




in our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. to get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.

to begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. after all,honesty is the best policy. second, we have to be humble enough. if we are proud in public, we can hardly win others respect, not to mention "friendship"

finally, we must not be selfish. we should learn how to show concern for others.

as long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


in many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. it is more difficult for them to get some work than men. in order to get a job, they sometimes have to tell a lie. thats unfair. in fact, women can work no worse than men. theres nothing that women cant do.

perhaps, they are better at their work than men. for example,

in making telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men cant pick up the small pieces with their fingers. like , they can also become excellent engineers, doctors and teachers. so i am sure the day will come soon when women can really get equal rights


Thomas Edison

Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.

I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1,000 inventions. In his lifetime, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname the Wizard of Melo Park .He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many great inventions.

What impresses me most is his famous saying, Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hard-working learner. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.


Environment Protection

Nowadays, peoples life has changed a lot with the development of modern technology and economy, which has put lots of negative effects on the environment.

Why this? Because, firstly, some factories are pouring wastes into rivers, lakes, seas and so forth; secondly, because of human activities, agreat number of plants and animals are losing their

lives; thirdly, using modern machines and chemicals is bad for the environment. Besides these, there are a lot of human activities which have done or are doing harm to our surroundings.

For this, I think, first, our government should make drastic measures to regulate human activities; second, we human beings should take pains-taking work to stop ourselves destroying the environment and try our best to protect our living space more. 高一期末考试英语作文篇5

My sports collection

My name isxx, I’m 12 years old, I like sports very much, I play sports every day. I have a great sports collection. I have eight tennis rackets, nine basketballs, and seven baseballs. I have three soccer balls and five volleyballs. Do you like sports? Do you play sports every day?



Can you bring these things to school? I need my hat, my notebook,and my pen. My hat is on the chair, The notebook is in the drawer, and my pen is under the bed.




I’m very glad to know you will take a vacation in Wenzhou. Welcome to Wenzhou, Wenzhou is a very beautiful city. The weather in Wenzhou is always fun. It’s always w sunny, but it’s alittle cold now ,so you should pack your warm clothes. The food in Wenz hou is also very delicious, it’s not spicy.

Wenzhou has many sights, such as Jiangxin Island and Yandang Mountains. It’s very famous and wonderful. And there are many tourists every year. Traffic in Wenzhou is very busy. If

you don’t want to spend too much money, you can go somewhere by bus, but it’s usually convenient to take the taxi to the places. People in Wenzhou are very friendly.

If you have some problems, you can ask them for help. Near the train station, there are many hotels. It‘s comfortable, tho ugh sometimes it’s a little expensive. At last, I hope that you have a good tripe in Wenzhou.


My mom used to say that I was born to swim. But the truth is that I didn t know how to swim until the last year of my primary school!

Mom always said that I could swim in the basin when I was only two months old. I was surprised at the amazing fact. If this was true, then why was I afraid of water? I went to swim every summer, but I didn t make a little progress. I was worried and blamed myself several times. When I watched people swimming freely, how I wished I had learnt to swim!

The story of how I learnt to swim is dramatic. One hot summer afternoon, my father and I went to the swimming pool to swim. While my father was changing his clothes, I was roaming along the bank of the pool. Suddenly I heard a voice, Look out! and then came a big noise and beautiful splashes. Just when I was admiring the swimmer s skills, I slipped into the pool! I was so afraid that I shouted at once! But the water kept coming towards me and I drank a lot of it. I was moving upside down and trying to reach the bank. I was struggling very hard to keep my head above the water.

A minute was like a hundred years to me. To my surprise, I was able to keep the style! Just then, my father, saw me and he seemed to be shocked. He then said, Calm down, just wave your

arms and legs like this. Right! And I got it! I finally learnt to swim! You can t imagine how happy I was and I wanted to jump for joy!

From this unforgettable experience I learnt that one s power is unlimited. Sometimes you could show that power in an emergency. If you believe that, you will discover the power lying within yourself and achieve your goals. And one has to stay calm when it s dangerous. To calm down helps you to think clearly and make the best decision for you. That s what I have learnt from the experience.


My Friend and Me

My name is Huang Hongyan. Hongyan is my given name and Huang is my family name.I have a pair of big eyes, and a big nose, cherry small mouth.Im 14 years old. Im from Guizhou.

Now Im a student in Ciass Two,Grade Seven.


Every child has pocket money, when they get the money from parents, most of them will buy what they want and spend the money quickly. Parents will give their children pocket money in the certain time, the children can use the money in a wise way.

They can take out some money to buy what they need, like the food and clothes, there are still some money left, what should they do to deal with the rest of the money? I advise the children to save the money, they can keep it, and in case of their special need. I will save the money to take a trip in the summer vacation, my parents will agree with my plan, because I take out the money, they have no reason to go against me.

Sometimes I will use the saved money to support my emergent situation, so there is no need for them to worry about me.

When we have something annoy us, we will naturally to find someone to talk about it, the first choice is friend. We will not talk about it in front of our parents, because we dont want them to worry about us. Friend is so important in our life, we have many friends, we will share our happiness and sorrow with them, we hang out together, in a word, friends are part of our life.

What will happened if someone have no friend? We hear from the news that the crime people are isolated by others, most of them have no friends, their view point about the world is distorted. Without friends, people have no where to relieve their emotion, the long times depression of the emotion distract people from the normal life. So friends are very important, we cant live without friends.


As the economic level keeps increasing, many people would like to travel abroad. But there is a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist nations which include India, France, Russia and England. It didn’t surprise me because there is always news about how Chinese tourists impressed the local people by their bad behavior. They were known as talking loud in the public, being unfriendly to the environment, tipping stingily, and the worst, marking on the historical sites. Every time I heard about these thing I felt so sorry for my country. China is meant to be a country with an ancient civilization and courtesy people.

We are nice to foreigners here and being a good host. I hope every tourist who goes abroad should understand that he/she is on behalf of our country. We have the responsibility to defend the dignity of our country. We should show the world the best of China.

It seems like a silly question, anyone in sane would give a hand to the elderly who fell. But in China, this question is becoming tricky. Many news report that there are some old people not just fell, they do it on purpose. Usually, they walk on a crowdy street, and pretend to faint or just lay down on the ground, intend to accuse the one who comes to help as a perpetrator and blackmail him/her for the treatment fee. Many people have fell for that and had to pay as there is no witness to prove their innocence.

As for these negative news, people is afraid to help those old people in need, that makes some of them who are in real trouble could not get help in time. I once asked one of my friends: “Why the old people turn bad? If you see one in the street, would you help?” He said: “It is not the old people turn bad, it is the bad people turn old. I will video him/her to make a statement first, then decide if I would help.”


The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on.

What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.


Time passes so quickly that a semester had already gone. We had fun and joy during the school time but now we have to face

the exam. As we all know that almost all the students are afraid of exams.The exams are known as a horrible thing.

Everybody thinks so and of course so do I. But I still believe if I work hard I can get a good mark.That means that I can have a enjoyable summer vacation. So I really worked hard, and had a wonderful result. Igot the highest point in our class and also did pretty well in our grade. I plan to work hard this summer vacation and try to still be the best next term.




Every morning we

have to go to school ver y early, so many of us don’t have breakfast. It’s very

bad for our health. In the morning we usually have four classes. It’s a long

time before lunch. If we don’t eat anything for breakfast, we may feel hungry

and we can’t listen to the teacher carefully. We need energy very much while we

are growing. I really think that we should have a good breakfast.

2. How to keep healthy

If we want to keep our

bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early

and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking,

swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit

and vegetables and less meat. If you don’t feel well, you’d better see a doctor

at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled

water every day. It’s necessary for our health.

We should not throw

litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It’s also very important.


参考词汇:personal health个人健康spit吐痰

overwork使……过于疲劳food and drink饮食

Keeping healthy

3.My father is a doctor. In 20xx,

he took an active part in the battle against SARS.

He said,“We don’t have

to be afraid of catching the illness. If we have good habits, we can keep the

illness away.”

My father and I like

running in the morning. We keep the windows open so that the air in the room is

clean and fresh. We wash our hands before meals. We have healthy food and

drink. We don’t spit here and there. He told us not to overwork because too

much work will make us tired and make it easy to get sick.







2.简介雾霾 (smog) 天气给人们的身体、生活带来的危害。


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Dear David,

Im glad to receive your letter. I have learned from your letter that you are concerned about the smog which frequently appears in some areas of China.

Thank you for your concern. Im also very worried about such terrible weather because it has brought much inconvenience or rather harm to peoples health such as traffic jam, road accidents, bad coughs, throat hurts and ever lung cancers and so on.

As everybody knows, a good environment comes from good protection. So we should do what we can to make a difference. Try to drive less and choose air-friendly products. Only when everyone has the environmental awareness can we have cleaner air.

Hoping to hear from you soon and share your good ideas. 高一期末考试英语作文篇18

Father was my first teacher and is my dear friend. When I was

a little girl, I used to sit on my fathers knees, listening to his stories. The story"Two friends and a Bear"told me"a friend in need is a friend indeed."I will never forget the story"Madame Curie"which tells me a truth"where there is a will,there is a way."Fathers stories enriched my life and did a lot of good to my growth.

When I was seven years old,I started primary school.I was young,so my father picked me up from school every day.On the way,I told father everything that happened at school.Father listened carefully and always smiled happily. Sometimes I sang a beautiful song. My sweet and lovely voice gave my father the greatest pride.My father is always proud of me. He hopes I will make great progress in my study. Now I have made up my mind to study harder and harder.

Im sure my fathers love will lead me to my success and I will love him forever!


High school students have come into a sensitive stage, their bodies grow so fast and their minds have to keep up with the change. The boys and girls start to realize the gender difference, there will be some awkward moments between them. The troubled adolescent annoys many teenagers, because they have problems all the time.

For the girls, they want to look as beautiful as the commercial models, so they go on a diet and struggle with hunger. For the boys, they want to be as cool as the heroes in the TV, so they pretend to care about nothing and go against the school regulations. The troubles teenagers meet are very typical, they can talk to their teachers or go to see the psychologist. They need to take the right attitudes towards these problems, or they will

go the wrong way.


After seeing so many movies about the youth, we are starting to wonder about what do we have in our youth, the fight, the drink or the love? My answer is no. What we see from the movie is not true, the plots are exaggerated and misunderstood. For students, their youth is the process of fighting.

They have studied so hard to realize their dreams. When they are in primary school, they want to do well and make their parents be proud of them. When they are in middle school and high school, they need to take part in the exams so as to enter the better future schools. Even they are in college, they still need to study and fight for the ideal job. There is no doubt that most people keep fighting for their future and this is the memory of youth.


高一英语作文80词以上范文(通用34篇) 高一英语作文80词以上篇1 For a nation's dream,we start from the 1840 sea surface; to a constant pursuit,we deep in the years to write a glorious.In global view shows choice of the Chinese road of national rejuvenation; concentrated panorama in history.Around the millennium change,eventful years,Chinese new century,great turning point,span,the future of six theme,reflects China s great achievements since 1840,arduous and tortuous road of revitalization of the nation and the Chinese people made in China under the leadership of the Communist party.The shock excited tears This is my watch,taste right is felt when discourse.Process of reading and rejuvenation of the great,I reviewed the history of the Chinese nation 100 years the dream of power and unremitting exploration.Full and accurate historical data,magnificent momentum,a language,a precious historical pictures,shows a picture of the world national revival. 高一英语作文80词以上篇2 Today, my mother and I went to the supermarket. I saw a lot of items and food. I saw some of the delicious, like in the past, but my mother to buy eggs, I do not think that in the past, otherwise it will get lost. After a while, my mother has bought things. So next time myself ...... delicious! 高一英语作文80词以上篇3 A picture is on my desk. This is a picture of Jim's family. The man is Jim's father. A woman is behind Jim. She is his mother. They are teachers. A girl is in the picture, too. She is Jim's sister. Her name is


高一的英语作文 关于高一的英语作文(通用23篇) 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编帮大家整理的高一的英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。高一的英语作文篇1 A proverb says, Time is money. But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time. It goes without saying that the time for our study and work is unusually limited. Hence, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As a student,I must make efforts to engage in my study so as to serve our nation and people in the future. But it is a pity that there. are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They do not realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their valuable life. In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty. 高一的英语作文篇2 Music could be created in any place when you have inspiration. At most times, we enjoy music like symphonic music. Even pop music, there is neednt to understand what are they wanting to tell us. We just need to hear it carefully. Therefore, music shouldnt have national boundaries. According to my personal experience, music has a more positive effect on our life. When we are in a blue mood, we could


高一期末考试英语作文 【推荐】高一期末考试英语作文(通用20篇) 在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的`方向。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编整理的高一期末考试英语作文范文,希望能够帮助到大家。 高一期末考试英语作文篇1 in our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. to get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words. to begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. after all,honesty is the best policy. second, we have to be humble enough. if we are proud in public, we can hardly win others respect, not to mention "friendship" finally, we must not be selfish. we should learn how to show concern for others. as long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others. 高一期末考试英语作文篇2 in many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. it is more difficult for them to get some work than men. in order to get a job, they sometimes have to tell a lie. thats unfair. in fact, women can work no worse than men. theres nothing that women cant do. perhaps, they are better at their work than men. for example,


高一英语作文100字(优选20篇) 高一英语作文100字(1) Today is September It is Teachers'(英语作文) Xiao Hua has been ill in bed for more than a Her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every In order to show their respect, Xiao Hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a make a big red When the teacher arrives, Xiao Hua presents the flower to the She fastens it to the breast of her teacher' s jacket, and says "Happy Teachers' Day" to The teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her Xiao Hua's mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the 高一英语作文100字(2) Is China's fine tradition, respect from as early as the western zhou dynasty, 11th century BC is put forward the "father" disciple division, respect the same Teacher's day, just aimed at certain teachers have greatly contributed to the success of the cause of In 1985, the sixth session of the 9th meeting of the standing committee of the National People's Congress agreed to the state council on establishing teachers' day, the meeting decided to each year on September 10 as teacher's On September 10, 1985, is China's first teacher's Starting from xx years, then the CPPCC national committee of the humanities is a famous scholar li, in the form of proposal, repeatedly called for Confucius birthday as teacher's Measured by the authoritative department study, Confucius was born on September 28, 551 BC (Gregorian calendar), the day also therefore timely: busy at the beginning of the new school year is over, can have time for teachers' day and National 教师节高一英语作文100字三 The annual Teacher's Day is coming, we are quick to say goodbye to the first grade two In this special time, I have many words to say to the teacher On the platform, leaving you to lecture the sweat of our hard work, outside the classroom, all over you to our care Teacher, teacher, your life is a fire, your life is a song, your career is a Here I wish all the teachers happy Teacher's Day! 高一英语作文100字(3) Today is teacher's day, because mother filled too late yesterday, so I didn't give the teacher a gift it is a holiday today, the in the mind a bit sad, see other students have to prepare gifts, I think this time I'm sorry, next time to prepare gifts for the Go on the way home a few from my uncle and aunt and my mother a few flowers, I would take the flowers to the mother said mom and I want to the teacher tomorrow, only one day, mother said that today is teacher's day is not


高一常考英语作文范文整理(精选28 篇) 高一常考英语作文范文整理(精选28篇) 学问有两种,其一是我们自己精通的问题;其二是我们知道在哪里找到关于某问题的学问。本文是为大家整理的高一常考英语作文范文整理(精选28篇),欢迎大家阅读学习。 高一常考英语作文范文整理篇24高一常考英语作文范文整理篇26高一常考英语作文范文整理篇27 When summer comes,for girls,it is time to take off the thick clothes and put on the beautiful dress to show their youth.It is so amazing to dress what they want for youth is the their advantage.Many girls feel annoyed before they go out of their houses.They don’t know what to dress,even there are all kinds of clothes in their wardrobe.To follow the fashion means there are never enough clothes to put on.In my opinion,the simple,the better,so the best fashion

belongs to the T shirt and jeans,which will never be out of date. So many celebrities have set the example to the public.They dress the the T shirts and jeans to walk in the street,so simple and so fashionable.S o if girls don’t know what to wear,then choose white T shirt. 当夏天来临的时候,对于女孩来说,是时候脱下厚重的衣服,穿上美丽的衣服来显示他们的青春活力。青少年穿着他们想要的风格是多么奇妙啊,这是他们资本。很多女孩在出门之前感到苦恼。她们甚至不知道要穿什么,即使有各种各样的衣服在她们的衣柜里。追随时尚意味着衣服恒久都不够穿。在我看来,越简洁,越好,所以时尚当属于T 恤和牛仔裤,恒久不会过时。很多名人给公众树立了榜样。他们穿着T恤和牛仔裤走在街上,如此简洁,如此时尚。假如女孩不知道穿什么好,那就选择白色的T恤吧。 高一常考英语作文范文整理篇28 As usual,I got up at six in the morning today.I am an early bird because it says the birds get up early can catch worm,well,I wasnt going to catch worm,even not the one in my computer,haha,they were actually some viruses in my computers,I guess its because I use pirated software all the time.Anyway,I did exercises and then studied for a while just like before,but I got one more special thing to do


高一英语作文常考范文(46篇) I like to travel so much. When holiday comes, I will make travel plans. My friends like travel, too. So we make up the group. Travel means a lot to me. On the one hand, I can broaden my vision. Every city has its own feature and lifestyle, so I can experience different lifestyles. Books can provide us theorical knowledge, but if we go to the place to witness the real scenery, then what we learn from the book will be useful. On the other hand, travel can bring me the new mood. If I live in the same place for a long time and do the same thing every day, my life will be boring. But travel can help me to refresh my mood. When I come back, I am full of energy again. 高一英语作文常考范文第4篇高一英语作文常考范文第5篇高一英语作文常考范文第14篇高一英语作文常考范文第21篇高一英语作文常考范文第22篇高一英语作文常考范文第23篇高一英语作文常考范文第27篇高一英语作文常考范文第29篇高一英语作文常考范文第31篇高一英语作文常考范文第35篇 How time flies!My colorful junior middle school life is coming to an end. I’m glad to tell you something about my school life. When I was six years old, I started school. Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard. My parents are quite proud of me. Now, I study at Wucun Middle School, which is not only modern but


高一期末必考英语作文 每一个学期都会有考试,你想知道高一期末考试必考的英语有哪些吗?下面是小编给大家精心挑选的高一期末必考英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 高一英语作文篇1 Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment. 阴霾是空气污染和灰尘,烟雾和其他干燥粒子,它掩盖了清晰的天空,与自然环境进行交互。 This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations. Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution. 这种空气污染物来自各种自然和人为来源。天然来源可以包括风沙、烟尘从森林大火。人为来源可以包括机动车辆、工业燃料燃烧和制造业务。触动了烟雾的主要原因之一是制造业务。许多工厂测量产生的烟雾对标准和烟雾严重影响空气成为空气污染。 The components that make up haze may have negative effect on people's health especially that of the children and the elderly. Also not excluded are those who have certain diseases such as asthma, allergy, and pneumonia and lung disease. Workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health. 组件构成烟雾可能对人们的健康有负面影响特别是儿童和老人。也不排除是某些疾病如哮喘、过敏、肺炎和肺部疾病。工人工作在露


高一期末英语作文范文 听、说、读、写既是学习英语的四种基本手段也是英语学习者的四项基本技能,其中写作是最为关键的输出部分,并且在高中英语教学中越来越受到重视。下面,是为你整理的高一期末英语作文范文,希望对你有帮助! 高一期末英语作文范文篇1:读书的好处 When I'm free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I've put my heart into it so that I'll forget all the troubles. It's in this way that I've formed the habit of reading in any time. Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, and essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang. Reading “The Emperor's New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl”couldn't keep me from crying for her misery. “Robinson


高一期末英语作文 高一期末英语作文1 Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries . I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it , but there’s no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble . They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same . Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong . My suggestion is : Tell them we w ant them to trust us as much as we’d like to trust them .If you don’t think you can talk to them , write them a letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it . Thank you! 高一期末英语作文2 在一个人的一生中,他会看到许多不同种类的电影。但是能触动我内心的电影很少,今天看的电影深深震撼了我的心! 那部电影讲的是一个60年代和70年代家境贫寒的少年为了考上大学的故事。 主人公的学习超出了凡人的毅力和忍耐力,就像打少年耳光一样,很讽刺。 作为一个活在当下的少年,虽然回不到那个时代,体会不到当时的条件,但影片生动地展现了主人公抓住每一个机会上大学学习!那本小山一样的书,他只是一个个背着,没人教,没人管,所以他终于证明了一件事:只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针!最后他是众多参考人员中唯一考上大学的! 看完电影,我想起了自己,我很惭愧,我很惭愧,我连比较都不敢比较,所以我可以吃苦,可以专心。 哦,我也在分析他能做出这样努力的原因。第一,他目标单一,内心有一个不可动摇的信念——我要上大学!第二,由于家境贫寒,长期自卑,他极度渴望出人头地,改变现状!第三点,也是最重要的一点,他的品德非常高尚,内心离


高一期末常考英语作文 高一,是我们步入高中的第一年,也是初中英语写作向高中过渡的一年。那么这英语作文,我们要怎么写下面我给大家分享高一期末常考英语作文内容,希望能够帮助大家! 高一期末常考英语作文1 The dream blooming flower Everyone has a dream, a beautiful dream. Different environment, different life background, experience of things different, everyone’s dream is also different. Some people want to become national leaders, some people want to be a scientist, and some people want to become a businessman. The dream I just want to be an ordinary person. Do the people useful things in ordinary post. For example, when a teacher, to impart knowledge to the next generation; when a doctor, save dead trauma; when a gardener, contribute to the greening of the environment. The dream is beautiful, but to achieve the dream, no words can, in the dreams of the road, will encounter difficulties, setbacks, resistance, if did not have the courage, will, you will be very difficult to realize his dreams. The dream cannot do without knowledge, so I think the first step to realize my dream is to accumulate knowledge, we now need to do is to


高一英语作文期末 每一个学期都会有考试,你想知道高一期末考试必考的英语作文有哪些吗?那么你的期末作文写得怎么样呢?下面小编给大家分享高一英语作文期末的内容,希望能够帮助大家,欢迎阅读! 高一英语作文期末1 It is widely accepted that to live and learn is a creed of many centuries. Even in contemporary society, life -long learning still carries great importance to personal happiness. To begin with, hardly can anyone achieve genuine success in his career without learning . As competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce, we must defeat our rivals through learning. Furthermore, according to a latest survey conducted by an authority on the Internet, 95 percent of people interviewed answered that individual happiness and success can not exist without life-long learning. In addition, an increasing number of people come to realize the value of persistent learning. A case in point is those aged citizens having been retried from work , who seek to learning Chinese drawing, calligraphy and Peking drama, so that their life after retirement can be meaningful, full of colors. Taking into account the analysis above, we can safely draw a conclusion that where there is leaning , there is life-long happiness. 高一英语作文期末2 The first day of my high school, I was told that the freshmen would need to join the military training. I felt so scared, because in the summer days, the sun was so hot and I would be burned like a black man. But there was no way for the freshman to refuse to join the military training. The training lasted for a week, in the first two days, we stood under the hot sun, moving around the playground and song. It was tough, but in the coming days, we got used to it and started to enjoy the free time. All the students were like a group, we trained together, we sweated and played. In the evening, we would song in the playground. Now when I think of these days, I will smile and treat these military training days as the unforgettable memory in my life. 高一英语作文期末3 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence. We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment. 高一英语作文期末4 I always think there is not enough time. For example,I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back,I just feel that it‘s only one day. There goes a proverb,“Time is money”。


高一期末英语作文范文 高一期末英语作文范文篇1:读书的好处 When I'm free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I've put my heart into it so that I'll forget all the troubles. It's in this way that I've formed the habit of reading in any time. Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, and essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang. Reading “The Emperor's New Clothes〞, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl〞 couldn't keep me from crying for her misery. “Robinson Crusoe〞 took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller's patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn't before. So I think of a good book as my best friend. I'll never forget this famous saying,“Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.〞 高一期末英语作文范文篇2:健康成长 We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is
