


中秋节的英语手抄报 【篇一:国庆节英语手抄报资料】 国庆节英语手抄报资料 国庆节的英语是:national day 也可以说:national day holiday! 在这里预祝大家国庆节快乐!happy national day! 国庆节英文例句: 1.colourful neon lights were hung here and there during national day. 国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯. 2.national day falls on a monday this year. 今年国庆节是星期一. 3.the national day is drawing closer. 国庆节快到了. 4.the laughter on the boats mingled with that on shore, adding to the jubilation on national day. 船上和岸上的笑声交汇在一起, 增加了国庆节的欢乐气氛. 5.the national day and the international labour day are great events in china. 国庆节和国际劳动节在中国是重大的节日. 6.i spent the national day at weihai. 我在威海度过了国庆节 7.there will be a garden party on national day. 国庆节将有游园会. 8.national day is come into contact with gradually on day. 日子逐渐接近国庆节了. 9.on national day red flags are hung out of every window. 国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗. 10.its a fortnight to national day. 离国庆节还有两星期. 11.its october 1 ( the first ) .its national day. 今天是十月一日, 国庆节. 12.people gathered in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the national day. 国庆节前夕人们聚集在礼堂开庆祝会. 13.today is our national day, oct.1.


中秋节英语手抄报内容 篇一:中秋节手抄报资料 中秋节手抄报资料 中秋节: 农历八月十五,中秋节。这是人们一直都喻为最有人情味、最诗情画意的一个节日。中 秋节,这一份思念当然会更深切,尤其是一轮明月高高挂的时刻。中秋之所以是中秋,是因为 农历八月十五这一天是在三秋制中。这一天天上的圆月分外明亮特别的大特别的圆,所以这一 天也被视为撮合姻缘的大好日子。 中秋节的来源: 1、嫦娥奔月 据说远在四千多年前,有穷国的国王后羿,勇武善射,但生性暴戾,不体恤民间疾苦, 弄得民不聊生。后羿想长生不老,从昆仑山找来长生之药,准备择日吞药,此事为嫦娥得知, 为体恤子民,免于后羿长期残暴统治,乃先将此药吃下,突然身轻如燕,飘飘然向月宫腾空飞 去,后羿发现,以箭射嫦娥,嫦娥进入广寒宫,成了月神,称为“明月之神”或“太阴娘娘”。 2、推翻元朝 相传,元末,中原人民不甘受其元的残暴统治,爱国之士纷纷奋起抗元,朱洪武的军师 刘伯温要属下扮道士到各县卖符, 并称: 今年天将降灾, 要避灾者可于八月十五日悬挂日月旗, 旗将藏于大月饼中。 到了这天, 各地民众都切大月饼, 将其中所藏的旗挂起来, 起义声势大振, 元人大为吃惊,朱洪武就一击成功,结束了元朝的统治。后来,这种日月旗就是“明”旗。 中秋节的习俗: 1、赏月: 中秋节的月亮是特别的皎洁与圆满,具有象征团圆的意义。古代就有许多人想看月亮里 的玉兔和吴刚伐木,现代人是欣赏月夜的自然美景。 2、吃月饼: 吃月饼的习俗有文字记载是始于明代,传说把节庆的食品神奇化,并赋予爱国的意义。 中秋应景的是“月饼”,与端午节吃粽子一样。月饼是庆团圆或是纪念反抗异族的统治。 3、团圆: 大家吃月饼、赏月、酬谢土地公等习俗,都在祈求人生圆满光辉,家庭团圆幸福,社区 平安,表现出月圆人亦圆的理想。 中秋祭月 在我国是一种十分古老的习俗。据史书记载,早在周朝,古代帝王就有春分祭日、夏至 祭地、秋分祭月、冬至祭天的习俗。其祭祀的场所称为日坛、地坛、月坛、天坛。分设在东南 西北四个方向。北京的月坛就是明清皇帝祭月的地方。 《礼记》记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月。 朝日之朝,夕月之夕。”这里的夕月之夕,指的正是夜晚祭祀月亮。这种风俗不仅为宫廷及上 1 / 5


中秋节英语手抄报资料参考 "Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns. 农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日——中秋节。在这天,每个家 庭都团聚在一起,一家人共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。此时,大人们吃着美味的月饼,品着热腾腾的香茗,而孩子们则在一旁 拉着兔子灯尽情玩耍。 "Zhong Qiu Jie" probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon. 中秋节最早可能是一个庆祝丰收的节日。后来,月宫里美丽的仙 女嫦娥的神话故事赋予了它神话色彩。 According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a strong archer,Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.


2019中秋节手抄报英文内容 "Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns. 农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日——中秋节。在这天,每个家庭都团聚在一起,一家人共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。此时,大人们吃着美味的月饼,品着热腾腾的香茗,而孩子们则在一旁拉着兔子灯尽情玩耍。 "Zhong Qiu Jie" probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon. 中秋节最早可能是一个庆祝丰收的节日。后来,月宫里美丽的仙女嫦娥的神话故事赋予了它神话色彩。 According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.


重阳节,为每年的农历九月初九日,是中国传统节日。“重阳”也叫“重九”,因为《易经》中把“九”定为阳数,九月九日,两九相重,故曰“重阳”,古人认为重阳是一个值得庆贺的吉利日子。庆祝重阳节一般包括出游赏秋、登高远眺、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动。1989年农历九月九日被定为老人节,倡导全社会树立尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的风气。 习俗 重阳节是最好的赏秋时期,中国南方还有些山区村落保留了“晒秋”特色。古代民间在重阳节有登高的风俗,故重阳节又叫“登高节”。相传这一风俗始于东汉。登高的地点,没有统一的规定,一般是登高山、登高塔。中国政府在1989年将每年的这一天定为老人节,每到这一日,各地都要组织老年人登山秋游,交流感情,锻炼身体。不少家庭的晚辈也会搀扶年老的长辈到郊外活动。庆祝重阳节一般会包括出游赏景、登高远眺、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动。 什么是重阳节 历史演变 重阳节已有两千多年的历史。重阳节的起源,最早可以推到春秋战国时期。战国时代,重阳已受到人们重视,但只是在帝宫中进行的活动。重阳节”名称见于记载却在三国时代。唐朝时,重阳节才被定为正式节日。2012年12月28日,中国全国人大常委会表决通过新修改的《老年人权益保障法》。法律明确, 每年农历九月初九为老年节。 重阳节诗句 遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。—— 王维《九月九日忆山东兄弟 》 尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归。 —— 杜牧《九日齐山登高》 江涵秋影雁初飞,与客携壶上翠微。 —— 杜牧《九日齐山登高》 望天王降诏,早招安,心方足。 —— 宋江《满江红·喜遇重阳》 王孙莫把比蓬蒿,九日枝枝近鬓毛。 —— 郑谷《菊》 九日黄花酒,登高会昔闻。 —— 岑参《奉陪封大夫九日登高》 九日龙山饮,黄花笑逐臣。 —— 李白《九日龙山饮》


关于端午节的英语手抄报内容 关于端午节的英语手抄报篇一: Dragon Boat Festival,often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival,is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.Dragon Boat festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan.He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government.People sat on dragon boats,and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums.Hence,toady we sail the dragon boats to celebrate this festival.Also,people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) in memory of Qu's dramatic death. 龙舟节,又名为端午节是中国的一个传统节日,他在农历第五个月份的第五天.端午节是为了纪念中国诗人屈原所设立的节日。他由于厌恶古代朝廷的贪腐而投江自杀。人们坐在船头,击鼓以吓走鱼虾,所以我们现在用赛龙舟来庆祝这个节日,人们也吃粽子来怀念屈原之死。


Mooncakes symbolize the gathering of friends and family and are an indispensable part of the offerings made to the Earth God, Tu Ti Kung. According to popular belief, the custom of eating mooncakes began in the late Yuan dynasty. As the story goes, the Han people of that time resented the Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty and revolutionaries, led by Chu Yuan-chang, plotted to usurp the throne. Chu needed to find a way of uniting the people to revolt on the same day without letting the Mongol rulers learn of the plan. Chu's close advisor, Liu Po-wen, finally came up with a brilliant idea. A rumor was spread that a plague was ravaging the land and that only by eating a special mooncake distributed by the revolutionaries could the disaster be prevented. The mooncakes were then distributed only to the Han people, who found, upon cutting the cakes open, the message "Revolt on the fifteenth of the eighth month." Thus informed, the people rose together on the designated day to l The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled Western fruitcakes in taste and consistency. These cakes were made with melon seeds(西瓜子), lotus seeds(莲籽), almonds(杏仁), minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard(猪油). A golden yolk(蛋黄) from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival. Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year," that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary(闰月的) This day was also considered as a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates(石榴), melons, oranges and pomelos(柚子) might be seen. Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro(芋头)and water caltrope(菱角), a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). 作者:807班汤雪莹


中秋节英文手抄报 中秋节马上就要到来了,制作出一份精美的英文手抄报是对于孩子们来说是一件很快乐的事情,孩子可以在过程中学到知识和锻炼动手能力,节假日频道将为您超多提供手抄报模板和资料,敬请关注吧。 中秋英文手抄报资料 The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon,around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分).Many referred to it simply as the"Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon". 在欢乐的中秋节是庆祝第八届月球15天,周围的秋分时间(秋

分)。许多人说只是简单的"第八届第十五次玉轮"。 Thellos day was also considered as aharvest festival since fruits,vegetables and grain had been harvested by thellos time and food was abundant.Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard.Apples,pears,peaches,grapes,pomegranates(石榴),melons,oranges and pomelos(柚子)might be seen.Special foods for the festival included moon cakes,cooked taro(芋头)and water caltrope(菱角),a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns.Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation,taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight.Of all these foods,it could not be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival.


中秋节的英语手抄报内容 中秋节的英语手抄报内容图片欣赏 中秋节的英语手抄报内容图片1 中秋节的英语手抄报内容图片2 中秋节的英语手抄报内容图片3 中秋节的英语手抄报内容图片4 中秋节的英语手抄报内容资料1 1.我喜欢中秋的意境。那既是收获的积蓄,又是收获的开端。说她是积蓄,是由于夏收才过不多时候。说她是开端,是因为秋天迈 着她硕果累累的脚步迎面而来,融着人内心即将收获的欣喜。我想 惟有经历过乡村生活体验的人,才会有这种情感、心境和内心深切 的感受。 2.这样的中秋,大抵因为太快乐,常常顾不上想家。玩得尽兴而归,才想起给家里打个电话。深更半夜里,母亲被电话扰醒,还不 忘问我吃了月饼2015关于中秋节的优美句子。那年月,一家四口人,分三地。天上一轮明月,地上彼此相望。中秋的月儿圆,人却不团圆。 3.不求最深,只求最浓;不求最好,只求最真;不求最早,只求最实。中秋节到,送你最真、最实、最浓的祝福,愿你有钱花有房住,四面八方皆真情,十心十意爱心抱,五湖四海财气到,祝你中秋有 好事、撞大运! 4.此时此刻,不论是天山南北,还是黄河上下,到处都是被月光点燃的激情,到处是被月光照亮的脸庞。我又想起了那些因为种种 原因,不能与家人团聚的人,他们虽身处异乡,可还是可以通过电

话,通过网络听到家人的声音,看到家人的音容笑貌,他们之间相 隔甚远,却又离得如此近,从某种意义上说,他们也是“团聚”了。 5.在这个夜晚,月亮显得异常明亮,我们,在饭后赏月,看着这月亮,我不禁联想到了嫦娥,她为了自己的丈夫,不惜自己飞向遥 远而寒冷的月球,真令人感动啊! 6.中秋的月最美,是那样诗情画意;中秋的月最柔,是那样柔情 似水;中秋的月最明,是那样如水似镜。中秋节是我们中国人的团圆节,每到这一天,许多远离家乡的游子,纷纷赶回家中,与父母亲 友欢聚一堂把酒言欢。 中秋节的英语手抄报内容资料2 Thewolfinsheep'sclothing Awolfwantedtoeatthesheep,buthewasafraidofthevigilantshep herdandhisdogs. Onedaythewolffoundtheskinofasheep.Heputitonandwalkedamon gthesheep. Alambthoughtthatthewolfwasitsmotherbecausehisskinlookedl ikehers.Soitfollowedthewolf. Soonaftertheyhadleftthedogs,thewolfcameatthelambandateit up.Forsometimehesucceededindeceivingthesheep,andenjoyinghea rtymeals.


中秋节英语手抄报内容 篇一:中秋节手抄报资料 中秋节手抄报资料 中秋节: 农历八月十五,中秋节。这是人们一直都喻为最有人情味、最诗情画意的一个节日。中秋节,这一份思念当然会更深切,尤其是一轮明月高高挂的时刻。中秋之所以是中秋,是因为农历八月十五这一天是在三秋制中。这一天天上的圆月分外明亮特别的大特别的圆,所以这一天也被视为撮合姻缘的大好日子。 中秋节的来源: 1、嫦娥奔月 据说远在四千多年前,有穷国的国王后羿,勇武善射,但生性暴戾,不体恤民间疾苦,弄得民不聊生。后羿想长生不老,从昆仑山找来长生之药,准备择日吞药,此事为嫦娥得知,为体恤子民,免于后羿长期残暴统治,乃先将此药吃下,突然身轻如燕,飘飘然向月宫腾空飞去,后羿发现,以箭射嫦娥,嫦娥进入广寒宫,成了月神,称为“明月之神”或“太阴娘娘”。 2、推翻元朝 相传,元末,中原人民不甘受其元的残暴统治,爱国之士纷纷奋起抗元,朱洪武的军师刘伯温要属下扮道士到各县卖符,并称:今年天将降灾,要避灾者可于八月十五日悬挂日月旗,旗将藏于大月饼中。

到了这天,各地民众都切大月饼,将其中所藏的旗挂起来,起义声势大振,元人大为吃惊,朱洪武就一击成功,结束了元朝的统治。后来,这种日月旗就是“明”旗。 中秋节的习俗: 1、赏月: 中秋节的月亮是特别的皎洁与圆满,具有象征团圆的意义。古代就有许多人想看月亮里的玉兔和吴刚伐木,现代人是欣赏月夜的自然美景。 2、吃月饼: 吃月饼的习俗有文字记载是始于明代,传说把节庆的食品神奇化,并赋予爱国的意义。中秋应景的是“月饼”,与端午节吃粽子一样。月饼是庆团圆或是纪念反抗异族的统治。 3、团圆: 大家吃月饼、赏月、酬谢土地公等习俗,都在祈求人生圆满光辉,家庭团圆幸福,社区平安,表现出月圆人亦圆的理想。 中秋祭月 在我国是一种十分古老的习俗。据史书记载,早在周朝,古代帝王就有春分祭日、夏至祭地、秋分祭月、冬至祭天的习俗。其祭祀的场所称为日坛、地坛、月坛、天坛。分设在东南西北四个方向。北京的月坛就是明清皇帝祭月的地方。记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月。朝日之朝,夕月之夕。”这里的夕月之夕,指的正是夜晚祭祀月亮。这种风俗不仅为宫廷及上层贵族所奉行,随着社会的发展,也逐渐影响


中秋节英语手抄报内容,中秋节英语手抄报 /2015/0811/20150811032926809.png" width="450" alt=" 中秋节英语手抄报 "/> 中秋节简介 (Mid-autumn Festival) The Mid-Autumn Festival , also known as the Moon Festival, is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people and Vietnamese people (even though they celebrate it differently), dating back over 3,000 years to moon worship in China's Shang Dynasty .It was first called Zhongqiu Jie in Zhou Dynasty . In Malaysia and Singapore , it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival. 中秋节 ,也被称为中秋节 ,是一个受欢迎的丰收节庆祝中国人民和越南人民 (即使他们以不同的方式庆祝它),追溯到 3000 多年在中国 商朝月亮崇拜。它第一次被称为仲秋节杰在周朝。在马来西亚和新加

坡,它有时也被称为元宵节或月饼节日。 中秋节中英文祝福语 1、你是月饼我是馅,缠缠绵绵总见面 ;你是风筝我是线,追追逐 逐把你牵 ;你是明月我是泉,圆圆满满一万年 ! You cakes I stuffing, smell the meeting; You are my kite is the line, recovery being chased by you; You Mingyue I Springs, menu 10,000 years! 2 、把酝酿已久的创意交给秋风,任其去演绎相思的旋律;让翘 盼团聚的心跃上太空,在月宫桂树下再叙永恒的主题。 The long-simmering creativity to the autumn wind, to the interpretation of its Acacia melody; Alice hope to reunite the hearts leap in space, the Moon Palace osmanthus t rees to


中秋节英语手抄报内容 中秋节英语手抄报需要一些什么内容,这这里的一篇中秋节英 语手抄报内容,希望能对你制作手抄报有帮助。 The Mid-Autumn Festival , also known as the Moon Festival, is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people and Vietnamese people (even though they celebrate it differently), dating back over 3,000 years to moon worship in China's Shang Dynasty .It was first called Zhongqiu Jie in Zhou Dynasty . In Malaysia and Singapore , it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival. 中秋节,也被称为中秋节,是一个受欢迎的丰收节庆祝中国人民 和越南人民(即使他们以不同的方式庆祝它),追溯到3000多年在中 国商朝月亮崇拜。它第一次被称为仲秋节杰在周朝。在马来西亚和新加坡,它有时也被称为元宵节或月饼节日。 1、你是月饼我是馅,缠缠绵绵总见面;你是风筝我是线,追追 逐逐把你牵;你是明月我是泉,圆圆满满一万年! You cakes I stuffing, smell the meeting; You are my kite is the line, recovery being chased by you; You Mingyue I Springs, menu 10,000 years! 2、把酝酿已久的创意交给秋风,任其去演绎相思的旋律;让翘 盼团聚的心跃上太空,在月宫桂树下再叙永恒的主题。


中秋节英语手抄报内容 中秋节手抄报资料 中秋节: 中秋节的: 1、嫦娥奔月 据说远在四千多年前,有穷国的国王后羿,勇武善射,但生性暴戾,不体恤民间疾苦,弄得民不聊生。后羿想长生不老,从昆仑山找来长生之药,准备择日吞药,此事为嫦娥得知,为体恤子民,免于后羿长期残暴统治,乃先将此药吃下,突然身轻如燕,飘飘然向月宫腾空飞去,后羿发现,以箭射嫦娥,嫦娥进入广寒宫,成了月神,称为“明月之神”或“太阴娘娘”。 2、推翻元朝 相传,元末,中原人民不甘受其元的残暴统治,爱国之士纷纷奋起抗元,朱洪武的军师刘伯温要属下扮道士到各县卖符,并称:今年天将降灾,要避灾者可于八月十五日悬挂日月旗,旗将藏于大月饼中。到了这天,各地民众都切大月饼,将其中所藏的旗挂起来,起义声势大振,元人大为吃惊,朱洪武就一击成功,结束了元朝的统治。后来,这种日月旗就是“明”旗。 中秋节的习俗: 1、赏月:

中秋节的月亮是特别的皎洁与圆满,具有象征团圆的意义。古代就有许多人想看月亮里的玉兔和吴刚伐木,现代人是欣赏月夜的自然美景。 2、吃月饼: 吃月饼的习俗有文字记载是始于明代,传说把节庆的食品神奇化,并赋予爱国的意义。中秋应景的是“月饼”,与端午节吃粽子一样。月饼是庆团圆或是纪念反抗异族的统治。 3、团圆: 大家吃月饼、赏月、酬谢土地公等习俗,都在祈求人生圆满光辉,家庭团圆幸福,社区平安,表现出月圆人亦圆的理想。 中秋祭月 在我国是一种十分古老的习俗。据史书记载,早在周朝,古代帝王就有春分祭日、夏至祭地、秋分祭月、冬至祭天的习俗。其祭祀的场所称为日坛、地坛、月坛、天坛。分设在东南西北四个方向。北京的月坛就是明清皇帝祭月的地方。《礼记》记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月。朝日之朝,夕月之夕。”这里的夕月之夕,指的正是夜晚祭祀月亮。这种风俗不仅为宫廷及上层贵族所奉行,随着社会的发展,也逐渐影响到民间。 兔儿爷 兔儿爷的起源约在明末。明人纪坤(约一六三六年前后在世)的《花王阁剩稿》:“京中秋节多以泥抟兔形,衣冠踞坐如人状,儿女祀而拜之。”到了清代,兔儿爷的功能已由祭月转变为儿童的中秋节


中秋节的英文手抄报内容 中秋节简介(Mid-autumn Festival) The Mid-Autumn Festival , also known as the Moon Festival, is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people and Vietnamese people (even though they celebrate it differently), dating back over 3,000 years to moon worship in China's Shang Dynasty .It was first called Zhongqiu Jie in Zhou Dynasty . In Malaysia and Singapore , it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival. 中秋节,也被称为中秋节,是一个受欢迎的丰收节庆祝中国人民和 越南人民(即使他们以不同的方式庆祝它),追溯到3000多年在中国商 朝月亮崇拜。它第一次被称为仲秋节杰在周朝。在马来西亚和新加坡, 它有时也被称为元宵节或月饼节日。 中秋节中英文祝福语 1、你是月饼我是馅,缠缠绵绵总见面;你是风筝我是线,追追逐 逐把你牵;你是明月我是泉,圆圆满满一万年! You cakes I stuffing, smell the meeting; You are my kite is the line, recovery being chased by you; You Mingyue I Springs, menu 10,000 years! 2、把酝酿已久的创意交给秋风,任其去演绎相思的旋律;让翘盼 团聚的心跃上太空,在月宫桂树下再叙永恒的主题。 The long-simmering creativity to the autumn wind, to the interpretation of its Acacia melody; Alice hope to reunite

中秋节的英文手抄报:Mid Autumn Day

中秋节的英文手抄报:Mid Autumn Day Ten wheel cream shadow turn family Wu,this evening Halter only disappointment.May not sue without remorse,sweet-scented osmanthus moon cold lonely.- Yan Shu " Moon " 十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅.未必素娥无怅恨,玉蟾清冷桂花孤.--晏殊《中秋月》 When will the moon be clear and bright?With a cup of wine in my hand,I ask the blue sky.I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.People may have sorrow or joy ,be near or far apart,the moon may be dim or bright,wax or wane,this has been going on since the beginning of time.We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight ,even though miles apart." Prelude to water melody " - Su Shi 明月几时有,把酒问青天.不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年……人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟.--苏轼《水调歌头》 Fugitive easily in the low moon,return call to see more emphasis on wine.In front of the hall is the more clear moonlight,pharynx pharynx cold Jiang Ming Lu grass.Lonely no shutter push families,under the windows babbling only Chu old.Nandu in the Mo shame of poverty,the few poems.-- Su Shi " and " the Mid-Autumn Festival 明月易低人易散,归来呼酒更重看.堂前月色愈清好,咽咽寒螀鸣露草.卷帘推户寂无人,窗下咿哑唯楚老.南都从事莫羞贫,对月题诗有几人.--苏轼《中秋见月和子由》


本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改,也可直接使用 中秋节小报图片大全 中秋节小报图片大全(一) 中秋节小报图片大全(二) 中秋节小报图片大全(三) 中秋节小报图片大全(四) 中秋节小报图片大全(五) 【中秋节小报图片大全:中秋节来历和传说】 每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。在中国的农历里,一年分为四季,每季又分为孟、仲、季三个部分,因而中秋也称仲秋。八月十五的月亮比其他几个月的满月更圆,更明亮,所以又叫做“月夕”,“八月节”。此夜,人们仰望天空如玉如盘的朗朗明月,自然会期盼家人团聚。远在他乡的游子,也借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。所以,中秋又称“团圆节”。 我国人民在古代就有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。夕月,即祭拜月神。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子、葡萄等祭品,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。在月下,将月亮神像放在月亮的那个方向,红烛高燃,全家人依次拜祭月亮,然后由当家主妇切开团圆月饼。切的人预先算好全家共有多少人,在家的,在外地的,都要算在一起,不能切多也不能切少,大小要一样。 相传古代齐国丑女无盐,幼年时曾虔诚拜月,长大后,以超群品德入宫,但未被宠幸。某年八月十五赏月,天子在月光下见到她,觉得她美丽出众,后立她为皇后,中秋拜月由此而来。月中嫦娥,以美貌著称,故少女拜月,愿“貌似嫦娥,面如皓月”。 在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在北宋京师。八月十五夜,满城人家,不论贫富老小,都要穿上成人的衣服,焚香拜月说出心愿,祈求月亮神的保佑。南宋,民间以月饼相赠,取团圆之义。有些地方还有舞草龙,砌宝塔等活动。明清以来,中秋节的风俗更加盛行;许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、


Mooncakes symbolize the gathering of friends and family and are an indispensable part of the offerings made to the Earth God, Tu Ti Kung. According to popular belief, the custom of eating mooncakes began in the late Yuan dynasty. As the story goes, the Han people of that time resented the Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty and revolutionaries, led by Chu Yuan-chang, plotted to usurp the throne. Chu needed to find a way of uniting the people to revolt on the same day without letting the Mongol rulers learn of the plan. Chu's close advisor, Liu Po-wen, finally came up with a brilliant idea. A rumor was spread that a plague was ravaging the land and that only by eating a special mooncake distributed by the revolutionaries could the disaster be prevented. The mooncakes were then distributed only to the Han people, who found, upon cutting the cakes open, the message "Revolt on the fifteenth of the eighth month." Thus informed, the people rose together on the designated day to l The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled Western fruitcakes in taste and consistency. These cakes were made with melon seeds(西瓜子), lotus seeds(莲籽), almonds(杏仁), minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard(猪油). A golden yolk(蛋黄) from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival. Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year," that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary(闰月的) This day was also considered as a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates(石榴), melons, oranges and pomelos(柚子) might be seen. Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro(芋头)and water caltrope(菱角), a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). 作者:807班汤雪莹
