2020年高考英语复习 语法填空50篇

2020年高考英语复习  语法填空50篇
2020年高考英语复习  语法填空50篇

高考英语复习语法填空50 篇

第1 篇

If you (1) (admit) to a university in China, regardless of whatever you choose as your major, there’s one compulsory course that you c an’t avoid: English.

The fact is (2) you can probably miss (3) (attend) English class when other courses are taught, but you’d better take English (4) (serious). (5) (fail) in the National College English Test, you may not be able to secure your Bachelor’s degree, even if you have your own major (6) (do) well.

Each student learns a foreign language, and mostly English, from Day One of their compulsory education. Such policy (7) (be) in place since the nation’s reform and opening up in the early 1980s.

China’s total number of English language students and (8) (graduate) over the years can be equal (9) the entire population of Australia, thanks to ten national-level collegiate foreign language teaching institutes, (10) of the most important ones are Shanghai International Studies University and Beijing Foreign Studies University.

第2 篇

Nowadays, school violence is a hot issue. I think this is a phenomenon which calls (1) our great concern. We should make every effort (2) (prevent) school violence (3) (happen) at school, for more and more students would drop out of school if their personal (4) (safe) could not be guaranteed. In fact, violence can be learned. (5) (actual), children learn violence (6) (behave) from adults or from (7) they see on television or on the Internet.

If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence with violence, for it will result (8) more fighting. I will tell my teachers or parents about it. I think they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me (9) the bad guys.

All in all, we students should behave (10) (we) and keep away from violence. 第3 篇

I can well remember that I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life” before the whole class at the age of 9! You can imagine how terribly shy I was with so

many eyes (1) (fix) upon me. I had no choice but (2) (prepare) for it, though. First of all, I was to draft the speech, which was just a piece of cake for me, a good writer. But the hardest part lay in my oral (3) (present) from my memory for to read, from the paper was not allowed. The real moment began when I stood on the platform (4) my legs trembling and my mind blank. But my listeners were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found myself back, (5) (deliver) my speech with difficulty. After (6) seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding-I made (7) From then on, my fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with my (8) (confident) building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker. (9) (look) back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear. Overcome it (10) we will be able to achieve our goals.

第4 篇

Almost every day, we discuss the topic of health. (1) (stay) healthy, we should eat well, work out (2) (regular), and develop a healthy lifestyle.

Eat different (3) (kind) of food, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables (4) (keep) us healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite food. We can only get (5) our body needs by eating all sorts of food.

Drink water and milk most often. Everyone knows that water is important. (6) water, kids also need plenty of calcium (钙) to grow strong bones, (7) can be easily

got from milk. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk when you are years old or older.

It’s also of great (8) (significant) to develop a healthy lifestyle. Limit the amount of time you spend (9) (watch) TV and playing computer games. Try to spend more time doing sports, and you’ll be healthy and (10) (energy).

第5 篇

When your dream is (1) (become) a footballer, nothing could get (2)

your way-even if you have no feet.

Gabriel Muniz, (3) 11-year-old Brazilian kid, was born without feet. Although his family thought

He would have serious difficulties (4) (live) a normal life, he started walking before he was one year old. His mother would go after him, (5) (expect) him to keep falling. (6) (strange) enough, he never fell. It took him a long time to make the jump

from walking to playing football. There is nothing he loves more than playing football. He (7) (train) very hard since he joined the team last year.

Gabriel knows that he will never be able to play for a professional team, but he has proven that people with (8) (disable) can also play well. Watching him play is unbelievable. He is fast and skillful. He does everything he can (9) (copy) his hero, Messi. He dreams of going to Spain, (10) he can meet his hero and show his talent in Barcelona Football Club.

第6 篇

Many people are watching a video showing a real dog barking at a robot dog, which is said (1) (have) a number of (2) (impress) new abilities.

The robot was made by Boston Dynamics, a robotics company (3) (found) in 1992. The Internet company Google is now its owner.

The robot dog acts like a real dog. In fact, its (4) (move) are so life like that it catches the attention of the real dog. In the video, the robot dog plays with Alex-a real dog (5) (own) by Andy Rubin, (6) helped create the mobile operating system Android.

The robot dog (7) (weigh) 75 kilograms—10 times more than Alex. (8) , Alex doesn’t run away from it. The video shows Alex barking at it and preparing (9) (attack) it. The person (10) (control) the robot dog directs it to move away from Alex, but this only seems to make Alex bark louder.

第7 篇

Once there was a woodcutter named John. His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area (1) he should work.

The first day, John cut down 18 trees. “Good,”the boss said, “keep it up!”Highly (2) (inspire) by the praise of his boss, he tried even harder the next day, but he could only cut down 15 trees. Day after day he was cutting down fewer and fewer trees.

“I must be losing my (3) (strong),” John thought. He went to the boss and apologized, (4) (say) that he could not understand what was going on. “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked. “Sharpened? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy (5) (try) to cut more Trees,” said John.

The moral of this story: (6) the woodcutter was working hard, he didn’t work (7) (smart). He didn’t think about the best way to do the job. Sometimes we are like the woodcutter. We get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen our skills. Many of us never

learn new skills. We think (8) we have learned is enough, but good isn’t good when better (9) (expect). Sharpening our skills from time to time (10) (be) the key to success.

第8 篇

London residents will have to live without the ringing of Big Ben for a while. After 157 years of nearly uninterrupted (1) (serve), the iconic clock in London has become worn and requires repairs.

The Elizabeth Tower, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, houses the clock and (2) (visit) by 12,000 people a year. The tower is (3) good condition on the whole, but water has caused damage to its roof, so it needs (4) (fix).

It will have a lift installed to make it (5) (easy) and quicker to evacuate (疏散) injured people and give access (6) disabled people who can’t climb (7) (it) 334 steps. And at a time (8) energy efficiency is a concern, the lights inside the tower will be replaced by low energy LEDs.

The name Big Ben (9) (origin) referred to the Great Bell within the tower, but ended up being used for the clock and tower too. The clock began keeping time on 31 May 1859. Surely it might be our turn (10) (give) this famous symbol of Britain some time to rest and recover.

第9 篇

It wasn’t long ago that I first learned how important (1) (have) a passion for life is. That morning, my mother and I went to the gym by bus. While (2) (wait) at the bus stop, I felt bored. Suddenly, someone by the roadside caught my eye. It was a homeless man (3) (dress) in old and dirty clothes. That didn’t interest me because I (4) (see) many people like him before.

However, in some way he was different from others. I couldn’t see a sad (5) (express) on his face. He had a radio in his hand and was dancing (6) (cheer) to the music. The radio seemed to be the most important thing he had.

“Mom, why does the man have a radio even though he is homeless?” I asked. “If he is homeless, why doesn’t he use the money (7) (buy) food or clothes? He wasted it on something (8) is unnecessary.”

“Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren’t the most important things. We need happiness, too. Happiness is the key (9) life, and we all need a passio n for life. It’s a passion(10)

makes us keep going,” said my mother.

第10 篇

Based on recent researches, distance-learning is slowly proving as (1) (value) as the traditional campus. It is a fixed truth that this form of learning is (2) the increase. Moreover, both students and teachers have expressed their (3) (happy) with these courses. The best part of distance learning courses is their flexible format. Students can continue (4) (work) and study at the same time without any kind of difficulty. You will (5) (provide) with the facilities of a virtual (虚拟的) classroom and a virtual campus. Anyone (6) upgrades their professional knowledge to a new level can apply for these courses. With an online study format, the tests and notes can be (7) (access) with just a mouse click from your home computer. However, a student (8) (attend) an online course must take the time management (9) (serious). Every online student must keep (10) in mind that proper management of time and study schedule is the key towards success in this format.

第11 篇

I consider myself something (1) an expert on apologies. A quick temper has provided me (2) plenty of opportunities to make them. In one of my earliest (3) (memorize), my mother was telling me, “Don’t watch the ground when you say, 'I’m sorry.' Hold your head (4) and look at the person in the eye, so he’ll know you mean it.” My mother thus made the key point of a (5) (succeed) apology: It must be direct.

(6) important thing we should do for an effective apology is to bear the responsibility for our careless mistakes. We are used to (7) (make) excuses, which leaves no room for the other person to forgive us. Since most people are open-hearted, the no-excuse apology leaves both parties feeling (8) (good) about themselves. That, after all, is the purpose of every apology. It matters little (9) you are wholly or only partly wrong: Answering for your mistake (10) (encourage) others to take their share of the blame.

第12 篇

Is “sorry” the hardest word? Not for the British Education Secretary Michael Gove, (1) has apologized recently to his former French teacher for his bad (2)

(behave) in class. It took him 30 years to express regret. In a letter (3) (publish) in a magazine, Mr. Gove says, “It may be too late to say I’m sorry. But, as my mom told me, it’s never too late to set the record straight.”

Researchers argue that people have too high (4) (expect) of the power of saying sorry. Some psychologists said in a study that (5) (receive) an apology isn’t as (6) (help) as people think. Nevertheless, apologies might be an important social tool as they reaffirm (重新确认) the (7) (exist) of rules that need to be observed.

The Education Secretary’s apology might have been accepted by his old teacher but he might get (8) (he) into trouble. According to the Daily Mail, Mr. Gove’s mother di dn’t know her son was causing trouble at school and she said, “He would have been punished if I (9) (know) he was being so naughty.” Later, Gove said, “I can never express my apology to him face to face these days—it just goes through to his answering machine. But when I do (10) (eventual) speak to him, I will tell him a good sorry.”第13 篇

A tough new smoking ban has been introduced in China’s capital city Beijing. The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomed it. The ban came (1) effect on June the 1st and is the toughest anti-smoking law. The law bans (2) (smoke) in all indoor public places, on public transport and in workplaces. Anyone (3) smokes in these places will get a big fine. Restaurants will have a big part to play in making sure the ban (4) (work). Restaurant (5) (own) will get a heavy fine if people smoke in their restaurants. The public is also being asked (6) (report) anyone who breaks the law and smokes in public.

A WHO spokesperson said: “We applauded Beijing for its strong and determined leadership in protecting the health of its people (7) making public places smoke-free. We are delighted to be (8) (formal) recognizing the Beijing Municipal Government with a WHO World No Tobacco Day Award.” There are still hundreds of millions of smokers in China. The country is the world’s biggest tobacco producer and has the most smokers. There are around 300 million smokers in China, (9) is almost the same size as the population of the USA. More than one million Chinese die each year (10)

smoking-related diseases.

第14 篇

Last weekend our school held a sports meeting. (1) (realize) it was our last high

school sports meeting, we decided to make it an unforgettable experience for all of us.

We first attended the opening parade, for (2) our class had made a lot of (3) (prepare). (4) our excitement, our parade performance was a great success. After the parade, the games started. My classmates attended (5) (vary) events such as running, high jump and long jump. Due to the hard training they (6) (do) before, their performances were very (7) (impress). On the stand, my classmates applauded and cheered for the athletes, some (8) (raise) their cameras to capture the exciting moments. Finally, the result (9) (announce). It was (10) (amaze) that our class won the second place. Our efforts paid off! Cup in hand, we took a picture together.

I believe this sports meeting will remain a precious memory for all of us as time goes by. 第15 篇

I don’t know what it is. No matter (1) I go to a post office and no matter where the post office is, I always find (2) (me) standing in line behind someone who has a lot of business to do.

One day, I had to buy a couple of stamps, but I had to wait behind an old lady who took fifteen minutes (3) (finish) a form that a child could do in one minute. (4) (feel) that I could not stand waiting in such a line any longer, I decided to join (5)

one. It seemed twice as (6) as the first line, but at least it was moving. It turned out to be the worst choice I had ever made. As soon as I (7) (lose) my place in the first line, the one I joined slowed to a stop. I had no choice (8) to wait behind a schoolboy who was taking half an hour to choose a new set of postcards. At last it was my turn. I nearly jumped for joy. Then the clerk behind (9) counter, a middle-aged fat guy, stood up, pushed forward a printed sign saying “Position Closed”and (10) (say) without a smile, “Sorry, going to lunch.”

第16 篇

Clever student as Dongfang Liang is, he was badly addicted (1) online games a year ago. He often slipped to cyber cafes at night, (2) (feel) very sleepy in class in the daytime. (3) (need) to say, he got poor marks in all subjects. No matter what I advised, no matter (4) I punished him, he still broke the rule. Later I arranged (5) his parents to rent a small house near our school to keep him company, or exactly speaking, to supervise him. But only a week later, I noticed him fall asleep constantly again. He must have played other tricks secretly. This time I demanded his father (6) (sleep) with him in the same bedroom and watch him (7) (close). Following my advice, his

father did so. Never (8) Dongfang Liang felt sleepy in class ever since, and he has made great progress in study.

Last week, believe it (9) not, he sheepishly (难为情地) admitted having read some e-books under his quilt while he was lying in bed before his father slept in his room. It is online games (10) poison our teenagers’ minds deeply.

第17 篇

The “selfie” is used to describe the self-taken photo often from a smart phone. Someone takes about 10 selfies each time he does, and he only ends up (1) (post) one or two of those. He picks the one that he feels make him look the (2) (good). In that picture, he gains confidence. For that moment, everything bad or terrible that has happened to him (3) (remove), because that smile is what gives him the (4) (determine) to love himself.

I read (5) poem recently and the young man said, “If I ask you(6) you love, the answers will most likely roll your tongue. You love to read. You love to write. You love your mom, you daughter, or your best friend. How long do you think you can go on and on before you say ‘I love (7) (I)’?”That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve struggled with confidence all my life. I still do. And in (8) way am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway (9) confidence. (10) , the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves.

第18 篇

Table manners vary from culture to culture. (1) is acceptable in one country may be considered extremely rude in another. Here we will tell you about the traditional table manners (2) the modern table manners in Korea. (3) (tradition), it was the woman’s job (4) (cook) food and set the table. The woman would sit (5) her husband to make sure that he had everything he needed for a pleasant meal. Only (6) the husband finished would the woman and her children eat. Nowadays, table manners have changed a lot. (7) of the family members eat together at the same time. It is common to see everyone help with the meal, (8) (include) the husband. One tradition, however, has not changed. It is the oldest person that starts the meal.

(9) (stay) until the oldest person is finished is considered to be (10) basic tradition of Korean table manners.

第19 篇

Green is not always referring to the color. In some cases, it is the term (1) (use) for being environmentally friendly. If you5ve been expecting to replace your furniture, consider (2) (go) green because green furniture offers many benefits. Here are a few tips to get you started on your hunt for the perfect eco-friendly furniture. First, green furniture isn’t harmful (3) your health. Also its making process doesn’t cause damage to the environment in any way. Besides, by using eco-friendly (4) (produce), you prevent global warming (5) some degree in your own way.

The materials that are used in furniture are (6) make them green. Materials can be good for the environment (7) because they are renewable resources or they are all (8) (nature). A lack of chemicals in furniture also means it is a better (9) (choose) for the environment. It may be hard to imagine that a sofa or a table could actually be a green product, but they really can be (10) (depend) on what they are made of.

Therefore, when you want to hunt for the perfect green furniture, you should choose the green materials.

第20 篇

A sex education book published in China for second-grade students (1) are aged eight to nine, has caused a lively debate.

China has long been considered a conservative country where talking about sex is embarrassing, especially among kids. Such closed-minded and backward attitudes have led (2) a lack of sexual knowledge, making kids (3) (help) when facing sexual crimes. Many people have expressed support for the books as well, (4) (argue) that such texts can teach kids proper sexual knowledge, allowing them (5) (defend) themselves against sex crimes.

In response to public concern over the books, the publisher has released a statement defending the books. “We hope sexual knowledge, along with other scientific knowledge, can be (6) (natural) and accurately taught to our kids … Sexual crimes targeting (7)

(child) frequently take place in China, and they remind us of the importance of promoting sexual education among elementary school students,” the (8) (announce) read.

According to The https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd2504893.html,, the publisher spent nine years collecting the text and opinions from both experts (9) parents. The books require teachers to receive professional training before delivering related lectures. Extra materials and resources designed for parents

will (10) (publish) soon.

第21 篇

The (1) (disappear) of the famous crime writer, Agatha Christie, was as mysterious as any of her exciting stories. At about 11 o’clock (2) the evening of Friday, December 3rd in 1926, Mrs. Christie got into her car and took a drive (3)

saying where she was going. She didn’t return.

The next morning her car was found without a driver at Newlands Corner, Surrey. People imagined that she might (4) (kill) herself. But as the days went by, it was suggested (5) she was murdered. The press and the public (6) (nature) took great interest in the case, with at least one newspaper (7) (offer) a reward to anyone who could find Mrs. Christie.

Agatha finally was found (8) (live) on Tuesday, December 14th, when she was reunited with her husband at a hotel in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, which was located around 50 kilometers (9) from her car. It was said that, for ten days, the writer had been staying at the hotel under the name of “Mrs. Theresa Neele”. Her husband said, “She has suffered from the most complete (10) (lose) of memory and I do not think she knows who she is.”

第22 篇

There was once a small boy who would never get dressed when his parents told him to, (1) would he wear what they wanted him to. He preferred unusual clothes, but above all, he liked taking his time. His parents were always in a rush, and wanted him to be much (2) (quick), but the boy didn’t like this, and he would slow down even more.

One day, his parents got so angry when he refused to dress, that they told him to go out without any clothes at all. (3) (amuse), the boy followed his parents out of the door. He held a belief (4) nobody could do anything to him. As the boy stood outside his house with nothing on. (5) (wait) for his parents’car, along came the local pig farmer. The farmer, (6) was almost deaf, had very poor eyesight. Not only that, but also he (7) (forge t) his glasses that day. When he saw the boy’s pink skin, he thought it was one of his pigs. Shouting and pushing, the farmer forced (8) (he) into a pig cage. The boy begged him to stop but the deaf farmer couldn’t hear. When found by his parents, the terrified boy never again wanted to be mistaken (9) anything other than a human being. Now he’s the first (10) (get) dressed, and always looks neat.

第23 篇

High in thick bamboo forests in the misty, (1) (rain) mountains of southwestern China (2) (live) one of the world’s rarest mammals: the giant panda, also called the panda. Only about 1,000 of these black-and-white (3) (relative) of bears survive in the wild.

Pandas eat almost nothing (4) bamboo shoots and leaves. (5) (occasion) they eat other plants, fish, or small animals, but bamboo accounts (6) 99 percent of their diets.

Pandas eat fast. They eat a lot, and they spend about 12 hours a day (7) (do) it. The reason is that they digest only about a (8) (five) of what they eat. Overall, bamboo is not very nutritious. To stay healthy, they have to eat a lot—up to 15 percent of their body weight in 12 hours-so they eat fast.

Pandas’ molars (臼齿) are very broad and flat. The shape of these teeth helps the animals crush the bamboo shoots, leaves, and stems they eat. (9) (get) the bamboo to their mouths, they hold the stems with their front claws, which have enlarged wrist bones that act as thumbs for grasping things. A panda should have at least two bamboo species where it lives, or it will starve. Pandas are shy; they don’t go into areas (10) people live. This restricts pandas to very limited areas.

第24 篇

It was late in the afternoon when a man came out of a grocery store loaded with bags. His wife was giving a dinner party that evening. It was getting dark, and his wife was probably getting (1) (patience). He had to hurry. He came to the parking lot and looked for his car. He saw a Ford that looked (2) (exact) like his own car. He mistook it (3) his He looked in his pockets for his keys so he could open the door of the car. It was no easy task, (4) so many bags in his hands.

To his great (5) (relieve), he found his keys after some time. Then he tried to open the door, but the key wouldn’t turn. (6) (get) annoyed, he forced it into the lock, and in doing so, he broke the key. Meanwhile, he had dropped all his bags. And he broke the window of the car. Just then, the owner of the Ford (7) was nearby heard the crash of the window glass and (8) (rush) to the scene. He thought the man was a car thief who was trying to steal his car. He immediately called the police. Meanwhile, (9) crowd had gathered on the spot. The man tried to explain what had happened, but no one believed what he said. Finally, the man (10) (send) to the police station.

第25 篇

Zhang Jiangxing has been walking through the ancient forests of the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve for over two decades to find the wild man. He will not give up until he (1) (come) face-to-face with the creature. He began living in the mountain in 1994, after becoming (2) (extreme) fascinated by the wild man. (3) (arm) with a camera, he constantly looks for clues of the creature’s whereabouts, living off the land and (4) (sleep) in abandoned homes and empty caves. To him, the wild man is a branch of science, (5) that he has been studying for a very long time. So far, he has collected enough evidence of the wild man’s(6) (exist)-more than 100 hair samples and 3,000 photos of large footprints. He even came close to (7) (see) it for himself no less than nineteen times. However, most scientists regard it as nothing more than a legend only (8) there is lack of concrete evidence. But Zhang Jiangxing (9) (convince) that he will one day find the wild man (10) (he) and prove the scientist wrong. To him it’s just a matter of time.

第26 篇

There are two factors (1) (determine) individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born (2) . Human brains differ (3) (consider), some being more capable than others. (4) however good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual—the sort of environment (5) he is brought up. If an individual is handicapped (受阻碍) (6) (environment), it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can (7) (show) by the case of the twins, Peter and Mark. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was brought (8) by parents of low intelligence with poor educational opportunities. Mark (9)

(educate) in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, (10) they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Mark’s I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his twin brother.

第27 篇

Have you ever wondered whether there is life on Mars? The big Red Planet is a mystery to us but (1) (hope) not for much longer.

On November 11, the Mars rover (漫游者) (2) (name) Curiosity started its journey into space. After eight months flying in a rocket, Curiosity covered more than 566 million kilometers and finally landed on Mars — according to BBC reports.

The rover is there to find out (3) there is, or ever was, life on the cold, desert-like planet.

The place (4) Curiosity landed is called Gale Crater, a huge hole on Mars. Scientists believe that there was once water and even life there.

In order to do its job, Curiosity is packed with many useful tools, (5) it is only three meters long, about the size of a small car.

It has a robot arm that can collect soil and drill into rock. It also carries (6) own laser gun. The gun can turn a small amount of rock (7) gas, so that Curiosity can study what the rock (8) (make) up of.

(9) the help of these tools, Curiosity will act as a robot geologist. For the next two years, it will stay and travel inside Gale Crater, (10) (collect) and studying rock and soil.

第28 篇

Many students fail (1) (perform) well in an exam not because they lack ability, but because of the unique pressure of the exam room-the tense atmosphere, the ticking clock on the wall, the teacher walking around, and the thought (2) their future will be decided by the exam.

It’s not just stu dents who will face pressure. Human beings are (3) (competition) animals and we decide to evaluate each other, whether in exams, in job interviews (4) even on romantic dates, so all of us (5) (occasion) get nervous. Removing pressure from life is an impossible dream.

However, there are some ways which can help reduce our pressure. It turns out that we are far more likely to overcome the pressure (6) we are as familiar as possible (7) the situation we are about to face. Of course, even when we (8) (prepare), we may still feel nervous, but at least we will be more equipped to deal with our (9) (nervous) than if we have failed to prepare. Furthermore, we may also benefit from reminding (10) (we) that the big moment is not that big after all from a different

perspective. Even a huge exam is not as important as a loving family, or good health.

第29 篇

There is an English proverb (1) (say) “(2) (honest) is the best policy.”, (3) attaches great importance (4) honesty.

What are the (5) (benefit) of honesty? It is known to all (6) we are likely to meet different people in our life. If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you (7) return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. If you are in trouble, they will help you.

There is no (8) (list) the evils of dishonesty here. (9) (general) speaking, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (10) (regard) as a public enemy.

第30 篇

There’s a science to setting goals. Below, we share some research-backed tips to help you carry out successful goals.

Choose a goal that (1) (matter), not just is easy to win.

A meaningful goal-(2) that truly inspires you to change-requires going deeper. Think about what you want in the coming year, and then ask yourself why you want that. For example, if you want to quit (3) (smoke), ask why do you want to quit? Then, if you want to quit for your health, ask why do you want good health?

Set up your goals positively.

How you describe your goal makes a big (4) (differ). (5) (focus) on what you want to bring into your life-not what you want to avoid-will make you more likely to actually struggle for it.

Prepare for failure (in a good way).

Moments of failure can’t (6) (avoid), but most of us abandon the goal entirely when slight failures start piling up. At the moment when you fail, often the first instinct(本能)is to push the goal away. It’s so(7) (comfort) to be in that condition of self-doubt or self-criticism and guilt.

Your task is not to avoid failures, (8) to plan for them. For example, if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack with you.

In (9) (conclude), wise choices and full preparations are (10) (rely) measures to reach our goals.

第31 篇

Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, about 300 kilometers away from Changsha, the capital of Hunan, Zhangjiajie, (1) covers a total area of 9,563 square kilometers, is a tourist city for its unique natural scenery and abundant tourism resources. Zhangjiajie (2) (aw ard) the title of “World Geological Park” in 2004. Actu ally, Zhangjiajie, honored as “the most fantastic mountain under heaven” and “a walking Chinese landscape painting”, is also widely praised as “(3) enlarged potted landscaping” “a mini fairyland” and “a maze (迷宫) of nature,” (4) (attract) a growing number of tourists (5)

home and abroad.

Since it was discovered in the 1980s, tourism industry (6) (become) the leading industry in Zhangjiajie, which has stimulated the development of other industries (7) (relate) to tourism. At the same time, eco-tourism has been developed rapidly in Zhangjiajie. When you come to Zhangjiajie, you can fully appreciate its magnificent natural scenery and experience (8) (appeal) folk customs as well as other thrilling tourist (9) (activity), and you will be deeply impressed by (10) is performed by the minorities there. It must be an exciting, joyful and unforgettable tour to Zhangjiajie.

第32 篇

Once a farmer lost his watch in his barn, in which lots of grain was kept. The watch, (1) was a gift from his father, was very important to him and he was determined to find it.

After searching the barn for a long time, however, he gave up and asked for help from a group of children who were playing nearby. He promised to give a great reward to (2) found the watch.

(3) (hear) this, the children hurried inside the barn immediately. They searched everywhere but still could not find the watch (4) (bury) in the grain. The farmer was about to give up (5) a little boy went up to him and asked to be given (6) second chance. The farmer looked at him and thought, “Why not? After all, this kid looks honest.”

So the farmer sent the little boy back into the barn. After a while the little boy came out (7) the watch in his hand! The farmer, (8) (surprise) but happy, asked the boy how he succeeded where the rest had failed.

The boy replied, “I did nothing but (9) (sit) quietly and listen for the sound of the watch.”

This shows us that sometimes a peaceful mind can think (10) (well) than an excited one.

第33 篇

A CCTV journalist succeeded in arousing a heated discussion among netizens by asking people whether they were happy. The responses to the question were various, even some quite funny ones (1) (include). Although people played jokes (2) the answers, it did not take long (3) they began to figure out the true meanings of happiness.

It is certain that people’s views on happiness (4) (affect) greatly by their own life experience. Unfortunately, too many people refer to being rich as happiness and there is no sign of a decrease in (5) number of those who are voluntarily at the mercy of wealth. Some people whose (6) (intend) is to make big money appreciate being given any chance to multiply their income, believing that is (7) their happiness lies. Some are eager to inherit their parents’ property, especially those who are known as silver-spoon kids. Even worse, some would rather break the law to satisfy their financial desire or seek their fortune (8) (legal).

In my opinion, happiness is not about (9) (pursue) wealth merely but about admiring the beautiful things in life. Therefore, live your life (10) the fullest and be happy.

第34 篇

The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday, (1) (fall) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. This festival is a holiday of great (2) (significant) and the one with the (3) (long) history. It is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. (4)

is exciting to watch competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat (击鼓), racing to reach the finishing end first.

The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival (5) (be) traditional customs to attempt to rescue the famous poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B. C. Chinese citizens threw bamboo leaves (6) (fill) with cooked rice into the water. Therefore, the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet, (7)

later on turned into the custom of eating rice dumplings.

The (8) (celebrate) is also a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. Children born in this month (9) (say) to be difficult to raise, and people

tend to concentrate their efforts during this time, attempting to protect their families from illness and bad luck. If one manages to stand an egg (10) its end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.

第35 篇

American popular music is played all over the world. People of all ages in all countries enjoy (1) (listen) to it. The reasons for its (2) (popular) are the music’s fast pace and rhythmic beat.

The music has many origins in the United States. Country music, (3) (come) from the rural areas in the southern United States, is one source. Many people appreciate this music (4) (simple) because of the emotions (5) (express) by country music songs. A second origin of American popular music is the blues. It described mostly sad feelings (6) (reflect) the difficult lives of American blacks. It is usually played and sung by black musicians, but it is popular with all Americans. Rock music is a newer form of music. This music style was known (7) rock and roll in the 1950’s. Since then there (8) (be) many forms of rock music, hard rock, soft rock, punk rock, disco music and others. Many (9) (perform) of popular rock music are young musicians.

People hear these songs (10) (sing) in their original English or sometimes translated to other languages. The words may differ, but the enjoyment of the music is universal.

第36 篇

In recent years, Internet voting has become (1) (increase) popular in China. People not only cast on-line votes (2) (them), but also urge others to vote for (3) (compete) like the “Most Beautiful Teacher” and the “Cutest Baby”.

Lin Yue, a high school student, is invited to vo te in the “Best Police Officer”, (4) (organize) by the local government to let the public have a better understanding of police (5) (officer) daily work. Lin Yue visits the website and reads all the stories. He is (6)

(deep) moved by their glorious deeds. He is already thinking of becoming a policeman himself in the future.

Wu Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the “Future Singer”.He has received three similar (7) (invite) so far. His uncle tells him (8) if his cousin wins it, the family will win an overseas tour (9) free. Wu Hua likes his cousin very much, but he finds other singers perform even (10) (well). To vote, or not to vote? This is a question that troubles him very much.

第37 篇

I am awfully sorry about the severe earthquake, which (1) (strike) your hometown. I felt (2) (extreme) upset when the news came (3) the earthquake had led to extensive and severe damage in your county, causing loss of lives and leaving many people (4) (home).

(5) (face) such a horrible natural disaster, the people there remain (6)

calm and strong-willed that we all admire your courage and strength. Here in China people are very (7) (concern) about the present situation in your country and we are all determined to make every bit of our effort to help. (8) the saying goes, unity is strength. I am sure that (9) strong determination and the support from every corner of the world, you and your country can go through the difficulty and a better hometown (10) (rebuild) soon.

第38 篇

For centuries, everybody knows laughter is the best medicine. Besides bringing joy, the doctor also believes that laughter helps release stress, (1) is the cause of many diseases.

The celebration of World Laughter Day (2) (mean) to bring good health, joy and world peace. It is a special day that can (3) (celebrate*) annually by anyone on the first Sunday of May. All people need to do is (4) (laugh) aloud and wildly. The fun event was started by an Indian physician, Dr. Madan Katria.

His quest to make the world a happier place began in 1995, with the introduction of Laughter Yoga (大笑瑜伽课), a fitness class (5) people practice breathing exercise

and uncontrolled laughter.

Though only five students attended the first class, this fun way of exercising soon began to spread and in a short time it began to (6) (hold) in more than 70 countries around the world.

Members get together every day or twice a week to exercise by simply laughing out loud, waving their hands and making funny faces to each other to keep the laughing (7) (go).

In 1998, in an attempt to spread the laughter to every person, the physician declared the first Sunday of every May World Laughter Day. Not (8) (surprise),it became an instant hit. To make it more fun, Dr. Katria suggested (9) (organize) the celebrations in public places so that other people could join in. Some even awarded prizes to (10)

(participate) who could perform this feat in a natural and effortless way.

第39 篇

There is a wonderful story about Jimmy Durance, one of the greatest singers. (1) (ask) to be a part of a show for some old World War II soldiers, he said that he was so busy (2) he could afford only a few minutes, and that he (3) (come) if they wouldn’t mind his sin ging one short song and immediately (4) (leave) for his nex t appointment. Of course, the show’s director agreed happily.

But when Jimmy got on the stage, something surprising happened. He went through his short song and then stayed. The applause grew louder and louder and he kept staying. Pretty soon, he had been on the stage for fifteen, twenty, and then thirty minutes. One of his (5) (assist) behind the stage stopped him and said, “I had thought you had to leave pretty soon. What happened?”

Jimmy answered, “I did have to leave, but I can show you the reason (6) I stayed. You can see (7) yourself if you look at the front row.” In the front row (8) (be) two men, both of (9) had lost an arm in the war. One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left. Together, they were clapping, loudly and (10) (cheer).

第40 篇

Alfred Nobel was born in Sweden and then moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, (1) his father made a strong position in the engineering industry, but (2) (fortune) went bankrupt (破产) few years later. Nobel had never been to school (3) university, but had studied (4) (private) and became a (5) (skill) chemist and excellent linguist, (6) (speak) Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. Unlike his father, he had better luck in business and showed more (7) (finance) sense. He was quick to see industrial chances for his scientific (8) (invent) and built up over eighty companies in twenty different countries. But his main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific (9) (discover). Instead, he was always searching for a meaning for life. In 1896, Nobel died in Italy. In his will, he left money (10) (provide) prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace. And so, the man is remembered and respected long after his death.

第41 篇

This summer I travelled from noisy Beijing to Wuzhen, a beautiful village in Zhejiang Province. Unfolded before me was (1) unique image of this water country-the stone bridge and the water flowing, all like fairytales to me.

However, (2) impressed me most was not the natural scenery but the scene of a grandma bathing a little baby in a wooden basin with the door open. My friends couldn’t help (3) (take) pictures of them. To my surprise, the grandma smiled and waved at us. All of a sudden, my heart was filled with (4) (warm).

I shared the photo and my (5) (forget) experience with my friends. They were (6)

(simple) moved as I was, but at the same time they reminded me of the unpleasant experiences in big cities. We feel embarrassed to see people quarrelling in public because they (7) (step) on accidentally by strangers.

According to a recent survey (8) (make) in the November 2016 Jiangxi News: 45 percent of the residents don’t know the names of their neighbors; 63 percent have never devoted (9) (they) to talking to their neighbors; 67 percent think that the relationship between them and their neighbors is just so-so, or even worse.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to say hello to our neighbors who just came back (10)

work and give them a smile?

第42 篇

Sending gifts varies greatly from country to country. In Australia, Canada, the United States and European countries, (1) (send) gifts is rarely expected. While seen as a nice gesture, it is more important to avoid (2) (give) highly personal gifts such as clothing. When visiting the home of a colleague from one of these (3) (country), it is normally appropriate to bring a gift to the hostess.

In America, (4) (expense) gifts are definitely out. A good (5) (choose) is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to (6) entertainment or a sporting event.

(7)the contrary, gift giving is a traditional custom in Japan. In Japan the proper gift is thought (8) (express) the giver’s true friendship, gratitude and respect far (9) (well) than words can. So if you plan to visit Japan or to have any Japanese visit you here, be prepared.

Australia is known for its friendliness and informality. So modest gifts, such as a diary, a paperweight, or a coffee cup might (10) (present) to a friend. At a trade show, T-shirts, ties, baseball caps, or a pin may be appropriate souvenirs. Anything more than these


40篇英语短文语法填空题 1. Fall in Love with English 1 (hide) behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk 2 there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this 3 h e was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through 4 any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and 5 (dislike) joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up 6 over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly 7 he was suffering from, but entirely 8 (agree) with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle 9 problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to 10 (study) English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words.Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English. 2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes V oyages of people from England play an important part in spreading 1 English language. At present, English is frequently spoken 2 an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All 3 (base) on British English, the English spoken in these countries can 4 (understand) well by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes 5 (change)gradually in accents, spellings, expressions and the 6 (use) of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell 7 country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands 8 driver, ―Come up straight to my apartment by elevator 9 take some gas for my trucks and cabs‖, instead of requesting, ―Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis‖, you can recognize his American identity, 10 the latter suggests that he is British. 3. A Hard Trip My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she 1 (determine) to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not 2 (care) about the disadvantages. 3 stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in 4 usual though we preferred to take a train. 5 we prepared everything, including the schedule, 6 (rely) weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip. Our journey was along a river 7 (flow) from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, 8 the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really 9 hard


2016高考英语语法填空真题精选10篇 Passage 1 (2015?新课标全国Ⅰ) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Yangshuo,China It was raining lightly when I __1__ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours __2__,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with __3__ (it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain. I'd skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River __4__ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese __5__ (painting).Instead,I'd headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away __6__ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. Yangshuo __7__ (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers __8__ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it __9__ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people __10__ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Passage 2 (2015?新课标全国Ⅱ) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The adobe dwellings(土坯房)__1__(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even __2__ most modern of architects and engineers.In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their __3__(able) to “air condition”a house without __4__(use)electric equipment.Walls made of adobe take in the heat


2019年高考英语语法填空实战模拟 (名师精剖析解题技巧与方法+实战练习,值得下载练习) 篇一:语法填空答题技巧 {} 语法填空解题流程 {} 语法填空答题技巧 形式一有提示词类 (一)提供动词类 当设空处提供动词原形,设空处一般考查动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词或 词类转化。其解题步骤为: 全国Ⅰ]But for tourists like me,pandas are its top __61__(attract).[典例1][2016· [剖析]考查名词。句意:对于像我一样的游客,大熊猫是最大的吸引。形容词 top“头等的;最重要的”后面跟名词形式。故填attraction。 [典例2][2016· 全国Ⅰ]My ambassadorial duties will include __67__(introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.

[剖析]include为及物动词,后面应用动名词形式作宾语。故填introducing。 全国Ⅱ]Leaving the less important things until tomorrow __63__ [典例3][2016· (be) often acceptable. [剖析]分析句子结构可知,动名词短语Leaving the less...until tomorrow作主语,故63处应为谓语动词且应用单数形式。故填is。 (二)词性转换类 词性转换多以派生词变化为主,如:形容词与副词间的相互转化形容词与名 词间的相互转化;形容词与动词间的相互转化;动词与名词间的相互转化等。其 解题步骤为: 全国Ⅰ]The title will be __63__(official)given to me at a ceremony [典例1][2016· in London. [剖析]考查副词。修饰动词应用副词形式。应填officially。 全国Ⅱ]Then,handle the most important tasks first so you'll feel a [典例2][2016· real sense of __62__ (achieve). [剖析]考查名词。介词of后应用名词作宾语。故填achievement。 特别提醒:1.括号中所给词为形容词或副词时,也有可能是考查其比较等级。 [典例1]The__68__(hard) you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.He controls you! [剖析]分析句子结构以及根据句意可知,此处为“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”结构,表示“越……,就越……”,故答案为harder。 2.括号中所给词为名词时,有可能不是考查词性转换,而是考查单复数。 [典例2]...for most of us the __69__(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river. [剖析]由定冠词the可知,此处应填名词,由谓语动词are和require可知此处 应用复数形式changes。 3.有个别空可能是词义转换题,词性不一定要变,主要是考查与词根意义相 反的派生词,需根据句子意思及前后逻辑关系,在词根前加un-,im-等,在词根


最新高考英语考前冲刺语法填空短文改错精准训练历年语法填空真题20套Passage 1(2019课标全国I) The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. While they are rare north of 88°,there is evidence 1 they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been 2 (poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide. Modem methods 3 tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s,and are expensive 4 (perform) consistently over a large area. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunayut 5 (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a 6 (believe) that populations are increasing. Scientists have responded by 7 (note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are 8 (high) than they actually are. Of 9 nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six 10 (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ? 答案: 1 that 2 poorly 3 of/for 4 to perform 5 have reported


高考语法填空专题训练 一 Once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow. “Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 31. who 32. But 33. a 34. hid 35. Another 36. it 37. saying 38. will be 39. strength 40. Under 二 The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as __31_ investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 32_ (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from _33 countries and cultures. However, __34____there are many positive developments __35__ (associate) with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. __36___ concern relates to a lack of control over__37__ appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are 38 (restrict) on what kinds of programs can __39__(broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable __40____ their children to see. 31. an 32. latest 33.other/different 34. while 35.associated 36. One 37. what 38. restrictions 39. be broadcast(ed) 40.for 三


高考英语语法填空之介词及介词短语专项练习 1.I began ________ a calculating machine ________ France ________ 164 2. 2.Spielberg is such a famous director that we're all looking forward to ________(see)his new films. 3.Driving cars instead of taking buses is harmful ________ our environment. 4.As far as I know, the little boy has a strong desire ________ knowledge. 5.On the contrary, most electronic media such ________ television, recordings, and radio make fewer demands on their audiences. 6.People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun ________each other. 7.________ tradition, Chinese people will have a family reunion, admire the moon and share the mooncakes. 8.Nanjing is an old city which lies ________ the Yangtze River. 9.Ensure the guard is ________ place before operating the machine. 10.We must wake up to the fact that this kind of animal is ________ danger of dying out. 11.He was tired ________ the city life and hoped to move to the country. 12.He couldn't hold back his tears when he recalled what he had gone ________ during his childhood. 13.She adapted herself quickly ________ the new life in London. 14.The teacher came in________ a book in his hand. 15.________ memory of the dead soldiers, a grand memorial was built on the spot of the great campaign. 16.Doctors should be patient ________ their patients. 17.After I was programmed ________ an operator who used cards ________ holes,I could “think” logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. 18.Instead ________ going ________ a diet, she eats less fat and sugar and exercises more. 19.There were scores of scenes in this film where I was moved ________ tears. 20.With the Chinese people _______(unite) as one, any attempt to separate China is bound to fail. 21.As we approach our teenage years, we have to go ______ many physical and emotional changes.


高考英语语法填空专题练习含答案 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置. 〔1〕 In the United States, there were 222 people 1.__________〔report〕to be billionaires〔亿万富翁〕in 2003. The 2.__________of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money 3. 4. 5. __________the time he was 6.__________, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even 7.__________〔young〕ages. Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. 8.__________of these child actors made over a million dollars 9.__________〔act〕in movies before they were 14. But 10. __________ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited 〔继承〕a billion dollars when he turned 18! 〔2〕 Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that their new car 1.__________〔steal〕. They filed a report 2.__________the police station and a detective drove them 3.__________to the parking lot to look for evidence. To their 4.__________〔amaze〕, the car had been returned 5.__________there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to rush her to the 6.__________. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets 7.__________tonight's M ania Twain concert.” Their faith in humanity restored. The couple attended 8.__________concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found. 9.__________their house had been ransacked 〔洗劫〕. On the bathroom mirror was 10.__________note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?” 〔3〕 People 1.__________〔live〕in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred 2.__________in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four 3.__________ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need 4.__________these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. 5.__________you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.


(1) In the United States, there were 222 people ____1____ (report) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in 2003. The ____2_____ of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money ____3____ starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old _____4____ he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire _____5___ the time he was 31. ____6____, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even ____7____ (young) ages. Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. ____8____ of these child actors made over a million dollars ___9____ (act) in movies before they were 14. But ___10___ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und T axis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited (继承) a billion dollars when he turned 18! (2) Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that their new car ____1_____ (steal) .They filed a report____2____ the police station and a detective drove them ____3____ to the parking lot to look for evidence. To their ____4____ (amaze), the car had been returned ___5____ there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to rush her to the ____6_____. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets ____7____ tonight's Mania Twain concert.” Their faith in humanity restored. The couple attended ____8____ concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found ____9______their house had been ransacked (洗劫). On the bathroom mirror was ____10_____ note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?” (3) People _____1___ (live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred _____2_____ in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four ___3___ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need ____4____ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. ____5_____ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary ______6___ (big). Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of books _____7____ (write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet _____8____ new word, look it ____9_____ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your _____10_____ (much) useful book. (4) When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets ____1_____ the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street you must look to the right first _____2____ then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from ____3____, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most ____4___ (danger) then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, ____5____. Always


高中英语语法填空练习(24篇) 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。 (1) In the United States, there were 222 people 1.__________(report)to be billionaires(亿万富翁)in 2003. The 2.__________of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money 3.__________starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old 4.__________he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire 5. __________the time he was 6.__________, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even 7.__________(young)ages. Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. 8.__________of these child actors made over a million dollars9.__________(act)in movies before they were 14. But10.__________ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited (继承)a billion dollars when he turned 18! (2) Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that their new car 1.__________(steal). They filed a report 2.__________the police station and a detective drove them 3.__________to the parking lot to look for evidence. To their 4.__________(amaze), the car had been returned 5.__________there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your ca r. My wife was having a baby and I had to rush her to the 6.__________. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets 7.__________tonight's Mania Twain concert.” Their faith in humanity restored. The couple attended8.__________concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found. 9.__________their house had been ransacked (洗劫). On the bathroom mirror was 10.__________note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?” (3) People 1.__________(live)in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred 2.__________in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary,


40篇英语短文搞定高考3500个单词 1先完成语法填空,理解文章 2 识别带下划线单词,英文处写中文,中文翻译处写英文 1. Fall in Love with English 1 _______(hide) behind the loose dusty curtain, 2 _____ teenager pack ed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this 3 ________ he was tired of his parents’ complaining about his English study and did not want to go through it any 4 _____(long). He couldn’t get along well with English and dislike d join ing in English classes because he thought his teacher 5________(ignore) him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never add ed up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood 6________(exact) what he was suffer ing from, but entirely disagree d 7_______ his idea. In order to calm him down 8________ settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swap ped a series of 9______(learn) tip s with him. The item s she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recover ed from being upset and 10_______(fall) in love with English. 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。 这个少年非常很感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。
