

Unit1 Women of achievement


1. human beings 人类

2. campaign 运动,战役

3. behave 行为

4. shade 阴凉处

5. move off 离开,启程

6. observe 观察

7. respect 尊重

8. argue 讨论,辩论

9. lead a...life 过着…的生活

10. crowd in 涌入脑海

11. support 支持

12. look down upon/on 看不起

13. refer to 查阅,参考,涉及

14. by chance 碰巧

15. come across 偶遇

16. intend 计划,打算

17. deliver 提送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演说)

18. carry on 继续,坚持


1. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.


△work out 解决、解答、计算出;产生结果、发展;锻炼;作出、制订出

2. She is leading a busy life but she says …


△lead a …life = live a …life 过……的生活

3. Many people look down upon poor people. 很多人瞧不起穷人。

△look down upon / on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起

You mustn’t look down upon/ on the disabled.


4. If the word group refers to different members, use a plural verb.


△refer to指的是:提及;谈到;提到;查阅、参考

5. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.


△by chance=by accident 偶然地,意外地

6. Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?


△carry on 继续;坚持


Unit 2 Working the land


1. struggle 斗争

2. expand 使变大,伸展

3. thanks to 幸亏,由于

4. rid 摆脱

5. rid…of 摆脱,除去

6. be satisfied with 对…感到满意

7. would rather宁愿

8. therefore 因此

9. export 出口

10. regret 后悔,遗憾

11. build up 逐渐增加,建立,开发

12. lead to 导致

13. focus on 集中与

14. reduce 减少

15. keep...free from/of 使…免受影响

16. comment 评论,议论


1. Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to try growing?


△If so为省略句式,意为“如果是这样的话”,if用作连词,so 用来代替上文的内容,以避免重复。If not 意为“如果不是这样的话,否则,要不然”,意义与If so 相反。

2. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.


△不定式放在表示次序的词如the first, the last以及the only, the very, the right, the best等词后面作定语,且与所修饰的名词之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系。

3. Using his hybrid rice, framers are producing harvest twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻,农民种出的粮食是以前的两倍。

△“…times as+形容词/副词的原级+ as”为常见的倍数表达法,意为“是……的几倍”。This room is three times as big as that one.




This room is twice bigger than that one.

= This room is three times the size of that one.


The output of TV sets in our factory is 15 times that of ten years ago.

= The output …is 15 times what it was ten years ago.





一. 动名词的四种形式及其意义

①基本形式:doing (表示主动)

②被动式:being done(表示被动)

③完成式:having done(表示主动和完成)

④完成被动式:having been done(表示被动和完成)


Travelling in space by ordinary people will be common in the future.


Freddy and his band could go nowhere without being followed by their fans.


I have no idea of his having done such a thing against you.


Many customers complain of having been given short weight at that shop.


二. 动名词的语法功能


Learning English is very difficult .(作主语)


I enjoy dancing.(作动词宾语)


I have got used to living in the country.(作介词宾语)


His job is driving a bus.(作表语)


The washing mashine woks well.(作定语)


三. 注意事项

1. 只接动名词(不能接不定式)作宾语的28个常用动词

practice、consider、enjoy、finish、give up、imagine、keep、put off、risk、suggest、admit、advise、allow、appreciate、avoid、delay、deny、discuss、dislike、escape、excuse、fancy、forbid、mention、mind、miss、permit、prohibit

2. 既可接不定式也可接动名词,但含义完全不同的8个动词

remember to do sth. 记住要做某事(未做)

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(已做)

forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未做)

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已做)

regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事(未做)

regret doing sth. 后悔/抱歉做过某事(已做)

try to do sth. 努力做某事

try doing sth. 尝试做某事

mean to do sth. 计划做某事

mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

can’t help to do sth. 不能帮助做某事

can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事

go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事

go on doing sth. 继续做同一件事

stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事

stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事情

3. it 做形式主语,动名词做真正主语位于句末的重要句型

It is no use/not any use/hardly any use/useless doing

It is no good / not much good doing

It is no worthwhile doing

It is a waste of time doing

Unit 3 A taste of English humor


1. up to now 直到现在

2. content 满足的,满意的

3. feel/be content with 对…满足

4. badly off 穷的,缺少的

5. entertain 使欢乐,款待

6. overcome 战胜,克服

7. pick out 挑出,辨别出

8. cut off 切断,断绝

9. convince 使信服

10. direct 导演,指挥;直接的

11. star in 担任主角

12. slide 使滑动

13. whisper 耳语,低语

14. react 做出反应,回应


1. Not that Charlie’s own life was easy!


△not that“并非,倒不是说”,用于句首或短语之前,表否定含义。

2. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.



3. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off…


△本句中leaving the family even worse off…为现在分词短语作结果状语,表示顺其自然的结果。



一. 现在分词的四种形式及其意义

①基本形式:doing (表示主动和进行)

②被动式:being done(表示被动和进行)

③完成式:having done(表示主动和完成)

④完成被动式:having been done(表示被动和完成)

He sat there,reading a newspaper.


The area being studied may be rich in coal.


Having finished my homework,I began to watch TV.


Having been told many times,she still can't remember it.


二. 现在分词的语法功能


The story is interesting.


He sat there,reading a newspaper.(作状语)


The area being studied may be rich in coal.(作定语)


He saw the thief stealing some money from the bank.(作宾补)


Unit4 Body language


1. represent 代表,象征

2. approach 接近,靠近

3. defend 保护,保卫

4. defend against 保卫…以免受

5. likely 可能的

6. be likely to 很可能

7. in general 总的来说,通常

8. ease 安逸,减轻

9. at ease 舒适,自由自在

10. lose face 丢脸

11. turn one’s back to 背对,背弃


1. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.

第一个到达的是来自哥伦比亚的托尼·家西亚,随后紧跟着的是来自英国的茱莉亚·史密斯。△句中closely followed by…是过去分词短语作伴随状语,一般现在分词作伴随状语的时候较多,但如果伴随的动作与所修饰的名词构成被动关系,则用过去分词。

2. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.


△本句中not all“并不是所有的”,是部分否定,在英语中有一些用来表示“全体”或“完全”意义的总括词,如all, both, every, everything, entirely, completely 等,与not连用时,无论not 在它们前面还是后面,都构成部分否定,意为“并非所有……都”,“并非每一……都”。

3. These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed.


△句中ways 后面跟的是in which 引导的定语从句。当先行词是way时,后面的定语从句如果缺少方式状语,引导定语从句的引导词有三种方式:in which, that 或不用任何引导词。


Unit5 Theme parks


1. be famous for 以…闻名

2. swing 秋千,摇摆

3. no wonder 难怪,不足为奇

4. preserve 保存,保留,保护区

5. be modeled after 仿造

6. advance 前进,促进

7. in advance 提前

8. get close to 接近

9. come to life 活跃起来


1. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.


2. It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, whether you are traveling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favorite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character.



3. Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago.


△句中the same …that 意为“和……一样的”,表示前后的事物为同一事物。

辨析:the same…that/the same…as

the same…as 用来表示前后两者的相同或相似,而非同一物品;而the same…that表示前后的事物为同一事物。

I want to buy the same dress as you have.


I want to read the same book that you read.



Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 1.请求某人的帮助 2.读课文 3.提髙某人说的能力 4.英语口语 5.抓住主题 6.制作单词卡片 7.听磁带 8.逐字逐句地读 9.耐心点儿 10. 语言学习的诀窍 11. 不敢做某事 12. 爱上 13. 肢体语言 14. 在词典里查阅它们15.记笔记 16. 记句型 17. 犯语法错误 18. 学习习惯 19. 有.......共同,点 20. 注意 21. .把.......与.......联系起来 22. 变得无聊 23. 摘抄重点词24. 课后 25. 对.......感兴趣 26. 在课堂上 27. 独立做某事 28. 慢慢地做某事 29. 一遍又一遍地做某事 30. 为.......而担忧 31. 依赖;取决于 32. 熟能生巧。 33. 学习能力 1.听磁带怎么样? 2.你怎样为考试 而学习的? 3.我通过制作单词卡片来学习。 4.你曾经参加过学习小组吗? 5.英语口语太难懂了。 6.你的阅读量越大,你的阅读速度 就能提髙得越快。 7.为什么魏芬觉得学英语很难? 8我不知道如何提高我的阅读速 度。 9. 即使你某样东西学得很好,但 是如果你不用它,你也会忘掉的。 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 1. 元宵节 2. 端午节 3. 泼水节 4. 看着很有意思 5. 一天吃五餐 6. 体重增加了五磅 7. 两星期之后 8. 与.......相似 9. 互相泼水 10. 做某事的时候 11. 在新的一年里有好运气 12. 呈……的形状 13. 民间传说故事 14. 嫦娥的故事 15. 拒绝做某事 16. 摆开;布置 17. 最终成为;最后处于 18. 与……分享…… 19. 结果 20. (两者中的)一个……另一 个…… 21. 带某人出去吃饭 22. 乔装打扮 23. 鬼屋 24. (万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣 1


人教版新课标必修三单元单词(短语)检测 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:beauty, harvest, celebration, starve, origin, religious, ancestor, feast, belief, arrival 1 Mum, I am _______. Is dinner ready? 2 In China Tomb-sweeping Day(清明节) is a day to be in memory of their _______. 3 They held a grand wedding ________ at a five-star hotel. More than 500 guests were invited. 4 Do you know the _________ of the earth? 5 On my _________ home I found the front door open. 6 –What’s your _________ be lief? – Christian. 7 That foreign couple were so struck by the _________ of Hangzhou that they decided to stay for another two days. 8 During the Chinese new year people across the country hold kinds of __________. 9 Farmers are often extremely busy during the _________ season. 10 There is a general __________ that things will soon get better. 第二组:gain, gather, agriculture, award, rooster, admire, energetic, Christian, custom, fool 11 China didn’t ________ its independence until 1949. 12 The central government has made a series of _________ policies to encourage farmers to work the land. 13 _________ has the same meaning as cock. 14 The students are asked to __________ at the school gate at 7 a.m.. 15 Those who believe in Christianity are called _________. 16 I _________ him for his bravery and determination. He made it in the end. 17 To get the job done, one should be ________ and dynamic(动力的). 18 He was ________ the Hero of the City for having saved a boy from the big fire. 19 You were ________ enough to believe him. 20 While travelling abroad just follow the local _________. 第三组:permission, apologize, drown, obvious, wipe, weep, forgive, poet, worldwide, independence 21 America declared its _________ on July 4, 1776. 22 If you do something wrong you should ________ to others. 23 Without my ________ anyone is not allowed to enter. 24 It was very _________ that he showed no interest in our plan. 25 I ________ to see him looking so sick. 26 Please ________ me for coming late. 27 He jumped into the river to save the _________ boy. 28 As is known to us, Li Bai was a great _________ during the Tang Dynasty. 29 After dinner I _________ the table and then did the washing-up. 30 The 9.11 Event attracted __________ attention. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


必修二 Unit 1 重点词组句子归纳总结 1. look into 调查 2. insist on/upon sth/doing 坚持做,坚决做 3. belong to 属于 4. get /be lost ; be missing 迷路,丢失 5. do with 处理;对付 6. in search of ;in the/one’s search for寻找 7. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 8. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 9. have sth. done 表示“请人做某事” “使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情” 10. be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词“be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征 be of a(n) / the / the same “属于, 归于” be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind… 11. work of amber art 琥珀艺术品. 12. as a gift of 作为…的礼物 13. in return 作为报答 14. become part of 成为…的一部分 15. serve as 充当,用作16. add…to…添加…到… 17. great wonders of the world 世界上的伟大奇迹 18. be at war 处于交战状态 19. less than 少于20. no doubt 毫无疑问 21. remain a mystery 仍然是个迷 22. take apart 拆开23. rather than胜于, 而不是25. tell the truth 说实话 26. pretend to do sth 假装做某事 27. think highly of 看重,重视 28. search for =look for 29. agree with sb同意某人的意见 30.情态动词(could /might /must /should)+have done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,反悔等意思


必修I Unit 1 重点单词和短语 1、add up合计add up to…共计, 总计达 add…to把…加在里面 2、upset sb. 某人不安upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼be upset at/about 因…而烦恼 3、ignore sb./sth. 忽视,不理会be ignorant of 对…无知,不了解ignorant adj 无知的,愚昧的ignorance n 无知.愚昧 4、calm vt.&vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定calm down 镇静, 平静 calm sb. down 使某人镇静adj. 平静的;镇定的 keep calm 保持镇静 5、concern vt. 使担忧;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注 with concern 关切地show (no) concern for/about sb. 对某人(不)关心, concern oneself with/ in 参与,干涉be concerned with 与…有关系 be concerned about/ for sth. /that-clause 为…担心,挂念 As far as… be concerned 就某某而言concerning prep. 关于,有关 6、walk the dog 遛狗 7、go through 经历, 经受 go through a hard time 经历了一段困难时期go through the baggage 检查行李 go through the newspaper 浏览报纸go through lots of money 花了很多钱 8、set down. 记下,放下 set down the ideas on paper 把想法写在纸上set me down at the bus-stop 在车站让我下车9、a series of 一系列的, 一连串的 a series of books 丛书 a series of stamps 一套邮票 a series of pictures 连环画 10、on purpose 故意地= by design= deliberately by chance/accident= accidentally lie to sb. on purpose 故意向某人撒谎on purpose to do sth. 为了…而特地go there on purpose to see sb. 特意到那里去看某人for/with the purpose of 为了…地目的11、in order to/ so as to (do sth.) 为了, 以……为目的 so as to “为了”, 只能用在句中。in order that / so that “为了”, 其后接句子。 12、at dusk 在黄昏时刻at dawn 在黎明时分 13、face to face 面对面地(作状语) have a face-to-face interview with the hero 和这位英雄进行一次面对面的采访 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地hand in hand 手拉手地 heart to heart 贴心地side by side 并排地 back to back 背靠背地arm in arm 臂挽臂地word by word 逐字地14、settle sb. 使..定居,安家settle an argument/ a matter 解决争端/问题 settle down 定居下来,平静下来,舒适地坐下 15、suffer vi.&vt.遭受;忍受;经历 ⑴suffer from因……而痛苦, 患……病 suffer from loneliness 因孤独而痛苦suffer from a bad cold 得了重感冒 ⑵遭受, 蒙受(痛苦、饥饿、寒冷、损失等) suffer a heavy loss遭受严重损失suffer pain/hunger/cold/death 遭受痛苦;饥饿;寒冷;死亡sufferer n. 受苦者suffering n. 痛苦, 苦难 16、recover from illness 生病后恢复 17、get/be tired of 对…厌烦 18、pack (sth.) up 将(东西)装箱打包 19、get along / on with get along / on with sb. 与某人相处get along / on with sth. 某事进展 get along / on well / nicely / badly with 与……处得好/ 不好; ……进展顺利/ 不顺利 20、fall in love 相爱,爱上 21、join in sth. / doing sth. 参加活动join in playing football 参加踢足球 join in the game 参加游戏活动join 参加组织团体join the army 参军 join sb. in 和……一起参加……活动join them in singing 与他们一起唱歌 22、have trouble / difficulty / problem with sb. / sth. 和某人相处/ 做某事有困难 have trouble / difficulty / problem (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难


高中英语必修三单词单词短语语法复习 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子. 1. ---Do you need more milk ---No, thanks, there’s p_______ in the fridge. 2. She’s s_______ herself to try to lose weight. 3. Nothing s_________ him, he’s always comp laining (抱怨). 4. You f ________ me to death suddenly shouting out by my ear. ( 5. I a________ him for his success in business. 6. The judge __________ (判定)both finalists (决赛者) equal points. 7. These books are ___________ (最喜欢的东西) of mine. 8. Christmas Day is a __________ (宗教的) festival. 9. I made my ___________ (道歉) and left early. 10. I ___________ (原谅) her long ago. ? He means __________by saying what he thinks. This misunderstanding _________ a war between the two countries. Sam used to be a spy ___________ a journalist. The Spring Festival in China ______________ an activity to drive off the “Nian”, a wild beast. Don’t ____________ me; I’m not a fool. He ended the letter with “____________ seeing you soon”. The parents __________________ their child’s success. What time are you planning to __________ tomorrow : Father bought a Christmas tree ____________ coloured lights a week ago. We have never discovered what _____________ between the couple that day. Unit 2 Healthy eating Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子. Do n’t take some e___________ exercise when you have caught a cold. He gave in to c_________ and opened the letter addressed to his classmate. Tom would never a__________ to being wrong. Did Lucy m_________ when she would come to see me ~ I’ve had the b___________ of a good education. Because they didn’t reach any agreement, they had to make a _________(折中) decision. He could do nothing but stand and ___________ (惊讶). The subject has already been fully _____________(研究). Dao Lang is ____________ (受欢迎的) among the youth.


人教版高中英语必修2 1 重点词汇、短语、句型、语法大全2 Unit1 Cultural Relics 3 4 【重点词汇、短语】 5 6 1. survive 幸免,生存,生还 7 2. in search of 寻找 8 3. select 挑选 9 4. design 设计,图案,构思 10 5. fancy 奇特的,异样的,想象 11 6. decorate 装饰,装潢 12 7. belong to 属于 13 8. in return 作为回报 14 9. at war 处于交战中 15 10. remove 移动,搬动 16 11. less than 少于 17 12. doubt 怀疑 18 13. worth 值得的,相当于…的价值 19 14. take apart 拆开 20 15. explode 爆炸 21

16. sink 下沉,沉下 22 17. think highly of 高度评价 23 24 【重点句型】 25 26 1. There is no doubt that…毫无疑问… 27 2. when的用法 28 was/were doing…when…正在做某事…这时 29 was/were about to do… when…. 将要做某事…这时 30 had just done…when…刚做完某事…这时 31 3. China is larger than any other country in the world. (同一32 范围内的比较) 33 She runs faster than any man in Greece. (不同范围内的比较)34 4. the way的用法 35 The way___ he explained to us was quite simple. (that/which/ 36 省略) 37 The way ___ he explained the sentence to us was not difficult. 38 (that/in which/省略) 39 5. worth的用法 40 be (well) worth doing sth (很)值得做某事 41 be worthy to be done = be worthy of being done 42 It’s worthwhile to do sth = it’s worthwhile doing sth 43 6. “疑问词+ to do”结构,在句中做主语、宾语、表语 44


高中英语必修三重点单词及短语汇总Unit1. Festivals around the world 1. take place 发生 2. religious 宗教的 3. in memory of 纪念 4. belief 信任,信心,信仰 5. dress up 盛装,打扮 6. trick 诡计,窍门 7. play a trick on 搞恶作剧,诈骗 8. gain 获得 9. gather 搜集,集合 10. award 奖品,授予 11. admire 赞美,钦佩 12. look forward to 期望,盼望 13. day and night 日夜 14. as though 好像 15. have fun with 玩的开心 16. permission 许可,允许 17. turn up 出现,到场 18. keep one’s word 守信用 19. hold one’s breath 屏息 20. apologize道歉 21. obvious 显然的 22. set off 出发,动身,使爆炸 23. remind of 提醒 Unit2. Healthy eating 1. diet 日常饮食,节食 2. balance 平衡,天平

3. fry 油炸 4. ought to 应该 5. lose weigh 减肥 6. raw 生的,未加工的 7. get away with 被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚 8. tell a lie 说谎 9. win…back 赢回 10. strength强项,长处,力量 11. consult 咨询,请教 12. earn one’s living 谋生 13. debt 债 14. in debt 欠债 15. limit 限制,界限 16. benefit 利益 17. combine 联合,结合 18. cut down 削减,删节 19. before long 不久以后 20. put on weight 增加体重 Unit3. The million pound bank note 1. bring up 抚养 2. scene 现场,景色 3. permit 许可,通行证 4. go ahead 前进 5. by accident 偶然 6. stare 凝视,盯着看 7. stare at 盯着看 8. spot 发现,认出,斑点,污点 9. account 说明,总计有,账目, 10. account for 导致,做出解释


人教版英语必修 2 各单元重点短语、句型总结 Unit1 Cultural relics 一、重点短语 1.cultural relics 文化遗产 2.rare and valuable 珍贵稀有 3.survive 幸存,活下来,比活的长 4.in search of 寻找,寻求(介词短语)search for 寻找(动词短语) 5.in the fancy style 以别致的风格in ?style/ in the style of 以??风格 6.be popular with 受?的欢迎 7.be decorated with 用。。。装饰decorate with 以...装饰 8.be designed for 为???而设计by design 故意地 9.belong to 属于(无被动,无进行) 10.in return (for)作为回报/报答/交换in turn 依次地,轮流的;转而, 反过来 11.a troop of 一群 12.become part of ?变成??的一部分 13.serve as 作为,用作,充当 14.reception hall 会客室 15.have sth. done 请/让别人做某事 16.less than 少于 17.consider doing 考虑做某事c onsider ?as/to be+ n./adj. “认为?是?” consider that 从句 18.be at war 处于战争状态,交战 19.remove ?from 从?去掉/移走 20.evidence 证据 21.remains a mystery 依然是谜it remains to be seen 尚待分晓


外研高一英语必修一重点单词短语 1.behaviour behave 21.spell spelling 2.description describe 2 3.explain explanation 3.impression impress 2 4.fluent fluency 4.correction correct 2 5..enjoy enjoyablee 5.encouragement encourage 2 6.progress progressive 6.enjoyment enjoy 2 7.graduate graduation 7.misunderstanding misunderstand 28.appear disappear 8.disappointment disappoint 29.different disappear 9.assistant assist 30.similar similarity 10.pronunciation pronounce 31..semester term 11.access___accessible 12.create___creation___creative_____creatively___creator https://www.360docs.net/doc/b711519183.html,municate___communication 14.concentrate___concentration____concentrated 15.depend__dependent__independent 16.frequently___frequent 17.advantage___disadvantage 18.short__shorten 19.permit___permission 20.design__designer https://www.360docs.net/doc/b711519183.html,lion__millionaire 短语 science subject be nothing like academic subject speak a lot in class differences between A and B have fun be similar to…introduce oneself the attitude to…in groups teaching method give sb instructions a city not far from …work by oneself write down…improve one’s spelling on the computer in a fun way on the screen in other words information from websites for one’s homework a woman called…. a description of l ook forward to doing…move to… be impressed with…have the biggest smile A is the same size as B the American school systems the number of secondary school be fluent in Chinese cover 7 years speak Chinese with fluency receive the high school diploma make a lot of progress go to college


高二英语必修三知识点(单词短语汇总)高二英语必修三知识点(单词短语汇总) 必会单词: beaut→beautif→beautiful harvest rigin anestr elebratin→elebrate hunter starve→starvatin grave religin→religius feast sull bne belief pet arrival independene→independent agriulture→agriultural aard prdue→prdut→prdutin rster adire energ→energeti lunar→slar parade Easter hristian herr blss ust rlride fl neessit perit→perissin predit→preditin paring lt fashin→fashinable aplgize→aplg drn sadness bvius ipe eave eep reind frgive 必会短语: 1 tae plae happen brea ut It urs t sb that H did it e abut that?

tae ne's plae tae the plae f tae first plae in plae f in plae 2 starve t death starve fr(渴望) 3 ngratulate sb n sth/ding sth 4 in er f = in hnr f in elebratin f in praise f in favr f in harge f n ne's arrival一到达=n arriving 6 gain eight gain nfidene gain experiene gain speed gain t inutes gain n's respet 7 adire sb fr adire the n 8 have fun ith sb hat fun it is t d sth It's great fun t d sth 9 turn up turn dn turn ver turn arund turn n turn ff turn ut 10 have a rd ith sb have rds ith sb tae ba ne's rds eat ne's rds rd ae that 11 aplgize t sb fr ae an aplg t sb fr 12 set ff fr set ut t d=set abut ding set aside set dn set up 13 reind sb t d reind sb f


Unit1 Cultural relics 1) in search of = in the search for 寻找 2) search for sb/ sth 寻找某人/物 3) search … fo r sb/ sth 搜查…以寻找某人/物 4) decorate sth with 用…装饰 5) decorate sth in/after…style按照…风格装饰 6) decorate for 为…装饰 7) belong to 属于 8) in return for 作为回报,作为报答(原因) 9) no doubt 无疑地,很可能 10) without (a) doubt 无疑地 11) beyond doubt 毫无疑问(常作插入语) 12) in doubt 感到怀疑的 13) be worth doing sth 值得做某事 14) take apart 拆开 15) come/ fall apart 崩溃,瓦解 16) apart from 除了…以外都,除去 17) in evidence 明显的,显而易见的 18) at the entrance to 去…的入口 19) think highly/much/a lot of 高度赞扬/评价 20) think little/poorly of 忽视,不重视 21) in the fancy style 流行式样 22) at war 处于交战状态 23) more/ less than 多/少于 24) such an amazing history如此神奇的一段历史=so amazing a history 25) cultural relics 文化遗产 26) deve lop an interest in… 培养对…...的兴趣 27) remain a mystery 仍然是一个谜 28) a troop of his best soldiers他最好的一队士兵 29) celebrate the 300th birthday庆祝第300个生日 30) agree with this opinion 赞同这个观点 31) see sth by the light of the moon借着光看见某物 32) the entrance to the mine 矿洞的入口处 33) be used to do sth 被用来做某事 34) in fact =as matter of fact 事实上 35) add more details to… 添加更多细节到… 36) care about 关心 37) agree with sb 同意某人的观点


academic [,?k?'demik] adj. 学术的p ro vi n c e['p r?vi n s] n. 省enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik] adj.热心的, amazing [?'meizi?] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的information [,inf?'mei??n] n. 消 息 website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.(口语)极好 的comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n]n.理解,领悟instruction [in'str?k??n] n.(常作复数)指示;说明m et ho d['meθ?d]n.方法bored ['b?: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦 的embarrassed [im'b?r?st] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的attitude ['?titju:d] n. 态度behaviour [bi'heivj?] n. 行为; 举动 previous ['pri:vi?s] adj.以前的; 从前的 description [di'skrip??n] n.记 述;描述 amazed [?'meizd] adj. 吃惊的; 惊讶的 embarrassing [im'b?r?si?] adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n. 技 术 impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻 correction [k?'rek??n] n. 改正; 纠正 encouragement [in'k?rid?m?nt] n.鼓励;激励 enjoyment [in'd??im?nt] n.享 受;乐趣 fluency ['flu:?nsi] n.流利;流畅 m i s u n d e rs ta n d i n g[,m i s? n d?'s t?n d i?]n.误解 disappointed [,dis?'p?intid] adj. 失望的 disappointing [,dis?'p?inti?] adj. 令人失望的 system ['sist?m] n. 制度;体系; 系统 teenager ['ti:nid??] n.少年 disappear [,dis?'pi?] vi. 消失 m o v e[m u:v]a d j.搬家 assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手, 助 理 c o v e r['k?v?]v t.包含 diploma [di'pl?um?] n. 文凭, 毕业证书 in other words 换句话说 look forward to 期待;盼望 at the start of 在……开始的时 候 at the end of 在……结束的时 候 go to college 上大学 be divided into 被(划)分 成…… take part in 参加 Module 2 amusing [?'mju:zi?] adj. 有趣 的;可笑的 energetic [,en?'d?etik] adj. 精 力充沛的


Starter Units 1 — 3 【重点短语】 1.早上/下午/晚上好______________ 2.晚安______________ 3. 谢谢你______________ 4. 用英语_____________ 5. 光盘,激光唱片_______ 6. 英国广播公司________________ 7. (美国)全国篮球协会________ 8. 停车场,停车位_______ 9. 千克,公斤_________ 10. 小号的_____11. 中号的______12. 大号的_______13. 不明飞行物______________ 【重点句型】 1.嗨,海伦!你好吗?___________________________________________ 嗨,埃里克!我很好,谢谢。__________________________________________ 2.这个用英语怎么说?__________________________________________ 一个橙子。__________________________________________ 那个用英语怎么说?__________________________________________ 一件短上衣。__________________________________________ 请拼写它。__________________________________________ 3.这/那是什么?__________________________________________ 是(字母)V。__________________________________________ 它是什么颜色的?__________________________________________ 红色的。__________________________________________ 4.这个钥匙是黄色的。__________________________________________ 5. 我能说A、B、C 等字母了。__________________________________________ 【重点单词】 好的____________早晨;上午____________ 早上好!____________ (用于打招呼)嗨;喂____________你好;喂____________下午____________ 下午好!____________晚上;傍晚____________晚上好!____________ 怎样;如何____________是____________你;你们____________ 你好吗?____________我____________是____________健康的;美好的____________ 感谢;谢谢____________好;可以____________什么____________是____________ 这;这个____________(表示使用语言、材料等)用;以____________ 英语. 英格兰的;英语的____________ 用英语____________地图____________ 杯子____________尺;直尺____________笔;钢笔____________橙子____________


必修五Unit 1 必背短语 put forward = come up with 提出 draw a conclusion 得出结论In conclusion 最后conclude sth from...从...推断出... be infected with 染上...(疾病) scientific research科学研究 remove...from...把...从...移开,去除 expose...to...使...暴露于...be exposed to...暴露于 cure sb of sth治疗某人某病inform sb of sth通知某人某事 accuse sb of sth控告某人某罪remind sb of sth使某人想起某事rid sb of sth使某人摆脱某事rob sb of sth抢劫某人某物suspect sb of sth怀疑某人某事 in the neighborhood在邻近在附近 link A to B = connect A with B = relate A to B将A与B联系起来 combine A with B 将A和B结合起来 with certainty确定地 contribute sth to...向...捐献,捐款;给...提供(忠告、建议);投稿 contribute to sth = lead to sth 有助于,是...的原因;促进某事物 make a contribution to...= make contributions to...为...做出贡献 apart from = besides “除...之外,而且” 或是expect “除...之外” positive 积极的肯定的确实的negative 消极的否定的 be strict with...对...严格的 make sense有意义讲得通make no sense 没意义,讲不通 make sense of...理解明白common sense 常识 be enthusiastic about...对...充满热情be cautious about...对...小心的,谨慎的 attend a meeting/a lecture/school 参加会议/听报告/上学 attend (on/upon) sb 照顾某人;伺候某人attend to 处理对付接待专心注意 face /meet a challenge面临/应对挑战 absorb sb’s attention吸引某人的注意力 be absorbed in...全神贯注于... suspect sb to be...怀疑某人是... blame sb for (doing) sth因(做)某事而责备某人 be to blame(for sth)(对某事)负有责任,(因某事)应受责备 blame sth on sb 把某事归咎到某人身上 announce sth to sb 向某人宣布、通告某事 It’s announced that...据宣布... instruct sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 follow one’s instructions/advice 听从某人的指示/建议lift up 举起抬高 prevent...from...=stop...from...=keep...from...阻止...做... so clever a child = such a clever child come to an end 结束lead to 导致通向at times 有时 be responsible for = take the responsibility for 对...负责 make room for 为...腾地方 必修五Unit 2 必背短语 the United Kingdom联合王国the United Nations联合国the United States美国 consist of...= be made up of...由...组成divide ...into...把...分成...(整体分成部分) separate...from...将...分隔开,隔离
