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迎新年九姑中学高三英语阅读竞赛试题 命题人:石恒明审题人:邓胜荣 一、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America. It’s the one ---1---the teacher standing in the schoolroom door ----2----goodbye to students for the summer and calling ----3---them, "By the way, we won World War II." The problem with the joke, of course, is that it’s ---4---funny. The recent surveys on ---5--- illiteracy (无知) are beginning to numb(令人震惊): nearly one third of American 17-year-olds cannot even ----6--- which countries the United States ---7---- against in that war. One third have no ---8---- when the Declaration of Independence was ----9--. One third thought Columbus reached the New World after 1750. Two thirds cannot correctly ---10--- the Civil War between 1850 and 1900. -----11----- when they get the answers right, some are -----12---- guessing. Unlike math or science, ignorance of history cannot be --13----- connected to loss of international ---14---. But it does affect our future -----15---- a democratic nation and as individuals. The ------16------ news is that there is growing agreement ----17----- what is wrong with the ----18----of history and what needs to be ----19----to fix it. The steps are tentative (尝试性的)---20---- yet to be felt in most classrooms. 1. A. about B. in C. for D. by 2. A. shaking B. waving C. nodding D. speaking 3. A. in B. after C. for D. up 4. A. rarely B. so C. too D. not 5. A. historical B. educational C. cultural D. political 6. A. distinguish B. acknowledge C. identify D. convey 7. A. defeated B. attacked C. fought D. struck 8. A. sense B. doubt C. reason D. idea 9. A. printed B. signed C. marked D. edited 10. A. place B. judge C. get D. lock 11. A. Even B. Though C. Thus D. So 12. A. hardly B. just C. still D. ever 13. A. exclusively B. practically C. shortly D. directly 14. A. competitiveness B. comprehension C. community D. commitment 15. A. of B. for C. with D. as 16. A. fine B. nice C. surprising D. good 17. A. to B. with C. on D. of 18. A. consulting B. coaching C. teaching D. instructing 19. A. done B. dealt C. met D. reached 20. A. therefore B. or C. and D. as 二、阅读理解(共35小题;每小题2分,满分70分)


2014高考英语阅读理解拉分特训(11)及答案 阅读理解A We live in an age of unprecedented(空前的) opportunity: If you’ve got ambition, drive, and smarts, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession—regardless of where you started out from. But nowadays companies aren’t managing their knowledge workers’ careers. Rather, we must each be our own chief executive officer. Only when you operate from a combination of your strengths and self-knowledge can you achieve true and lasting excellence. To build a life of excellence, begin by asking yourself these questions: “What Are My Strengths?” To accurately identify your strengths, use feedback analysis. Every time you make a key decision, write down the outcome you expect. Several months later, compare the actual results with your expected results. Look for patterns in what you are seeing: What results are you skilled at generating? What unproductive habits are preventing you from creating the outcomes you desire? In identifying opportunities for improvement, don’t waste ti me developing skill areas where you have little competence. Instead, concentrate on and build on your strengths. “What Are My Values?” What are your ethics(道德标准)? What do you see as your most important responsibilities for living a worthy, ethical life? Do your organization’s ethics resonate(共鸣) with your own values? If not, your career will be likely to be marked by frustration and poor performance. “Where Do I Belong?” Consider your strengths, preferred work style, and values. Based on these qualities, what kind of work environment would you fit it best? Find the perfect fit, and you’ll transform yourself from a merely acceptable employee into a star performer. “What Can I Contribute?” In earlier eras, companies told businesspeople what their contribution should be. Today, you have choices. To decide how you can best improve your organization’s performance, first ask what the situation requires. Based on your strengths, work style, and values, how might you


2017.7.6 Most people who work in the office have a boss (老板).So do I (我也是).But my boss is a little un usual. What's un usual about him ? It's a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss's dog. Robin son , is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is teleph one call for my boss, I always k no w if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy (毛绒绒的)under it, I k no w my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog , I know my boss is out. ()6. People ________ bring dogs to the office. A. usually B. ofte n C. seldom (几乎不) D. sometimes ()7. My boss is Robin son's __________ . A. boss B. master C. classmate D. teacher ()8. Robin son goes to meetings _________ my boss. A. for B. without C. instead of (代替) D. with ()9. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is ________ . A. in the office B. at meetings C. out of the office D. out of work ()10. The passage tells us the boss _________ the dog very much. A. looks like B. hates (恨)


八年级英语阅读竞赛试卷 Name:__________ Class:___________ A Sociologists(社会学家), working in western countries, have found that a large number of women wished they had been born men. The number is said to be as high as 60% in Germany. “Women often wish they had the same chances as men have, and think it is still men’s world.” Said Dr. James Helen, one of the sociologists who did the study. Many men say that they have more duties than women. A man has to make money to support(养活) his family and to make the important decision, so it is right for men to be paid more. Some are even against their wives working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children cannot be taken good care of. If women take full-time jobs, they won’t be able to do what they are best at doing: making a nice home and bringing up the children. Some women disagree. They say they want to get out of their homes and to have freedom to choose between work and home life. Women have the right of equal pay and equal chances. Anne Harper has a very good job. She also believes in “Women’s Liberation”. “I don’t wish I were a man,” she says, “and I don’t think many women do. But I do wish people would stop treating us like second-class people. At work, for example, we usually do the work that men do but get paid less. There are still a lot of jobs only to men usually they are the best ones. If you are a man, you have a much better chance of living a wonderful life. How many women scientists are there…or engineers?” 1.Many men think_______. A. women can’t do what men can. B. men have to work much harder than women C. men can make money more easily than women. D. women’s duty is mainly to do housework at home. 2.Some women have different ideas. They say that____________. A. women need chances to go out of the home more often. B. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life they want. C. if women are given equal pay, they can do everything instead of men. D. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homes. 3. Anne Harper thought that women should _________. A. live a better life than men B. be really liberated C. be given better jobs than men D. live a more wonderful life than men 4. Anne Harper didn’t wish to be a man __________. A. because she believed in “Women’s Liberation” B. but she wished to get the same job as men C. because she had got a good job D. but she wished to be treated the same as a man 5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? A. There are more men scientists, engineers than women ones. B. Women are second-class people, so they shouldn’t live a better life. C. Women do the same jobs as men, but get paid less than men.


初三英语阅读理解与完型填空竞赛2 完形填空A) Do you know the history of bowling(保龄球)? Scientists think that a game like bowling was ___ 1 in Egypt thousands of years ago. Things look like the balls and bowling pins were found buried(埋葬) with a child who __2 around 5,200 B. C. People who study history know that the game was popular in Germany around 200-300 A.D. It was played in some churches in order to __3__ that they were very good Christians. When people bowled poorly, they had to go to church more ___4__ than the others. The first bowling place was built inside a very big building and __5__ in England in 1455. Then the game was taken to the United States where most people played it outside just for fun. During the 1800s, many people in the United States began to bowl for ___6__, so several cities made the game illegal(违法的. And later, a group ____7__ the American Bowling Congress (ABC) began around 1900. The job of this group was to clean up bowling and make it a gentleman’s game again. At t hat time, the game was mostly played by men. If women played, they ____8__a curtain up so that the men were not able to see them. Then, in 1916, a woman’s ___9___ named the Women’s International Bowling Congress (WIBC) made a point of showing that the game was fine for ___10___ men and women. 1. A. done B. played C. seen D. watched 2. A. died B. was dying C. dead D. death 3. A. tell B. show C. look D. say 4. A. possible B. often C. time D. chance 5. A. closed B. built C. opened D. stopped 6. A. fun B. pleasure C. money D. health 7. A. calling B. calls C. naming D. named 8. A. hanged B. hang C. hung D. hunged 9. A. party B. group C. class D. kind 10. A. between B. both C. all D. whole B)How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups. And old people wishing they were 1 again. Each age has its pleasure and its pains, and the happiest person always enjoys what each age 2 him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are 3 responsibilities(责任)to make life better. If a child has good parents, he is raised, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is 4 that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. But a child has his 5 . He is not so free to do what he wishes to do. He is 6 being told not to do something, or being punished for what he has wrongly done. When a young man starts to earn his own living(谋生), he can no longer expect others to 7 his food, his clothes, and his room, but he has to work if he wants to live 8 . If he spends most of his time 9 in the ways that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. 10 , if he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society. 1. A. children B. young C. active D. strong 2. A. leaves B. hopes C. makes D. gives


高考英语阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 When times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. When we're hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. We take buses instead of taxis. And we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. With college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education. One cost-cutting proposal is to allow college students to get a bachelor's degree in three years instead of four. Educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. But there's a question: Would the quality of undergraduate education suffer? Few US universities have formally approved a "three-year degree" model. I doubt that mainstream North American colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum any time soon. For one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits. In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly "throw out" one quarter of the required credits. Professors will resist "diluting (稀释)" the quality of the education they offer. In my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. A college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. It is not a good idea to water down education, any more than it's not a good idea to water down medicine. If we want to help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. We should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. We should give them a chance to earn money as interns (实习生) in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at Northeastern University. (1)Which of the following can best sum up the main idea? A.It's time to shorten the learning process. B.Best learning takes place over time. C.University education should be watered down. D.College education calls for reform. (2)We can learn from the passage that ________. A.most American universities are against the "three-year degree" model B.many famous US universities are considering adopting the "three-year degree" model C.professors are willing to accept the "three-year degree" model D.The "three-year degree" model can make college learning more efficient (3)In most US universities, ________. A.college students are offered the co-op program B.electives' credits make up one quarter of the required credits C.all students are required to finish four-year education before graduation D.some excellent students can graduate ahead of time


2014高考英语阅读理解训练题(含答案) 2014高考英语阅读理解巩固练习精品题(36)及答案 【江苏省常州市戚实中学2013二轮复习模拟】C Speed up or slow down? That was the question Wang Xueliang thought about as he approached the traffic lights. The 45-year-old driver hesitated for a few seconds before stepping on the brakes and stopping his car at a crossing on Beijing's Chang'an Avenue, even though the traffic light was still green. The light turned yellow a second later. For many drivers, passing through traffic crossings has become a guessing game since New Year's Day. From Jan 1, new traffic laws mean all drivers in China that run a yellow light will have six points deducted (扣除) from the 12 given to their license. Drivers who run yellow lights will receive the same six-point punishment as those who run red lights. Those who forfeit 12 points over a calendar year will have to attend training courses and take exams organized by the local traffic management bureau. The rule was named "China's harshest traffic rule" by many online observers. The new rule also gives strict punishments for speeding, covering up the license plate, making phone calls while driving, and drunken driving. The punishment for covering up a license plate is 12 points. "On the day the new rules came into force, drivers followed the rules and commonly seen violations, such as ignoring traffic lights , were seen less frequently," according to a report by Xinhua News Agency. The report said the number of accidents decreased sharply on Tuesday in five major cities ― Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing, Han gzhou and Jinan ― from the previous day. Moreover, no severe accidents were reported. Although the ministry said on Wednesday that some major cities reported a sharp decrease in urban traffic violations, the new law remains controversial ( 引起


一. Mr Chen living next door to us has a habit(习惯) of drinking. The best present to him, of course, is wine(酒). Now his eldest son brou ght him a bottle of Mao Tai. He was glad and drank it up, then wrot e “105” on the corner of the trademark(商标)with a pencil, meaning h e had already drunk 105 bottles of the famous wine. Two days later, a stranger came and offered(打算) to pay 5 yuan for the empty Mao Tai bottle. Mr Chen was pleased and sold it. Several days later, his s econd son brought him another bottle of Mao Tai. While he was exa mining and enjoying it, he suddenly found “105” ——the very mark (记号)on it. 1. The story is mainly about .() A. two sons of Chen’s B. the best wine C. Mr Chen’s habit D. an empty bottle of Mao Tai 2. The story sells us that the stranger was a man who () A. collected(收集)empty bottles B. produced famous wine C. was a maker of wine D. was a cheat 3. Mr Chen sold his empty Mao Tai bottle because .() A. he had already drunk the Mao Tai up B. he knew his second son would bring him another C. the price offered was high enough D. he hoped the bottle could be used again 4. When examining and enjoying the wine sent by his second son, M r Chen found that .() A. the wine was mixed with water B. the wine was nice C. the wine had exceeded(超过)the time limit(限制) D. his second son had been cheated(欺骗)
