




Education from My Father

My memories of my father are slim because he was so sick in the last years of his life. But there are 36that I am often reminded of and which may have had some bearing on my love of 37.

When I was small I was somewhat 38of lightning and thunder. My father explained it. The explanation was in 39that a child could understand but was basically correct. I gained a better 40later, but I didn’t have to unlearn anything.

What he said was that there was electricity in the clouds 41it travelled to the ground like a spark. When it travelled 42the air it made the air so hot that it 43. Then there was nothing where the air had been and the air all around rushed in to 44the space. He clapped his hands together very loud, 45to be the air rushing in, and said that makes the thunder. When I hear thunder, I can still hear that 46.

He explained why if it was cloudy in the winter the night was warmer than if it was 47. It was one of those nights when the sky was full of stars: no moon, no town lights. But there were more stars than you could 48and they had color too. He said that if there were no clouds, we had no blankets and were 49to the universe. Our warmth was going to 50the whole universe. When there were clouds, they were like blankets and we were not exposed to the universe. I 51feel on the edge of space on a very clear night.

I am sure there were many other lessons that I 52but no longer remember. What I did 53, in general, was that there were explanations and that the more I understood them, the more comfortable the world was to live in. I was not taught that there were 54but that there was understanding if you looked for it. This may be why I have always been 55in science.

36. A. others B. few C. some D. all

37. A. science B. nature C. weather D. universe

38. A. sure B. fond C. tired D. afraid

39. A. depth B. words C. gestures D. data

40. A. understanding B. knowledge C. command D. confidence

41. A. but B. and C. for D. or

42. A. above B. to C. along D. through

43. A. shone B. burned C. expanded D. broke

44. A. fill B. make C. avoid D. break

45. A. trying B. proving C. hoping D. pretending

46. A. clap B. remark C. voice D. crash

47. A. cold B. bright C. clear D. foggy

48. A. explore B. foresee C. imagine D. identify

49. A. committed B. exposed C. related D. led

50. A. heat B. protect C. extend D. light

51. A. ever B. also C. even D. still

52. A. selected B. arranged C. absorbed D. delivered

53. A. consider B. promise C. explain D. learn

54. A. memories B. blankets C. mysteries D. thunders

55. A. engaged B. interested C. successful D. skillful

Education from My Father

My memories of my father are slim because he was so sick in the last years of his life. But there are 36 that I am often reminded of and which may have had some bearing(influence)on my love of 37 .

When I was small I was somewhat 38 of lightning and thunder. My father explained it. The explanation was in 39 that a child could understand but was basically correct.I gained a better 40 later, but

I didn’t have to unlearn anything.

(unlearn=to deliberately forget something you have learned, in order

to change the way you do something: It's difficult to unlearn bad driving habits.)

What he said was that there was electricity in the clouds 41 it travelled to the ground like a spark. When it travelled 42 the air

it made the air so hot that it 43 . Then there was nothing where the air had been and the air all around rushed in to 44 the space. He clapped his hands together very loud, 45 to be the air rushing in, and said that makes the thunder. When I hear thunder, I can still hear that 46 .

He explained why if it was cloudy in the winter the night was warmer than if it was 47 . It was one of those nights when the sky was full of stars: no moon, no town lights. But there were more stars than you could 48 and they had color too. He said that if there were no clouds, we had no blankets and were 49 to the universe. Our warmth was going to 50 the whole universe. When there were clouds, they were like blankets and we were not exposed to the universe. I 51 feel on the edge of space on a very clear night.

I am sure there were many other lessons that I 52 but no longer remember. What I did 53 , in general, was that there were explanations and that the more I understood them, the more comfortable the world was to live in. I was not taught that there were 54 but that there was understanding if you looked for it. This may be why I have always been

55 in science.

36. A. others B. few C. some D. all

37. A. science B. nature C. weather D. universe

38. A. sure B. fond C. tired D. afraid

39. A. depth B. words C. gestures D. data

B. knowledge

C. command

D. confidence

40. A.


41. A. but B. and C. for D. or

42. A. above B. to C. along D. through

43. A. shone B.burned C. expanded D. broke

44. A. fill B. make C. avoid D. break

45. A. trying B. proving C. hoping D. pretending

46. A. clap B. remark C. voice D. crash

47. A. cold B. bright C. clear D. foggy

48. A. explore B. foresee C. imagine D. identify

B. exposed

C. related

D. led

49. A.


50. A. heat B. protect C. extend D. light

51. A. ever B. also C. even D.still

52. A. selected B. arranged C. absorbed D. delivered

53. A. consider B. promise C. explain D. learn

54. A. memories B. blankets C.mysteries D. thunders

55. A. engaged B.

C. successful

D. skillful




When you’re a preteen, a huge problem might be that you ju st have to have a new rock-rap CD, 36 your parents won’t give you the money for it. I thought life was so 37 when things like this happened—until September 11, 2001.

I was in P.E. when the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As soon as I got home and for weeks after, I saw the disaster 38 on TV. Seeing the innocent people running for their 39 as the debris(瓦砾) started coming down the fire and smoke rose out of the 40 brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t help imagining what the people on the 41 and in the buildings were thinking and going through, not 42 what was going on. I admired the courage of the firefighters who rushed in and risked their own lives to 43 others. It tore my heart apart to watch the 44 looks on the faces of so many people who didn’t know if their loved ones were dead or alive while 45 in all the debris.

Then it 46 me: All my life I had thought mainly of myself. I had it easy in life and had been taking it all for granted.

A feeling of coldness 47 down my back, and I cried just thinking of the possibility that it could have easily 48 to my family. My mom or dad could have been killed like that, and I would never, ever see them again. I began to evaluate what a real 49 in life was.

This disaster50 me that awful things can happen to anyone at any time. Now when my mom or dad or sister go somewhere, even if it’s just 51 the store, I try to remember to tell them that I love them because I know there is a 52 that I may never tell them that 53 . Not getting a new CD is not going to make or 54 my life. I can live with those kinds of problems. But losing someone I love would 55 make my life miserable.9/11 showed me just what I am.

36. A. but B. so C. or D. for

37. A. unbelievable B. uncomfortable C. unfair D. uncertain

38. A. expand B. occur C. strike D. unfold

39. A. lives B. families C. houses D. friends

40. A. curtains B. buildings C. gates D. bedrooms

41. A. seats B. planes C. corners D. streets

42. A. believing B. thinking C. knowing D. caring

43. A. join B. save C. meet D. calm

44. A. puzzled B. severe C. dirty D. desperate

45. A. hidden B. found C. placed D. trapped

46. A. rewarded B. surprised C. hit D. told

47. A. cooled B. dropped C. ran D. passed

48. A. happened B. compared C. related D. turned

49. A. relationship B. problem C. need D. fate

50. A. taught B. reminded C. persuaded D. informed

51. A. on B. in C. at D. to

52. A. story B. doubt C. chance D. plan

53. A. again B. once C. enough D. ever

54. A. end B. change C. spare D. break

55. A. rather B. truly C. probably D. frequently


When you’re a preteen, a huge problem might be that you just have to have a new rock-rap CD, ______ (36) your parents won’t give you the money for it. I thought life was so ______ (37) when things like this happened – until September 11, 2001.

36 A. but B. so C. or D. for



37 A. unbelievable B. uncomfortable C. unfair D. uncertain


形容词题。描述life,后面说到当这样的事情发生,即前文中想买不给钱买的事情,所以应该是负态度词,排除A正态度和 D 中性词。B 不愉快的意思用于描述人,描述物的意思为不舒


I was in P. E. when the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As soon as I got home and for weeks after, I saw the disaster ______ (38) on TV. Seeing the innocent people running for their ______ (39) as the debris (瓦砾) started coming down the fire and smoke rose out of the ______ (40) brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t help imagining what the people on the ______ (41) and in the buildings were thinking and going through, not ______ (42) what was going on. I admired the courage of the firefighters who rushed in and risked their own lives to ______ (43) others. It tore my heart apart to watch the ______ (44) looks on the faces of so many people who didn’t know if their loved ones were dead or alive while ______ (45) in all the debris.

38 A. expand B. occur C. strike D. unfold


动词题。做动作的是disaster 灾难。occur 和strike 都表示发生的瞬间,这里提到随后的几周,明显是已经发生了,所以排除。expand 表示具体范围的延展,这里的灾难也没有扩散到别


39 A. lives B. families C. houses D. friends



40 A. curtains B. buildings C. gates D. bedrooms


名词题。具体名词找重复或相关对应,烟当然是从楼里冒出来,所以选buildings。虽然句子较复杂,但是39 和40 两道题难度并不高。

41 A. seats B. planes C. corners D. streets



42 A. believing B. thinking C. knowing D. caring



的人们。他们不知道发生了什么,所以选knowing。caring 表示关心,很容易就可以排除。容

易误选的只有believing,但是只要记得believing 的根本含义是认为,和thinking 相同,即可


43 A. join B. save C. meet D. calm



44 A. puzzled B. severe C. dirty D. desperate


形容词题。描述looks,那些不知道自己心爱的人生死的人们,一定是负态度形容词。puzzle 表示不明白的疑惑感,severe 表示周围情况的严重性,dirty 是表面上脏的感觉,都不合适。所

以选择desperate 绝望的,描述人物心理。此题难在desperate 这个词的意思学生可能不熟悉。

45 A. hidden B. found C. placed D. trapped


动词题。此题为被动考察,动作发出者是心爱的人,所以不能是hidden 被藏在和placed 被放在。found 被发现后当然知道生死,所以是trapped 被困在。

Then it ______ (46) me: All my life I had thought mainly of myself. I had it easy in life

and had been taking it all for granted.

46 A. rewarded B. surprised C. hit D. told


动词题。动作发出者为it 即这件事。后面的冒号表示作者想到的事情,所以是hit,表示这

件事突然让我想到了一些事情,hit 的这个用法在完形中经常出现。rewarded 是正态度不能选,

surprised 表示意想不到,就不应该有后面的冒号内容。told 没有hit 那种突然的感觉,而且经

常出现在文章结尾进行结论的总结,所以排除。此题难在学生对于hit 的用法可能没有概念。

A feeling of coldness ______ (47) down my back, and I cried just thinking of the

possibility that it could have easily ______ (48) to my family. My mom or dad could have

been killed like that, and I would never, ever see them again. I began to evaluate what a real

______ (49) in life was.

47 A. cooled B. dropped C. ran D. passed


动词题。动作发出者是feeling,所以不能是drop 垂直掉落。pass 表示时间或距离的经过,同样不合理。cool down 的意思是冷却,指温度降低,所以是抽象的动作描述run down,中文


48 A. happened B. compared C. related D. turned


动词题。动作发出者是it 即这件事,所以happen 发生的动作是最合理的。compare 比较没有对象,事情和我家人没有直接关系所以不能选relate。turn to 的含义在高考中主要考察三方


49 A. relationship B. problem C. need D. fate


名词题。抽象名词文章中有具体对应。文章一开始提到我觉得想要CD 家长不给钱买是一

个problem,而发生了这样的灾难之后,我才想到之前那种problem 根本算不上什么problem,

失去亲人的problem 要严重的多,这才是real problem。problem 在文章首尾都出现了,是文


This disaster ______ (50) me that awful things can happen to anyone at any time. Now when my mom or dad or sister go somewhere, eve n if it’s just ______ (51) the store, I try to remember to tell them that I love them because I know there is a ______ (52) that I may never tell them that ______ (53).

50 A. taught B. reminded C. persuaded D. informed


动词题。动作发出者是灾难,后面是一个道理,所以是taught。reminded 提醒是让我再次想到,之前曾经知道过,这里不合理。persuade 强调口才,inform 一般是某件具体的事情,与


51 A. on B. in C. at D. to


介词题。前面说到go somewhere,后面对应to the store。即使是去商店买东西这样的日常情形,我也会记得对他们说我爱你们。in the store 和at the store 没有区别,可以一起排除。on

和the store 在一起是不成立的。

52 A. story B. doubt C. chance D. plan


名词题。抽象名词文中一定有具体对应,此处对应的是后面的我再也不能告诉他们了,这是一种可能性,所以选择chance,表示possibility 的意思,文章48 题旁边有作者的相似想法。


53 A. again B. once C. enough D. ever


副词题。结构副词要考虑相关的动作状况和句子的语法功能,这里的tell 重复之前的tell,所以选择again 与前面形成对应。ever 很容易误选,但是牢记never ever 的常规用法即可,ever

作为强调应该和never 紧密相关。至于once 和enough 很容易排除。

Not getting a new CD is not going to make or ______ (54) my life. I can live with those kinds of problems. But losing someone I love would ______ (55) make my life miserable. 9/11 showed me just what I am.

54 A. end B. change C. spare D. break


动词题。动作发出者是not getting a new CD,后面定义为problem,所以要选择负态度动作,break 是唯一选择。change 极易误选,但是请牢记change 是中性词。此题难,干扰项设置以及前面的make 都有极大影响,值得商榷。

55 A. rather B. truly C. probably D. frequently


副词题。与动作找关系,相关动作是make。前面是not going to make,转折后当然是truly make。probably 表示有可能的不确定感觉,frequently 表示动作频率高次数多,都要排除。rather……只有死记硬背would rather 的人才会选吧……




2019年北京市东城区高三二模 2019年5月 A World Environment Day is a UN Environment-led global event, _____which_____(1) takes place on June 5 every year and is celebrated by thousands of communities worldwide. Since it began in 1972, it has grown to become the ___largest_______(2 large) of all the celebrations of environment each year. China owns half the world’s electric vehicles and 99% of the world s electric buses. By ____hosting______(3 host) World Environment Day 2019, the Chinese government will be able to showcase its innovation and progress toward to a cleaner environment. B Why do people want to go to university? For some, it is the desire to learn. At university, you ____will be taught______(4 teach) by lecturers and professors who may be leading experts ____in______(5) their fields. The opporutnity to learn from them is what drives some people ____to apply______( 6 apply)to university. For others, going to university provides the all-important stepping-stone for their careers. However, for the majority of ____western______(7 west)people, university means freedom from home. C Billions of poor people around the world ___depend_______(8 depend) on the use of wood for cooking. And as they take more and more firewood from wild areas, they are destroying habitats around the world. Wood collection is one reason why many animals have become endangered. This is ____why______(9) Dr, Metcalf spends each summer in Africa. He wants to teach women and children in villages how to cook with the sun. He helped create Solar Cookers International. It’s an organization that


东城区2012—2013学年第二学期初三综合练习(二) 英语试卷 2013.6 学校 ____________ 班级 ____________ 姓名 ____________ 考号 ____________ 听力理解 (共26分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C.

4. A. B. C. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. What’s the man’s job? A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A coach. 6. What are the speakers both interested in? A. Tennis. B. Chess. C. Running. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. What’s wrong with Peter? A. His foot hurts. B. His arm is broken. C. His leg aches. 8. How did Peter get hurt? A. A ball hit him. B. A boy fell on him. C. He knocked into a doctor. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. Where did the woman go during the weekend? A. To a quiet village. B. To a place of interest. C. To a sports center. 10. What special thing did the woman do? A. She took a short trip. B. She went camping. C. She learned to dance. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. Who is the man’s youngest cousin? A. John. B. Bob. C. Lily. 12. How often does the man usually visit his cousins? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. 13. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man is living in New York now. B. The woman has been to New York before. C. The speakers both enjoy visiting beautiful cities. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。


海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语2015.04 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。 注意事项:1.考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 2.答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3.答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. Where is the woman going? A. To a bank. B. To a mall. C. To a street. 2. When will the meeting be held? A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow. C. Next week. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Job. B. Salary. C. Travel. 4. What is the woman doing? A. Asking for permission. B. Making a complaint. C. Ordering a dish. 5. How much will the man pay for the apples? A. $ 1. B. $ 75. C. $ 5. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Wh at’s the purpose of the woman’s visit? A. Visiting friends. B. Sightseeing. C. Business. 7. Where does the conversation take place? A. At the customs. B. At the police office. C. At the hotel. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Which section does the man show most interest in the newspaper? A. News. B. Sports. C. World affairs. 9. What newspaper does the woman usually buy? A. A local one. B. A national one. C. An international one. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What does the woman worry about the gym? A. The noise. B. The air. C. The crowd. 11. Why does the man go to the gym? A. To lose weight. B. To do exercise. C. To meet people. 12. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Eat less. B. Set limits. C. Exercise properly. 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。 13. Who is the speaker? A. A taxi driver. B. A police officer. C. A radio announcer. 14. What makes driving a taxi a hard job in London? A. Bad traffic condition. B. Confusing street names. C. Lots of tests. 15. What will the speaker probably do if he’s stuck on the road in a taxi? A. Have a map ready. B. Be understanding. C. Change directions. 第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段对话,完成第16至20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个 ..词。听对话 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Mary has her weakness, ______ that doesn’t mean she is not qualified for her job. A. and B. yet C. so D. or 22. _______ Chai Jing said in her video about the smog has caused public concern. A. That B. Which C. How D. What 23. When I was pushed onto the stage, I felt all the eyes in the hall _______ me. A. through B. across C. into D. on 24. You ______ reach him on his mobile now—his mobile is still under repair. A. should n’t B. wouldn’t C. c an’t D. must n’t 25. The paper ox my grandmother ______ for me is my most valued birthday gift. A. cut B. will cut C. had cut D. cuts 26. —It i s said that John’s paper got an A+.—He deserves it. He _____a lot before he handed it in. A. prepared B. prepares C. had prepared D. has prepared 27.___ opinions on the schedule, we finally reached an agreement. A.Having exchanged B.Exchanging C.Exchanged D.To exchange 28. The long lasting cold current has brought _______winter in my memory to the east coast of the United States. A. the longer B. the longest C. a longer D. a long 29. Mike will become the first person in his family ______ college education. A. finished B. having finished C. finishing D. to finish 30. Prince William took a visit to the Forbidden City on Feb. 28, _______ emperors once lived. A. which B. whose C. where D. when 31. _______ she has earned her PhD, she wants to find a job with higher pay. A. As if B.Now that C. Even though D. In case 32. — Has James arrived at the hotel?— No, he ______ by fans for photographs at the airport. A. has surrounded B. would surround C. was surrounded D. is being surrounded


北京市海淀区2011届高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语试题 2011.4 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21.Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent ____ _ you respond to it.A.that B.whether C.how D.what 22.Mr.Smith ___ _ these days.I think he should take a holiday before he burns out.A.has been overworking B.overworked C.had overworked D .was overworking 23.Alice Lillian Ellis, born on September 11 , 1907 in Boston, was ____ of nine children.A.the third oldest B.the third old C.the third older D.the oldest third 24.Although _____ considerable success as an artist, the young man keeps working hard.A.achieving B.achieved C.to achieve D.having achieved 25.—How about ______ party? —Cool! It was really _____ great fun! Pity you weren't there. A.a; a B.the; a C.the; 不填D.a; 不填26.Who does that shop assistant think he is? He behaves as if he ____ _ the grocery.A.own B.owned C.will own D.has owned 27.—Will my son be all right soon, doctor? —Well, he __ _ be , if he takes these tablets. A.may B.must C.should D.can 28.The story took place in Europe in the days before automobiles __ _ everyone used horses. A.which B.where C.when D.as 29.—Hey! Here is a message on my cell phone, telling me to send money to… —Delete it! It's a trick.Many a person __ _ by such tricks. A.has been cheated B.have been cheated C.were cheated D.was cheated 30.—Look, the paint is starting to come off __ _ the wall is damp. —Well, we'd better have the wall repainted some day. A.when B.where C.if D.once 31.—Hi, Bob, I can't find my electric shaver! —Sorry, I __ it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things. A.used R.had used C.am using D.was using 32.—Have you heard about Apple iPhone 4? —Sure.It is very hot these days.I'm thinking about getting ___ ___. A.one B.them C.that D.it 33.—Well, a soup, a salad, and anything ____ __, sir? —An apple pie, please. A.follows B.to follow C.followed D.following


北京市东城区2017—2018学年度第二学期高三综合练习(二) 2018.5 英语 本试卷共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.—It’s lucky of you to get your new job! —A friend told me about it, so I _________ and got it. A. apply B. have applied C. applied D. was applying 2. I can clearly remember the first time I met Ms. Lee, _________it’s over 10 years ago. A. unless B. since C. after D. although 3. They will fly to London, ______ they plan to stay for two or three weeks. A. which B. that C. when D. where 4. Dogs have a far wider hearing range than humans, _________ them able to detect sounds far above a hum an’s hearing limit. A. making B. made C. having made D. to be made 5. —When do you want to visit Mr. Smith with me? —Whenever you _________ time. A. have B. will have C. have had D. had 6. Considered poisonous for many years in Europe, tomatoes _________for decoration only. A. grow B. are grown C. grew D. were grown 7. The snowstorm has lasted for several days _________ it is freezing cold now. A. for B. and C. but D. or 8. In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking wrote _________non-technical terms about the origin and development of the universe. A. from B. by C. in D. with 9. It is almost impossible for planes _________ in such a heavy fog. A. take off B. to take off C. to have taken off D. having taken off 10. According to the Public Library’s regulations, each reader _________borrow at most five books at a time. A. should B. must C. may D. would 11. The book covers the knowledge I wish I ______ five years ago. A. knew B. had known C. would know D. would have known


第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 21. —What are your hobbies? —My hobbies include ____ and literature. A. to cook B. cook C. cooked D. cooking 22. No reader ____ take a book out of the library without permission of the librarian. A. might B. must C. shall D. could 23. Many firefighters ____ tried to rescue the people in the building were injured in the fire. A. where B. which C. who D. that 24. Hard ____ it is, the Chinese government is determined to open up the new Silk Road. A. While B. as C. although D. however 25. When the power of love ____ the love of power, the world will likely be in peace. A. overcomes B. will overcome C is overcoming D. overcame 26. One mark of a successful man is ____ he can quickly focus on what’s important. A. why B. whether C. what D. that 27. Mom, I promise I ____ all the work by the time you are back this evening. A. will have done B. have done C. will be doing D. have been doing 28. —Why do you want to go to the States? —____ , sir. A. To travel B. Travelling C. Travelled D. Travel 29. Some people dream of success without action, ____ others wake up and work hard at it. A since B. as C. while D. until 30. Open your heart, and you will make yourself better ____. A. known B. Knowing C. to know D. know 31. You ____ have got better grades in the last examination, but you were so careless. A. must B. need C. could D. can 32. —How did that accident happen? —You know, I cou ldn’t see the road clearly, because it ____ heavily. A. Snowed B. is snowing C. snows D. was snowing 33. —What is it ____ makes you study so hard? —To go to my dream university. A. what B. that C. who D. whether 34. The tables on the inn are so close that there’s hardly room for customers to move ____ them. A. under B. between C. across D. behind 35. With ____ approach of the 2016 Olympic Games, the Chinese Tennis Association has introduced a new national team logo to the public. A. an B. the C. a D. 不填 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) Cancer Cancelled My name's James and I am an 18-year "Cancer Survivor". When I was 15 years of age, I was at my house one day with my two sisters and when I tried to run up the steps, I blacked out, and __36__ the stairs very hard. When I came to myself, I remembered my sisters saying ―Are you alright?‖ and I replied ―I think so, yeah.‖ But little did my sisters and I know that was the beginning of this __37__. W hen I began to try to climb the stairs, my whole right leg hurt seriously. I couldn’t move it


海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 英语2020.4本试卷共10页,120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 A At 8,1 started taking art lessons ] (improve) my painting skills. However, later, I found that I focused too much on mastering different techniques. Eventually, I became more distressed when my expectations weren't matched. So, in the 11th Grade, I returned to the basics. On 2 sketchbook I forced myself to draw whatever interested me. Over time, I have been released from the tight control. I have learned that a good painting is not about having perfect technique. In fact, all I need to do is trust my 3 (create) talents and find moments of joy in life. B In recent years, trampolining (蹦床)has become a new craze among Chinese youths. Short videos 4 (show) people's excitement about jumping back and forth on the colourful trampolines are regularly uploaded to social media. Most videos feature teenagers, but adults too have jumped on the trend, hoping to relive their childhood. :扩Compared with soccer, basketball, tennis or any other competitive sports, 5 various injuries occur from time to time, trampolining is relatively 6 (safe). However, preparation and safety always come first. You must do warm-up exercises before playing and you can't lose concentration during the movements. C A news report shows that China's urban pet consumer market 7 (expect) to break through the 200 billion yuan threshold this year. Young people in big cities are the main contributors. Nowadays, with the cost of living rising, young people 8 (suffer) from greater loneliness and pressure. They are busy working all day in a competitive environment, leaving little time for fun and friends. That may explain 9 more and more young people are choosing to keep pets 10 companionship. Apart from relieving loneliness, many scientific studies have shown that keeping a pet reduces stress and may even improve overall health. 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题L 5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 I was 11 when I asked my mum for piano lessons. We were in an economic crisis and she'd recently been 11 off. She said a polite “no". That didn't 12 me. I drew a keyboard onto a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would 13 notes on an online keyboard and "play" them back on my paper one—keeping the sound they made on the computer in my head. I spent six months playing without 14 a real piano. As my mum found I was 15



北京市东城区2011—2012学年度第二学期高三综合练习(二) 英语 2012.5 本试卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,考生务必将答题卡交回。 注意事项: 1. 考生务必将答案答在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。 2. 答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3. 答题卡选择题必须用2B铅笔作答, 将选中项涂满涂黑, 黑度以盖住框内字母为准, 修改时用橡皮擦除干净。 4. 答题卡非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答, 未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答均不得分。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂

D. hoped 25. Peter will have to change his travel plan because his flight _____. A. delays B. would delay C. has been delayed D. was delayed 26. You have a gift for art. ______ you do your best, you are sure to create fine art works. A. As soon as B. Even if C. In case D. As long as 27. She looked ______ her handbag, but her keys were not there. A. for B. to C. at D. in 28. I wish that I _____ to go to Jim’s party, for I have to do some extra work tonight. A. hadn’t agreed B. have n’t agreed C. would n’t agree D. won’t agree 29. If your call is not answered within two minutes, you______ to hang up and dial again. A. would be advised B. are advised C. have been advised D. were advised

北京市海淀区2015届高三上学期期末练习英语试题 Word版含答案

海淀区高三年级第一学期期末练习英语试题 2015.1 21. My normal monthly emails to and ______ pen pals have disappeared with my tight schedule. A. in B. for C. from D. through 22. - Have you heard about the shark attack accident at the SeaWorld show? - Yea, how horrible! A trainer ______ in front of the audience. A. had been killed B. has been killed C. was killed D. is killed 23. The Subway Line 16 ______ in Beijing is planned to open this year. A. being built B. building C. built D. to build 24. This room isn’t actually ______ I wanted when I made my reservation. A. what B. where C. which D. whether 25. My boss is very generous, and he is ______ generous when we get a big order. A. very B. most C. only D. rather 26. The spread of the Ebola virus in Nigeria is believed ______ by August, 2014. A. to be controlled B. to have been controlled C. to control D. to have controlled 27. We have an adviser on hand in this activity ______ you have any worries or problems. A. when B. now that C. though D. in case 28. - Do I have to bring my camera tomorrow afternoon? - I think so. We ______ the Botanical Garden then. A. will be visiting B. are visiting C. have visited D. visit 29. - The zookeeper was really annoyed with me. - How could he have been if you ______ stones at the animals? A. didn’t throw B. don’t throw C. hadn’t thrown D. haven’t thrown 30. Every Monday, my English teacher would cheerfully ask me ______ my weekend had been. A. that B. if C. what D. how 31. With doubts ______ through my mind, I felt it necessary to carry out a research. A. to run B. run C. running D. having run 32. - You seem busy these days. - Yes. I’m writing a story. You know, it’s really not easy to write ______ with attractive plots. A. this B. one C. it D. that 33. According to the latest BBC news, a five-year-old boy from England ______ the youngest computer specialist in the world. A. became B. becomes C. had become D. has become 34. The glorious moment would live in my mind ______ our football team won the championship. A. when B. where C. that D. which 35. - Tom, why don’t we help our son work on his papers? - We’ve alrea dy done more than we ______. He is on his own this time. A. would B. should C. could D. might 完型填空He Had a Go It was a cool spring evening in Melbourne, Australia. I drove to my boxing gym for a Friday night training session. After ______ (36) up, I started training. Then I noticed a tall and slim young man walking through the doors. There was something about him that caught my ______ (37).
