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**************** 邀请嘉宾:






中文签证邀请函范文3篇 中文签证邀请函范文一: ToChineseEmbassy/Consulate, IherebyinvitethefollowingindividualtovisitChina,whoseinf ormationislistedbelow: 被邀请人信息—Informationoftheinvitedparty 姓名 Name(asappearedon passport)___________________________________________ 性别 Gender男Male女Female 出生日期 DateofBirth_____________________________________________ _____________ 护照号码 Passport Number__________________________________________________ ____________ PurposeofvisitingChina(Visitingrelatives,friends,tourist ,etc)________________ 访问城市 Citiestovisit___________________________________________ _______________

抵华日期 DateofarrivalinChina____________________________________ ______________ 谁将承担往返中国及在中国的费用? Whowillpayfortravel&livingexpense_______________________ _____________ 邀请人姓名或单位Nameof inviter_________________________________________________ _______ 与被邀请人的关系 Relationshipbetweeninviterandtheinvited_________________ ________________ 邀请人联系电话 Inviter'sChinesephonenumber_____________________________ ______________ 邀请人地址 Inviter'saddressinChina_________________________________ _______________邀请人签名 Signatureofinviter_________________________ 中文签证邀请函范文二: 邀请函 日期:5月14日,第20xx位 尊敬的先生或女士,我们很高兴地邀请先生(名称),(位置)的(公司名称),参观(邀请人公司名称)。访问日程和目的如下: 阶段1:(时间)(目的)


关于访问学者面试的相关问题 科言译: 在申请访问学者的过程中,导师面试是成功申请访问学者的关键一步。一般来说,如果面试成功,导师就会给你发放邀请函。那么,申请人该如何应对面试呢?一是要了解访问学者面试的考察内容,而是要掌握访问学者面试技巧。 一、访问学者面试考察内容 根据近年来大量的访学申请实际案例看,教授会在发出offer之前要求对访学申请人进行Skype视频或电话面试。通过面试教授意在考察申请人具备哪些方面的能力。逆向思维,作为访学申请人,我们需要思考教授到底在物色怎样的人选。 1、研究背景匹配,团队合作意识强 通过简历的删选,教授基本能断定在学术上自己跟申请人方向是否匹配。如果申请人获得面试邀请,说明硬性背景没问题。在面试过程中,教授会着重考察申请人的学术兴趣,是否具有团队合作意识。有时候说话能看出一个人的处事态

度和能力,如果一个人总是自顾自的说自己的话题,可能就比较自我。科研背景在访学申请中不是唯一的考量指数,访学是个training的职位,需要的是能合作会沟通愿意干的申请人。 2、良好的语言交流能力或语言学习潜力 这一点非常重要,访学申请人的英语交流能力和学习能力一定程度上影响着团队的产能。 二、访问学者面试的经验 首先,准备工作要全面:一般来说,访问学者对要面试你的导师不一定会很熟悉,这时候,你要想方设法的找一些导师的视频资料,听两节导师讲的视频专业课培养语感,在网上搜了下大概会问什么问题,看几篇他近来的大作,未雨绸缪。

其次,面试设备要弄好,电话保证畅通可以持久通话,备用物品有耳机,以往经验感觉信号会好些,可以让你听的更清晰,先前做好的笔记,与自己专业相关的一些资料都备好。 另外,在电话面试过程中,试着巧妙的把我整个过程的主动权,调动导师们的情绪,说话清晰,不紧张,谈吐自然有内涵,做到这两点,面试成功一半。 再就是,如果实在无法掌控面试,导师问什么你就答什么,也行,如果遇到听不懂的,也可以让对方重述,这点不要显得拘谨,这是很正常的。 最后,在电话面试的时候,不要过多的询问对方,如果对方问你有什么疑问,你可以调整自己的思路,说一下自己的愿望。等面试结束的时候,可以发一份邮件,以表谢意。 三、访问学者面试技巧 1、对内做准备(自己)


Invitation Letter-Visiting Scholar Applicant: Date of Birth: Institution of Applicant: Acceptant Institution: Supervisor: Research field: Proposed starting date: Proposed ending date: Person’s Status: Dear Mr. XX, I would like to formally invite you to be a Visiting Scholar in our laboratory for a year, starting in late 2015. The expected period of visiting will be from December, 2015 to December, 2016. It is my pleasure to write this letter to support your application for the China Scholarship Council (CSC) grant, which would cover the cost of living, travel, medical insurance, etc. for the duration of your stay in Japan, and hope it will be approved. You will focus the research on XXX.You and your home institution will be fully responsible for your stipend to cover all your accommodation and travel cost when you work in our lab, and I will provide you all necessary infrastructure and facilities to carry out the research at our department. In addition, based on our previous contact with you, we believe your English is fluent enough to undertake research studies in our research environment, and your English level has enough to study and work in XXX University. We look forward to your arrival in my Lab. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems. Yours sincerely, (Signature) (Title) Address: E-mail:


同学会邀请函范本 同学会邀请函范本 亲爱的八五----八八初中四班的同学们: 同窗三载,温馨如昨,依然常驻心头; 悲欢岁月,依稀如梦,但愿记得你我! 光阴似箭,日月如梭,自1988年至今,转眼间我们已分别二十三年了。二十三年光阴弹指一挥,人生沧海桑田。亲爱的同学,您是否时常忆起我们的青春岁月,时常怀念同学间的纯真情感?多少同学盼望再次欢聚一堂,畅叙阔别之情! 你的心情现在好吗?你的一切还算顺利吗?当我们用自己的智慧和汗水,在创造生活和实现自我价值的过程中品味了人生的酸、甜、苦、辣之后都会发觉:让我们最难以忘怀和割舍不掉的依旧是那份学生时代的同窗友情。不是吗?多少寝室里的欢笑、多少操场上的打闹、多少校园里的往事不是常常出现在你我的梦里吗?留言薄上的美好祝福、分手时的相互嘱托、校门口的挥泪告别不也是常常闪现在你我的眼前吗?如今我们还能再以忙碌为由而去淡漠彼此间的同窗情谊吗?往事难忘,温馨如昨,依然常驻心头;悲欢岁月,依稀如梦,但愿你记得我!我们和你一样,多少次梦里相聚,多少次心驰神往! 人生能有几个二十三年,让我们像珍惜生命一样,珍惜这次相聚的机会。您的到来,必将给人生留下最美好的记忆。来吧!让我们相聚二〇一一,重温一九八五至一九八八!我们真诚邀请各位同学暂时抛开尘世的喧嚣,挣脱身边的烦恼,

尽情享受老同学相聚的温馨让心栖息,忘却忧虑;说说真话,谈谈友情;回首往事,畅想未来;交流感悟,相互鼓舞。老同学啊,我们已经久违,都已疲惫;抛开烦恼、让心沉醉等你来归,我们将欢聚一堂!同学们盼望着与您相聚! 面对九零----九三的初中生活不得不感叹:平平淡淡才是真!但只要想起四班的老同学,想起当年一起奋斗的日子。心情就特爽!那份亲热,那份依恋,那份浓浓的、深深的人情味,却是十年同事也难造就的;那种情怀,那种美感,那种淡淡的、长长的同窗谊,却是亲生兄弟也难维持的。 我们很想约你,约你去往事里走走:听听久违的声音,看看久违的面孔,说说离别的思绪尽管我们知道你很想抑制内心的期盼与波澜。但是这样难得的欢聚,会因你的缺席而黯然失色,更令我们黯然神伤!就让你我暂时抛开尘世的喧嚣、挣脱身边的烦恼,走到一起,尽情享受老同学相聚的温馨让心栖息,忘却忧愁;说说真话,谈谈友情;回首往事,畅想未来;交流感想,相互勉励相信除了欣喜和激动,你还会有更多的收获! 来吧,老同学!为了让我们了却一种遗憾 23年来未能谋面的’遗憾,也许来了您会后悔,但不来却是你终生难了的遗憾; 来吧,老同学!为了让我们寻求一种温馨挚友久别再次欢聚的温馨,也许来了您会更累,但不累怎能体验这难得的温馨。 来吧,老同学!来重温曾经的浪漫,展望精彩的明天,让我们在浪漫中叙述各自的故事,共叙后再去谱写明天的浪漫。 来吧,老同学!薄酒一杯,却品不尽沁人肺腑的甘纯;淡饭两口,也淡不了血浓于水的同学之交!我们聚到一起来,绝不是为了吃点喝点娱乐消遣,更不是为了胡吹海侃推销风光,而是为我们今后的亲密来往铺铺路,为我们今后的感情沟通连连网


2020高考英语邀请信模板带翻译 2020高考英语邀请信模板带翻译1 Dear sir/madam: [organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic]. As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in . Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. I’ll call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that we’ll make everything convenient to the speaker. Sincerely yours, [name] 亲爱的先生/女士: (组织)很想有人从贵公司在我们的会议上发言(主题)。 如你所知,我们协会的使命是促进。我们的许多成员感兴趣的.是你们公司取得的成就。 封闭是我们的初步日程安排将在周回顾的会议。我会打电话给你从公司[日期],看谁愿意说给我们听。我可以向你保证,我们将一切方


访学申请信样本电子邮件版本 该申请信只是样本,请根据自己的需要增补相关信息,尤其是本专业的研究方向、国内研究团队的优势及申请对方学校的原因等 Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae16771472.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信


老同学聚会邀请函范本4篇 亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档老同学聚会邀请函范本4篇,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。相信您通过阅读这篇文档,一定会有所收获。假若亲能将此文档收藏或者转发,将是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动力。 老同学聚会邀请函范本1 亲爱的同学们: 日月如梭,光阴似箭,三年瞬间已逝,别后无恙乎? 三年前,我们相聚在开阳二中。校园的晨钟和琅琅读书声仿佛还在耳边回响,校园的各条路道留下了我们漫步的足迹。在校园里我们曾经有过青少年时期的骚动,放任过青春的激情,追逐过真挚的友情,蕴藏过暗恋的甜蜜。缘分让我们拥有了一段人生中最美好最难忘的岁月, 也许,三年前我们没有过相约的承诺,但今天——三年后的再相邀,让我们共同来弥补多年的遗憾。我们曾经有过的恩恩怨怨,眼泪和欢笑,只是点缀在时光上的花朵,用真爱编织而成的同窗之谊才是永远的许诺。同窗三年虽然只是我们人生历程里的一瞬间,却已深深地铭刻在我们的记忆里! 一别三年,当年同窗早已各奔东西,但我们坚信:无论你身在何方,无论你事业辉煌,也无论你是得意,还是失意……。你

终究不会忘记那校园的小路,母校的晨钟,同学的情谊。因为我们曾经朝夕相伴,拥有共同美好的时光。也许,你把这一切都隐藏在心底,悄悄期待着重逢的春光;也许你和我一样,有过多少次的梦里相聚;更有“相见难相见难,无限思念在心间。可恨关山重重阻,教人如何不断肠,脸上泪千行”的感伤!让我们暂时抛开尘世的喧嚣,挣脱身边的烦恼,走到一起,尽情享受老同学的温馨——————让心栖息,忘却忧愁;回首往事,畅想明天;交流感悟,相互鼓舞…… 相遇是一种缘分,相逢更是一种机会。来吧,同学!抛开你我的杂务和繁忙,让我们再次相聚,说说你我成败得失,诉诉你我离别衷肠。让我们一起为你分担忧愁,也让我们一起分享你的快乐!来吧,亲爱的同学!带上你的思念,带着我的追逐,让我们再次相逢,一起重温学生时代的美好时光! 各位同学,这样难得的欢聚,别因你的缺席而使聚会黯然失色,更会令我们黯然神伤!带着你澎湃的心跳,带着你激越的向往,带着你历经沧桑的人生感悟,带着你久违的欢声笑语,来吧!并请尽快给予回复。 最后祝大家身体健康,万事如意!盼望大家早作安排 老同学聚会邀请函范本2 亲爱的同学们:


英文邀请函及回复范文 邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 ;一种是非正式格式。下面小编为大家带来了英文邀请函及回复范文,欢迎阅读。 邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。 例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.” 1. 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon Dear : Will you come to luncheon on , at My niece is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! will be here, and perhaps we can after luncheon. Do say you’ll come! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的:

您能在来吃午饭吗 我侄女正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴的!也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能,说好,一定得来呀! 2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐Inviting friends to supper with the strangers Dear : I know you are interested in , so I’m sure you’ll be interested in ! They are coming here to supper , and we’d like you and to come, too. are that very charming couple we met in last summer. They have a wonderful collection of ; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on . I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company. We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the ! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的: 我知道您对是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会


签证邀请函模板 签证邀请函模板【一】 To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter to invite my parents (Mr. xxx Passport No.Gxxx and Mrs. xxx Passport No.xxx ) to visit me in Canada this coming June for a period of 2 months. The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During their visiting, they will stay with me at the address as bellow and we will be responsible for all her expenses including the round trip air fare to Canada, food, housing, travelling within Canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses. We will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant them a Temporary Resident Visa. Your favorable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me as bellow. Sincerely, 签名 xxx(邀请人姓名) Tel: Email:


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除国外访学邀请函模版 篇一:访问学者邀请函模板1 Dr.xx mailboxxx xxxxxuniversity xx,xx,p.R.china, Zipcode DearDr.xxxx Itismypleasuretoinviteyouasavisitscholar (orpostdoc)tovisit,fromxx-xxtoxx-xx.. Iunderstandyouwillbesupportedbyascholarshipfromthec hinascholarshipcouncil. Youwillbeperformingresearchundermydirection,andwith membersofmygroup,onthefieldsofxxxxx.Youshallbeprovi dedanofficeandaccesstoourlabandotherresearchfacilit

iesasappropriate. welookforwardtoyourvisit. sincerely, 篇二:国外导师邀请函模板 模板一 Dear。。。。 Itismygreatpleasuretoinviteyoutocomeandworkinmylabo ratoryintheschoolof。。。。。。asapartofyourphDtrainingwith。。。。luniversity. Theperiodoftraininginmylaboratorywillbefor12monthsb eginninginseptemberof20XX.Itismyunderstandingthatyo urstipendandhealthinsurancewillbecoveredbyascholars hipfromchina.Iwillprovidethenecessaryfundsforthesup pliesrequiredforyoutoundertakeresearchwithinmygroup .notuitionpaymentwillberequiredbyT。。。 IwouldalsoliketopointoutinthisletterthatIamsatisfie dthatyou(。。。)meetourstandardsinenglishlanguageproficiencyforfore ignstudents.wearelookingforwardtothetimethatyouwill


高中同学聚会邀请函2018(一) 尊敬的各位老师、同学们: 日月如梭,光阴似箭,三年瞬间已逝,别后无恙乎? 三年前,我们相聚在xx。校园的晨钟和琅琅读书声仿佛还在耳边回响,校 园的各条路道留下了我们漫步的足迹。在校园里我们曾经有过青少年时期的骚动,放任过青春的激情,追逐过真挚的友情,蕴藏过暗恋的甜蜜。缘分让我们拥有了一段人生中最美好最难忘的岁月, 也许,三年前我们没有过相约的承诺,但今天--三年后的再相邀,让我们共同来弥补多年的遗憾。我们曾经有过的恩恩怨怨,眼泪和欢笑,只是点缀在时光上的花朵,用真爱编织而成的同窗之谊才是永远的许诺。同窗三年虽然只是我们人生历程里的一瞬间,却已深深地铭刻在我们的记忆里! 一别三年,当年同窗早已各奔东西,但我们坚信:无论你身在何方,无论你事业辉煌,也无论你是得意,还是失意……。你终究不会忘记那校园的小路,母 校的晨钟,同学的情谊。因为我们曾经朝夕相伴,拥有共同美好的时光。也许,你把这一切都隐藏在心底,悄悄期待着重逢的春光;也许你和我一样,有过多少次的梦里相聚;更有“相见难相见难,无限思念在心间。 可恨关山重重阻,教人如何不断肠,脸上泪千行”的感伤!让我们暂时抛开 尘世的喧嚣,挣脱身边的烦恼,走到一起,尽情享受老同学的温馨------让心栖息,忘却忧愁;回首往事,畅想明天;交流感悟,相互鼓舞…… 相遇是一种缘分,相逢更是一种机会。来吧,同学!抛开你我的杂务和繁忙,让我们再次相聚,说说你我成败得失,诉诉你我离别衷肠。让我们一起为你分担忧愁,也让我们一起分享你的快乐!来吧,亲爱的同学!带上你的思念,带着我的追逐,让我们再次相逢,一起重温学生时代的美好时光! 各位同学,这样难得的欢聚,别因你的缺席而使聚会黯然失色,更会令我们黯然神伤!带着你澎湃的心跳,带着你激越的向往,带着你历经沧桑的人生感悟,带着你久违的欢声笑语,来吧!并请尽快给予回复。 最后祝大家身体健康,万事如意!盼望大家早作安排 经部分同学倡议: 聚会时间:xx年1月31号(星期一),14:30


邀请函英语范文 英语邀请函范文篇一 Dear sir/madam: Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic XX from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions. Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need. Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, [name] [title] 英语邀请函范文篇二 MR glue BB/CC, poplar core, Thickness tolerance +/-0.5mm, M/C is below bb%, flat surface If you dont try you will never know our quality level .you will increase your competitors absolute advantage, they have our good quality and better prices, how can you compete with them


访问学者邀请函解析 访问学者邀请函解析 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 每年都有很多访问学者申请出国,但是苦于没有好一点的邀请函模版,如此就无法给国外导师表述邀请函的重要信息,导师也不知道怎么写邀请函才能最好的配合学生,我们就为大家列一个比较标准的中英文对照的模板,希望能对大家有所帮助。 【邀请函的具体要求】 1.使用留学院校专用信纸。 2.申请人的基本信息(包括姓名、出生日期、国内院校) 3.标明留学身份(联合培养博士生,美国学校提供的身份应能申请J-1签证,学生应向美方学校索取DS2019表) 4.留学的起止时间和留学期限。 5.明确指导教师,留学专业或受邀人在国外要从事的研究课题。 6.费用情况(是否免学费或提供学费,是否收取注册费或提供其他工作机会等。如收取学费,又提供资助或工作职位,则应标明具体额度。 7.注明申请人的外语水平符合国外院校的要求。 8.外方负责人的联系方式及发邀请人的签字。 9.如申请专项奖学金项目,需要对方在邀请信中明确推荐意见。 我当时给导师写的邀请请说明: Applicant should also be demanded to submit invitation letter to ChinaScholarship Council (CSC). If possible, I sincerely want to obtaininvitation letter from you and I’ll be very appreciate about it. Pleasedon’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question. According to theproposition of CSC, the invitation letter should contain following items. a. Use special letter paper of host institution。 b. Contain basic information of applicant, such as name, birth date and domestic institution。 c. Indicate the station of applicant in host institution.


关于同学聚会邀请函模板10篇 亲爱的同学: 同窗三载,温馨如昨,依然常驻心头; 悲欢岁月,依稀如梦,但愿记得你我! 初中一别,至今已近十载,当年同窗、今各东西。但我们相信:无论你回到故里,或远在他乡;也无论你多么闲暇,或何等繁忙……但是,同窗之情不变。你终究不会忘记在林园和我们一齐攀谈、一齐嬉戏……也许,你把这一切都冰封收藏,悄悄期盼着重逢的春光。我们和你一样,多少次梦里相聚,多少次心驰神往。 我们很想约你,约你去往事里走走:听听久违的声音,看看久违的面孔,说说离别的思绪……尽管我们明白你很想抑制内心的期盼与波澜。但是这样难得的欢聚,会因你的缺席而黯然失色,更令我们黯然神伤!就让你我暂时抛开尘世的喧嚣、挣脱身边的烦恼,走到一齐,尽情享受老同学相聚的温馨——让心栖息,忘却忧愁;谈谈友情;回首往事,畅想未来;交流感想,相互勉励……相信除了欣喜和激动,你还会有更多的收获!

你会来吗?我们用一如当年热切而期盼的眼睛,一如当年火热而年轻的心在等待…… 20xx年最新初中同学聚会草案 一、活动宗旨 回味纯真情谊、重温昔日情怀,延续同学友情、加强互助协作。 二、时光 暂定于20xx年2月1日 三、地点 朝天门广场。 四、 __ 请第一时光知悉此消息的同学相互传达,期望人员到齐(十分特殊的状况除外),提前做好安排。

五、组委会 __ 总负责人:XXXXXXXXX __:XXXxxxxxxxxXXXxxxxxxxXXxxxxxx 爱的同学们,你好! 光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼间我们已经毕业三年了。三年光阴弹指一挥间,人生已沧海桑田。亲爱的同学,你是否时常忆起学校时的青春岁月,时常怀念母校的一草一木和同学间的纯真情感?你的情绪此刻好吗?你的一切还算顺利吗?一别十五载,荏苒而立年,当年同窗,今散四海。但我们相信:无论你仍在学校,或远在他乡;无论你事业辉煌,或暂遇挫折;无论你身居要职,来去匆匆,或布衣悠然,采菊东篱;也无论你人生正得意,金樽对明月,或人生不称意,散发弄扁舟……你,你终究不会忘记那以前生活三年的母校。因为同一个理想激励着我们,我们拥有共同的完美时光……也许,你把这一切都冰封收藏,悄悄期盼着重逢的时光。往事难忘,温磬如昨,依然常驻心头;悲欢岁月,依稀如梦,但愿你记得我!我们和你一样,多少次梦里相聚,多少次心驰神往,甚至有“明天将要来临,却难得和你相逢”的感伤。但感伤何用,心动不如行动!让我们暂时抛开尘世的喧


邀请函模板范文,英文 篇一:邀请函英文范文 邀请函英文范文 dearxxx: iamwritingtoinviteyoutojoinmeinxxxxphotocopyofrelevantpages frommypassport.acopyofmytenancyagreement. forfurtherinformation,icanbecontactedattheaboveaddress.take care.loveyou yourhusband 公司晚会邀请函范文,from____DearSirorMadam: WeareverypleasedtoinviteMretoourfactoryforvisitingandbusine

ssnegotiation.Thebusinesstripwillstartfrom18thApril2005.And becausethelongbusinessco-operationinfuturebetween**对方公 司名andus,theywillcometoChinaformanytimes. Pleasenote,however,thatwedon’tassumeanylegalorfinancial responsibilitywhateverregardingthepresenceofinChina.Allexpe nsesofSjourneyto/fromChina,theirstayinChinaaswellashealthin surancewillbebornebytheiremployers. Wesendyouourkindestregardsandbestwishesforapleasanttrip. Yourssincerely, GeneralManagersignatur July29,2005 DearSirorMadam: WeareverypleasedtoinviteMr.***cometoourfactoryforvisitingandbusinessnegotiation.Thebusine


工作签证邀请函模板_邀请函 签证邀请函上要有邀请人单位的准确地址、电话、传真、电子邮件,有些国家使领馆规定邀请函传真要从本土发出。以下是小编整理的工作签证邀请函模板,欢迎阅读。 工作签证邀请函模板1I would hereby invite the members of Beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place) during *** (date). Please make the necessary arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country). During the exposition, you will stay here for *** days. All your expenses including international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves. We are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon. Yours sincerely, (Signature) 工作签证邀请函模板2Dear Professor _____________ We are so pleased that you will be visiting Stanford to speak at our _______ Research Workshop on [date]. To show our appreciation for your willingness to share your research, we would like to offer you a modest $_______ honoraria, assuming your visa


Dear Professor......, I am writing to apply for a position of visiting scholar at your Lab. My name is ......, from ...... University, China. I’ve got my Ph. D degree in ...... under the supervision of Professor ...... in ...... University, majored in Organic Chemistry. From 2010 to 2013, I researched in ...... as a Post-Doctor. Recently, I have been awarded the financial support from China Scholarship Council (CSC) to pursue further research in America as a visiting scholar for 12 months. The financial support covers international airfares, health insurance, and necessary expenses during my stay in America. Currently, I'm working in the field of ...... and my projects mainly involve in the design and synthesis of ......, I need to widen my vision and perspectives. Checking into my advisor's guide and other sources, I have found that your Lab is an ideal place for ambitious youth. I will greatly appreciate an opportunity to do some further research under your direction. So I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to be a visiting scholar in your group and let me take part in some of the research work to extend my research skill and knowledge on molecular recognition. I strongly believe that with your instruction I can make big progress in my research career. In the following section of this email, I list part of my research achievements for you. If time permits, I hope you can look up and give some suggestions. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards to you and your family. Sincerely yours, Name: M No. XXX XX Road XX City XX Province PR. China. Tel.: +86-xxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: XXXX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae16771472.html, Dear XXX, I am writing to you about the possibility of studying and researching in your lab as a visiting scholar. The XXX has approved my request to study abroad. They will provide me with XXXX dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for X year. Your researches are of particular interest to me, especially in XXXX that XXX
