




P2A common method of analyzing an electrical network is mesh or loop analysis. The funda mental

law that is applied in this method is Kirchhoff's first law, which states that the algebraic sun of the

voltages around a closed loop is 0 ,or , in any closed loop , the sum of the voltage rises must equal the sum of the voltage drops. Mesh analysis consists of assuming that currents~termed loop currents~flow in each loop of a network ,algebraically summing the voltage drops around each loop ,and setting each sum equal to 0.


2: P17

Alternatively, suppose that there had been attached to each pilot’s seat an electronic device that pr ovided an output voltage which is V1 when the seat is occupied and V2 when the seat is not occup ied. Let us attach the designation “true” to the voltage level V2 so that the level V1 is “false”. Let us further construct an electric circuit with two sets of input terminals and one set of output termi nals. The circuit is to have the property that the output voltage will be V2 if and only if both inputs , i.e., one input AND simultaneously the other, are at the level V2. Otherwise the output is V1 Finally let us connect the inputs to the devices on the chairs of pilots A and B and arrange that an a larm bell, connected to the output Z, respond when the output is V2 (“true”) and not otherwise. We have then constructed a circuit which performs the AND operation and is capable of making the l ogical deduction that the plane is unpiloted when, indeed, both pilots leave the cockpit


V1,当座位上无人时,其输出电压为V2。现在我们用“真”来代表电压V2,从而使电压V1表示“假”。让我们进一步制作一个带有两个输入端和一个输出端的电路,此电路的特性是:只要两个输入,即一个输入同时和另一个输入相与,结果为V2时,输出电压才是V2。否则,输出是V1。最后,让我们把输入和飞行员A 和B 座位下的装置联结起来,并安装一个与输出Z相连的警铃,当输出是V2 (“真”)时响应,否则不响应。这样,我们已创建了一个执行与操作的电路,这个电路能完成当两个驾驶员确实都离开驾驶舱时飞机是无人驾驶的逻辑推断。

3: P66

Control theory itself has two categories:classical and modern. Classical control theory, which had i ts start during World War II, can be characterized by the transfer function concept with analysis an

d design principally in th

e Laplace and frequency domains. Modern control theory has arisen with the advent o

f high~speed digital computers and can be characterized by the state variable concept with emphasis on matrix algebra and with analysis and design principally in the time domain. As might be expected, each approach has its advantages and disadvantages as well as its proponents a nd detractors..




Open~loop and closed~loop controlsystems(see Fig. 21A1).An open~loop system is one in which the control action is independent of the output.A closed~loop system ,however,the input of the pla nt is somehow dependent on the actual output Since the output is fed back in a functional form det ermind by the nature of the feedback elements and then subtracted from the input,a closed~loop sy stem is often referred to as a negative feedback system or simply as afeedback system.



Actual system are also subjected to undesirable inputs, such as noise in command inputs and disturbances arising from changes in the plant parameters or changes in the environment in which the plant is operating. Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input require filtering techniques to remove or suppress them without affecting the command input itself. We shall limit our discussion to disturbance inputs which enter the system at the plant rather than at the controller.


6: P88

7.Loci are symmetrical about the real axis since complex open~loop poles and zeros occur in conj ugate pairs.


8.Sections of the real axis to the left of an odd total number of open~loop poles and zeros on this a xis form part of the loci, because any trial point on such sections satisfies the angle condition.


9. If the part of the real axis between two o.l. poles (o.l. zeros) belongs to the loci, there must be a point of breakaway from, or arrival at, the real axis. If no other poles and zeros are close by, the br eakaway point will be halfway.


7: P97

When the function has no pole or zero inside the right-half s plane, i.e. the function is minimum phase, the Bode plots can be sketched rather rapidly with a knowledge of the four elementary factors that appear in the function.

当该函数无零点和极点在S 平面右半部时,即系统为最小相位系统,可以使用函数的四个



Similarly, the gain margin equals 1 divided by the magnitude at the frequency where

the phase angle is -180,, the gain margin in dB, is therefore the distance of

the magnitude below 0dB at this frequency, as shown in Fig. 2-4A-2.

同样,增益裕量等于1 除以相角为?180时对应频率的幅值。因此,,以dB 来表示,为如图Fig. 2-4A-2.所示的频率处,幅值曲线与0 分贝线的距离。

9: P163

ROM is usually for the permanent, non-volatile storage of an applications

program. Many microcomputers and microcontrollers are intended for high-volume applications and hence the economical manufacture of the device requires that the

contents of the program memory be committed permanently during the manufacture

of the chips. Clearly, this implies a rigorous approach to ROM code development

since changes cannot be made after manufacture. This development process may

involve emulation using a sophisticated development system with a hardware

emulation capability as well as the use of powerful software tools.

ROM 通常是用于永久的、非易失的应用程序存储。许多的微处理器或者微


显然,这就意味着ROM 代码的开发必须十分精确,因为一旦生产出来就无法更




One way to accomplish this objective is by first measuring the temperature T(t),

then comparing it to its desired value, and based on this comparison, deciding what to

do to correct for any deviation. The flow of steam can be used to correct for the

deviation. This is, if the temperature is above its desired value, then the steam valve

can be throttled back to cut the steam flow(energy) to the heat exchanger. If the

temperature is below its desired value, then the steam valve could be opened some

more to increase the steam flow(energy) to the exchanger. All of these can be done

manually by operator, and since the procedure is fairly straightforward, it should

present no problem. However, since in most process plants there are hundreds of

variables that must be maintained at some desired value, this correction procedure

would required a tremendous number of operator. Consequently, we would like to

accomplish this control automatically. That is, we want to have instruments that

control the variable without requiring intervention from the operator. This is what we

mean by automatic process control.











三。段落翻译:25分,两题(现代控制理论状态控制P108与过程控制P182)P108:The concept of state occupies a central position in modern control theory. However, it appear in many other technical and non-technical context as well. In thermodynamics the equations of state are prominently used. Binary sequential networks are normally analyzed in term of their state. In everyday life, monthly financialstatements are commonplace. The President’ state of the Union meesage is another familiar example.


In all of these examples the concept of state is essentially the same. It is a complete summary of the status of the system at a particular point in time. Knowledge of the state at some initial time t0 plus knowledge of the system inputs after t0, allows the determination of the state at a later time t1. As far as the state at t1 is concerned, it makes no difference how the initial state was attained. Thus the state at t0 constitutes a complete history of the system behavior prior to t0, insofar as that history affects future behavior. Knowledge of the present state allows a sharp separation between the past and the future.


以后时刻t 1的状态。就t 1时刻的状态而言,它与初始状态是如何实现的无关。因此,t 0时刻的状态就构成了t 0以前行为的历史,这个历史状态在一定程度上影响系统未来的行为。当前状态就将过去与未来作了一个截然的划分。

At any fixed time the state of a system can be described by the values of a set of variables x i called state variables. One of the state variables of a thermodynamic system is temperature and its value can arrange over the continuum of real number. In a binary network state variable can take on only two discrete values, 0 or 1. Note that the state of your cheking account at the end of the month can be represented by single number, the balance. The state of the Union can be represented by such things as gross national product, percent unemployment, the balance of trade deficit, ect. For the systems considered in this article the state variables may take on any scalar value, real or complex. That is i x C ∈. Although some systems require an infinite number of state variables, only system which can be described by a finite number n of state variables will be considered here. Then the state can be represented by an n component state vector []12T n x x x x = It belongs to an n- dimensional vector space defined over the field C.

在任何一个固定的时刻,系统的状态可以用变量集合的值x i 来描述,称为状态变量。热力学系统的一个状态变量是温度,其值是在一个实数连续区间R 变化。对于一个二进制网络状态变量可以仅仅有两个离散的值,0和1。你在月底帐目的平衡的状态可以用一个数来表示。国情咨文中的状态可以用国民生产总值、失业率、贸易赤字等来表示。对于本文所考虑的系统,状态变量可以用任何一个标量值(实数或复数)来表示。即i x C ∈。虽然有的系统需要用无穷多个状态变量来表示,但是在这里我们仅仅考虑有限个数目状态变量的系统。因此,状态可以表示为n 个分量的状态向量[]12T

n x x x x = 。状态向量属于某个域C 上的状态空间。

For Continuous-time system, the state is defined for all time in some interval, for example, a continually varying temperature or voltage. Discrete-time system have their state defined only at discrete times, as with the monthly financial statement or the annual State of the Union message. Continuous-time and discrete-time systems can be discussed simultaneously by defining the times of interest as T. For continuous-time system T consists of the set of times {}01k t t t . In either case the initial time could be -∞ and the final time could be +∞ in some circumstances.

对于连续时间系统,状态可以定义某个区间上的所有时间。例如,连续变化的温度或者电压。离散时间系统的状态只定义在离散时刻。例如,每月财务状况或者年度国情咨文。连续时间系统和离散时间系统可以通过定义时间域T 来统一讨论。对于连续时间系统,T 由01[,]t t t ∈的所有实数构成。对于离散时间系统,T 由{}01k t t t 离散时刻集合构成。在任何一种情形,有时,初始时刻可以为-∞,最终时刻可以是+∞。

The state vector x(t) is defined only for those 01[,]t t t ∈. At any given t, it is simply an ordered set of n numbers. However, the character of a system could change with time, causing the number of required state variables (and not just the values) to change. If the dimension of the state

space varies with time, the notation t ∑could be used. It is assumed here that ∑ is the same n-dimensional state space at all t T ∈.

状态向量x(t)仅仅是在01[,]t t t ∈上有定义。对于任意给定的t ,x(t)仅仅是一个有序的n 个数的集合。然而系统的特性可以随时间变化,会引起系统状态变量个数(不是变量的值)的变化。如果状态空间的维数发生变化需要使用符号t ∑。这里假设这里∑表示,对于t T ∈系统的维数都是n 维。

B: Fundamentals of Process Control

At this time it is necessary to define some terms used in the field of automatic process control. The first term is controlled variable. This is the variable that must be maintained or controlled at some desired value. In the preceding example, the process outlet temperature, T(t), is the controlled variable. The second term is set point, the desired value of controlled variable. The manipulated variable is the variable used to maintain the controlled variable at its set point. In the example, the flow of steam is the manipulated variable. Finally, any variable that can cause the controlled variable to deviate away from set point is defined as a disturbance or upset. In most process there re number of different disturbance. As an example, in the heat exchanger shown in Fig. 5-1A-2, possible disturbance are inlet process temperature, Ti(t), the process flow q(t), the quality of the energy of steam, ambient conditions, process fluid composition, fouling, and so on. What is important here is to understand that in the process industries, most often it is because of this disturbance that automatic process control is needed. If there were no disturbance, design-operating conditions would prevail and there would be no necessity of continuously “policing ” the process.


The following additional terms are also important. Open loop refers to the condition in which the controller is disconnected from the process. That is, the controller is not making decision of how to maintain the controlled variable at set point. Another instance in which open loop control exists is when the action (A) taken by controller does not affect the measurement (M). This is indeed a major flaw in the control system design. Close-loop control refers to the condition in which the controller is connected to the process, comparing the set point to the controlled variable and determining corrective action.



Let us now say a few words about the signal used to provide communication between instruments of control system. There are three principal types of signals used in the process industry today. The pneumatic signal, or air pressure, ranges normally between 3 and 15 psig. Less often, signal of signals of 6to 30 psig or 3 to 27 psig are used. The usual representation in piping and

instrument diagrams(P&ID) for pneumatic signal is .The electrical, or electronic,

signal range normally between 4 and 20 mA. Less often 10 to 50 mA, 1 to 5V or 0 to 10V are used. The usual representation in (P&ID) is . The third type of signal, which is becoming common is the digital, or discrete, signal( zeros and ones). The use of process-control system based on large-scale computer, minicomputer, or microcomputers is forcing increased use of this type of signal.

我们来稍微讨论一下控制系统仪表之间通信所使用的信号。今天,在过程工业中主要使用三种信号。压缩空气信号,范围从3 到15 psig,不太常用的信号有6到30 psig 或者3 到27 psig。在管道和仪表图(P&ID)中压缩空气的表示符号为。电气信号,通常是4 到20 mA,不太常用的信号有10 到50 mA, 1 到5V 或0 到10V。在管道和仪表图(P&ID)中电气的表示符号为:。第三种信号正变得日益普遍,是数字信号,或者离散信号。在过程控制系统中基于大型、小型或者微型计算机使用的增加,使得这种类型信号使用增加。



PART 3 Computer Control Technology UNIT 1 A 计算机的结构与功能 这一节介绍计算机的内部体系结构,描述了指令如何存储和译码,并解释了指令执行周期怎样分解成不同的部分。 从最基本的水平来讲,计算机简单执行存储在存储器中的二进制编码指令。这些指令按照二进制编码数据来产生二进制编码结果。对于通用可编程计算机,四个必要部件是存储器、中央处理单元(CPU,或简称处理器),外部处理器总线,输入/输出系统,正如图 3-1A-1所示。 外部处理器总线 存储器CPU输入/输出 图 3-1A-1 计算机的基本元件 存储器储存指令和数据。 CPU读取和解释指令,读每条指令所需的数据,执行指令所需的操作,将结果存回存储器。CPU所需的操作之一是从外部设备读取或写入数据。这利用输入/输出系统来实现。 外部处理器总线是一套能在其他计算机部件之间传送数据、地址和控制信息的电导线。 存储器 计算机的存储器是由一套连续编号的单元所组成。每个存储单元是一个能存二进制信息的寄存器。单元的编号称为地址。初始地址为0。制造商定义处理器的一个字长为单元的整数长。在每个字中,各位表示数据或指令。对于英特尔8086/87和摩托罗拉MC68000微处理器来说,一个字是16位长,但每个存储单元仅为8位,因此两个8位单元来存取获得一个数据字长。

为了使用存储器中的内容,处理器必须取来右边的内容。为了完成这一次读取,处理器把所需单元的二进制编码地址放到外部处理器地址总线的地址线上,然后,存储器允许处理器读取所寻址的存储单元的内容。读取存储单元的内容的这一过程并不改变该单元的内容。 存储器中的指令存储器中的指令由CPU取来。除非发生程序转移,它们按在存储器中出现的顺序来执行。用二进制形式所写的指令叫做机器语言指令。一种得到(指令)有效形式的方法是将(这些)位分成段,如图3-1A-2所示。每一段都包含一个不同类型信息的代码。 在简单的计算机中,每条指令可分为四段,每段有四位。每条指令包括操作代码(或操作码,每条指令有唯一的操作码)、操作数地址、立即数、转换地址。 在一个实际的指令集中,有很多指令。也有大量的存储单元来存储指令和数据。为了增加存储单元的数目,如果我们使用同样的方法,地址段的指令一定长于16位。除了增加指令长度外,还有很多增加微处理器寻址范围的方法:可变指令段、多字指令、多寻址模式,可变指令长度。我们不将详细讨论它们。 存储数据数据是存储器中代表代码的信息。为了有效利用存储空间和处理时间,大多数计算机提供了不同长度和表示方法的处理数据能力。能被处理器识别的各种不同表示称作数据类型。常用的数据类型有:位、二进制码、十进制数字(4位字节,BCD)、字节(8位)、字(2个字节)、双字(4个字节)。 有一些处理器提供了可处理其他数据类型。例如单精度浮点数据类(32位)和双精度浮点数据(64位)等的指令。还有另一类的数据–––特征数据。通常也表示为8位。在标准键盘上,每个计算机终端键和键的组合(例如shift和control功能键)有定为美国信息交换标准码的7位码。 存储器类型在数字控制系统的应用中,我们也关注不同存储技术的特征。对主存储器来说,我们需用它临时存储信息,并逐次地从不同单元写入或获得信息。这种类型的存储器称作随机访问存储器(RAM)。在某些情况下,我们不想让存储器中的信息丢失。因此我们愿使用特殊技术写入存储器。如果写入只在物理改变连接时才能实现,那么这种存储器称为只读存储器(ROM)。如果相互连接的模式可由程序设定,那存储器叫做可编程只读存储器(PROM)。如果需要实现改写的情况,我们有可擦的可编程只读存储器(EPROM)。电可擦除的PROM缩写为EEPROM。


2010-2011第二学期专业英语试卷A答案 1.Translate the following Chinese terms into English ( one point for each,20 points for all) 1) 汽车与工程机械automobile and construction machinery 2) 筑路机械road-making machine 3) 发电机generator 4) 起动马达self starter 5) 方向盘steering wheel 6) 进气门inlet valve 7) 齿轮泵gear pump 8) 机油滤清器oil filter 9) 差速器differential 10) 摩擦式离合器friction clutch 11) 蓄电瓶storage battery 12) 铲土运输机scraper 13) 塔式起重机tower crane 14) 叉车fork lift 15) 商业车辆commercial vehicle 16) 变速箱transmission box (gear box) 17) 带式输送机belt conveyer 18) 步履式挖掘机walking excavator 19) 颚式砸机jaw crusher 20) 履带和轮胎track and tire 2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese (one point for each, total 20 points) 1) gasoline and diesel 汽油和柴油 2) flywheel and cam 飞轮和凸轮 3) disk brake 盘式制动器 4) mechanical vibration 机械振动 5) power steering 动力转向 6) vibratory roller 振动式压路机 7) hydraulic torque converter 液力变矩器 8) piston ring 活塞环 9) suspension system 悬挂系统 10) cab and chassis 驾驶室与底盘 11) radiator 散热器 12) fuel-injection system 燃油喷射系统 13) air compressor 空气压缩机 14) lubrication and lubricant 润滑与润滑剂


英语专业四级考试真题及答案(完整版) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013) —GRADE FOUR— TIME LIMIT: 135 MIN PART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.


计算机专业英语考试试题及答案 一、判断1.(√)The cpu and memory are located on a special circuit beard in the system unit called the montherbocrd2.(√)the main difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that supercomputers are designed to execute a few programs as quickly as possible,whereas mainframes are designedto handle many programs running at the same(but at a slower pace)3.(×)Being computer fluent means that you should be able to build a computer yourself.4.(√)Embedded computers are selfcontained computer devices that have therv own programming and do not receive input5.(√)Currently,the performance of tasks by robot is based on preprinted algorithms1.(×)A web browser is a special device that is installed in your computer that allows it to communicate with devices on a network2.(√)data can be a number a word a picture,or a sound3.(√)strictly defined,a computer is a data processing device4.(√)one of the benefits of becoming computer fluent is being a savvy computer user and consumer and knowing how to avoid viruses the programs that pose treats to computer security 。 5(√)trend-spotting programs,developed for business,have been used to predict criminal activity二.写出中文 1.virtual function虚拟函数2.pointer 指针3.cursor 光标4.package 包裹 5. Boot 引导,自举6 TCP/IP 传输攻之协议/互联网协议7 DNS 域名服务8.HTTP 超文本传


英语专业四级考试真题 PART III CLOZE 【15 MIN】 Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two. The earthquake of 26th December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory.It was a (31) _____ underwater quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean.It (32) ____ coastlines,communities and brought death to many people. Why do earthquakes happen? The surface of the earth has not always looked as it does today;it is moving(33)____ (although very slowly)and has done so for billions of years.This is one(34)____ of earthquakes,when one section of the earth (tectonic plate)(35)____ another.Scientists can predict where but not(36)____ this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line.On one fault line in Kobe,Japan in 1923 over 200,000 people were killed.(37)____,earthquakes do not always happen on fault lines,(38)____ is why they are so dangerous and (39)____. Where do volcanoes happen? Volcanoes happen where the earth's(40)____ is thin:lava,dust and gases(41)____ from beneath the earth.They can rise into a huge cone shape like a mountain and erupt,(42)____ they can be so violent(43)____ they just explode directly from the earth with no warning.There are 1511(44)'____' volcanoes in the world.This means that they may(45)____ be dangerous.In 1985 the Colombian volcano Nevado del Ruiz erupted.The lava melted a glacier and sent tones of mud(46)____ the town below.Twenty thousand people died.Natural disasters like volcanic eruptions are often unpredictable.We regularly do not know when they(47)____ pen,or (48)____ where they will happen.In the future,scientists may be able to watch and predict(49)____ before they happen.This could(50)____ many lives. 31.A.massive B.significant C.great D.grand 32.A.changed B.converted C.destroyed D.transformed 33.A.frequently B.continuously C.regularly D.periodically 34.A.source B.reason C.movement D.cause 35.A.collides with B.confronts with C.meets with D.faces with 36.A.how B.why C.when D.what


UNIT 1 A 电路 电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器、电感器和电容器等元件组成。如果网络不包含能源,如 电池或发电机,那么就被称作无源网络。换句话说,如果存在一个或多个能源,那么组合的结果为有源网络。在研究电网络的特性时,我们感兴趣的是确定电路中的电压和电流。因为网络由无源电路元件组成,所以必须首先定义这些元件的电特性. 就电阻来说,电压-电流的关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)式中 u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R = 电阻,欧姆。 纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的 变化率。因此可得到:U=Ldi/dt 式中 di/dt = 电流变化率,安培/秒; L = 感应系数,享利。 电容两端建立的电压正比于电容两极板上积累的电荷q 。因为电荷的积累可表示为电荷增量dq的和或积分,因此得到的等式为 u= ,式中电容量C是与电压和电荷相关的比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间的变化率,可表示为i = dq/dt。因此电荷增量dq 等于电流乘以相应的时间增量,或dq = i dt,那么等式 (1-1A-3) 可写为式中 C = 电容量,法拉。 归纳式(1-1A-1)、(1-1A-2) 和 (1-1A-4)描述的三种无源电路元件如图1-1A-1所示。注意,图中电流的参考方向为惯用的参考方向,因此流过每一个元件的电流与电压降的方向一致。 有源电气元件涉及将其它能量转换为电能,例如,电池中的电能来自其储存的化学能,发电机的电能是旋转电枢机械能转换的结果。 有源电气元件存在两种基本形式:电压源和电流源。其理想状态为:电压源两端的电压恒定,与从 电压源中流出的电流无关。因为负载变化时电压基本恒定,所以上述电池和发电机被认为是电压源。另一方面,电流源产生电流,电流的大小与电源连接的负载无关。虽然电流源在实际中不常见,但其概念的确在表示借助于等值电路的放大器件,比如晶体管中具有广泛应用。电压源和电流源的符号表示如图1-1A-2所示。 分析电网络的一般方法是网孔分析法或回路分析法。应用于此方法的基本定律是基尔霍夫第一定律,基尔霍夫第一定律指出:一个闭合回路中的电压代数和为0,换句话说,任一闭合回路中的电压升等于电压降。网孔分析指的是:假设有一个电流——即所谓的回路电流——流过电路中的每一个回路,求每一个回路电压降的代数和,并令其为零。 考虑图1-1A-3a 所示的电路,其由串联到电压源上的电感和电阻组成,假设回路电流i ,那么回路总的电压降为因为在假定的电流方向上,输入电压代表电压升的方向,所以输电压在(1-1A-5)式中为负。因为电流方向是电压下降的方向,所以每一个无源元件的压降为正。利用电阻和电感压降公式,可得等式(1-1A-6)是电路电流的微分方程式。 或许在电路中,人们感兴趣的变量是电感电压而不是电感电流。正如图1-1A-1指出的用积分代替式(1-1A-6)中的i,可得1-1A-7 UNIT 3 A 逻辑变量与触发器


专业英语四级考试试题及答案(5) PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN ] There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet. 51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can. A. would be B. will have been C. was D. were 52. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class. A. Although he is a socialist B. Even if he is a socialist C. Being a socialist D. Since he is a socialist 53. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 56. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we


2010—2011学年第1学期 《专业外语2-1》补考试卷 (适用专业:自动化,测控) 专业班级 姓名 学号 开课系室信控学院自动化系 考试日期 题号一二三四五总分得分 阅卷人

一,Translate the followings into Chinese (1 point each, total of 20 points) 1.manual control [自] 手动控制;[计] 人工控制 2.empirical modeling 统计] 经验模型 3.phase error compensation 位相误差补偿 4.step response [电子] 阶跃响应;[电子] 瞬态特性 5.differential pressure [流] 压差 6.resonant peak 振峰值 feedback coefficient 反馈系数Feedback Control Gain Coefficient:反馈增益coefficient feedback:温度系数反馈 https://www.360docs.net/doc/af6845179.html,limeter/centimeter/kilometer 毫米厘米,公分公里,千米 8.accuracy/sensitivity/reliability n. 精确度,准确性n. 敏感;敏感性;[医]过敏n. 可 靠性 9.amplitude/frequency/phase n. 振幅;n. 频率;n. 相;位相; 10. try-and-error tuning try-and-error tuning try-and-error调谐 10.measured variable 被测变量;测定变量 11.system protection 系统保护 maximum overshoot maximum overshoot:最大超调量;最大过冲;最大超越量 maximum percent overshoot:最大超越量 12.analog/digital filter 模拟[电子] 数字滤波器 13.impulse function 数] 脉冲函数;冲力函数;冲击函数 14.volumetric flowmeter 体积式量计;[仪] 容积式流量计 15.upper limit value Attribute Upper Limit Value属性上界值 16.pressure/temperature/level n. 压力;压迫,压强n. 温度n. 水平;水平面;标准 17.block diagram 框图;方块图 二,Translate the followings into English (1 point each, total of 20 points) 1.过程变量Process Variable ;process variable ;Process Variation 2.闭环控制[close-cycle; closed-cycle]closed-loop control 3.传递函数[自] transfer function 4.时间延迟[通信] time delay time lag 频带宽度frequency band width ;bandwidth 传感器/换能器sensor ,transducer,sense organ,sensing element;[电子] transducer energy converter 孔板流量计orificeplate flowmeter;orifice meter


element n、元件,成分node n、节点branch n、分支loop n、回路resistor n、电阻器impedance n、阻抗analog n、模拟digital adj、数字的pulse n、脉冲interface n、接触面,界面decoder n、解码器 transformer n、变压器single-phase 单相pulsate vi、脉动three-phase power三相电源three-phase circuit 三相电路 wye connection 星形连接delta connection 三角形连接phase voltage 相电压line voltage 线电压voltmeter n、电压表ammeter n、电流表clamp-on ammeter钳式安培表 solid-state adj、固态的valve n、真空管,活栓semiconductor n、半导体switching n、开关diode n、二极管inverter n、反向换流器(逆变器) thyristor n、硅可控整流器inverter thyristor 晶闸管逆变器transistor n、晶体管substantial adj、牢固的fluorescent lamp ballast 荧光灯镇流器HVDC transmission system 高压直流输电系统 induction motor 感应电动机rectifier n、整流器 thyratron n、闸流管ignitron n、引燃管,放电管cycloconverter n、循环变流器spectrum n、光谱 wafer n、圆片,晶片chopper n、斩波器polarity n、极性silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR) n、可控硅整流器 gate turn-off thyristors (GTO) n、门极可关断晶闸管 MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT) n、MOS控制晶闸管


1.Why are cast metal sheet ingots hot-rolled first instead of being cold-rolled? Because of cold rolling is to use hot rolled steel coils as the raw material, after acid pickling to remove oxide skin for cold rolling, the finished product is hard roll, because of cold work hardening caused by deformation of continuous cold rolling hard roll strength, increase hardness, toughness and plastic index decreased, so the stamping performance will deteriorate, can only be used for simple deformation of the parts 2.What type of heat treatment is given to the rolled metal sheet after hot and “warm” rolling? What is its purpose? 轧钢的热处理的类型?轧钢热处理的目的? Heat treatment of the main types are annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering, solution treatment and aging treatment, cold treatment, chemical treatment, etc. Annealing: The steel is heated to a certain temperature and heat preservation for a period of time, and then make it slowly cooling, called annealing. Steel annealing is a heat the steel to the phase change or part of the phase change temperature, slow cooling after heat preservation heat treatment method. The purpose of annealing is to eliminate tissue defects, improve the organization make composition uniformity and fine grains, increase mechanical properties of the steel, reduce residual stress; Can decrease the hardness at the same time, improve the plasticity and toughness, improve machinability. So before annealing in order to eliminate and improve both the legacy of tissue defects and internal stress, and to prepare for the follow-up process, so the annealing is belong to the intermediate heat treatment, also called heat treatment in advance Normalizing: Normalizing is heated to above the critical temperature of steel, to all into homogeneous austenitic steel, heat treatment and natural cooling in air. It can eliminate hypereutectoid steel mesh cementite, for hyposteel normalizing can refine crystal lattice, improve comprehensive mechanical properties, low requirements for the parts use the normalized instead of the annealing process is more economic. Quenching: Quenching is the steel is heated to above the critical temperature, heat preservation for a period of time, then quickly into the quenching medium, the temperature plummeted, rapid cooling at greater than the critical cooling rate of speed, which is mainly composed of martensite and unbalanced heat treatment method of the organization. Can increase strength and hardness of the steel quenching, but to reduce its plasticity. That is commonly used in quenching hardening agent are: water, oil, caustic soda, and salt solution, etc


1.1 介绍过程控制 1.近年来,对过程系统的性能改善需求变得越来越困难. 更为激烈的竞争,更加严格的环境和安全规范,以及快速变化的经济条件都是加强工厂产品质量规范的关键因素 2.更为复杂的情况是,由于现代制造业朝着规模更大,集成度更高的方向发展,而使不同的加工环节之间的协调能力更低, 所以加工过程更难控制. 在这种工厂中,要想让一个生产环节出现的问题不对其相连的另一个生产环节产生影响,几乎是不可能的. 3.近年来,考虑到工业制造逐渐加强的安全、高效需求,过程控制这个课题变得越来越受重视. 实际上,对于大多数现代工业,要满足安全、高效,产品质量的要求,没有控制系统是不可能的. 1.1.1说明性的例子 1.图1.1.1 所示的连续加热搅拌器可以作为过程控制的典型例子. 输入液态流体的质量流量率为w,温度为Ti. 槽内成分搅拌均匀,并且用电加热器,功率为Q瓦特. 2.假设输入和输出流量率是相等的,并且液体密度保持恒定,也就是说温度变化足够小,密度对温度的影响可以忽略不计. 在这些条件下,槽内液体的体积保持恒定 3.加热搅拌器的控制目标是保持输出温度T在一个恒定参考值TR上. 参考值在控制术语中指的是给定值. 下面我们考虑两个问题. 把加热搅拌器内的液体从输入温度Ti加热到输出温度TR,需要多少热量? 1.要确定达到设计运行条件下的热量需求,我们需要写下槽内液体的稳定能量平衡式. 在写平衡式之前,假设槽内是完美搅拌的,同时忽略热损耗. 2.在这些条件下,槽内成分的温度保持一致,因此,输出温度等于槽内液体温度. . 3.Ti, T, w, 和Q C 是液体的比热. 我们假设C是恒定的. 在设计条件下, . 将其代入方程(1), 1.方程(2)是加热器的设计方程. 如果我们的假设是正确的,同时输入流量和输入温度等于他们的标定值,那么有方程(2)给出的输入热量将使输出温度保持在期望值TR. 但是,如果给定条件变化,会产生什么样的结果呢?这给我们带来第二个问题: 2.问题2. 假设输入温度Ti随时间变化. 我们如何确保温度T保持或靠近给定值TR? 最为一个特殊的例子,假设Ti增加到一个大于的值. 如果Q保持在标定值上恒定,我们可以得到输出温度将增加,因此T>TR. 为应付这种情况,有一些可能的策略控制出口温度T 方法1。测量和调整问题 1.一种控制温度T避免Ti干扰的方法是,基于T的测量来调整输入热量Q. 直观上来说,如果温度太高,我们应该减少输入热量;如果温度太低,我们可以增加输入热量. 这种控制策


2008年秋冬学期研究生专业英语期末考试试卷参考答案 1. Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese ① Metric 度量 ② Convergence 收敛 ③ Covariance 方差 ④ Stochastic 随机 ⑤ Equivalence 等价 ⑥ Dynamic equation 动态方程 ⑦ Criteria 判据、评价标准 ⑧ Measurement Model 测量模型 ⑨ Partial derivative equation 偏微分方程 ⑩ In the sense of probability 在概率意义上,依概率 2. Explain the following symbols in English ① m b '' the second order derivative of b sub m , b double prime sub m ② A B ? A is equivalent to B ③ i x a → i x approaches a ④ y x ?? the partial derivative of y with respective to x ⑤ ?a b integral between limits b to a ⑥ a ‖b a is parallel to b ⑦ 3 a the cube root of a ⑧ A X ? set A is contained in X ⑨ ()a b c d e f +-?÷= a plus b minus c multiplied d , all divided by e equals f ⑩ ,,. as i N s t a a i ε??→→∞ for any special ε, there is a respected N ,


广东纺织职业技术学院2010~2011学年第一学期 《专业英语》期中试卷 考试时间:120分钟考试形式:开卷适用专业:班级:学号:姓名:成绩: 各题20分 一、单词翻译(英译汉) titrimetric analysis reagent titrant flask oxidation precision standard solution sodium hydroxide Equilibrium constant equilibrium. manifest equilibrium concentration frictional flow ionization constant correct for molarity compressed gas neutralization device plus elevation neutral positive-displacement meter reciprocating sodium hydroxide piston external centrifugal pump in the absence of rotational at the expense of rotational velocity compensation stream specific upstream station streamline downstream station 二、单词翻译(汉译英) 垂直于传热面滤饼卸料 符合,一致陶器的 动量,动力,要素滤液 动量传递孔 随机运动,无规则 运动 胶体微粒 扩散的构造,配置 .邻近的,接近的. 波动,起伏 振动的,振荡的大气压(1atm= 101. 3 kPa) (远离表面的)流 体(本体)温度 (风车、螺旋桨等 的)翼,叶片 目录,目录册切线的 线性相关蜗壳形式


自动化专业英语词汇大全 acceleration transducer加速度传感器base coordinate system基座坐标系 acceptance testing验收测试Bayes classifier贝叶斯分类器 accessibility可及性bearing alignment方位对准 accumulated error累积误差bellows pressure gauge波纹管压力表 AC-DC-AC frequency converter交 - 直 -交变频器benefit-cost analysis收益成本分析 AC (alternating current) electric drive交流电子传bilinear system双线性系统 动biocybernetics生物控制论 active attitude stabilization主动姿态稳定biological feedback system生物反馈系统 actuator驱动器,执行机构black box testing approach黑箱测试法 adaline 线性适应元blind search盲目搜索 adaptation layer适应层block diagonalization块对角化 adaptive telemeter system适应遥测系统Boltzman machine玻耳兹曼机 adjoint operator伴随算子bottom-up development自下而上开发 admissible error容许误差boundary value analysis边界值分析 aggregation matrix集结矩阵brainstorming method头脑风暴法 AHP (analytic hierarchy process)层次分析法breadth-first search广度优先搜索 amplifying element放大环节butterfly valve蝶阀 analog-digital conversion模数转换CAE (computer aided engineering)计算机辅助工annunciator信号器程 antenna pointing control天线指向控制CAM (computer aided manufacturing)计算机辅助anti-integral windup抗积分饱卷制造 aperiodic decomposition非周期分解Camflex valve偏心旋转阀 a posteriori estimate后验估计canonical state variable规范化状态变量approximate reasoning近似推理capacitive displacem ent transducer电容式位移传a priori estimate先验估计感器 articulated robot关节型机器人capsule pressure gauge膜盒压力表 assignment problem配置问题,分配问题CARD 计算机辅助研究开发 associative memory model联想记忆模型Cartesian robot直角坐标型机器人 associatron联想机cascade compensation串联补偿 asymptotic stability渐进稳定性catastrophe theory突变论 attained pose drift实际位姿漂移centrality集中性 attitude acquisition姿态捕获chained aggregation链式集结 AOCS (attritude and orbit control system)姿态轨chaos 混沌 道控制系统characteristic locus特征轨迹 attitude angular velocity姿态角速度chemical propulsion化学推进 attitude disturbance姿态扰动calrity 清晰性 attitude maneuver姿态机动classical information pattern经典信息模式attractor吸引子classifier分类器 augment ability可扩充性clinical control system临床控制系统 augmented system增广系统closed loop pole闭环极点 automatic manual station自动 - 手动操作器closed loop transfer function闭环传递函数automaton自动机cluster analysis聚类分析 autonomous system自治系统coarse-fine control粗 -精控制 backlash characteristics间隙特性cobweb model蛛网模型
