Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery

0Stefanie Franks

Jie Li

ENG 111

Essay # 3 Draft # 2

October 11, 2007

Plastic Surgery: A Trend Taking Over America

What is the price to be beautiful? In today’s society many Americans are wildly spending their money to have plastic surgery. This is a trend that is rapidly becoming more popular in America. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) there were almost 11 million plastic surgeries preformed in 2006. In just the past six years, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons states that the amount of plastic surgeries preformed each year has increased by 48 percent (2000/2005/2006 National Plastic Surgery Statistics). There are many possible causes to this fast growing trend including affordability, the media’s influence, and gr owing acceptance, but I believe the most

probable cause is the improvement in quality and safety of the procedures.

(背景)Plastic surgery first originated as a means of correcting medical problems. Dr. John Peter Mettauer preformed the first plastic surgery in North American history when he operated on a cleft palate in 1827 (History of Plastic Surgery). World War I helped plastic surgery evolve by reconstructing facial wounds and burns on injured soldiers. For the purpose of making money, doctors began to perform these

reconstructive surgeries on people without medical conditions to improve their appearances. As time went on these surgeries became more and more popular bringing us to the quickly growing trend that we have today. What could have caused these surgeries to become so popular so quickly? (leads to the causes behind this.)One possible cause of this trend could be that注意措辞plastic surgery has become more affordable. Carrie Stetler of Newhouse News states that plastic surgery is now easier to afford, with many surgeons offering financing plans on procedures ranging from $2,000 for a nose job to nearly $10,000 for a face-lift (Stetler). Before it was common only for wealthy people to get these surgeries but now that plastic surgery has become more affordable, there are more people from the middle class receiving these surgeries as well. This may have caused a large increase in the amount of people who receive plastic surgery today. Although it makes sense, I do not feel that it is the most likely cause of this trend. While I am sure that the decrease in prices has increased the amount of people who have now received plastic surgery, I do not think that it would have made such a large difference. This cause would have only influenced the middle class Americans to join the trend. Because of how frequently the numbers of people who receive plastic surgery are growing, I believe that the cause must be something that involves many groups of people.

A second reason for this growing trend could be that in recent years the media has been very busy pointing out every little flaw that any celebrity might have. By doing this, the media has created this “perfect image” that everyone wants to fit into. Celebrities are usually known for being beautiful and many people feel that if they look like them they must be beautiful as well. The strive to look like this “perfect image” that

the media puts out there, may have caused many people to resort to plastic surgery. Although (in spite of …even though….nevertheless….)I believe that this has probably increased the amount of plastic surgeries preformed lately, this cause may not be the most effective either. People have always wanted to look like the people that they see in the media. This image that celebrities have has been around for a long time and people have always strived to look like them. The slight change in the image that celebrities portray today would probably not have caused such a great increase in plastic surgery.

Another possible cause to this largely growing trend is the fact that plastic surgery has become more accepted in recent years. Many television shows such as Extreme Makeover and Dr. 90210 have made the idea of plastic surgery more known and accepted among people in America. Recently many celebrities have been getting plastic surgery as well making the idea more widely known and accepted. It seems that plastic surgery used to be looked down upon until these shows and the media have become more accepting of it, influencing society to feel the same. It does not seem like the increase in acceptance in the American society would have such a large effect on the trend. I do not think that the fact that the idea was not very well accepted was stopping many people before. I feel that it is becoming more accepted because it is becoming more common. But why is plastic surgery becoming so common today?

The most probable cause is the advancements in the technology and procedures of plastic surgery. As time has evolved, plastic surgery has become safe and more reliable, making more and more people feel comfortable with having it done. Procedures that previously took a long time and had painful recoveries can now be done quickly and

with little pain at all. People no longer need to be afraid of the horrifying outcomes their surgery might have or the long and painful recoveries that they will have to go through. Now there are computer programs that can show people what they will look like after the surgery has been preformed. Because of these programs it is now less of a risk for people to get these surgeries because they can see exactly what the outcome is going to be like. The advancements in technology have also caused the cost of the surgeries to decrease, making it more affordable to more people. In addition,improvements such as laser technology have allowed surgeries to be preformed with slight or no at all allowing quick and painless recoveries (Technology). Technology has also improved the instruments that surgeons now use so that they surgeries can be done with more precision and accuracy making plastic surgery more reliable today than it has ever been before.

(Counter the most possible cause)Some would argue that,despite new technology, because there is still a risk involved with having the surgery preformed and people would still be uncomfortable to have the surgeries done, that this may not be the most likely cause. While it is true that there is still some risk involved, the improvements have been so immense that it would be enough to make most people feel comfortable with getting the surgeries preformed. I believe that safety and reliability is greatly valued in most people’s decision-making and that the improvements in these qualities to plastic surgery would influence enough people to see a drastic increase in plastic surgery.

While I feel that all of these causes could have led to some increase in the amount of plastic surgeries being preformed today, I believe that the improvement in the reliability and safety in these procedures had the largest effect and turned plastic surgery into the quickly growing trend it is today. As technology continues to improve, I predict

that this trend is going to keep growing and become more common and popular than it has already become. Technology has made the price to be beautiful cheap, simple, and risk free.

Works Cited

"2000/2005/2006 National Plastic Surgery Statistics." American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 11 Oct. 2007 .

"History of Plastic Surgery." A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. 11 Oct. 2007 .

“The definition of immigration.” Waves of immigration. 8 Dec 2012 “The benefits children can attain.” 8 Dec 2012 .

“On the international influence of the United States immigration laws” 翁里,夏虹 - 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2012 -,

“The threshold of immigration to America” The American Dream of Chinese Rich.

8 Dec 2012.

comestic surgery

1.第一段说明美容手术流行,亮明你的观点。 第2,3,...分论点。先有主题句,后面几句展开。 最后一段:结论 2.注意新词汇的运用。 3.流畅性、逻辑性大于词汇丰富性。 With the rapid change of our society both people’s standard of beauty and need for beauty significantly increase. In this way cosmetic surgery becomes extremely common, with more and more men and women seeking to enhance their body. It is reported that there were 2.2billion dollars spent on the cosmetic surgery with a growth of 30% each year. However, many people now are questioning the benefit of cosmetic surgery as people who beautify their appearance artificially are regarded as the natural beauty desecrater. From my point of view, the cosmetic surgery is not as bad as it is thought to be. After cosmetic surgery people can be more confident and competitive in the job market and daily life. A pretty look provides people with an active mood when working with other mates, which has a positive influence on how they behave at work. Nobody can deny that in this way their competitiveness will be greatly enhanced. Also, the active atmosphere is also an advantage to the development of the company. As fondness of beauty is common in the whole human beings, more and more occupations focus on how the workers look like. Travelling on the plane, you will definitely not be pleased when served by a bad-looking waiter. The Airline stewardess is one of the occupations that need good look and balanced figure, and the actor, the model are the same. There is no doubt that cosmetic surgery will improve the quality of how they work or serve the customers. For those with physical deformity or disfigurement result from accidents, cosmetic surgery is extremely helpful. There are lots of people who accidently break his nose, burn his face or just born with a cleft lip. All of these are scans that will never heal naturally. Only with artificial surgery can those unlucky people get rid of ridicule and have the chance of enjoying the same life as normal people. Love of beauty is taste while the creation of beauty is art. Everyone wants to be perfect. Although one’s natural look is given by his parents, he still have the right of seeking his own beauty.

plastic surgery

I am delighted to have the opportunity of making this presentation here. First I will show you a MV. Do you get the meaning of this MV? It tells us a story that a girl liked his boss. But his boss fired her because she was ugly. She was sad. And she heard the true. She hated his boss. Then she had a plastic surgery. She became beautiful. She came back to seduce her boss. And she succeed. Her boss lost his girlfriend and work. At last, he taked his own life. That is the whole story. So what’s the point? Yeah, the point is plastic surgery which is the topic of my presentation. First I will share you some pictures about the contrast face. The left picture is the face before plastic surgery. And the right is after plastic surgery. She becomes more beautiful. The boy, he cuts double-fold eyelid and rhinoplasty. Let’s look some pictures about our starts. Everyone knows that she do a plastic surgery. She has admit it. Maybe like Lin Xinru. Hanenzhen. 大s 小s After seeing their real face do you like he or she still? Next I’ll tell you something about professional knowledge about plastic surgery. The video of the progress of plastic surgery comes first. What’s your feeling? Next the project of Plastic surgery ?Zygomatic plastic 颧骨整形 ?Mandibular Angle grinding下颌角磨削 ?Artecoll爱贝芙注射除皱 ?ocular plastic surgery 眼部整形 ?Eyebrow department plastic 眉部整形 ?Rhinoplasty 鼻整形术 ?Breast implants 隆胸术 ?Liposuction 吸脂术 ?Photo rejuvenation technology 光子嫩肤 ?Photonic depilate 光子脱毛 the oriental limit data 东方人整容极限数据: ?Liposuction 抽脂:一次最多只能抽3000CC。 ?rhinoplasty 隆鼻:最多只能垫高4mm。 ?Breast enhancement 丰胸:每侧最多增加330CC。 ?cut double-fold eyelid 割双眼皮:最高只能割10mm。 So do you want to do a plastic surgery? Don’t be anxious. Some people are not suitable for plastic surgery.

热门英语作文范文之“整容手术Plastic Surgery”

Plastic Surgery For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes t owrite a short essay entitle My View on Plastic Surgery. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese. 1 越来越多的人接受整容手术 2 我的看法及理由 3 结论 My View on Plastic Surgery In recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve one's appearance, thus secure a good job. Others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic surgery as a waste of money. Personally, I agree with the latter. Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve one's character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautiful girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on one's abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain. All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery. 另外一篇 Would you like to become more beauty than people around you? Competition in reality of society make beauty obsession. Cosmetics might no long satisfy people’s appetite for beauty. With developing tecnolagy, cosmetic surgery has stepped into our life, like a magician, it turns an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. However, do you really want the beauty brought by plastic surgery? In fact, the artificial look is almost nothing compare with one’s inner beauty except momentarily satisfaction. Contrary to expectation, common sense of the beauty is still disapproval of the fake beauty, not to mention plastic surge ry is harmful to people’s health. To begin with, one’s outer beauty will fade quickly as time goes by, but one’s inner beauty will always shine. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross had said, “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is lights from within." My best friend Joey back in Woodland school proves this idea perfectly. She is 7 inches shorter than me but twice mysize. Her friends always joke about her small eyes that she should open them sometimes. Even though Joey can’t be considered as a beauty, but she is still attractive. Joey is the president of Student Activity Council. She had organized many interesting and creative activities that brought joy and energy to my school. As a

关于整形手术的英语作文 Plastic Surgery-最新范文

关于整形手术的英语作文Plastic Surgery 1. 目前越来越多的人接受整形手术 2. 人们因为不同的原-因接受整形手术 3. 作为大学生我的看法 Appearance was once regarded as something we were born with and fixed. However, it is a different story now. Thanks to the advanced medical technology, people are able to change their original faces or other body parts, and plastic surgery now enjoys great popularity around the world. People take plastic surgery for different reasons. Some spend a great deal of money on the plastic surgery because they dream of becoming a film or TV star but they are not beautiful by birth. Some, however, have to take the surgery because of certain birth defects, such as harelip and lameness, and injuries in accidents. There emerges a new group nowadays —college fresh female grads who insist that a beauty will land a job much more easily.


My opinion on plastic surgery When it comes to the topic of plastic surgery, different people hold different opinions. Some people take it for granted that adolescents resort to plastic surgery for different purposes. However, others hold that ability matters more than appearance, people shouldn't use plastic surgery to change the face or figure. As far as i'm concerned, I agree with the latter. First and foremost, inner beauty which is usually defined as ability is much more important than physical beauty. We should pay more attention to our ability instead of the appearance. Although in recent years, many graduating college students use plastic surgery to pursuit a good-looking face in order to improve their chances of getting the job of the choice, we must understand that wise men never judge a person by his appearance but by his ability. Even the most beautiful will fade as time goes by, but ability can accumulate day by day.Secondly, plastic surgery not only wastes money and time but also has side effects,such as pain or defects of certain sense . It's reported that many stars who use plastic surgery to become charming suffered a lot after several years, those side effects may remain in the rest of their lives. So it's better not to change the original appearance by plastic surgery. Natural beauty is the most pure beauty worth to be stored . From the foregoing, we can safely draw a conclusion that plastic surgery shouldn't be applied to increase the index of beauty. Instead,we should pay more attention to the cultivation of our ability that could last forever. Even the most beautiful will fade as time goes by, but ability can accumulate day by day.

关于整形手术的英语作文 Plastic Surgery

关于整形手术的英语作文 Plastic Surgery 1. 目前越来越多的人接受整形手术 2. 人们因为不同的原-因接受整形手术 3. 作为大学生我的看法 Appearance was once regarded as something we were born with and fixed. However, it is a different story now. Thanks to the advanced medical technology, people are able to change their original faces or other body parts, and plastic surgery now enjoys great popularity around the world. People take plastic surgery for different reasons. Some spend a great deal of money on the plastic surgery because they dream of becoming a film or TV star but they are not beautiful by birth. Some, however, have to take the surgery because of certain birth defects, such as harelip and lameness, and injuries in accidents. There emerges a new group nowadays — college fresh female grads who insist that a beauty will land a job much more easily. In my view, it’s not necessary that people try to beautify themselves. What we should bear in mind is that being natural is being beautiful. What’s more, people should judge others by their capacity instead of their appearances.


ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科 psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科 thoracic surgery department: 脑外科department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科X-ray department: 放射科 ward: 病房 laboratory: 化验室 Department of Nephrology:肾内科Department of Chemotherapy:化疗科Department of Radiotherapy:放疗科Department of Endocrinology:内分泌科Respiratory medicine:呼吸科Rheumatology:风湿科 Hematology:血液科 Geriatrics:老年科 Neurology:神经科 Oncology:肿瘤科 Thoracic surgery:胸外科 Urology:泌尿外科 Neurosurgery:神经外科 Vascular surgery:周围血管外科Gastroenterology:肠胃外科 Hepatobiliary surgery:肝胆外科 General surgery:普外科 Orthopedics:骨科 Cardiovascular surgery:心外科 Burns surgery:烧伤科 Hand surgery:手外科 Plastic surgery:整形外科 Pediatric surgery:儿外科 Obstetrics and gynecology:妇产科

Plastic Surgery

0Stefanie Franks Jie Li ENG 111 Essay # 3 Draft # 2 October 11, 2007 Plastic Surgery: A Trend Taking Over America What is the price to be beautiful? In today’s society many Americans are wildly spending their money to have plastic surgery. This is a trend that is rapidly becoming more popular in America. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) there were almost 11 million plastic surgeries preformed in 2006. In just the past six years, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons states that the amount of plastic surgeries preformed each year has increased by 48 percent (2000/2005/2006 National Plastic Surgery Statistics). There are many possible causes to this fast growing trend including affordability, the media’s influence, and gr owing acceptance, but I believe the most probable cause is the improvement in quality and safety of the procedures. (背景)Plastic surgery first originated as a means of correcting medical problems. Dr. John Peter Mettauer preformed the first plastic surgery in North American history when he operated on a cleft palate in 1827 (History of Plastic Surgery). World War I helped plastic surgery evolve by reconstructing facial wounds and burns on injured soldiers. For the purpose of making money, doctors began to perform these

plastic surgery好处辩论

As is known to all, nowadays plastic surgery is very prevailing. As a result, the argument about this action is quite furious. My point is that the advantages of plastic surgery out-weight its disadvantages. There are three reasons for my viewpoint. First, it can make people’s appearance more beautiful. The meaning of plastic surgery in the dictionary is the medical practice of changing the appearance of people’s faces or bodies, either to improve their appearance or to repair injuries. If a person had an accident and his face were injured, plastic surgery couldreshape his appearance. Second, it can make people more confident. A successful plastic surgery cannot merely change a person’s appearance; it’s influence on the person’s mentality can’t be igno red. Take a female star, Zheng Shuang, as an example. Before the plastic surgery, she was a bit self-abased because she thought she was not outstanding. But after the operation, this situation betters. Last but not the least, the prosperity of plastic industry can boost the economy. As this industry develops, more jobs are available. What’s more, an amount of people spent money on it and the country gets more income. To sum up,the advantages of plastic surgery out-weight its disadvantages.

plastic surgery 整形手术

What is plastic surgery? Plastic surgery is a medical intervention with the purpose of altering, reshaping or sculpting the human body. Although aesthetic or cosmetic surgeries are the best known types of plastic surgery, there are other reconstructive surgeries that focus not so much on enhancing the appearance but on repairing damage to the body, making it look as it did before some type of trauma. The most common plastic surgery procedures today: 1.Cosmetic Facelift surgery Liposuction Breast surgery Rhinoplasty 2.Reconstructive Palate and cleft lip surgery Reconstruction of burnt tissues Reconstruction of damaged and severed limbs, including hand surgery Reconstruction of patients after tumor removal Plastic surgery pros and cons Millions of people choose to have plastic surgery every year for different reasons. Most of them are happy with the results but stories of plastic surgery gone bad are not rare. Some people stress the risks of plastic surgery and claim that cosmetic surgery is bad. Other emphasize the positive effects of plastic surgery in improving physical appearance and self-esteem. These are some of the most commonly argue pros and cons of plastic surgery: 1.Pros: Some cosmetic surgeries have very positive impact on health. For instance a nose job can reduce sinus infections, and the reduction of large breasts can alleviate or eliminate back pain in some women. Cosmetic surgery can be an excellent way of improving self-esteem. For instance a liposuction, rhinoplasty, or breast augmentation can boost confidence levels in the patient. Plastic surgery can eliminate deformities or correct aesthetic problems which can have a very negative psychological impact on the patient. Improve the chances of getting a job. Many actors and artists undergo plastic surgery in order to look younger, remove unpleasant physical features or accentuate positive ones. Surgery

“plastic surgery”正确的英文含义

“plastic surgery”正确的英文含义 “Getting cosmetic procedures is just as normal as body building. Both make men more handsome and confident.”says the 33-year-old, who owns a gym in Beijing. 33岁的赵红山是北京一家健身房的老板。他说:“做整容手术和健身一样正常,都会让男人变得更帅气更自信。” - cosmetic procedures 整容手术 - body building 健身 Zhao is among a growing number of Chinese men using surgical and non-surgical procedures to change their physical appearance to boost their self-confidence or give them an edge. 越来越多的中国男性通过手术或非手术手段来改变自己的外貌,以增强自信或获得优势,赵红山就是其中之一。 - surgical and non-surgical procedures 手术或非手术手段 - physical appearance 外貌 - boost v.促进,增强 - edge n.边缘,优势,刀刃 A growing number of Chinese men use surgical and non-surgical procedures to change their physical appearance.
