










were式虚拟主要用在wish从句,as if从句和非真实条件句。





I wish I had the money to buy the book.





My little brother wishes he had wings to fly up into the sky.

Many people wish they could grow rich over a single night.

I wish I were a millionaire to have the money to buy all that I need.

Poor little T

om, an orphan, wishes he were in a family full of love and care.

My parents wish I would go to college, but they know I will not.

I do wish you wouldn't smoke any more.


注意:上面最后一句中你不要再抽烟了,也不是不能实现的愿望,但是借用wish来表达,显得相当婉转,没有强加于人的意味,如果说成 I hope you will not smoke any more.口气就过于强硬,颇有些居高临下的意味。请看下面的句子,用法上都差不多:

I wish you would come and help us out.

I wish you would be more respectful to your father.

I wish you would stay with me for a while.


I wish I had had the money to buy the book.



这时候,wish从句的正常时态应该是一般过去时态,但是,因为wish要表达一个不能实现的愿望,从句只好倒推一个时态,把一个一般过去时的had扭曲成了过去完成时的had had。这时候的had had,没有过去完成时的时态意义,只是通过一种扭曲了的时态形式表达了一个“虚拟”的情况,一种不能实现了的愿望。


We all wish he had not made that silly mistake.

I really wish I had not overheard what he said about me.

Mr. Smith wishes that he had not spent off all his money.

It was late for the criminal to wish that he had not committed the crime.

Linda wished that she had been more patient and careful in the examination.

I wish I had been in your place to take the challenge.


(最后这一句中的had been也往往写成were,因为这时候的were也是一种扭曲了的时态形式,也能表达出这个虚拟的意味。)





I wish I knew the answer to the question.

I wish I had known the answer to the question.

I wish I could go with you.

I wish I could have gone with you yesterday.


请注意上面的最后一句,yesterday决定了could的过去时态,从形式上could不能倒推一个时态,为了体现“时态的倒推”(或者说时态的扭曲),could后面原本应该是一般形式的不定式go变成了完成式的形式have gone。这也是很有意思的语言现象,在各类的were式虚拟中都经常出现,非常值得注意。




We all have the wish that all mankind could live peacefully together.

The wish that all the classmates came back to another reunion is merely lovely dream. 


as if从句的虚拟语气用法:

as if的意思是“好像”,从用法上有两种,一种是不知道事实的真相,说其好像一种特定的情况;另一种是明知道事实的真相,却说其好像与事实不同的情况。在后一种情况下,句子应该使用虚拟语气,谓语动词的时态形式向后倒推一个时态,而在前一种情况下,句子处于陈述语气,应该使用正常的时态形式,请比较下面的谓语形式:

Mr. Sam Smith, my P.E. teacher, looks like an army officer.

The stranger at the school gate looks like an army officer.



Tom looks calm and steady as if he were telling the truth.

Tom looks calm and steady as if he is telling the truth.



理解as if从句的虚拟语气和陈述语气的不同用法很重要,特别是在阅读理解中更是显得非常重要,一旦有所疏忽,就可能把句子的含义弄混了,甚至弄反了。

He speaks as if he knew everything about the accident.(虚拟)

He speaks as if he knows everything about the accident.(陈述)

My mother is always talking as if she were a doctor of medicine.(虚拟)

The young lady is talking as if she is a doctor of medicine.(陈述)

You seem as if you had done all that you should have.(虚拟)



再强调一次,如果as if从句中谓语动词的时态形式比正常时态倒退了一个时态,说明这个从句处于虚拟语气,在表明与事实不同的情况,如果as if从句中的谓语动词时态正常,说明这个句子属于陈述语气,在表明与事实可能相同也可能相反的一种猜测。





真实与非真实条件句有一个重要的共同点,其主句中均有will 或will 的变形would,表示建立在从句条件之上的可能性。

注意,这里的will或would 是情态动词,表示可能性,


真实与非真实条件句的不同点是:就谓语动词形式来讲,非真实条件句比相应的时态中的真实条件句向后倒移了一个时态。换句话说,在条件句中,如果谓语动词的形式比它的时间状语所表示的时间倒移了一个时态,这个条件句即是非真实条件句。这一点与wish和as if从句的情况相同。

因此,如果我们使用非真实条件句,只需在相应的真实条件句的基础上,使主从句的谓语形式同时向后推移一个时态。如果是关于过去的情况,主句中有表示可能性的would,其本身已经不可能实现时态的倒移,我们将would后面的do 改写成have done,即通过这个无to 不定式的变化,以示其时态倒推之意。(例句在后面)



1. Last Sunday we all stayed indoors because it rained the whole day.

用if后,主从句从真实条件句的基础上倒移一个事态。 If it hadn’t rained for a whole day, we wouldn’t have stayed indoors last Sunday.

2. John and Joseph weren’t given the tickets, so they did not go to the cinema. If John and Joseph had been given the tickets, they would have gone to the cinema.

3. David Smith was required to leave the country within 24 hours because he had acted as a spy for a foreign country.

主句中的过去完成时“倒移”时其谓语动词不再变形,正如直接引语变成间接引语时那样:David Smith would not have been required to leave the country if he hadn’t acted as a spy for a foreign country.

4. I don’t like the diamond necklace, so I don’t want to have it.

If I liked the diamond necklace, I would want to have it.

5. Johnson was warned of the danger last night, so now he does everything very carefully.


本句和下两句是错综时间条件句,即主句和从句的时态不相同,本来可以成为非真实条件句教学中的一个难题,但是现在只要按照主从句谓语动词时态形式“倒移”的规则,问题就可以迎刃而解。 If Johnson hadn’t been warned of the danger last night, he wouldn’t do everything so carefully.


6. Joan received the invitation yesterday. She will go to the party tomorrow evening. If Joan hadn’t received the invitation yesterday, she would not go to the party tomorrow evening.

7. Larry has heard from quite a few friends in China and now he knows much about this country. Larry wouldn’t

know much about this country if he hadn’t heard from quite a few friends in China.

8. Bob isn’t here, so we can’t ask him to help with the task.

在非真实条件句中be 的过去时形式一般用were: If Bob were here, we could ask hime to help with the task.

9. We will have a sports meet next Sunday, so all the students will have to come to school then.


① If we didn’t have a sports meet next Sunday, the students wouldn’t have to come to school then.

② If we weren’t to have a sports meet next Sunday, the students wouldn’t have to come to school then.

③ If we shouldn’t have a sports meet next Sunday, the students wouldn’t have to come to school then.


在非真实条件句中,如果条件句中有助动词be, had, should等,连接词 if 可以省略,如:

Should I come late tomorrow, you could ask someone else to take my place.

Should anything gone wrong with this device, you should go and check with the local dealer.

Had you been here a minute late, you would have caught him cheating in the test.

Had we asked him a second time, we would sure have had his advice.

Were I to attend the meeting in Shanghai, I would fly there tomorrow.

Were they in our place, they would have a totally different opinion of the situation.



The whole school would not have had that silly idea of the so called invention had they noticed the date of the invention issued: April 1st.

I would have taken what you said for granted had I not been to the place myself.

You would get double paid were I to ask you for additional service.

We would cancel the trip were the weather to be rainy.

Go and check with the local dealer should the recorder not work properly.

I would have to change my plan should anything wrong happens.





第②句:这里用were to do 形式,应该指明这是由be to do 结构倒移时态形式的结果(从is(am,are) to do 到were to do);

第③句:这里用should do,可以解释为should 与were to 在此句式同义,属于同义替代。

B、非真实条件是建立在与事实相反、或很难成为现实的假设基础之上,其主句是建立在这样的假设之上的推论,主句的would (could, might, should)表示着一种不可实现,或难以实现的可能性,决不能漏掉。





气,一般用在名词性从句中,这些名词性从句一般都与表示祈使意义的动词有关。最典型的是,suggest, order, propose等表示祈使意义的动词的宾语从句,其谓语形式应该使用be式虚拟。

be式虚拟通过一种固定不变的谓语动词形式来表示说话者的一种“祈使愿望”,具体的做法是将谓语动词的形式固定为(should) do,不论该语句应该使用什么时态,其谓语动词的形式都是 (should) do形式。以典型的动词be举例,不论它应该是什么时态形式,只要它用来表达“祈使愿望”的虚拟,它的形式就是(should) be,或者说是be了,因此这种虚拟语气就被叫做be式虚拟。



We strongly suggested that the meeting be put off till the next day.

The officer ordered that the spy be killed right away.

Mr. Smith proposed that people from both companies gather for new ideas.

I will suggest to the school board that a basketball team be set up soon.





除 suggest, order, propose 以外,这类含有祈使意义的动词还有:advise, ask, arrange, beg, command, demand, decide, desire, make up one's mind, insist, plead, recommend, require, request 等等。



这些动词中,有一些动词是多义词,如 suggest 可表示“建议”也可表示“暗示、表明”, insist 可以表示“坚持要求”也可以表示“坚持认为、坚持表白”, decide (make up one's mind) 可表示“决定”也可以表示“认定、断定”, ask 可表示“要求”也可以表示“闻讯”等等, 只有当以上动词用作祈使意义的时候,受其限定的宾语从句的谓语才使用 be式虚拟。



The principal suggested that the vacation be cut short to two days.

The smile on his face suggested that he was satisfied.

My brother insisted that I give away my rights to have my father's house.

The bookseller insisted that I stole his book, but I didn't.

The president decided that the trip be cancelled.

The police decided that the old man was the murderer.

I sincerely ask that you all attend the meeting tomorrow.

Miss Smith asked if I was interested in her boat.




My idea is that we be

gin the party with a warm welcome to Mr. Black.

Their proposal was that we start out one hour earlier.

We stuck to the original plan that we have a meeting before taking actions.

His request was that we help the old lady with her daily shopping.

My advice is that you should not come back to this place again.

What he recommended was that we give it up completely.

What you should suggest to her is that she should go and see a decent doctor.




That we go and visit the Great Wall was what you suggested to us. Why didn't you go with us?

That you come to the school at 7:20 is clearly and firmly required.

That the soldiers give up the city was the general's firm order.

It will be desired that she finish all the preparation this afternoon.



They had a wrong attitude toward my suggestion that the house not be rebuilt.

The order that soldiers shoot the protesters was not carried out.





1、it is important that... ...


It is important that you come and deliver the speech tomorrow.

It is necessary that we let none of us fall behind.

It is essential that Mr. Li come to help us with the new task.

It is only natural that you pay your respect to your colleagues.




注意:有些人把it is strange that... 和it is a pity (shame) that...也归在此类句式中,其实有些不当。

It is strange that you should know about the whole thing.

It was strange that Tom should have stolen his father's money.

It was a big shame that you should have spoken to me like that.

It was a pity that Linda should be so careless in the test.

It is no wonder that Mr. Smith should be so calm about the new plan.

No wonder you should be so patient about it.


大家可以很清楚地看到,在it is strange that...和it is a pity (shame) that ...句式中没有丝毫的祈使意义,祈使意义是面向将来的,be式虚拟语气的各种从句的情况发生在主句情况之后,而it is strange that...和it is a pity (shame) that ...句式中从句的情况发生在主句情况之前,此句式中的should表示了说话人惊奇的情感,有“竟然”的意味,是根

本不能省略的。如果说话人没有惊奇的情感,这一类的句子也完全可以不用 should 这个词:

It is a pity that Mr. Chamberlin did not turn up at the meeting.

It was a shame that Janet refused to speak at the party.

It was strange that only a few people showed interest in our products.


2、it is (high) time that... ...

It is high time we went home now.

== It is high time we should go home now.

It is time we started doing our work.

==It is time we should start doing our work.

It is time we left for the airport.

==It is time we should leave for the airport.


从意义上讲,这个句式没有任何were式虚拟的意味,但是最流行的用法是在其从句中使用一般过去时态。虽然这个句式有很多be式虚拟的意味,而且也可以使用should do的形式,但是远不如用过去时态的形式更为流行和普遍,建议最好使用一般过去时态的形式,少用should do的形式。

我建议,大家在理解和运用it is (high) time that...句式的时候不要把它理解成虚拟语气,只是把它当作一个特定的句式就可以了,这样掌握起来反而便利得多。建议的要点有二:

1、在 it is (high) time that...从句中尽量使用一般过去时态这种形式。

2、在 it is (high) time that...从句中如果使用了should do 的形式,要注意这个句式中的should 一般不省略。


3、if only...引导的感叹句

在if only...引导的感叹句中使用的虚拟语气属于were式虚拟,一般都是对没有发生某种情况或不能发生某种情况的遗憾:

If only I were a bird!

If only my mother were with me now!

If only you had come to our help yesterday!

If only Linda could go with us tomorrow!

If only I had said more about it!





在 would like to do, would rather do, had better do 等句式中:

You had better not take this medicine any more.

I would rather stay home than go to the concert with my parents.

Would you like to come to our party tonight.



Could you answer this question for me?

Would you be kind enough to explain the paragraph for me?

It would be better for you not to stay up too late.


在“may you + 动词原形句式”中表示祝愿:

May you be happy! == Be happy!

May you succeed!

May you have a safe journey home! == Safe journey home!

May you have good luck! == Good luck!

May God bless you! == God bless you! == Bless you!
