






年级班别 2011级(5)班




2013年 6 月






Business English Correspondence is an important way of communication skills in foreign trade activities. Skilled in using the language features and writing principles of writing business correspondence, for trade activities to create a good corporate image, to provide good communication environment, improve the students' English level, and fully apply all the links in trade practice. By carding the Business English correspondence writing principle of combing and collecting the principles apply instance, this articlelet us have more profound experience on Business English correspondence writing.

Key words:foreign business correspondence, Writing Principles ,Utilize


PBL课程报告 (1)

1 绪论 (4)

1.1外贸英语函电的写作背景及意义: (4)

1.2PBL的理解与实践体会 (5)

2 外贸函电的写作原则 (6)

2.1 4C原则 (6)

2.2“7 C ”原则 (6)

2.3合作原则 (7)

2.4礼貌原则 (7)

3 各项原则在外贸函电中的运用 (8)

3.1合作原则在外贸函电中的体现 (8)

3.1.1数量准则 (8)

3.1.2质量准则 (9)

3.1.3关联准则 (9)

3.1.4方式准则 (10)

3.2外贸函电写作中的礼貌原则 (11)

3.2.1使用情态动词 (11)

3.2.2使用“be pleased to、be glad to、appreciate、look forward to”等 (11)

3.2.3时刻牢记“thank you ” (12)

3.2.4使用“we suggest、we are afraid”等语义模糊的词汇 (12)

3.2.6使用条件句 (13)

3.2.7使用被动语态 (13)

3.2.8使用虚拟语气 (13)

3.2.9使用疑问句 (14)

3.3外贸函电写作中的7C原则 (14)

3.3.1 完整(complete) (14)

3.3.2正确(correctness) (14)

3.3.3 清楚(clearness) (15)

3.3.4 简洁(conciseness) (15)

3.3.5具体(concreteness) (15)

3.3.6 礼貌(courtesy) (15)

3.3.7体谅(consideration) (16)

4 合作原则与礼貌原则的相互关系 (16)

5 总结:外贸英语函电的特点 (17)

参考文献 (18)

1 绪论


随着经济全球化进程的进一步加快和我国对外贸易的不断扩大, 我国的对外贸易活动日益频繁。作为国际贸易的重要沟通手段, 外贸英语函电在对外贸易中的地位越来越重要。外贸英语函电指在国际贸易交往中应用的信函、传真和电子邮件,是国际贸易买卖双方用于联系业务、沟通商情、咨询答复的主要途径和通讯手段。它反映了买卖双方所处的不同的文化、社会背景, 代表了双方各自的利益。外贸英语函电的撰写看似简单, 实则不易。它不同于私人信函, 具有更为正式的格式特点和要求, 且有英式和美式的差别。外贸英语函电的质量好坏直接影响到收信人对写信人的第一印象, 甚至影响到生意是否成功。




尽管人们对于PBL的定义及对PBL的理解有所不同,意见并未统一,但考察各种各样的定义可以发现,其涵义中的有些方面似乎得到了公认,即:PBL强调把学习设置到复杂的、有意义的问题情境中,通过学习者合作解决真实性的问题,学习隐含于问题背后的科学知识,加深对知识的理解和应用,培养解决问题的技能,形成自主学习的能力[2]。我们从中可以看出,问题、学生、教师是基于问题的学习的三大基本要素:问题是课程的组织核心,它们往往没有简单、固定、惟一的正确答案,但能激起学生探索、寻求解决方法的欲望,激发学生的思维;学生是致力于解决问题的主体,他们识别问题的症结,寻找解决问题的方法,并努力探求、理解问题的现实意义,构建并重构自己的知识,成为自主的学习者;教师是学生解决问题时的工作伙伴、指导者,他们要努力创造出一种支持开放性探究学习的环境,给与学生适时适量的指导。这三个要素统一在PBL 的问题情境及进行的过程之中。



2 外贸函电的写作原则



2.1 4C原则





2.2“7 C ”原则

“7 C ”原则是外贸函电写作的基本原则。“7 C ”是指评价外贸信函在选词、构句、内容、语气、写作态度等方面的7 个以英文字母“C ”开头的单词完整(complete)













1.得体准则( TactMaxim)Minimize cost to other))使他人受损最小Maximize benefit to other))使他人受益最大

2.慷慨准则( GenerosityMaxim)Minimize benefit to self)))使自己受益最小Maximize cost to self))使自己受损最大

3.赞誉准则(ApprobationMaxim)Minimize dispraise of other))尽量少贬损他人Maximize praise of other))尽量多赞誉他人

4.谦逊准则(ModestyMaxim)Minimize praise of self))尽量少赞誉自己Maximize dispraise of self)))尽力夸大对自身的贬损

5.一致准则(AgreementMaxim)Minimize disagreementbetween self and other)尽量减少与他人的分歧(Maximize agreementbetween self and other)尽量增加与他人的一致

6.同情准则( SympathyMaxim)Minimize antipathy between selfand other)))尽量减少对他人的反感Maximize sympathy between self and other)尽量增加对他人的同情。

3 各项原则在外贸函电中的运用




(1)We are in receipt of your letter and appreciate your intention.

(2)We are in receipt of your letter dated Jan, 9th regarding our walnut meat and appreciate your intention to promote the sales of our products.

外贸业务中的双方一般都业务繁忙,不可能清楚地记得自己每一封给其它公司的信的具体内容。因此当收信人看到例句 1 时会想:我的哪一封信?我的信的主要内容是什么?我在信中表达了什么意愿?说不定就会因为没有时间去查实而将信搁置一边。而例句 2 则让人一目了然,完整的信息帮助对方回想起自己的上一封信的主要内容,让对方能够继续将信迅速读完,节省对方的时间。以上的例子说明了外贸函电中必须提供交际所必需的足够信息。但是同时外贸函电的另一大特点是简洁,这又恰好符合了数量准则的第二个要求。试比较下面两段文字:

(1)We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of March 11 inquiring about the possibility of selling your men's shirt, Tiantan Brand in our market.

(2)We have received your letter of March 11 and we want to express our sincere gratitude to you for your letter. In your letter, you inquired whether it is possible to sell your men's shirt, Tiantan Brand in our market.*

以上两段话基本含意差不多,都包含了三层意思:一是我们已收到你方 3 月11 日来信。二是我们感谢你方来信。三是在来信中,你方询问了在我市场销售你方天坛牌男式衬衫的可能性。但相比较而言,例句 2 则显得过于罗嗦,而例句 1 巧妙地合三为




We have just received the Survey Report from the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau evidencing the short weight of 1800 lbs. A thorough examination showed that the broken bags were due to improper packing, for which the suppliers should be Definitely responsible.

On the basis of the SCIB's Survey Report, we hereby register our claim with you as follows:





Dear sir,

We have carefully studied your letter of 17th October. As our two firms have done business with each other for so many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the

prices of our underwear. But there are difficulties. Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past four months and to reduce

prices by15% you mention could not be done without considerably lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of 15% reduction on underwear, we suggest a reduction of8% on all lines on order for US$ 3,000 or more.

We hope you will agree to our counter- suggestion and look forward to receiving regular orders from you as in the past.



方式原则要求:(1)避免晦涩的词语;(2)避免歧义;(3)说话要简要;(4)说话要有条理。第1、2 两点在外贸函电中体现为:写外贸书信时我们必须准确地表达自己的思想和意图,尽量避免因为语言模糊或歧义造成对方的误解或不解。如在报盘时,一般都会详细准确地列明所有的交易条件,以防日后不必要的纠纷。例如:

In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:

Art. No. 81000 Printed Shirting

Design No. 72345- 2A

Specifications: 30×36×72×69 35/6''×42yds.

Quantity: 18,000 yards

Packing: In bales or in wooden cases, at seller's option.

Price: RMB…per yard CIFC5% Lagos

Shipment: to be made in three equal monthly installments,Beginning from June, 2000.

Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight tobe opened 30 days before the time of shipment.



外贸英语函电课后练习参考答案(中英文对照版)名词解释 二、建立商务关系进口 出口 进口商 出口商 ’s 商务参赞处 商会 资讯状况 三、询价 初次询价 一般询价 具体询价 佣金 交货 装运 所有必要的信息装运期 四、报价 报盘 主动报盘 虚盘(自由报盘) 实盘 形式发票 进口许可证目录 随函附上 供现货 五、还盘 偏高 遗憾 与。。。相符减少、降低 a 行市 六、接受 接受 订单的确认销售合同 购买合同 销售确认书供货确认书签名

签名 会签 七、支付条款 支付方式 汇付 ()电汇 ()信汇 ()票汇 托收 ()付款交单 ()承兑交单八、信用证种类即期信用证 远期信用证 开立信用证 修改信用证 展延信用证 检查信用证 按合同九、包装包装要求装运指示唛头 装运通知 运输方式 装运期目的地 分批装运转运 十、保险风险 海损 投保 承保范围预约保单保险费 翻译: 1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了 解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商 ’s Tokyo. .

2.我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣 . 3.我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶 Japan . 4.如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意 , . 5.我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。 . 6.谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨 论。 , . 7.我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此冒昧的写信给你 . 8.我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 . 9.你方2月15日函悉,并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复,因为你所询 购的商品属于他们经营范围 15 , . 10.我们是一家在全世界范围内进行进出口业务的贸易公司 a . 1.如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你订货 , .


NY Import and Export Company 2468 Oak Street New York, U.S.A Tel: 001-8600546 Fax:001-8600658 Mar.11,2020 Mr. Wang Guoxin The Export Department Shanghai Yongxin Trading Co., Ltd 8# Ji Long Road, WaiGaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai 200130, China Dear Mr. Wang, We are a travel supplies company in New York City. I'm interested in the carry-on luggage (carry-on suitcase) you advertised on the September sky mall. I have a few questions for you: (1)How many colors does the product come in? (2)Compared with other similar products, does it have any advantages? (3)Can you give us a 20% wholesale discount? (4)How much quantity discount would you give us if we ordered 1000 pieces at a time? I hope to receive your reply before October 1st, thank you! We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Nalesjin Nalesjin The Import Department


外贸英语函电课后翻译参考答案中英文对照版 Chapter Two 1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商 We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances. 2.我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣 One of our customers is interested in your new production. 3.我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶 One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea. 4.如你所知我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意 As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 5.我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。 We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship. 6.谢谢你方来函表示提供服务我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。 Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade. 7.我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商因此冒昧的写信给你 We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft. 8.我们相信贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that business between us will be promoted as time passing. 9.你方2 月15 日函悉并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复因为你所询购的商品属于他们经营范围 Your letter of Feb 15th addressed to us has been passed on to our Shanghai Branch Office for attention and reply, as the goods you inquired is within the range of their business activities. 10.我们是一家在全世界范围内进行进出口业务的贸易公司 We are a trading company handling the import and export business around world. 1、经你方商会的介绍我方欣悉贵公司的行名和地址。 On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your company. 2、我公司专门经营中国纺织品出口并愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。We are specializing in the export of Chinese textiles and glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 3、为使贵方对我方产品有全面的了解我方另函寄去一本目录册及一套小册子以供参考。To make you know well of our products, we are separately sending you a catalogue together with a set of brochure for your reference. 4、如对目录中所列之任何产品感兴趣请具体询价我方将立即报价。 Please specific inquire if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue. We will quote promptly. 5、望尽快答复。


A ambassador 大使 available可利用的可得到的可供应的commodities available for export 供出口的商品not available 缺货 acquaint 使认识,使了解 as per按照依据 as per list price 按照表上价格 as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据 attach 附加 approach 与…接洽 assume假设假定 assume the direction of a business 负责主持一项业务assume the reins of government 开始执政 assume no responsibility 不承担责任 appeal to the most selective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主a draft at sight= a sight draft 即期汇票 assure 向…保证 automobile 汽车 attachment 附件 accommodation 居住设施招待设备 acknowledge 承认告知收到 alteration 改变改动 as a rule = usually 通常 acknowledgement 认收 apply for L/C 申请开立信用证 A-I Grade 甲级 appreciable 可估计的 an appreciable increase in demand 需求的明显增加 at economic prices 经济的价格较低的价格 attest 证实证明 aside from 除了…以外 accountee (信用证)申请开证人 authorize 授权 aggregate 总计合计为 amendment 修改,修正 a special rate 特惠保率


《英文外贸函电》教案 西安外国语大学高职部 教案专用页 内容(标题)UNIT TWO LETTERS OF ESTABLISHING BUSINESS RELATIONS 课 课 时 2 教学目的和要求 The establishment of business relations is one of the important undertakings in the field of foreign trade. The aim of this unit is to make students understand how to establish new business relations and keep old ones. 重点难点及其处理1. Techniques in our enquiry; 2. Points must be observed in the replies to the enquiry; 3. Positivity, neutrality and conditionality; 4. Positive Sandwich Principle. 教 学 方 法 案例教学、小组讨论 参考文献 【1】樊红霞、汪奠才主编:英文外贸函电,外语和教学研究出版社,2007年9月第1版。 【2】尹小莹、杨润辉编著:外贸英语函电,西安交通大学出版社,2008年6月第4版。 【3】刘志伟主编:国际商务函电及沟通,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005年8月北京第1版。 课外作业及要求 1. Exercises VII. On P.40. 2. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。我们借此机会和贵方接洽,希望和贵方建立贸易关系。 2)我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。 3)承蒙我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞介绍,得悉贵公司名址。 4)有关我方资信状况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。


外贸英语函电课后翻译参考答案??中英文对照版?? Chapter Two 1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址??并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商 We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances. 2.我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣 One of our customers is interested in your new production. 3.我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶 One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea. 4.如你所知??我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意 As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 5.我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。 We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship. 6.谢谢你方来函表示提供服务??我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。 Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade. 7.我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商??因此冒昧的写信给你 We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft. 8.我们相信??贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that business between us will be promoted as time passing. 9.你方2 月15 日函悉??并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复??因为你所询购的商品属于他们经营范围 Your letter of Feb 15th addressed to us has been passed on to our Shanghai Branch Office for attention and reply, as the goods you inquired is within the range of their business activities. 10.我们是一家在全世界范围内进行进出口业务的贸易公司 We are a trading company handling the import and export business around world. 1、经你方商会的介绍??我方欣悉贵公司的行名和地址。 On the recommendation of your Chamber of Commerce, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your company. 2、我公司专门经营中国纺织品出口??并愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。We are specializing in the export of Chinese textiles and glad to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 3、为使贵方对我方产品有全面的了解??我方另函寄去一本目录册及一套小册子以供参考。To make you know well of our products, we are separately sending you a catalogue together with a set of brochure for your reference. 4、如对目录中所列之任何产品感兴趣??请具体询价??我方将立即报价。 Please specific inquire if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue. We will quote promptly.


一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing.( C ) A.inferior B.superior C.faulty D.mistake 2.We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.( D ) A.settle B.to settle C.settling D.settled 3.By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.( B ) A.increase B.promote C.expand D.extend 4.We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( A ) A.thank B.appreciate C.be grateful D. beindebted 5.We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123.( B ) A.receive B.receiveing C.be received D.be receiving 6.This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( D ) A.on B.for C.by D.at 7.As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( C ) A.quality B.figure C.quantity D.number 8.Our payment terms are _____, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.( A ) A.confirmed https://www.360docs.net/doc/b96577988.html,bined https://www.360docs.net/doc/b96577988.html,mitted https://www.360docs.net/doc/b96577988.html,pleted 9.Since the premium varies with the scope of _____ extra premium is for buyer’s account, should additional risks be covered?( B ) A.assurance B.insurance C.business D.enterprises 10.Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit _____ you.( D ) A.gets https://www.360docs.net/doc/b96577988.html,es C.arrives D.reaches 11.We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods _____.( D )


一到九章及一些附加内容 第一章Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 1.1 Structure 构成: a.Letterhead(信头)——发件人的信息(名称、电话、地址) b. Reference and date(发文编号和日期) c. Inside Name and Address(封内名称和地址)——收件人的信息 d. attention line (注意事项) e. The Salutation(称呼) f. the Subject Line(事由标题) g. The Body of the Letter(信的正文) h. Complimentary Close(结尾敬语) i. The Signature(签名) j. enclosure (附件) k. carbon copy notation(抄送) l. postscript(附言) 1.2 Envelope 信封的写法: China National Chemicals (stamp) Import&Export Co. 寄件人地址 Beijing,China Overseas Trading Co. 153 Market street 收件人地址 London, E.C.3 Registered 挂号信 1.3 Principle 写信原则: Courtesy 礼貌 Conciseness 简洁 Clearness 清晰 第二章Establish Business Relations 建立贸易关系 2.1 Structure 第一部分说明信息来源 Commercial Counselor office商务参赞处;Embassy 大使馆;Chamber of commerce 商会;第二部分说明写信目的+自我介绍 leading importer 主要进口商/ one of the largest importers 最大的进口商之一 deal with/ specialize in 专营 competitive price 竞争价格/ enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉 for your reference 供你方参考; fall(be) within the scope of 属于…的经营范围 enter into business relations 建立贸易关系 in the market for想要购买/in the hope of doing sth. 希望 acquaint sb. with sth. 让某人了解某事/ Credit standing 商业信用


1.cotton piece goods 2.state-operated corporation 3.import and export 4.business lines 5.establish business relations 6.under sparate cover 7.for your reference https://www.360docs.net/doc/b96577988.html,mercial Counselor’s Office 9.anticipate/looking forward to 10.the latest catalogue 1.fall within the scope of our business activities 2.sister corporation 3.open an account 4.business background 5.refer to 6.sales representative 7.mail transfer(M/T) 8.light industrial products 9.objective information https://www.360docs.net/doc/b96577988.html,modities fair 1.reasonable price 2.execute a contract 3.credit investigation 4.in advance 5.China Textile Import and Export Corporation 6.in confidence 7.illustrated catalogue 8.general idea 9.financial standing 10.reference 1.first enquiry 2.supply sb. with sth. 4.payment terms 5.as requested 6.by separate mail 7.enjoy popularity 8.expand one’s market 1.send…by airmail 2.acquaint sb. with sth. 3.quote sb. a price 4.inclusive of 5.place an order 6.learn with pleasure 7.so as to https://www.360docs.net/doc/b96577988.html,petitive and acceptable 棉布业务 国营公司 进口与出口 经营范围 建立业务关系 另函 供你方参考 商务参赞处 盼望 最新的商品目录 属于我们的经营范围 兄弟公司 开立账户 业务背景 咨询、提交、查阅 销售代表 信汇 轻工产品 客观资料 商品交易会 合理的价格 执行订单 信用调查 预先 中国纺织品进出口公司 机密 插图目录 大概了解 财务情况 资信证明人 首次询盘 向某人供应某物 支付方式、支付条款 按照要求 另邮 享有盛誉、畅销 扩大市场 航邮 使某人熟悉某事 向某人报价 包括 订购 很高兴得知 以便、为了 具有竞争性的和可接受的


国际经济与贸易本科专业人才培养方案 专业代码:020401 一、培养目标 本专业培养德智体美全面发展,掌握经济学、管理学以及国际贸易规则与惯例等基本知识,具有较强的国际市场分析、国际商务沟通与外贸实务操作等专业能力,能够在国际贸易部门、涉外企业等从事报关、报检,国际结算,国际商务谈判等外贸业务工作,具有创新意识和创业精神的高素质应用型专门人才。 二、培养要求 本专业学生主要学习西方经济学、管理学、会计学、国际贸易理论、国际金融等方面的基本理论和基本知识,接受国际贸易实务、国际结算、报关、外贸函电与谈判、外贸单证等方面的基本训练,掌握国际商务谈判、报关、国际结算等方面的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握经济学、管理学学科基础理论知识,具备经济现象的认知与分析能力、组织管理能力、统计分析能力、会计核算技能等; 2.掌握计算机的基本知识和应用方法,具有熟练操作相关国际贸易应用软件的能力; 3.具有健康的体魄、良好的心理素质,具备一定的组织能力、创新能力、人际沟通和交流能力和谋求自我发展的能力; 4.掌握国际贸易惯例和主要国家的贸易政策及相关法规,能对国际贸易发展趋势进行一定前瞻性分析,并具有对世界主要市场环境进行分析的能力。 5.具有较强的英语听、说、读、写、译的能力,能够进行对外经济业务的联系,具备对外磋商与谈判的能力; 6.掌握国际结算、报关、外贸函电、国际货物运输与保险等专业知识和技能,具备对外贸易工作的实务操作能力; 7.掌握外贸业务活动中所涉及到的合同、信用证、发票、装箱单、提单、保险单、产地证、汇票以及其他相关单据的作用、内容,具备较强的外贸单证制作和管理能力。 三、专业方向 1.国际电子商务方向:学习和掌握电子商务、网络营销、Photoshop设计与制作、摄影艺术等基本知识,具有较强的国际电子商务沟通、国际电子商务操作等专业能力,能够在外贸企业从事外贸


第一章句型1信息来源:我们从......... 处得知 ...... 通过 ......... ■■我们了解到..... 1、We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufactures in this line. 我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。 2、We owe your name and address from the Journal of Commerce. 我们从《商业日报》得知贵公司的名称和地址。 3、Having had /obtained the name and address of your company from ABC trading Company ,we know that you deal in textiles. 通过ABC贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你方经营纺织品。 句型2 写信目的:建立业务关系 1、We are writing you and hope to enter into business relations with you. 我们写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 2、We are writing you and willing to open up business relations with you. 我们写信与你联系,以期与贵公司建立业务关系。 3、We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you . 我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务关系。 句型3自我介绍(公司经营范围等) 1、We are an importer/exporter handling toys for many years. Our products have enjoyed a high reputation in the world for their good quality and reasonable price. 我们作为玩具进口商/出口商已有多年。我们的产品质量好,价格合理,在世界上享有极高的 1 ■、一、 声誉。 2、We are writing to introduce ourselves as large dealers in foodstuffsith good connections in the country. 现函告:我公司为食品大经销商,在国内拥有大批客户。 3、We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as exporters dealing exclusively in garments. 我们利用此机会介绍,我公司为专门经营服装的出口商。 句型4要求寄送有关资料


外贸英语函电课本梳理 (书页) 敬启者: 我方从中国对外贸易杂志上得知贵公司名址,我方公司是一家国营企业,力求扩展海外贸易。然而,我方在南非还没有任何业务往来,对你方提出的任何建议我们都会认真考虑。随函所附我方最新的插图目录和最新价目表及有关的销售条款,供你方参考,我方将很高兴办理你方对我方产品的具体询盘。 如你方需要进一步了解有关我方公司或我方的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。 盼即复。 ......启 (书页) 敬启者: 承新加坡中国商务参赞常华先生介绍,得知你方号专营各种电器产品的出口业务,并力求扩展对外贸易。为此特联系你方,以便在我地市场推销你方的产品。 我方号经营进口业务以达二十多年,在新加坡各地有广泛的业务关系。目前我方处对电器产品的需求不断增长,相信你方在我地的成交数字,将会相当可观。 当前我方对电动缝纫机尤感兴趣,请寄这类商品的最新目录、价目表,并请告知有关的销货条款,不胜感激。 盼早复,希望收到你方好消息。 ......启 (书页) 敬启者: 事由:缝纫机 我方对你方去年在斯里兰卡中国经济贸易展览会上展出的电动缝纫机留有深刻的印象。据告这类产品是由你们公司出口的。 我方公司有一客户拟购一批缝纫机,为此,请寄上开台三斗缝纫机的形式发票一份,并请报包括佣金在内的最低价,回信时,请说明最早交货期,以供参考。 盼早复。 ......启() (书页) 敬启者: 承科伦坡商会介绍,得悉你方名址,并获悉你方拟进口中国生产的轻工产品。我方生产所附插图目录中的各种轻工业用品,希望这些产品会引起你方的兴趣。信内尚随附我方最新的价目表,以供参考。 如你方拟购这类产品,请即告知,以便报价。同时,如你方需要进一步了解有关我方公司或我方的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。盼即复。并望不久能与你方开展业务往来。 ……启 (书页) 敬启者: 贵公司月日询问将中国产电器产品进口到英国的传真已经由中国驻北京的对外贸易部转交给我公司。 我方公司是一家国营企业,力求扩展海外贸易。然而,直到目前我方在英国还没有任何业务往来,很希望与贵公司在该行业进行业务往来。随函所附我方最新的插图目录和最新


作文字数要求100-200字! Unit2 1.CDBBBBDCBB 2.(1)regards,say(2)specialized,with(3)with,by(4)If,interesting,enquiry(5)available(6)p opularity(7)finances,to(8)compliance 3.(1)Weareoneoftheleadingimportersdealinginelectronicproductsinthearea,andtakethis opportunitytoapproachyouinthehopeofestablishingbusinessrelations. (2)Wehavebeenengagedinhandlingimportingandexportingofmachineryandequipmentf ydraftatsight. (5).Youarecordiallyinvitedtotakeadvantageofthisattractiveoffer.Weareanticipatingalar georderfromtheUnitedStates,andthatwillcauseasharpriseinprice. (6).WewillsendyouafirmofferwithshipmentavailableintheearlyMayifyouorderreachesu sbeforeMarch10. (7).Becausethereisabriskdemandforthegoods,theofferwillbeopenonlyfor5days. (8).Wearegivingyouafirmoffer,subjecttoyourreplyhereby5p.m.ourtime,Tuesday,July10 Unit5 1.(1)on,fulfill,with,to,with (2)to,with,on (3)of,from,for,on,terms 来源:网络转载


外贸英语函电课后翻译参考答案(中英文对照版) Chapter Two 我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和地址,并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商 We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy in Tokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electrical appliances. 我们的一个客户对你们的新产品感兴趣 One of our customers is interested in your new production. 我们的一个日本客户想要购买中国红茶 One of our customers in Japan wants to be in the market for black tea. 如你所知,我们的外贸政策是在平等互利的基础上与各国人民做生意 As you know, our policy is to trade with merchants of various countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我们希望你方尽最大努力促进业务又增进友谊。 We hope you can try your best to promote both trade and friendship. 谢谢你方来函表示提供服务,我方愿与你方就扩大贸易的可能性进行讨论。 Thanks for your letter about service supply, we are willing to talk about the possibility of promoting trade. 我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商,因此冒昧的写信给你 We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft. 我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that business between us will be promoted as time passing. 你方2月15日函悉,并已转交给了上海分公司办理答复,因为你所询购的商品属于他们经营范围 Your letter of Feb 15th addressed to us has been passed on to our Shanghai Branch Office for attention and reply, as the goods you inquired is within the range of their business activities.


相当实用的外贸英语函电例句 第一章句型1信息来源: 我们从………处得知………通过………..我们了解到……… 1、We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufactures in this line. 我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。 2、We owe your name and address from the Journal of Commerce. 我们从《商业日报》得知贵公司的名称和地址。 3、Having had /obtained the name and address of your company from ABC trading Company ,we know that you deal in textiles. 通过ABC贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你方经营纺织品。 句型2 写信目的:建立业务关系 1、We are writing you and hope to enter into business relations with you. 我们写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 2、We are writing you and willing to open up business relations with you. 我们写信与你联系,以期与贵公司建立业务关系。 3、We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you . 我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务关系。 句型3自我介绍(公司经营范围等) 1、We are an importer/exporter handling toys for many years. Our products have enjoyed a high reputation in the world for their good quality and reasonable price. 我们作为玩具进口商/出口商已有多年。我们的产品质量好,价格合理,在世界上享有极高的声誉。 2、We are writing to introduce ourselves as large dealers in foodstuffs with good connections in the country. 现函告:我公司为食品大经销商,在国内拥有大批客户。 3、We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as exporters dealing exclusively in garments.


Unit 2 1.你方1994年9月2号来函收到。我们很高兴告诉你,你所要的商品属我们公司的经营范围。 Your letter of September 2, 1994 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities. 2. 你地中国银行函告,你们是纺织品的进口商。我们专营纺织品出口业务,愿与贵公司建立业务关系。 The Bank of China in your city has informed us that you are importers of textiles. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to enter into business relations with you. 3.遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。希望这些样品能及时到达,并使你满意。 In compliance with your request, we are sending you a complete set of cut samples of our cotton piece goods and hope it will reach you punctually to your satisfaction. 4.你方9月4号来函收到。承告你们对肉类罐头有兴趣,并考虑订购。 We have received your letter of September 4 expressing your interest in our canned meat as well as your intension to send us a trial order. 5.按照你方要求,我们附上一套小册子(说明书)连同价格单,供考虑。若你对所列商品感兴趣,请告具体需要。一诶收到 询价,我们立即寄送报价单。 In compliance with your request, we enclose a range of pamphlets together with our price lists for your reference. If any of the items listed in the catalogue meets your interest, please let us have your specific enquiry. On receipt of your enquiry, we will forward you quotations without delay. 6.贵国驻中国大使馆已把贵行作为中国罐头食品的买户介绍给我们。我们专营这一业务,希望在平等互利的基础上与你建立 业务关系。 Your Embassy in China has introduced you as a buyer of Chinese canned goods to us. We wish to inform you that we specialize in this line and hope to enter into business relations with you on t he basis of equality and mutual benefit. 7.为了使你对我们经营的产品有一个概念,兹附上一整套注有规格和包装的活页说明书。 To give you a general idea of the products we handle, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing specifications and means of packing. 8. 货物在装运前由上海商品检验x局检验。所装商品的品质,数量将由该局提供必要的证明。 Prior to shipment, our goods will be tested and inspected by the Shanghai Commodity Inspect ion Bureau, which will provide the necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity of the shipment. Unit 3 1. 我们将与之进行业务往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的商业地位与信誉。 The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for particulars respect ing their business standing and reputation. 2. 你若能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出建议,我们当不胜感激。 We shall be most grateful if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company. 3.即我们所知,他们的财务状况良好。 As far as we know, their financial standing is sound.
