


University 《近代物理实验》课程论文 光电效应的应用 学院: 专业: 学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二〇一四年五月

光电效应的应用 1887年赫兹在做电磁波的发射与接收实验中,他发现当紫外光照射到接收电极的负极时,接收电极间更易于产生放电,即光生电。1900年普朗克在研究黑体辐射问题时,将能量不连续观点应用于光辐射,提出了“光量子”假说,从而给予了光电效应正确的理论解释。1905年爱因斯坦应用并发展了普朗克的量子理论,首次提出了“光量子”的概念,并成功地解释了光电效应的全部实验结果。密立根经过十年左右艰苦的实验研究,于1916年发表论文证实了爱因斯坦方程的正确性,并精确地测定了普朗克常数。 光电效应实验和光量子理论在物理学的发展史中具有重大而深远的意义。如今光电效应已经广泛地应用于现代科技及生产领域,利用光电效应制成的光电器件(如光电管、光电池、光电倍增管等)已广泛用于光电检测、光电控制、电视录像、信息采集和处理等多项现代技术中。 1.光控制电器 在工业制造上,大部分光电控制的设备都要用到光控制电器。它包括电磁继电器、光电管、放大电路和电源等部件。如下图所示,当有光照在光电管K上时,便产生了电流,经过放大器后,使电磁铁M磁化,从而把衔铁N吸住。而当K上没光照射时,光电管电路就没有了电流,这时M和N便会自动离开。在实际的应用中,为了使射出的光线是一束平行光,我们把光源装在平行光管内,这样的平行光管在工程上称为发射头。光电管(多数情况下是用光敏二极管)也装在一个光管内(管末端装有聚光透镜),这种管在工程上称为接受头。 利用光电管制成的光控制电器,可以用于自动控制,如自动计数、自动报警、自动跟踪等等。如记录生产线上的产品件数。我们把产品放在传送带上,跟着传送带一起运动。在传送带的两则分别装上发射头和接收头。发射头所发射的平行光正好射入接收头。这时从发射头发出的光线射入接收头时,电路中所产生的电流,经过放大器放大,使电磁铁M磁化,吸引衔铁N,这时计数器的齿轮被卡住,计数器不发生动作。每逢产品把光线挡住的时候,电路中的电流就会消失,电磁铁自动放开衔铁,使计数器的齿轮转过一齿。这样,计数就自 动地把产品的数目记录下来。]1[ 2.光电倍增管在电视图像中应用


野性的呼唤英文读后感 篇一:野性的呼唤读后感英文 Alostworldoflife ——AboutTheCalloftheWild CouldyouremembertheexcerptofTheCalloftheWildinourExtensiveR eadingI?Couldyoustillremembertheplot?Doyouknowwherethecalli sfrom?That’stheverybeginningoftheCalloftheWild. Ichoosethisbookfortworeasons,thatthebeginningattractsmeandt hatIoncereadabookaboutwolffamilyofthreegenerations,whichisa ninterestingstoryaboutthenature. Abouttheauthor,JackLondon TheCalloftheWildisLondon’

smost-readbook,andgenerallyconsideredhisbest,themostmasterp ieceofhisso-called “earlyperiod”.Thestorywassetin19th-centuryKlondikeGoldRus h,inwhichsleddogswereboughtatgenerousprices. BuckwasadomesticdoginJudgeMiller’shomeandlivingacomfortablelifeuntilhewassoldsecretlybythepo orgardenerandbecameasleddog.BuckwasaBernarddogweighedonehun dredandfortypounds,tall,strong,andheavymuscled.Hecouldn’taccommodatetotheharshconditionatfirst.Andhewantedtofight,t oescape,togobacktohiscozyhome,butinvain. Themaninredtaughthimthelawofstickandclub—onemustfirstadjusthimselftohissurroundingsandlearntherules, andonlyafterthathecandowhathewantstodo.Theclubofthemaninred calledbackBuck’snatureasadog.


Albert Einstein ( /??lb?rt ?a?nsta?n/; German: [?alb?t ?a?n?ta?n] ( listen); 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. For this achievement, Einstein is often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prolific(多产的)intellects in human history.[2][3] While best known for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2, he received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".[4] The latter was pivotal (关键的)in establishing quantum theory (量子论)within physics. Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory of relativity. He realized, however, that the principle of relativity could also be extended to gravitational(重力场)fields, and with his subsequent(后来的)theory of gravitation in 1916, he published a paper on the general theory of relativity. He continued to deal with problems of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, which led to his explanations of particle theory(微粒说)and the motion of molecules. He also investigated the thermal properties(热力性质)of light which laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. In 1917, Einstein applied the general theory of relativity to model the structure of the universe as a whole.[5] He was visiting the United States when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, and did not go back to Germany, where he had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences. He settled in the U.S., becoming a citizen in 1940.[6] On the eve of World War II, he helped alert President Franklin D. Roosevelt that Germany might be developing an atomic weapon, and recommended that the U.S. begin similar research; this eventually led to what would become the Manhattan Project. Einstein was in support of defending the Allied forces, but largely denounced using the new discovery of nuclear fission as a weapon. Later, together with Bertrand Russell, Einstein signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto(罗素爱因斯坦宣言), which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons. Einstein was affiliated with(交往)the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, until his death in 1955. Einstein published more than 300 scientific papers along with over 150 non-scientific(反科学的)works.[5][7] His great intelligence and originality(创造力)have made the word "Einstein" synonymous(同义词)with genius.[8]

野性的呼唤读书笔记全英文版 之 作者简介

1 J ack London was born in San Francisco on January 12, 1876, the illegitimate son of Flora Wellman, the rebellious daughter of an aristocratic family, and William Chaney, a traveling astrologer who abandoned Flora when she became pregnant. Eight months after her son was born, Flora married John London, a grocer and Civil War veteran whose last name the infant took. London grew up in Oakland, and his family was mired in poverty throughout his youth. He remained in school only through the eighth grade but was a voracious reader and a frequent visitor to the Oakland Public Library, where he went about edu-cating himself and laying the groundwork for his impending literary career. In his adolescent years, London led a rough life, spending time as a pirate in San Francisco Bay, traveling the Far East on sealing expeditions, and making his way across America as a tramp. Finally, temporarily tired of adventure, London returned to Oakland and graduated from high school. He was even admitted to the University of California at Berkeley, but he stayed only for a semester. The Klondike gold rush (in Canada’s Y ukon Territory) had begun, and in 1897 London left college to seek his fortune in the snowy North. The gold rush did not make London rich, but it furnished him with plenty of material for his career as a writer, which began in the late 1890s and continued until his death in 1916. He worked as a reporter, covering the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 and the Mexican Revolution in the 1910s; meanwhile, he published ov er fifty books and became, at the time, America’s most famous author. For a while, he was one of the most widely read authors in the world. He embodied, it was said, the spirit of the American West, and his portrayal of adventure and frontier life seemed like a breath of fresh air in comparison with nineteenth-century V ictorian fiction, which was often overly concerned with what had begun to seem like trivial and irrelevant social norms. The Call of the Wild, published in 1903, remains London’s most famous work, blending his experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness with his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence. He drew these ideas from various influential figures, including Charles Darwin, an English naturalist credited with -developing theories about biological evolution, and Friedrich Nietzsche, a prominent German philosopher. Although The Call of the Wild is first and foremost a story about a dog, it displays a -philosophical depth absent in most animal adventures. London was married twice—once in 1900, to his math tutor and friend Bess Maddern, and again in 1905, to his secretary Charmian Kittredge, whom he considered his true love. As his works soared in popularity, he became a contradictory figure, arguing for socialist principles and women’s rights even as he himself lived a materialist life of luxury, sailing the world in his boat, the Snark, and running a large ranch in northern California. Meanwhile, he preached -equality and the brotherhood of man, even as novels like The Call of the Wild celebrated violence, power, and brute force. London died young, on November 22, 1916. He had been plagued by stomach problems and failing kidneys for years, but many have suggested that his death was a suicide. Whatever the cause, it is clear that London, who played the various roles of journalist, novelist, prospector, sailor, pirate, husband, and father, lived life to the fullest. 1


篇名 愛因斯坦的相對論 作者 郭展嘉。國立虎尾高中。一年三班申建霖。國立虎尾高中。一年三班李憲昌。國立虎尾高中。一年三班

在我們的國中階段物理化學課已經學到了不少科學家與物理學家,上了高中之後,我們最常聽到的物理學家的名字就是屬於「愛因斯坦」了! 因為他的相對論造成了革命性的變化〈至今還沒有人能夠推翻他的學說〉,也是因為之前有人想解剖他的腦袋做觀察他為什麼會那麼地聰明,所以引發我們想了解他的動機;也剛好有這個小論文的機會所以我們國文老師指派了一個任務給我們班所有人,藉著這次機會我開始和組員一起開始對愛因斯坦做了更深入的研究。 貳●正文 一.愛因斯坦生平簡介 01.1902年任職於瑞士專利局,工作乏味,下班後在家中進行自已所喜 歡的研究。 02. 在他26歲時,也就是1905年,愛因斯坦共計發表了3篇論著{光電效應、分子論的布朗運動、電力學的相對論},其中第二篇光電效應使他在1921年榮獲諾貝爾物理獎。最引人注目的是他所提出相對論的質量和能量的關係,這兩者是一體的兩面,可以互相轉換,這導致核能的實現(質量的損失可以轉變成能量)。 03. 1912年秋天愛因斯坦回瑞士母校任教,他的座右銘為「研究的目的在追求真理」,時常告誡學生不要選擇輕鬆的途徑。 04. 在一九一五年十一月四日向柏林科學院提出有名的「廣義相對論」。其中曾斷言太陽的重力場會使通過太陽附近的星光彎曲,但是平常陽光太強無法觀測。按照當時一般的看法,光既非物質點所組成,在太陽的重力場裏,光理應以直線進行,不應該受到太陽的影響。愛因斯坦不尋常的主張自然引起了爭論,幸好愛因斯坦的理論終於找到了個試驗的機會。 05. 1938年德國在希特勒統治下已經發現以中子撞擊鈾會產生核分裂 的現象。美國科學家乃上書羅斯福總統,由愛因斯坦具名簽署,信中建議展開鈾實際用途的研究,終於研製出核武器。第二次世界大戰戰後愛因斯坦倡議原子能的和平用途,阻止戰爭的再發生。為本世紀的科學巨人。〈註一〉


光电效应及其应用 摘要:本文介绍了光电效应的概念、实验规律以及一些在近代中的应用,并且简单明了的讲解了一些光电效应的基本原理。 关键词:内光电效应;外光电效应;波粒二象性;光电器件; 引言:光电效应是物理学中一个重要而神奇的现象。在高于某特定频率的电磁波照射下,某些物质内部的电子会被光子激发出来而形成电流,即光生电。光电现象由德国物理学家赫兹于1887年发现,而正确的解释为爱因斯坦所提出。科学家们在研究光电效应的过程中,物理学者对光子的量子性质有了更加深入的了解,这对波粒二象性概念的提出有重大影响。 1、光电效应的概念 光照射到某些物质上,有电子从物质表面发射出来的现象称之为光电效应(Photoelectric effect)。这一现象最早是1887年赫兹在实验研究麦克斯韦电磁理论时偶然发现的。之后霍尔瓦克斯、J·J·汤姆孙、勒纳德分别对这种现象进行了系统研究,命名为光电效应,并得出一些实验规律。 1905年,爱因斯坦在《关于光的产生和转化的一个启发性观点》一文中,用光量子理论对光电效应进行了全面的解释。1916年,美国科学家密立根通过精密的定量实验证明了爱因斯坦的理论解释,从而也证明了光量子理论,使其逐渐地被人们所接受。 2、内、外光电效应 光电效应分为:内光电效应和外光电效应。光电效应中多数金属中的光电子只能从靠近金属表面内的浅层(小于m )逸出,不能从金属内深层逸出的结论。光波能量进入金属表面后不到1μm的距离就基本被吸收完了。 外光电效应是被光激发产生的电子逸出物质表面,形成真空中的电子的现象。内光电效应是被光激发所产生的载流子(自由电子或空穴)仍在物质内部运动,使物质的电导率发生变化或产生光生伏特的现象。分为光电导效应和光生伏特效应。 外光电效应:当光照射某种物质时,若入射的光子能量足够大,它和物质中的电子相互作用,致使电子逸出物质表面,这就是外光电效应,逸出物质表面的电子叫做光电子。 利用光电子发射材料可以制成各种光电器件。光电倍增管(Photomultiplier Tube)是一种建立在外光电效应、二次电子效应和电子光学理论基础上的,把微弱入射光转换成光电子并获倍增的真空光电发射器件。 内光电效应:现代很多光电探测器都是基于内光电效应,其中光激载流子(电子和空穴)保留在材料内部。最重要的内光电效应是光电导,本征光电导体吸收一个光子,就会从价带激发到导带,产生一个自由电子,同时在价带产生一个

A review of The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》影评

A review of The Call of the Wild 《野性的呼唤》影评 The Call of the Wild,novel by Jack London, published serially by The Saturday Evening Post in 1903 andthen as a single-volume book by Macmillan & Co.thesame year. It is often considered to be his masterpiece and is the most widelyread of all his publications. Summary The story follows Buck— a mix of St. Bernard and Scotch collie—throughout hisjourney as a sled dog. Buck’s story begins at the house of Judge Miller inSanta Clara,California. Here, Buck is abeloved domesticated pet, living comfortably. However, after gold is discoveredin the Yukon territory of Canada,Buck is stolen by one of Miller’s gardeners as thedemand for sled dogs increases. The gardener sells Buck to dog traders andmakes a profit, and Buck is soon shipped north, abused and beaten as he goes.Along with a sweet, unassuming dog named Curly, Buck is sold to two governmentcouriers, Fran?ois and Perrault, who put


爱因斯坦英语名言 一个从不犯错误的人,一定从来没有尝试过任何新鲜事物。 2. Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. 智者解决问题,天才预防问题。 3. Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one’s living at it. 科学是个美妙的东西——如果无须靠它维生的话。 4. The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. 世界上最让人难以理解的东西就是个人所得税。 5. I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice. 我确信上帝不玩赌博游戏。 6. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. 现实不过是幻象,尽管这幻象挥之不去。 7. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. 我从不去想未来。因为它来得已经够快的了。 8. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. 妨碍我学习的唯一障碍就是我的教育。

9. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure abo ut the universe. 宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。我不能确定的是宇宙的大小。 10. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. 我不知道第三次世界大战会用哪些武器,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。 爱因斯坦英语名言 [篇2] 1、有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。 sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing. 2、人类一切和平合作的基础首先是相互信任,其次才是法庭和警-察一类的机构。 every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 3. 掰开人身上的偏见比掰开一个原子难的多。 it is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom. 4. 精神错乱:一遍又一遍地重复同一件事而期待不同的结果。


爱因斯坦和他的相对论爱因斯坦的相对论说明了什么 爱因斯坦是本世纪的一位伟大的科学家。他在统计物理学、量子理论、辐射量子理论方面作出了杰出贡献。他建立的相对论,标志着现代物理学的诞生,对物理学、现代科学技术和现代哲学思想带来了革命性的影响。列宁称他为“伟大的自然科学革新家”。 学习、思考、勤奋的一生 1879年3月14日,阿耳伯特·爱因斯坦生于德国乌尔姆一个犹太人的家庭。 爱因斯坦小时并不显得很聪明,但却很爱动脑筋。五岁时,父亲送给他一个指南针,他玩得入了迷,无论怎么颠来倒去地摆弄它,小针总是指着一个方向,他沉思着这里必然隐藏着自然界的奥秘。爱因斯坦的小学、中学是在慕尼黑上的,学习成绩并不好。他十分讨厌当时德国的教育制度,提倡死记硬背拉丁文和希腊文的文法规则,填鸭式的教育方法。他爱好独立思考,渴望探索自然界的奥秘。 爱因斯坦十五岁时,跟随父母迁居到意大利的米兰。不久又进入瑞士阿劳中学学习。这里的学风和慕尼黑市大不相同,着重培养学生的独立思考能力和工作能力,自由空气很浓,学生不必死记硬背。学校有许多小实验室,摆着许多实验仪器和标本,学生可 __地去做

实验。这样的学习环境对爱因斯坦来说真是太好了。他在这里学习了一年,取得中学毕业证书后,未经考试进入了当时中欧一带著名的大学——苏黎世工科大学师范系学习物理。 爱因斯坦在大学里也不是一个优等生。他对一些学科不感兴趣,考试成绩较差,而把全部精力都化在钻研有兴趣的数学和物理学上。他喜欢在实验室里工作,同实验直接打交道。他对当时大学物理教学内容的落后状况,对教授只讲一些应用性的物理原理,对自然现象缺乏探索精神,很不满意。爱因斯坦只得坚持勤奋的自学,来不断增长自己的科学知识。 1900年夏天,爱因斯坦大学毕业。1902年,在一位朋友的帮助下,进了伯尔尼瑞士专利局工作。他的任务是负责对申请专利权的各种发明创造提出审查意见。这一工作使他有机会能接触到许多新的思想和有趣的意见,培养了能够迅速抓住事物本质的不寻常的能力,这对他的物理思想也有重大的激励作用。他白天工作,晚上和假日研究感兴趣的物理问题。1905年,他获得了惊人的突破。一年之内,连续发表了有关布朗运动、量子理论和相对论三篇划时代的论文,这三项重大成就奠定了现代物理学的基础。这在自然科学史上是独一无二的。


赫兹发现新奇效应 ——光电效应的发现和研究 光是微粒还是波,这是一个从牛顿时代就有争议的问题。光的直进性、反射和折射可以用微粒说解释;光的干涉、衍射等现象以及光速与媒质的关系却令人信服地表明光的波动性。到了20世纪初,对光的研究深入到光的发生、光与物质相互作用等领域,光电效应的发现和研究,使人们对光的本性又有了新的认识:光既是波,又是微粒,也就是说,光具有波粒二象性。 光电效应是指在光的作用下从物体表面释放电子的现象,确切地 说,这个现象应该叫做光电发射效应。1887年,赫兹在进行电磁波实验时,注意到电极之间的放电,会受光辐射的影响。这种影响他事前毫无考虑。当时,他用的是两套放电电极,一套产生电振荡,发出电磁波,

如图40-l中的A;另一套当做接收电极,如图1中的B,接收电极的放电间隙可随意调节,它的最大放电间隙即可表示信号的强度。为了便于观察放电火花,赫兹用暗箱把接收电极的回路蒙起来。有一次赫兹发觉接收回路蒙住后,最大火花长度明显变小了。他没有放过这一偶然现象,潜心地研究起来,想找到出现这一现象的原因。于是他陆续挪开暗箱的各个部分,直到证明这个效应是由于箱体有一部分挡住了原回路和次回路之间的通道。然后,他用各种材料挡在通道上试验,发现导体和非导体作用相同,证明不是由于静电或电图1 赫兹的光电效应实验 磁的屏蔽作用。 接着,他用各种透明和不透明的材料进行试验,发现能透光的玻璃仍然起隔离作用,看来光的因素应该排除;岩盐、冰糖、明矾放在通道中,有程度不同的隔离作用,基本上是透明的,最好的是水晶和透明石膏,几乎完全不影响放电。几厘米厚的水晶都不起隔离作用。可见,是紫外光在起作用。他再用紫外光照射负电极。效果最为显著,说明负电极更易于放电。赫兹是一位工作非常谨慎的物理学家,他不轻率对现象作解释,只是如实在论文《紫外光对放电的影响》中作了记载,这篇论文在1887年发表于《物理学年报》上。赫兹发现光电效应有一定的偶然性,但并不是唾手可得的成果,而是经过极其细致的观察和分析才得到的。引人深思的是,这个对光的粒子性有重要意义的效应,恰恰是在证实它的对立面——电磁波的实验中发现的。这不正好说明物质世界的波粒二象性吗? 赫兹的论文发表后,立即引起人们注意,因为似乎这个现象可以导致光直接变成电。许多物理学家纷纷投人光电效应的研究之中。


野性的呼唤英文读后感 篇一:野性的呼唤英文>读后感 At the beginning of this century, many new writers emerged with the introduction of many new ideas. Among them, Jack London was the most popular one. His most famous novel is the call of the wild . Although it is a story about a dog, Buck, it vividly depicts the life in the primitive North where people rushed for gold and fortune. Buck, used to belong to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to North. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a sled . In the days of pulling a snow-sled, he learned to conform to the law of nature and obey the master. Finally, he found a basic instinct hidden inside him, which enabled himself to survive the tough environment. This is the call of the wild. When you read the story, you will feel that Buck is a man instead of a dog, struggling with his fortune and conforming to the law of nature. Though short, it is really a thrilling story. What you never forget is the tough life in the nature, the brave and crafty dog. Maybe the wild is calling you to go ahead. While writing for only 16 years throughout his life, London produced an amazing body of work among which, White Fang, Martin Eden, the Valley of the Moon are representative. 篇二:野性的呼唤英文读后感 In the 19th century ,the west of America was under cultivation .Hundreds of adventurers were moving to the west .At the same time ,it was said that gold had been found in large quantity in Northern California ,so thousands of people went to the west for gold .There were so many people ,but in the freezing cold North ,transportation was the biggest problem .At such situation ,dogs and sleds was the best choice ,so in the North ,dogs and sleds was the main transport tools then .Of course ,millions of dogs were needed urgently ,from then on ,there were plenty of dogs like Buck began their unfortunate difficult journey life. The author Jack London was one of the members who went to the North for gold ,he went through the hardships of the journey himself ,witnessed the cruel and miserable life of dogs .According to his this experience ,the story of buck


Study on the Causes of Buck’s Returning the Wild 摘要:本文运用马克思主义辩证关系原理,科学地探索了巴克回归自然的内因和外因,并对人类进行了深刻的反思。淘金热是巴克转变的一个间接原因,也是一个大背景。巴克凭着先天优势在残酷的不断变化的环境中,学得了重要的生存法则,即“适者生存”。由此发现,虽然外部环境在不断变化,但巴克凭着自己的能力掌握规律,以另一种方式生存。这表明外因在一定程度上影响了事物的发展,而事物的发展是由内因决定的。 关键字:内因;外因;生存法则;适应能力。 Abstract: On the basis of Marxist dialectic, this passage makes a study on the internal and external causes of buck’s returning to the wild, and makes a reflection of human beings as well. Prevailing phenomenon of seeking gold is an indirect cause as well as a big backdrop of the time. Buck, learning against his superior advantages, learned a critical law of existence, that is, survival of the fittest. In this sense, in spite of the various environments, Buck mastered the law against his own adaptability and led a different way of life. That indicates the external causes have an effect on the development of things, while it is the internal cause that decides the final implementation of things. Key words: external causes; internal causes; law of existence; adaptability 1.Introduction: The call of the wild, one of the representative works, written by Jack London, reveal many realities and truths that deserve ponder and study. On the ground of Marxist dialectic, we choose to the causes, internal and external, that push Buck to return to the wild. Any implementation of phenomenon is formed by the combined effect of internal and external causes, thus, to know the process and results of development in things, finding out the reasons is necessary. At the same time, thoughts should not be confined in things themselves, but touch the lessons and experience hiding in the development of things, that is, in the call of the wild, we should see the illumination from Buck’s shift of life, and make self-reflection. In this sense, reflection on human beings being the third part of this passage, apart from external causes and internal causes. 2.External Causes 2.1 The Found of Yellow Metal It is a direct reason that leads to Buck′s hardship. It is the found of gold that increase the demand for dogs of strong muscle and long hair, which can according make them pull sled protect them from frost. Also it is the found that offers Manuel, one of the gardener′s helpers an opportunity to reduce his debt, that is to sell Buck. Buck was betrayed and forced to begin his shift of life. 2.2.The Big Contrast in Living Conditions Buck had lived the sun-kissed santé clara valley,where was beautiful and peaceful. “It stood back from the road, half-hidden among the trees, through which glimpses could be caught of the wide cool veranda that ran round its four sides. The house was approached by graveled drive ways which wound about through wide spreading lawns and under the interlacing boughs of tall poplars. At
