


李华和Larry在看世界杯足球赛,美国队和阿尔及利亚队。我们要学两个常用语:on the edge of your seat和down to the wire.

LH: Larry,今天这场比赛可很重要!美国要是赢了,就进16强,要是输了就得回家了。

L: I know! Who do you think will win? The U.S. or Algeria?

LH: 这可说不好。

L: I agree, it's hard to predict who will win. All I know is that I'm going to be on the edge of my seat the whole game.

LH: 什么?你要坐在椅子边儿上看比赛?这样坐着你一会儿就得累。

L: Actually, when you are really excited or nervous about something, you can say that you are on the edge of your seat.

LH: 哦,on the edge of your seat不是真的坐在椅子的边儿上,而是形容紧张的样子。你是说,这场比赛让你感到特别紧张、兴奋,简直坐也不是站也不是。

L: Right! Or for another example, my friend Eddie loved the new Jack Nicholson suspense movie. He said it kept him on the edge of his seat for two hours.

LH: 对!悬疑电影总是让人的心提在嗓子眼,紧张得不行!哎,Larry, 你不是说你在网上买了一件美国队的球衣么?寄来了没有?

L: I've been waiting on the edge of my seat all week for it to come, but it hasn't arrived yet. I hope it didn't get lost in the mail.

LH: 别急,没准今天球衣就到了。你看别的世界杯比赛了吗?

L: Yeah a few, but for me, none can keep me on the edge of my seat like a U.S. match does.

LH: 这倒是!不过,足球比赛太紧张了!要不我们还是看“美国偶像”吧,轻松一下。

L: No way! I'm always sitting on the edge of my seat whenever they announce the winner of American Idol.

LH: 你怎么看什么都这么激动!对了,我还真没看出来,你也是美国偶像的粉丝啊!

L: Well you never know when you might learn something surprising about me, Lihua.

LH: 哈哈,那以后和你说话时我该紧张了,I'll be on the edge of my seat when I talk to you!



LH: 真够悬的!双方一直是0比0,我还以为美国队要被淘汰了呢!谁知美国队居然在最后三分种里进了个球,这下就挺进16强啦!

L: I know! That was so amazing! If I watch a few more games like that, I'm going to have a heart attack!

LH: 心脏病?不至于吧!不过,这场比赛最后几分钟确实挺刺激的。

L: You're right. That game really came down to the wire.

LH: Down to the wire? 这是什么意思?

L: When something comes down to the wire, that means there isn't much time left.

LH: 哦,down to the wire就是指到了最后关头。你是说这场比赛在快结束的时候居然难分胜负。

L: Right. Here's another example. My big report for work is due tomorrow and I still have a lot of work to do, so it's really coming down to the wire today.

LH: 你是说,明天有报告要交,可你还没怎么写呢,所以今天是你完成报告的最后关头了!哎?既然要写报告,干嘛还看世界杯?

L: I'll just say that I know what's important in life. Say, how is your summer job search going?

LH: 还在找呢。我已经快没钱了,如果再找不到工作,我连房租也交不出来了。

L: Gosh, it sounds like it's really coming down to the wire. Have you had any success?

LH: 倒是有一份工作,我已经进入最后一轮面试了,公司说今天下午打电话通知我结果。

L: Wow, it sounds like it's coming down to the wire. You must really be on the edge of your seat.

LH: 是啊,已经快5点了,还没来电话,我都要急死了!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是on the edge of your seat, 表示紧张兴奋。另一是down to the wire, 意思是到最后关头。


李华和Larry正在一起看世界杯美国对斯洛文尼亚的比赛。今天我们要学两个常用语:push over和blow it.

LH: Larry, 美国队的第二场比赛就要开始了,我真等不及啦!

L: Yeah, I'm really excited too! Hopefully the U.S. will have good luck again today playing Slovenia.

LH: 对!美国队上次和英格兰踢的时候就是因为运气好捞到了一个进球!不过,斯洛文尼亚不是什么强队,美国队这次不靠运气,靠实力,踢赢也不成问题吧?

L: I don't know ... Slovenia is playing very well. They're not going to be a push-over.

LH: 啊?什么是a push-over?

L: A push-over is someone who is very easy to take advantage of.

LH: 哦,a push-over就是容易控制、好欺负的人。你的意思是,斯洛文尼亚可不是那么容易对付的,是不是?

L: Exactly! Here's another example. Even though Joe always turned in his homework late, he never got in trouble because his teacher was a real


LH: 嗯, Joe的老师好欺负,所以他不交作业也没事。

L: Exactly. So Lihua, how did you get out of work today to watch the World Cup?

LH: 因为我老板喜欢我啊,只要我央求一下,她什么都答应我!

L: Hmm ... she sounds like a real push-over. I wish my boss always gave me everything I asked for.

LH: 下次我教你讨上司喜欢的秘诀!对了,看完比赛我还要去公司,你开车送我吧。

L: Well I'm pretty busy this afternoon. Can you take the bus?

LH: 那可不行,大热天的我还得等车,不干不干!

L: Eh ... alright, I'll give you a ride. You know that I'm such a push-over. But why didn't you ride your bike today?

LH: 别提了,我的车坏了!我把它拿到修车厂,结果他们开出的修理费简直是天文数字!我可不上当,扭头就走了!

L: Well, I can see you're definitely not a push-over, Lihua.

LH: 那可不!如果别人想占你便宜,你就得自我保护!好了,不说了,比赛要开始了!

L: Great, let's watch!



LH: 这比赛真是峰回路转!美国开始的时候0比2落后,结果居然又追回两球,打成平局了!

L: Yeah, but the U.S. should have won!

LH: 就是,最后一个球,美国队明明进了,裁判却吹犯规,误判误判!

L: I know, I can't believe that the referee blew that call.

LH: The referee blew the call? 什么意思?

L: Actually, when you make a really big mistake, you can say that you blew it.

LH: 啊,blow something就是说犯大错误,把事情搞砸。所以你是说,裁判把美国队的进球判成无效,是很严重的误判。

L: Right! Here is another example. Joe wanted to impress Carol on their first date. But he really blew it because she was a vegetarian and he took her to a steak restaurant.

LH: 啊?带吃素的人去牛排店,这不是满错了么!对了,Larry, 美国队下一场踢阿尔及利亚,你说胜算有几成?

L: Well, most people think that the U.S. is a better team. We should win as long as we don't make a big mistake and blow it.

LH: 太好了!比赛星期三,咱们一起看!

L: Well I would really like to ... but I have a big presentation on Thursday that I will need to prepare for, and I really don't want to blow it.

LH: Larry, 世界杯比做报告重要多了!还是跟我看比赛吧!

L: Well Lihua, my boss isn't a push-over. If I do a bad job, he will get really mad at me.

LH: 你老板不好惹?那就算了吧......要不这样,我看比赛,你在家准备报告,如果比赛有什么精彩内容,我就打电话告诉你!

L: Hmmm ... that's a great idea! But you better not blow it and get so excited that you forget to call me.

LH: 这我可不敢保证!

今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是push-over, 表示好欺负,好说话的人。另一是blow it, 意思是犯大错,把事情搞砸。


100 blast; lighten up to have a blast, 意思是"玩得很痛快"。 lighten up。这是指"放松,别太认真"。 99 sleep in; slacker sleep in, 意思是"睡懒觉"。 slacker, 是指"喜欢偷懒的人"。 98 what's her face; thingamajig what's her face, 也可以说what's his face。意思是"那个叫什么什么的人"。thingamajig, 就相当于中文里所说的"那个玩意儿"。 97 rock; letdown rock, 说something rocks,就相当于中文里的"棒极了"。 letdown, 意思是"让人失望的事"。 96:pick-me-up; lay off pick-me-up, 意思是"给人提神、让人心情一下子好起来的东西"; lay off, lay off som ething意思是"停止做某件事", lay off someone意思是"别烦某个人"。 95:jack; kaput jack, 在英语口语里I don't know jack的意思是"我什么也不知道"。kaput, 就相当于中文里所说的"坏了""出了问题"。 94:on the fritz; to hog on the fritz, 意思是"出了故障"。 to hog something, 意思是"把某样东西据为己有,不给别人"。 93:to horse around; jump the gun horse around, 意思是"闹着玩儿、开玩笑"。 jump the gun, 就相当于中文里所说的"操之过急 92:dude; chick dude, 是口语里男孩之间的称呼,就相当于中文里所说的"家伙"。 chick, 在口语里指年轻女孩儿。 91:without a hitch; chow down


From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture(农业的)Report. Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels. This has increased the amount of salt in fresh water used on coastal farms. As a result farmers are increasingly unable to use fields close to the sea. Scientists call this process "salinization(盐渍化)." The term(术语)comes from the word "saline" (生理盐水)-- which means a mixture of salt and water. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says salinization is reducing the world's irrigated lands by 1 to 2 percent every year. Irrigation is the process of supplying land with fresh water from other areas. As saline water cannot be used for irrigation, a farm in Netherlands has managed to grow healthy and tasty vegetables in soil irrigated with salt water. But a farmer in the Netherlands is now using a mixture of sea and fresh water to grow healthy and tasty vegetables.


美语怎么说 头脑风暴叫做:brainstorm;集思广义,可以说: put ones' heads together 创造性思维,叫think outside the box To make eyes at someone 是冲某人抛媚眼;. pickup line 是和女孩儿搭讪时所说的话;to hit it off是一见如故。 炒作叫a publicity stunt; 票房叫box office; 形容吹嘘过头,可以用overhyped. 抢风头是steal someone's thunder. 短暂出名可以说15 minutes of fame ; 趋炎附势叫ride on someone's coattails! 剧透是a spoiler; 出乎意料的故事情节是a plot twist; 电影或电视结尾时的悬念是a cliffhanger.大片儿是blockbuster; 众星云集的是star-studded;催人泪下的哭片则是tearjerker 形容一件东西抢手说something sells like hotcakes, 或者something is flying off the shelf. 为买东西通宵露营,叫camp out;科技发烧友是tech-head. 必备单品叫做:must-have; 买一送一,可以说: buy one get one free; 换季大甩卖,叫做end of season sale酒后驾车是drunk driving; 警察示意路边停车是pull someone over; 倒霉,运气差,是have a tough break; party 结束后专门负责开车送大家回家的人是the designated driver. 团购是group buying花招,噱头是gimmick; 价格战是price war.形容某人小心眼,用petty; 记仇则是hold a grudge against someone;不计较了,可以说get over it; 形容衣着暴露,可以用scantily clad, 或者show too much skin; 穿得正式、抢眼,是dressed to kill;西服裙是pencil skirt! 使某人抓狂叫push sb over the edge; 警告说这是最后一次,可以讲that's the final straw;处境相同,叫in the same boat.哪有那么好的事是it's too good to be true; 隐含的附加条件是catch, as in "What's the catch?" 挂羊头卖狗肉是false advertising; 忽悠是bamboozle! 形容路痴可以说:somebody has no sense of direction; 对一个地方了如直掌,是know somewhere like the back of one's hand; 也可以说know every nook and cranny of a place. 跑龙套的/群众演员是extra 或者walk-on. 大腕儿是big shot. 替身是stunt-double.电灯泡叫做:the third wheel;

流行美语第52课:先到先得过期不候 -(韦博分享)

流行美语第52课:先到先得过期不候-(韦博分享) 流行美语第52课:先到先得过期不候-(韦博分享) 李华和Michael正坐在咖啡馆里喝咖啡。李华在看报。今天李华会学到两个常用语:check something out和to call something。 M: What's in the news today, Li Hua? (sound of newspaper rustling) L: 有些什么新闻啊?噢,我没有在看新闻。我在看招聘人的广告,想找个临时工,赚点钱。M: Hmm, let me take a look. Hey, check this one out! L: 等等,让我看看。(read slowly) 招聘辅导两个孩子,要母语是中文的家庭教师。对了,Michael, 你刚才说什么:check this one out, 你是叫我把这报纸借出去啊?这儿又不是图书馆,而且,这报纸是我自己买的! M: No, I said "Check this one out!" "T o check something out" means "to look at something closely".

L: 噢,check something out就是“仔细看一看”的意思!那不就是“从图书馆里借书”的意思吗? M: Well, that 's the formal meaning of "to check something out." However, the informal meaning is to have a look at something. L: 原来to check something out可以指从图书馆借书,可是在不正式的场合就是“仔细看一看”的意思。那,这大概是非常口语的说法,对不对? M: Right! Ok, check this advertisement out. L: 看这个广告呀?Hmmm, 不行,不行,他们要找的家庭教师必须住在他们的地下室,还得要带孩子。算了算了吧! M: You know, Li Hua, you can also use "check it out" when you want someone to notice something, or pay attention. It pretty much means, "Whoa, look at that!" L: 噢,所以,你要让人注意什么事的时候也可以用check it out。是不是就象我们中文里说的:“你看哪!你看哪”的意思啊? M: That's right. Whoa, check it out, Li Hua! That building across the street is on fire.


英语四级复习计划 英语四级复习计划 很多同学可能心中对新学期有了很多期待,除了扎实巩固专业课,英语四级考试可能也是新的目标。那么,如何合理利用复习时间,准备12月份的英语四级考试呢?首先我们要了解英语四级考试的题型,然后对症下药,各个击破! 作文跟词汇和语法都有很大关系,词汇决定了你作文内容的丰富程度,而语法决定了你作文的正确程度。平常可以有计划地每天背一些单词,日积月累词汇量就会增大很多。而语法除了有意识地看看语法书外,更重要的在于去运用,在阅读中分析句子的语法结构,并有意识地模仿。 当然,作文光说不练是不够的,可以从词汇、句型、段落、篇章布局四个角度,依据不同的文章体裁,分别准备。借鉴和模板可以,但不能依靠这些,否则作文就容易落入俗套,引起阅卷老师反感。多尝试自己去写,比如给自己规定每周一篇作文,把这一周学到的单词、句型结合起来,真正做到学以致用,到时候考试的时候这些内容就可以信手拈来。 听力的提高的是靠平时的练习,所以,在考前两三个月就要每天坚持听力练习,磨练自己的耳朵(去淘淘听力材料)。其实听力和口语也有很大关系,如果自己发音不准,口语不好,就不太容易听懂听力里面的说话形式,很可能听错、听不懂。所以平时

也可以多练习口语,熟悉不同的发音。建议平时精听和泛听相结合,分三阶段进行练习。 阶段一:9月-10月利用bbc、慢速美音和标准美音素材进行反复听写练习,熟悉各类语音、语调、语速,基础较为薄弱的同学可以从慢速voa开始。刚开始听的时候很容易被各类人名、地名或新闻事件专有名词所阻挠,这个时候一定要坚持下去,要相信努力就会有收获。 阶段二:11月继续进行bbc、voa听力练习的同时可以听一些流行美语、走遍美国、地道英语之类的听力节目,因为这些材料中对话部分是对生活情景的最佳分类,是积累听力考试对话场景词汇的最佳素材,而一些短小文章性的素材则有助于篇章对话与听写的提高。 阶段三:11月-12月这一个月是考前冲刺的关键时期,所以真题的演练必不可少。这一阶段可收集历年真题,按照由远到近的顺序,每周做两套真题听力。每次听力分三轮,第一轮:将没有听清楚和明白的地方标注出来。第二轮:第一轮中标注的地方仔细听,直到听懂,修改第一轮的答案。然后对照标准答案,错误地方的认真分析,标注。第三轮:边听边写下内容,可以先尝试短对话,再写写长对话,写完后对照原文,查漏补缺。另外,真题也是十分丰富的复习资料,可以重点背诵真体力常出现的核心词汇和常见场景。


不错的哦 1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐。)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。) 3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。)[从小灌输给孩子的坚定信念。] 4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.(风暴使树木深深扎根。)[感激敌人,感激挫折!] 5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成。)[坚持一个简单的信念就一定会成功。] 6. The shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。)[想说流利的英语吗?那么现在就开口!心动不如嘴动。] 7. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。)[放弃投机取巧的幻想。] 8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。) 9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。)

10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.(四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)[比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹!] 11. In doing we learn.(实践长才干。) 12. East or west, home is best.(东好西好,还是家里最好。) 13. Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。) 14. Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷径。) 15. Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石。) 16. Misfortunes never come alone/single.(祸不单行。) 17. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.(不经灾祸不知福。) 18. Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。) 19. It's never too late to mend.(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。)


2016年6月大学英语四级听力VOA慢速英语练习题(第二十二套) 2016年6月大学英语四级听力VOA慢速英语练习题(第二十二套) Apps to Help Students Do Their Best Work Evernote Application software for computers or mobile devices can do a lot of things for students of all ages. Apps?can help students get better organized, study for tests and prepare research papers. In other words, they can help the user do his or her very best work. Apps can help any users, even those who are not students, get more organized and improve their work. Whether or not you are a student, here are some apps worth considering. Quizlet Quizlet is a study aid app. It is filled with?flash cards?on many subjects to study. Use the cards that come with the app or create your own. Quizlet has links to subjects like: Arts & Literature Languages & Vocabulary Math & Science History & Geography Standardized Tests Professional & Careers The app has a mix of text, images and audio recordings, includingpronunciation?of words in different languages. Quizlet has games to play and tests to take. Cards are available on the app even when you are not connected to the Internet. Quizlet is available as a free app from Apple’s iTunes store. Quizlet for iPhone and iPad Quizlet for Android devices You can learn more at the Quizlet website. EasyBib Sometimes the most difficult part of writing a research paper is creating thebibliography. A bibliography lists all of the publications and other sources used in your research. Getting just the right?citations?to appear in the correct?format?can be difficult and take a lot of time. The EasyBib app can make creating a bibliography easier. The app can help organize the information and find citations for books, websites and more. EasyBib users can simply?scan?the barcode on a book with a mobile phone camera to get the information they need. You can also search for documentation in the app if the book is unavailable at the time. The app offers over 7,000 different citation formats, including the commonly used Modern Language Association, or MLA, style. Users can change the way in which the information is organized and stored within the app. Users can email information from EasyBib to others or to send it to a home


英语四级复习计划范文 很多同学可能心中对新学期有了很多期待,除了扎实巩固专业课,英语四级考试可能也是新的目标。那么,如何合理利用复习时间,准备12月份的英语四级考试呢?首先我们要了解英语四级考试的题型,然后对症下药,各个击破! 作文跟词汇和语法都有很大关系,词汇决定了你作文内容的丰富程度,而语法决定了你作文的正确程度。平常可以有计划地每天背一些单词,日积月累词汇量就会增大很多。而语法除了有意识地看看语法书外,更重要的在于去运用,在阅读中分析句子的语法结构,并有意识地模仿。 当然,作文光说不练是不够的,可以从词汇、句型、段落、篇章布局四个角度,依据不同的文章体裁,分别准备。借鉴范文和模板可以,但不能依靠这些,否则作文就容易落入俗套,引起阅卷老师反感。多尝试自己去写,比如给自己规定每周一篇作文,把这一周学到的单词、句型结合起来,真正做到学以致用,到时候考试的时候这些内容就可以信手拈来。 听力的提高的是靠平时的练习,所以,在考前两三个月就要每天坚持听力练习,磨练自己的耳朵(去淘淘听力材料)。其实听力和口语也有很大关系,如果自己发音不准,口语不好,就不太容易听懂听力里面的说话形式,很可能听错、听不懂。所以平时

也可以多练习口语,熟悉不同的发音。建议平时精听和泛听相结合,分三阶段进行练习。 阶段一:9月-10月利用bbc、慢速美音和标准美音素材进行反复听写练习,熟悉各类语音、语调、语速,基础较为薄弱的同学可以从慢速voa开始。刚开始听的时候很容易被各类人名、地名或新闻事件专有名词所阻挠,这个时候一定要坚持下去,要相信努力就会有收获。 阶段二:11月继续进行bbc、voa听力练习的同时可以听一些流行美语、走遍美国、地道英语之类的听力节目,因为这些材料中对话部分是对生活情景的最佳分类,是积累听力考试对话场景词汇的最佳素材,而一些短小文章性的素材则有助于篇章对话与听写的提高。 阶段三:11月-12月这一个月是考前冲刺的关键时期,所以真题的演练必不可少。这一阶段可收集历年真题,按照由远到近的顺序,每周做两套真题听力。每次听力分三轮,第一轮:将没有听清楚和明白的地方标注出来。第二轮:第一轮中标注的地方仔细听,直到听懂,修改第一轮的答案。然后对照标准答案,错误地方的认真分析,标注。第三轮:边听边写下内容,可以先尝试短对话,再写写长对话,写完后对照原文,查漏补缺。另外,真题也是十分丰富的复习资料,可以重点背诵真体力常出现的核心词汇和常见场景。 关于快速阅读,大纲规定本部分有两种考查题型,即判断正

流利美语脱口出 流行美语短句解析+实例对话(30)

流利美语脱口出流行美语短句解析+实例对话(30)146. To get a pink slip for因…..解雇 “pink”指健康、良好的状况。“get a pink slip”意思是“be fired”。 A:I got a pink slip for that incident. How sad that makes me! 因那件小事我被解雇了。我真悲哀! B:Think nothing of it. What’s done is done. Things will be different for you. 别放在心上。过去的事情就让它过去吧。一切都会好起来的。 Cat: What's done can't be undone. 147. To face the music 勇敢地面对麻烦和困难;敢于面对现实 “music”原是“音乐、乐曲”,这里引申为“批评或困难”。

A:I feel lousy nowadays. I can’t believe I’m down and out. 近来我感觉遭透了,我不敢相信自己就这么失败了。 B:Buck up, man. Things can’t be that bad. Everyone has ups and downs. 振作点,事情没有那么糟。每个人都不会一帆风顺的。 A:Well, I have to face the music. 是的,我必须要面对现实。 148. Babe 帅哥;美女 A:A good thing about living by the pool is you get to see all the babes. B:That figures. A:住在游泳池旁边的好处之一,就是你可以看这些美女们。 B:那当然。


No.1 This is the VOA Special English Education Report. A program in the eastern United States invites young people into a prison to try to scare them away from prison. The goal is to teach them to avoid bad choices and bad influences that could put them behind bars for life. Students can take a tour of the prison, in school groups or by themselves. At the end, the young people sit down for a discussion with some of the inmates. The program is called Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy, or PATT. It takes place at the Maryland Correctional Institution-Hagerstown, a medium-security prison for men. Sal Mauriello is a case specialist there. SAL MAURIELLO: "We have a group of eleven inmates who are in the PATT program. They tell the youth what they went through as a child, what their crimes consist of. They try to teach them about peer pressure. They try to teach them about bad choices." The Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy program also includes an essay-writing contest. Tomi Dare is a seventeen-year-old student at Hagerstown Community College. She saw an announcement for the contest on her college website. To enter, students had to write about peer pressure and why they do not do drugs. The prize: five hundred dollars for school. In her essay, Ms. Dare wrote about her own experience growing up as an African-American girl interested in sports. T OMI DARE: "Drugs and alcohol not only slow a person down, it doesn't make you feel like you are a winner. It doesn't make you feel like you are the best. As an athlete, I'm 6-2 [188 centimeters], so I feel that I should be above peer pressure because I'm bigger than everybody that I’m around. "So I was talking about that and I was talking about how I consider myself a queen. And if I’m royalty, I need to not put substances in my body. Drugs and alcohol are not what a queen should be taking." The scholarship is presented by the Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy program. Prison spokesman Mark Vernarelli says most teens who visit come to understand what even one bad decision can mean. MARK VERNARELLI: "A lot of men and women serving life in prison in the state of Maryland didn't pull a trigger or plunge a knife into anybody. They were accessories to a crime. They


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美语900句 第2册

第二册 第一课.About Visits 关于拜访(151-225句听力) 15 1.Hello. Can I see Mr. Green?你好,我能见格林先生吗? 152.Do you have an appointment?你有预约吗? 153.Sorry, I don't.对不起,我没有。 154.Yes. At 3 pm.是的,约的是下午3点。 155.Sorry, Mr. Green can't see you now.对不起,格林先生现在不能见您。156.He's on the phone.他在打电话。 157.Would you wait here for a minute?您能在这里等一下吗? 158.Would you like something to drink?您想喝点什么吗? 159.Tea, please.我喝点茶吧。 160.Mr. Green, Mr. Smith is here.格林先生,史密斯先生在这里。 161.You may go in now.您可以进去了。 162.Nice to see you, my old friend.真高兴见到你,我的老朋友。 163.How have you been these years?这些年你怎么样? 164.You've changed little.你一点也没变。 165.Do you still remember that Christmas?你仍记得那个圣诞节吗? 第二课.Ab out Language 关于语言 166.Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? 167.Yes, a little. 会讲一点。 168.How long have you studied English?你学英语多久了? 169.He speaks English fluently.他讲英语很流利。 170.Your English is very good.你的英语很好。 171.You speak English pretty well.你的英语讲的很好。 172.Are you a native speaker of English?你的母语是英语吗? 173.My native language is Chinese.我的母语是汉语。 174.He speaks with London accent.他带点伦敦口音。 175.He has a strong accent.他口音很重。 176.I have some difficulty in expressing myself.我表达起来有点困难。177.I'm always confused with "s" and "th".我常把s和th搞混。 178.Can you write in English?你能用英文写文章吗? 179.Your pronunciation is excellent.你的发音很好。 180.How can I improve my spoken English?我该怎样才能提高口语水平? 第三课.Talking About Activities 谈论活动 181.What are you doing?你在干什么? 182.I'm reading a book.我在看书。 183.I'm cooking.我在做饭。 184.Are you watching TV now?你在看电视吗? 185.Yes, I'm watching Channel 5.是的,我在看5频道。 186.No, I'm listening to the radio.没有,我在听收音机。 187.Where are you going?你去哪儿? 188.I'm going to work.我去上班。 189.Who are you writing to?你在给谁写信? 190.I'm writing to an old friend.给一个老朋友。 191.What will you do this weekend?这周末你将干什么? 192.I'll go to a concert我要去听音乐会。 193.I'll go on an outing with some friends.我与朋友去郊游。 194.Do you like traveling?你喜欢郊游吗? 195.Yes, I like it a great deal/it very much.是的,我很喜欢。


第18课:美国南北战争——中考试题精选选择题 (2013·兰州市)1.在美国首都华盛顿有一座纪念堂,它是为了纪念一位维护了美国的统一和解放了黑人奴隶的总统,这位总统是 A.华盛顿B.林肯C.罗斯福D.里根 (2013·玉林市)2.林肯在美国内战中的最大贡献是 A.赢得了国家独立B.建立了联邦制国家 C.维护了国家统一D.废除了黑人奴隶制 (2013·巴中市)3.美国历史上第二次资产阶级革命爆发的导火线是( ) A.波士顿倾茶事件B.列克星顿的枪声 C.林肯当选为总统D.《解放黑奴宣言》的颁布 (2013·贵阳市)4.马克思说:“在美国历史和人类历史上,林肯必将与华盛顿齐名。”马克思之所以这么说,是因为林肯政府 A.推行冷战政策对抗苏联 B.领导美国人民打败英国殖民者 C.维护国家统一废除黑人奴隶制 D.彻底消除对黑人的种族歧视和民族压迫 (2013·广安市)5.“一百多年前,一位伟大的美国人签署了《解放宣言》。这项很重要的法令像一盏希望的航灯出现在千百万黑人奴隶面前……《解放宣言》的签署预示着备受煎熬的漫漫长夜结束了,令人欢欣鼓舞的黎明到来了。”马丁·路德·金在1963年8月的演说中提到的这位“伟大的美国人”是 A.推翻英国殖民统治的领导者和美利坚合众国的缔造者 B.黑奴制度的终结者和国家统一的维护者 C.资本主义经济的调节者和反法西斯战争的领导者 D.“冷战”政策的提出者和世界霸权的争夺者 (2013·乐山市)6. 1948—1984年,美国曾开展过四次“美国人心中最伟大的总统”的评选活动,评选结果排在第一位的始终是林肯。这是因为林肯 ①领导美国人民推翻了英国殖民统治,实现了国家独立 ②废除了黑奴制度,使黑人获得了自由 ③勇于创新,实施新政,使美国经济摆脱了危机 ④维护了美国的统一,为资本主义进一步发展扫清了障碍 A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④ (2013·泰安市)7.与表格内容所对应的人物正确的一项是 类别典型事例典型人物 建国篇独立战争① 统一篇美国内战② 改革篇实施新政③ 称霸篇推行“冷战”政策④ A.①罗斯福②华盛顿③林肯④杜鲁门 B. ①罗斯福②林肯③华盛顿④杜鲁门 C. ①华盛顿②杜鲁门③林肯④罗斯福 D. ①华盛顿②林肯③罗斯福④杜鲁门


VOA慢速英语听力练习(学案) Most US Front-Line Workers Are Women, Minorities Step 1 Words in This Story front line(s) –n.the most important and active position in a job or field of activity essential–adj.extremely important and necessary pandemic–n.an occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people over a wide area or throughout the world invisible–adj.impossible to see delivery–n.the act of taking something to a person or place tendon–n.a tough piece of tissue in your body that connects a muscle to a bone customer(s) –n.someone who buys goods or services from a business insurance–n.an agreement in which a person makes regular payments to a company and the company promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies, or to pay money equal to the value of something (such as a house or car) if it is damaged, lost, or stolen quarantine(d) –v.to keep (a person or animal) away from others to prevent a disease from spreading anxiety–n.fear or nervousness about what might happen pistol(s) –n.a small gun made to be aimed and fired with one hand Step 2 Listen and fill in the missing words. It is becoming clear that the coronavirus crisis has had a major effect on the people working on the front
