




作为一种语言测试,托福考试的重点是检测考生的英语语言水平。因此,能够写出正确、流畅的语言是考生获得托福写作单项高分的必备条件。在《新托福考试官方指南》第四版(以下简称OG)中,对于托福独立写作语言运用方面的要求是这样的:“Language use is the third criterion on which your essay will be judged. To get a top score,an essay must display ‘consistent facility in the use of language.’There should be a variety of sentence structures,and word choice should be appropriate.”可以看出,托福独立写作对于考生写作的总体要求是consistent facility in the use of language (语言运用和谐流畅),给出的具体建议是a variety of sentence structures (句子结构多样)和word choice should be appropriate (措辞应贴切得体)。那么怎样的措辞才算贴切得体呢?是一定要用很高级、很复杂的词才行吗?


Most young adults prefer to have a separate or independent life from their parents or families as soon as possible. This is because they have a strong urge for freedom in doing what they desire. But in fact many of them fail. This should not be surprising since often they are actually not ready mentally although they are physically ready. It is widely understood that to live independently requires a lot of energy and is not easy at all. In this twenty first century,people may need more and more preparation because competition is increasing rapidly. An observation shows that many University graduated students are unemployed. Therefore,they will not be able to support and fulfill their necessities.

So living independently at an early age is not suitable for all young adults,some young adults may need to take more time to prepare themselves before going out to struggle. Young adults need to be ready to support themselves. Taking time to get more education and living with their families for a longer time may lead them to a better independent life because they will be well prepared for the hard-life outside. Still,living with their families for too long will not be a good idea because they

could get used to it and tend to be less independent.

?τ谡馄?作文,阅卷者(human rater)是这样评价的:“This well developed essay meets all the criteria for earning a score of 5. The writer develops the topic through a detailed discussion of independence and of the suitability of living independently. The essay is unified and coherent. Sentence structure is varied,especially in paragraphs 2 and 3. The writer does not use high-level vocabulary,but word choice is correct throughout. There are minor errors (“University graduated students,”“fulfill their necessities”),but these in no way interrupt the flow or meaning of the essay.”我们再来看美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)给出的官方研究结果(如下表所示):





考生要了解常用的英文词汇分几类。根据不同的语体风格,常用词汇可分成三类:正式的(formal)、一般的(common)、非正式的(informal)。正式的词也可称作学术性的词、文雅的词或“大”词,这类词往往有三个以上的音节,如下面这段话中加粗的词汇:“There is nothing new in the recognition,within a given language,of a distinction between common usage and uses of the language for more restricted purposes

and often enough,perhaps characteristically,more elevated purposes.”但这段话中的大多数词都是十分常用并在多种文体中出现的,这些词被称为一般词汇。这两类词都可用于书面写作中。还有一类词主要用于非正式的、不讲究客套的谈话中,很少出现在正式的文章里,如guts (胆量)、guy (男人)、hassle (麻烦)等,这类词一般都很短,只有一、两

个音节,被称为非正式词汇。此外,俚语也是很不正式的表达,如kick the bucket (去世)等,在书面写作中也应该避免。


所使用的词汇的长度和复杂度(word length and sophistication of word choice),另一方面会将考生所使用的词汇表达与语料库中不同等级的文章进行比较(score assigned to essays with similar vocabulary,similarity to essays receiving highest score),从而大致判定考生的文字语言水平。因此,考生在平时备考期间应多去积累高分范文中的词汇表达,这对于提升考生自己的语言水平有很大的帮助。实际上,考生如果能正确、熟练、恰当地使用大学英语四级水平的词汇,就已经能在写作中很好地表达自己的意思了。比如,如果要表达“生活中有很多这样的例子”,大多数考生的第一反应是:“There are many similar examples in our daily life.”这句话在表达上没有错误,但考生如果能用四级常用词汇abound

对其进行改写,就能使表达更加正式、地道,如:“Life abounds with such examples.”





所以在针对Development (展开论点)这一维度进行评价时,会通过话语元素的长度(the length of discourse elements)?M 行衡量,其中,句子的平均长度便是参考标准之一。也就是说,在e-rater眼中,如果一位考生句子写得太短,那就说明该考生没能表达出什么内容,因此也就没有展开论点。所以在阅卷中,无论是human rater还是e-rater都不希望看到考生写出大量太短的句子。

那么这是否说明句子写得越长越好呢?当然不是。各位考生可能都有过这样的体验:朋友圈里某人发了一段不加标点的文字,读完简直累死宝宝了。其实写作也一样,即使句子中间有逗号,但是太长的句子仍会影响读者的理解,这也是为什么句子长度是文章可读性的其中一个指标。根据OG 第608页关于Too Many Long Sentences的说明,官方建议的平均句子长度是15~20词左右(the average sentence length should be between 15 and 20 words),这样更便于读者理解(this length allows your reader to absorb your ideas more easily)。

另外,需要考生注意的是,有时句子写得过长反而会影响意思的表达,尤其是为了写长句而写长句。一起来看OG 第608页给出的例句。

a. Benjamin Franklin,who was one of America’s “founding fathers,”helped write the Declaration of

Independence. He also invented many things such as bifocals and the Franklin stove,and he discovered electricity,which became important to modern life. b. Benjamin Franklin,who was one of America’s “founding fathers,”helped write the Declaration of Independence. He also invented many things such as bifocals and the Franklin stove,and he discovered electricity. Think about that discovery. Where would we be without electricity?

考生通过对比上述例句可以看出,a句使用了一连串长句,比较繁冗,可读性不强,导致句意不够清晰。而b句将长短句结合起来,使得表达更为简明,句意清晰,句子也更富于节奏感。由此可见,在写作时,考生可以用不同长度的句子来表达不同的意思,同时注意长短句结合使用(mix long sentences with short ones)。正如OG中??道的:“A good combination of long and short sentences makes writing lively.”








作者简介:李盛,新东方教育科技集团优秀教师,国外项目教学培训师,美国ETS普林斯顿总部访问学者,哥伦比亚大学Teachers College访问学者,合肥新东方北美教学教研经理,主授托福、SAT、GRE等课程。


高级词汇替换 satisfy= gratify (gratified her curiosity) short= fleeting “ fleeting passions of fantasy ” ephemeral ( “ There remain some truths too ephemeral to be captured in the cold pages of a court tran script or . . . opinion ) ” scholarship= fellowship (be admitted to fellowship) an gry= en raged (be en raged at [by] sb.'s con duct , be en raged with sb.) smelly= malodorous (The cellar will n eed to be cleared of several malodorous piles of garbage) ugly= hideous (a hideous face, hideous con duct) attractive= appeali ng (an appeali ng manner) absorb ing (Shell collect ing can be so absorb ing that you don 'no tice the tide coming in ) diverse= miscellaneous ( “ My reading ... had been extremely miscellaneous ) disorder= disarray (The child had disarrayed the books. The troops were in disarray.) chaos (The country desce nds into a econo mic chaos) crazily= fran tically (The little baby kicked fran tically in the cradle) rapid= meteoric (a meteoric rise to fame) ordi nary= mundane (mundane chores, like wash ing dishes) despite= no twithsta nding (The teams played on, no twithsta nding the rain.) best= optimal (n ear optimal, time optimal) sharp= acute ( “ a raw, chilli ng and psychologically acute no vel of huma n passi ons red uced to their deadliest esse nee ) ” un believable= incon ceivable (an incon ceivable victory aga inst all odds.) puzzle= perplex (perplex an issue, perplex a man with questi ons) method= avenue (ave nue to success) famous=


托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage使用语法搭配细节实 例讲解 托福独立写作因为其立论文的写作要求,所以某些特定词汇的使用频率会变得很高。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage使用语法搭配细节实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage使用语法搭配细节实例讲解 托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage定义分析 想要用好一个词汇,大家要做的第一件事是了解这个词汇的准确定义,disadvantage的定义是a quality or condition that puts something or someone in an unfavorable or inferior position compared to others. 这里需要注意的是compared to others这个细节部分,也就是说这个词是用来对比的,换句话说,很多时候所谓的disadvantage其实都是相对而说的,如果没有对比对象,那么这个词汇也是不能随意使用的,它和shortcome还是存在一定区别的。

托福独立写作常用词disadvantage搭配用法实例精讲 1. disadvantage of sth. 这个用法应该是disadvantage比较常见的一个用法了,也就是某件事的缺点坏处,来看下面这些例句: a. The disadvantage of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education. b. One disadvantage of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education. c. One of the disadvantages of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education. 需要注意的是,disadvantage of sth.的用法最好用在句首部分,如果是虚词结构(expletive construction)的句式比如There is/are之类的句子,就不要再直接接上disadvantage of sth.了,否则这种句子读上去很不自然,一般老外是不会这么写的,比如下面这几个句子,中国考生可能看不出什么问题,但老外考官读起来说不定就不太舒服了: a. There are many disadvantages to living in the countryside. b. There are many disadvantages in living in the countryside. 2. at a disadvantage


1.Should teacher help with self-confident or specific knowledge? My opinion: 1. Confident would play high effect on give rise to motivation of study. 2 Student would have positive impress on study for extended study life 3 Self-confident could promote ability of student, innovation is needed. Disagree; 1 Specific knowledge definitely during period of education will enrich their time 2 Specific knowledge is the strength of evidence where self-confident emerges. 3 specific knowledge will be the goal for education on purpose. 2 achieving success or having delight and optimistic mood, which is more important? My opinion: 1 Success would contribute you own self-confident for the motivation of next challenge. 2 Success would help you get reward and celebrity, which may encourage you. 3 Success is the summary of your hard working, of which would imprint experience for your whole life. Disagree: 1. Optimistic mood would be continuous and prolonged for dream of success. 2 Optimistic reveals one’s healthy psychology for perfect life 3 Optimistic would be used in other field other than success. 3 People with different personalities and amateur can’t be friend: My opinion: 1 different disagreement may led to unfriendly friendship. 2 It’s hard to find common topic as combination of both people. 3 they are unlikely to know each other very well in short time. Disagree: 1. They would study other different type of advantage filling space 2 Finding more different topic will strengthen friendship. 3 open up their view and accumulate more knowledge 4 competition may hurt friendship My opinion: 1 Competition may increase possibility that you friend is jealous of others 2 Competition may reduce the communication chances hence have less meaningful friendship bit by bit Disagree: 1 It factually might let you know each other better


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others ’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group ’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrasedfrom John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly

牛人经验:托福iBT写作27 完全攻略

考托者应记住的几条公理 1,托福作文就是新八股文 2,托福作文只要练好了人人可以拿27+ 3,托福作文得高分不意味着你英语水平有多高 4,提高英语水平靠多听多读多背多说多写多练多译 首先让我们全面剖析新托福作文:(以下要求均为我自己的理解,非官方版本,官方要求请参照OG) integrated writing/综合写作:要求考生在3分钟内读一篇文章,然后听一个lecture,在20分 (注:文章内容和lecture 钟内根据文章和lecture内容写一篇250字左右文章比较两者的观点。 内容注定是对立的,如果你考的不是对立的,那只有一种可能,你的RP次到了人神共愤的地步了。) 综合写作的八股在于:第一段指出reading passage和lecture内容是对立的;第二、三、四段从三个方面/点来说明他们的内容是怎样对立的;第五段总结一下他们之间确实是对立关系。 independent writing/独立写作:给定一个题目,要求考生在30分钟内写出400字左右的文章,要求逻辑清晰,论述有力,无明显的语法和词法错误。 独立写作八股在于:第一段陈述你的观点,支持哪一方;第二、三、四段从三个方面论述你的观点;最后一段总结一下,综上所述,某某观点是正确的。

综合写作:模板,套模板,一定要套模板! 理由:1,模板让你的思路更加清晰,这是ETS要求的。 2,20分钟!开玩笑,怎么凑到300字?当然要用模板! 3,阅读听力我都不怕,就怕作文,写三句话错两句,我怎么得26+?当然还是用模板,既然是模板就意味着是你精挑细选的句子,保证了写作的质量! 提醒:1,模板要富于变化,一篇只能用5句那你就要准备10句! 2,模板不能一味照搬别人的,避免重复! 3,保证模板里的句子没有语法和用词错误! 一般来说,大家把一下几个句子稍微变形,即完成了综合写作第一步 1. The lecture discusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that… (用于第一段) 2. The professor made the point that …The reading , in contrast, held a different v iew .(用于第一或第二三四段) 3. Another important point showed in the listening material is that …but the reading presents a conflicting idea that…(用于第三四段) 4. Finally, the professor stated that ...which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who said that...(用于第四段) 5. In general, the professor discussed the problem of …that the reading viewed in a contrary\opposing\different angle.(最后总结段) 6. According to the lecture… on the other hand \while the reading stated that … 7. The professor made the point that… on the contrary\ in contrast\ however, the writer demonstrated an ideathat… 8. The lecture supports\illustrates the idea that… 9. The lecture contradicts\refutes\ is contrary to\ is the opposite of the idea that… 10. Contrary to the belief in the passage that …the professor says that… 11. The professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that… by saying that…(6-11均用于第二三四段) 大家可以把连接词变化一下,把动词变化一下或句式稍变,11句话灵活运用。 除了模板以外,综合写作我们还需要做什么? 做笔记,做听力笔记! 99.9%的情况下,综合写作的主体内容是三个对立的观点,所以大家只要把这个三个点记下来,然后把阅读里相应的三点抠出来放到模板里面去,你的综合写作就做完了,就是这么简单!


TPO40-48全部分托福独立写作文本题目汇总 对于托福考试,相信大家对于TPO托福模考软件都不陌生,现在市面上可以下载到免费的TPO模考软件。虽然TPO模考软件里的题目是不会出现在考试中,但是考生可能通过它了解托福考试的题型以、考试模式及题目的难易度掌握,所以TPO托福模考软件对考生十分的重要。 最近TPO托福模考软件更新了40-48套题,这也是ETS为了考生适应未来考试而放出的题目,所以练习这几套题十分重要。这里小编为大家整理了TPO40-48全部托福独立写作文本题目,希望对大家托福写作备考有帮助,快来看看吧。 TPO40独立写作题目文本 Independent Writing Directions Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. Question: Essay Topic Some parents offer their school-age children money for each high grade (mark) they get in school. Do you think this is a good idea? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. TPO41独立写作题目文本 Independent Writing Directions Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. Question: Essay Topic Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teacher were more appreciated and valued by society in the past than they were nowadays. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


— 2018.1.6 — Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together. — 2018.1.13 — Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a waste of time to spend funds on space travel or space exploration. — 2018.1.27 — Which one of the following factors do you believe is most important in helping students succeed in their studies at college? Why? l Having access at the university to tutors who can provide individual instruction for students who have difficulty with schoolwork. l Having the support and encouragement of family and friends while attending university. l Receiving a high-quality education from excellent teachers while in high school. — 2018.1.28 — The governm ent wants to improve the quality of children’s education, which way will be better? l Hiring more teachers l Accepting preschool education before kindergarten l Improving the quality of teachers — 2018.2.4 — Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to take risks and explore new things when you are older rather than when you are younger. — 2018.3.3 — Do you prefer to take a final course taught by the professor with whom you have not had classes before or a course taught by the professor whose class you have taken before? — 2018.3.10 — Which one is the most important factor to help you work productively? l Having an environment which is free of noise and distractions l Knowing that you will receive a reward l Doing something you are interested in — 2018.3.11 — Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families, so the help from the government is not necessary. — 2018.3.24 — Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work. — 2018.3.31 — People in communities can make decisions that protect and improve the natural environment. If you need an essay of high score, please add my wechat whose name


托福独立写作模板30句常用句式 【新东方】轻松直达90分!年托福(T O E F L)金牌课程火热开售中>> 一、提出背景的托福独立写作模板句式 1、I t’s g e n e r a l l y a g r e e d t h a t ... ...(人们普遍认为... ...) 2、T h e r e i s a g r o w i n g b o d y o f o p i n i o n t h a t ... ... (越来越多的人认为... ...) 3、A n i n c r e a s i n g n u m b e r o f p e o p l e h a v e t h e t e n d e n c y t o b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(越来越多的人倾向于认为... ...) 4、S o m e p e o p l e,e s p e c i a l l y t h e o l d,b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(一些人,尤其是老人,认为... ...) 5、O t h e r p e o p l e,t h e y o u n g i n p a r t i c u l a r,a r g u e t h a t ... ...(别的人,尤其是年轻人,认为... ...) 6、S o m e c u r r e n t a n a l y s e s c o n c l u d e t h a t ... ... (当下的一些分析表明... ...) 7、... ... i s a h e a t e d t o p i c i n o u r t i m e s. (... ...是我们这个时代火热的一个话题) 8、T h e t o p i c a b o u t ... ...h a s b e e n r a g i n g f o r

托福写作模板 integrated writing(亲测 ..写作25)

The speaker, on the topic of ___________________, effectively casts doubt on the passage, providing the opposite evidence concerning/ about influences on/from ____________________. Firstly, _____听力结果______. Despite the content from passage that ____阅读结果____, the speaker provides an alternative explanation that ___听力内容_2句_. From this case, the speaker questions the validity of the passage. Secondly, ____听力结果_____. According to the lecture, ____听力内容2句__________. Such information directly challenges the position of the passage that ____阅读结果____. Thirdly, ____听力结果___. The passage states that ___阅读结果____. However, the speaker denies this point and gives the proof that ___听力内容2句______. This is another case where the content from the passage is totally groundless. Fourthly, 听力结果 . The passage states that 阅读结果, which is actually questioned by the speaker, who proposes the proof that 听力内容2句. Therefore, the side of the passage is overthrown by listening material.


新托福独立写作21类题目 1.体育类: 2008.11.14—Children should only play sports for fun rather than play sports in competitions or contests. (Education) 孩子们应该为了乐趣而去参加体育活动而不是为了竞争或者比赛。 体育在现代生活的重要性有: 1.体育可以在身体得到锻炼,使身体素质得到提高; 2.体育活动让朋友和家人聚集一起参加锻炼,有社会意义,是一种积极的休闲和团体活动; 3.体育可以调节生活,让人们获得心理上的健康和快乐,更好的缓解压力; 4.体育可以提高人的意志和韧性; 5.体育是一个大的产业,给国家带来收入; 6.体育体现了人类社会的精神,可以促进世界和平。 体育运动的优点: 1.增加体质(increase physical strength),有益于身心健康; 2.加快脂肪燃烧(accelaerate fat burning),有助于减肥(lose weight); 3.有助于保持体形(stay in shape),提高自我的形象(improve self image); 4.有助于缓解压力(relieve stress),调节心情(improve mood),减少失落的情绪(reduce the chance of depression); 5.有助于保持旺盛的精力(keep energetic),从而提高工作效率(increase productivity)。 孩子参加体育项目是为了获得快乐:因为体育活动可以让他们得到精神上的放松,可以是他们和朋友交流的一种方式; 而获得乐趣并不是体育活动的唯一目的,参加比赛也是一种目的,因为比赛获胜可以让他们获得一种成就感,输了可以学会逆境成长的精神。 2008.12.5—Sports teaches us lessons about life. 运动教会我们一些生活道理 运动教会我们要养成健康的生活方式和积极的人生态度; 体育比赛告诉我们竞争是生活的一部分,但友谊同样重要; 团队运动教给人们要合作,在生活中和工作中也要学会合作,这样做事情才会能有效率,比如,在足球篮球比赛中,你不能时时都争着进球,要注意合作才能获得更高的分数,一个全都是优秀球员的球队并不一定能给打败一个球员很平庸但是合作的很好的球队,在生活上也是如此,我们不必事事争第一,和别人合作往往能达到共赢的目的。 棋类运动教给我们许多生活道理,比如我们下棋的时候必须瞻前顾后,考虑很多步,生活上也是,凡事三思而后行 2.专业知识类: 2006.11.19—It is more important to choose a subject of your interest than to choose subjects which prepare you for a job or a career.(Education) 选自己感兴趣的学科比选有前途的学科更重要(支持该观点) 中间段写作思路: (一)Reason 1: 因果链接:资源有限—竞争激烈—压力大—就业压力—就业竞争中脱颖而出—有前途的专业(举例) 首先:学习对于未来的职业有用的学科之后才能更容易找到工作。当代社会每个人都渴望取得成功,但是资源是有限的,所以竞争激烈,每个人承受的压力都很大,其中大学生面临的最现实的问题就是就业问题。


托福独立写作高分范文 1 ●让步型 2012/2/25 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Two people can become gooe friends enen if one of them has more money than the other. Generally, I disagree with the statement that two people can be friends if one is richer than the other. In many TV, plays and movies, there is often the story of a poor boy and a rich girl eventually becoming friends. However, their fairytales only ever happen in fiction. In the reality, this never happens because rich and poor people have very different goals in life and very different lifestyles. To begin with, different goals in life between the rich and the poor are a vital barrier for them to become friends. Even from the beginning of their lives, they undertake different missions. Po or people’s goal in life is mostly to lead a decent life, and to be able to buy things such as a comfortable house and a functional car. However, rich people’s goal in life is to continue their parents’ business. For example, disadvantaged people are fight ing for survival in the cutting-throat competition of this society, such as paying the mortgage and the credit card, while rich people have to think about how to expand their family business in other countries. So they are not living in the same world and do not bear the same chance to know each other, let alone become friends. Second, the different ways of living prevent the friendship from taking shape between them. On this point, poor people will definitely repel rich people because they feel less confident. For example, when they finish their jobs, what can poor people afford to do every day is to simply go back home and be with their family members. Rich people, on the other hand, have many different choices in how to spend their free time. For instance, rich people can go to gulf club to enjoy the fresh air and indulge themselves in equestrian event or racecourse. Therefore, talking about the similar lifestyle which paves the road of friendship, these two groups of people are speaking different language. Admittedly, exceptions do exist in some special aspects. Basketball players serve as good examples. In NBA, about 50 percent of players were born in slums. However, when they finally earn tons of money, they still are contacting and helping their friends who were not rich at all. Allen Iverson is a NBA player, but he always holds the parties with his friends in slums and does what he can do to help his friend to get rid of poverty. All in all, in most cases, people with huge difference in their economic conditions cannot be friends for lack of lifestyle and life goals in common, despite few exceptions. (431) Collins 原版范文 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace traditional methods of food preparation.
