.地球人口越多,资源消耗的越多,产生的垃圾也越多,到时连种粮食的地都没有了怎么办?对此我们决不可掉以轻心。 10.中美两国是两个伟大的国家,它们之间的关系不仅对本国十分重要,而且对亚太地区乃至世界的和平和发展也十分重要。 11.欢迎来到深圳!非常高兴能在接下来的三天旅程中陪伴大家。下面我向你们简单介绍一下我们这次商务旅行的日程安排。 12. 下午两点,我们将前往参观深圳知名企业华为和康佳集团,并与企业管理层分别举行半小时的座谈。晚上为自由活动时间,大家可以自行安排。 13.第三天全部是游览活动。我们将前往锦绣中华和民俗文化村。在那里,你们可以欣赏许多民族特色鲜明的节目。相信你们一定会玩的很开心的。


2020年英语翻译资格考试中级口译考试模拟题(2) 今天,我很高兴能有机会同青年朋友见面,讲几句话。青年是国家和民族的未来,也是维护世界和平与发展的主力军。 青年富于朝气和活力。他们积极向上,对新鲜事物充满了好奇,强力的求知欲促使他们了解世界。 各国青年如能有充足的交流途径来促动互相理解,那么世界的和平与发展就有了充分的保证。 我希望在座来自世界各地的青年朋友,能畅所俗言,传递经验,把世界青年团结友爱的事业推向前进。 参考答案 Today, I’m glad to have the opportunity to meet our young friends and say a few words. Youth are the future of a country and nation, and the major force in promoting world peace and development as well. Youth are full of vigor and vitality. They are active, aspirant and curious about the new things. Their strong desire for knowledge pushes them to learn what is going on in the world / about the world. If the youth of all countries have enough exchange channels to promote mutual understanding, world peace and development will be ensured. I hope that all the young friends from different parts of the world presents (today) can share /exchange their views freely, pass on their pass on their experience so as to promote the cause of unity and friendship among youth in the world.


上海中级口译考试怎样准备? 中口考试分为两阶段。第一阶段笔试,一般在每年3月和9月中旬周日下午,时间150分钟,总分250分。共分四部分: 第一部分听力90分,分为三部分,均为30分。Part A是复合式听写,20个空,跟四六级考试有点类似,但区别在于全文只能听一遍,每个空要填2-4个单词,语速大约130词/分。Part B是听力理解,包括单句理解,长对话和短文。单句理解就是从四个选项中找出和所听到的句子意思最接近的一个,长对话和短文与四六级差不多。Part C是听译,分为单句听译和篇章听译,都是英译汉,即听力放英语句子和文章,然后留出一段时间,考生写出汉语翻译。 第二部分阅读60分,六篇文章,每篇文章后5个选择题。 第三部分英译汉50分,第四部分汉译英50分,要求考生不借助任何词典、参考资料和其它媒介,将一篇长度为180个单词(汉字)左右的英(汉)语文章段落译成汉(英)语。译文需忠实原文的意思,且语言通顺,符合译语规范。 合格为150分。凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试。笔试成绩两年内有效,即笔试通过后可以参加四次口试,只要任何一次通过即可拿到口译证书。 第二阶段口试,每年5月和11月,共分两部分:口语与口译。口语部分要求考生就指定话题作三分钟左右的命题发言,话题后面有三个提示问题,但不要求一定要按照问题阐述观点。考生拿到口语试题后有五分钟的准备时间。口译分英译汉和汉译英两部分,每部分均要求口译主题各不相同的两个段落。各两段,每段四断,每断两或三句,每断单独评分。答对11句及以上可以通过。 考生只有在通过笔试和口试两个阶段以后才能获得《上海市英语中级口译岗位资格证书》。考试的指定培训教材:《中级听力教程》(周国强编著),《中级阅读教程》(陈汉生编著),《中级翻译教程》(孙万彪、冯慎宇编著),《中级口语教程》(严诚忠、朱妙南编著),《中级口译教程》(梅德明编著),均由上海外语教育出版社出版。听力和口译教程配有磁带,mp3网上可以下载到。 推荐参考书:《中级口译真题解析》,同济大学出版社,内有八套真题并配有详细解析,必买;新东方口试考试培训班指定辅导用书系列,汪海涛、邱政政主编,世界图书出版公司,一套四本,中口用到《词汇必备》,《口试备考精要》和《中口笔试备考精要》三本;《英语中级口译实用教程》,康志峰主编,华东理工大学出版社;《英语中高级口译笔试冲刺》和《口试导考》,都是谭宝泉编著,前者是上海译文出版社,后者是东华大学出版社;《实战口译》,(英)林超伦编著,外语教学与研究出版社,讲口译速记符号的。 考试准备 1.背单词 单词是肯定要背的。口译的准备一般从寒假开始,这时离你四六级考试或英语期末考试结束已经有一段时间了,背单词可以唤醒你丧失的英语记忆。而且上面也提到口译单词涉及到诸多方面,其中绝大部分都是具有中国特色、与我国现阶段国情紧密相关的,社会实用性很强,这些都是大学英语教学所欠缺的。有些单词你可能以前都没有接触过,通过背单词,可以初步了解口译考试的考点。 我用的是新东方的《中/高级口译考试词汇必备》,这也是迄今为止我所知道的最好的口译单词书。它打破了单词书按字母顺序编写的常规,将口译常用单词和词组分为若干类,既有英译中,也有中译英,充分考虑了口译的双向性。所选内容除了来自教程外,还参考了国内外多种资料和媒体,很多翻译(特别是对外口径)都是“权威”表达。 背单词点到为止,千万不要花太多时间,毕竟考试不是考默写单词。另外这本单词书有不少


中国致力于发展中欧富有活力和长期稳定的经贸合作关系,并期待欧盟成为中国最大贸易与投资伙伴:——发挥经贸混委会机制作用,加强经贸监管政策对话;适时考虑更新《中欧贸易与经济合作协定》;运用WTO规则,妥善解决不合理限制及技术性壁垒,放宽高技术出口限制,发挥技贸合作的巨大潜力;尽早给予中国“完全市场经济地位”,减少并消除对华反倾销及有关歧视性政策和做法,慎用“特保措施”;合理补偿因欧盟扩大对中方经贸利益的减损。——加强中欧在世界贸易组织新一轮谈判中的协调与合作,共同推动谈判获得成功。——加强投资对话,推动建立双边投资促进机构,积极引导双方企业相互投资,扩大中小企业合作;开展加工贸易、承包工程和各种劳务合作,鼓励跨国经营和国际化生产。——欢迎欧盟增加对华发展援助,特别是在环保、扶贫、卫生保健、教育等领域的援助。同时也欢迎在加强人力资源培训、尤其是对中国中西部的人员培训、中国参与多边贸易体制的能力建设等方面发挥作用。——加强在质量监督检验检疫领域的合作,建立磋商机制,在维护安全、卫生、健康、环保的原则下,及时解决影响双方产品市场准入的问题。——加强海关合作,适时签署中欧海关协定。(二)金融合作建立健全中欧金融高层对话机制,扩大中欧央行间的政策交流,深化在防范金融危机、反恐融资和反洗钱方面的合作。中方欢迎欧盟成员国银行拓展对华业务,希望妥善解决中国金融机构在欧盟的市场准入问题。中方将依照保险法规及入世承诺,积极审核欧盟成员国保险机构来华营业申请,完善监管法规体系。加强证券立法、市场监管、投资运作合作,鼓励更多的欧盟成员国证券经营机构、基金管理机构以及其他机构投资者进入中国市场,也鼓励中国证券经营机构在条件成熟时进入欧盟证券市场,同时积极支持中国企业进入欧盟证券市场融资。 China is committed to developing dynamic, long-term and stable economic cooperation and trade with the EU and expects the latter to become China's largest trading and investment partner. -- Give play to the mechanism of the economic and trade joint committee and step up economic and trade regulatory policy dialogue; give attention to updating the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement Between China and the European Union at an appropriate time; properly address irrational restrictions and technical barriers, ease restrictions on high-tech exports and tap the enormous potential of technological cooperation and trade in line with the WTO rules; grant China a full market economy status at an early date, reduce and abolish anti-dumping and other discriminatory policies and practices against China, and apply the Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism (TPSSM) prudently; and compensate the Chinese side for its economic and trade losses which may arise due to the EU enlargement. -- Boost China-EU coordination and cooperation in the new round of WTO negotiations and work together for the success of the negotiations. -- Strengthen dialogue on investment, promote the establishment of bilateral investment-promotion institutions, energetically encourage and guide mutual investments between enterprises of the two sides, and expand cooperation between their small- and medium-sized enterprises; develop processing trade,


Model Test One Since we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have been received has been truly heartwarming. // A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: "When the visitor arrives, it is as if returning home." // One of the purposes of my visit was to make new friends, but I'm very pleased to find that instead of making friends, 1 am among friends. // And I'm also very pleased with our cooperation in the joint venture which has been very successful: We both gained and profited, and we both survived the fierce competition in the world market. Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you've all read the report about the restructuring of the group's organization, which has given rise to the problem of relocating the new group. // One possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and that is basically what the report recommends. // Alternatively, we could continue to run the two companies quite separately in their present locations with the smaller one in Shanghai. // I'm not sure how efficient the second option would be, but I'd like to hear your opinions on the subject. 自从我们到达时,我们的盛情款待收到已经真正感人的。/ / 中国谚语最好描述我的感觉:“当客人到达时,就好像回家。" / / 我访问的目的之一是结交新朋友,但我很高兴发现交朋友,而是朋友之间的1点。/ / 我也非常高兴我们的合作的合资企业非常成功:我们都上涨,获利,我们都在世界市场竞争激烈。 女士们,先生们,我想你们都读汇报集团组织的重组,这催生了搬迁新集团的问题。/ / 一种可能性是所有总部搬到上海,这基本上是报告建议。/ / 或者,我们可以继续运行这两家公司分别在他们现在的位置与规模较小的一个在上海。/ / 我不知道第二选择是有效的,但是我想听听你的意见。 Passage 1 中国有一句话是这么说的,“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”// 这句话毫无夸张之意,苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。//例如,中国南方园林建筑艺术的典范、迷人的苏州造景园林在有限的空间里造就了无数自然景观。//园林的池塘、河水、石头、花朵、树木给游客带来了如诗般的意境,这确实是赴苏州观光的必游之地。 China has a word says, "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou." / / The meaning of this sentence without exaggeration, suzhou and hangzhou, two famous historical cities near Shanghai for its beautiful scenery every year attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad. / / For example, the apotheosis of the art of building gardens in south China, the charming landscape gardens in suzhou in limited space has created numerous natural landscape. / Garden pond, river, stones, flowers, trees gave visitors a poetic artistic conception, it is to


历年英语翻译初级口译考试真题及答案 上午卷: 英译中: (1) New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million. (第63页-黄) 新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极洲之间,国土面积为268105平方公里,人口为300多万。 简析:纵观口译考题,出题者十分聪明地将有关课文的每篇的首句作为考题来出,真是用心良苦。试想每篇文章的首句或每段文章的第一句话不是有提纲挈领的作用吗?理解了首句往往就能了解文章的大概。这和阅读理解的要求有着很大的相通性。所以加强平日对英语句子的敏感性十分有必要。 2) When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal. (P.367) 洗涤过程完成后,洗碗机用自身的热量将盘子和杯子烘干。杯盘还可以留在机内待下一餐使用时再取出。 中译英: (1)为了过好学校里的公寓生活,学生应该学会自己洗衣服,整理房间,甚至于买菜做饭。(第355页) To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food. (2)据估计,全球毒品的贸易额以达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。(p36蓝)


Lesson 1 美国副总统复旦演讲 韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们!我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。对各位老师坚持复旦大学99年追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.” ; I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s sem inar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation. 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话 各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好! 欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动! 我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!” ` 公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。 新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。 各位供应商,我们希望与你们携手共进,使我们的业务更上一层楼。 各位经销商,我们将继续向你们提供尖端的高质量产品,以协助你们做好客户支持,改善中国和东南亚许许多多人士的生活。 各位邻居和朋友,我们将成为良好的企业公民,与各位同行一起维护在中国开展业务的规范性。 最后,我们承诺给员工们提供一个安全、舒适的工作环境。 再次感谢各位与我们共同庆祝今天的典礼! Lesson 2


英语中级口译全真模拟 Authentic Interpreting Exercises Passage 1 It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation to visit your company and to tour around Shanghai and the whole country. // I had a dream that someday I would visit China and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while, and I’m very grateful that you have made my dream come true. // I’m so happy to have the opportunity to work with a group of distinguished people in China’s computer software industry. // I’m looking forward, in the next few days, to meeting my Chinese colleagues and touring around your company properties.// Passage 2 I have been thinking about something lately and I’d like to share with you my thoughts. // In the west, everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. // China’s rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific Region has attracted a growing number of business and financial giants in the world to invest in China. // Shanghai, as China’s biggest city and financial center, is among the best choices of their investment destinations.// Passage 3 罗伯茨先生,我谨代表公司全体同仁,并以我个人的名义欢迎您来沪工作并成为我们公司的一员。这是我们的荣幸和骄傲。// 听到您对此次来沪短期工作有如此高的寄托,我们深受感动。// 考虑到您工作、生活的方便与舒适,我们打算安排您居住在公司招待所下榻。// 我们将尽力使您在沪期间过得舒适、愉快、有价值、有意义。// Passage 4 海外人士在上海及其周边地区的投资继续呈明显上升趋势。// 出现这一高涨不止的投资热有多种缘由。// 中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一;中国政府和地方政府高度重视对外全面开放,尽可能吸引外资。// 另外,许多海外团体与个人投资者认为在中国直接投资比同中国公司做生意更有利可图。因为外国直接在华投资可以在最大程度上发挥有关双方的优势。// Passage 5 中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰实,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,基础设施不断改善。// 另外,中国还有稳定的社会政治环境以及诱人的投资政策。// 所有这一切对拥有充足奖金、先进技术和管理知识的外国投资者来说都极具吸引力。// 事实上,同与中国公司做生意相比,在华直接投资的经济回报率更高。// Passage 6 浦东开放的十年中一直是外商投资的热点。// 来自发达国家的企业家以多种方式投资浦东:合资、独资、合作,获得了巨大成功。// 但也有许多在中国内地和其它沿海城市进行投资而获得成功的例子。// 在当今的中国,很难说哪一个地方为最佳,也许应该说在某一时期的某一地点投资会比较好。//


1. Fans around the world are remembering the man who called himself the King of Pop. Michael Jackson died Thursday in Los Angeles. Michael Jackson would have celebrated his fifty-first birthday in August. He was just days from launching what he hoped would be a comeback -- a series of fifty concerts in London. 全球各地的歌迷都在缅怀一位被称作是“流行之王”的人。迈克尔·杰克逊周四在洛杉矶逝世。迈克尔·杰克逊本该在8月份庆祝自己的51岁生日。距离在伦敦举行50场系列音乐会只剩几天时间了——他本希望这次音乐会能让自己复出 2. More than seven hundred fifty thousand tickets sold out within hours of going on sale in March. The shows were set to begin July thirteenth. There were questions, though, about whether his health could handle the extended tour. And after he died there were more questions -- this time about his use of painkillers. Medical examiners did an autopsy on Friday, but tests for drugs in the body normally take weeks. 3 月份,75万余张门票在公开销售的几小时内被抢购一空。演出原定在7月13日拉开序幕。不过,大家对他的健康状况能否应付长时间的巡演表示怀疑。他死后出现了更多疑问——这一次是关于他服用止痛药的事。验尸官周五进行了尸检,但体内药物检测通常需要数周的时间。 3. Thriller," his nineteen eighty-two album, earned a place in Guinness World Records as the best selling album of all time. It produced hits like "Beat It" and "Billie Jean." Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, the seventh of nine children. He was five years old when he and his brothers began performing in the Jackson 5. 他在1982 年发行的专辑《颤栗者》赢得了“史上最畅销专辑”的吉尼期世界纪录。这张专辑打造了“闪开”和“比利·吉恩”这些热门单曲。迈克尔·杰克逊出生于印第安纳州的加里市,他在9个孩子中排行第7。当他和哥哥们组成“杰克逊5人组”开始上台表演时,他才年仅5 岁。 4. In nineteen seventy-one, Michael Jackson began his solo career. He went on to sell an estimated seven hundred fifty million albums. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- twice. But as talented and successful as he was, he was also deeply troubled. His behavior and appearance grew increasingly strange. He was heavily in debt. 1971年,迈克尔·杰克逊开始了他的独唱生涯。他的唱片销量估计高达7.5亿张。他还曾两次入选摇滚名人堂。他才华横溢、饶有成就,但同时也深受困扰。他的行为举止和容貌越变越奇怪。他还身负巨债 5. Michael Jackson left his mark on popular culture. His music, his videos. His dance moves and moonwalking. The hand in a sequined white glove. The father of three was even married for a time to Elvis Presley's daughter. Now, he leaves behind family, friends and fans to mourn his death. In a sad way he did make a comeback. His death has pushed sales of his music back to the top of the charts again. 迈克尔·杰克逊在流行文化中留下了自己的印迹。他的音乐,他的录像。他的舞姿和月球漫步。他那戴着白色亮片手套的手。身为三个孩子的父亲,他曾与猫王的女儿有过一段婚姻。而现在,他留
