





学生应具有领会式词汇3000。阅读速度达到90wpm,准确率为75%。能听懂语速每分钟120 wpm的一般性会话和短文。语法与中学英语教学大纲所规定的要求相同。

我们将根据分级考试的成绩,安排学生分别进入大学英语I、大学英语II、大学英语III 和高级英语课程学习。


































College English Placement Test

Part I Listening

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be spoken

only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the

four choices marked a, b, c, and d, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the

corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. a. In a classroom.

b. In a restaurant.

c. In a registration office.

d. In a library.

2. a. To take a message.

b. To look up the phone number in the directory.

c. To connect Mr. Jones with Miss Ruth.

d. To return the call.


Part II Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then

mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. There are laws on the books to combat fraud, _______________ whether it is conducted through

the mail, over the phone, or on the Internet.

a. regardless of

b. on account of

c. on behalf of

d. by virtue of

2. The United States declared war on Britain in 1812. The first cause of the war was British

interference ____________ American shipping.

a. at

b. to

c. with

d. on


Part III Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D).

You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer

Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

There's no doubt that primitive mankind first trod the world without the benefit of clothing. Historians suggest that thousands, perhaps millions of years passed before animal skins became fashionable. Then, sometime in the dim past, man discovered that the hair of certain animals pressed together stayed together. The fabric known as felt replaced animal skins. No one knows the age of felt - only that it was in use long before Neolithic man learned how to weave cloth a mere twelve thousand years ago.

The manufacture of felt is simple. Seen through a microscope, the hair of many animals appears as a barbed strand, the barbs all pointing toward the tip of the hair. When a number of hairs are pressed together, those which lie in opposite directions unite barbs and resist efforts to pull them apart.

Legend has it that St. Clement (patron saint of felt makers) discovered felt when, at the beginning of a long journey, he put carded wool between his feet and the soles of his sandals. When he reached his destination, he found no carded wool in his sandals. The wool had been compressed into felt.

1. This passage is about ________________________.

A) how to weave cloth

B) the first man-made fabric

C) St. Clement, inventor of the scandal

D) the manufacture of artificial hides

2. Before the invention of felt, man was forced _____________________________.

A) to wear clothes of woven fabric

B) to swing naked through the trees

C) to wear sandals made of carded wool

D) to wear the skins of animals

3. The manufacture of felt uses ___________________________.

A) a chemical reaction between wool and leather

B) pressure applied over a period of time

C) the strange physical characteristics of some animal hairs

D) the wool carder and the microscope

4. The author considered felt as _________________________.

A) the gift of St. Clement to man

B) the bridge between animal hides and woven cloth

C) a strong, lightweight, durable fabric

D) a material used for padding sandals

5. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to ______________________.

A) give the age, manufacturing process and origin of felt

B) reason why felt was not discovered earlier

C) a comparison of the merits of felt and wool

D) different viewpoints of the importance of felt ......


命题部门:外国语学院试卷序号:A考试形式:闭卷学分: 考生校区:浦口考生班级:考生学号:考生姓名: 考试班级:09级普本(英语专业除外) 南京审计学院 2009级《大学英语》分级考试注意事项 1.本次考试答题纸分两部分:答题卡(供阅卷机使用)和答题纸。 2.客观题(Part I–Part III)做在答题卡上,主观题(Part IV–Part VI)做在答题纸上。 3.划线要求: (1)用HB—2B铅笔按照答题卡上的范例填写。 (2)要有一定粗度,浓度盖过字母底色 (3)代号划写不能用钢笔或圆珠笔,否则试卷作废。 (4)修改要用橡皮擦干净,注意不要划错行。 4.答题卡上的学校代号和准考证号填写学生学号。不足十位数的请在学号前面加0,补足十位数。请在相应数字上划线。 5.答题卡上的试卷代号一定要划,否则阅卷机无法识别。 注意: 不按要求填涂答题卡而造成阅卷机无法识别,得不到成绩,由本人负责。 外国语学院大学外语教学部 2009年8月

2009级《大学英语》分级考试试卷 Part I.Reading Comprehension(40%) Directions:Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each of the questions or incomplete statements following the passage.You must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (2’×20) Passage1 Questions1to5are based on the following passage. It has been a widespread belief that the American family is dying.But a new study reveals that the American family is stronger than ever.This study affords surprising evidence of the persistence of American commitments to family life. The American family is changing,not dying.It is becoming smaller,men and women are becoming more equal,and the divorce rate is higher.But despite the high divorce rate,marriage has never been more popular.The majority of divorced people remarry,but only2%marry more than twice.Most marriages last a long time,and a large proportion of divorces are from teenage marriages.Depending on the specific situation,there’s often good reason for teenage marriages to break up. There is no evidence that children receive less attention from mothers who work outside the home than from mothers working inside the home.So far the amount of educational or development time hasn’t varied very much,whether or not the mother works outside the home.In fact,working mothers try to make up for it by setting aside time only for their children. The study shows that television is by far the most significant new childcare arrangement of this century.The most important activity for children up to age14is watching television. School is the second most time-consuming activity for children.They spend an average of about19hours a week in school.A larger proportion of children go to school earlier than ever before,and they stay in school longer.Another big change is that the proportion of very young children in daycare centers(日托站)has almost doubled in recent https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19060256.html,pared with these two dramatic changes in child activity,the changes caused by mothers working outside the home appear very small. 1The main idea of this article is that_______. A.the American family is dying B.young people today don’t want to get married C.the American family is changing,but it is stronger than ever https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19060256.html,cation has resulted in dramatic changes in the American family 2Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Marriage is more popular than before. B.Many divorced people remarry. C.The majority of marriages last long. D.Working mothers devote less time to their children.


(1)考虑下面这个for循环的汇编代码looper: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $16, %esp movl $0, -8(%ebp) movl $0, -4(%ebp) jmp .L2 .L4: movl -4(%ebp), %eax sall $2, %eax addl 12(%ebp), %eax movl (%eax), %eax cmpl -8(%ebp), %eax jle .L3 movl -4(%ebp), %eax sall $2, %eax addl 12(%ebp), %eax movl (%eax), %eax movl %eax, -8(%ebp) .L3: addl $1, -8(%ebp) addl $2, -4(%ebp) .L2: movl -4(%ebp), %eax cmpl 8(%ebp), %eax jl .L4

movl -8(%ebp), %eax leave ret 根据以上的汇编代码,完成相应的for循环C程序代码(注意该程序有返回值)。 int looper(int n, int *a) { int i; int x=0; for(i= 0 ; ix)//2分 x=a[i];// 2分 x++;//1分 }______________________________________ return x;// 1分 } (2) 根据已有的结构(structure)和联合(union)的声明以及C函数void test(int i, s2 *bp)的IA32 汇编代码,推断出结构s1的完整声明和s2中CNT的值;之后再根据推断结果以及IA32汇编代码,推断补齐相应的C程序代码。 下面是要使用到的结构和联合的声明,函数void test(int i, s2 *bp)及其IA32 汇编代码。


2013年复旦大学本科外国留学生入学考试大纲 语文(汉语) 一、考试性质 复旦大学留学生(本科)汉语入学考试,是以报考我校的具有高中毕业学历并达到中等 汉语水平的外国学生为对象,考查其汉语运用能力的入学资格考试。 二、考试范围 以《中国汉语水平考试大纲(6级)》和中华人民共和国教育部2002年修订的《全日 制普通高中语文教学大纲》为基本依据,同时参照《全日制九年制义务教育语文学科课程标准(修订本)》,主要以中国现代、当代作品为阅读材料,考查学生的汉语阅读能力和写作能力。 三、考试内容 第一部分基础知识及其运用 (一)掌握《现代汉语常用字表》中的2500个常用字。 汉字是表意文字,每个字都包括音、形、义三要素。掌握这些字,就是要完整地掌握字 的音、形、义,即要求读准、记准字音(正确拼音),认清字形,理解字义,做到能写会用。 (二)掌握《HSK(6级)》词汇的5000个词语,能达到以下几点要求: 1、正确理解词性。按照词的不同意义和在句中所起的不同作用,词可以分为名词、动词、形容词、数量词、代词、副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词等。 2、正确把握词义(能在具体的语言环境中理解词语的意义),理解词的感情色彩(主要指褒义词、贬义词、中性词)并熟悉某些固定用法。 3、辨析近义词、找出反义词。 4、正确运用关联词语及其固定搭配。 (三)了解句子成分(主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语等六种),了解复句关系(并列、递进、选择、转折、因果、假设、条件和目的等八种),了解句式的变换(主要指陈述句与疑问句的互相变换、肯定句与否定句的互相变换、主动句与被动句的互相变换、常式句与变式句的互相变换等四种),能根据语言环境和表达的需要选择和变换句式。 (四)识别修辞方法(比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、设问、反问、引用、对比、反复、反语、对偶等十一种)。 (五)正确使用标点符号(句号、问号、感叹号、逗号、顿号、分号、冒号、引号、破折号、省略号、书名号等十一种)。 (六)基本了解重要作家的有关情况(包括姓名、年代、主要作品等)。 中国现代作家:鲁迅、茅盾、老舍、朱自清、冰心等。 中国古代作家:孔子、孟子、屈原、司马迁、陶渊明、李白、杜甫、范仲淹、苏轼、施耐庵、曹雪芹、吴承恩、罗贯中等。



第四章 血液循环 1.第一、第二心音的特点、成因和意义 答:第一心音的特点:音频较低而持续时间长 成因:与心室收缩、房室瓣关闭、心室射血冲击主动脉根部、大血管扩张以及产生湍流等原因引起的振动有关 意义:心室收缩力很弱 第二心音的特点:音频较高而持续时间较短 成因:动脉瓣关闭引起的振动有关,还与心室舒张引起的室壁振动和血流冲击大动脉根部引起的振动有关 2.心肌兴奋性的周期性变化 答:有效不应期;相对不应期;超长期 3.心脏内兴奋传导的途径和特点 答:途径: 窦房结→心房肌→左右心房→优势传导通路→房室交界区→房室束→左右束支→浦肯野纤维→心室肌 特点:1)“优势传导通路”的传导速度较快 ,窦房结兴奋尽快传到房室交界区 2)心室内传导组织速度快,利于两心室同步收缩 3)房室交界区速度很慢(结区最慢)—房-室延搁,确保心房和心室不会同时收缩 4.心肌收缩的特点 答:同步收缩;不发生强直收缩;对细胞外Ca2+的依赖性 5.正常心电图的波形及其意义 答:P 波:左、右两心房的去极化 QRS 波群:左、右两心室的去极化 T 波:心室的复极化 P-R 间期:窦房结产生的兴奋传到心室,并引起心室开始兴奋所需要的时间,0.12~0.20s Q-T 间期:心室开始去极化到完全复极化的时间 ST 段:正常与基线平齐,心室各部分均处于去极化 6.血流通路的功能 答:功能:血液与组织细胞进行物质交换 7.心迷走神经、心交感神经、交感缩血管神经纤维的递质、受体和作用 答: 8.压力感受性反射的过程(不确定) 答:压力感受器→延髓→弧束核→心迷走神经、心交感中枢和交感缩血管中枢 9.血管紧张素、血管升压素的作用答:血管紧张素的作用:强烈缩血管作用、刺激肾上腺皮质球状带释放醛固酮、促进交感神经释放去甲肾上腺素 血管升压素的作用:在禁水、脱水、失血等情况下,血管升压素释放增加,保持细胞外液量和动脉血压的相对稳定 心迷走神经 心交感神经 交感缩血管神经 递质 去甲肾上腺素 乙酰胆碱 去甲肾上腺素 受体 β1受体 M 受体 α受体 作用 使心率加快,心肌 收缩力增强,房室交界传导加速 使心率减慢,心房肌收缩力减弱,房室交界传导减慢 使血管平滑肌收缩


命题人:大学外语教学部 复核人: 命题部门:外国语学院试卷序号: A 考试形式:闭卷学分: 考生校区:浦口考生班级:考生学号:考生姓名: 考试班级:09级普本(英语专业除外) 南京审计学院 2009级《大学英语》分级考试注意事项 1.本次考试答题纸分两部分:答题卡(供阅卷机使用)和答题纸。 2.客观题(Part I – Part III)做在答题卡上,主观题(Part IV – Part VI)做在答题纸上。 3.划线要求: (1) 用HB—2B铅笔按照答题卡上的范例填写。 (2) 要有一定粗度,浓度盖过字母底色 (3) 代号划写不能用钢笔或圆珠笔,否则试卷作废。 (4) 修改要用橡皮擦干净,注意不要划错行。 4.答题卡上的学校代号和准考证号填写学生学号。不足十位数的请在学号前面加0,补足十位数。请在相应数字上划线。 5.答题卡上的试卷代号一定要划,否则阅卷机无法识别。 注意: 不按要求填涂答题卡而造成阅卷机无法识别,得不到成绩,由本人负责。 外国语学院大学外语教学部 2009年8月

2009级《大学英语》分级考试试卷 Part I. Reading Comprehension (40%) Directions:Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each of the questions or incomplete statements following the passage. You must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (2’×20) Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. It has been a widespread belief that the American family is dying. But a new study reveals that the American family is stronger than ever. This study affords surprising evidence of the persistence of American commitments to family life. The American family is changing, not dying. It is becoming smaller, men and women are becoming more equal, and the divorce rate is higher. But despite the high divorce rate, marriage has never been more popular. The majority of divorced people remarry, but only 2% marry more than twice. Most marriages last a long time, and a large proportion of divorces are from teenage marriages. Depending on the specific situation, there’s often good reason for teenage marriages to break up. There is no evidence that children receive less attention from mothers who work outside the home than from mothers working inside the home. So far the amount of educational or development time hasn’t varied very much, whether or not the mother works outside the home. In fact, working mothers try to make up for it by setting aside time only for their children. The study shows that television is by far the most significant new childcare arrangement of this century. The most important activity for children up to age 14 is watching television. School is the second most time-consuming activity for children. They spend an average of about 19 hours a week in school. A larger proportion of children go to school earlier than ever before, and they stay in school longer. Another big change is that the proportion of very young children in daycare centers (日托站) has almost doubled in recent years. Compared with these two dramatic changes in child activity, the changes caused by mothers working outside the home appear very small. 1 The main idea of this article is that _______. A. the American family is dying B. young people today don’t want to get married C. the American family is changing, but it is stronger than ever D. education has resulted in dramatic changes in the American family 2 Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Marriage is more popular than before. B. Many divorced people remarry. C. The majority of marriages last long. D. Working mothers devote less time to their children.


复旦大学本科生新生大学英语分级考试大纲 一、基本要求 为了帮助学生在大学阶段更好地学习英语,因材施教,所有进入复旦大学的新生(英语系、翻译系除外)都须参加大学英语分级考试。进校时已获得托福成绩90分或雅思成绩6.5分以上的学生可免试(须于分级考试前向大学英语教学部文科大楼525办公室提供成绩单原件及复印件)。 参加本次考试的学生应掌握领会式词汇3000。阅读速度达到90wpm (words per minute),准确率为75%。能听懂语速120wpm的一般性会话和短文。语法与中学英语教学大纲所规定的要求相同。 我们将根据分级考试的成绩,安排学生分别进入大学英语(预备级)、大学英语I、大学英语II、大学英语III 、大学英语IV和高级英语课程学习。 大学英语I学习目标:经过一个学期的学习,掌握新词1200,使累计领会式词汇达到4200,其中复用式词汇2500单词。具体标准: 读:阅读速度达到100wpm,准确率为75%。完成总阅读量5万。 听:能听懂语速130wpm的一般性会话、报道和讲座。 说:能就一主题或图片或所学课文内容进行连续3分钟左右的陈述。 写:能在30分钟就各种题材写出150词的短文,内容完整,语法正确,条理清晰,句子连贯。 译:翻译具有一定难度的英语文章段落,速度每小时300词;翻译题材熟悉的汉语文章段落,速度为每小时250个汉字。 大学英语I I学习目标:新增词汇1200,累计领会式词汇达到5400,其中复用式3200单词。具体标准为: 读:阅读速度达到120wpm,准确率为75%。完成总阅读量6万。 听:能听懂语速150wpm的一般性会话、报道和讲座。 说:能就一主题或图片进行连续5分钟左右的陈述。 写:能在30分钟就各种题材写出180词的短文,内容完整,语法正确,条理清晰,句子连贯。 译:翻译具有一定难度的英语文章段落,速度每小时350词;翻译题材熟悉的汉语文章段落,速度为每小时300个汉字。


因缺乏严谨治学态度违反一般学术规范,虽不属于造假、篡改、抄袭、剽窃等学术不端行为,但在学术活动中损害他人合法利益或造成一定不良后果的行为属于(学术不当行为 )。 入学资格初步审查时发现身心状况暂时不适宜在校学习,经学校指定的医院诊断,认为经过休养和治疗,可以到校学习的,可申请保留入学资格(一学年 )。 研究生在参加课程学习过程中缺席课时数或者缺交作业次数超过教学规定总数(三分之一 )的,不得参加该门课程的考核,课程成绩按(F )记载。 在学位申请有效期内,可以提出学位申请的次数是(两次 )。 研究生以作弊、剽窃、抄袭等学术不端行为或其他不正当手段取得学历、学位证书的,学校是否有权撤销已颁发的学历、学位证书?(是 ) 对于因违纪受到处分的研究生,(尚未解除),不得给予表彰和奖励。 关于科研不端/不当行为的危害,以下表述错误的是(但不会导致严重的社会危害 )。 研究生在学期间个人信息发生变化的,由本人提出学籍信息修改申请,附相关证明材料,经所在院系审核后,报研究生院核准修改。研究生学籍信息修改申请至迟应于拟毕业学期的第(4周 )前提交。研究生的培养方式、培养类别,以招生录取信息为准,入学后(不可以 )更改。 研究生的学位论文应在导师指导下由本人独立完成,论文工作时间不得少于(博士两年、硕士一

年 )。 复旦大学校训是(你猜 ),出自《论语?子张》。 研究生有特殊情况需要延期注册的,应当在注册日期前向所在院系提交延期注册申请和相关证明材料。获得批准后,研究生可在当学期注册日期起(2周 )内到校注册。逾期不注册的,予以(退学 )处理,但因不可抗力等正当事由导致无法及时提交延期注册申请的除外。在不可抗力等事由消失后(1 )周内,研究生应补妥注册手续。 我校对研究生申请学位所需发表学术论文篇数的要求是(由各学科制定具体标准 )。 研究生在学期间因国家或学校公派任务需要,预计一学期内出国出境时间超过(6周 )的,应当持境外高校或科研机构的正式邀请函与确定的研修计划,申请(保留学籍(联合培养) )的学籍变动手续。 学校经过多年的建设和发展,形成了“一体两翼”的校园格局,即以(邯郸校区、江湾校区 )为一体,以(枫林校区、张江校区 )为两翼。 研究生在学校规定的年限内完成培养方案规定的所有课程和必修环节,(成绩合格 ),德、智、体考核合格,学位论文答辩通过,准予毕业,学校发给毕业证书。 复旦大学上海医学院(原上海医科大学)创建于(1927 )年,是中国创办的第一所国立大学医学院,严福庆出任首任院长。(2000 )年,上海医科大学和复旦大学合并,组建成为新的复旦大学。


大学英语等级考试 目录[隐藏] 简介 大学英语等级考试的作用和影响 大学英语等级考试(CET4、6)的措施 大学英语四、六级考试(CET4、6)报名 时区划分 简介 大学英语等级考试的作用和影响 大学英语等级考试(CET4、6)的措施 大学英语四、六级考试(CET4、6)报名 时区划分 四级考试大纲 [编辑本段] 简介 大学英语等级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的教学考试,其目的是对大学生的实际英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为大学英语教学提供服务。大学英语考试是一项大规模标准化考试,在设计上必须满足教育测量理论对大规模标准化考试的质量要求,是一个“标准关联的常模参照测验”。 大学英语四、六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试由“国家教育部高教司”主办,分为四级考试(CET-4) 和六级考试(CET-6),每年各举行两次。从2005年1月起,报道成绩满分为710分,凡考试成绩在425分以上的考生,由国家教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语四六级考试委员会”发给成绩单。 由国家教育部任命成立"全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会"(目前为第三届),考试委员会由全国若干重点大学的有关教授和专家组成,设顾问二人,主任委员一

人,副主任委员若干人,专业委员会委员和咨询委员会委员各若干人。全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会在学术上、组织上对大学英语考试负责。部分考务工作由"教育部考试中心"负责。 考试委员会设办公室作为常设办事机构(办公地址设在上海交通大学校内)[编辑本段] 大学英语等级考试的作用和影响 1.大学英语四、六级考试已引起全国各高等院校及有关教育领导部门对大学英语教学的重视,调动了师生的积极性。效度研究的大量统计数据和实验材料证明大学英语四、六级考试不但信度高,而且效度高,符合大规模标准化考试的质量要求,能够按教学大纲的要求反映我国大学生的英语水平,因此有力地推动了大学英语教学大纲的贯彻实 六级考试大纲 施,促进了我国大学英语教学水平的提高。 2.大学英语考试每年为我国大学生的英语水平提供客观的描述。由于大学英语四、六级考试广泛采用现代教育统计方法,分数经过等值处理,因此保持历年考试的分数意义不变。 3.由于大学英语四、六级考试采用正态分制,使每次考试后所公布的成绩含有大量信息,成为各级教育行政部门进行决策的动态依据,也为各校根据本校实际情况采取措施提高教学质量提供了反馈信息。 4.大学英语四、六级考试从命题、审题、考务组织、统计分析到成绩发布已形成一套完整的制度,是一项组织得较好的、严格按照标准化考试质量要求进行的大规模考试。 5.大学英语考试已经得到社会的承认,目前已经成为各级人事部门录用大学毕业生的标准之一,产生了一定的社会效益。 [编辑本段] 大学英语等级考试(CET4、6)的措施 大学英语四、六级考试经历了一个不断完善的过程。为提高考试的效度和信度,近年来采取了一系列的改革措施。例如:


2013级复旦大学研究生入学教育考核试卷(开卷) 院系:学号:姓名:____ 第一部分 1、1905年,震旦学院学生为反抗外籍传教士阴谋夺取校权而集体离校,拥戴老校长马相伯创立了复旦公学。校名取自《尚书大传·虞夏传》中《卿云歌》的“日月光华,旦复旦兮”。1917年改名复旦大学,系私立性质。1941年底改为国立。 2、1914年,复旦师生共同设计校徽图案,商定校训,校训出自《论语·子张》,为“博学而笃志,切问而近思”。1925年制定校歌,由刘大白作词,丰子恺作曲。 3、1919年5月6日,复旦教员、《民国日报》主编邵力子到校敲响校钟,报告北京学生运动情况,复旦学生成为上海五四运动的先锋,何葆仁被选为上海学生联合会会长。 4、1937年8月13日,侵华日军进攻上海,我校多处校舍被炸毁,校园随后被占。我校师生一部分西迁内地,几经周折后在重庆北碚立校。部分滞留上海的师生在老校长李登辉先生的主持下坚持办学,以“复旦大学补习部”名义在重庆国民政府教育部备案,实行不向敌伪注册、不受敌伪津贴、不受敌伪干涉的“三不”方针,维护了民族气节和复旦声誉;他致力复旦大学的建设凡四十年,曾提出“服务、牺牲、团结”的复旦精神。学校的大礼堂——“相辉堂”就是为了纪念马相伯和他而命名的。 5、1949年 5月 27日,上海全部解放。次年,学校决定该日为复旦校庆节。 6、1952年至1977年,著名修辞学家陈望道教授任复旦校长,他是中国共产党上海发起组成员,曾翻译出版马克思主义经典著作《共产党宣言》第一个中文全译本。继他之后先后担任复旦校长的是著名数学家苏步青和物理学家谢希德。 7、2000年4月,经国务院决定,复旦大学与上海医科大学合并组建新的复旦大学。上海医科大学创始于 1927年,首任院长为医学界前辈颜福庆先生。 第二部分 8、根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》:1)新生入学后,学校在3个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。2)任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。3)学生成立团体,应当按学校有关规定提出书面申请,报学校批准。我校鼓励研究生社团开展活动,研究生成立社团须向校研究生团工委申请注册。 9、根据《复旦大学研究生学籍管理规定》:1)每学期开学时,研究生应到所在院系办理注册手续。2)研究生休学时间一般以学期为单位;休学研究生应在休学前一周内办理手续离校,可保留学籍一年,休学期间不享受在校学习研究生待遇;休学期满开学前一周内


文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word 命题部门:外国语学院试卷序号: A 考试形式:闭卷学分: 考生校区:浦口考生班级:考生学号:考生姓名: 考试班级:09级普本(英语专业除外) 南京审计学院 2009级《大学英语》分级考试注意事项 1.本次考试答题纸分两部分:答题卡(供阅卷机使用)和答题纸。 2.客观题(Part I – Part III)做在答题卡上,主观题(Part IV – Part VI)做在答题纸上。 3.划线要求: (1) 用HB—2B铅笔按照答题卡上的范例填写。 (2) 要有一定粗度,浓度盖过字母底色 (3) 代号划写不能用钢笔或圆珠笔,否则试卷作废。 (4) 修改要用橡皮擦干净,注意不要划错行。 4.答题卡上的学校代号和准考证号填写学生学号。不足十位数的请在学号前面加0,补足十位数。请在相应数字上划线。 5.答题卡上的试卷代号一定要划,否则阅卷机无法识别。 注意: 不按要求填涂答题卡而造成阅卷机无法识别,得不到成绩,由本人负责。 外国语学院大学外语教学部 2009年8月

文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 2009级《大学英语》分级考试试卷 Part I. Reading Comprehension (40%) Directions:Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each of the questions or incomplete statements following the passage. You must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (2’×20) Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. It has been a widespread belief that the American family is dying. But a new study reveals that the American family is stronger than ever. This study affords surprising evidence of the persistence of American commitments to family life. The American family is changing, not dying. It is becoming smaller, men and women are becoming more equal, and the divorce rate is higher. But despite the high divorce rate, marriage has never been more popular. The majority of divorced people remarry, but only 2% marry more than twice. Most marriages last a long time, and a large proportion of divorces are from teenage marriages. Depending on the specific situation, there’s often good reason for teenage marriages to break up. There is no evidence that children receive less attention from mothers who work outside the home than from mothers working inside the home. So far the amount of educational or development time hasn’t varied very much, whether or not the mother works outside the home. In fact, working mothers try to make up for it by setting aside time only for their children. The study shows that television is by far the most significant new childcare arrangement of this century. The most important activity for children up to age 14 is watching television. School is the second most time-consuming activity for children. They spend an average of about 19 hours a week in school. A larger proportion of children go to school earlier than ever before, and they stay in school longer. Another big change is that the proportion of very young children in daycare centers (日托站) has almost doubled in recent years. Compared with these two dramatic changes in child activity, the changes caused by mothers working outside the home appear very small. 1 The main idea of this article is that _______. A. the American family is dying B. young people today don’t want to get married C. the American family is changing, but it is stronger than ever D. education has resulted in dramatic changes in the American family 2 Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Marriage is more popular than before. B. Many divorced people remarry. C. The majority of marriages last long. D. Working mothers devote less time to their children. 3 The author of this article believes that ________. A. the American family is here to stay B. children should not watch so much television C. mothers should not work when their children are small


复旦大学2004~2005学年第二学期期末试卷(A卷) (2005年6月)课程名称: 分析化学(Ⅱ) 课程代码: 322.112.2.01 开课院系:化学系 姓名:标准答案_ 学号:_________________ 专业: 03级化学系 一、选择题:(选择最合适的一个答案,每题2分,共10分) 1、比耳定律只有当溶液浓度<0.01mol/L时才成立,其原因之一是由于高浓度时___a____。 (a)吸光邻近质点的电荷分布相互影响,改变了辐射的吸收能力的缘故 (b) 入射光的非单色性影响增大之故(c) 仪器的光度误差变得太人之故 (d) 溶液晌杂散光增大之故(e) 容易受外部实验条件的影响之故 2、使用火焰原子化器时,原子吸收谱线的洛仑兹变宽主要由__c______决定。 (a) 原子在激发态有较长的停留时间(b) 原子的热运动(c) 原子与其它种类粒子的碰撞 (d) 原子与同类粒子的碰撞(e) 外部电场对原子的作用 3、对于难挥发电中性物质进行分离定性时,首选的分析的方法为b。 (a) 气相色谱质谱法(b)高效液相色谱质谱法(c)区带毛细管电泳质谱法 (d)超临界流体色谱法(e) 经典离子交换树脂法 4、测定农药六六六(C6Cl6)使用气相色谱法,选用的最佳检测器应是 c 。 (a)热导池(b)氢火焰离子化(c)电子捕获(d)火焰光度(e) 吸光光度 5、卢浦大桥使用钢材的要求苛刻,其关键是要防止现场焊接时因热胀冷缩引起的裂纹。为此,钢材 中的含硫量要控制在0.007%以下,冶炼钢时的现场检测,你估计选用的最佳方法是_____d______。 (a) 滴定分析法(b) ICP光源的原子发射光谱法(c) 原子吸收光谱法


新视野大学英语 新生入校分级考试试卷 Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (5 minutes)(10分) Directions: Read the following passage, and then fill in the blanks with the missing part for the following incomplete statements. Your answers should be written on Answer Sheet 1. Most Americans spend far more of their leisure time with entertainment and information sources than in any other occupation. Of all information and entertainment sources, television is clearly dominant (支配的), with newspapers a close second, at least as a source of news and other information. Our exposure (暴露,接触) to all of these sources is important, however, because they all contribute (贡献) materials for the construction of the world in our heads. For most people, increased use of one medium does not decrease (减少) use of another. In fact, in certain cases, and especially for certain purposes, the more one uses one medium, the more likely one is to use others. There are various factors that can cause you to expose yourself to one source selectively. Some of that selective exposure is probably due to the psychological (心理) pressure you feel when avoiding the discomfort caused by the confrontation with facts and ideas contrary to your beliefs, attitudes, or behavior. However, some selective exposure is not due to such pressure for consistency (一致) but to other factors, such as your age, education, and even the area in which you live and the people with whom you associate. Quite a different sort of factor that affects your information and entertainment experiences is the social context of exposure—whether you are alone or with others when you are exposed to a medium; whether you are at home, at the office, in a theater, and so on. These contexts are as much a potential part of the message as film images on the screen or words on the page. 1.____________________ are dominant sources of news and information. 2.Our exposure to information and entertainment sources is important because they provide ___________________ of our mental world. 3. Facts show that the more one uses one medium, the more likely one is _________________. 4. Factors that can cause us to expose ourselves to one source selectively _________ ______________. 5. One quite different sort of factor that affects our information and entertainment experiences is the ______________________.
