青少版新概念2A 阅读理解

青少版新概念2A  阅读理解
青少版新概念2A  阅读理解

Unit 1 Linda comes to London

Read and answer questions:

Hello,my name is Jack. It`s six o`clock in the afternoon now. Mum is cooking in the kitchen. She is making dumpling for us. Dad is reading a newspaper in the armchair. The newspaper is about sports. Dad is interested

in sports very much. I`m playing a computer game. My parents let me play computer games for half an hour every day. What is my little brother Tim

doing ? He`s a naughty boy. He often runs around the room. But today he is quiet. He is sitting at the table.Why? Because he`s very hungry today. He`s waiting for dinner. And there is another reason as well. Dumplings are his favourite food. I have a happy family and I love it .

1.What time is it now ? _______________________________________

2.What is Jack`s mother doing? __________________________________

3.How long can Jack play computer games every day?


4.What is little Tim`s favourite food? _____________________________

5.Does little Tim often run around the room? ______________________

Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday!

Read and write T or F

Susan and I are in the trade fair. There are many clothes here. There are clothes of many famous brands and some common ones. There are also hats,gloves and shoes. It`s very noisy here. Susan and I are looking around. Susan wants to buy some skirts and I want to buy some blouses and jeans. After an hour, we are sitting in a taxi. Susan has got some skirts and several pairs of shoes and gloves as well. I have got some blouses,but I don`t buy any jeans because I don`t find any fantastic jeans.

Luckily ,I find a white coat. It`s very beautiful. I like it very much.It`s very quiet in the taxi because we are both very tired. Soon I fall asleep. Susan wakes me up at the gate of my house. It`s an interesting day!

( ) 1. The trade fair is only showing clothes of famous brands.

( ) 2.Susan wants to buy some jeans.

( ) 3.The writer buys a white coat.

( ) 4.It`s very quite in the taxi.

( ) 5.Susan falls asleep because she is very tired.

Unit 3 Is this yours?

Read and choose the best answer.

Today is Christmas Day. We get up early in the morning. We run to the Christmas tree quickly. There are many boxes in the tree. There are some boxes under the tree ,too. There is a new bicycle beside the tree. I know it`s for my little brother. He looks forward to it for a long time. We open the boxes and get the presents for us. Gina likes to listen to news,so the radio is hers. Jack likes music,so the CDs are his. Grandma and Grandpa are free very day so the new television is theirs. I have got a football. There are some candies and chocolates for everyone. We pick up the presents for us. But then I find no box belongs to my parents. I ask my parents. They say our happiness is the best present for them.

1.According to the passage, the writer likes to ________.

A. play football

B. watch TV.

C. swim

D. ride a bike

2. What`s the date today?

A. Jine 1st.

B.May 1st.

C. February 14th

D. December 25th .

3.Where is the bicycle?

A. It is in the Christmas tree.

B. It is under the Christmas tree.

C. It is beside the bed.

D. It is beside the Christmas tree.

4. What do the writer`s parents want to get?

A. Some CDs

B. A new TV.

C. A radio.

D. A happy family.

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Everyong gets his present today.

B. Gina may use the radio to listen to music every day.

C. The writer`s grandparents are very busy every day.

D. The writer`s little brother gets an old bicycle today.

Unit 4 The top three percent

Read and answer the questions.

Mum cares about me a lot . I like watching TV,but Mum tells me it is bad for my eyes. So I turn the TV off after watching for an hour every time. I always throw away the bottles after I drink the orange juice. But Mum says I mustn`t throw them away. We can use them again. I musn`t waste resources. She says I mustn`t take off my clothes after I play tennis,or I can catch a cold. Usually,I `m pleased because I know she loves me. But sometimes ,I`m tired of her. You know, children are like this.

Now I `m working in a school. I `m a teacher. I also tell my students this and that.

I know,they are sometimes pleased and sometimes tired,too. But I care about them, so

I mustn`t stop,like my mother.

1. How long does the writer watch TV every time?


2.Why doesn`t the mother let the writer throw away the bottles?


3.What is the writer`s job now? _______________________________

4.Can the writer play tennis? __________________________________

5.How do the writer`s students feel when she tells them this and that?


Unit 5 All about ants

Read and answer the questions:

Today is Sunday. I don`t go to school. I play with my little brother Timmy in the garden. Then we find some ants. They are carrying some food to their home. It is interesting. We then throw some pieces of apple on the ground. An ant soon finds one piece and wants to carry it home. But the piece of apple is too heavy for it. The ant can`t carry it. Then the ant goes home and after a few minutes,many ants come. They carry the pieces of apple together. Some drag them and some push. After half an hour,all pieces of apple are in their home.

I think ants are very clever. They are very small. How can they survive in this big world? They unite! That`s really a good way. People must learn from them.

1.What day is it today? _____________________________________________

2.What are the ants doing before the writer throws some pieces of apples on the ground? ____________________________________________________________

3. Why can`t the ant carry the piece of apple? _____________________________

4. What does the ant do then? __________________________________________

5. Why does the writer think ants are clever? ___________________________

Unit 6 An elegant size

Read and write T or F

I have a dress. It is very beautiful. It is purple and it is a silk dress. I like it very much. But I don`t wear it . Do you know why? Because its size is too small for me. I`m too fat,I can`t wear it. But it is so beautiful that I feel I must buy it. And I decide to be

thin. I believe after I get thin,I can wear the beautiful dress and I can look very elegant in it. Then after three weeks,the size is quite suitable for me. I can wear it at last! I`m very happy. Isn`t it fantastic?The dress helps me lose weight!

( ) 1. The dress is a cotton one.

( ) 2. The size of the dress is too small ,so the writer can`t wear it at first.

( ) 3. After three months, the writer can wear the dress.

( ) 4. The writer`s friends don`t like the dress.

( ) 5. The dress helps the writer lose weight.

Unit 7 A good example

Read and write T or F

Lucy sits beside me this term. There`s something wrong with her leg. And she is not very clever. She often fails the exams. So many students don`t like her and even look down upon her. I think she must be very sad and hate those students. But when I sit beside her,I find she is a very nice girl. She is optimistic and doesn`t hate anybody. Soon we become good friends. She works very hard and is always the first to come to the classroom and the last to leave. She never gives up though she often fails the exams. I think she is a good example. I must work hard and love life like her.

( ) 1. Daisy is a nice girl so her calssmates are all kind to her.

( ) 2.Daisy is good at her study because she works very hard.

( ) 3. Daisy is very optimistic(乐观的).

( ) 4.Daisy loves life and is a good example.

( ) 5. The writer is Daisy`s friend.

Unit 8 A nice quiet afternoon.

Read and choose the best answer.

My name is Paul. I get up very early this morning. Today is my mother`s 70th birthday. We are going to hold a big party for her. I go to the supermarket and buy a big birthday cake, some drinks and some alcohol . I also buy some vegetables,meat and fish. It takes me two hours to do the shopping, and I help my wife to prepare food for the party after I get home. Then the guests come one after another. Soon our house is full of people and there are all kinds of sounds. The guests enjoy themselves with the food and drinks. But my wife and I have only a little food because we must look after our guests. Then in the afternoon after our guests leave, we clean our house. My wife and I work till eight o`clock in the evening. We are very tired,but we are very happy.

1.Today is __________ birthday.

A. Paul`s wife`s

B. Paul`s sister`s

C. Paul`s mother`s

D. Paul`s

2. Paul doesn`t buy any _________.

A. drinks

B. alcohol

C. vegetables

D. chicken

3. The shopping takes Paul __________.

A. half an hour

B. an hour C .two hours D. three hours

4. Paul and his wife don`t eat much food because they ___________.

A. must look after the guests.

B. must look after their mother

C. are not hungry

D. don`t like the food.

5. Today is _______ day for Paul and his wife.

A. quiet

B. busy

C. sad

D. boring

Unit 9 Do your own thing

Read and answer the questions.

Hello,my name is Jane. My teeth are very bad. I often have toothache. But I don`t want to go to the dentist`s. I`m very afraid of the dentist and the instruments there. So if I get toothache,I only take some medicine. Then today,I get toothache again. This

time it is vey terrible. I can`t stand it. I shout loudly and even cry. My mother wants me to go to the dentist`s. I refuse at first. But the terrible toothache makes me feel miserable. I agree then. But the dentist is very busy today. So we have to go to see him tomorrow. All the day,I feel very terrible with the toothache. I take some medicine,watch TV and play computer games. But nothing can help me. If there is something wrong with me in the future,I must see the doctor at once.

1.Why doesn`t the writer want to go to see the dentist?


2.Does the writer agree to go to the dentist`s at first? _____________________

3.When can the writer see the dentist? __________________________________

4.What does the writer do to stop the toothache?


Unit 10 Tomorrow is another day !

Read and write T or F

I `m a teacher. I teach English at a middle school. I have many students. They are very lovely ,but sometimes they are very naughty. I get up very early morning and cook breakfast for my family. Then after breakfast I send my five-year-old son to the kindergarten. At about half past seven,I get to school and prepare for my lessons. I usually have two lessons a day ,but on Thursday I have four. At six in the afternoon,I go to pick my son up and go home. After I get home,I prepare dinner for my family. I `m very busy and often tired. But I love my family and my students. I care about them and share their secrets. We are all good friends.

( ) 1.The writer`s students are naughty but lovely.

( ) 2. The writer`s son is five years old.

( ) 3. The writier`s has two lessons every day.

( ) 4. The writer leaves school at six every day.

( ) 5. The writer is very tired and doesn`t like to be a teacher.

Unit 11 We all have our troubles.

Read and write T or F

I was often very sad before because I was always envious of other. Tom is strong. David is clever. Susan is tall. And Rose is beautiful. But I `m short ,fat and ordinary-looking. Someone in my class is very good at study,but I `m only in the middle. Someone is good at sports,but I sometimes fail PE exams.With all these thoughts,I was sad every day.

But then my teacher had a talk with me. And I learned a lot. Yes,I`m not tall,not beautiful,but I `m very kind and often help others. I have many friends. They like me very much. I`m also living a happy life. So I become a happy girl now. It`s strange. I `m also good at my study now! Sometimes I can become the top ten in our class!

( ) 1.The writer was sad because her classmates didn`t like her.

( ) 2. The writer is not tall, not beautiful,but is very kind.

( ) 3. Susan is very beautiful.

( ) 4. The writer is not good at sports.

( ) 5. The writer becomes a happy girl and is good at study now.

Unit 12 The London bus

Read and answer the questions.

I was back to my hometown last week. There are a lot of changes. It was a little village before,but now.it is like a town. The road was rough and narrow before,but now ,the road is wide and smooth. There was no car in my village before,but now ,there are many beautiful cars. There were only two televisions in my village

before,but now,there is one for each family. Some families even have computers. People look modern.But they are very busy now. They can`t often meet with friends like before. Some people like the changes and some people don`t . Some people like the modern life and some people miss the quiet old village. I think no matter in the past or now,people all have their own troubles. We must learn to enjoy our life.

1.When did the writer go back to his hometown?


2. What was the road like before? ____________________________________

3. How many televisions were there in the village before?


4.How many cars were there in the village before?


5.Do all the people like the changes? __________________________________

UNIT 13 The Kalejin

Read and write T or F

Table tennis was invented in England. It was introduced to China in 1904,and Chinese people became very good at table tennis soon after. In 1959 ,a man named Rong Guotuan became the first world winner in table tennis. Then there were a lot of Chinese winners in all the competitions after that. Sometimes,all the winners of the different events of table tennis were from China. Table tennis became very popular in China. There are many famous tabe tennis players like Deng Yaping,Kong Linghui,Wang Nan,Liu Guoliang and Zhang Yining. Now Chinese players win most of the top honours of table tennies in each Olympic Games and World Table Tennis Championships.

( ) 1. Table tennis was first invented in America.

( ) 2. Chinese people began to play table tennis in 1904.

( ) 3.Deng Yaping was the first winner in table tennis.

( ) 4. Most of the top honours of table tennis are won by Chinese players now.

( ) 5. Table tennis is now very popular in China.

Unit 14 Chocolate heaven!

Read and choose the best answer.

There is a new small supermarket in our street now. It was a grocer`s before. And there was a lot of fantastic food in the grocer`s. Now it becomes a supermarket. There are many kinds of things like vegetables,meat,commodities and stationeries. But there aren`t many fantastic snacks like before. We children don`t like this supermarket. We like the grocer`s because we like the snacks. But our parents like the supermarket. We like the grocer`s because we like the snacks. But our parents like the supermarket .Because they don`t need to go to the greengrocer`s to buy vegetables or go to the butcher`s to buy meat. They can get most things for life in this small supermarket . No matter I like it or not,it comes to my life. I think I can accept it.

1.There was a ____ before, but now it becomes a supermarket.

A. stationer`s

B. grocer`s

C. butcher`s

D. market

2. There aren`t many ______ in the small supermarket now.

A. oranges

B. snacks

C. clothes

D. pencils.

3. The writer is about _____ years old.

A. 13

B. 33

C. 53

D. 63

4. ______ likes the small supermarket because she can get most things for life here.

A. Lily, five years old.

B. Susan, eight years old

C. Ann, ten years old.

D. Mrs. White, 35 years old

5. The writer doesn`t like the supermarket ,but he can ______ it.

A. likes

B. accept

C. accepts

D. hates

Uint 15 It`s a mystery to me!

Read and answer the questions:

Today is Thursday. I come to the office and prepare for my lesson. Then little Jim comes to me and gives me a note. It reads:

Dear Mrs. Green,

Tomorrow is Jim`s birthday. Please allow Jim a day off school because this poor boy can only have a birthday every four years.


Jack Thompson, Father of Jim

I feel that is really very interesting. I agree at once. I can understand the poor boy completely . Isn`t it bad luck to be born on that day? Maybe parents should be careful. Don`t have a baby on those special days. My son was born on the New Year`s Day. He often says he hates celebrating his birthday on such an important day. That makes his birthday not so important.

1.What day is it today? ___________________________________________

2. What is the writer`s job? _________________________________________

3. When is Jim`s birthday? _________________________________________

4. Does the writer understand little Jim? _____________________________

5. How does the writer`s son feel about his birthday?


新概念青少版1A Unit1 测试题

匠心英语新概念青少版1A Unit1练习题 一,下列不属于同一类的是 ()A is B this C is D green(根据读音) ()A teacher B key C meet D isn’t(根据读音) ()A son B daughter C nephew D mobile ()A book B ruler C pencil D coat ()A green B red C flower D silver ()A son B wife C daughter D family 二,重新排列字母。 m t e e ___________ n o s _________ i f e w _________ o t n_____ o o b k__________ a c o t_________ ym ________ uroy_________三,根据课文内容选择。 1, Karen is William’s _______. A sister B wife 2, This is William’s son,________. A Paul B Robert 3, Paul is William’s ______. A son B Nephew 4, Lucy is Robert’s ______. A sister B cousin 5, Robert is Paul’s _______. A brother B cousin

四,情景对话。 1, 当朋友跟你介绍他的好朋友时,你可以说________ A How are you ? B Nice to meet you. 2,同学向你打招呼说Hello.的时候,你应该说_____. A How are you? B Hello. 3,当别人问Whose is this pen? 你可以说_______ A It’s my pencil. B It isn’t your pen. C It’s my pen. 4,当别人问Is this your pen?你可以说_________ A No, it is not. B It’s your pen. 5, 当你想跟别人说这不是我的包,你可以说______ A This is my bag. B This is not my bag. 6, 当你想向别人介绍这就是我的一家人,你可以说_______. A This is my family. B This isn’t my family. 7,当你进新公司,老板和你介绍其他人认识的时候,你可以说_____ A Hi. B Hello. C How do you do?


新概念第一册入学测试题 姓名:_______ 分数:________ 写出下列字母的对应大小写形式:16 % A___;H___;J___;K___;E___;B___;D___;E___; ___g;___t;___f;___l;___i;___y;___q;___r (二)根据情景写出可能会说的话:14% ()1.你问Tony好吗: ()2. 当打扰到对方时应该说: ()3. 初次见面,你对对方说: ()4. 感谢别人说: ()5. 把东西递给对方时说: ()6. 向他人表示歉意,: ()7.你给你的爸爸妈妈介绍你的同学Dave: A. Sorry. B. This is Dave. C. How is Tony? D. Nice to meet you. E. Thank you! F. Here you are. G. Excuse me. (三)写出下列单词的汉语意思:%40 your _________ pen_________ watch_________ house_________ five_________ morning_______ Miss_________ nice_________ Japanese______ name_________ floor ________ clean _________ white _________ come _________ carpet________ office ________ boy _________ box _________ bottle________ housewife_____ (四)反义词连对:10% short busy old hot fat cold free young thin tall (五)根据情景填空: 20% Lars: __________, Helen.__________ are you today? Helen: Hello,Lars.I'm very __________ ,thank __________. And_________ are you? Lars: I'm __________,thanks.__________ is Steven? Helen: __________ is at home . Lars: Goodbye, Helen. Nice to _________ you. Helen: __________ to see you,Goodbye,Lars. 学院官网:https://www.360docs.net/doc/b631469.html,

青少版新概念 1A 阅读理解

Unit 1 Meet my family 根据短文内容判断正T误F: My name is David. This is my family. Rose is my wife. That is Philip. Philip is my son. That is Susan. Susan is my daughter . And this is Victor. Victor is my nephew. That is my mobile. That is Rose`s coat. That isn`t her bag. Whose is it ? It is Philip`s. And that is Victor`s pen. Is that pencil Victor`s ? No, it isn`t. It is Susan`s pencil. Oh, that is my friend,Mr. Chen. He is a teacher. We are happy. ( )1. Mr. Chen is a teacher. ( ) 2. Rose is Mr. Chen`s wife. ( ) 3.That mobile is David`s. ( ) 4. That pen is Victor`s. ( ) 5.Susan is Rose`s daughter. Unit 2 What is it? 根据短文内容判断正T误F: I `m Zhang Jie. I like white. My coat is white,my shirt is white and my umbrella is white,too. Oh,what is this? It is not white! It is silver. It is a key. That is a brown hat. Whose is it ? It is not my hat. It is LiLi`s hat. LiLi is my wife! She likes brown. We have a son. He likes green. This is his green ruler. That is his green bicycle. Whose is that green bag? Right! It is my son`s. ( ) 1.Zhang Jie is the mother`s name. ( ) 2. The hat is LiLi`s.


听力(30分) 一、选出听到的单词(6分) What’s your number, Flora? It’s 078-( )( )( )( )-( )( )21. My phone nuber is 079-( )( )( )0-56( )( ) 二、听对话选出正确的答案(16分)(10 9 7 9 ) 1、Who’s in a red car? A.Jenny B.Joan C.Tom 2、What nationality is the teacher? B.American B.English C.French 3、Whose car is dirty? C.Sam’s B.Tim’s C.Mike’s 4、Where is Mick’s watch? A.On the desk B.In a box c.On the shelf 5、What’s there on the table? A.A glass B. A bowl C. A plate. 6、Whose pyjamas are a bit dirty? A. Rose’s B. Matt’s C. Tom’s 7、What’s Sophie’s favorite thing? A.Pencil B. Pen C. Ruler 8、What’s in the drawer? A. Box B. Mobile C. Watch 三、听短文填空(8分) on the chair /on the table / in the bag Where’s Karen’s bag? Where’s Karen’s car key? Where’s Karen’s mobile? Where’s Karen’s house key? 笔试(70分) 一、选择题(16分) 1、( )is this mobile? It’s my mobile. A.What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 2、( )is the name of William’s daughter? A.What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 3、What color is Robert’s bicycle? ( ) A.This is a bird. B.It is a red. C.It is silver. D.This is black. 4、Whose is the purple bicycle? It’s ( ). A.Lucy B.Robert’s C.My D.your 5、Who’s the young man ( )the old car? A.on B .in C. with D.for 6、Who’s that woman? ( )woman? A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 7、( )me about Robert. He’s the boy on the bicycle. A.Give B.Tell C. Put D. Ask 8、( )’s the matter with you? I am not very well. A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 9、What do you do ? I am a ( ). A.boy B.girl C .student D neighbour. 10、( )’s she from? She’s from Washington. A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Where 11、( ) nationality is that student? He’s Chinese. A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Where 12、Which ball in the case –the small one ( )big one? The small one. A.and B.of C.or D.on 13、( )me that ball,please? Which one. A.Give B.Put C.meet D .want 14、Is ( ) an orange in the bowl? Yes,there is. A.where B.there C. here D.near 15、( )them ( )the washing 1



1A-U n i t3E x e r c i s e s1Ⅰ.选择 ()1.____ is the man with a black coat He is my father. A.Who B. B.Which C. C.Whose ()2.Who’s that woman _______ the white umbrella. A.on B.an C.with ()3.Look ____ that young man. Who is he? A.At B.with C.in () 4. Are you a teacher? A.Yes, I am not B. No, I am C.Yes, I am Ⅱ.对划线部分提问 1.The boy’s bicycle is red. 2.The woman with an umbrella is my teacher. 3. Ⅲ.补全对话 1.A: Who is that woman? 2. B: Which __________ A: The woman _____ the yellow bicycle. B: The _______ on the ______ Oh, that’s Annie. 3.A: Look at that young man. _____ is he? 4. B: Which young man? A: The young man _____ that old car.

B: Oh, that’s Paul. Paul is Lucy’s cousin.Ⅳ.根据首个字母提示补全单词完成句子 1.Who is that w____ 2. She is my m_____ 3.The m_____ on the bicycle is y_____ 4. 5.Paul is my ne_____. Ⅴ.连词成句 1.The in old that man young car 2.man which young


青少版新概念A阅读理 解 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

Unit 1 Meet my family 根据短文内容判断正T误F: My name is David. This is my family. Rose is my wife. That is Philip. Philip is my son. That is Susan. Susan is my daughter . And this is Victor. Victor is my nephew. That is my mobile. That is Rose`s coat. That isn`t her bag. Whose is it ? It is Philip`s. And that is Victor`s pen. Is that pencil Victor`s ? No, it isn`t. It is Susan`s pencil. Oh, that is my friend,Mr. Chen. He is a teacher. We are happy. ( )1. Mr. Chen is a teacher. ( ) 2. Rose is Mr. Chen`s wife. ( ) 3.That mobile is David`s. ( ) 4. That pen is Victor`s. ( ) 5.Susan is Rose`s daughter. Unit 2 What is it? 根据短文内容判断正T误F: I `m Zhang Jie. I like white. My coat is white,my shirt is white and my umbrella is white,too. Oh,what is this? It is not white! It is silver. It is a key. That is a brown hat. Whose is it ? It is not my hat. It is LiLi`s hat. LiLi is my wife! She likes brown. We have a son. He likes green. This is his green ruler. That is his green bicycle. Whose is that green bag? Right! It is my son`s. ( ) 1.Zhang Jie is the mother`s name.


The shortest way to do many things is 青少版新概念1A 1-6单元测试题 一.词汇 A.写出下列句子中的缩写形式 1.A:Is this your sister? B:No, she __________(is not). 2.A:__________(what is) your name? B: My name is Jerry. 3.A:Who's that? B:__________ (that is) my father. 4.A:What's this in English? B:__________(it is) a baseball. 5.A:Are those her rulers? B: No, they __________(are not). 6.A:Where are my books? B:__________(they are) under the desk. 7.A:What's that in English, Vitor? B: Sorry, I _______(do not) know. 8.A:________(who is) your sister? B:I don't have a sister. 9.A:__________(I am) Bill. B: What's your name? 10.__________(let us)go home. B.词汇 根据题中所给出的提示母填写单词: 1.My mother's brother is my un 2.They ar my sisters. 3.These boys are my fr . 4.A: Wh is my pen?B: It’s in my schoolbag. 5.Jenny is my good si_____________. 6.His fa________is a teacher. 7.Is the boy your br__________?8.Jane and Jenny are twins(双胞胎),so they wear(穿着) the same(同样的) coa__________. 9.Please take the two _________(watch/watches/watchs) to the room. 10.Where ____________(is/are/am) my new pencil. 二.根据上下文,用合适的介词( in , on)填空。 1. A: Where’s the bag? Is it _____ the chair?B:No, it isn’t. It is on the table.


新概念英语青少版入门级A 册综合测试卷姓名___________ A.圈出你听到的单词(13分) 1.anorak 2.dad 3.brother 4.cap 5.dancer 6.eight 7.family 8.queen 9.jelly 10.monkey 11.salad 12.shirt 13.robot 14.sister 15.postman 16.sausage 17.kite 18.zebra 19.short B.听写单词(10分) 蓝色 __________ 小猫__________ 果冻_________ 女孩_______ 腿________五________ 汉堡包_______ 昆虫___________ 熊猫__________ 兔子__________风筝________ 橙子___________ 黄色_____________ 衬衫________ 王后_______窗户_______ 舞者________衬衫_______动物____________ 一 ________ 二_________ 三________ 四_________ 五________妈妈__________国王___________ 六_________ 七________ 八________ 九_________ 十________看_________狗___________ D.写缩写形式(10分)例:They are happy. They’re happy. 1、You are six. _____________________ 2、He is tall. _____________________ 3、She is not tall. ___________________ 4、They are not red._________________ 5、He is not fat._____________________ 6、I am happy______________________ F.回答问题(10分) 1、What’s your name? ________________ 2、How old are you? ____________________ 3、Are you ten? _______________ 4、What colour is your pencil-case? _________________ 5、Are you tall? ______________ E.翻译句子(10分) Is it an apple? ______________________ What’s your name? ________________________ This is my book._______________________That isn’t my pen. _________________________ How old are you? ______________________She’s tall.________________________________ He’s a teacher._______________________She isn’t a doctor.___________________________ It’s a dog. _________________________This is his rabbit.____________________________ F.填空(11分) That’s _________(她的) sister. That’s _________(我的) mum. This is


Unit1 一、正确书写26个英文字母大小写 二、英汉互译 1、ball 2、猫 3、狗 4、fish 5、不 6、a 7、是的8、good 三、抄写句子 1、Hello,Flora! 2、Hi,Dan!Good dog! 3、Oh,no! A cat! 4、Yes!A fish! 5、No cat! 四、根据汉语意思写出下列短语 1、一条鱼 2、一只猫 3、一只狗 4、一个球

Unit2 一、英汉互译 1、球 2、猫 3、狗 4、鱼 5、apple 6、egg 7、girl 7、hat 二、用a或an 填空 1、apple 2、egg 3、girl 4、hat 5、dog 6、cat 7、fish 8、ball 三、在四线三格内抄写句子。 1、Hello,Max! 2、Hi,Pop!Look!An apple! 3、Pop!An egg! 四、写出下列句子汉语意思 1、Good girl,Kim! 2、Oh!An insect! 3、Look,Kim!My cat!My kite!

Unit3 一、正确书写26个英文字母大小写 二、英汉互译 1、女孩 2、昆虫 3、hat 4、风筝 5、help 6、apple 7、停8、ball 三、写出下列句子的汉语意思 1、Look at my red kite! 2、Look at my green kite! 四、在四线三格内书正确写下列句子 1、Good girl,Kim! 2、Look at my green kite! 3、Look at my yellow leg!

一、英汉互译 1、蓝色的 2、腿 3、mouth 4、鼻子 5、yellow 6、orange 7、绿色的8、red 二、写出下列句子的汉语意思 1、Look at my yellow leg! 2、Look at your green mouth! 3、Look! An umbrella and a table. 三、用a或an 填空 1、boy 2、umbrella 3、egg 4、table 5、orange 6、mouth 7、kite 8、hat 四、在四线三格内书正确写下列句子 Oh! A red and green umbrella!


I. 读一读,选出划线部分和其他三个单词不一样的,把序号写在括号里。(5%) ()1. A . fun B. fair C. five D. river ()2. A . watch B. well C. woman D. who ()3. A . name B. knife C. hungry D. spoon ()4. A . dear B. fair C. there D. careful ()5. A . poor B. cure C. sure D. jury II. 根据提示写出正确的单词。(10%) 1.Can you _________ it (相信) 2.Put some water in the pan and pass me some ______. (大米) 3.There isn’t any _________(茶) in the cup. 4.Which is the ________ (第一) month of the year January. 5.Many _____ ___(赛跑选手) are from America. 6.In _____ (春天),It’s always warm and fine. 7.Poor William, he _______(看起来)miserable! 8.This book is _ ________(令人厌烦的). 9.I feel sick. I have a _____________(流感)。 10.Don’t _______(担心)about it! I will help you! III. 单项选择。(15%) ()1. Are there ________ ships on the river Yes, there are some. A. some B. lot C. any ()2. I’m _________music. How about you I’m not good at it. A. good B. good at C. useless D. well ()3. I need some rice. Can you pass ___________ A. my them B. me they C. I they D. me them ()4. Welcome to my home. ______________ A. Help yourself! B. Nonsense! C. Sorry! D. I know!()5. ____________________ I can’t find my book. A. How are you B. What do you mean C. Are you sure D. What’s the problem ()6. ______________ milk do you want Just a small glass, please! A. How many B. How much C. How big D. How long ()7. Robert! Would you like to tell me ______ your sister, Lucy A. in B. at C. about D. with ()8. I can’t find my cat. I’m _____________ it. A. look for B. look at C. looking for D. I know! ()9. Annie __________ a lot of friends. A. have got B. there are C. has got D. there is ()exam is coming. They are all _________their studies. A. compete with B. busy with C. look for D. wait for ()here. I’ll ________ a new teacher to you. A. introduce B. show C. need D. hate ()12. _______ you ________ fish, Claire Yes. A. Are … you B. do…you C. Do…you D. are…you ()13. It’s nine o’clock. I _______ go now.


新概念英语青少版(一级)入学测试题 姓名:分数: 一、补全下列单词,并写出汉语意思: f__mily ( ) w__fe ( ) n__me ( ) d___ught__r ( ) th__s ( ) s__n ()n__ph__w( ) fr__e__d ( ) t__ __cher ( ) M__s ( ) el__v__n ( ) tw__lv__ ( ) 二、在每个数词下面写出正确的单词: 1 2 3 4 5————————————————————6 7 8 9 10———————————————————— 三、选择,请在正确的答案上划“√”: 1、I(我,我的) 2、he(他,他的) 3、she(她,她的) 4、her(她,她的) 5、你(you,your) 6、它(it, it’s) 7、我的(I, my)8、他的(her, his) 四、回答下列问题: 1、What’s your name ? _____________________________ 2、How do you do ?——————————————— 3、Nice to meet you.________________________________ 四、将下列句中的汉语译为英语:

1、_____(这) is a pencil. 2、This is ______(我的) book. 3、________(她) is an English girl._____(她的) name is Lucy. 4、________(什么) is your name? 5、________(你的) name is Tom. 五、用am, is, are填空: 1、This _____ a book. That _____ a pen. 2、You _____ a teacher. I _____ a student. 3、What ____ this ? It’s a ruler. 4、____ this your hat ?Yes,it _____. 六、下面句子中都有一处错误,请指出,并改正: 1、Are you a doctor ? Yes , I’m. 2、That’s ok. 3、Ms Sun is a English teacher. 4、What this ? 5、This’s a car. 七、找找看,这串字母中不改变字母次序所组成的单词有几个,写出来: CATCHAIREDRESSTHISIT ______________________________________________________



五、在必要的地方填入a, an , some 或any。(10) 1、Can you drive ( ) car----No, I can’t, but I can ride ( ) bicycle. 2、Are there ( ) people in the park----No, there aren’t ( ) people there. 3、Pass me ( ) onion, please. There are ( ) in the fridge.

4、There’s () coffee in this packet, but there isn’t ( ) tea. 5、I can’t see () sugar in the , there isn’t ( ). 6、We can play football in ( ) field. There are ( ) fields behind the college. 7、Th ere’s () policeman in the street, but I can’t see ( ) people. 8、Give the dog ( ) water. It’s very hot. 9、Give me ( ) apple, please. There are ( ) nice red ones in that bowl. 10、Is there ( ) bottle on the floor----No, there aren’t ( ) bottles there. 七.按要求完成下列句子。(20) 1.There’s some food on the table over there.(翻译成汉语) 2.There are some hot dishes.(写出一般疑问句) are eight students in our classroom.(对划线部分提问) 4.Are there four dogs beside the gate(做出否定) 5.Are there some girls in the park(改成陈述句) 6,There are a lot of apples in the basket.(写出同义句) 7.他拥有一些夹克衫吗是的,他拥有。不,他没有拥有。


青少版新概念1A U n i t 12-14测试题 Name ; Point: I. 基础知识填空 a 填出正确单词或意思 1.晚的 2.早的 3. 时间 4 .回忆的 5.称作 6.慢的 7. 快的 8.speed 9.gate 10. shut 11.抓住 12. 罐 13.房间 1 4.足球 1 5.玻璃杯 1 6. 便宜的 1 7.窗户 1 8.刀子 1 9.骨头 20. 新鲜的 21 .盘子 22. 带来 23.besides 24. behind 25. in front of B .写出6个表示方位的介词 C .把下列名词变成复数形式 man woman child boy actress policeman d .课文填空 1. that jar, please,Robert. 2. No, not that one. The on the table. 3. One, two, three, !

4. I catch it! 5. What’s the , Mum? II读单词,选出画线部分发音不同的选项。 () 1 .A. choice B .spoil C. chair ( ) 2. A. enjoy B. way C. toy ( ) 3. A. open B. gate C. time ( ) 4 .A. fast B. late C. class ( ) 5 .A. speed B. slow C. bags III 写出下列数字的英文形式. 1.95 2. 13 3. 11 4. 6+8= 5. 38+15= IV 选择填空。 ( )1. A:______ time is it? B: It’s seven o’clock. A. What B. which C. Whose ( ) 2. A: thank you, Nancy. B:_____________. A. You’re welcome B. I’m sorry. C. Never


新概念英语青少版入门 级A单元测试 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

Name :____________ Score:___________ 新概念英语青少版入门A (Unit1-Unit5) 一.填空.(10分) (1)DE___G (2)A___CD (3)HI___K (4)____PQR (5)CD____F (6)FG____I (7)X___Z (8)___BC (9)____FG (10)G___IJK 二.连线.(20分) (1)C g fish (2)F l queen (3)G b jelly (4)Q i girl (5)J h leg (6)K c insect (7)L f ball (8)B j cat (9)I k hat (10)H q kite 三.画一画,并涂上颜色.(20分) (1)a red apple (2)a blue ball (3)a green and yellow hat (4)a blue and yellow unbrella (5)a red and yellow sun. 四.用a或an填空.(20分) (1)___egg (2)___jelly (3)___girl (4)___apple (5)___cat (6)___hat (7)___insect (8)___kite (9)____dog (10)___ball (11)___orange (12)___table (13)___zebra (14)___pig (15)____monkey) (16)___panda (17)____queen (18)____mouth (19)___leg (20)____violin 五.把框里的词正确分组.(10分) apple orange table train bike hat insect egg doll umbrella ________ _________ ________ _________ a ________ an _________ ________ _________ ________ _________ 六.用Yes,it is.或No,it isn’t填空.(20分) (1) (2) (3) Is it a dall? Is it a van? Is it a car? _________ _________ ________ (4) (5) Is it a monkey? Is it an insect? ___________ ___________


青少版新概念英语1B下期末测试题 姓名:__________ 分数:__________ 听力部分(40分) 一.选择你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1. A.British B.German C.Italian D.Korean ()2. A.leather B.handbag C.salmon D.lettuce ()3. A.fantastic B.strawberry C.healthy D.dessert ()4. A.hate B.wine C.weekend D.loaf ()5. A.boring B.nasty C.shopping D.else 二. 听对话,选择正确答案。(15分) ( )1. ---Do you want any sugar? ---__________ A. Yes,one bag,please. B. No,thanks. ( )2. ---What’s the matter with him ? ---__________ A. He’s got a toothache B. He’s got a headache. ( )3. ---When is your appointment ? ---__________ A. a quarter past twelve. B. half past nine. ( )4. ---What’s the weather like in spring? ---__________ A.fine and dry B. fine and warm ( )5. ---What’s the date? ---__________ A. May the first. B. August the ninth. ( )6. ---When is_____birthday? ---It’s on the____of June.


新概念英语青少版阶段测试卷 Name Class Marks Listening听力(40’) 一. Listen and circle.圈出听到的单词。(10’) 1.(These Those)are donkeys. 2. ( They’re They aren’t ) dirty. 3.There (are aren’t )cows in the field. 4.It’s ( on under ) the table. 5.(This That) is a rabbit. 6.They’re (our your)shoes. 7. ( We You )are happy. 8. He’s ( hungry thirsty) . 9. There are ( eighteen nineteen ) bones. 10.Don’t ( shout sing ). 二. Number给下列单词编号。( 10’ ) 1.bird chicken donkey duck 2. cherry dish fork knife ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3.dress jeans skirt sock 4. clean dirty dry wet ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5.river field flower hill 6.biscuit bush catch drink ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7.goat lamb sheep bull 8.bamboo peach potato food ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 9.bedroom house kitchen bathroom https://www.360docs.net/doc/b631469.html,mp desk poster chair ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三 .Choose选择你所听到的句子( 10’ ) 1.( ) A. Those are birds. B. Those aren’t birds.. 2.( ) A. What are these? B. What are those? 3.( ) A. It’s time for breakfast. B. It’s time for lunch. 4.( ) A. 10+10=20. B. 10+11=21. 5.( ) A. Are these sheep? B. Are these horses? 6.( ) A. They’re mum’s jeans. B. They’re dad’s jackets. 7.( ) A. We’re happy. B. We’re unhappy. 8.( ) A. Are you hot? B. Are you cold? 9.( ) A. Stand up. . B. Sit down. 10.( ) A. He’s in the dining room. B. He’s in the sitting room.
