

瘦西湖的英语表达是:SlenderWestLake SlenderWestLakeissituatedinthenorthwestsuburbofYangzhouCity .ItoriginallywasanaturerivercoursenamedBaozhangRiver.Withco ntinuousharnessingthroughthedynasties,itgraduallybecameasce nicareawithmanyenchantinglakescenes.Itislocatedtothewestoft hecityandissliminitsshape,sopeoplenameditSlenderWestLake.

瘦西湖位于扬州城的西北郊区,原先是一个名叫宝张河的自然湖泊,经过各朝各代的不断的治理,形成了一个拥有许多美丽湖泊风光的自然景区。由于它位于扬州城的西郊并且形态瘦长,故取名“瘦西湖”。DatingfromtheTangDynasty(618-907AD),thismanmadelakehasoften beenquotedbyseveralpoetsoftheperiod.从唐代开始,瘦西湖就经常被诗人们吟诵了。

SlenderWestLakeis4.3kilometersintotallengthwithanareaofover 30hectares.Thelakeboastsmanyfamousscenicspots,suchastheWhit ePagoda,theFivePavilionBridge,andXiaojinHill.TheLongDikeiso nthewesternbankofthelake,extendingaboutonehundredmetersfrom theentranceoftheparktotheXiaojinHill.Weepingwillowtreesareg rowingallalongthedike.InthelakeisanisletwhereZhengBanqiao&# 39;scalligraphyofcoupletscanbeseeninahouse.



江苏扬州瘦西湖英文导游词 英语导游

Members tourists: if Hangzhou West Lake to plump charming young married woman, then the Yangzhou Slender West Lake and may be compared to the Qiena girl, because Hangzhou West Lake gives a person a kind of elegant flavor, and Slender West Lake of Yangzhou gave people a bit soft and shy love. For many years, her unique charm, not only make the people of Yangzhou like to tour, also make at home and abroad of the famous literati for dumping, only a " thin ", leads to many poets quotes. In earlier years, Deng Tuoyou lake, the lake scenery admire, readily into the poem: " Bridge Song blowing in ancient Yangzhou, I make a trip to Yangzhou for three days; thin West Lake feeling better, one day beauty of numerous close. "[ the name origin - Hongqiao - South ]Members tourists: China's " West Lake " named area thirty or forty place, and " Slender West Lake " in Yangzhou a. Then why would she named " Slender West Lake "? Slender West Lake is located in the western suburbs of the city of Yangzhou, formerly known as " cannon mountains and rivers", also known as " security River ", is the Sui and Tang Dynasties by Shu with various mountain water, the confluence of Anhui Dabie Shandong cave man a waterway canal water. It has 50 hectares of tour area, more than 6 km distance, such as when a Qushui Weigela, exhibition, like the dance into the world colored streamers, form natural moving. Later renamed " Slender West Lake ", is because the Qianlong period poet Wang hang Yangzhou insurance Hangzhou West Lake River and made a comparison, wrote a song lauding security River poems: " hang down continuously connected remnant Wu, Hongqiao Yan Yan gear drawing pin; and one pot, it should be called the Slender West Lake. " From " Slender West Lake " as the official name, renowned at home and abroad." Yangzhou, the first is Hongqiao ", now we come to the place is the world famous Slender West Lake in Hongqiao -- the first king. The bridge is one of the twenty-four king of Yangzhou, built in the Ming Chong a year across the lake, security. The original bridge is a wooden red bar, named Hongqiao, the Qing Dynasty Qian Long the first year into stone. Fifteen years later, the salt Shi Hing, pfau, high constant sequential reconstruction, and the bridge bridge pavilion, instead of " red " for " Rainbow", meaning is like a rainbow bridge. Now converted to 7.6 metres wide and 3 hole low slope green stone. In the history of Hongqiao once enjoy quite a reputation, Emperor Qianlong visited Yangzhou and poetry appreciation of the scenery of Hongqiao. Once Qianlong cruises to Hongqiao, see one beggar hand pole, pole end of a cloth bag, mouth muttering incantations, around the wicket, then what? Ji Xiaolan ( the minister ) busy approached replied: is a beggar, specifically in the river after begging. Qian Long hears decree ordered beggar to poetry, the beggar unhurried chant : "the March fireworks airflow in, generation of soldiers in Hongqiao. Jin Fan Xu Qianbi mirror, or as day burning sunset. " Qian Long had to sigh: " Yangzhou will still be the poem, and deserves to be the land of Wenchang. " He was also a poem or poetry, and " green concentrated water: drink Changhong, Jin cable Xu Qianbi mirror; it in tea painting, Hirayama was sent in spring. " Today, Hongqiao has become into Slender West Lake's throat, boarding bridge run, not only the visible Lake as a band, the pink, aircraft painting signed song, more visible distance small Jinshan 's pavilion, indistinct, seemed to beckon us, enter nirvana.Members tourists: now displayed in front of us this group of magnificent architecture, is today the Slender West Lake south gate, she was with open arms, a warm welcome to our arrival. Thin west gate of Hunan as a barrier, so that the king of Slender West Lake half hidden half dew, like beauty " partly-veiled, time and again was out ". Hall cornice "Slender West Lake " three important words, is the late Yangzhou calligrapher Sun Longfu wrote. The hall a sill pillars joint wrote: "the world the selfless, chunhuaqiuyue try my lingering, free is the owner,


关于英文导游词范文10篇 现在很多人问关于景点的英语导游词怎么写?以下是小编为大家整理的有关英文导游词范文10篇,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习! 黄果树英文导游词1 Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou guide words, ladies and gentlemen : Today we will visit scenic spots is the Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first in the Fall, as well as in the world wide to the Great 三峡大坝英文导游词2 good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to china! welcome to hubei province! today i am very pleased to show you three gorges of yangtze river. 重庆英文导游词3 Evening Scenes of Chongqing The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of 宋庆龄故居英文导游词4 Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling The Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling, late Honorary Chairman of the People's Republic of China, is situated at 46 North Rive Street in the Rear Lake area of the West City 重庆英文导游词5 Evening Scenes of Chongqing The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of 凤凰古城英文导游辞6


英语导游词(扬州瘦西湖) 瘦西湖的英语表达是:SlenderWestLake SlenderWestLakeissituatedinthenorthwestsuburbofYangzhouCity .ItoriginallywasanaturerivercoursenamedBaozhangRiver.Withco ntinuousharnessingthroughthedynasties,itgraduallybecameasce nicareawithmanyenchantinglakescenes.Itislocatedtothewestoft hecityandissliminitsshape,sopeoplenameditSlenderWestLake. 瘦西湖位于扬州城的西北郊区,原先是一个名叫宝张河的自然湖泊,经过各朝各代的不断的治理,形成了一个拥有许多美丽湖泊风光的自然景区。由于它位于扬州城的西郊并且形态瘦长,故取名“瘦西湖”。DatingfromtheTangDynasty(618-907AD),thismanmadelakehasoften beenquotedbyseveralpoetsoftheperiod.从唐代开始,瘦西湖就经常被诗人们吟诵了。 SlenderWestLakeis4.3kilometersintotallengthwithanareaofover 30hectares.Thelakeboastsmanyfamousscenicspots,suchastheWhit ePagoda,theFivePavilionBridge,andXiaojinHill.TheLongDikeiso nthewesternbankofthelake,extendingaboutonehundredmetersfrom theentranceoftheparktotheXiaojinHill.Weepingwillowtreesareg rowingallalongthedike.InthelakeisanisletwhereZhengBanqiao&# 39;scalligraphyofcoupletscanbeseeninahouse. 瘦西湖总长4.3公里,面积30公顷。瘦西湖因诸如白塔、五亭桥和


西湖十景英文导游词 【篇一:西湖十景英语】 name: lingering snow on the broken bridge 断桥残雪 though the name of the bridge dates back to poems in tang dynasty, the bridge became famous because of one of the best-known love stories in chinese folklore. according to the legend of white snake, the beautiful girl who was actually a white snake met xu xian on the bridge in the rain and they fell in love with each other and an umbrella they used became the symbol of their love. the bridge was also the scene where they made up after a long series of ups and downs. thanks to the love story between the human and the immortal, the broken bridge attracts numerous visitors and has its legendary reputation spread far and wide all over china. many people believe the bridge is the number one place for people in love. rain or shine, you can enjoy the lake views from the bridge in all seasons. the seasonal scenery changes at the bridge itself are equally breathtaking, especially when the snow begins melting in sunshine in the winter. once in a fine day after a snowfall, standing on the bridge and looking toward the northwest at the solitary hill and ge hill, one can see the hills and buildings covered with snow and the lake and hills look crystal clear. although the snowy beauty of the scenery is a little bit chilly and lonely, many people regard it better than noisy greens and reds in other seasons and they believe the broken bridge fully deserves the top position it has enjoyed for hundreds of years as the best one of the ten westlake scenic spots. presumably, the west lake in a fine day is no better than in rain, in rain no better than in moonlight, in moonlight no better than in snow. lingering snow on the broken bridge provides a proof to justify the vivid description. name: autumn moon over the calm lake 平湖秋月 though the autumn moon over the calm lake refers nowadays to a fixed location and one of the top ten attractions around the


扬州大明寺英文导游词中英对照 篇一:扬州大明寺导游词 大明寺位于扬州西北郊的蜀冈之上。它既是一座佛叫庙宇,也是一方风景名胜,由大雄宝殿、平远楼、平山堂、御园、鉴真纪念堂、栖灵塔、天下第五泉等组成。 大明寺殿内迎面坐着释迦牟尼等三尊大佛;背面为海岛,上有观音脚踏鳌头的立像。殿内东西两侧分列着十八罗汉,这里常年香烟缭绕,经声不断,每年元旦前夕,常有日本客人来此撞钟,以求幸福。 栖灵塔 西隋朝时,隋文帝杨坚笃信佛教,仁寿元年(601)他过生日,曾下诏在全国建立三十座供养佛舍利的塔,扬州栖灵塔,便是其中之一,唐代大诗人李白曾登临此塔,赞叹道:“宝塔凌苍苍,登攀览四荒”,称赞宝塔气势磅礴。 白居易、刘禹锡同游该塔,两人同龄,都是55岁的人了,但精神很好,兴致很高,在扬州玩了半个月,登栖灵塔是他们这次游览的高潮,白居易写诗道:“半月腾腾在广陵,何楼何塔不同登。共怜筋力尤堪任,上到栖灵第九层”。刘禹锡写诗道:“步步相携不觉难,九层云外倚阑干。忽然笑语半天上,无数游人举眼看”。 他们是以登上栖灵塔为自豪的,现在该塔修复,塔身方形,总高度为70米,共9层。塔为仿唐式塔,东西南北每面四柱三间,一门二窗,

平座腰檐,出檐深远,屋面平坡,腰鼓形柱,直棂形窗。塔雄踞蜀岗之上,气势雄伟,古朴典雅,远观似孤峰耸秀,矗入云霄;登临则眼界顿开,胸襟旷达。 鉴真纪念堂 扬州鉴真纪念堂是为纪念唐朝律学高僧鉴真而建。鉴真是当时淮南地区极有名望的佛教首领,他拜唐代律宗祖师道岸为师,受请东渡日本传法,于奈良东大寺设坛传戒,又创建唐招提寺,成为日本律宗初祖。鉴真是友好使者,他曾六次东渡,历时十年,虽双目失明而矢志不渝,在日十年不仅辛勤传法,而且把唐代绘画、书法、雕塑、医药、工艺、印刷、建筑等成就的文化带至日本,实际上是一僧团形式的文化代表团。他使魏晋以来中日两国人民互相友好的夙愿和以圆满的实现。1963年鉴真圆寂1200周年,中日双方商定,举行隆重的纪念仪式,我佛教协会主席赵朴初和日本佛教首领大谷莹润分别代表两国鉴真纪念委员会,商定在此建造纪念堂,1973年动工,1974年竣工。 纪念堂由我国著名建筑专家梁思成先生设计,他接受任务后专程赴日,参观奈良唐招提寺和日本其他一些古建筑,回国后,又对我唐代庙宇建造风格进行研究,精心设计这座纪念堂,体现了1963年中日两国商定的精神:不仅从意义上,而且建筑物本身也要成为中日友好的象征。纪念堂分为两组,一组为四松堂构成的清式四合院,南为纪念馆,北为门厅,由游廊周接,天井内有四棵古松,廊悬云板、木鱼,精舍巧建,清幽雅洁。另一组为仿唐式四合院,由纪念碑亭、纪念堂,再由超手游廊将两建筑周接,园内植佳兰芳卉,其中樱花为1980年


英语导游词(最新4篇) 作为一名优秀的`导游,就难以避免地要准备导游词,导游词具有极强的实用性,涉及的知识十分广泛。那么写导游词需要注意哪些问题呢?牛牛范文为您精心收集了4篇英语导游词,希望可以启发、帮助到大朋友、小朋友们。 英语导游词篇一ladies and gentlemen: historical records trace the construction of the origin of the wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 b.c. during the reign of king cheng of the states of chu. its construction continued throughout the warring states period in the fifth century b.c. walls, then, was built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. later in 221 b.c. the most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the ming dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the ming dynasty wall that visitors see today. the great wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with shanxi province as the dividing line. the west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. in the eastern part, the core of the wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. the most imposing and best preserved sections of the great wall are at badaling and mutianyu, not far from beijing and both are open to visitors. the wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. the top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. thehighest watch-tower at badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like climbing a ladder to heaven. there stand 14 major passes (guan, in chinese) at places of strategic importance along the great wall, the most important being shanghaiguan and jiayuguan. yet the most impressive one is juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of beijing. known as tian xia di yi guan (the first pass under heaven),shanghaiguan pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north china with the northeast. it had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. it was the gate of shanghaiguan that the ming general wu sangui opened to the manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by li zicheng and so surrendered the whole ming empire to the manchus, leading to the foundation of the qing dynasty. (1644-1911) as a cultural heritage, the wall belongs not only to china but to the world. the venice charter says: historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historicalevents. the great wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. in 1987, the wall was listed by unesco as a world cultural heritage site.


杭州西湖的导游词英语3篇 西湖作为著名的风景地,许多中外名人对这情有独钟。下面是皮皮XXX为大家带来的杭州西湖的导游词英语,希望可以帮助大家。杭州西湖的导游词英语范文2:杭州西湖的导游词英语范文3:Hello, my name is Lin, you can call me rain eu. I will take you to visit hangzhou west lake, please dont litter, keep your valuables, I wish you all a pleasant journey! Before to the west lake, I believe many people have heard above there is heaven, there are suzhou and hangzhou, this sentence. In fact, to compare hangzhou to heaven on earth, and the west lake has a lot to do. Hangzhou west lake scenery beautiful, let many poets. Bai juyis failed to have to go to hangzhou, stay half is the lake. He proves this point. Please follow team, ready to witness of the hangzhou west lake! Hangzhou west lake is located in the center of hangzhou, the song dynasty according to the west lake. The west lake, north and south 3.2 kilometers long, about 2.8 km wide, covers an area of about 5.68 square kilometers. The most distinctive is the west lake ten scene. In which the foundation is located in the western end of bai causeway quietly elegant simplicity. Moons floor overlooking, feel the vast west lake, in the quiet state of mind of washing irritation, make person times feeling is king in neutral city, water wave in the scene, in the middle. Whatever stands in


瘦西湖英语介绍 瘦西湖英语介绍 Shouxi Lake The Five-Pavilion Bridge on this lake is a landmark of Yangzhou. The White Pagoda by the Lotus Pond is an imitation of the White Pagoda in Beijing's Beihai Park. The scenic area between Shouxi lake and Pingshan Hall, where 24 bridges span the canal, was most favoured by Emperor Qianlong. Daming Temple This temple was built during the reign of Emperor Liu Zun (457-464) of the Song Dynasty in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Main features include the Qinling Pagoda, Hall of the Heavenly King, Hall of Sakyamuni, and Island of Gaunyin. The Monk Jianzhen Memorial Museum is the Qingkong Tower. Geyuan Garden This Qing-dynasty complex was the family mansion of Huang Zhiyun, a salt merchant. The focus of the private garden is a man-made hill occupying tow-thirds of the total area. It combines lovely northern and southern style rockeries. Scattered among these are stone bridges, courtyards pavilions and halls. Heyuan Garden The mansion of He Zhiren, a late-Qing court official, this complex includes the East and West gardens in its Rear Garden. Xuchn Hall is an exquisite nanmu structure, with beautifully decorated corridors, doors and windows. Yucheng Post Station Located in Gaoyou, the post station was built in 1357. It is one of the best-preserved ancient facilities of its kind in China. The station has two rows of offices, with five rooms in both the front and rear houses, along with many supplemental houses for storeroom, kitchen, stable and other functions. It also has a drum tower and a screen-wall tower in front. Museum of the tomb of Han Guangling King


扬州英文导游词 Introduction: 扬州(Yangzhou)是中国历史悠久的城市之一,拥有丰富的文化和历史遗产,是江苏省著名的旅游胜地之一。扬州著名的旅游景点包括瘦西湖、个园、市花园、大明寺、仪征、华盖山等。这些景点吸引了很多国内外游客前来游览。但是对于来自不同国家的游客来说,他们需要的是一份简明易懂的扬州英文导游词。 Body: 以下是一份扬州英文导游词,可以作为参考: 1. 瘦西湖(Slender West Lake) Welcome to Slender West Lake. It is one of the most famous attractions in Yangzhou. The lake is long and narrow, with beautiful pavilions and bridges along the way. It is a great place to relax and enjoy nature. If you are lucky, you may even see a traditional boat race on the lake. 2. 个园(Ge Garden) Ge Garden is a classic example of a traditional Chinese garden. It is a peaceful and elegant place, with many small lakes, rock formations, and pavilions. It is also known for its intricate


Whoever you admire most in your heart, don't have to become that person, but use that person's spirit and methods to become yourself.悉心整理助您一臂(页眉可删) 瘦西湖导游词50字 扬州瘦西湖导游词【1】 “天下西湖,三十有六”,惟扬州的西湖,以其清秀婉丽的风姿独异诸湖,占得一个恰如其分的“瘦”字。 瘦西湖风景区是蜀冈-瘦西湖国家重点风景名胜区的核心和精华部分。 一泓曲水宛如锦带,如飘如拂,时放时收,较之杭州西湖,另有一种清瘦的神韵。 隋唐时期,瘦西湖沿岸陆续建园。 及至清代,由于康熙、乾隆两代帝王六度“南巡”,形成了“两堤花柳全依水,一路楼台直到山”的盛况。 清代钱塘诗人汪沆将扬州西湖与杭州西湖作了对比,写道:“垂杨不断接残芜,雁齿虹桥俨画图。 也是销金一锅子,故应唤作瘦西湖。

”瘦西湖由此得名,且为人们所首肯,至今名播中外。 瘦西湖风景区为我国湖上园林的代表,古典园林群融南秀北雄于一体,组合巧妙,互为因借,构成了一个以瘦西湖为共同空间,景外有景,园中有园的艺术境界,历史上有二十四景著称于世。 窈窕曲折的一湖碧水,串以卷石洞天、西园曲水、虹桥揽胜、长堤春柳、荷浦熏风、四桥烟雨、梅岭春深、水云胜概、白塔晴云、春台明月、三过留踪、蜀冈晚照、万松叠翠、花屿双泉诸胜,颗颗明珠镶嵌交织在玉带上,形成了一幅秀色天然的立体山水画卷,而小金山、五亭桥、二十四桥景区是这幅画卷的.神来之笔。 瘦西湖的美丽景致,很早就为人们所向往。 清人刘大观言:“杭州以湖山胜,苏州以市肆胜,扬州以园亭胜”。 另一位清人沈复在《浮生六记》中赞道:“奇思幻想,点缀天然,即阆苑瑶池,琼楼玉宇,谅不过此。 其妙处在十余家之园亭合而为一,联络至山,气势俱贯。 ”历史上李白、刘禹锡、白居易、杜牧、欧阳修、苏轼、王渔洋、蒲松龄、孔尚任、吴敬梓、郁达夫、朱自清等文化名人都在这一带留下或深或浅的足迹和众多脍炙人口的篇章。


个园英语导游词 【篇一:扬州个园英文导游词英语导游】 members tourists: speaking of classical garden, everyone will think of suzhou. however, 200 years ago, the ancient city of yangzhou garden is better than suzhou. in the early qing dynasty have been on the spot made this assessment: hangzhou hushan wins, suzhou to shop wins, yangzhou to china pavilion wins. it can be seen that the jiangnan area, yangzhou is known to the beauty of the garden. as early as in the han dynasty, yangzhou has a larger landscape architecture, then there is innovation, to the qing dynasty, the handicraft industry, commerce, transportation industry, salt industry is very developed, and the qianlong of the southern six, yangzhou garden fast development. but many times in history by the first war, gardens are now destroyed, surviving only park, where, after china xiaopangu and rule of spring garden is one of the few gardens. [ the founding history and the name origin ]vi sitors: today we visited is the ten largest park of garden. park is located in yangzhou city east 318 street house, jiaqing twenty-three years ( 1818), two huai salt huang yuhe in ming dynasty garden on the site of the reconstruction. huang yuyun thinks takemoto solid, guilty, body straight, section fok, gentleman style; and by three leaves the shape of a word, take qing yuan mei moonlight bamboo thousands of words sentences naming . su dongpo once said: no prefer fresh meat, can not live without bamboo, no meat is thin, vulgar people without bamboo. the park hosts with bamboo naming.[ ] - garden landscape in spring yangzhou garden garden with stones wins, wins . this is the bamboo as the main body, with the peak stone for the characteristics of the forest city. garden rockery take peak rock approach, using different stones, performed four seasons scenery, known as the four seasons rockery, for domestic kunibayashi chi isolated cases. garden plant with bamboo, and bamboo suit most landscaping materials are various qifengyidan, like ling politics through skillful taihu shifeng, thin jagged stalagmite. bamboo and stone together, forming a distinctive bamboo in landscape
