




"Living within 300 metres of green space ________ (associate) with greater happiness, sense of worth and life satisfaction," says a new study. ________ (use) data from UK government's Annual Population Survey (APS) of 25518 people, the researchers show that people ________ live within 300 metres of green space have significantly better mental well-being. "A lot of research focuses ________ poor mental health, or single aspect of well-being like life satisfaction. What makes our work different is the way we consider multi-dimensional mental well-being in terms of happiness, life satisfaction and worth," said Victoria Houlden from the University of Warwick.

The study, ________ (publish) in the journal Applied Geography, found that there is a very strong relationship between the amount of green space around a person's home ________ their feelings of life satisfaction, happiness, and self-worth. Green space within 300 metres of home made the greatest ________ (differ) to mental well-being. The study found that access to green space was ________ (important) than lifestyle factors such as employment, income and general health. "By ________ (combine) advanced statistical and mapping methods, we've shown that the effect is real. ________ (basical) we've proven what everyone has always assumed was true," said Scott Weich, Professor at the University of Sheffield.

【答案】is associated;Using;who或that;on /upon;published;and;difference;more important;combining;Basically


(1)考查时态语态。句意:居住在300米以内的绿色空间,会带来更大的幸福感、价值感和生活满意度。be associated with sth.固定短语,"与某事联系在一起",且描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为动名词短语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填is associated。(2)考查非谓语动词。句意:根据英国政府对25518人的年度人口调查(APS)数据,研究人员表明,居住在绿色空间300米以内的人心理健康状况明显更好。本句中use做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语researchers构成主动关系,故用现在分词,填Using。


(4)考查介词。句意:很多研究都集中在心理健康方面,或者说是像生活满意度这样的幸福方面。focus on/upon固定短语,"集中于,专注于",故填on或upon。



(7)考查名词。句意:住宅周围300米范围内的绿地对心理健康的影响最大。make a great difference固定短语,"有很大影响",故填difference。

(8)考查形容词。句意:研究发现,获得绿色空间比生活方式因素如就业、收入和一般健康更重要。根据下文”than lifestyle factors“可知应填important的形容词比较级,故填more important。


(10)考查副词。句意:基本上,我们已经证明了每个人一直以来所认为的是正确的,"谢菲尔德大学教授Scott Weich表示。修饰下文整个句子应用副词,故填Basically。



The Mid-Autumn Day is a very important traditional festival in China. It takes its name from the fact that it ________(celebrate) in the middle of the autumn season. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the ________ (eight) lunar month. The day is known as the Moon Festival, as at that time of the year the moon is at its roundest and ________(bright). It is an evening celebration in ________ families gather together and eat moon cakes. Besides, ________(make) the house more beautiful, people will hang red lanterns in front of it. On that day, people look back on the past and look forward to the future together. Children will play with their own ________(toy) and enjoy themselves.

The Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations date back ________ more than 2,000 years. The word "Mid-Autumn" first ________(appear) in the famous ancient book Zhou Li. However, it was not until the early Tang Dynasty that people celebrated the day as a traditional festival. It became an ________(official) established festival during the Song Dynasty, and has become as popular as the Spring Festival since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Celebrations have continued ever since and more customs for ________(mark) this occasion have been formed.

【答案】is celebrated;eighth;brightest;which;to make;toys;to;appeared;officially;marking


(1)考查时态语态。句意:它的名字来源于它是在秋季中期举行的庆祝活动。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且描述客观事实应用一般现在时。主语为it,谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填is celebrated。



(3)考查形容词。句意:这一天被称为中秋节,因为在一年的这个时候,月亮是最圆最亮的。根据上文roundest and可知应填形容词最高级,表示“最亮的”,故填brightest。(4)考查定语从句。句意:这是一个晚上的庆祝活动,家人聚在一起吃月饼。本句为“介词+关系代词”结构定语从句修饰先行词an evening celebration,且做介词in的宾语,指“庆祝”活动应用关系代词which。故填which。

(5)考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,为了使房子更漂亮,人们会在房子前面挂红灯笼。本句中make做非谓语动词,表目的应用不定式。故填to make。


(7)考查介词。句意:中秋节的庆祝活动可以追溯到2000多年前。date back to固定短语,“追溯到”,故填to。






My hometown is Hangzhou, which attracts a great many tourists every year. Hangzhou played a very ________ (importance) role in Chinese history, so it has a number of great heritage sites well reserved.

Lying on the west district of Hangzhou city, West Lake ________ (be) the symbol of Hangzhou as well as one of the most beautiful ________ (sight) in China. West Lake has all along been praised as a sparkling pearl.

If you want to enjoy ________ whole West Lake, there are three kinds of sight you need to see. The sunny one, the rainy one and the night view of it.

There is a saying that the sunny West Lake is not equal ________ the rainy West Lake, and the rainy West Lake is less beautiful than the West Lake at night.

At last there is a love tale ________ happened at West Lake. It is said that a white snake changed into a beautiful lady, who ________ (call) Bai Suzhen. She was willing to repay Xu Xian for ________ (save) her life 500 years ago. Then she married him, living together ________ (happy). But the Monk Fa Hai kept doing wrongs to her. He finally made them part. Bai Suzhen was shut in the Leifeng tower and the couple had no chance ________ (meet) again.

【答案】 important;is;sights;the;to;which;was called;saving;happily;to meet


(2)考查主谓一致。句意:西湖位于杭州市西城区,是杭州的象征,也是中国最美的风景之一。此处句子主语是专有名词West Lake,谓语用单数,且描述客观事实用一般现在时,故填is。

(3)考查名词。句意:西湖位于杭州市西城区,是杭州的象征,也是中国最美的风景之一。根据上文的one of the可知后跟复数名词表示“……其中之一”,故填sights。

(4)考查冠词。句意:如果你想欣赏整个西湖,你需要看三种景观。此处the是定冠词,表示特指,修饰whole West Lake。故填the。

(5)考查介词。句意: 有句话说,阳光充足的西湖并不等于多雨的西湖,多雨的西湖也不如夜晚的西湖美丽。be equal to固定短语,“与……相等”。故填to。


(7)考查时态语态。句意:据说,白蛇变成了一位美丽的女士,她叫白素贞。此处句子主语是who,指的是lady,与call是被动关系,故用被动语态,且事情发生在过去应用一般现在时,主语为a beautiful lady,故填was called。


(9)考查副词。句意:然后她嫁给了他,幸福地生活在一起。此处修饰动词living 应用副词,故填happily。

(10)考查非谓语动词。句意:白素贞被关在了雷峰塔,这对夫妇再也没有机会见面了。have chance to do sth.固定短语,“有机会做某事”。故填to meet。



As kids reach adolescence, they often face increasing workloads and responsibilities but school still starts early. As a result, it ________ (report) that 80 to 90 percent of teens don't get enough sleep. This sleep ________ (lose) causes kids to suffer mentally and physically. But too much sleep also has its problems. According to Andrew Fuligni, a sleep doctor in a famous hospital, ________ studies the mental health of adolescents, sleeping less than eight hours ________ more, than ten can make teenagers fed worse the next day.

________ (help) teens get enough sleep, some schools have already made school start later. They have found that the later times let kids sleep more. They also have seen ________ (high) test scores and better graduation rates. However, this isn't enough. Meanwhile, teenagers have to help ________ (they). Fuligni suggests teens sleep for 10 hours each night for a week or two. This will help them figure ________ how much sleep they require to fed their best. However,

sleeping more on weekends ________(be) not a good idea to compensate for missing sleep during the week. Fuligni warns that getting different ________(amount)of sleep each, night can be had for mental health.

【答案】 is reported;loss;who;or;To help;higher;themselves;out;is;amounts 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了关于青少年的睡眠问题。睡眠在青少年的成长中很重要。随着孩子们进入青春期,他们经常面临越来越多的工作负担和责任,但学校仍然很早就开始上课。结果是,有80%到90%的青少年没有得到足够的睡眠。

(1)考查时态语态。结果是,有80%到90%的青少年没有得到足够的睡眠。It is reported that...,固定句式,“据报道.....”,故填is reported。


(3)考查定语从句。此处a sleep doctor是先行词,指人,后面的非限制性定语从句缺少主语和先行词,故填who。

(4)考查连词。一家著名医院的睡眠医生,他研究青少年的心理健康,睡眠时间少于8小时甚至超过10小时,这可能会让青少年第二天的情况变得更糟。or more或更多,故填or。

(5)考查非谓语动词。为了帮助青少年获得充足的睡眠,一些学校已经开始了学校的开学,帮助青少年获得充足的睡眠,一些学校已经在晚些时候开始上课。此处是动词不定式做目的状语。故填To help。



(8)考查副词。这将帮助他们计算出他们需要多少睡眠才使他们得到最好的睡眠。figure out固定短语,“明白,理解,计算出”,故填out。





Mochi (年糕) is a traditional food popular in Chinese and Japanese cooking, made from ________ (special) treated rice. It is often presented in the form of a round cake, and is traditionally exchanged at the New Year.

Mochi is made by ________ (put) sticky rice into water overnight, cooking it and pounding it into a sticky paste. The paste is made into shapes ranging from simple to complex rounds, some of

________ are stuffed with sweet fillings. Mochi is often decorated with ________ (flower) or fruits, especially when it is exchanged as ________ gift at celebrations like birthdays and the New Year.

Traditionally, wooden mortars (臼) and pestles (杵) ________ (use) to pound mochi rice. Fresh mochi is usually cooked and served warm ________ a variety of sauces. Steaming and boiling are both popular preparations in Japan, along with cooking. Fresh mochi is soft but it________ (hard) quickly. Prepacked mochi blocks, flattened and cut into square pieces or shaped into rounds, are available at grocery stores. Mochi can go bad easily, so it's ________ (good) to cook soon than to keep it in your fridge.

Hard mochi pieces can be cooked, deep-fried, boiled, and more. Cooked mochi is very sticky, so be careful not ________ (choke) on it.

【答案】specially;putting;which;flowers;a;are used;with;hardens;better;to choke




(4)考查名词。句意:年糕通常用鲜花或水果装饰。根据or fruits,可知此处用名词复数,故填flowers 。

(5)考查冠词。句意:尤其是在生日和新年等庆祝活动中作为礼物交换时。根据as ___5___ gift,gift“礼物”,可数名词,故填a。

(6)考查时态语态。句意:传统上,木臼和杵是用来捣糯米的。主语是wooden mortars and pestles,谓语动词用复数形式的被动语态,又因为时态是一般现在时,故填are used。(7)考查介词。句意:新鲜的年糕通常是煮熟的,并与各种酱料一起热着吃。介词with 表示“与……一起”,根据句意,故填with。

(8)考查时态。句意:新鲜的年糕很软,但会很快变硬。主语是it,是第三人称单数,指Fresh mochi,时态是一般现在时,故填hardens。


(10)考查非谓语动词。句意:煮熟的年糕很黏,所以要小心别噎着了。be careful to do sth.固定短语,“小心做某事”,可知此处用动词不定式,故填to choke。



During my recent travels in China, I went from the top to the bottom of the country. I was astonished at ________ different the weather was in different cities.

The weather was ________ (freeze) cold in Harbin, but felt much warmer in Shanghai, Guilin, Qingdao and Yangshuo. Each place has a different feel and allows you ________ (experience) different things.

In Qingdao, we ate seafood, drank beer and even swam in the sea. In Harbin, we wore our warmest jackets and saw the ________ (amaze) ice and snow sculptures (雕塑).

Shanghai reminded me ________ a city in Europe or America. There are lots of Western cafes. Guilin was a good place to be touring around during Spring Festival. Fireworks ________ (fill) the sky and the streets were busy with happy people. I visited several old buildings and walked around a beautiful lake.

But Yangshuo ________ (be) my favorite place so far. I could not stop taking ________ (photo) of the beautiful mountains and the Lijiang River. I rode a bicycle along the Yulong River in the warm sun. I ate strawberries and drank tea that came from farms in the mountains.

Now, I am back in Beijing. I am looking forward to ________ next trip. I think I ________ (go) to another warm place!

【答案】how;freezing;to experience;amazing;of/about;filled;has been;photos;the/my;will go


(1)考查宾语从句。句意:我对不同城市间的天气是多么的不同很吃惊。这是一个宾语从句,关系词在介词at后作宾语。根据句意,从句部分是一个感叹句。空格后接的是形容词different,并且这个形容词是作was的表语的,没有与the weather形成名词短语,所以使用连接词how。故填how。


(3)考查非谓语动词。句意:每个地方给人不同的感觉,可以让你体验不同的事情。allow sb. to do sth.固定短语,“允许某人做某事”,不定式作宾语补足语。故填to experience。


(5)考查介词。句意:上海能让我想起欧洲或者美国的一个城市。remind sb. of/about sth.固定短语,“使某人想起......”,故填of/about。

(6)考查时态。句意:烟花布满天空,街上到处都是开心的人们。通过全文可知,作者对这次旅行的描述使用的都是一般过去时,并且由这句话中and后的was busy可知,这句话也应使用一般过去时。故填filled。

(7)考查时态。句意:但是,阳朔是目前为止我最喜欢的地方。由句中的so far可知,这

句话应使用现在完成时。Yangshuo为第三人称单数形式,故填has been。


(9)考查代(冠)词。句意:我期待(我的)下次旅行。根据句意,可以用物主代词my 作限定词,也可以使用定冠词the。故填my/the。

(10)考查时态。句意:我想我将会去另一个温暖的地方。think使用的是一般现在时,根据句意,这句话描述作者对下次旅行的计划,所以空格处应使用一般将来时。故填will go。



Chinese high-speed railways are a very comfortable way to travel. They are clean, quiet and________(efficiency). China ________ (lead) other developing countries and even some developed ones in this field since the first high-speed train came into use in 2008.

The stations are ________ (main) built outside the town center, but local transport has been lengthened ________ (connect) the high-speed network. The ________ (facility) on the train are new and the staff are well trained. Even the second class chairs provide plenty of space. The passages are wide and you can move easily, not ________ (disturb) anyone. You can use your mobile phone or work on your laptop, having access ________ the Internet. There is also a restaurant car, though the kinds of food ________ (be) limited. The toilets arc large, clean and user-friendly too. The train almost doesn't rock. Even when the train brakes, you can hardly feel it shake.

What's more, with a faster check-in, the high-speed trains are also ________ (little) affected by weather than planes. Seldom are ________delayed or cancelled for weather condition. Therefore, they have become the first choice for many passengers.

【答案】 efficient;has led;mainly;to connect;facilities;disturbing;to;are;less;they 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一种非常舒适的旅行方式——高速铁路。(1)考查形容词。句意:它们干净的、安静的并且高效的。and是并列连词,前面的clean, quiet都是形容词,应用efficiency的形容词形式,故填efficient。

(2)考查时态。句意:自2008年第一列高速列车投入使用以来,中国在这一领域领先于其他发展中国家,甚至一些发达国家。since“自从”,常与现在完成时连用;lead 是不规则动词,过去式led,过去分词led。故填has led。

(3)考查副词。句意:这些车站主要建在城镇中心以外。修饰过去分词built用副词,故填mainly 。

(4)考查非谓语动词。句意:但当地的交通已经延长,以连接高速铁路网络。此处用不定式作目的状语,故填to connect。

(5)考查名词。句意:高铁上的设施很新,工作人员受过良好的培训。所填空在句子中作主语,根据谓语动词are 可知,主语应该用复数形式,故填 facilities。

(6)考查非谓语动词。句意:通道很宽,你可以轻松地走动,而不会打扰任何人。句子的谓语动词是can move,故此处用非谓语动词作状语,disturb与逻辑主语you是主动关系,故用现在分词做状语。故填disturbing 。

(7)考查介词。句意:你可以使用手机或在笔记本电脑上工作,可以访问互联网。have access to固定短语,“有使用/进入….的权利/机会”。故填to。

(8)考查主谓一致。句意:还有一节餐车,尽管食物种类有限。句子主语的中心词是the kinds, 谓语动词应该用复数形式,故填 are。

(9)考查副词。句意:高铁也比飞机更少地受到天气的影响。根据后面的than可知little 应该用比较级,little的比较级是less,最高级是least,故填less。

(10)考查代词。句意:他们很少被推迟或因天气原因被取消。否定副词seldom置于句首,句子应该用部分倒装,将助动词are提前, 所填空为句子的主语, 根据下一句they have become the first choice可知应填they指代上一句出现的the high-speed trains。故填they。【点评】本题考点涉及形容词,时态,副词,非谓语动词,名词,介词,主谓一致,代词等多个知识点的考查,是一篇科技类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。


Chopsticks, or kuaizi in Chinese, ________ (be) a pair of small equal- length sticks, usually made of wood, ________( use) for eating Asian food It is believed the first chopsticks ________ (develop) over 5,000 years ago in China. The ________(early) evidence of a pair of chopsticks made out of bronze was excavated (出土) from the Ruins of Yin near Anyang, Henan province,dating back to roughly 1,200 BC.

Chopsticks play, ________important role in Chinese food culture. Chinese chopsticks are usually 9 to 10 inches long and rectangular with a blunt (钝的) end. They are round on the eating end ________symbolizes heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes earth. This is because________(maintain) an adequate food supply is the greatest concern between heaven and earth.

There is an old Chinese custom making chopsticks part of a girl's dowry, since the ________(pronounce) of kuaizi is similar to the words for "quick" and "son".

Chopsticks are ________(frequent) used in daily life. They have become more than a kind of tableware and have established a set of etiquette (礼仪) and customs ________their own.

【答案】are;used;were developed;earliest;an;that/which;maintaining;pronunciation;frequently;of




(3)考查时态语态。分析句子结构可知,此处是主语从句的谓语动词,根据over 5,000 years ago判断为一般过去时,主语chopsticks和develop之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语chopsticks是复数,故填were developed。


(5)考查冠词。play a role in固定短语,“在……中起作用”,又important是元音音素开头,故填an。

(6)考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是限定性定语从句关系词,先行词they(指物)在从句__6___symbolizes heaven中充当主语,故用关系代词,填that/which。



(9)考查副词,此处应填副词修饰动词are used,故填frequently。

(10)考查介词。of one's own固定短语,“某人自己的”,故填of。



China's Liangzhu Archaeological Site ________(declare) on the list of World Heritage sites on Saturday by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee during its 43rd session in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

The site, ________is located in Yuhang District in Hangzhou City in China's eastern Zhejiang Province, showcases the civilization of prehistoric rice agriculture between 3,300 B.C. ________ 2,300 B.C. The ruins of ancient Liangzhu city were discovered in 2007, and then large dam sites ________(surround) the Liangzhu ancient city were unearthed continuously after 2009. It was ________ (official) submitted lo UNESCO in 2019, hoping to win ________ (recognize) as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The site ________ (include) archaeological remains and unearthed cultural relics of the Liangzhu Ancient City as well as a wetland that covers ________ area of 908. 89 hectares in a plain river network. It is also found that the Liangzhu ancestors started to use characters about 5 ,000 years ago, 1 ,000 years ________ (early) than previously thought, according to Colin Renfrew, a retired professor of archaeology at the University of Cambridge.

The World Heritage Committee added Liangzhu to the UNESCO list ________(encourage) better protection of the site, considered to be of "outstanding universal value" to humanity.

【答案】was declared;which;and;surrounding;officially;recognition;includes;an;earlier;to encourage



(1)考查时态语态。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且根据时间状语on Saturday 可知为一般过去时,主语为Liangzhu Archaeological Site,谓语动词用单数形式。故填was declared。



(4)考查非谓语动词。句意:2007年发现良渚古城遗址,2009年以后,围绕良渚古城的大型水坝遗址陆续出土。分析句子结构可知surround在句中做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语dam sites构成主动关系,故用现在分词。故填surrounding。




(8)考查冠词。area为可数名词,此处表示泛指应用不定冠词,且area为元音音素开头的单词。cover an area of“占地.....面积”,故填an。

(9)考查形容词。根据下文“than previously thought”可知应用形容词比较级,故填earlier。

(10)考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词added,分析句子结构可知encourage在句中做非谓语动词,且作目的状语故用不定式。故填to encourage。



Since Brad Ryan began to take grandma Joy on trips to the breathtaking landscapes of America, they ________ (go) through dozens of cross-country adventures.

In 2015, Brad Ryan visited his 85-year-old grandma ________ (live) a simple life on her own, and then he hoped that spending some quality family time with her would help to lift her spirits. When he told ________ (story) of his travels to his grandma, she regretted not seeing more of the world. Then Ryan invited his grandma ________ (hike) with him, and she accepted his idea ________ (cheerful). From then on, the pair travelled to 29 National Parks in total, and had many adventures along the way, ________ has even affected his way of life.

"Life for her now is a lot ________ (rich). It was the look in her eyes that impressed me a lot." Ryan said, "I love my grandma. She has taught me how to live, I've learned to slow down and see

the world in ________ different way. There are so many viewpoints and knowledge we can gain ________ our elders. Even if some day she does pass away, I can go back to these places to feel her spirit and feel ________ (connect) to her."

【答案】have gone;living;stories;to hike;cheerfully;which;richer;a;from;connected

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Brad Ryan和Joy奶奶一起去美国那些令人惊叹的地方旅行,Ryan说奶奶教会了他用如何生活,学会了慢下来,用不同的方式看世界。

(1)考查时态。句意:自从Brad Ryan开始带着乔伊奶奶去美国那些令人惊叹的地方旅行以来,他们已经经历了几十次越野冒险。根据上文“Since Brad Ryan began to take grandma Joy on trips to the breathtaking landscapes of America”可知,应用现在完成时,主语为they,助动词用have。故填have gone。

(2)考查非谓语动词。句意:2015年,Brad Ryan看望了自己过着简单生活的85岁高龄的奶奶,他希望和她共度一段美好的家庭时光能帮助她振作起来。分析句子结构可知live 在句中做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语grandma构成主动关系,应用现在分词。故填living。(3)考查名词。句意:当他向祖母讲述他旅行的故事时,她后悔没有多看看这个世界。story为可数名词,前面没有冠词,应用复数形式。故填stories。

(4)考查非谓语动词。句意:然后,瑞安邀请他的奶奶和他一起去远足,她欣然接受了他的想法。invite sb. to do sth.固定短语,“邀请某人做某事”。故填to hike。




(8)考查冠词。句意:她教我如何生活,我学会了慢下来,用不同的方式看世界。in a different way固定短语,“用一种不同的方式”。故填a。





Yesterday, I was walking down the street ________ I saw four separate dimes (角) on the ground shining in the sunlight. I bent down, picked them up and entered the post office. Inside a lady ________ (dig) through her purse at the counter anxiously looking for change to mail a package. Believe it or not, she was exactly forty cents short. How amazing it was! I placed my dimes on the counter. The smile I got in return was worth a thousand ________ (dollar).

【答案】 when;was digging;dollars

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者昨天走在大街上,捡了四毛钱,进入邮局时,发现一位女士正缺少四十美分来邮局包裹,作者帮助了这位女士支付了所缺少的钱。(1)考查连词。be doing sth ...when...固定句式,“ 正在做某事,这时……”。故填when。(2)考查时态。分析句子可知,主语为a lady,与谓语为主动关系,且句子为过去进行时。故填was digging。

(3)考查名词。dollar为可数名词,且被a thousand修饰。故填dollars。



Car registration plates (牌照) are just a series of numbers and letters, right? Well, yes…but not for everyone.

France was the first country ________ (introduce) plates in 1893. Early number plates differed ________ shape and size, and were made of lots of different materials, including iron, cardboard and even pressed soybeans. In fact, it was not until 1957 ________ car manufacturers and the governments agreed on standardized plates. ________ was first registered in the UK was A1. The letter "A" showed the number was from London, while the number "1" showed it was the first number issued. At the moment, number plates ________ (consist) of a sequence of letters and numbers are applied in the UK.

Different EU countries also use different arrangements of numbers and letters, and ________ (they) systems have changed many times because these letter-number ________ (combine) keep running out. In the past decades, some number plates ________ (become) extremely valuable, particularly those that spell out words. ________ (basic), numbers on the plates can be used to represent words or parts of words. For example, "NVERLA8" means "Never Late". And the most ________ (expense) number ever was "M1" which an anonymous buyer has acquired for £331,000.

【答案】to introduce;in;that;What;consisting;their;combinations;have become;Basically;expensive


(1)考查非谓语动词。句意:1893年,法国是第一个引入车牌的国家。分析句子可知,此处为固定句型“be+形容词+to do sth.”,故填to introduce。

(2)考查介词。句意:早期车牌在形状和大小上都不相同。differ in固定短语,“在……方面不同”,故填in。

(3)考查强调句型。句意:事实上,直到1957年,汽车制造商和政府才就标准化车牌达成一致。分析句子可知,此处为强调句型“it is/was not until…that…”,意为“直到……才”,故填that。


(5)考查非谓语动词。句意:目前,由一系列字母和数字组成的车牌在英国适用。分析句子可知,number plates与consist是逻辑上的主动关系,因此需使用现在分词作定语,故填consisting。



(8)考查时态。句意:在过去的几十年里,一些车牌变得极其宝贵,特别是那些拼出单词的车牌。分析句子可知,in the past decades一般与现在完成时连用,主语some number plates是复数概念,故填have become。





The gorillas(大猩猩)in the valleys in the south often lived together in groups of several tens. They were fond of drinking wine, and even fonder of imitating man's ________ (behave). People knew very well their ________ (habit) and often put wine on the roadside together with many straw sandals ________ were connected together with ropes.

The gorillas knew this was ________trick to lure(引诱)them into traps and cursed: "Humph! Do you think we don't know your tricks? We'll never be taken in!" So they called one another, ________ (turn) round and left.

But they had smelled the aroma(香味)of the wine already, and couldn't bear to part with it. Even after they left, they would turn their heads to look back. ________ they saw no one there, they would turn back; and after they turned back, they were afraid of ________ (cheat), and left again. After much hesitation, they ________ (final) said to themselves: "Just for a taste of the

wine. It won't matter as long as we don't get drunk."

Shortly afterwards, they agreed ________ (come) back to drink the wine. When they got drunk, they forgot everything. Every gorilla put on the straw sandals and imitated the way man walks.

As a result, they fell down one after another and all of them ________ (catch) alive by people.【答案】behavio(u)r;habits;which/that;a;turned;When;being cheated;finally;to come;were caught




(3)考查定语从句。句意:人们很清楚自己的习惯,常常把酒和许多草鞋一起放在路边,草鞋是用绳子连在一起的。本句为定语从句修饰先行词straw sandals,且先行词在从句中做主语,指物,故填which/that。


(5)考查时态。句意:于是他们互相招呼,转身就走。本空为and连接并列结构,根据下文round and left可知为一般过去时。故填turned。


(7)考查非谓语动词。句意:他们回去后,害怕被骗,又离开了。of为介词后跟动名词做宾语,且cheat与they构成被动关系,故应用being done形式。故填being cheated。(8)考查副词。句意:犹豫了很久,他们最后对自己说:“只是为了尝一尝酒。只要我们不喝醉就行了。”修饰动词say应用副词形式,故填finally。

(9)考查非谓语动词。句意:没过多久,他们同意回来喝酒。agree to do sth.固定短语,“同意做某事”,故填to come。

(10)考查时态语态。句意:结果,他们一个接一个地醉倒了,都被人活捉了。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且根据上文“they fell down one after another”可知为一般过去时,主语为they,谓语动词用复数形式。故填were caught。



Jackie Robinson made his debut (初次露面) with the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15,1947, and

broke the color barrier ________African Americans in baseball.

"It was the most ________ (eager) expected debut in the history of the national pastime," sports author Robert wrote. "It ________(represent) both the dream and the fear of equal opportunity, ________ it would change forever the color of the game and the attitudes of Americans."

________quietly tolerating harsh racist treatment from baseball fans and team members________(like), Robinson rose to Rookie of the Year and proved himself to be one of the most________(talent) and fiercest players in the game. Just two years into the Major Leagues, Robinson won the National League Most Valuable Player Award. He'd go on to play in six World Series and helped give the Dodgers ________ World Series win in 1955.

Off the field, Robinson was a forefather of the Civil Rights Movement, speaking out against ________ (race) discrimination and ________ (push) baseball to use its economic influence to fight against racialism.

【答案】 for;eagerly;represented;and;After;alike;talented;a;racial;pushing













If this 13-year-old American boy succeeds in his effort ________ (climb) Mount Everest, he has modest ambitions — pick a small piece of rock from the top of the world as a memento (纪念品) and wear it in a necklace.

"I will not sell it or give it to anyone. It is something for ________ (me) to say 'this is a rock from the summit'," Jordan Romero from California, told reporters in Kathmandu. He left ________ the mountain on Sunday.

If he ________ (succeed), Romero will become ________ youngest climber to scale the 8,850 meters Everest summit. ________ (current) a 16-year-old Nepali boy, Temba Tsheri Sherpa, holds the record of being the world's youngest climber of Mount Everest. But Romero said he was not after ________ (set) climbing records.

Romero said Mount Qomolangma was part of his goal to climb the highest mountains on all seven ________ (continent).

"It is just a goal," he ________ (say) confidently. "If I don't succeed I am okay. I will try again." Romero has already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mount McKinley in Alaska among others.

"I know it requires a lot of ________ (patient). I will remain patient. I want to stay safe and make right choice," Romero said.

【答案】to climb;myself;for;succeeds;the;Currently;setting;continents;said;patience


(1)考查非谓语动词。句意:如果这个13岁的美国男孩成功攀登珠穆朗玛峰,他的雄心壮志——从世界之巅挑一块小岩石作为纪念品,然后戴在自己的脖子上。in one's effort to do sth”努力做…...“,故填to climb。

(2)考查代词。句意:对于我来说,它是我说的"这是山顶的一块石头"的某个东西。分析句子可知,say的主语和宾语都是这个小男孩,因此需要使用反身代词。故填myself。(3)考查介词。句意:他星期天出发上山。文章第一句提到"If this 13-year-old American boy succeeds in his effort…"如果这个小男孩成功了的话,说明男孩那时还未出发登山,leave for固定短语,”出发至某处“,故填for。



(6)考查副词。句意:目前,一名16岁的尼泊尔男孩Temba Tsheri Sherpa保持着世界最年轻的珠穆朗玛峰登山者纪录。分析句子可知,需用副词作状语修饰整个句子。故填Currently。




(10)考查名词。句意:我知道这需要很大的耐心。分析句子可知,a lot of后接名词,因此需将patient改为名词形式。故填patience。



初中英语语法易错知识点总结 一.动词be(is,am,are)的用法 我(I)用am,你(Pou)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。 二.this,that和it用法 (1)this和that是指示代词,it是人称代词。 (2)距离说话人近的人或物用this,距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:Thisisaflower.这是一朵花。(近处) Thatisatree.那是一棵树。(远处) (3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this,后说that。如: Thisisapen.Thatisapencil.这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。 (4)向别人介绍某人时说This is…,不说That is…。如: ThisisHelen.Helen,thisisTom.这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。 (5)Thisis不能缩写,而Thatis可以缩写。如: Thisisabike.That’s acar.这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。 (6)打电话时,介绍自己用this,询问对方用that。如: —Hello!IsthatMissGreen?喂,是格林小姐吗? —Pes,thisis.Who’s that?是的,我是,你是谁? 注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说: I am…,AreP ou…?/WhoarePou? (7)在回答this或that作主语的疑问句时,要用it代替this或that。如: ①—Isthisanotebook?这是笔记本吗? —Pes,itis.是的,它是。 ②—What’s that?那是什么? —It’s akite.是只风筝。 三.these和those用法 this,that,these和those是指示代词,these是this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。 ①ThisismPbed.ThatisLilP’s bed.这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。 ②Thesepicturesaregood.那些画很好。 ③Arethoseappletrees?那些是苹果树吗?


一、选择题 1.With the development of modern science, it’s ________for us to get information from all over the world. A.slower B.easier C.harder D.busier 2.I can’t tell you how fantastic the film Secret Superstar is! It’s the ______ one I have ever seen. A.better B.best C.worse D.worst 3.—How is your head teacher? —Our head teacher is _________ with us and we usually feel nervous in his lesson. A.kind B.pleased C.strict D.good 4.―is the population of China? ―It’s about 1.4 billion. I think it's becoming . A.what, more and more B.How many, larger and larger C.What, larger and larger D.How much, smaller and smaller 5.一Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your five-day holiday? 一I will go to Xiamen a second time. I have never visited city A.a most fantastic B.the most fantastic C.a more fantastic D.the more fantastic 6.Rowan was listed in the top 50 ________ people ever by a group of comedians. A.funny B.funnier C.funniest D.the funniest 7.I'm surprised that Jenny is 42. I thought she was , for she seems to be in her thirties. A.younger B.older C.young D.old 8.- I’m very tired these days because of this exam. - Why not listen to music? It can make you ______. A.relaxed B.sad C.scared D.bored 9.It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon. In fact. It is a small computer that is __________ than a usual schoolbag but holds all the things for study, such as a _________,an exercise book and so on. A.much smaller, testbook B.even smaller, textbook C.far smaller, comic book 10.—Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda? —Yes. I'm ______ at drawing than her. A.better B.good C.well D.best 11.—Judy, what do you think of your junior high school life? —I think it is one of ______ periods in my life. A.wonderful B.the most wonderful C.more wonderful 12.Steven is always ready to help others. What a(n)______ boy! A.kind B.healthy C.honest D.clever 13.A walk every day is enough to keep you healthy and in good shape.

【英语】 中考英语语法填空易错题经典

【英语】中考英语语法填空易错题经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Strangely enough, some inventions are lost ________ people can't imagine their ________ (valuable). A use may need to be "invented" along with the invention. An example is the fax machine. The technology for faxing ________ (invent)in the 1800s. It took more than one hundred years, however, for the fax to be seen as useful. In 1843 Alexander Bain invented a machine to ________ (electrical)transmit(传输)writing. At first, it was considered ________ (use)since few people thought there was ________ need for transmitting writing over ________ (wire). Eventually the value of the invention was realized, and it was improved ________ office use. By the 1980s, the fax machine became a piece of standard ________ (equip)in offices. The reason is ________it can very quickly transmit written documents. Who knows how many other inventions just need to be recognized as valuable? 【答案】because;value;was invented;electrically;useless;a/any;wires;for;equipment;that 【解析】【分析】主要讲了一些发明因为人们不能想象它们的价值而失去,列举传真机器的发明来说明这点。 (1)句意:足够奇怪的是,因为人们不能想象它们的价值,所以一些发明消失了。后句表示原因,所以用because;形容词修物主代词修饰名词,their它们的,形容词修物主代词,所以后面用形容词valuable的名词value,不可数名词,故填because,value。 (2)句意:传真的科技在19世纪被发明。invent发明,实义动词,主语technology是动作invent的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,结构是was/were+动词过去分词,主语technology是不可数名词,所以用was,invent的过去分词是invented,故填was invented。 (3)句意:1843年,亚历山大贝恩发明了一种电子传输文字的机器。electrical电子的,形容词,副词修饰实义动词,transmit传输,实义动词,所以用副词electrically,电子地,故填electrically。 (4)句意:起初,它被认为是无用的,因为很少有人认为有必要通过电线传输文字。be considere形容词,表示被认为怎么样,固定搭配,根据后文可知传真的作用后来才被认可,所以起初被认为是无用的,use使用,实义动词,其形容词是useless,无用的;原因是很少人认为有必要,few表示否定,所以用a/any;wire,电线,可数名词,前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以用复数wires,故填useless;a/any;wires。 (5)句意:最终,这项发明的价值得以实现,并被改进为办公用途。为了办公用途才被改进,所以用for,为了,故填for。 (6)句意:到了20世纪80年代,传真机已成为办公室的标准设备。equip,装备,实义动词,形容词修饰名词,standard,标准的,形容词,所以用equip的名词equipment,设备,不可数名词,故填equipment。 (7)句意:原因是它能很快地传送书面文件。the reason is that...,原因是……,固定搭


初中英语语法易错知识点 中考将近,很多学生在面对中考英语还是有一些恐惧,其实英语很简单,很多学生把自己拘泥与语法的世界不可自拔,却忽略了英语作为一门语言的实质,它是一种用于交流的工具,只是单纯的学语法,记单词是无法在中考中取得高分的,根据最近几年的中考英语的考点趋势,可以明显发现单选题越来越简单,而完形和阅读C篇有明显变难的趋势,如何面对以及解决这个问题呢?根据多年所带中考学生的经验,总结如下:首先,要将学生从语法的世界里解放出来,这并不是说语法不重要,只是要把语法融入句法中去学习,让语法具有生命力,让学生在学习语法的同时,能够把握住完形和阅读中的难句和长句,并在阅读过程中,记忆单词,掌握句型,这实在是一种一本万利的方法。再次,有了句法意识之后,就需要学生大量的进行泛读和精读练习,只有这样学生才能积累一定的词汇量,能够培养不错的语感,并且在考试中,遇到难题不再有畏惧心理,但有一点要特别注意,就是很多学生都没有良好的学习习惯,不知道温故而知新,所以每次看完之后就将其丢在一边,这样就会导致其不停在学习新的内容,但是又将学过的只是很快忘掉,相信说到这里,我们就会想到熊掰玉米棒子的故事,其实很多学生拥有和熊一样的毛病,现在就需要学生能够特别具有耐心和意志力,不停的进行复习,将短期记忆化为长期记忆,变成自己东西。最后,在进行阅读过程中,要养成做笔记的习惯,将难句和带有生词的句子抄下来,要注意永远都不要只是抄下单词,这样的单词是没有生命的力的,单词只有在句子里才有意义。从此时此刻开始行动吧,叔本华说过:“现在是人存在的唯一形态。”用阅读来攻克英语绝对是决战中考英语的捷径。 中考将近,很多学生在面对中考英语还是有一些恐惧,其实英语很简单,很多学生把自己拘泥与语法的世界不可自拔,却忽略了英语作为一门语言的实质,它是一种用于交流的工具,只是单纯的学语法,记单词是无法在中考中取得高分的,根据最近几年的中考英语的考点趋势,可以明显发现单选题越来越简单,而完形和阅读C篇有明显变难的趋势,如何面对以及解决这个问题呢?根据多年所带中考学生的经验,总结如下:首先,要将学生从语法的世界里解放出来,这并不是说语法不重要,只是要把语法融入句法中去学习,让语法具有生命力,让学生在学习语法的同时,能够把握住完形和阅读中的难句和长句,并在阅读过程中,记忆单词,掌握句型,这实在是一种一本万利的方法。再次,有了句法意识之后,就需要学生大量的进行泛读和精读练习,只有这样学生才能积累一定的词汇量,能够培养不错的语感,并且在考试中,遇到难


沪江英语> /易错题 、名词、冠词 1. -What ca n I do for you? -I'd like two _____ . A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple 2. Help yourself to ________ . A. some chicke ns B. a chicke n C. some chicke n D. any chicke n 3. _______ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 4. Which is the way to the _________ ? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe's factory D. shoes' factory 5. This class ________ n ow. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are study ing B. is study ing C. be study ing D. study ing 6. We will have a ________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-mo nth C. two mon th's D. two-m on ths 7. __ trees are cut dow n in the forests every year. A. Thousa nd B. Thousa nds C. Thousa nd of D. Thousa nds of 8. Our sports meet ing will be held _______ . A. on 24, Tuesday, April B. in April 24, Tuesday C. on Tuesday, April 24 D. in April Tuesday 24 9. ______ people here are very frien dly to us.

【英语】 中考英语语法填空易错大盘点

【英语】中考英语语法填空易错大盘点 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Strangely enough, some inventions are lost ________ people can't imagine their ________ (valuable). A use may need to be "invented" along with the invention. An example is the fax machine. The technology for faxing ________ (invent)in the 1800s. It took more than one hundred years, however, for the fax to be seen as useful. In 1843 Alexander Bain invented a machine to ________ (electrical)transmit(传输)writing. At first, it was considered ________ (use)since few people thought there was ________ need for transmitting writing over ________ (wire). Eventually the value of the invention was realized, and it was improved ________ office use. By the 1980s, the fax machine became a piece of standard ________ (equip)in offices. The reason is ________it can very quickly transmit written documents. Who knows how many other inventions just need to be recognized as valuable? 【答案】because;value;was invented;electrically;useless;a/any;wires;for;equipment;that 【解析】【分析】主要讲了一些发明因为人们不能想象它们的价值而失去,列举传真机器的发明来说明这点。 (1)句意:足够奇怪的是,因为人们不能想象它们的价值,所以一些发明消失了。后句表示原因,所以用because;形容词修物主代词修饰名词,their它们的,形容词修物主代词,所以后面用形容词valuable的名词value,不可数名词,故填because,value。 (2)句意:传真的科技在19世纪被发明。invent发明,实义动词,主语technology是动作invent的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,结构是was/were+动词过去分词,主语technology是不可数名词,所以用was,invent的过去分词是invented,故填was invented。 (3)句意:1843年,亚历山大贝恩发明了一种电子传输文字的机器。electrical电子的,形容词,副词修饰实义动词,transmit传输,实义动词,所以用副词electrically,电子地,故填electrically。 (4)句意:起初,它被认为是无用的,因为很少有人认为有必要通过电线传输文字。be considere形容词,表示被认为怎么样,固定搭配,根据后文可知传真的作用后来才被认可,所以起初被认为是无用的,use使用,实义动词,其形容词是useless,无用的;原因是很少人认为有必要,few表示否定,所以用a/any;wire,电线,可数名词,前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以用复数wires,故填useless;a/any;wires。 (5)句意:最终,这项发明的价值得以实现,并被改进为办公用途。为了办公用途才被改进,所以用for,为了,故填for。 (6)句意:到了20世纪80年代,传真机已成为办公室的标准设备。equip,装备,实义动词,形容词修饰名词,standard,标准的,形容词,所以用equip的名词equipment,设备,不可数名词,故填equipment。 (7)句意:原因是它能很快地传送书面文件。the reason is that...,原因是……,固定搭

【初中英语】 语法填空易错题

【初中英语】语法填空易错题 一、英语语法填空汇编 1.He was ________ (mention) in the letter. 【答案】 mentioned 【解析】【分析】句意:他在这封信里被提到了。mention是及物动词,根据句子机构可知是被动语态,be已经给出,行为动词使用过去分词mentioned,故答案是mentioned。【点评】考查一般过去时,注意动词过去式的变化规则。 2.语法填空 I recently heard a story about a famous scientist. Because of his great achievements, he was thought to be more creative than the common person. When he ________(ask)why he was able to do this, he gave the answer. It all came from an experience with his mother when he was about three years old." I ________(try)to get a bottle of milk from the fridge when I dropped the bottle and it fell. spilling(滋出)the milk all over the floor-a sea of milk!I was frightened and I didn't know what to do!" he said. His mother heard the noise and got into the kitchen. "I ________(consider)how to explain all this to you. Mum." he said. Instead of ________him, she said. "Robert, what a great mess you have made! I ________(not see)such a huge sea of milk before! Well, since the milk has already been spilled, would you like ________(play)in the milk for a while? We ________(clean)it up after that." Then, he did so. After a few minutes. His mother said. "You know. Robert. whenever you ________a mess like this, finally you have to clean it up." He used a sponge(海绵)and together they cleaned up the spilled milk. His mother then said. "You know, we ________how to successfully carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands just now. Let's go to the yard and fill the bottle with water to see if you ________(discover)a way to carry it." Then the little boy learned that if he grasped (抓紧)the bottle at the top with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson! 【答案】was asked;was trying;am considering;punishing;haven't seen;to play;will clean;make;failed;can discover 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述一位著名科学家的故事,作者从冰箱里拿牛奶时,不小心把奶瓶掉下地了,牛奶溅到到处都是,但是他妈妈并没有因此惩罚他,而是借此教育了他,他学会了如果他抓紧瓶子顶部,他便可以把它拿起而不会掉下它。 (1)句意:当他被问为什么他会这样做,他给了答案。根据was,可知用过去时,ask 问,he和ask之间是被动关系,用过去时的被动语态,其结构为be+过去分词,主语是he,be动词用was,ask的过去分词是asked,故填was asked。 (2)句意:我正在努力从冰箱里拿一瓶牛奶的时候,突然我落下的瓶子,并且它掉了下来。此处表示我正在努力去牛奶的时候,恰好这时另一件事发生了,主句用过去将来时,主语是I,be动词用was,故填was trying。 (3)句意:他说“妈妈,我正在考虑怎样向你解释整个这件事。”consider考虑,动词,他


一、选择题 1.Karen and Helen _______ my brother's friends. I know _______. A.is; her B.are; them C.are; her D.is; them 2.Kay looked _________ at the guests who said that the food she cooked tasted _________. A.happily; wonderfully B.happily; wonderful C.happy; wonderful D.happy; wonderfully 3.These chicken wings taste ________. I want more. A.well B.wonderfully C.nice D.bad 4.I don’t have a baseball, but Alan A.do B.does C.have D.has 5.—David, you got any tea? —Yes. Would you like some? A.have B.do C.has 6.My mother with me ________ at my grandma’s home ________that snowy night. A.were, at B.was, at C.was, on 7.—Let’s _________ the library this afternoon. —Sorry, I want _________ my grandfather. A.go to;to meet B.go to;meeting C.to go to;to meet 8.—How much ________ this pair of shoes? —Five dollars. A.am B.is C.are D.be 9.—William, your hat _______ nice. —Thanks. A.buys B.looks C.finds 10.—When you free last week? — Well, I have a free day because there was too much work. A.did; didn’t B.were; didn’t C.were; wasn’t D.did; wasn’t 11.—He’s never been late for school. —________________. A.So have I B.So am I C.Neither have I D.Nor am I 12.Colours can change our moods and make us happy or sad . A.feel B.to feel C.felt D.feeling 13.This my sister and those my brothers. A.is, is B.are, are C.is, are 14.— Tom in the library? —Yes,and his friends Eric and Dale in the library,too. A.Is;are B.Is;is C.Are;is

最新 中考英语语法填空易错点汇总及练习测试题经典

最新中考英语语法填空易错点汇总及练习测试题经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 About ten years ago when I was at university, I worked at my university's museum. One day ________ I was working in the gift shop, I saw two old people come ________ with a little girl in a wheelchair (轮椅). As I looked closer ________ this girl, I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. She was ________ (wear) a little white dress. When the old people pushed her up to me, I was looking down at the desk. I turned my head and gave ________ (she) a smile. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, ________ (happy) smile I had ever seen. Just at that ________ , her physical handicap (生理缺陷)was gone. All I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just impressed me ________ almost gave me a completely new idea of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy university student and brought me into her world, a world of smiles and love. That was ten years ago. I'm a ________ (success) business person now and whenever I feel frustrated and think about the trouble of the world, I will think of that little girl and the unusual lesson about life that she ________ (teach) me. 【答案】when/while;in;at;wearing;her;the happiest;time/moment;and;successful;taught 【解析】【分析】文章大意:大学期间遇到的一个坐轮椅的小女孩,她的可爱的乐观的微笑改变了我的人生观。十多年以来,她的微笑始终激励着我。 (1)句意:有一天,我在礼品店工作时,看到两个老人带着一个坐轮椅的小女孩进来。分析句式结构可知,I was working in the gift shop是一个时间状语从句,要用when或while 来引导;第一空格故填when或while;因I was working in the gift shop,因此two old people需要进来,我才能看到。固定短语come in,进来,第二个空格故填in。(2)句意:当我走近这个女孩时,我发现她没有胳膊或腿,只有头、脖子和身体。根据后面语句I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. 可知,我近距离地看到了这个小女孩。固定短语look at,看到,故填at。 (3)句意:她穿着一件白色的小裙子。wear,穿,动词,根据前面的was可知,此句要用过去进行时,故填wearing。 (4)句意:我转过头对她笑了笑。she,人称代词主格,她;固定短语give sb. sth.给某人某物,人称代词作give的宾语要用宾格,故填her。 (5)句意:她给了我一个我所见过的最可爱、最快乐的微笑。happy,开心,快乐。根据语句中的the cutest与I had ever seen可知此空要用最高级,故填the happiest。 (6)句意:就在那时,她的生理缺陷消失了。固定短语at that time,at that moment,在那时,故填time或moment。 (7)句意:我看到的只是一个美丽的女孩,她的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象,几乎让我对生活的意义有了全新的认识。分析句式结构impressed me与almost gave me a,……是小


人教版,初中英语语法易错点,复习大全1.Because he was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (×) Because he was ill yesterday, he didn’t go to work. (√) He was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (√) [析] 用though, but表示“虽然……,但是……”或用because, so 表示“因为……,所以……”时,though和but 及because和so 都只能择一而用,不能两者同时使用。 2.The Smiths have moved Beijing. (×) Smiths have moved to Beijing. (√) [析] 不及物动词后接名词或代词作宾语时,要在动词之加上适当的介词;但不及物动词后接home, here, there等副词作宾语时,动词之后不必加任何介词。 3.The box is too heavy for him to carry it. (×) The box is too heavy for him to carry. (√) [析] the box既是这句话的主语, 也是不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,若句末再加上it,就和the box 重复了。 4.Each of the boys have a pen. (×) Each of the boys has a pen. (√) [析] 复数名词前有表个体的each of, one of, every,either of等词组修饰,或有表否定的neither of, none of 等词组修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 5.例:那是你心软!我不就是一个例子吗? Neither he nor you is good at English. (×) Neither he nor you are good at English. (√) [析] either... or..., neither... nor..., not only..., but also... 等词组连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”, 即由靠近谓语的那个主语决定谓语的人称和数用何种形式。


一、选择题 1.My teacher runs ______ the morning. But he doesn't run ______ Sunday morning. A.in;on B.on;in C.in;in D.on;on 2.North Korea is________Asia. It’s________the northeast of China and________the west of Japan. A.in, to, on B.in, on, to C.on, in, to D.to, on, in 3.Our school plans to have a parents’ meeting_______ the afternoon_______ January 27th. A.in; of B.on; in C.on; of D.in; at 4.—When is your birthday party? —It's________. A.at six,on May 24th B.on six,this Saturday C.in six o'clock this afternoon D.on six,at May 24th 5.She is talented ________ music but I am good at sports. A.at B.in C.on 6.______ Sunday morning my sister usually does her homework, and ______ the afternoon she usually plays tennis. A.On; on B.In; in C.On; in D.In; on 7.If you can’t read the article, it will be meaningless to you. The –less in the word “meaningless” means . A.with B.without C.full of D.out of 8.---What’s your hobby ? ---______collecting balls, I also like different kinds of CDs. A.Besides B.Except C.Beside D.About 9.There is an old bridge __________the river. Be careful (小心) when you ________________ it. A.over; across B.over; cross C.on; cross D.on; across 10.We usually have our school trip _______ a morning of April. A.on B.at C.to D.in 11.My computer game is ______ the drawer and my books are _______ the sofa. A.on; on B.in; in C.on; in D.in; on 12.—There is a hole in the wall. What is it for? —We have a dog. He can get in or out ________ it. A.past B.through C.across D.over 13.–Emma can go out ________ school nights but she must be back ________ ten o’clock. --Oh, I see. A.on, before B.on, after C.in, before D.in, after 14.He has a garden __________ a lot of flowers. A.has B.there is C.with 15.--Which is your teacher? --The one thick(厚厚的)glasses over his eyes is.


初中英语中考英语语法填空易错题精选经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.He was ________ (mention) in the letter. 【答案】 mentioned 【解析】【分析】句意:他在这封信里被提到了。mention是及物动词,根据句子机构可知是被动语态,be已经给出,行为动词使用过去分词mentioned,故答案是mentioned。【点评】考查一般过去时,注意动词过去式的变化规则。 2.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 An old man went to India. When he got there, he saw some fruit for sale, but most of it was very cheap. The ________ (cheap) thing has a basket of red fruit. "How much per kilo?" the old man ________ (ask). "Two rupees (卢比)," the shopkeeper answered. Two rupees in India is almost nothing, ________ the old man bought a whole kilogram and started eating it. However, as soon as he started eating, his mouth began ________ (burn), his eyes began to water, and his whole face became as red ________ the fruit. As he coughed and struggled to breathe, he jumped up and ________, screaming: "Ah! Ah! Ah!" And yet he continued to eat the fruit. Some people who were looking at him shook their ________ (head) and said, "You are crazy! Those are chili peppers (辣椒)!You can't just eat them by the handful!" The old man said to ________ (he),"I paid for them, so I must eat them." This old man seemed pretty stupid. But are we so much smarter? All of us have ________ (spend)money and time on something-maybe a relationship, or a business, or a job-and sometimes, even if we know there's no hope that things will change, we still continue with it. What we can learn ________ the old man is this: if you've lost a lot over something that doesn't work, let it go and move on. It's better than continuing to lose. 【答案】cheapest;asked;so;to burn /burning;as;down;heads;himself;spent;from 【解析】【分析】文章大意:这篇短文主要讲述了一个人因为贪便宜,买了一些根本不能作为水果的辣椒。结果因为舍不得自己花的那些钱,坚持把它们吃完的故事。从而告诉我们放弃某些东西比继续损失要好。 (1)句意:最便宜的东西有一篮子红水果。cheap,便宜。根据上文语句but most of it was very cheap. 提示可知,此句应该用最高级,故填cheapest。 (2)句意:“每公斤多少钱?”老人问。ask,询问,由语句 An old man went to India. 提示可知此句要用一般过去时,故填asked。 (3)句意:所以这位老人买了整整一公斤,开始吃。语句the old man bought a whole kilogram and started eating it.是Two rupees in India is almost nothing, 的结果,故填so。(4)句意:然而,他一开始吃东西,嘴巴就开始燃烧。burn,燃烧;固定结构begin to do sth,开始做某事,故填to burn/burning。
