

【英语】 七年级英语上册阅读理解培优卷经典1

【英语】七年级英语上册阅读理解培优卷经典1 一、七年级英语上册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Hi, everyone! My name is Guo Ailun. And my English name is Allen. I come from Liaoning, China. I'm 22 years old, and I look really tall and strong. I'm a basketball player. I love basketball very much and I play it quite well. My uncle was a great basketball player in the national team (国家队) in the past and my father loves basketball too. So I started to play basketball early. And I began to play for our country as a player when I was only 14. Basketball is my favourite sport. I play it every day. It makes me happy. Tony Parker is my favourite basketball player in NBA. I want to be a member of NBA and play with Parker some day. I hope my dream comes true. Do you want to be a basketball player like me? Then you must play it hard. (1)Allen is __________ years old. A. twelve B. fourteen C. twenty-two D. thirty—four (2)Allen's _________ was a basketball player. A. brother B. father C. uncle D. mother (3)Basketball makes Allen _________. A. strong B. tall C. busy D. happy (4)Allen's dream is to ___________. A. be a basketball player B. be a member of NBA C. meet Parker some day D. talk about basketball with Parker (5)Which is the best title (标题) of the passage? A. Allen and basketball B. Allen's basketball family C. Play basketball hard D. Allen's hero, Tony Parker 【答案】(1)C (2)C (3)D (4)B (5)A 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章主要介绍了篮球运动员郭艾伦。他说叔叔是国家运动员,爸爸也喜欢篮球。帕克是他最爱的篮球运动员,他梦想成为NBA的一员和帕克一起打篮球。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 I'm 22 years old, and I look really tall and strong. 理解可知,郭艾伦今年22岁,故选C。 (2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句My uncle was a great basketball player in the national team (国家队) in the past理解可知,以前,艾伦的叔叔也是一名篮球运动员,故选C。(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句I play it every day. It makes me happy.理解可知,篮球让艾伦非常的开心,故选D。 (4)细节理解题。根据文中的语句I want to be a member of NBA and play with Parker some


七年级英语下学期培优补差工作总结 寨根初中 冯娟 七年级英语上学期培优补差工作总结 这学期我的教学成绩虽然与上学年相比有所进步,但仍然不十分理想,细细想来有很多原因。从我自身来说,虽然也付出了不少精力,并且一直向课堂要效率,但由于担任两门主课的教学,精力分散较多。对学生来

说,基础较差的我也想了各种办法,但从测试成绩看与同等班差距较大。这学期要吸取教训,从我个人及学生方面入手,多找一些好的方法,在培优补差方面争取有切实的进步,以期取得较好的成绩。 总之,这个学期我在对学生进行培优补差方面付出了很多努力,也有很大收获。总结起来大致有以下几点: 现将计划制订如下: 补差学生名单: 姜孝贤金婷韩盈辉陈永福潘新雨朱小龙汪俊杰 培优学生名单: 黄兴石明月毛湘怡查冬梅程红任朝阳吴少凡 一、思想方面的培优补差。 1.真心对待后进生 班级管理的主要任务之一是如何对待后进生,后进生的思想,行为转化,对班级管理工作有很大的影响。对学习好的学生给予鼓励,对后进生除了鼓励,表扬后,还要善待他们,对差生感情要投入。有的学生上课听不懂,下课又不敢问,一段时间后就放松了学习,久而久之,逐渐产生了怕学,厌学的心理。这就需要教师随时随地把握学 生的学习状态,并帮助他们树立自信心,克服自卑心理,各项活动让他们积极参加,同时也可利用自习和业余时间给他们辅导,随时与他们谈心并了解他们的思想动态,发现他们的发光点马上给予表扬。 2. 让“后进生”体验成功的喜悦

没有什么东西比成功更能鼓励人。从根本上来说,要让后进生正确认识自我,就要有机会让他们表现自我,要让他们知道“我能行” “我还可以”,“我不错”。在课堂上可以用一些简单至难的题型来引导他们并在课堂上给予鼓励及表扬。从心理上来讲,他们更需要教师的尊重及关注,只有在人格上受到尊重,爱护,才能使他们在宽松、和谐的学习环境中愉快地学习,因此教师不能以分数高低来伤害学生的自尊心,对成绩较差的学生,不在班上公布分数及排名次表。平时应多关心他们,可找时间与他们进行交谈,帮助分析原因,找出解决问题的方法,激发其学习的兴趣,增强其自信心产,使其学习进步。 最后,定期与学生家长、科任老师联系,进一步了解学生的家庭、生活、思想、课堂等各方面的情况。 二、精心设计教案,创设轻松愉快的学习环境 后进生由于基础差,很多时候都听不懂,对英语学习会产生惧怕抵触的心理。如果这时我们还用一些枯燥乏味、陈旧的方式教学,只会使这群孩子更加厌学,甚至会扩大“后进生”的队伍。因此,在平时的教学中,我总是精心设计每节课,利用多种教学手段,如卡片、头饰、图片、模型、多媒体课件等把教学内容安排在学生所熟悉的情景中,并根据需要给教学内容配上音乐、动作进行操练巩固。让所有的学生在教中乐,乐中学,学中玩。在无形之中掌握当天的内容。 三、狠抓细节,“强迫”后进生养成良好的学习习惯 许多学生成为“后进生”不是智力不够而是学习习惯不好。大多数优等生都有很好的学习习惯,所以平时我非常注重“后进生”学习习惯的养成。比如有的学生上课不认真听讲,总喜欢做小动作。还比如有的“后进生” 总不按时完成作业,我就让他和周围的同学进行比赛,谁最先认真完成作业谁就可

2020-2021年 七年级英语下册阅读理解培优卷

2020-2021年七年级英语下册阅读理解培优卷 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Here is our pet dog,Mr. Hawkeye. Mr. Hawkeye is seven years old,and we got him from our vet (兽医). He takes in a lot of cats. He receives his name because he is such a hawk (掠夺者) around food. If you are not looking,he will take a sandwich off your plate. He can smell the delicious food in the fridge from another floor in the house,and potato chips are his favourite thing to steal! This comes the name,Hawkeye. Hawkeye was a great animal at the vet. They thought he could bring good luck and he took care of all the new cats,giving them baths,etc. He does that at our house as well. Like I said,he is quite a character and very friendly. He always greets(问候) us when we come home. He has to check out all the bags to make sure if there's food there for him, especially chips! (1)Mr. Hawkeye is . A. our pet dog B. the owner of the pet C. a cat D. a vet (2)He receives his name Hawkeye because . A. he is a hawk around food B. he can bring good luck C. he is a real character D. he is quick at eating food (3)Our pet likes best of all. A. sandwiches B. potato chips C. potatoes D. new cats (4)The underlined word “character" mostly means here. A. 有个性的宠物 B. 有个性的人 C. 主角 D. 英雄(5)What do you think of Mr. Hawkeye? A. He is very clever and friendly. B. He is very lucky. C. He is a very good vet. D. He can do all the housework at home. 【答案】(1)A (2)A (3)B (4)A (5)A 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是我家的宠物狗鹰眼的故事。我们是从宠物园领的。在宠物园它是一个很好的动物,他对食物的嗅觉很灵敏,它从远的地方能闻到东西所在的地方。它还能照顾猫,他们都认为它能为他们带来幸运。在我们家它也做得很好。当我们回家时它欢迎我们。它很看我们的包,看是否为它带来好吃的。 (1)细节理解题。根据Here is our pet dog,Mr. Hawkeye.这是我们到达宠物狗,鹰眼先生。可知鹰眼是宠物狗。故选A。 (2)细节理解题。根据He receives his name because he is such a hawk (掠夺者) around food. 它能有这个名字因为对周围的食物是这样一个掠夺者。故选A。 (3)细节理解题。根据and potato chips are his favourite thing to steal!薯片是它最喜欢偷的东西。可知它最喜欢的食物是薯片。故选B。


七年级英语培优试题 第I卷选择题(共50分) 一、选择填空(20小题;20分) 1. I think these pants are his brother’s, not _____. His ______ over there. A. hers; is B. mine; is C. his; are D. ours; are 2.It's seven o'clock.I ________ in bed. A.lie B.lies C.am lying D.are lying 3. We want ________ the window ________ paper cuts. A.decorate,with B.decorate,in C.to decorate,with D.to decorate,use 4. I want something to drink, but there is ______ water. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 5. Her mother doesn’t let her go out to play with other children, so she ______ do her homework at home. A. may B. would C. can D. has to 6. -Welcome and help yourselves. -______. A. Not at all B. You’re welcome C. All right D. Thank you 7. Jim; would you please ______ a message ______ Tom? A. gives; to B. takes; to C. give; for D. take; for 8.________ a hot summer day,people don't like to go out. A.At B.In C.On D.Of 9. I want to get some erasers, ______ there are not any. A. but B. and C. or D. so 10. This kind of shirt looks ______ and sells (卖;出售) ______. A. nice; well B. well; nice C. well; well D. good; nice 11. -Hello. This is Maria. May I speak to Lily? -______. A.Fine B. That’s right C. Speaking D. Good-bye 12. -Do you like lions or tigers? -I like ______.


七年级英语上册阅读理解培优训练(附解析) 一、七年级英语上册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor looks over (检查)him carefully and says, "Medicine can't help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month. Go to bed early, drink some milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (抽一支雪茄烟) a day." "Thank you very much," says Old John," I can do everything you say." Four weeks later, Old John comes to the doctor again. "Well," says the doctor. "I am glad to see you. You look much younger." "Oh, doctor," says Old John, "I feel quite well now. I have a good rest. I go to bed early. I drink a lot of milk and walk a lot. Your advice (建议) helps me. But you ask me to smoke one cigar a day, and it nearly kills me at first. It is no joke (笑话) to smoke at my age. " (1)The doctor ____. A. asks him to take some medicine B. asks him not to take any medicine C. doesn't say any word about medicine D. gives him some medicine (2)Old John ____ after four weeks. A. is young B. doesn't get well C. gets well D. is old (3)Which one is true (正确)? A. Old John smokes before. B. Old John doesn't smoke before. C. Old John doesn't smoke a cigar a day. D. Old John smokes less than before (比以前少).(4)What does Old John need? A. Some medicine. B. Some water. C. A lot of rest. D. A cigar.(5)The best title (标题) of this story should be____. A. Old John B. Old John is ill C. The doctor's advice (建议) D. Old John Does As the Doctor Asks Him 【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)B (4)C (5)C 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了John看病把医生的建议弄反了而闹出的笑话。 (1)推理题。根据 Medicine can't help you 医学帮不了你可知医生没让他吃药,故选B。(2)推理题。根据 I feel quite well now 我好多了,可知John4周后有好转,故选C。(3)推理题。根据 But you ask me to smoke one cigar a day, and it nearly kills me at first. It is no joke (笑话)to smoke at my age. 但是你让我一天抽一支雪茄,一开始我差点就没命了。这不是开玩笑在我这个年纪吸烟可知,老约翰以前不抽烟正确,故选B。 (4)细节题。根据 You must have a good rest 可知老约翰需要休息,故选C。 (5)主旨题。根据本文讲述了John看病把医生的建议弄反了而闹出的笑话可知The doctor's advice 适合做标题,故选C。


七年级英语下册阅读理解培优题(word) 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 C In April this year, lots of bags full of small change(零钱) were seen at bus stops in Tianjin. They were made for passengers to turn their notes into small change. And such an idea came from four students from Zhongbei Middle School, Tianjin. "People will surely feel worried when they take a bus without coins. We just want to do something to help them," said Wang Yongcun, 15, one of the four students. The four boys spent their whole weekend making the change bags. After that they went to see the number of the passengers at each bus stop near their school, and then chose the top six stops to put the bags. Many people think that the four boys have really done a good job. But, things didn't go as the boys thought. Two days later, they found that the money was gone, and that even the bags were taken. It really made them sad but they would not give up. Their classmates and teachers came to help them in time. They put their pocket money in bags again. And the teachers also taught them to make better change bags. They tried their best to do it. The four boys feel very happy because they have done something good for the passengers. Their warm hearts are moving. More and more people are beginning to join in the activity. (1)The change bags were put . A. on the buses B. at the bus stops C. under the desks D. near the parks (2)It took the whole weekend to make the change bags. A. the parents B. the teachers C. the passengers D. the four boys (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The idea of small change bags came from four boys. B. The passengers refused to put money in the bags. C. The teachers gave up when the bags were taken. D. The small change didn't help the passengers much. (4)What's the main idea of this passage? A. Making change bags is difficult. B. Pocket money can be helpful. C. Giving help brings us happiness. D. Every coin has two sides. 【答案】(1)B (2)D (3)A (4)C


七年级英语培优1 一. 完形填空。(10分) On Sundays, Li Lei gets up at six thirty. He has 16 at eight. Then he helps his mother 17 the housework(家务劳动). At ten o’clock he leaves 18 and goes shopping 19 bike. At about eleven o’clock he comes 20 home.He likes 21 very much. He helps his mother with the cooking. They 22 lunch at twelve. In the afternoon he often 23 games with his friends. They have 24 at six thirty. In the evening he does his homework. Sometimes, he 25 TV. He goes to bed at nine. ( )16. A. food B. breakfast C. lunch D. supper ( )17. A. in B. on C. with D. from ( )18. A. home B. house C. room D. classroom ( )19. A. by B. on C. in D. at ( )20. A. for B. to C. back D. from ( )21. A. cook B. cooking C. the cook D. the cooking ( )22. A. to have B. having C. have D. has ( )23. A. plays B. is playing C. takes D. is taking ( )24. A. work B. homework C. housework D. dinner ( )25. A. sees B. looks C. is watching D. watches 二.根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。 41. —Oh, it’s 4:30 p.m. School is o_____. Let’s go home. —All right. Let’s go. 42. —Does Jane often read books in the l_____? —Sorry, I don’t know. 43. Lin Dan doesn’t like reading books. He always l_____ to music. 44.—How often do you go to the park, Jane? —O_____ a week. 45.—What time do classes b____ in the morning? —At eight. 三.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 46.—What does Ellen usually do after school? —She usually _____ (watch) TV. 47.—How do _____ (America) students usually go to school?


培优专项训练四——Unit 1 Section A I. 完形填空 Hello! My 1 is Liu Mei. I 2 in Beijing. I 3 a girl. I 4 a good friend. 5 is a boy. He 6 in Canada. 7 name is Frank. He is 13. At school, Li Hua 8 my good friend. I often play ping-pong 9 her. I like my two good 10 . ( ) 1. A. name B. cat C.pen D.nose ( ) 2. A. has B. am C.are D.have ( ) 3. A. am B.is C.are D./ ( ) 4. A. has B. am C.have D.let ( ) 5. A.She B. He C.I D.You ( ) 6. A. are B. like C.is D.has ( ) 7. A.Her B. My C.Your D.His ( ) 8. A.are B. am C.is D.has ( ) 9. A. at B. of C.for D.with ( ) 10. A. boys B. girls C.friend D.friends II.补全对话。 A: Excuse me. What is 1_____ name? B: My name 2____ Tom. And 3____? A: Liu Hua. Nice to meet you. B: 4_____ to meet you, 5_____. A: 6____ I have a pen? B: Sure. 7______ you are. A:Thank you. B: You are 8______. Ⅲ. 翻译下面的句子。 1.我叫Tom。 2. “她叫什么?”“她叫Linda。” 3. “你叫Tom吗?”“是的,我是。”

【英语】 七年级英语下册任务型阅读培优卷(word)1

【英语】七年级英语下册任务型阅读培优卷(word)1 一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.信息归纳,请阅读下面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. This term, he learns Chinese and he likes it very much. He wants to learn it well, so he finds a pen pal from Guangdong, China. His name is Yang Guang and he is a clever boy. He and Robert are in the same Grade. They both love playing football. They often chat with each other on the Internet. They have different school lives. Yang Guang is very busy every day. He gets up early and he has to stay at school for 8 hours every day and he has much homework to do after school. But Robert only stays at school for 5 hours and he often finishes his homework in just half an hour. Information Card 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了罗伯特和他的笔友杨光的学校生活一些情况。(1)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia.可知罗伯特来自澳大利亚。故填 Australia。 (2)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. He and Robert are in the same Grade. 可知杨光在七年级。故填 Grade 7 /Seven 。 (3)细节题。根据 They both love playing football.可知他们都喜欢踢足球。故填 Football 。(4)细节题。根据Robert only stays at school for 5 hours .可知罗伯特每天待在学校5小时。故填 5 hours。 (1)细节题。根据 he often finishes his homework in just half an hour. 可知罗伯特花费半小时做作业。故填 Half an hour。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,先看问题,带着问题找答案,注意上下文之间的联系。 2.请仔细阅读关于五个人的基本情况,从A-F选项中选出适合各人所需书籍 的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。


【英语】七年级英语上册阅读理解培优题经典1 一、七年级英语上册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解The Volleyball Club The school volleyball club wants new members! We have good players from the school team. They can help you enjoy the game. We practise for an hour every afternoon from Wednesday to Friday. Go to your PE teacher and buy sports shoes if you want to be with us. Girls' Volleyball Match Team: No.1 Middle School vs No. 2 Middle School Time: 2:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m., October 21st Place: Xuzhou Sports Centre Come for our school team. We have twenty tickets (票)for every class. Go to your PE teacher for the tickets before Friday. Please wear your school uniform (校服) at the sports centre. (1)Members of the Volleyball Club practise a week. A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times (2)What must you buy if you want to join the Volleyball Club? A. B. C. D. (3)What time does the volleyball match start? A. At twenty to three in the afternoon. B. At two thirty in the afternoon. C. At five o'clock in the afternoon. D. At twenty past two in the afternoon. (4)Students can go to their for tickets. A. PE teachers B. classmates C. parents D. grandparents (5)Students can't get a ticket on .


【英语】七年级英语上册选词填空培优题 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式补全句子。 (2)He is ________ to get that book on the shelf. (3)Trees ________ when spring comes. (4)It is ________ to play in the snow. (5)________ should help the poor. (6)There is ________ with him. He looks sad. 【答案】(1)anything new (2)tall enough (3)turn green (4)interesting (5)The rich (6)something wrong 【解析】【分析】tall enough足够高;something new新鲜事;the rich富人;interest兴趣;nothing wrong没毛病;turn green变绿了。 (1)句意:那本书里有新鲜事吗?句子为there be结构,be之后需要名词或者不定代词,因此使用something new,句子为一般疑问句,因此将something改为anything,故答案是anything new。 (2)句意:他个子足够高拿到了架子上的书。根据to get that book on the shelf.可知他的个子够高,故答案是tall enough。 (3)句意:春天来了,树木变绿了。根据when spring comes可知,树木变绿了,这是客观事实,因此使用一般现在时,主语trees为复数,动词使用原形,故答案是turn green。 (4)句意:富人应该帮助穷人。根据should help the poor.可知应该帮助穷人的是富人,故答案是The rich。 (5)句意:他有点问题。他看起来伤心。根据He looks sad.可知,他可能有什么事。故答案是something wrong。 【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。 2.从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语补全句子。 (2)Some animals live under the water, and some live ________. (3)He raised his arm to ________ his child from hurt.


七年级培优班英语试题 (满分:120分,请将第Ⅰ卷的答案填在第Ⅱ卷相应的位置)【听力部分】 Ⅰ、听力对话理解。(共10分,每小题1分) A) 根据你听到的小对话从每小题的三个选项中选出正确的选项回答问题。每小题听两遍。 01.A He is in his room B.He is singing C.He likes singing 02.A.It’s July 12 B.It is raining C.Pretty good 03.A.Sorry,he isn’t at home B.I’m Bill C.That is Bill 04.A.In a coat B.In Toronto C.It’s sunny and cool 05.A.The bus stop B.Certainly.Here you are C.It’s too heavy B) 听小对话,每段对话你将听到前面的1—3句,从每小题的三个选项中选出能完成对话的最后一句的最佳答案,每段对话听两遍。 06.What would Jim like? A.Noodles B.Dumplings C.Porridge 07.Where did Julia go yesterday? A.To the park B.To the zoo C.To the store 08.How is the weather? A.Sunny B.Cloudy C.Rainy 09.What does Jim’s brother look like ? A.He has short hair B.He has long hair C.He has curly hair 10.Where does the girl want to go ? A.To the post office B.To the hotel C.To the library Ⅱ、听力篇章理解。(共10分,每小题1分) 听下面A、B两段对话和C篇的一段独白, 并从每小题的三个选项中选择一个正确选项。每段对话和独白听两遍。 (A) 11.Where did Alan go for vacation? A.To Tokyo B.To Paris C.To Sydney 12.When did Alan come back home? A.This morning https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba11856726.html,st Friday C.Yesterday 13.What did Alan do there? A.Went shopping B.Learned French C.Visited his friends (B) 14.What’s Gina doing now? A.Doing her homework B.Watching TV C.Playing games 15.When is Gina having lunch? A.At 1:00 pm B.At 2:50pm C.At 3:00pm 16.What do they want to do this afternoon? A.To go swimming B.To go shopping C.To see a movie (C) 17.What does Jack look like? A.He’s tall with short hair B.He’s of medium height C.He’s short and thin 18.Why does Jack like game shows? A.Because they are interesting B.Because he likes playing sports


初一英语培优题(一)原班别:姓名: 1.Do you have a ping-pong ball?你有乒乓球吗? 本句是一个一般现在时态的一般疑问句,该句由助动词do引导,句中的have为实义动词。 do v.& aux.“做,干,行动”,do是助动词,帮助构成否定句或疑问句,无实际意义,在英语中,句子的谓语动词如果是实义动词,就常常借助于do构成否定句或疑问句。如果句子的主语是第三人称单数,则用助动词does,其他情况均用do。这种一般疑问句的答语,肯定结构为:Yes,主语(人称代词)+do/does.否定结构为:No,主语(人称代词)+don't/doesn't. Do you have a bike?你有自行车吗?Yes,I do./No,I don't.是的,我有。/不,我没有。 Does she have a soccer ball?她有足球吗?Yes,she does./No,she doesn't.是的,她有。/不,她没有。 2. have v. “有,拥有”,其后跟表示人或物的词或短语,表示“某人拥有……”。 I have three CDs.我有三张激光唱片We have an English friend.我们有一位英国朋友。 has v.―有‖,是have的第三人称单数形式。Jack has some pictures.杰克有一些图画。 【例1】—______ your father have a car?—Yes,he ______. A.Does;do B.Do;does C.Does;does D.Do;do 【例2】They have some new basketballs.(改为单数句)______ ______ ______ new ______. 2.Hey,Helen,let's go!嗨,海伦,(让)我们走吧! go v.“去,走”,它是不及物动词,不能直接接名词或代词作宾语,如果要接名词作宾语,需要加介词to;go之后可直接加不定式或动词的-ing形式或介词短语。 She often goes shopping on Sunday.她星期天常去购物。Let's go to school.让咱们去上学吧。 【例1】He often ______ to the store with his mother. A.go B.come C.goes D.to come 解析:主语he是第三人称单数,故实义动词用第三人称单数形式,排除A、B、D三项。 【例2】Let's ______. A.go to home B.go home C.goes to home D.goes ho me 解析:let后接动词原形,故排除C、D两项;home是副词,故其前的介词to应去掉,B项正确。句意为:咱们回家吧。 3.We're late!我们已经晚了!late adj. 迟到Don't be late.不要迟到了。 late可以构成短语be late for,意为―做……迟到‖。John is always late for school. 约翰上学总是迟到。 【例题】—Anna,are you late ______ class today?—No,I'm not. A.to B.On C.for D.at 解析:be late for,意为―做……迟到‖。句意为:——安娜,今天你上课迟到了吗?——不,我没有。 4.Let me get it.让我拿上它。 get v. 去取(或带来);得到指先到别处去再把某物(人)带来,常用在口语中,强调的是动作的往返。 I can get some chalk for you,Mr.Wang. 王老师,我可以去给你拿一些粉笔。 【例题】Can you ______ some water for me? A.have B.has C.get D.gets 解析:can为情态动词,后面接动词原形,排除B、D两项;根据句意―你能给我取点水吗?‖可知,应选C项。5....let's play basketball.……让我们打篮球吧。 本句是以let开头的祈使句,用于提出建议或征求意见。let's 是let us的缩写,表示“让我们……吧”。 let v. “允许,让”,常引导祈使句,结构为:let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”;let后的sb.常用人名或人称代词宾格形式,do表示省略to的不定式,即动词原形,无人称和数的变化。 Let Bill look at the book. 让比尔看看这本书。Let her sing a song. 让她唱首歌吧。
