




China’s diplomatic activities were unprecedentedly frequent at the turn of the century. China performed unprecedentedly active in diplomacy at the turn of the century.

The turn of the century found China most active on the diplomatic arena.

Part 1:定语译作主语


He is a giant of a man with a long square face.


This type of car uses three times more fuel than that type of car does.


This office has been installed with an air conditioner.


Laziness makes it impossible for one to succeed.

Part 2: 谓语动词译作主语


The sight of the photo reminds her of the memory 30 years ago.


The very sight of blood makes her sick.


In those days even the mention of her husband’s name brought her to the verge of tears.医生迅速到达,并仔细检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。

The doctor’s prompt arrival and careful examination of the patient brought his speedy recovery.

Part 3: 表语译作主语


The only criteria for truth is the practice of millions of people.


Substance is anything having weight and taking space.

Part 4: 宾语译作主语


All sorts of life necessities can be made from plastics.


Any comment and advice from you is welcomed/valued.


The bloodstain on the floor suddenly caught the detective’s attention.


Up till now much progress has been made in bio-tranplant technology. Part 5: 增补主语:

1.It is +V过去分词+that


It is usually said that ,“to err is to human.”


It is well known that compass was invented in China 4000 years ago.


It might be thought that I did all this to flatter my boss.

There be 句型


There is something strange in his behavior today.


There was a strike participated in by ten thousand workers two years ago. 过去几年里,我国各地对各种消费品的需求量已明显增加。

There has been a significant increase in the demand for all kinds of consumer goods all over our country in the past years.


There are various opinions on this question both at home and abroad.

There are heated discussion on this question all over the world.






Hydrogen is found in many compounds.

The wilderness sound her sweet laughter rising and falling like waves.

The building was not well constructed.

A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any country.





China compares unfavorably with many other countries in terms of per capita agricultural land.

The products of this factory are characterized by their fine workmanship and durability. Special emphasis must be given to (the gravity of) environmental problems in some big cities of our country.

Customers from various parts of the world are welcome to establish and develop business contacts.




His straightforwardness and willingness to make friends with anyone won him the trust from others soon.

Inadequate training of peasants and low proficiency of some farms led to the poverty of the majority of peasants.

China’s educational, scientific and cultural circles have been maintaining academic exchanges with Harvard, one of earliest American universities accepting Chinese students.






Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.

There are many fine examples of early architecture in the city.

Even now, this remains fresh in my memory.

A full moon rising high in the sky, the laughter of children playing on the road outside the wall had died away.







He is my father.

The girl is really beautiful.

This man reads every book he can reach.

If this can be tolerated, what cannot?

Praise the past to condemn the present.

Jiuzhaigou presents another view.

Over the branches appear some distant mountains.


Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements.


Like ordinary bronze mirrors it bears patterns and inscriptions on the back.


A limestone cave lies in front of the temple, and a stone tablet was erected/stands



Beihai( North Lake) Park covers an area of 68.2 hectares.





If you stay, I will, too.

Xiao Ma is no more than 30, with a very lean face.

Why should she have committed suicide with no reason? It’s rather odd.

He is quite satisfied with the way things went




It’s a long story.

I can not tell his name at the moment.

You’ve failed to hand in your homework 3 days in a row, it’s really inexcusable.




He could tell watch even when he was two.

I can read your mind.

If you think its all right, then buy it.




Which journal do you subscribe to?

We don’t have the book in stock, but we can order it.

Would you please bind this handout for me?




The driver couldn’t understand me.

He has good manners.

Cadres must have a good grasp of policies.




The outer part of the coat is beautiful.

If one is afraid of losing face,…….

I’d be happy to defer your wishes, but there is really nothing I can do about it. Practice:





I’ve been idle for another month now.

Another month now and I’ve had no work.

Day by day the sea is eating the land.

In the world only sea waster is inexhaustible.

All this suggested ancient harmonies.



There is no need to worry about firewood as long as green hills remain.



Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.



Only a miracle can save the company from bankrupt.


Nothing suggests that he is competent for such a task.



Measures have been taken to reduce traffic accidents.


Immediate action is required for the issue.


Machinery for the just settlement of international disputes must be established.



Enclosed are some recent pictures.


In the far distance is a gliterring lake surrounded by pine woods.







Authority is seldom questioned in many countries.

Why should all the troubles be pushed on to me?

On the table lay a latest Chinese Translators Journal.

From the distance came occasional shots.

In the contract, all kinds of conditions which both sides should follow were listed in detail.

中国是一个有着5000 多年悠久历史的文明古国。




China is a country with a long history of 5000 years of ancient civilization.

Since long ago, the Chinese people with their diligence wisdom, created the splendid civilization and has made a significant contribution to the progress of human civilization Beijing is a 3000 years old city with a long history of civilization and became to be capital in 800 years ago.

From the Great Hall of the people near the world-famous is Forbidden City. The Forbidden City was built in 600 years ago. It is the world's largest and most complete existing ancient palace building complex. From the long history of the Beijing and the epitome of the Forbidden City, people will be able to vividly feel the broad and profound Chinese civilization has a long history.


British people are less satisfied with life than many in poorer countries and use too many of the earth's resources, according to a poll that ranks Britain 74th in the world below Georgia and Burma.


Rather than measure Gross Domestic Product or GDP, the Happy Planet Index or HPI measures life expectancy, happiness and the environmental impact of different nations.


The top ten countries are not the richest nations but middle income countries in Latin America, Asia or the Caribbean where there is a high level of life satisfaction and low carbon footprint.


The UK comes in at 74 out of 143 countries behind Georgia at 72. The highest ranking country in the EU was the Netherlands at 43 followed by Germany at 51 and France at 71.


The United States, was ranked at 114, Canada at 89 and Australia at 102. Zimbabwe and other poor African nations, where life expectancy and happiness is low, came bottom of the table.






The Professor’s Wish

On their way to the laboratory, a professor and his two students found a colorful bottle. They opened it, from which rose clouds of white smoke that formed a gigantic genie standing in the air. The genie said to them, “I’ve been imprisoned in this bottle for thousands of years. Thank you for setting me free. To repay your kindness, I will satisfy one wish from each of you.”

The first student anxiously said, “I want to go to heaven to be a flying angel there.”Hardly had he finished his words when he disappeared.

After thinking for a while, the second student said, “I’d like to be a happy prince free from care, living in a castle at the foot of the Alps.”He also disappeared in a flash.

Then the genie turned to the professor who went on walking while saying,“I want them to be waiting for me in the lab five minutes later.”


Unit 1 1.餐饮行业与电影行业的共同之处在于其小型企业的失败率很高。 The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the high failure rate among its small business. 2.他的伟大在于他具有非凡的能力,集科学家和实业家的品质于一身。 His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a scientist with those of an industrialist. 3.像工作单位取代居住地一样,我们的种族身份已被职业身份所取代。这一现象在流动作业的行业中表现得尤为明显。 We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with workplace, which is quite obvious among the mobile professions. 4.显然,任何一家大公司的老板都不可能事事亲力亲为,需要找一些方法把他们的理念传达给他人。 Plainly, in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in everything, and some means have to be found to transfer his belief to others. 5.没有任何人愿意再过那种自己无法控制、要别人认可、任人摆布的日子了。No one was willing to experience the feeling of being out of control and dependent on someone else’s approval, at someone else’s mercy. 6.人们渴望一种成就感,渴望有能力凭自己的手、自己的脑、自己的意志办成事情。 The human being longs for a sense of accomplishment, and being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind and with his will. 7.政府希望通过大量出售资产来弥补损失。 The government hopes that the sale of a chunk of its assets will help make up for its lose. 8.现代社会里人们的身份更多地由他们所从事的职业,而不是他们所生活的社区来界定。


公交常用英语 一、常用词语: 1、公共汽车 Bus 巴斯 2、出租车 Taxi 太克sei 3、电车 Trolleybus 超类巴斯 4、您好 Hello / How do you do. 好度有度 5、劳驾或请问 Excuse me…… A科斯Q私密 6、抱歉或对不起 Sorry 扫瑞 7、对不起打扰了 I’m sorry to trouble you 阿姆扫瑞兔揣宝有 8、谢谢 Thank you / Thanks 9、没关系 Not at all / It doesn’t matter 闹特爱特奥/ A特大怎特迈特 10、可以 It’s OK. A次欧凯 11、月票 commutation / monthly ticket 抗缪忒什/ 忙特雷忒K特 12、票价 carfare 卡fai尔 13、起点站 The starting stop 泽思达挺思道普 14、终点站 terminal / The Last stop 特妹闹泽拉斯特思道普 15、市区路线 Urban route 饿本入特 16、郊区路线 Suburban route 瑟波本入特 17、请等一下 Wait a moment 维特饿某们特 18、再见 Goodbye / Bye 19、首班车 The first bus 泽发斯特巴斯 20、末班车 The last bus 泽拉斯特巴斯 21、驾驶员 Driver 拽玩儿 22、乘务员 Conductor 肯达科特儿 23、调度员 Dispatcher 得死派车儿 24、请上车 Get on please 盖特昂普类似 25、请下车 Get off please 盖特奥夫普雷斯 26、中国济南 Jinan , China 济南柴那 27、空调车 Air-conditioned bus 艾尔可得什恩德巴斯 28、K系列豪华车 K series bus /可sei儿瑞丝巴斯 K series comfortable express 可sei儿瑞斯抗木否特包A科丝普ruai 丝 29、欢迎您! Welcome 维尔康目 30、先生,您好! How do you do , sir? 好读有度色儿31、小姐,你好! How do you do , miss?


外国语学院教学大纲 交替传译 (Consecutive Interpretation) 口译是一种极富挑战性的职业,肩负有沟通不同文化,为不同语言搭建理解桥梁的使命。随着中国加入世贸组织以及中国与世界越来越频繁的交往,进行英汉双语互译的口译工作将会变得越来越重要,合格的口译工作者也将成为越来越稀缺的高级人才。 交替传译是口译中的一种,是进一步掌握同声传译技巧的基础课程,同时也是综合应用所学各种英语知识和技能的高级课程。学习者应该已经具有一定的英语基础,并且通过学习掌握更加深厚扎实的双语知识和灵活的应变能力。因此交替传译课专门为已经经过将近三年英语专业学习的高年级学生开设,通过讲授基本的口译理论,交替传译的特点,相关的文化背景知识,交传的基本技巧,使得学生掌握基本的口译学科的理论,了解交传的特殊之处,掌握基本的口译笔记,注意力分配,公众演讲技巧,记忆方法,英汉语言对比和翻译处理技巧等,最后能够胜任各种正式场合1-3分钟间隔的交替传译。 一、教学目的与要求 1.熟悉基本的口译理论知识,交替传译的特点以及英汉、汉英交传中常用的翻译技巧; 2.了解相关中国和英语国家的文化背景知识; 3.培养对中英文的听力理解及信息处理的能力; 4.掌握基本的口译笔记方法; 5.胜任各种正式场合1-3分钟间隔的交替传译。 二、教学重点与难点 教学重点:口译的基本形式;认识口译和笔译的异同;了解交替传译的特点;做交替传译的基本笔记技巧。 教学难点:词汇量的扩充;英语听力的即时理解;中英双语在短时间内的转换;注意力的分配;掌握和找到适合自己记笔记的方法。 三、教学方法与手段 教学内容以课本理论为根本指导,在教授了基本的理论知识以后,辅助以大量最新的新闻、专题、时事、演说、重要讲话等题材的实战交传练习。学生的实际交传练习为主要的教学形式。在每次练习中,鼓励学生应用所学理论,找到适合自己的方法,互相找到问题所在。也就是以模拟真实的交传场景,分析改进交传技巧的学习讨论会的形式为主,辅以教师指导,并发动学生的学习积极性,共同学习相关的文化背景知识和某个领域的专业术语。 四、教学内容与目标 教学内容教学目标学时分配(68学时) 1.口译学科简介 2.交替传译的特点、标准和过程了解 1 3.交传的听力理解(交叉进行)掌握 3 4.交传的记忆方法掌握 1 5.公众演讲技巧掌握 1 6.笔记基本技巧训练掌握8 7.英汉语言对比掌握 6 8.上下文的作用(交传时的预测)掌握 2 9.各个不同专题的中英交传模拟训练掌握42 10.各种不同文体的交传处理技巧 了解 4


Unit1 Structure 1、The police are still trying to find out what caused the fire (是什么引起了这场火灾) 2、 I don 't know what size of shoes my father wears (我爸爸穿多大的鞋) 3、The baby pointed to what looked like a ball (一个像球一样的东西) 4、We should always be gyateful for what our family and friends (家人和朋友为我们所做的一切) 5、Stella was eager to show her boyfriend what she had bought for his brithday (她为他的生日所买的东西) Translation 1、 这个小男孩最喜欢做的事就是搭积木 What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks. 2、 就先前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的最佳候选人 In terms of previous working experience ,John is the best choice for this position. 3、 我的物理老师经常使用类比来说明一些较难理解的概念 My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concept. 4、 在家人和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企业逐渐兴旺起来 With the help of his family and friends ,Tom built up his publishing business bit by bit . 5、 琳达没能进入那所著名的大学,但她打算重新开始,而不是逃避挑战 Linda was not able to go to that famous college,but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge. 6、 这个公司有着很好的公众形象。人们总是将它的产品与高质量和优质服务联系在一起 This company has a very good public image .People always associate its product with high quality and good service. Unit 2 1、 孩子们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们在铁路轨道旁玩耍 The children are pretty annoyed that their parents won 't allow them to play around the railway track.. 2、 我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先到目的地 I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach the destination sooner than they do . 3、这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动 You don 't want to go out in such rotten weather.Its better for you to stay home and stretch your legs and do pfysical exercises. 4、 已经十点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到飞机场去接你表弟 It 's half past ten,and you 're not supposed to be sleeping !It 's time to head for the airport to pick up your cousin! 5、 是谁想到让麦克来接管这项工程的? Wo came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over the project? 6、 学校对不同种族背景的学生没有区别对待 The school makes no distinction in treating students from different racial backgrounds . Unit4 1.布鲁斯先生对他不尊重当地传统的行为表示了歉意。 Mr. Bruce made an apology for his disrespect for the local traditions. 2.在会议上,双方就两国关系方面交换了各自的观点。 At the meeting the parties exchanged their opinions on the relationship between the two countries. 3.他目前心情很糟糕,不适合在公共场合露面。 He is in such a bad mood that it is not appropriate for him to appropriate for him to appear in public 4.你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来吧。 You should at least try not to spill the water when carrying it. 5.这位科学家的论点得到了学术界的极大支持。 The argument of this scientist received tremendous support from academic circles. 6.无论你遇到什么困难,大家都会帮你度过难关的。 No matter what difficulties you may come across, we will pull you through. Unit7 Structure 1、I dozed off in the back of the car and woke up to find myself already in Chicago.(发现自己已经到了芝加哥) 2、After walking for a long time ,James found himself in an empty street .(发现自己走在一条空荡荡的街上) 3、If Jack carries on treating others so rudely ,he will find himself losing all the friends.(他会失去所有的朋友) 4、This book tells people how to manage the situation when they find themselves getting angry.(当他们生气时如何控制局面) 5、After meeting Kathy for the first time at a birthday party ,John found himself falling in love whih her (发现自己爱上了她) Translation 1、 在喝了三罐啤酒之后,玛丽连站都站不起来了 After drinking three jars of beer ,Mary could haldly get to her feet . 2、 由于担心房产价格可能会下跌,一些房产商开始急于出售房屋 Some real estate developers are now eager to sell their houses for fear that the prices might dip. 3、 当琳达打开房门时,眼前的景象使他惊呆了。橱柜的门都敞开着,地上到处是衣服和书 When linda opened the door ,she was shocked by what she saw .All the cupboard doors were wide open,and there were clothers and books lying here and there on the floor. 4、 麦克早已经对老板每周一次的长篇报告感到厌倦,每次听着听着他总会打起盹来 Mike has already got tired of the long speech given by his boss every week .He always dozed off in the middle of it . 5、 芬兰是一个以湖泊众多而著称的国家,我曾经去过几次,非常喜欢那个地方 Finland is remarkable for its large number of lakes .I have been there once or twice ,and I like it very much . 6、 在贝蒂三岁生日的那天,爸爸送给她一直很有意思的盒子。只要你一打开它,一只可爱的兔子便会突然蹦出来 At Betty 's third biethday ,Dad gave her an interesting box.Once you opened it , a lovely rabbit would pop out. Unit 10 1.在孩子个性形成时期,家长要特别关心并注意他们是否有心理问题的迹象。 Parents should pay special attention to their children during their formative years and watch for symptoms of psychological problems. 2.天才往往对自己喜爱的事物充满了激情。 Geniuses usually have a great passion for things they ’re interested in. 3.他不知道简就是她的亲生姐姐,只是觉得她的名字听上去有一点点熟悉。 He was no idea that Jane is his biological sister;only her name sounds faintly familiar to him. 4.看着稻谷在干燥的阳光下枯死,农民们毫无办法,只有叹息。 Seeing the rice corps dying in cry sun,the peasants could do nothing but sigh. 5.自从杰克的老板拒绝了他请长假的要求,他一直在考虑辞职。 Ever since his boss turned down his request for a long vacation, Jack has been thinking about quitting his job. 6.我不喜欢足球,今天也不例外,我不想和你去看球赛。 I don ’t care for soccer,and today ’s no exception.So I don ’t feel like going to watch the game with young. Unit12 Usage 1、 Linda!It 's Christmas time.Sing us Christmas song.(给我们唱歌圣诞歌吧) 2、 Sam hopes that his daughter will live a happy life.(幸福一生) 3、 All human beings die in the end .Some die a peaceful death (平静而逝) 4、 He dreamed a bad dream(做了个噩梦)last night and woke up with an ashen face . 5、 A hot bath before bed helps you sleep a good nights sleep(会让你睡个好觉) Translation 1、 他被捕后遭到毒打,但却没有向敌人透漏任何有用的信息 He was brutally beaten often being arrested ,but he revealed nothing useful to the enemy. 2、 他们面试了很多人,最后终于找到了令他们满意的候选人 They interviewed a lot of people before finally getting hold of a satisfactory candidate. 3、 他自愿捐助修建了一所学校以使那些穷孩子能读书 He made a voluntary contribution to the cost of building a school so that those poor children could get an education. 4、 为了你我一定会努力训练以争取获得进入决赛的资格 For your sake I will train very hard to get the qualification for the finals. 5、 在那样的情况下他除了勇敢的面对挑战以外没有其他选择 Under those circumstances he had no choice but to face up to the challenge bravely. 6、 如果我们想取保及时到达那里就该早点动身 We should start early if we want to make sure of getting there in time. Unit14 1、 一些著名的歌唱家将举办一场音乐会,为这 家儿童图书馆筹款。但是,音乐会门票的销售情况一点都不让人满意 Some famous singers were going to put on a concert to raise money for the children 's library.However ,the sale of the tickets was far from satisfactory. 2、 这篇新闻报道真是地展现了监狱中的生活, 引起了公众的关注。一些记者决定继续追踪报道 This news report showed prison life in the raw and got a lot of attention from the public .Some reporters decided to follow it up. 3、 安妮独自一人出发去了那个小镇。她一点都没想过,她的父母会为她的安全而担心 Anne set out for the small town by himself .It never occurredto her that her parents might be worried about her safety. 4、 去年,我取得了做外科医生的资格。回想在 医科大学度过的五年,我觉得那是我生命中 最艰苦也是最快乐的一段日子 Last year I qualified as a surgeon.I looked back on the five years at medical university as the hardest as well as the happiest time of my life . 5、 布朗先生是一位十分杰出的实业家。他曾经说过,“要想在商业领域里取得成功,你必须得冒许多险” Mr.Brown is an eminent business man .He once said,“You have to take a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business ” 6、 彼得靠在饭店里洗盘子维持生活。但是最近饭店准备裁员,彼得每天都生活在被解雇的恐惧之中 Peter makes a living by dishes in a restaurant.But recently the restaurant has been planning to cut jobs and Peter is living in daily fear of being fired. Unit 15 一、1.She took care of the blind man as if he were her old father. 2.They are talking as if they had been friends for years. 3.Jerry acts as if he were an expert. 4.It seems as if it were winter already. 5.The postman spoke to me in a very loud voice as if I were deaf. 二、1.有一张名牌大学的文凭,即使在公司解雇人的时候他也不担心会丢工作。 With a diploma from a famous university,he felt secure in his job even when the company was laying off people. 2.当鲍勃被指控撒谎时,他勃然大怒。 Bob flew into a rage when he was accused of lying. 3.由于她的愚蠢,我们的项目彻底泡汤了。 Our project was totally ruined because of her stuoidity. 4.经理深受公司里同事们的尊敬。 The manager was held in high esteem by his colleagues in the company. 5.小男孩跑到他爸爸跟前,兴奋地猛拉他的袖子。 The little boy ran up to his father and turgged his sleeve excitedly. 6.很显然,他对他的论文很有信心。 Apparently, he was quite confident about his essay. Unit 16 1.餐厅经理一看到百万富翁来用餐,就顾不得和我们说话了,满脸红光地迎了上去。 The moment the restaurant manager set eyes on the millionaire, he cut us short and headed for the latter, his face lighting up. 2.欢迎乘坐我们的飞机。商务舱在楼上,经济 舱就在这一层。 Welcome aboard our plane.The business class section is upsrairs and the economy class is right on this floor. 3.打喷嚏之后要说“对不起”。听到别人打喷嚏要说“保佑你”。 You must say “Excuse me ” after sneezing and “Blessyou ” when someone else has sneezed. 4.六号房间号码牌挂倒了,变成了九号,快去把它弄正! The sign for Room NO.6 has been turned upside down into a 9.Fix it up immediately! 5.大超市一来,许多小商店都应声关了门。 Many small stores have closed for good with the arrival of supermarkets.


汉译英三步骤: 1.理解原文 包括原文逐字逐句的理解、对原文整体思想、观点和态度的理解,也包括对原文句子之 间和各部分之间相互关系的理解。 2.英语表达 在正确理解原文的基础上进行的,不是一对一的死译,而是在理解原文的基础上用相应 的英语结构、词汇和表达习惯准确的表达原文的意思。 3.核对检查 认真阅读自己的译文,要用挑错的眼光来检查译文是否正确表达了原文的意思,是否有 漏译、错译,译文语法如时态、语态、单复数形式和拼写上是否有错误。 汉译英翻译技巧: 1.选择恰当的英语词汇 有些英语词汇不仅有字面意思,还有内含意思。 e.g.“国家”:country, nation, state, land 分别内涵:疆土、人民、政府、感情 有些英语词汇本身含有贬义或一些委婉的意思,运用时要特别注意。 e.g.“宣传”publicize, propaganda (带贬义) 汉译英选词原则: (1)选适合上下文的词汇 e.g.“观众”:audience,viewer, spectator 分别表示:听音乐会或看戏的观众、电视观众、看体育表演的观众 “条件”不同情况下应用不同的英语词表达: 工作条件:working condition 有利的条件:favorable situation 录取条件:admission requirement 付款条件:terms of payment 词汇选择首先要忠于原文的意思。 e.g.近年来由于就业问题日益严重,有些人建议让没有工作的未婚妇女来替换那些 家务繁重的女工。 “就业问题”:employment problem, unemployment problem(找不到工作就业已 成问题,即失业问题) “没有工作的妇女”: women without jobs, women hunting for jobs(没有工作又 需要找工作的妇女,不需找工作的并不包括在内) (2)要注意词的广义、狭义、具体的意思和抽象意思的不同 e.g. ①他讲的笑话逗得我们都笑了。 ②他讲的话使我们大家都笑了。 ①His joke made us laugh. ②What he said make us laugh. We all smile at what he said. (3)选词时不要望文生义,不要死译,要考虑与汉语对应的英语词汇真正的意思。 e.g.①他们的好奇心得到了满足。


要命的翻译资料哈哈哈哈哈哈100本口笔译教程资料下载汇总(2010.04.07更新)来源:李策Jackie的日志 口译实践推荐书目 翻译实践推荐书目 2010.04.07更新以下: 李运兴--语篇翻译引论(翻译理论与实务丛书) 下载 南开大学出版社_崔永禄_文学翻译佳作对比赏析(英语专业翻译实践与鉴赏教程)下载[翻译教程]西北工业大学出版社--潘能--英汉汉英口译教程下载 [翻译教程]武汉大学出版社--胡刚--新世纪英汉同声传译PDF下载 [翻译教程]陶庆--实用英汉汉英口译教程下载 白靖宇--文化与翻译PDF下载 《英语同声传译教程》(普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材) MP3迅雷下载 梅德明—新英汉口译实践(成功之路)文本及听力下载 [迅雷下载]商务印书馆:《英诗格律及自由诗》(译者必备) 笔译教程精品推荐: 中国对外翻译出版公司-思果《译道探微》、《翻译新究》和《翻译研究》 钱歌川三本经典译学论著《翻译的技巧》、《英文疑难详解》、《英文疑难详解续》) 上海外语教育出版社--冯庆华《实用翻译教程》 上海外语教育出版社-陈宏薇-新编汉英翻译教程 湖北教育出版社-陈宏薇-新实用汉译英教程 钱歌川:《翻译的技巧》 [南开大学出版社]李学平:通过翻译学英语.pdf 余光中谈翻译(文本+mp3) 外研社-陈德彰英汉翻译入门 [教材]叶子南:高级英汉翻译理论与实践.pdf [上海交通大学出版社]贾卫国:英汉对照描写辞典 复旦大学出版社--耿红敏:实用英汉翻译 [中国人民大学出版社]胡晓吉:实用英汉对比翻译.pdf [中国对外翻译出版公司]贾文波:政治经济汉译英300句析.pdf 中国对外翻译出版:论英汉翻译技巧.pdf (中国对外翻译出版公司)刘重德:西方译论研究.pdf 英汉翻译教程张培基【完整版】 清华大学出版社-居祖纯-汉英语篇翻译 [青岛出版社]方梦之:实用文本汉译英.pdf [教材]魏志成:汉英比较翻译教程练习.pdf 蒋胜翻译教程TranslationbyJiangSheng 李军--常用英语习语翻译与应用 管新平:汉英等效翻译 北京语言出版社-- 达妮卡:口笔译概论 王宏印-英汉翻译综合教程 外语教学与研究-曾诚-实用汉英翻译教程 上海交通大学出版社-毛荣贵-翻译技巧111讲


1、多么漂亮的纺织品展览啊! How beudiful the display of textiles. 2、谢谢。本省的丝绸工业有很长的历史了,其湘绣产品在世界上享有很好的声誉。 Thank you.The suit in our economize has long intersty.Hunan embroidery has well established in the world. 3、我知道。我从事湘绣的进口业务已有十几年了。 I see.I have specialized in Hunan embroidery for more ten years. 4、哦!我们有许多种供您选择。请看这边,这儿有些流行款式。Oh! We have wide varieties for you to choose from. Please look here,there are some fashionable patterns. 5、如果你们的价格有竞争力,而且贸易条件优惠的话,我可以考虑向你们购买。 If your price is competitive,and your trade terms are favorable,I can would consider buying in from you. 6、太好了!我希望我们之间能做很多生意。 It`s grade! I hope a lot of business will be conducted between us. 7、这种商品型号很多,你们要拿一种? There are many modle for the particular product,which modle do you want? 8、如果需要的话,我们可以按你们的要求,接受特殊订货。 If you need, we can accept special orders to your reauirement. 9、我对你们的化工产品很感兴趣,你是否能就下列产品报给我纽约港的到岸价。 I`m interested in your chemicals,could you quote us CIF on the following products New York. 10、这是我们的报价单,单上详列了全部销售条件。 This is our quotation sheets,with on all sales terms and conditions. 11、贵省所产的台布在我国市场上十分畅销。 The table cloths made in your province have a ready market in our country. 12、我们的价格和国际市场上同类产品的价格相比一直是偏低的。 Our price are on the low side,compared with the prices of the similar products on the international market. 13、由于原材料涨价,我们也不得不调整产品价格。 Because of the price hike of raw material,we have to adqust our prices too. 14、产品的质量不一样,价格当然也不一样。贵方要的是我们今年 顶尖的产品,价格当然不一样。 Since the quality of the products is different,the prices are different.what you have ordered is the top of the line of our products,so the price is certainly different. 15、我们双方若在价格问题上都坚持己见,那就很难谈下去了。 If we both hang on to our own point of view on the price,it will be hard difficult to continue. 16、您看这样行不行,您在发盘的基础上减5%,我在还盘的基础上 加5%,怎么样? How about this?You take 5% off your offer,and I add 5% on my counter-offer. 17、您同意多买200箱我们的产品,我们就可以按每箱138美元新 港FOB价成交。 If you agree to buy 200 cases more our products,we can conclude the deal at the price $138 per case FOB XinGang. 18、我们是不是先订购几台?如果确定好销,我们再来续订。 Can we place a small order? If the products do sell well,we will repeat the order. 19、你若能保证我3个月内收到货,我现在就可以向你订货。 If can guarantee that I can receive the goods in 3 month, I can place the order with you right now. 20、如果你们同意分批交货的话,我们可以保证如数供应。 If you agree to partial delivery ,we can guarantee that we can supply the mount as you required. 21、我们两天之内就会将订货单寄去,而且也请贵公司加紧执行订 单。 We will send you our purchase order in rwo days,and we want to ask you to hurry on the wxecution of the order. 22、301号乌龙茶是高档茶。由于对健康有益,愈来愈受到欢迎。 尤其是这几个月。国外订单不断地来,已经有些供不应求了。 No.301 Wulong tea is top grade tea. Because it is good for our health, it has become more and more popular. Espeially in receant moth, the oversea orders keep coming in ,we are having a supply probulem. 23、我们要公平对待所有股东,并关注其他利益相关者的利益。 We shall treat all the shareholders equally and shall be concerned with the interests of stakeholders. 24、外国银行在中国国家银行的存款和按照一般利率贷款给中国国 家银行的利息所得,应当缴纳所得税。 Income derived from interest on deposits of foreign Banks in China's state Banks and on loans given at a normal interest rate by foreign Banks to China's state Banks shall be taxed. 25、与此同时,他们拨出一部分资金购买新设备。 Meanwhile they set aside part of their funds for the new equipment. 26、生产主管每天腾出一个半小时检查新产品的生产。 The production supervisor sets aside one and a half hours each day to inspect the production of new products. 27、我们的产品靠质量、信誉,尤其是品种的多样化来竞争。 Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety. 28、因此,如果依据主要由经济因素组成的基础结构,则社会的多 样性是可以解释的。 Social diversity is thus explicable in terms of an underlying structure consisting largely of economic factors. 29、很多人都赞成前一种办法, 但我个人喜欢後一种. Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter


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