


Organized societies throughout the world operate within various type of legal systems can be broken down into five broad categories :common law ,civil law, socialist law ,Islamic law and Hindu law . While these categories are, of course ,an oversimplification , with much overlapping , a company doing business in a legal system different from its own must learn the perimeters of the foreign law .for instance , under Islamic legal systems the paying of interest on money is forbidden .


Common law countries include the united states , britain and former british colonies . The predominant characteristic of common law is its dependence on judicial decisions , that is the authority of prior decisions in resolving current cases. In recent times ,however ,these countries are passing more legislation ; the judicial rule therefore becomes increasingly a matter of interpreting statutes.


Civil law countries ,such as France, Spain and Germany ,base their system on comprehensive ,legal codes that grew out of the roman Justinian code . Most Latin American countries have adopted this system. The role of court decisions,is minimized, although this is changing sd these systems are influenced by court decision in common law countries.


The socialist system is based on the teachings of Karl Marx and his followers . After the Russian revolution of 1917 ,the czarist system was replace by a system of people’s courts staffed mostly by members of the communist party . Eventually , formal legal codes ,civil and criminal,(similar to civil law system) were developed.


Islamic legal system are directly influenced by religious doctrine . Islamic law is called the Shari’a, and is sometimes enforces by Muslims alongside a secular system . When it is the predominant legal system,all citizens must obey it ,whether they are Muslims or not. punishment for violations is fast and sometimes harsh by western standards .



Hindu law is prominent primarily in india where it exists alongside secular law derived from the british common law .it deals primarily with family matter and property succession .after independence from britain in1950 ,india codified hindu law in this areas.


It is impossible to answer the question of which these legal systems in the best . most of us tend to favor the system used in our own nation and culture . An evidence of a mature society ,however ,is its willingness to question and criticize its own system and attempt changes and improvement when possible.


Classifications of law in the united states

The large body of law in the united states may be segmented according to several classification systems:


Public law versus private law . Public law involves the relationship between government and citizens (including business ). Private law resolves disputes between citizens . When a party alleges that another trading partner has breached a contract , it is private law (contract law) that is used to resolve the dispute . in public law disputes, the government is the plaintiff while the defendant is private entity such as a business or individual.


In the united states, the government has intervened and modified agreements that citizens and businesses made among themselves . By way of example , the government has declared that employment discrimination based on race ,sex and national origins is illegal under the civil right act of 1964,subjecting companies to damaged claims and other penalties for discriminatory employment conditions they allow to exist . This is an important aspect of the right of equal protection as discussed below . Another example of government oversight of businesss dealings is the sherman antitrust act .,which prevent businesses from anticompetitive practices such as price collusion . One of the driving forces behind government intervention in

certain arenas is to protect the right of individuals,such as consumers and employees . The basis for this protectionism of individual rights in the US . Constitution which is dis cussed below.


Substantive law versus procedural law . Substantive law is concerned with the laws that define, describe ,regulate and create the rights and responsibilities of the parties to a lawsuit . Procedural law ,on the other hand ,relates to ways in which substantive laws are enforced against violators. It involves the methods used to resolve disputes among citizens.


Civil law versus criminal law . For most businesses ,civil law is more pertinent than criminal law . There are some notable differences between civil and criminal . First , the sanctions against a defendant in civil case are generally monetary whereas in criminal court the penalties include not only fines but imprisonment or even execution (in the case of a capital offense ). Second ,the burdens of proof in the tow areas of law are sharply different . In a criminal case , the state has the responsibility to prove beyond a reasonable double that the defendant is guilty . In a civil case , the plaintiff must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant committed a tort that entitles the plaintiff to monetary relief or an injunction .


The legal system in the unite stated and the protection of individual rights

The American legal system is one of the most complex ,expensive systems in the world and is divided into two part :federal and state . The federal court systems has thirteen circuits each containing district courts and appellate courts. Each of the fifty states has it own multi-tiered system . While it is complex , the American legal system provides more protection to individuals than most other legal systems. Most of these rights are guaranteed by the united states constitution ,in particular , the first ten amendments known as the bill of rights . Two of the more cherished rights are

freedom of speech and press , the right of peaceable assembly . Those more relevant to businesses are discussed below.


The equal protection clause . After the American civil war, the fourteenth amendment was added to the constitution . It provides that a state cannot deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection pf the laws . This protection of the laws . This provision prevent local and state governments from passing laws that invidiously discriminate against individuals . Not all discrimination is forbidden ; absolute equality wound be impracticable and impossible to enforce . Recognizing this reality , the supreme court has carved out three standards for evaluating equal protection claims: 1 the strict scrutiny test , where a classifications based on such things as age or color can be justified only where there is a compelling governmental interest (a very difficult standard ); 2 the intermediate scrutiny test , applicable to classifications based on such things as age or gender , where the government will win if it can demonstrate that the classification is reasonably related to a legitimate governmental purpose ; and 3 the rational basis test ,applicable to classifications that do not involve protected classifications , which will be upheld as long as there is a justifiable reason for the law .


Due process . Both the fifth and fourteenth amendments to the united states constitution contain due process clauses. They provide that government can take a person’s life, liberty or property only when it has provided that person with substantive and procedural due process. Substantive due process demands clarity in the law . A statute fails this test if it is so vague that ordinary people cannot understand its meaning or application . Procedural due process requires that a person have reasonable notice and a fair hearing in front of an impartial fact-finder,before being found in violation of a law.



Right to a jury . The seventh amendment to the U.S . Constitution provides that citizens in common law litigation shall have the right to a jury . When any party to a suit requests a jury , the judge must comply .this has created problems for business management . Juries tend to have an anti-management bias ,and frequently return huge verdicts against companies . This problem is being addressed into ways in the united states . First ,many states are placing limits on the amount of punitive damages that can be assessed in relation to actual damages. These monetary caps are being upheld by the courts.


The second major move is the replacement of jury trials with binding arbitration . Arbitration is a relatively informal procedure where the parties present their cases before neutral arbitrators who hear the facts and arguments of the law ,and make a decision . Once a decision is made ,it is very difficultto overturn , more difficult in fact than reversing the decision of a trial court .binding arbitration can be used only when the parties have agreed to it in writing ,normally prior to the controversy .Increasingly , consumers and employees are being required to sigh these agreements as part of the contract (or application ) initiating the relationship . Once the agreement is signed ,it will be enforced by the courts . As early as1984 , the united states supreme court ruled that the federal arbitration act is enforceable on the parties who sign these agreements ,and override conflicting state laws . In addition ,in a case involving U.S auto dealership, the supreme court has upheld an international binding arbitration agreement . It ruled that the dealership was required to submit to binding arbitration in Japan, as agreed to in the contract in had signed .


The equal employment opportunity commission(EEOC) strongly objected to this approach in employment contracts ,insisting that it is contrary to the fundamental

principles of employment law. Nevertheless ,on March21,2001 ,the supreme court ruled that binding arbitration agreement signed by employees at the time of their employment, are fully enforceable . This decision has tremendous implications for business and industry and is examined in detail in part two of this Unit .


Protection of intellectual property rights : intellectual property refers to the creatives works or products of an individual’s mind . The protection of creative works stems from the U.S . Constitution which authorizes congress “to promote the progress of science and useful arts, securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ” . There are four types of intellectual property rights-- patents,copyrights ,trademarks(service mark or trade dress)and trade secrets.


A patent is a grant from the government that gives an inventor the exclusive rights to make , use and sell an invention for a period of twenty years from the date of filling the application for a patent . Patents for designs , as opposed to inventions , are given fora fourteen-year period . For either a regular patent or a design patent ,the applicant must demonstrate to the patent and trademark office that the invention ,discovery ,process or design is novel, useful and not obvious in light of current technology . In the united states ,the patent protection is given to the first person to invent and put into practice a product or process , even through someone else may have the first to a patent on that product or process .


A copyright is an intangible property right granted under the copyright act of 1976 to the author of a work that falls into one of the following categories: 1 literary works ;2 musical works ; 3 dramatic works; 4 pantomimes and choreographic works; 5 pictorial, graphic ,and sculptural works ;6 films and other audiovisual works ;and 7 sounds recordings . Thus ,an idea by itself is not copyrightable . What can be protected is the way in which the idea is expressed . Assuming the expression of the idea is original the author will receive protection from the copying of others for life plus 70 years. An exception to liability for copyright infringement is the “fair use ”

doctrine , which allow a person to person to reproduce copyrighted material without penalty for these purposes- criticism , comment , new reporting , teaching , scholarship ,or research.


A trademark is a distinctive mark, motto,device ,or emblem that its creator stamps, prints ,or otherwise affixes to the goods it produces so that they may be identified on the market and their origin vouched for . Ownership of the trademark occurs upon creation of the mark .In order to use the mark , it must be registered the mark with the Patent and trademark office. Registration provides for unlimited protection for unlimited protection of the mark to the creator so long as the mark is in use . One of the goals of trademark law is to protect consumers from being mislead .


Some business processes and information that are not or cannot be patented , copyrighted or trademarked are nevertheless protected against misappropriation by a competitor as trade secrets . Trade secrets include such information as client lists ,plans ,pricing information, research and development ,marketing techniques ,and production methods . Generally ,anything that makes a company unique and that would have value to a competitor would fall under the purview of trade secrets. Unlike copyrights and trademarks , trade secrets extend to both ideas and their expression and do not require registration . Businesses generally attempt to protect their trade secrets by having all employees who use the process or information agree in their contracts, or in confidentiality agreements, never to divulge it .


Business structures in the modern environment

In the united states, there are three basic from forms of doing business :1 sole proprietorship ;2 partnerships; 3 corporations . There are more structures today, but

they are modifications or amalgamations of these basic three structures.


Sole proprietorship. This is the oldest and most widespread from of entrepreneurship in the world . An individual simple owns and runs his own business . In the united states ,no formalities are required to create a sole proprietorship . One may need to “ assumed name certificate”with local authorities if she uses a name other than her own for the business . This is the most common type of small business in American . However, there are some disadvantages . It is often difficult to raise capital for expansion . If the business involves risks, the owner can be personally liable for injuries caused by business activities , even if he was not personally negligent . For these reasons, successful, growing businesses often seek another business structure.


Partnerships. A general partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business as co-owners for profit . Partners share management responsibilities and profits. It must be ongoing business, as distinguished from a passive investment . And it must be for the purpose of making a profit . Under common law , a partnership was not treated as a separate entity ,and partners had to sue or be used individually .most state status have changed this and a partnership is now treated as an entity separate from individual partners. The partners ,however ,remain individual personally liable for partnership obligations .


Limited partnerships .it is because of the personal liability risk that the concept of limited partnership was developed. In this business form , a limited partner can join with one or more general partners and obtain from the state a certificate of limited partnership . This enables the limited partners to invest in the partnership without risking anything other than her original investment . There is no personal liability for partnership obligations . On the other hand , a limited partner has no right to participate in partnership management. Unlike a general partnerships van be formed without doing this ,or any other formalities for that matter. But it is highly

recommended that all partnerships begin with formal, written partnership agreements . If a limited partnership is not properly organized ,or if the limited partner becomes too active in the management pf the business,she may be treated by the courts as a general partner for liability purposes .


Professional partnerships . Many states allow certain processionals to organize a type of limited liability partnership where there are no general partners . The limited partners incur no personal liability for partnership obligations . As a conditions for forming this type of organization, state law typically require the partners to show evidence of liability insurance to protect consumers . Attorneys ,certified pubic accountants and physicians often use this form of organization.


Corporations . Corporations are the most powerful form of American business organization. Most large businesses choose the corporate structure , as do many small businesses . The concept of the corporation is very old . It is an organization treated as an intangible entity separate from its owners . There are both non-profit and for-profit corporations ; our emphasis here is on the for-profit organizations . A corporation can own property in its own name and sue and be sued in its own name . Its owners are shielded from liability for corporate debts and wrongs . It can raise capital by selling its own shares .


Small corporations are often called close corporations. These companies are usually owned by small groups of people who are all acquainted with each other . Large companies are often publicly held corporations, which trade its shares on the stock markets . It often has thousands of owners or shareholders .



Corporations must choose a home state in which to incorporate ; it is a domestic corporation in that state and a foreign corporation in all other states. It is a simple procedure , however, to obtain authorization to do business in another jurisdictions ; therefore the state of incorporation is not particularly important . In any event , the incorporators must articles of incorporations (or charter )in compliance with state law ,and comply strictly with procedures for proper incorporation. By-law must be prepared. Minutes of the first meeting and annual meetings must be filed in corporate book . Stork certificates must be issued . Failure to perform these tasks may later cause a court to “disregard the corporate entity”and hold shareholders personally liable for corporate liabilities .


S Corporations. One of the problem of American corporations is the possibility of double taxation ;when the corporations declares dividends, its income is taxed . When shareholders receive these dividends , they are taxed again as individual income . Chapter S of the internal revenue code provides a remedy for this for small corporations if they qualify to become an “S corporation”. The corporations are taxed as partnerships ; taxes are paid only by shareholders when they receive their individual dividends . To qualify as an S corporation, there can be no more than 35 shareholders ;the shareholders must be individuals; there can be only one class of shares;and shareholders must agree in writing to the arrangement.


Limited liability companies . In recent yeas, many states have authorized the formation of a new kind of organization known as limited liability companies (LLCS). There companies combine the taxation benefits of partnerships with the limited liability advantage of a corporation. There are no restrictions on the number of owners ,and the owners can be separate and distinct from their members; therefore members incur no personal liability for corporate obligations. As might be expected , this form of business is becoming increasingly popular in the united states.



Choosing the form of business. At various point of the enterprise , an enterprise , an entrepreneur must decide on the business form most appropriate for his activities . This is a critical decision. As we have seen, there are many choices. These decisions should always be made in consultation with competent professionals.


Contract law in the United States

Contract law seeks to assure that promise under private agreement are enforceable and that parties under a contract honor their respective obligations. Objective evidence must be shown to demonstrate the existence of a contract .in order for an aggrieved party to succeed in a claim for breach of contract . There are four elements that must be met for a valid contract to exist :1 ,agreement ,which include an offer and acceptance ; 2, consideration , which requires a bargained-for-exchange of something of value received or promised ;3 ,capacity or competency to enter into a contract ; and 4, legality ,which means the purpose of the contract must accomplish a goal that is legal and that does not contradict public policy such as employment discrimination or anti-competitive behavior as discussed above.


If any of these elements is missing, no contract will have been formed . However ,even if all of these elements exist, a contract may be unenforceable if the additional requirements of genuineness of assent or proper form are lacking . For instance ,if a party to enter in to the contract , that would form the basis of undue influence and would make the contract voidable at the option of the threatened part . As to proper form , certain contracts are required to be in writing ,such as those relating to the sale of real estate, marriage, and the sale of goods valued at more $5000. If these types of contracts are based on only verbal communication courts will not enforce them even if they satisfy the four elements of a contract.



Courts seek to protect parties to a contract form the potential of a third party intentionally interfering with that contract . In this instance, the non-breaching party must show that the interfering party knew or should have known of the contract’s existence and sought to have one of the parties breach that contract.



第二章第一篇 To say that we live in an age of electronics is an understatement. From the omnipresent integrated circuit to the equally omnipresent digital computer, we encounter electronic devices and systems on a daily basis. In every aspect of our increasingly technological society— whether it is science, engineering, medicine, music, maintenance, or even espionage—the role of electronics is large, and it is growing. 谈论关于我们生活在一个电子学时代的论调是一种空泛的论调。从无处不在的集成电路到同样无处不在的数字计算机,我们在日常活动中总会遇到电子设备和电子系统。在我们日益发展的科技社会的方方面面——无论是在科学、工程、医药、音乐、维修方面甚至是在谍报方面——电子学的作用是巨大的,而且还将不断增强。 In general, all of the tasks with which we shall be concerned can be classified as "signal-processing“tasks. Let us explore the meaning of this term 一般说来,我们将要涉及到的工作被归结为“信号——处理”工作,让我们来探究这个术语的含义吧。 A signal is any physical variable whose magnitude or variation with time contains information. This information might involve speech and music, as in radio broadcasting, a physical quantity such as the temperature of the air in a room, or numerical data, such as the record of stock market transactions. The physical variables that can carry information in an electrical system are voltage and current. When we speak of "signals", therefore, we refer implicitly to voltages or currents. However, most of the concepts we discuss can be applied directly to systems with different information-carrying variables. Thus, the behavior of a mechanical system (in which force and velocity are the variables) or a hydraulic system (in which pressure and flow rate are the variables) can often be modeled or represented by an equivalent electrical system. An understanding of the behavior of electrical systems, therefore, provides a basis for understanding a much broader range of phenomena. 信号就是其与时间有关的量值或变化包含信息的任何物理变量。这种信息或许像无线电广播的演讲和音乐,或许是像室内温度的物理量,或许像股市交易记录的数字数据。在电气系统中能够载有信息的物理变量是电压和电流。因此当我们谈到“信号”,我们不言而喻指的是电压和电流,然而,我们要讨论的大多数概念是可以被直接应用于载有不同信息的变量的系统,因此,一个机械系统(在这个系统中力和速度是其变量)或者液压系统(在这个系统中压力和流速是其变量)的性能通常可以用一个等效的电气系统来模拟或表示。因此,我们对于电气系统性能的理解为理解更宽领域的现象打下了一个基础。 A signal can carry information in two different forms. In an analog signal the continuous variation of the voltage or current with time carries the information. An example, in Fig.2-l, is the voltage produced by a thermocouple pair when the two junctions are at different temperatures. As the temperature difference between the two junctions varies, the magnitude of the voltage across the thermocouple pair also varies. The voltage thus provides an analog representation of the temperature difference. 一个信号可以以两种形式来承载信息。在一个模拟信号中电压或电流随时间而产生的连续变化载有信息。在图2-1中,当一对热电偶的接头处于不同的温度时由热电偶所产生的电压就是一个例子。当两个接头之间的温度差改变时,一对热电偶两端的电压也将改变。于是电压就提供了温度差的模拟表现形式 The other kind of signal is a digital signal. A digital signal is one that can take on values within two discrete ranges. Such signals are used to represent ON-OFF or YES-NO information. An ordinary household thermostat delivers a digital signal tocontrol the furnace. When the


In the case of a resistor, the voltage-current relationship is given by Ohm’s law, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance. 就电阻来说, 电压—电流的关系由欧姆定律决定。欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的 电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。 2]It may be that the inductor voltage rather than the current is the variable of interest in the circuit. 或许在电路中,人们感兴趣的变量是电感电压而不是电感电流。 Viewed in this light, it will be found that the analysis of three-phase circuits is little more difficult than that of single-phase circuits. 这样看来,三相电路的分析比单相电路的分析难不了多少。 At unity power factor, the power in a single-phase circuit is zero twice each cycle. 在功率因数为 1时,单相电路里的功率值每个周波有两次为零。 It should be noted that if the polarity of point Awith respect to N ( is assumed for the positive half-cycle, then when used in the same phasor diagram should be drawn opposite to, or 180? out of phase with, . 应该注意,如果把 A 点相对于 N 的极性(定为正半周,那么在用于同一相量图中时就应该画得同相反,即相位差为 180? One problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifiers is that the gains, AU or AI, depend upon internal properties of the two-port system. 对应于像广义放大器这样的电子装置,一个问题就是增益 AU 或者 AI ,它们取决于两输入端系统的内部特性。


Historical Development of Matertials and Technology The common engineering materials include metals, cementing materials, concrete building stones, clay products, insulating materials, timber. Some of them are described here from the stand-point of occurrence, manufacture, properties, methods of testing, and use. The development of materials with improved properties is a vital phase of engineering. Progress in engineering construction has been dependent on the availability of materials of suitable physical properties in large quantities; for example, the development of the modern automobile was critically dependent on availability of high quality alloy steels, and the all-metal airplane was made possible by the development of light weight high-strength alloys. ◆Phase: 相;阶段。 ◆a distinct period or stage in a process of change or forming part of something's development Example: phase two of the development is in progress. ◆第二阶段开发正在进行中。 ◆Vital: 必要的,必不可少的。 ◆it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.这个系统有必要 经常维修。


Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 141 (2011) 133–138 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /v e t i m m Short communication Saccharomyces cerevisiae decreases in?ammatory responses induced by F4+enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in porcine intestinal epithelial cells Galliano Zanello a ,b ,1,Franc ?ois Meurens a ,1,Mustapha Berri a ,Claire Chevaleyre a ,Sandrine Melo a ,Eric Auclair b ,Henri Salmon a ,? a Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA),UR1282,Infectiologie Animale et SantéPublique,F-37380Nouzilly (Tours),Indre et Loire,France b SociétéIndustrielle Lesaffre,Lesaffre Feed Additives,Marcq-en-Baroeul,France a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 19October 2010Received in revised form 13December 2010 Accepted 31January 2011Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Pig Intestinal epithelial cells Cytokines Chemokines a b s t r a c t Probiotic yeasts may provide protection against intestinal in?ammation induced by enteric pathogens.In piglets,infection with F4+enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)leads to in?ammation,diarrhea and intestinal damage.In this study,we investigated whether the yeast strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc ,strain CNCM I-3856)and S.cerevisiae variety boulardii (Sb ,strain CNCM I-3799)decreased the expression of pro-in?ammatory cytokines and chemokines in intestinal epithelial IPI-2I cells cultured with F4+ETEC.Results showed that viable Sc inhibited the ETEC-induced TNF-?gene expression whereas Sb did not.In contrast,killed Sc failed to inhibit the expression of pro-in?ammatory genes.This inhibition was dependent on secreted soluble factors.Sc culture supernatant decreased the TNF-?,IL-1?,IL-6,IL-8,CXCL2and CCL20ETEC-induced mRNA.Furthermore,Sc culture supernatant ?ltrated fraction <10kDa displayed the same effects excepted for TNF-?.Thus,our results extended to Sc (strain CNCM I-3856)the inhibitory effects of some probiotic yeast strains onto in?ammation. ? 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1.Introduction Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)are pathogenic gram negative bacteria which infect humans and sev-eral species of farm animals such as calves and pigs.ETEC interacts with intestinal epithelial cells,colonizes the small intestine and secretes enterotoxins such as the heat-labile enterotoxins (LT),the heat-stable enterotox-ins (STa and/or STb),and the enteroaggregative E .coli heat-stable enterotoxin 1(EAST1)(Nagy and Fekete,2005).In pigs,ETEC infection and enterotoxin secretions can induce intestinal in?ammation and diarrhea resulting in reduced growth rate,increased mortality and economic ?Corresponding author.Tel.:+33247427331;fax:+33247427779.E-mail addresses:salmon@tours.inra.fr ,henri.salmon@tours.inra.fr (H.Salmon).1 These authors contributed equally to this work.loss (Fairbrother et al.,2005).Moreover,F4+ETEC strain induce pro-in?ammatory response in intestinal epithe-lial cells (Devriendt et al.,2010).Administration of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety boulardii (Sb )has been shown to protect pigs in reducing ETEC transloca-tion (Lessard et al.,2009).In vitro studies showed that Sb secretes soluble factors that decrease the expression of pro-in?ammatory cytokines induced by enteric pathogens (Zanello et al.,2009).However,to our knowledge,there is no in vitro data regarding the anti-in?ammatory effects of S.cerevisiae (Sc )secreted soluble factors.Sc and Sb are members of the same species but they differ geneti-cally,metabolically and physiologically (Edwards-Ingram et al.,2007;Hennequin et al.,2001).Thus,in this study,we assessed if the non-commensal and non-pathogenic yeasts Sc (strain CNCM I-3856)and Sb (strain CNCM I-3799)secreted factors allowing the down-regulation of pro-in?ammatory gene expression in intestinal epithe-lial cells cultured with F4+ETEC.Sc (strain CNCM I-3856) 0165-2427/$–see front matter ? 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.01.018

英语专业 综合英语翻译句子答案

1.Our big old house was closely related with the joys and sorrows of four generations. 2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago before your mother was born. 3.Many sons left home to fight against the Fascist Nazi. 4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart. 1.He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2.His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.The two of them are walking hand in hand along the river bank, chatting, laughing, and looking happy. 4.When he heart the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.Although we have parted from eah other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past. 10.At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.A gracious manner adds the greatest splendour to your image. 2.I firmly believed the note my guest sent me didn’t take long to write. 3.The simple phrase “Excuse me.” made most of your irritation disappear. 4.Being on time is a virtue which belongs not only to the past but also to the present. 5.Y ou shouldn’t accept the other person’s presence without thinking of its importance. 6.Good manners produce the same feelings or actions in others. 1.I am sorry I am late; I was at a meeting and couldn’t get away. 2.At the concert whnever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation. 3.As a stylish dresser, she is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. 4.The nurse tells me that the doctors have done wonders for your heart disease. 5.When awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind. 6.This problem has bothered the experts for many years. 7.The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived. 8.Since punctuality is a good habit, we should pay much attention to it and make great efforts to cultivate this good habit. 9.The old man cherishes that girl, as if she were his own daughter. 10.It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about.


United 1 材料科学与工程 材料在我们的文化中比我们认识到的还要根深蒂固。如交通、房子、衣物,通讯、娱乐和食物的生产,实际上,我们日常生活中的每一部分都或多或少地受到材料的影响。历史上社会的发展、先进与那些能满足社会需要的材料的生产及操作能力密切相关。实际上,早期的文明就以材料的发展程度来命名,如石器时代,铜器时代。早期人们能得到的只有一些很有限的天然材料,如石头、木材、粘土等。渐渐地,他们通过技术来生产优于自然材料的新材料,这些新材料包括陶器和金属。进一步地,人们发现材料的性质可以通过加热或加入其他物质来改变。在这点上,材料的应用完全是一个选择的过程。也就是说,在一系列非常有限的材料中,根据材料的优点选择一种最适合某种应用的材料。直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。这个大约是过去的 60 年中获得的认识使得材料的性质研究成为时髦。因此,成千上万的材料通过其特殊的性质得以发展来满足我们现代及复杂的社会需要。很多使我们生活舒适的技术的发展与适宜材料的获得密切相关。一种材料的先进程度通常是一种技术进步的先兆。比如,没有便宜的钢制品或其他替代品就没有汽车。在现代,复杂的电子器件取决于所谓的半导体零件. 材料科学与工程有时把材料科学与工程细分成材料科学和材料工程学科是有用的。严格地说,材料科学涉及材料到研究材料的结构和性质的关系。相反,材料工程是根据材料的结构和性质的关系来设计或操纵材料的结构以求制造出一系列可预定的性质。从功能方面来说,材料科学家的作用是发展或合成新的材料,而材料工程师是利用已有的材料创造新的产品或体系,和/或发展材料加工新技术。多数材料专业的本科毕业生被同时训练成材料科学家和材料工程师。“structure”一词是个模糊的术语值得解释。简单地说,材料的结构通常与其内在成分的排列有关。原子内的结构包括介于单个原子间的电子和原子核的相互作用。在原子水平上,结构包括原子或分子与其他相关的原子或分子的组织。在更大的结构领域上,其包括大的原子团,这些原子团通常聚集在一起,称为“微观”结构,意思是可以使用某种显微镜直接观察得到的结构。最后,结构单元可以通过肉眼看到的称为宏观结构。 “Property”一词的概念值得详细阐述。在使用中,所有材料对外部的刺激都表现出某种反应。比如,材料受到力作用会引起形变,或者抛光金属表面会反射光。材料的特征取决于其对外部刺激的反应程度。通常,材料的性质与其形状及大小无关。实际上,所有固体材料的重要性质可以概括分为六类:机械、电学、热学、磁学、光学和腐蚀性。对于每一种性质,其都有一种对特定刺激引起反应的能 力。如机械性能与施加压力引起的形变有关,包括弹性和强度。对于电性能,如电导性和介电系数,特定的刺激物是电场。固体的热学行为则可用热容和热导率来表示。磁学性质


哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws


汉译英 Population 总体,样本总体sample 样本,标本parameter 限制因素 median 中位数odd 奇数,单数even 偶数 range 极差variance 方差standard deviation 标准差Covariance 协方差empty event 空事件product event 积事件 conditional probability 条件概率Random variable 随机变量binominal distribution 二项式分布uniform distribution 均匀分布Poisson distribution 泊松分布residual 残差 central limit theorem 中心极限定律 英译汉 descriptive statistics 描述统计学mathematical statistics 数理统计学inductive statistics 归纳统计学Inferential statistics 推断统计学dimension 维,维数continuous variable 连续变量ordinal variable 有序变量nominal variable 名义变量dichotomous 两分的;二歧的discrete variable 离散变量categorical variable 分类变量location 定位,位置,场所dispersion 分散mean 均值unimodal单峰的 multimodal 多峰的chaotic 无秩序的grouped data 分组数据 frequency distribution频数分布cumulative frequency 累加频数tallying 计算 Uniformly distribution 均匀分布histogram 直方图frequency polygon 频率多边图rectangle 矩形Percentile 百分位数quartile 四分位数 interquartile range 四分位数间距simple event 简单事件Compound event 复合事件mutually exclusive 互斥的,互补相交的complementary event 对立事件Independent 独立的joint probability function 联合概率函数jacobian雅克比行列式 Law of large numbers大数定律point estimate 点估计estimate 估计值 statistic 统计量optimality 最优性Unbiased estimate 无偏估计量efficient estimate 有偏估计量unbiasedness无偏性efficience有效性Consistent estimate 一致估计量 asymptotic properties 渐近性质Confidence interval 置信区间interval estimation 区间估计 null hypothesis 原假设alternative hypothesis 备择假设significance level 显著性水平power function 幂函数testing procedures 检验方法test statistic 检验统计量 rejection region 拒绝区域acceptance region 接受区域critical region 临界区域 first-derivatives 一阶导数second-derivatives 二阶导数Likelihood ratio 似然比dependent variable因变量unexplanatory variable未解释变量independent variable自变量 Error term 误差项regression coefficients 回归系数Sum of squared residuals 残差平方和Marginal probability function 边际概率函数joint probability density function 联合概率密度函数Marginal probability density function边际概率密度函数stochastically independent 随机独立的 Mutually independently distribution 相互独立的分布independently and identically distribution 独立同分布的likelihood function 似然函数maximum likelihood estimator 最大似然估计量 maximum likelihood estimate 最大似然估计值log-likelihood function 对数似然函数 ordinary least squares estimation/estimate/estimator 普通最小二乘估计/估计值/估计量 linear unbiased estimator 线性无偏估计


Unit 1 1. 他相当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。 His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by. 2. 一架波音747 飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。机上无人生还。 A Boeing 747 aircraft didn 't gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident. 3. 学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4. 当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。 Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time , hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck. 5. 每天夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。 Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing. 6. 他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于哪里的新奇事物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已经成过去了。他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠走过来的时候,他们就知道赶快躲开。 The have been to St. Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory is over now. They lapse into humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches. Unit 2 1. 有些网络专家认为因特网可以防止战争、减少污染,还能克服种种形式的不平等。Some cyber gurus claim that the Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. 2. 不可否认,因特网可以增进交流,但他却无法消除战争,因为战争的爆发并不仅仅是由于不同种族间缺乏充分理解而引起的。 Although the Internet undeniably fosters communication, it will not put an end to war, since wars are by no means caused simply by the failure of different peoples to understand each other adequately. 3. 只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。 The Internet can help reduce energy consumption and pollution only if doing things online genuinely displaces real-world activities. 4. 穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,而是因为他们缺乏必要的技能来有效地利用它,所以提高老百姓的文化水平要比给他们提供上网机会更有意义。 The poor are not shunning the Internet because they cannot afford it. The problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it effectively. Therefore, it makes more sense to aim for universal literacy than universal Internet access.
