



1.若31<<a ,24<<b -,则b a -的取值范围是( )

。 A.(]33,

- B.[)33,- C.()33,- D.[]33,- 2.下列函数中,不具有奇偶性的函数是( )。

A.x x e e y --=


x y -+=11lg C.x y 2cos = D.x x y cos sin += 3.()x f y =是奇函数,且当0≥x 时,()x x x f 22-=,则在R 上()x f 表达式为( )。 A.()2-x x B.()2--x x C.()2-x x D.()

2-x x 4.函数x

x x y 432+--=的定义域是( )。 A.[]14,

- B.[)04,- C.(]10, D.[)(]1004,, - 5.如果()43,=a ,()ααcos sin ,=b ,而且b a //,那么αtan 的值是( )。 A.34- B.34 C.43- D.4

3 6.点()03,P 在直线l 上,已知圆04:22=-+x y x C ,则( )。

A.P 在圆上

B. l 与C 相离

C. l 与C 相切

D. l 与C 相交

7.已知等差数列{}n a 中,882=+a a ,则该数列前9项和9S 等于( )。





8.设1F 、2F 为122


y a x ()00>,>b a 的两焦点,若1F 、2F 、()b P 20,是正三角形的三个顶点,则双曲线离心率=e ( )。



25 C.2

3 D.2 9.若3log π=a ,6.02=b ,5

2sin log 2π=c ,则( )。 A.c b a << B.c a b << C.b c a << D.b a c <<

10.若0cos sin 3=+αα,则=+α

α2sin cos 12( )。 A.2- B.32 C.310 D.35 11.直线0125=+-c y x 截圆020422

2=-+-+y x y x 所得弦长为8,则C 的值为

( )。





12.设长方体的长、宽、高分别为a 2、a 、a ,其顶点都在一个球面上,则该球的表面积为( )。

A.23a π

B.224a π

C.212a π

D.26a π

13.如果抛物线上一点到其准线的距离为4,则这点到该抛物线的焦点的距离为( )。





14.在ABC ?中,B b A a cos cos =,则ABC ?一定是( )。





15.设a x =-12,b y =-12,则=+y x 2( )

。 A.b a + B.ab 2 C.ab D.ab 4

16.若函数()()a x x y -+=1为偶函数,则=a ( )。





17.过原点倾斜角为?60的直线被圆0422=-+y y x 所截得的弦长为( )。 A.6 B.32 C.2 D.3

18.若函数??? ??

+=5sin πkx y 的最小正周期为3

2π,则正数k 为( )。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

19.复数()i i i z 21-+=在复平面内的对应点所在象限为是( )。





20.与?610角终边相同的角可表示为( )。-

A.?+??70360k ()Z k ∈

B.?+??230360k ()Z k ∈

C.?+??270360k ()Z k ∈

D.?+??250360k ()Z k ∈


21.不等式13>-x 的解集是 。


a A ,()15,B ,()a C 24,-在同一直线上,则=a 。 23.函数()x x x x x f sin 2cos cos 2sin +=的最小正周期是 。

24.抛物线x y 42

=的焦点到准线的距离是 。 25.函数14221-+???

??=x x y 的单调递减区间是 。



x ,求23222323-+-+--x x x x 的值。

27.在棱长均为a 2的正四棱锥ABCD P -中,建立恰当的空间直角坐标系,求出各顶点的坐标。


a x x f +

=()0>a 的单调性。

29.已知在数列{}n a 中,651=a ,112131++??

? ??+=n n n a a ,求n a 。


? ??-+=b x b x x f a log ()100≠a b a ,>,>。 (1)求()x f 的定义域;

(2)讨论()x f 的奇偶性;

(3)讨论()x f 的单调性;

(4)求()x f 的反函数()x f



2013年上海市普通高等学校 招收应届中等职业学校毕业生统一文化考试 英语试卷 (满分100分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名,准考 证号,并用铅笔正确涂写准考证号。 2.第I卷(第1-65题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考生 应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案不能写在试卷上,写在试卷上一律不给分。 I.听力理解(共25分,每小题1分。从下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案。) Part A短对话理解(共10分) 1.A.To the park B.To the bus stop C.To the bank D.To the supermarket 2.A.A doctor B.A coat C.Some medicine D.Some water 3.A.At6:00 B.At6:30 C.At7:00 D.At7:30 4.A.At a bar B.At the school C.At a party D.At Jane’s home 5.A.Matt B.Simon C.Scott D.Tom 6.A.Walk to the theatre B.Drive a car C.Have an evening class D.See a movie 7.A.Go dancing B.Work hard C.Have a rest D.Change money 8.A.He had a bad dream B.He got lost in the dark C.He ran after a dog D.He suddenly couldn’t move 9.A.Policeman and driver B.Doctor and patient C.Receptionist and guest D.Waiter and customer 10.A.He took a wrong way B.The traffic was heavy C.He went to a gas station D.His car broke down Part B长对话理解(共7分) 11.A.An English test B.A career test C.An art test D.A medical test 12.A.Her parents’judgment B.Exam scores C.Interests and personality D.Time and money 13.A.A law school B.A medical school C.A language school D.A business school (B)


数学常用公式 代数 1. 集合,函数 1. 元素与集合的关系 x 三A = x 一C J A, x 三C u A 二X A. 2. 包含关系 A^B-A u A U B=B= A B= C J B C J A =A DC U B八=C u AUB 二R. 二次函数的解析式的三种形式 ⑴一般式f (x) = ax2 bx c(a = 0); (2) 顶点式f (x)二a(x - h)2 k(a = 0); (3) 零点式f (x) = a(x - %)(x - x2)(a = 0). 5. 指数式与对数式的互化式 log a N 二b:= a b二N (a 0,a = 1,N - 0). 6. 指数不等式与对数不等式 (1) 当a 1时, [f(x)>0 a f(x) >a g(x) = f (x) > g(x); log a f (x) Alog a g(x)二*g(x):>0 /(x^g(x) (2) 当0 :: a ::: 1 时, [f(x)>0 a f(x)&曲)二f (x) :: g(x); log a f(x) log a g(x)= g(x) 0 [f(x)£g(x) 7. 对数的四则运算法则 若a> 0, a M 1, M>0, N> 0,贝U (1) log a(MN) =log a M log a N ; M ⑵ log a log a M -log a N ; N (3) log a M " = nlog a M (n R).

2. 数列 (1) 数列的同项公式与前 n 项的和的关系 a * 二', n 1 (数列{aj 的前 n 项的和为 = a i ■ a^|l ■ a n ). S n -S nj , n _2 ⑵ 等差数列的通项公式 a^ a 1 (n _1)d 二dn a^d( n ? N ); d 2 1 d n (a 1 d)n . 2 2 (1)解连不等式N ::: f (x) :: M 常有以下转化形式 N f (x) :: M = [ f (x) 一 M ][ f (x) 一 N ] :: 0 1 1 j f (x) - N M - N (2) 常用不等式: 2 2 (1) a,b ?R= a 2 b -2ab (当且仅当a = b 时取“=”号). a ■ b (2) a,b ?R= - ab (当且仅当a = b 时取“=”号). 其前n 项和公式为S * = “印a n ) ⑶等比数列的通项公式 a nA a 1 n , — K . 二 q q q (n N q 3. ?(1-q n ) 其前n 项的和公式为s n =三1_q , q 「或s, n a“q =1 比差数列订」 a n 芒"1 n d,q = 1 a n 勺=qq ? d, q = b(q = 0)的通项公 b (n - 1)d ,q =1 bq n +(d _b)q nJ1-d q ; q -1 其前n 项和公式为S * = nb n(n -1)d,(q =1) d 1 -q n d (b_ —)二+—n ,叶1) 不等式 f (x) - N M - f (x)


云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试模拟试题 数学第一章(基础知识)田应雄命题 一、选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一个符合题目要求的,并且2B 铅笔在答题卡上将该项涂黑) 1、下列各式的值为零的是( ) A 00 B 1log 1 C 0)32(- D 1log 2- 2、4 的平方根是( ) A. 2 C.±2 D.±2 3、若5log 7a =,3log 5b =则3log 7=( ) A . a+b B. ba D. 2ab 4、已知a>-b,且ab>0,化简|a|+|b|+|a+b|-|ab|等于( ) +2b-ab +ab +ab 5、已知方程220x x a +-=的一根1x =3,则方程的另一根2x 和a 的值为( ) A . 2x =1,a=3 B.2x =1,a=15 C. 2x =-5,a=3 D.2x =-5,a=15 6、下列各式变形正确的是( ) A. 222()x y x y +=+ B.2()()()x y x y x y -=+- C.22211()42x xy y x y ++=+ D.23522 33123(4)x y x y x y y x -+=-+ 7、1 103249 3.90.125++=等于( ) A. B. 311 8、521)2log x +=(, 则x 等于( )

9、以直线方程20,4x y m x y -+=+=-的公共解为坐标的点P(x,y)一定不在( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 10、已知|a|=a,那么a 是( ) A 正数 B 负数 C 非负数 D 0 11、12,a a -+=则22a a -+=( ) A. 0 B. 4 C. 2 D. 1 12、若x+y=m x-y=n, 那么2x-3y=( ) A . 12(4m+n) B. 12(5m-n) C. 14(n-5m) D. 12(5n-m) 13、已知log (log )log b b b a n a =则n a =( ) C.a b log D.b a log 14、若关于的方程(a-2)2x -2ax+a+1=0有两实数根,则a 的取值范围应为( ) A. a<-2 B. -2-2且a ≠2 15、若k 能使方程组???=++=+k y x k y x 32253的解x 、y 的值的和为2,则k 的值为( ) 16.有一个两位数,它的十位数字与各位数字之和是6,则符合条件的两位数有( ) A. 4个 个 C .6个 个 17.某工厂今年的总产值为a 元,计划每年增产b%,则第四年的总产值为( ). A. %)1(b a + B. 3%a b a + C. 2%)1(b a + D. 3%)1(b a +


2019年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题 数学 本试题纸共3页,满分100分。考试时间120分钟。 ー、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,项符合题目要求的。) 1.已知21a ”,命题q:“11


2018年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题 数 学 一.选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1.若0a b <或 B . 13a ≤≤ C .13a << D .13a a ≤≥或 7.23x -<的解集在数轴上表示为 8.已知函数23(1)3y x =-+的图象是由函数23y x =的图象移动得到,其方法是( )。 A .先向左平移1个单位,再向上平移3个单位 B .向左平移1个单位,再向下平移3个单位 C .向右平移1个单位,再向下平移3个单位 D .向右平移1个单位,再向上平移3个单位 9.以下函数中, 是奇函数( ) A . 2()cos f x x x =+ B .()sin f x x x =+ C .1()sin f x x x =? D . 2()sin f x x x e =++


三校生高考班模拟试卷 科目:英语 姓名班级成绩 I. 语音(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 从A、B、C、D中找出其画线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 ( ) 1.go A. do B. some C. home D. gone ( ) 2. breakfast A. bread B. break C. idea D. tea ( ) 3. occur A. mixture B. cure C. Saturday D. disturb ( ) 4. usually A. pleasure B. sun C. sure D. pleased ( ) 5.weather A. month B. than C. birthday D. north Ⅱ. 词汇与语法(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) ( ) 6. It’s well-known to us that English is ________ useful language. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 7. How is the weather? It’s __________ beautiful day. A. so B. so a C. such a D. such ( ) 8.There are ____________ in the fridge. A. two milks B. some milks C. two bottles of milk D. two bottles of milks ( ) 9. Did you hear the ___________ report? A. policemen B. policemen’s C. policemens’ D. policemens ( ) 10. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but __________ of them came.


2015—2016学年上学期三校生英语模拟试题二 一.语音(本大题共5分,每小题1分) ()1. well A . return B. current C. end D. student ()2. same A. comrade B. make C. have D. sad ()3.Sunday A. today B. stay C. pay D. Friday ()4.down A. town B. grow C. know D. bowl ()5.teacher A. meat B. bread C. heavy D. head 二.词汇与语法(本大题共25分,每小题1分,) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( ) 1.There are many ________ in our school . And they are working very hard. A. man teacher B. man teachers C. men teacher D. men teachers ( ) 2.Class Five ________ watching the football match now. A. are B. is C. will D. do ()3. ______ Zhangs are going to Dali next week.. A. / B. a C. the D. an ()4. The weather in Beijing is colder than _____ in Kunming. A. this B. that C. one D. those ()5. It is _________ that I’d like to go swimming. A. so lovely day B. such lovely a day C. so lovely a day D. a so lovely day ()6. _______ he is , __________ he feels. A The busier ; the happiest B. The busier; the happier C. The busiest; the happier D. The busiest; the happiest ( ) 7._________ the afternoon of June 10,2010 Tom visited the Great Wall. A. At B. On C. For D. By ( ) 8. We can see ________ stars at night if it isn’t cloudy. A. thousands B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousand of ( ) 9. You may _______ go to watch TV_______ go to play basketball. A. either; or B. too; to C. so; that D. as; as ( ) 10. My voice is so weak that I’m afraid I can’t make myself _____________. A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. heard ( ) 11.Chinese ___________ by a large number people in the world. A. is speaking B. is saying C. is spoken D. is said ( ) 12.The food _________ strange. Do you think it’s OK to eat it? A. was tasted B. tasted C. is tasting D. tastes ( ) 13.Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages _______ them well. A. you can learn B. can you learn C. you learned D. did you learn ( ) 14.Do you mind my _______ the window . A. open B. to open C. opening D. openning


2017年三校生高考数学卷 一.选择题。(每空3分) 1.集合A=1,2,3,4,5,B=2,4,5,8,10,则A∩B=(): A.1,2,3,4,5,8,10 B.2,4 C.2,4,5 D.? 2.不等式x+2x?4<0的解集为(): A.2,?4 B.?1,8 C.?∞,?2∪4,+∞ D.?2,4 3.在?∞,+∞内下列函数是增函数的是(); A.y=2x B.y=1 2x C.y=x2 D.y=log1 2 x 4.直线2x?y+5=0的斜率和y轴上的截距分别是(); A.1 2,5 2 B.-2,-5 C.2,5 D.5,2 5.下列计算正确的是() A.20 =0 B.ln1=0 C.2?2=?4 D.a23=a5 6.在1,2,3,4四个数中任取两个数,则取到的数都是奇数的概率为(); A. 5 6B. 1 6 C. 1 5 D.1 4 7.直线2x+3y?4=0与3x?2y+1=0的位置关系是(). A.直线 B.相交但不垂直 C.平行 D.垂合 二.填空题:(每空3分) 1.函数y=5 4x?3 的定义域为__________; 2.已知2,m,b?4,1.且a⊥b,则m=__________; 3.在数列a n中,若a1=16,a n+1=1 2 a n,则该数列的通项a n=__________; 4.一个玩具下半部分是半径为3的半球,上半部是圆锥,如果圆锥母线长为5,圆锥底面与半球截面密合,则该玩具的表面积是__________; 三.解答题;, 1.求经过直线x+y?2=0和x?y=0的交点,圆心为4,?3的圆的方程(16分) 2.已知sinα=?4 5 ,α是第四象限的角,则tanα的值和cosα的值(16分); 3.为了参加国际马拉松比赛,某同学给自己制定了10天的训练计划。第一天跑2000米,以后每天比前一天多跑500米,这位同学第七天跑了多少米,10天总共跑了多长的距离,


江西省2020年三校生高考模拟考试数学试卷(三) 注意事项:本试卷分是非选择题、选择题和填空、解答题两部分,满分为150分,考试时间为120分钟,试题答案请写在答题卡上,不能超出答题卡边界,解答题必须有解题过程。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共70分) 一、是非选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.对每小题的命题做出判断,对的选A ,错的选B ,请把答案填涂在答题卡上) 1、石城职校所有女教师组成一个集合 ………………………………………………(A B ) 2、若b a >,则)(* N n b a n n ∈>……………………………………………………(A B ) 3、23 120sin = o ………………………………………………………………………(A B ) 4、已知),1(),2,1(x b a -=-=ρρ ,且b a ρρ//,则2 1-=x ………………………………(A B ) 5、函数x y =是偶函数 ………………………………………………………………(A B ) 6、若直线的倾斜角为 4 3π ,且过点)2,1(-,则直线的方程为01=-+y x ………(A B ) 7、正方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,异面直线BC 与1DD 所成的角为o 90…………(A B ) 8、等比数列}{n a 中,21=a ,165=a ,则2=q …………………………………(A B ) 9、双曲线9422x y -渐近线方程为x y 2 3±=…………………………………………(A B ) 10、某商场共有4个门,若从一个门进另一个门出,不同走法的种数有12种……(A B ) 二、单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,请把答案填涂在答题卡上) 11、设集合}3,0,3{-=A ,}0{=B ,则………………………………………………( ) A . B 为空集 B . A B ∈ C . A B ? D . A B ? 12、若1 .33 a a >,则下列结论正确的是………………………………………………( ) A . 1>a B . 1=a C . 1-+x x 的解集是 …………………………………………………( ) A . ),1()2,(+∞--∞Y B . )1,2(- C . ),2()1,(+∞--∞Y D . )2,1(- 14、函数? ? ?->--<+1,31 ,1)(x x x x x f ,则=-+)2()0(f f ……………………………………( ) A . 0 B . 1 C . 2 D . 3 15、函数)1lg()(+=x x f 的定义域为…………………………………………………( ) A .}1{>x x B . }0{≠x x C . }1{->x x D . }1{-≠x x 16、在等差数列}{n a 中,1683=+a a ,则=10S ………………………………………( ) A . 80 B . 68 C . 48 D . 36 17、若直线013=++y x 与01=++y ax 互相垂直,则=a …………………………( ) A . 31- B . 3- C . 3 1 D . 3 18、某小组有 6 名男生,7 名女生,从中各选一名学生去听讲座,则不同选法种数是( ) A . 6 B . 7 C . 13 D . 42 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共80分) 三、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分. 19、=-+-0 2)13(1log 100lg _____________________; 20、已知6)(+=x x f ,则=)0(f __________________; 21、已知5件产品中有3件正品,2件次品,若从中任取一件产品,则取出的产品是正品的概率等于______________; 22、已知2,3==b a ρρ,则a ρ与b ρ的夹角为o 45,则=?b a ρρ_____________; 23、已知)1,5(),3,1(B A ,则线段AB 的中点坐标为__________________; 24、以椭圆焦点1F 、2F 为直径的两个端点的圆,恰好过椭圆的两顶点,则这个椭圆的离心率是____________________ . 班级:_____________________姓名:_____________________座位号:_________________ ***************************密*********************封*********************线****************************


2009上海普通高等学校 招收应届中等职业学校毕业生统一文化考试 英语试卷 (部分试题) Ⅱ.词汇和语法知识: 21.My one-year-old son, Alex, is already showing an interest_______ music. A. to B. in C. on D. at 22. We have to put off the party till next Monday since______ people can come today. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little 23. Of all the problems, how to provide enough tents for the villagers is ________ one. A. big B. biggest C. the bigger D. the biggest 24. Try to get as much information of the company as possible, ______ you won’t succeed in the interview. A. and B. or C. so D. for 25. If you really hope to make greater progress, you ______ spend more time on your study. A. should B. ought C. need D. dare 26. The young man will run into trouble unless he ______ up the bad habit from now on. A. has given B. gives C. is giving D. gave 27. The children from Sichuan Province ______ English for about three years before they came to Shanghai. A. learn B. were learning C. have learned D. had learned 28. The tourists want to know when the famous Shaolin Temple______. A. build B. built C. was built D. was building 29. Our classmates have decided ______ a meeting to discuss what we can do for the coming sports meet. A. hold B. held C. to hold D. to holding 30. Li Ming keeps _____ his skills and now he is one of the top workers in the factory. A. developing B. develop C. to develop D. developed 31. The experts were in the meeting-room, _______ the ways to get out of the difficult financial situations. A. to discuss B. discussing C. discuss D. discussed 32. The public are anxious to know ______ the local government will deal with the pollution. A. which B. what C. why D. how 33. The employees didn’t agree to the plan ________ they thought it would do no good to them. A. if B. that C. because D. while 34. Anyone_____ wishes to do his bit for the Expo can enter for the volunteer(志愿者)group. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who 35. The retired teacher contributed most of her money to the victims of the earthquake _______ she was not rich. A. because B. although C. if D. until 36. Nowadays many students have a lot of _______ about too much homework and too little time to play. A. complains B. agreement C. information D. appointments 37. Sally’s job is to ______ customers’ opinions of new products and find ways to improve them. A. support B. guide C. collect D. produce 38. The poor girl rose to fame very quickly. Now it was hard for her to return to her past______ life. A. ordinary B. modern C. noble D. comfortable 39. Mr. White told his secretary to get a smaller desk because the large one________ too much room in the office. A. made up for B. got rid of C. took up D. brought about 40. ---Sorry for not having finished the paper in time. ---_________. You can go on with it today. A. Of course not B. It’s a good idea C. Don’t mention it D. It doesn’t matter


? 2014 --- 2018 年云南省三校生考试章节分析题 一.集合、方程、不等式 2014 年 1、(2014 年)绝对值不等式| x -1 |> 1 的解集是( )。 A 、{x | - 1 < x < 5 } 3 2 B 、{x | x > 5 或x < - 1 } 2 2 C 、{x | x > 5 } 2 2 2 D 、{x | x < - 1 } 2 12(2014)、设 x = 1, y = -2 为二元一次方程组?ax + by = 2 的解, a , b 分别为( )。 ?bx + ay = 5 A 、 -4,-3 B 、 -3,-4 C 、3,4 D 、 4,-3 17、(2014)下列选项中,哪项不是集合{x | x 2 - 2x = 0} 的子集( )。 A 、Φ B 、{0,2} C 、{2} D 、{2,3} 19、(2014)已知 a = , b = ,则 a 2 + b 2 - ab 的值为( ) A 、0 B 、97 C 、96 D 、1 2015 年 1、(2015)设 a ,b 为实数,两实数在数轴上的位置关系如下图,则下列表述中正确的是 ? ? ( ) A 、 a > b B 、 a < b b C 、 a ≥ b D 、 a ≤ b 2、(2015)对于二无一次方程2x +1 = 1 的实数解,表述正确的是( ) A 、方程无解 B 、方程有唯一解 C 、方程有无穷个解 D 、方程仅有无理数解 3、(2015)不等式A 、{x | -3 < x < 1} -1 x 2 + 2x - 3 > 0 的解集是( ) B 、{x | -1 < x < 3} C 、{x | x < -1或x > 3} D 、{x | x < -3或x > 1} 4、(2015)设 M = {x | (x - 1)(x - 2)(x - 3) = 0} ,则下列各式中正确的是( ) 3 + 2 3 - 2 3 - 2 3 + 2


2014年三校生高考数学试题 2014年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题 数学 一、单项选择题(每小题4分,共80分) 1、绝对值不等式的解集是() A. B. C. D. 2、复数的辐角主值θ为( ) A. B. C. D. 3、函数,则等于() A. -9 B. 9 C. 3 D. -3 4.在中,b=5,c=4,,应满足() A. B. C. D. 5.下列命题中正确的是() A. B. C. D. 6.与相等的是() A. B. C. D. 7、圆柱体的表面积为,球的表面积为,如果圆柱体的底面半径等于球的半径,那么圆柱体的母线长为()A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 8.函数的值域为() A.[-2,6] B.[2,6] C.[2,4] D.[4,6] 9.若,则是() A. B. C. D. 10.定义域在R上的函数,则是 A.偶函数又是奇函数 B.奇函数又是减函数C.奇函数又是增函数 D.偶函数又是减函数11、已知,,则( )A. (13,7) B.(10,-3) C.(13,-1) D.(-1,13) 12.设为二元一次方程组的解,、b分别为() A.-4,-3 B. -3,-4 C. 3, 4 D. 4,-3 13.圆与直线相切,圆心在圆点,圆的标准方程为()

A. B. C. D. 14.若方程表示焦点在y轴上的双曲线(),那么() A. B. C. D. 15.将圆锥的高增加到原来的2倍,底面直径增加到原来的2倍,则圆锥的体积增加到原来的()倍。 A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2 16.数列:,,,,……的通项为() A. B. C. D. 17.下列选项中,哪项不是集合的子集()A. B. C.{2} D.{2,3} 18.对于任意给定的,都有() A.若是第Ⅰ象限的角,则一定是第Ⅱ象限的角 B.若是第Ⅱ象限的角,则一定是第Ⅳ象限的角 C.若是第象限的角,则一定是第Ⅰ象限的角 D.若是第Ⅳ象限的角,则一定是第Ⅱ象限的角 19.已知,,则的值为()。A.0 B.97 C. 96 D.1 20.过直线与的交点,且平行于直线的直线方程为()。 A. B. C. D. 二、填空题(每小题5分,共25分) 21.已知函数,则的最小值为。 22.抛物线的准线方程为。 23.球的半径为,其内按正方体的体积为。 24.若为等差数列,其中,n为正整数,、为方程的丙个实根,则 。


2014年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题 语文 本试题满分100分,与政治合卷200分;考试时间150分钟,语文建 议90分钟完成;考生必须在答题卡上答题,在试卷纸、草稿纸上答题无效。 一、单项选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分): 1.下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一组是() A.戳.穿(chuó)瞻.仰(zhān)湍.急(tuán)麦秸.(jīe) B.矩.形(jǔ)骄.傲(jiāo)供.应(ɡōnɡ)肮脏.(zānɡ) C.呕.吐(ǒu)萎.靡(mì)允.许(yǔn)造诣.(zhǐ) D.浸.渍(qìn)信笺.(jiān)星宿.(sù)薄.饼(báo) 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是() A.迫不急待走头无路责无旁贷惆怅 B.情不自尽朝三暮四漠不关心质疑 C.昂首阔步别出心裁世外桃源留恋 D.披星带月义不容辞一枕黄粱陷井 3.下列使用标点符号错误的一项是() A.历史的经验反复证明:在中华民族历史发展的各个阶段上,中国人民的爱国主义精神,从来就是一种巨大的精神力量。 B.“好香的干菜——听到风声了么?”赵七爷站在七斤的后面七斤嫂的对面说。C.我从小就喜欢文学,读过大量的散文,小说和诗歌。 D.“三校生”都必须学习《语文》《数学》等课程。 4.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() ①他一点也不学校的纪律。 ②但有敢于实践的决心还不够,还必须有的科学态度。 ③人们群众有运用民主的。 A.遵守严谨权利 B.尊敬严肃权力 C.尊重严格权力 D.敬重严密权利 5.下列成语使用恰当的一项是() A.今年的“排队推动日”活动中,虽仍有凤毛麟角 ....的几个“不自觉者”,但广大市民不论乘车还是购物都能自觉排队。 B.聚精会神 ....地读书,哪怕只读一遍也会有较深的印象。 C.集电话、电脑、相机、信用卡等功能于一体,手机在生活中的作用被发挥得酣. 畅淋漓 ...。 D.听说金刚阁刚被修饰一新,就引起京都人们的怨声载道 ....。 6.下列句子没有语病的一项是()


三校生高考英语模拟试题 一.单项选择 ( )1.——Can I help you? ——I?d like ____ for my twin sons. A. two pair of shoes B.two pairs of shoe C. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes ( )2. Why not _______ for a new job? A. apply B. to apply C. applying D. applies ( )3. I have got a friend ______ father is a teacher. A. who?s B. whom C. whose D. who ( )4. Pass me ____ dictionary next to the radio, and I also need___ pen to take some notes. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a ( )5. _______ deer have been moved to a large nature park. A. The number of B. A lot C. A number of D. A great deal of ( )6. The library has just _______ now. A. completed B.been completed https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb12526703.html,pleting D. complete ( )7. When I was walking along the street, suddenly someone touched me _______the shoulder. A. at B. with C. in D. on ( )9. —Must I close the door? —No, you ______. A. mustn?t B. needn?t C. may not D. can not ( )10.Please turn to _____ . Let?s read the story silently. A.page 118 B.118 page C.the page 118 D. the 118 page ( )11. Great changes ________ in my hometown since 1980. A. had taken place B. had been taken place C. took place D. have taken place ( )12. Could you tell me ______? A. where are you from B. where you are from. C. Where do you from D. where come you from ( )13. Would you mind ______ the window? A. my opening B. me open C. to open D. I open ( )14. Can you hear someone ______ the door? A. knocking at D. to knock at C. knock on D. knocked ( )15. He hasn?t done his homework, _____. A. neither do I B. neither am I C. So haven?t I D. neither have I ( )16. Mary is ______ that all the teachers like her. A. such a clever student B. such clever a student C. so a clever student D. so clever student ( ) 17. The plane was late _______ the rain. A. because B. since C. why D. because of ( )18. I will leave for Shanghai ______ the morning of July 8. A. in B. on C. at D. with ( )19. Please tell him call me as soon as he ______.
