




1. Title

Strategies of Oral English Teahing in Senior Shools

Thesis Statement

The urrent soial bakgrounds hih make Oral English bee an important part in the English learning proess are urgent. Teahers in senior shools alas enounter man problems in their Oral English teahing. This stud disusses the major auses, and gives some reative solutions to them.

3. Purposes and Signifiane of Stud

In reent ears it has been argued on both linguisti and pshologial grounds that Oral English should be the prinipal objetive in English teahing. Most textbooks plae emphasis more on Oral English in that the embod a methodolog that is largel oral. The urrent problems that appear in Oral English teahing in senior shools are the greatest obstales hih prevent students from learning English ell. With the globalization of soial life and eonom, the proess of opening up to the outside bees quikl, to a ertain extent, the requirements for the ultivation of Oral English are instant.

This stud ill help senior teahers and learners analze the potential problems and speifi methods to deal ith.

4. Situation of Stud

Corder vies his opinions that the seond language aquisition provides to the researher evidene of ho language

is learned or aquired, hat strategies or proedures the learners are emploing in his disover of the language.

Segaloitz and Gatbouton take their vie as that language learning partiularl the oral petene has begun to fous on the teahing strategies.

Goffman points out that oral talking is often organized into to-part exhanges, this organizing prinipal follos from the ver fundamental requirements of oral speeh as a muniation sstem. The Teahing Sllabus stipulates that Band One requires senior shool students to retell main ideas based on the general meaning of the passages, and an do some introdution about famil, friends, or lass b using simple sentenes and expressions. Band To desribes that students an anser questions and disuss aording to the text effiientl. It also requires students to do dail talk about soiet, ulture and siene hih related to the text in the textbooks.

The High Shool English Standards stipulates that Band Six requires senior shool students to do dail onversations and express on opinions on the given topis. Students an desribe

personal experienes and express oneself appropriatel on some speifi oasions. Band Eight stresses that students an make a

3-minute speeh based on simple topis b preparation in a short time, and do some simple translations in dail life.

Theories about ho e teah oral English reflet our vie of the nature of language. A deeper understanding of the effets of muniative needs on non-native speaker disourse should make us more understanding of our students diffiulties in

pratising their Oral English. It is generall aepted that English plas an important part in the basi eduation ourses, and even in the advaned eduation. In the past, English teahing laid great emphasis on the grammatial strutures instead of Oral English teahing. This leads to some serious problems that most learners in China have studied English for more ten ears, et the annot muniate ith native English speakers naturall. The probabl lak the language environment, and most of them have no opportunities to pratie their English orall in lass. Furthermore, teahers, some of hom annot have ver good oral English, in some bakard and remote areas of China, are not qualified. These ertainl leave students the diret impat on the motivation of English learning.

5. Diffiult of Stud

It is a little bit hard for senior students to spend some time everda to pratie their Oral English beause of the heav pressure of the entrane examination to ollege. Meanhile, in vie of the test-oriented sstem in China, teahers often emphasize a lot on preparing lesson plans for their students. Moreover, the solutions that offered in this stud annot be put into pratie easil. Colleting the materials and

information is another diffiult thing for m limited time energ.

6. Outline

1. Introdution

Theoretial Frameork

1 Foreign Language Methodologies

2 The Requirements of the High Shool English Standards

3 Theories of the seond language aquisition

4 Motivations for Senior Students English Learning

3. The Causes of the Problems

3.1 Students Fators in Their Oral English Learning


1.1 Lak of Language Environment


1.2 Fe Opportunities to Contat ith English


1.3 Lak of Confidene and Creativit

1.4 The Impat of Pshologial Obstales

3.2 Teahers Fators in Their Oral English Teahing 3.

1 Less profiien in teahers oral English


2 Poor Teahing Theories and Strategies


3 The Traditional Teahing Modes

3.3 Administrators Problems


3.1 Large Class


3.2 The Current English Test Sstem

4. Solutions

4.1 The solutions to Students Problems


1.1 Cultivation of Language Environment


1.2 Creation of More Chanes to Pratie Oral English 4.


1 Reitation Method


2 Step-b-step Method



3 Finding the fixed partners to pratie


1.3 Fostering Self-onfidene and Creativit

4.2 The Solutions to Teahers Problems


1 Professionalism for Teahers Oral English


2 Attempt of Ne Teahing Theories and Strategies 4.

1 Model-based Method


2 Theme-based Method


3 Question Anser Method


4 Interative Approah


5 Group Ativities


6 Role pla

7 Disussion and Debate


8 The Art of Correting Mistakes

4.3 The Solutions to Governments Eduation Poli


3.1 Small Class


3.2 The Reform of English Test Sstem

5. Conlusion

Bibliograph Rihards, J. J. The Context of Language Teahing. Beijing:

Foreign Language and Researh Press, 201X Robins, R. H. General Linguistis. Beijing:

Foreign Language and Researh Press, 201X 成云.心理学. 成都:

四川大学出版社, 201X 胡春洞.英语教学法. 北京:

高等教育出版社,90 刘家坊. 教育学. 成都:


中国教育部. 全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲. 北京:

人民教育出版社, 201X 钟启泉. 外语教育展望. 上海:

华东师范大学出版社, 2001




江苏大学XXXX级研究生期末考试卷样卷 课程:英语学术论文写作时间:XXXX 1. What are the general linguistic features of English academic writing?(10%) A1: There are eight main features that are often discussed to represent the style of academic writing: complex, formal, objective, explicit, accurate, hedged, responsible and making reference to other writers’ work. 2. Compare the stylistic features of the following two passages . (15%) (1) With the maid holding the umbrella over her, she walked along the gravel path until she was under their window. The table was there, washed bright green in the rain, but the cat was gone. She was suddenly disappointed. The maid looked up at her. “Ha perduto qualque cosa, Signora? [Have you lost something, Madam?]” “There was a cat,” said the? American girl. “A cat?” “Si, il gatto. [Yes, a cat.]” “A cat?” the maid laughed. “A cat in the rain?” “Yes,” she said, “under the table.” Then: “Oh. I wanted it so much. I wanted a kitty.” When she spoke English the maid’s face tightened. “Come, Signora,” she said. “We must get back inside. You will be wet.” “I suppose so,” said the American girl. They went back along the gravel path and passed in the door. The maid stayed outside to close the umbrella. As the American girl passed the office, the padrone bowed from his desk. Something felt very small and tight inside the girl. The padrone made her feel very small and at the same time


Ⅰ. Gone up → increased set up → established Put up with → tolerate looking into → investigating Figure out → determine put into practice → implement Come up with → developed make up → constitute Get rid of → eliminate keep up → maintain Gone down → decrease thinking → considering Ⅱ. Structure of Data Commentary Data commentaries usually has these elements in the following order. 1.location elements and/or summary statements 2.highlighting statements 3.discussions of implications,problems,exceptions,recommendations,or other interesting aspects of the data 可能涉及到排序题,有例如下: ①A computer virus is a program that is specifically and maliciously designed to attack a computer system,destroying data.②As business have become inceasingly dependent on computers,e-mail,and the Internet,concern over the potential destructiveness of such viruses has also grown.③Table X shows the most common sources of infection for U.S. businesses.④As can be seen, in a great majority of cases,the entry point of the virus infection can be detected,with e-mail attachments being responsible for nearly 9 out of 10 viruses.⑤This very high percentage is increasingly alarming,especially since with a certain amount of caution such infections are largely preventable.⑥In consequence,e-mail users should be wary of all attachments,even thoes from a trusted colleague or a known sender.⑦In addition,all computers used for e-mail need to have a current version of a good antivirus progarm whose virus definitions are updated regularly.⑧While it may be possible to lessen the likelihood of downloading an infected file,businesses are still vulnerable to computer virus problems because of human error and the threat of new,quickly spreading viruses that cannot be identified by antivvirus software. ①②→Theory and common beliefs. ③→The start ④⑤⑥⑦⑧→Implications Ⅲ.信息性摘要 An informative abstract,as its name implies,summarizes the key points in the RP.It is an overview that briefly state the purpose,methods,results and conclutions with quantitative information. 信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论。它是论文全文的高度浓缩,相当于论文的简介或概要,但它又不是简单对原文篇幅进行按比例的缩减,而是要进行深入加工。 比较流行的信息性摘要架构有: ①Objective→Methodology→Results→Conclusions ②Background→Purpose and aim→Methods→Results→Conclusions ③Background+purpose→Methodology→Result→Conclusion


英语专业论文题目大全 好的论文题目既是研究的方向,也是一个新的学习领域。你会像一叶小舟,尽情游弋在知识的海洋中。 确定选题 写论文,首先要有选题。我们要从当前英语教学实践中亟待解决的和对英语教学改革实践起指导作用的问题中确定选题。题目是文章的眼睛,应该让读者一看题目就能洞察出文章的内容范围。感受深则写之顺,驾轻就熟,容易出成果。(1)选题要新颖 创新是论文的生命线。尽量写别人未总结过的东西,要有创造性、新颖性,做到人无我有、人有我新,以爆“冷门”,增强发表的命中率。选题要新颖,就要把握时代的脉搏,关注学科教学改革的动态。捕捉、探讨本学科的信息,以科学性为前提,言他人所未言,发他人所未见,示读者所未知,不是一味地标新立异。新颖性还指选题的写作角度新、立意新,别人写过的老题目,如兴趣教学、课文教学等,我们可以从新的角度去写,另辟蹊径,写出自己新的经验、观点,写出自己的真知灼见,只要能予人以新的启示,同样能取胜。 (2)从小处着眼 大题目的论文并非不能写,但题目过大,会不着边际,捉襟见肘,往往要说的东西太多,结果是什么也讲不深道不透,两、三千字无法包容其内涵。从小处着眼,把题域缩小一些,使题目变得具体、实在,有利于作者更集中、深入地搜集材料、出示论据,写起来得心应手,做到“小题大作”,从而给读者更多有益的东西。在取得一定的写作经验之后,一旦有大的选题而且有迫切的写作欲望,我们同样可以着手撰写。 以下是从网络上搜集到的题目,供大家参考: 语言与语言学类 从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变 英诗中常用的修辞 英语谚语的修辞手法 委婉语种 英语中的缩略语 英语词汇中的外来语单词 英语新词新意探究 美国英语的特色 如何正确把握英语定语从句(或其他各种从句或语法形式)在句子中的确切含义Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication Ambiguity and Puns in English Some basic consideration of style English by Newspaper


五、英语文学类毕业论文选题 121. The Independent Spirit of Hester Brynne in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中海丝特。白兰的独立精神探析 122. On the Meanings of Images in Moby Dic 论《白鲸》中的象征意义 123. Democratic Idea in Leaves of Grass 论《草叶集》中的民主思想 124. The Analysis on different Concept of Value in Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》中不同价值观的分析 125. Mark Twain’s Humor & Satire in Adventures of Huckberry Finn 马克。吐温的幽默与讽刺在《哈克贝利。费恩》中的充分体现 126. 从接受美学看莎士比亚《第十二夜》中的喜剧元素 Comic Elements in << The Twelfth Night>> from the Perspective of Receptive Aesthetics 127. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的奶妈和《西厢记》中的红娘人物形象比较 The Comparison of Nanny in Romio and Juliet and Hongniang in Romance of the Western Chamber 128. 试论自卑情结对夏绿蒂勃朗特创作的影响 The Influence of Inferiority Complex on the works of Charlotte Bronte 129. 从依恋理论看《呼啸山庄》主人公希力克列夫悲剧性格的形成 The Forming of H eathcliff”s Tragic Personality in Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Attachment Theory 130. 灵与肉的对立――从《无名的裘德》中的苏和阿拉贝拉人物分析看哈代的悲观主义 The contrast between the Spirit and the Flesh--- Hardy’s Tragic Thought analyzed through Sue and Alabella in Jude the Obscure 131. On the Realistic Style of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales 论乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集》的现实主义风格 132. On Shakespeare’s Religious Ideas 论莎士比亚的宗教思想 133. On the Essence and Specialty of Shakespeare’s Tragedy 论莎士比亚悲剧的本质与独特性 134. On the Linguistic Features of Burns’ Poetr 论彭斯诗歌的语言特色 135. On the Fatalistic Ideas in Hardy’s Works 论哈代作品中的宿命论观点 136. Fitzgerald, Spokesman of the “Roaring 20’s”----- A Study of His (e.g. The Great Gatsby) 菲茨杰拉德:美国二十世纪二十年代的代言人 ------ 再读《了不起的盖茨比》 137. Ernest Hemingway, Spokesman of the “Lost Generation”. 海明威:迷惘的一代的代言人

英语学术论文写作 课程标准

《英语学术论文写作》课程标准 课程名称:英语学术论文写作 课程类别:专业必修课 教学学时:32(理论) 课程学分:2 先行课程:基础英语,英语写作等 适用专业:英语专业 参考教材:1、《英语专业学术论文写作手册》,外语教育与研究出版社,2006年2月(主编:周开鑫) 2、《英语学术论文写作实用教程》,苏州大学出版社,2012年10月(主编:陈新仁) 3、《实用英语学术论文写作》,对外经贸大学出版社,2014年9月(主编:刘宇红) 4、《英语学术论文写作教程》,西南交通大学出版社,2014年12月(主编:李向武) 一、课程性质 《英语学术论文写作》是英语专业课程中的一门必修课。该课程着眼于培养学生发现问题,分析问题和解决问题的能力,通过指导学生选题可以培养学生的发现问题能力;通过指导学生搜集、整理资料可以培养学生分析问题的能力;通过撰写,修改论文可以培养学生解决问题的能力。本课程按照学术论文写作一般顺序:选题,搜集、整理资料,撰写大纲,撰写论文,修改论文,答辩等环节,系统讲授学术论文写作的基本方法和规范。学生通过对该课程的系统学习,不仅可以掌握学术论文写作的基本技巧和方法,而且可以为毕业论文的写作做好准备,为将来从事科研工作打好基础。 二、课程目标 开设该课程的目标是为了系统地对高校外语专业学生进行科学研究方面基本知识的传授和基本技能的训练,以提高高校外语专业学生的科研素质,锻炼他们运用所学专业知识观察、分析、解决实际问题的能力,以及撰写学术论文、表达学术见解、推进学科发展等其他能力,并为即将开始的毕业论文写作做好充分的知识准备。 三、教学内容及学时分配 课程内容包括论文的选题,资料搜集,毕业论文提纲的拟定,毕业论文的撰写、修改与答辩等。 该课程安排在第六学期,每周2个学时,总学时为32学时。教学具体安排如下:


英语学术论文写作实践作业 作者 系(院)外国语学院 专业英语 年级2xxx级 学号 写作意向 旅游的快速发展以及随着中国融入全球化经济,中国与世界各国的交流不断增多,例如,加入WTO、2008年北京成功举办奥运会及上海世博会等,这些显示了中国在国际舞台上扮演越来越重要的角色。近些年来,越来越多的国家希望了解中国,许多外国朋友纷至沓来。特别是中国旅游风景名胜区,每年接待的外国游客越来越多。为了方便外国友人,我国旅游景区就必须提供英语景点导游词。旅游景点导游词主要指的是旅游景区公开和面对旅游者的告示、指示、提示、警示、标示等文字及图形信息,涉及到食、宿、行、游、娱、购等日常生活的方方面面。在旅游景区内,游客最为集中,与旅游宣传册、地图、宣传单等相比,景点导游词更加引人注目集中,更加直截了当地发挥其信息指示功能。由于旅游景点导游词需要及时满足的是社会公众和旅游者的直接社会、行为和心理需求,也反映了生活在这个社会群体的整体文化素质、道德修养和精神面貌,是一个国家对外交流水平和人文环境的具体体现。因此其翻译质量将会响到游客的旅游线路、兴致、感受及印象,进而间接影响我国旅游业的发展。因此,对旅游景点导游词的特点、翻译策略进行探讨具有一定的现实意义。 资料的初步整理 对于英语景点导游词,许多中外学者都做出自己的研究,提出自己的观点。以下是中外学术界的众多研究和观点。 蔡媛媛(2007)《英语景点导游词的语言特点》一文中指出,英语景点导游词具有相应的功能特点。(1)指示性。指示性景点导游词主要是提供给公众一些信息服务,没有任何限制或强制在内,同时也不强制要求公众采取任何行动,其功能只是指示服务内容。因此,指示性景点导游词也被称为指导性或引导性景点导游词。这也是景点导游词最基本、最主要的功能。例如:One Way (单行线)、Tickets (售票处)、Department Store (百货商场)。(2)提示性。提示性景点导游词提示性景点导游词提醒公众注意某些事情,同时提示性景点导游词也并不针对特殊或个别人群。这类景点导游词应用非常广泛,通过提示性景点导游词可以了解什么该做什么不该做,但是这种提示性景点导游词并不具有强制性,公众可根据实际情况来选择执行或不执行。例如:Caution!Radiation(当心射线)、Watch Your Hand(当心夹手)、Don’t Touch(请勿手扶)。(3)限制性。限制性景点导游词对有关公众提出限制或约束的要求,希望有关公众为了大众的利益遵守一定的规则。多数情况下限制性景点导游词语气较为直接,一目了然,但不会让人感到强硬、粗暴或无理。例如:Athletes Only (运动员专用通道)、Large Vehicles Keep Right (大型车靠右)。(4)强制性。强制性景点导游词对有关公众有较大约束力,要求有关公众必须或不得采取任何行动或严格遵守规则。这类景点导游词的语言直接、强制,没有任何商量的余地。例如:No Parking (禁止停车)。 上面是学者对景点导游词特点的研究,对于翻译,颜莉(2008)《英语景点导游词的文体特点及汉英翻译》一文中说到,在进行景点导游词的汉英翻译前,应先了解英语景点导游词的文体特点,这样才能更加准确地将汉语景点导游词译为地道的英语表达方式。代博君(2010)在《景点导游词的语言特征及翻译策略》一文中指出,景点导游词的翻译应属于实用翻译,也称语用翻译。法国翻译理论家Jean Delisle 将语用翻译界定为:运用语用学知识对语用文

研究生英语学术论文写作基础杨炳钧参考答案 (1)

《研究生英语学术论文写作基础》教师参考 作者:杨炳钧 复旦大学出版社,2009年 第一部分学术论文基本构件及其写法 课前准备 【提示】该环节可以让学生充分表达自己的看法,对错可以先不判定,本章学完之后再回过头加以分析。 1) The Methods of Improve your Oral English in Native Chinese-speaking School 【解答】首先,这个标题有语法错误和大小写错误,应当修改为The Methods of Improving Your Oral English in Native Chinese-speaking School;其次,其中的代词your用得不合适,因为它是一种对话口吻,一般不适宜于学术论文;另外,标题中一般尽可能不用功能词,即介词、冠词、连词等。如果要改进这个标题,可以表达为Methods of Improving College Students’ Oral English in China等。 2) The study of Chinese Teaching in Thailand Overseas School 【解答】该标题修饰关系不清,大小写有误,study等多余。可以改进为Teaching Chinese in Schools in Thailand等。 3) A New Opportunity to the moral development of rural left-behind children

【解答】该标题大小写有误;new的用法值得考虑,因为除非已经有所谓的opportunity,否则就没有什么new;修饰关系也有问题,尤其是to用得不对。可以改进为Opportunity for the Moral Development of Left-behind Children in Rural Regions等。 4) The H2O2-biosensor based on PVP and Nano-Au 【解答】这个标题相对较好,但大小写还有问题,冠词多余,限定不够明确。可以修改为Developing H2O2-biosensor Based on PVP and Nano-Au等。 5) The identification of PCV2 Gene 【解答】该标题主要毛病是冠词多余,限定不够。如果是研究如何辨别,那么可以修改为How to identify PCV2 Gene?或Identifying PCV2 Gene等。 6) advantages and challenges of electroplating on Magnesium alloys 【解答】这个标题的问题是大小写不规范。应当修改为Advantages and Challenges of Electroplating on Magnesium Alloys等。 7) The impact of threatening information on pain recover time 【解答】按照英式大小写,该标题大小写是规范的,但recover的修饰关系不明确;另外,冠词the可以省略。修改为Impact of threatening information on pain recovery time或Impact of Threatening Information on Pain Recovery Time等。 8) The Issues of Copyright in Cyber-space 【解答】这个标题相对较好,没太大问题。可以把the省略。 9) Research on student’s achievement assessment in mathematics.


学术论文写作课程总结 科研的进步在于科研工作之间交流,讨论,阅读。在第一节课,老师就告诉我们,面对全球众多的科研工作者来说,本领域学者之间的交流多以文字的形式进行。英语作为世界各国人们交流的一种流通语言,让那些非英语为母语和以英语为母语国家的科研人员不会对我们投稿的英语学术论文所要表达的内容产生歧义,才能达到学术交流与进步的目的。 在本次的英语学术论文写作课程学习中,我们组经历了第一次的细致分工,到以后的分工与合作相结合的进步。由于我的研究方向为InSAR监测矿区,在本次论文写作中主要负责我们‘空天地一体化矿区环境灾害监测’中D-InSAR监测矿区部分的实验以及数据分析的工作。同时,在小组汇报的过程中共同进行了第一部分Introduction 部分的汇报,完成了Authors and Keywords部分PPT的制作与汇报工作。从选择汇报PPT模板、搜集资料、总结资料,再到最后制作修改完成终稿,最后是台下的汇报演练,每个步骤的实践经历都给了我弥足珍贵的经验。 回首这学期本门课程的学习,我发现自己在慢慢地积累中有了很多的收获。首先,作为一个学制只有2年的工程硕士,在本学期已经完成了自己学位论文的开题工作,在下一个学期就要着手于自己学位论文的撰写工作。无论是发表期刊论文,还是撰写自己的学位论文,插入、添加参考文献都曾经是写作的一大难题。本次课程老师给我们介绍了几款文献管理器(Noteexpress,Endnote)。通过对文献管理器软件的学习与使用,让我熟悉了文献管理器,在本学期的其他专业课程中的论文写作中已经可以熟练使用,极大的方便了论文写作。其次,语料库的检索分析,制定自己论文写作方向,都对我的论文写作有着十分重要的作用。 接着就是自己关于学术论文写作方面的收获。从第一节课开始,老师给我们写学术论文的正确态度,给初入学术写作的我论文写作方面奠定了很好的基础。原来对英语论文的态度就是从中文的论文通过翻译软件直接进行翻译。在本次课程中,我们在老师的带领下,通过小组合作的形式,对introduction,methodology,results,conclusion等几个论文的主体部分,以及title,authors,abstract,keywords进行了细致的学习,理解了每个部分在论文中所起到的作用,以及写作这些部分的英文论文的时候所需要注意的时态语法主语人称等方面的问题。也让我明白,英语学术论文的写作,不应该是简单的中译英,而更重要的是自己的学术内容与思想能够清晰而又高效的传达出来,进而实现学术交流与提高的作用。


论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术 Tom Jones, a Dissipated but Kindhearted Man 放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯 The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost 《失乐园》中的自由意志和反叛精神 On the Development of Shylock’s Character 论夏洛克的性格发展 Morality and Criticism in Tom Jones 评《汤姆?琼斯》中的道德观与批评观 On Imogen,the New Feminine Image in Cymbeline 论《辛白林》中伊慕琴的新女性形象 Burns’View on Love and Friendship 论彭斯的爱情友谊观 The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale 《希腊古瓮颂》与《夜莺颂》中艺术与生活的对照 The Womanism in "The Color Purple" On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication 谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异 On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War 美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献 On American Black English 浅谈美国黑人英语 On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American 浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries On the Ideological Content in Bacon’s Essays 论培根散文的思想性 Women's Movement in 1960s in American 美国六十年代的妇女运动 Analysis the negative effects of violent television and movie on children 浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响 The Influence of Chinese Cultural Circumstances on English Learning 汉语环境对英语学习的影响 A Comprehension of Male Centrad Literature through A Doll’s House 黑色的坚毅——小说《飘》主人公的性格分析Black Determination——An Analysis of the Personalities of the Main Character in Gone with the Wind 从浪漫走向世俗的新型女性——《理智与情感》中玛丽安的性格分析 人性的扭曲信任的危机--重读《奥》剧杂感Random Thoughts on Othello


英文学术报告怎么写? 学术报告尤其是英文学术报告的写作对于中国学生来说是一个薄弱环节,反之,国外的教育对此则相当重视。去国外学习,各种课程都可能要求你写报告,特别是商业、科学或技术类学科。依据内容及导师要求的不同,报告的形式可能有所差别,但是写作的过程却是相似的。美联英语学习网向您介绍英文学术报告怎么写? 学术报告(academic report or paper)的写作包括阅读,思考,针对一个学术课题进行案例分析及写作,总体来说就是为了让你的读者以新的眼光来看待该课题。大学的学术报告与你之前所做过的其他类型的报告(如高中时期为完成老师布置的作业而写的报告)的不同之处在于,它既陈述了研究事实,又提出了你自己的推论。 写作过程指导: 1. 研究及总结(Research and Summarize) 研究所选的课题,找出针对课题的“who(谁),what(什么),when(何时),why(为什么)及how(如何)”的答案。总结收集到的信息,清楚自己所掌握的,评估自己所不知道的,以便专注于进一步的研究方向。列出一个参考书目来引用并避免抄袭。 阅读原始文献及补充信息并考虑关于课题的历史或流行观点。思考每篇文章的要点同时注意它们的共性。缩小你的课题范围这样你就可以准备写一篇充满智慧的报告了。 2.定义结构(Define the Structure) 定义报告的结构并将你的论点串联成一个连贯的推理。依据报告的主题制定一个大纲。以这种方式组织你的观点可以帮助你看到各个观点之间的关系。

大纲中的所标题结构要统一。例如如果你的第一个标题以一个行为动词(action verb)开头,那么所有其他标题都应该以行为动词开头。副标题(Sub-heading)应该包含支撑大标题的细节。重组你的大纲直到它能清晰的反映一个思想逻辑流程。 3. 写正文(Write your paper) 学术报告通常包含五个部分:标题页,引言(包含论文主题),背景信息,关于论点及结论的细节,陈述支持或反对某个特点观点的争论。 用辅助段落来讲述一个故事,提供一个观察的视角,描述一个过程,定义意义,对思想进行分类,比较和对比观点,类推或解释为什么这种现象会发生。提供证据,陈述假设并适当添加个人观点使论文连贯、清晰易懂。确保每段都有足够的结束语及过渡句。在学术报告中尽量减少使用个人代词如“我”。 4. 校对(Proofread) 打印并大声朗读报告来检查错误。保证报告没有语法及格式错误。 至此一篇英文学术报告就完成了,当然在做报告之前还要加强学术英语的学习,背诵一些相关专业的词汇和术语,并尽量多阅读一些英文的专业文献,做好基本功。


研究生英语学术论文写 作考试大概 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

Ⅰ. Gone up → increased set up →established Put up with → tolerate looking into →investigating Figure out → determine put into practice → implement Come up with → developed make up →constitute Get rid of → eliminate keep up →maintain Gone down → decrease thinking →considering Ⅱ. Structure of Data Commentary Data commentaries usually has these elements in the following order. 1.location elements and/or summary statements 2.highlighting statements 3.discussions of implications,problems,exceptions,recommendations,or other interesting aspects of the data

可能涉及到排序题,有例如下: ①A computer virus is a program that is specifically and maliciously designed to attack a computer system,destroying data.②As business have become inceasingly dependent on computers,e-mail,and the Internet,concern over the potential destructiveness of such viruses has also grown.③Table X shows the most common sources of infection for U.S. businesses.④As can be seen, in a great majority of cases,the entry point of the virus infection can be detected,with e-mail attachments being responsible for nearly 9 out of 10 viruses.⑤This very high percentage is increasingly alarming,especially since with a certain amount of caution such infections are largely preventable.⑥In consequence,e-mail users should be wary of all attachments,even thoes from a trusted colleague or a known sender.⑦In addition,all computers used for e-mail need to have a current version of a good antivirus progarm whose virus definitions are updated regularly.⑧While it may be possible to lessen the likelihood of downloading an infected file,businesses are still vulnerable to computer virus problems because of human error and the threat of new,quickly spreading viruses that cannot be identified by antivvirus software.


英语专业毕业论文题目分类 语言与语言学类 001 从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变 002 英诗中常用的修辞 003 英语谚语的修辞手法 004 委婉语种 005 英语中的缩略语 006 英语词汇中的外来语单词 007 英语新词新意探究 008 美国英语的特色 009 如何正确把握英语定语从句(或其他各种从句或语法形式)在句子中的确切含义010 Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication 011 Ambiguity and Puns in English 012 Some basic consideration of style 013 English by Newspaper 014 English Personal Pronouns: a Preliminary Textual Analysis 015 Thematic Network and Text Types 016 An Inquiry into Speech Act Theory 017 On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing 018 The Inferences of Conversational Implications 019 Context and Meaning 020 The Construction and Interpretation of Cohesion in Texts 语言教学类 001 扩大词汇量和提高英语阅读能力的关系 002 提高英语阅读速度的主要障碍 003 英语阅读能力和阅读速度的关系 004 通过扩大知识面提高英语阅读能力 005 如何在阅读实践中提高英语阅读能力 006 阅读英文报刊的好处 007 如何处理精读和泛读的关系 008 如何对付英语阅读材料中的生词 009 如何通过阅读扩大词汇量 010 提高阅读能力和提高英语听力的关系 011 英语听说读写四种技能的关系 012 通过英语阅读提高英语写作能力 013 英语快速阅读能力的构成成分 014 中学生英语自主学习能力的培养 015 英语教学中的语言焦虑及解决策略 016 简笔画-英语教学中简单高效的教学手段 017 提高英语听力理解能力的策略和技巧 018 电子辞典与英语教学


英语论文题目大全 一英语文化选题 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。二中西方文化论文选题 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。三商务英语选题 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。四翻译类毕业论文选题 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。 一英语文化选题 1 从《远离尘嚣》看偶然与巧合 2 从亨伯特看纳博科夫的流亡观 3 透过餐具看中西方饮食文化 4 从女性主义角度解读《太阳照常升起》中的女主角——勃莱特 5 从文化视角探讨隐喻的翻译 6 从生态批评角度看威廉·福克纳的《熊》中人与自然的关系 7 从功能对等角度分析常用英语修辞格汉译 8 任务型语言教学法的优势 9 自我身份的探寻—评拉尔夫·埃里森《看不见的人》 10 浅析英文报纸中体育新闻用语的模糊修辞 11 从电影《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》中探究美国人的个人主义 12 中美恭维言语行为跨文化比较研究 13 表现主义技巧在《推销员之死》中的运用 14 中国非英语专业学生在英语学习中使用元认知策略的情况调研 15 浅析英语中六种基本颜色词的英美文化内涵 16 浅析广告翻译中的文化顺应处理 17 从文化角度分析中美房地产广告的差异 18 浅析动画《加菲猫》和《加菲猫之双猫记》中的享乐主义和利己主义 19 圣经原型解读《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》 20 论《卡斯特桥市长》中哈代的进化向善论思想 21 顺从的女人——分析《荒凉山庄》中埃斯特的形象 22 从中美传统节日对比看节日的文化内涵 23 成人的童话——《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中象征主义的体现 24 简析网络时代英语全球化 25 《查泰莱夫人的情人》的生态女性主义解读 26 从社会文化价值方面比较中美情景喜剧差异 27 论《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的宿命 28 《蝇王》的启示:理性的呼唤 29 中文旅游文本英译中的歧义现象分析 30 从中美婚宴差异看集体主义和个人主义


第一章测试 1 【判断题】(5分) Peopledoresearchinordertohaveabetterunderstandingofourworld. A. 对 B. 错 2 【判断题】(5分) Wedon’tneedtobecreativeinresearchasanyresearchisbasedonevidences. A. 错 B. 对 3 【判断题】(5分)

Goodresearchquestionsareimportantinresearch. A. 错 B. 对 4 【判断题】(5分) Literaturereviewisneededinsomeresearchpapers. A. 对 B. 错 5 【判断题】(5分) Agoodresearchpaperneedscarefulrevisingandproofreading. A. 错

B. 对 6 【判断题】(5分) Unintentionalplagiarismcanbeexcusedasitisnotcommitteddeliberately. A. 对 B. 错 7 【判断题】(5分) Academicfalsificationisonecommontypeofacademicdishonesty. A. 对 B. 错

8 【多选题】(5分) Whatroledoesaliteraturereviewplayinaresearchpaper? A. Itenhancesthecredibilityofyourpaper. B. Itprovestheexistenceofaresearchgap. C. Itsynthesizestheexistingstudiesinyourarea. D. Itprovidesevidencesforyourargument. 9 【单选题】(5分) WhichofthefollowingisNOTanessentialstepinaresearchpaperwriting? A. Choosingatopic
