

Sing Gymboree

Hey, all you friends out there

Get some songs we?d like to share

Help us welcome this Gymboree day

In your own wonderful way

Sing, sing, sing with me

Won?t you sing a song with me

Fill your heart with a melody

And sing Gymboree

There is a special place I know

Where you and I can learn and grow Shake your booties, there?s plenty to do With bubbles and a parachute, too.!

Let’s All Make A Circle!

Let?s all make a circle

A circle, a circle

Let?s all make a circle

So big and so round

A circle, a circle

A Gymboree circle

Let?s all make a circle

So big and so round!

Let?s all sit together,

Together, together

Let?s all sit together,

And sing a few songs

A fast one, a slow one

A happy “let?s go” one

Let?s all sit together,

And sing a few songs

Circle time is a time

For singing

All our favorite songs

Let?s hold hands

if we want to

we can sing along

Circle time

Come and join our circle

Our circle is grand

Sing and dance together

Please take somebody?s hand

Circle time, circle time

It?s circle time, C-I-R-C-L-E

Circle, circle time, C-I-R-C-L-E

Now it?s circle time, 1,2, 1-2-3,

Red and green and yellow

Purple, orange and blue

Nothing makes me happier

Than circle time with you.

Clap Your Hands

Come on everybody and clap your hands, It?s time for Gymbo ree

Stamp your feet…Jump up high…

It?s time for clapping hands

Stampin? feet and jumpin? high

And we?ve got one more thing

We?d like you to try

Let?s blow a kiss…

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you?re happy and you know it, clap your hands…

If you?re happy and you know it,

Be a friend of mine and show it

If you?re happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you want a little love, give a hug…

If just a little love, is all you?re dreamin? of

If you want a little love, give a hug

If you?re feeling really good, shout hooray…If you?re feeling really good,, then I really think you should

If you?re feeling really good, shout hooray

Hey,Mister Knickerbocker

Hey, Mister Knickerbocker, boppity bop

I like the way you boppity bop

I like the way you boppity bop

Listen to the sound you make on the floor…. With your arms….

With your feet…

With your head…

With your tongue.

Wheels On The Bus

Wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round Let?s hu rry to Gymboree

Bells Are Ringing

Bells are ringing, Bells are ringing,

Hear them chime, hear them chime

Calling all the children, calling all the children It?s circle time, circle time

You take Daddy, I?ll take Mommy

Let?s all play…

Jumping high and climbing

Sing, laughing, rhyming

Gymboree day,

It?s a Gymboree day

I Can Wiggle My Fingers

I can wiggle my fingers.

I can wiggle my toes

I can wiggle my shoulders

And I can wiggle my nose

I can wiggle the wiggles

All out of me

And I can be still

As still as can be!


1-2-3 at Gymboree

It?s time to Gymbercize…

Here at gymboree

It?s time to touch the sky…

It?s time to twist and twist…

1 means you …cause you?re number one

2 means me …cause I?m here too

That leaves 3, who can that be?

3 means weeee …caus e here we go!

Stretch, stretch, stretch up

Ten Little Horses

Ten little horses galloped into town

Five were black and five were brown They galloped up

And they galloped down,

And they galloped themselves

Right out of town.


Head and Shoulders

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Knees and toes

Tick Tock

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

I?m a little cuckoo clock

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Now I?m striking one o?clock (cuckoo!) Two o?clock (cuckoo! Cuckoo!”

Three o?clock (cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!)

Mulberry Bush

Here we go round the mulberry bush The mulberry bush the mulberry bush Here we go round the mulberry bush

So early in the morning

This is the way we round and stretch Stamp our feet….

Wiggle your ears….

Run and run….

Sit right down…Hey Mister Jumping Jack

Hey Mister Jumping Jack, a funny old man He jumps and he jumps whenever he can

He jumps way up high

He jumps way down low

And he jumps and he jumps wherever he goes C?mon and jump!

He wiggles and he wiggles…

He shakes and he shakes…


Here we go Loop-De-Lou

Here we go Loop-De-Lou

Here we go Loop-De-Lou

All on a Saturday night.

I put my two hands in

I pull my two hands out,

I give my hands a shake-shake-shake

And turn myself about

I put my big toe in…

I put my whole self in…

Parachute Play

Everybody off and let?s go under Everybody off and let?s go under Everybody off and let?s go under

Here at Gymboree

We?re goin?under, we?re goin? under Underneath the parachute we go,

Let?s go

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple Makes the rainbow bright

So bright!

Shake and Shake

Come on everybody

Gather around

Grab our parachute

And shake it on down

We?re gonna shake

And shake and shake

And shake

We?re gonna shake

And shake and shake


Hey everybody

That was really good

Now let?s get it movin?

Don?t you think we should


We?re gonna pop-pop-pop our bubbles

pop-pop-pop our bubbles

pop-pop-pop our bubbles

Pop some bubbles with me


pop those bubbles

pop-pop-pop those bubbles


pop those bubbles

Here at Gymboree

1 little

2 little

3 little bubbles

4 little

5 little

6 little bubbles

7 little 8 little 9 little bubbles

10 little bubbles go


Popping Bubbles

Popping bubbles

I like popping bubbles

Popping bubbles

Here at Gymboree

Do I see them in the air?

Yes, I see them in the air

In the air, in the air,


Do I see them on your head…

Do I see them on your finger….

Bee Hives

Here are my bee hives

Where are the bees?

Hiding away where nobody sees

Will they come out?

Let?s open their doors


Oh, Grizzly Bear

Oh, grizzly bear, oh grizzly bear

Is sleeping in his cave, shhhhh

Please be very quiet

Please be very quiet, shhhhh

Do not wake him,

Do not shake him,

Or he is sure to GROWL!

Six Little Ducks

Six little ducks that I once knew

Fat ones, skinny ones, tall ones too

But the one little duck with the feather on her back

She led the others with a


Down to the river they would go

Wibble wobble, wibble wobble to and fro But the one little duck with the feather on her back

She led the others with a


Home from the river they would come Wibble wobble, wibble wobble ho hum hum But the one little duck with the feather on her back She led the others with a


Big-eyed Owl

There?s a big-eyed owl

With a long pointy nose

Two pointed ears

And claws for her toes

She lives way up high in the trees

And when she looks at you

She flaps her wings and says,

“Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!”

Down By The Banks

Down by the banks

Of the hanky panky

Where the bullfrogs

Jump from bank to banky

They went

Oops, oops, belly flops

One missed the lilypad

And went …KERPLOPS

Stop! Look! Listen!

Stop! Look! And Listen! Before you cross the street!

First you use your eyes,

Then you use your ears,

And then you use your feet.

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Give a little clap, clap, clap

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Put them on your lap, lap, lap

Creel them, crawl them

Creel them, crawl them

Right up to your chin, chin, chin

Open wide your little mouth

But do not let them in, in, in

Gymbo Time

I have a little friend

And Gymbo is his name-o

G-y-m-b-o, G-y-m-b-o, G-y-m-b-o,

And Gymbo is his name o!

Gymbo, Gymbo, come out and play Gymbo, Gymbo, come out and play

I?ve got a friend

His name is Gymbo,

He goes up and down,

I?ve got a friend

His name is Gymbo,

He goes up and down,

He goes side to side…

He goes kiss and hug…Hey, Gymbo, Gymbo, Gymbo Hey, Gymbo, you?re the best! Hey, Gymbo, Gymbo, Gymbo Now it?s time for you to rest.

We Take Our Little Hands We take our little hands

And go clap-clap-clap



We take our little hands

And go clap-clap-clap

It?s tim e to say good bye

We take our little hands

And go stamp-stamp-stamp…We take our little hands

And wave bye-bye-bye…


育乐课程 玩中学最受宝宝欢迎的启蒙教育课程!让宝宝在玩耍的过程中,学习我们专为宝宝各个阶段的成长而设计的的七个阶段的课程。从感官刺激到问题解决游戏到讲故事,我们的课程寓教于乐,促进宝宝的身心发展。育乐课程一:小小观察者The Thoughtful Observer(0-6个月宝宝)发展目标:平缓情绪,集中注意力,对周围世界充满好奇, 尝试探索世界的兴趣。婴儿刚出生的几个月正试着适应外部世界。在这一关键阶段,让宝宝们感到安全并受到保护是最为重要的,从而让他们更好地学习与人建立联系。 金宝贝通过“镜子时间”“触觉游戏”“降落伞互动”等其他游戏,来培养宝宝的感观,并开发视觉和听觉能力。同时设有父母交流时间,帮助家长了解宝宝的成长与发展。 育乐课程二:小小实践家The Doer(6-10个月宝宝)发展目标:建立记忆,引进新字汇,学习说话的语音和节奏,有目的性的锻炼,通过听觉来感知整个世界。 宝宝开始明白因果关系,了解如何得到想要的结果,他们运用逐渐增强的技能和体能来感受周围世界。这些对于认知世界规律,发展沟通交流能力,培养竞争意识和自信心都非常重要金宝贝帮助宝宝认识因果关系,并通过爬坡、滑行和攀登增强宝宝的体力。同时安排父母交流时间,让家长更了解宝宝的成长发展。 育乐课程三: 双向交流者The Com-municator(10-16个月宝宝)发展目标:逐渐掌握双向交流的技巧。在探索过程中学会使用声音、面部表情以及肢体来进行相互交流。 沟通与交流对于感知自我和感受人际关系来说非常重要。及时回应孩子,让他们知道家长理解宝宝们说的“话”,这样的双向交流对于他们的智力开发至关重要。 金宝贝积极培养孩子的互动交流能力。寓教于乐的学习环境鼓励宝宝善于发现和探索,学会权衡和协调,帮助父母进一步了解孩子如何与家长和外界进行互动交流。 育乐课程四: 问题解决者The Competent Problem Solver(16-22个月宝宝)发展目标:理解新概念,培养动作技能,了解事物的因果关系,并解决问题。 宝宝在活动过程中,会运用自己掌握的技能不断尝试,经历失败后重新调整方式。在不断重复尝试之后,他们知道采取哪些行动,以怎样的顺序能达到目的;了解什么行为将会导致什么结果。这对宝宝的潜能开发非常关键,因为这意味着宝宝明白如何通过行动来满足需要。金宝贝教孩子在游戏中学习形状和顺序等基本概念,帮助宝宝了解世界,并学会如何巧妙地解决问题。 育乐课程五:创新思维者The Emerging Creative Thinker(22-28个月宝宝)发展目标:锻炼想象力、语言能力和社交技能,用语言或符号来进行表达和感受。 孩子开始用词汇和符号来交流和思考。“符号联想力”是孩子认知发展过程中的重要一环,它可以帮助孩子更清晰地掌握事物的特质,并尝试用现有的语言能力表达出来。与此同时,也促进了他们与周围人的交流。 金宝贝通过创意游戏来增强宝宝的抽象思维、语言表达和社交互动能力,进而激活宝宝的想象力。 育乐课程六:逻辑的思维家The Logical Thinker (28-36个月宝宝)发展目标:丰富想象力,建立逻辑思维,在合作中发展社交技能。 逻辑思考是智力发展的基础。孩子开始进行理性思考,他们对符号的理解将是阅读和数学的基础。逻辑思维能帮助他们建立做事情的条理性,并且明辨是非,培养良好的品性与道德观念。 金宝贝让孩子在游戏的过程中,掌握事物之间的联系,建立初步的逻辑思维。在与小伙伴或家长玩耍的过程中学会合作和交流。 育乐课程七:幼儿园学前技能School Skills(3-5岁宝宝)发展目标:学习社交技巧,培养


1..Hello song 歌词(Lyrics) Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too. Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too 2.. Finger Family 歌词Lyrics Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Mammy finger, Mammy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? 3..《ABC song》歌词 A B C D , E F G H I J K , L M N O P Q R S , T U V W X Y Z Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me 4.. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 歌词 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

小小班 儿歌

1《五官歌》 小眉毛黑又弯,动来动去真好看。小眼睛亮晶晶,样样东西看得清。小鼻子中间站,闻闻面包香不香。小耳朵两边长,仔仔细细听声音。小嘴巴真能干,蔬菜水果都喜欢。 2《水果歌》 什么水果红红的?苹果苹果红红的; 什么水果绿绿的?西瓜西瓜绿绿的;什么水果黄黄的? 梨子梨子黄黄的。 3《吹泡泡》 吹泡泡,吹泡泡,吹呀吹,吹呀吹,泡泡飞上天。吹泡泡,吹泡泡,吹呀吹,吹呀吹,泡泡不见了。 4《小鸭小鸡》 小鸭小鸡,碰在一起。小鸭嘎嘎嘎,小鸡叽叽叽,嘎嘎嘎,叽叽叽,嘎嘎嘎,叽叽叽,一起唱歌,一起游戏。 5《苹果》 红苹果,圆又圆。吃到嘴里甜又甜。 6《小鞋子》 小鞋子,是小屋。小脚丫,暖呼呼。 7《我的小布娃娃》 我的小布娃娃,我的小布娃娃,你那红红笑脸,像朵玫瑰花;我的小布娃娃,我的小布娃娃,闭上你的眼睛,好好睡觉吧。 8《小枕头》 小枕头呀真美丽,小枕头呀真干净。我要抱抱你,抱抱你,甜甜蜜蜜做个梦呀,做呀做个梦。 0《月亮姑娘做衣裳》 夜晚,月亮姑娘出来了,细细的,弯弯的,好象小姑娘的眉毛。凉风吹得她有点冷,她就撕了一块云彩裹在身上,月亮姑娘想:我还是找一位裁缝师傅做件衣裳吧。

裁缝师傅给她量了尺寸让她五天以后来取。过了五天,月亮姑娘长胖了一点儿好象弯弯的镰刀她来取衣裳了,衣裳做得真漂亮,可惜太小了,穿在身上连扣子也扣不上。 裁缝师傅决定给她重新做一件,重新量了尺寸,让她再过五天来取。五天又过去了,月亮姑娘又长胖了一点,弯弯的象只小船。她来取衣裳,衣裳做得更漂亮了,可惜月亮姑娘连套也套不上。 裁缝师傅涨红了脸,说:“我只好重做了。”又是五天过去了,月亮姑娘来取衣裳,裁缝师傅看到月亮姑娘变得圆圆的,象一只圆盘那样,吃了一惊:“啊你又长胖了!”裁缝师傅叹了一口气,对月亮姑娘说:“唉!你的身材量不准,我没法给你做衣裳了。” 原来,月亮姑娘每天都在变化,所以她到现在还穿不到合身的衣裳。白天太阳公公出来了,她不好意思出来,只有在晚上才悄悄地露面。 10《老师本领大》 老师本领大,样样都会画。画只鸭子嘎嘎嘎,画个娃娃笑哈哈。 11《拍拍小手》 我的小手拍呀拍呀,我的小手拍呀拍。 12《宝宝》 宝宝哭了,不好看啦。宝宝笑了,大家喜欢啦。 13《笑哈哈》 耳朵耳朵拉拉,鼻子鼻子捏捏,头发头发摸摸,嘴巴嘴巴笑哈哈。 14《我爱小动物》 我爱我的小狗,小狗怎么叫,汪汪汪,汪汪汪,汪汪汪汪汪。 我爱我的小猫,小猫怎么叫,喵喵喵,喵喵喵,喵喵喵喵喵。 我爱我的小鸭,小鸭怎么叫,嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎。 我爱我的小鸡,小鸡怎么叫,叽叽叽,叽叽叽,叽叽叽叽叽。 15《洗手歌》 先在水里冲一冲,拿起肥皂擦一擦,手心搓一搓,手背搓一搓。两手来回冲呀冲,一二三,甩三下,瞧,我的小手真干净。


2017最新128首英文儿歌大全最近,瑞思英语小编整理了很多英文儿歌资料以供孩子们学习英 语,收到了小朋友们的热烈欢迎和强烈反响,这激励着小编本人再接再 励,又进一步扩大的收集范围,从而整理出了128首英语儿歌,这些儿 歌都是中英文对照版的,而且还有歌词哦~接下来,瑞思英语小编还会 整理绘本、小故事等等,敬请期待哦~~~ 1.英文儿歌《Are you Sleeping》 are you sleeping, are you sleeping? brother john? brother john? morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ding dong, ding ding dong. 2.英文儿歌《Beanbag, Beanbag》 Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Laura Lee, Then to Jenny, then to me. Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! Bean bag, bean bag, Play a game of beanbag! Toss it first to Mary Lou, Then to Billy, then to you. Beanbag, beanbag, Play a game of beanbag! 3.英文儿歌《Cradle Song》 Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above. Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes.


幼儿园小班儿歌大全 儿歌的篇幅短小,读起来朗朗上口,深受孩子们喜爱。在幼儿园教学中,儿歌是重要的教学内容之一,尤其是在小班,儿歌教学的比重更大。为此,小编整理了以下小班儿歌大全,供大家参考。 1、吃饭歌 我的小手真能干,自己来喂自己饭。吃青菜,剥鸡蛋,身体健康多可爱。 2、喝水歌 我的小手真能干,杯杯清水保平安。你一杯,我一杯,多喝水身体棒。 3、穿衣歌 我的小手真能干,自己的事情自己办。穿衣服,脱鞋袜,勤劳聪明人人爱。 4、穿衣脱衣 我是一个好孩子,自己穿衣穿裤子。还会穿鞋穿袜子,妈妈伸出大拇指。 5、穿衣服 一件衣服四个洞,宝宝套进大洞洞。脑袋钻出中洞洞,小手伸出小洞洞。小纽扣,钻洞洞,一二三,钻出来。 6、哈巴狗(歌表演)。 一只哈巴狗一只哈巴狗坐在大门口吃完肉骨头 眼睛黑油油尾巴摇一摇想吃肉骨头向我点点头

7、爱玩具歌 我的小手真能干,样样玩具我喜爱。你不争,我不抢,爱护玩具当模范。 5、可爱的小五官 眼睛看妈妈,鼻子闻花花。嘴巴吃瓜瓜,耳朵听夸夸。 6、小手链 小手链,真好看。我和妈妈穿一穿。有红的,有黄的,漂亮的颜色一串串。 7、奇妙的彩泥 彩色泥,手里搓。我把它变成小手镯。彩色泥,手里搓。还能变成很多多。 8、小乌龟 小乌龟,慢慢走。背着房子去旅游。不怕风,不怕雨。是个游泳小能手。 9、小脚大脚 一二一,走呀走。妈妈宝宝手拉手。小脚踩在大脚上,向前走,向后走。 向左走,向右走。一二一二齐步走。 10、划小船。 小小船,两头尖。我和爸爸去划船。划呀划,划呀划。我们一起去游玩。 11、小蜜蜂

小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。勤劳勇敢爱劳动。 小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。采花酿蜜有本领。 12、调皮的小老鼠(小班) 小老鼠们真调皮,大象鼻子当通道。大象有点不注意,小老鼠们钻进去, 痒得大象打喷嚏,小老鼠们笑嘻嘻。鼻子变成高射炮,老鼠飞到天上去。 13、可爱的小公鸡 小公鸡,真漂亮,红红的鸡冠花花衣,早晨起来喔喔叫,告诉大家早早起! 大家都来把它夸,是个勤劳的小公鸡。小公鸡,真得意,拍拍翅膀喔喔啼, 小朋友真欢喜,拍着手儿笑嘻嘻。 14、过马路要注意 小朋友,过马路,要走黑白斑马道,一看二慢三通过,红灯绿灯看仔细, 红灯停,绿灯行不要猛跑和急行,安全第一最重要。我们时刻要牢记。 15、手指操儿歌。大门开开进不来,二门开开进不来,三门开开进不来,四门开开进不来, 五门开开我进来。 适合各年龄班餐前活动时,可以增强幼儿手部肌肉的锻练,准备两手


L4Freeze Now here's a game that's kinda neat Just get your body in the beat But when you hear the music quit Don't want to see you move a bit Now you can dance any way you please But listen closely for the freeze (instrumental) Now you can hop and you can bop And you can flip and you can flop And you can rock and roll with style and ease And you can bump and you can hustle But don't ever move a muscle When you hear the music come into the freeze L5. Gymbo Dance Gymbo the Clown goes up and down Up and down, Up and down Gymbo the Clown goes up and down and Then he turns around (all daylong) Gymbo the Clown goes side to side Side to side, side to side Gymbo the Clown goes side to side and Then he turns around (all daylong) Gymbo the Clown goes twist twist twist Twist twist twist, Twist twist twist Gymbo the Clown goes twist twist twist and Then he turns around (all daylong) Gymbo the Clown goes peek a boo, Peek a boo, Peek a boo


精选英文儿歌 1.Twinkle, twinkle, little star.《小星星》 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. How I wonder what you are! 闪亮的闪亮的小星星多么我想知道什么你是 Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are! 2.London Bridge Is Falling Down《伦敦大桥快要倒下来》 London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, My fair lady. Take a key and lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. Take a key and lock her up, My fair lady. 3.Edelweiss《雪绒花》 Edelweiss, Edelweiss, Every morning you greet me. Small and white, clean and bright, You look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, Edelweiss, Bless my hometown forever. 4.In the good,old summertime 《美妙的夏日就时光》 In the good, old summertime, in the good old summer time. Strolling through, the shady lanes with your baby mine. You hold her hand and she hold yours. And that’s a very good sign. That she’s your tootsie-wootsie, in the good, old summertime. 5.Teday Bear 《泰迪熊》 Teday bear, Teday bear, turn around, Teday bear, Teday bear, touch the ground. Teday bear, Teday bear, show your shoe, Teday bear, Teday bear, Show what you can do.


最适合小班幼儿的27首儿歌1、幼儿园象我家 幼儿园象我家, 老师爱我我爱他, 老师叫我好宝宝, 我说老师象妈妈。 2、小朋友爱上幼儿园 小鱼爱在水里游, 小鸟爱在树上跳, 蝴蝶爱在花间飞, 小羊爱在地上跑, 小朋友爱上幼儿园, 唱歌跳舞真热闹。 3、玩具玩具我爱你 小玩具,我爱你, 天天跟我做游戏, 轻轻拿,轻轻放, 玩好把你放整齐。 4、小旗手 小小旗手好神气, 小小手儿高举起, 向着国旗行个礼, “祖国妈妈我爱你!” 5、老师早 小宝宝,蹦又跳, 走进幼儿园,先说“老师早!” 太阳见了眯眯笑, 鸟儿听了跟着叫: “老师早!老师早!

宝宝从小有礼貌。” 6、小手帕 小手帕,真美丽, 天天放在口袋里。 吃完饭后,擦擦嘴,还能擦汗擦鼻涕。 用过以后洗一洗, 天天和我在一起。7、大苹果 我是一个大苹果, 小朋友见了都爱我。酸酸甜甜真好吃, 皮肤红红颜色美。 小朋友们常常吃, 小脸也象红苹果。8、小树叶 小树叶,飘呀飘, 飘来飘去象小鸟。 小树叶,飘呀飘, 飘到地上睡大觉。9、有礼貌的好宝宝好宝宝,有礼貌, 进园就叫“老师早”,回家叫声“妈妈好”,大家都说宝宝好。10、一只老母鸡 我家一只老母鸡 带着一群小小鸡, 叽叽叽叽到菜地,

找到虫儿笑嘻嘻。 11、大公鸡 大公鸡,真美丽, 红红的鸡冠花花衣。 尖尖嘴巴喔喔啼, 每天叫我早早起。 12、冬天 冬天又来了, 北风呼呼叫, 小鸟钻进窝, 小猪睡懒觉。 我们小朋友, 天天起得早, 跑跑又跳跳, 身体暖和了。 13、爱护图书 小图书,真好看, 有小猴,有大象, 还有汽车和轮船。 小朋友,轻轻翻, 爱护图书大家赞。 14、大马路 大马路,宽又平, 汽车电车跑不停, 红灯亮了停一停, 绿灯亮了向前行。 叔叔夸我有本领, 交通规则记得清。 15、新年到


1 金宝贝中国简况 第一部分金宝贝简介 G ymboree,金宝贝,源自美国的全球早教知名品牌和早教权威。1976年在美国加州成立 了全美第一家亲子早教中心。30多年幼儿潜能开发经验,分支机构遍布全世界35个国家, 600多个教育中心。Gymboree是0~5岁幼儿最快乐的双语天地, 提供包括育乐、音乐和 艺术的育教寓乐的学习课程,,引导父母和孩子一起快乐成长。金宝贝于1994年在美国纳斯 达克(NASDAQ)成功上市,是全球唯一纳斯达克上市早教品牌(编码为GYMB)。2003、 2004年,金宝贝在ENTERPRENEUR《企业家》杂志评出的全美加盟500强企业中位于早教 行业第一,并于2001年至2003年连续三年被评为全美成长最快的亲子早教课程加盟体系。 现在的金宝贝加盟网络遍布全球包括美洲、欧洲和亚洲在内的33个国家和地区。全球共有 将近600个教学中心。每天有30,000个家庭享受金宝贝的快乐教学。 金宝贝于2003年正式登陆中国。同年6月,金宝贝上海古北中心正式运营,宣告中国首家 以英语为教学语言、接收各国学生的国际早教中心成立。目前在上海已成立了包括古北、浦 东、徐汇东、新天地和五角场在内的五家早教中心。2006年金宝贝古北中心在金宝贝全球 加盟商大会上被美国总部授予“全球金宝贝中心学生数量第一”的殊荣。金宝贝在进入中 国三年的时间里,获得了广大孩子和家长的喜爱,受到社会各界的好评,屡获殊荣。先后被 授予“2004上海市儿童喜爱产品”,“2005中国早教市场深受家长喜爱第一品牌”,“2006 中国早教行业最具影响力品牌”,“中国连锁十佳著名品牌”,以及“最值得全球华商500强

英文儿歌歌词 金宝贝

Sing Gymboree Hey, all you friends out there Get some songs we’d like to share Help us welcome this Gymboree day In your own wonderful way Sing, sing, sing with me Won’t you sing a song with me Fill your heart with a melody And sing Gymboree There is a special place I know Where you and I can learn and grow Shake your booties, there’s plenty to do With bubbles and a parachute, too.! Let’s All Make A Circle! Let’s all make a circle A circle, a circle Let’s all make a circle So big and so round A circle, a circle A Gymboree circle Let’s all make a circle So big and so round! Let’s all sit together, Together, together Let’s all sit together, And sing a few songs A fast one, a slow one A happy “let’s go” one Let’s all sit together, And sing a few songs Circle time is a time For singing All our favorite songs Let’s hold hands if we want to we can sing along Circle time Come and join our circle Our circle is grand Sing and dance together Please take somebody’s hand Circle time, circle time It’s circle time, C-I-R-C-L-E Circle, circle time, C-I-R-C-L-E Now it’s circle time, 1,2, 1-2-3, Red and green and yellow Purple, orange and blue Nothing makes me happier Than circle time with you. Clap Your Hands Come on everybody and clap your hands, It’s time for Gymbor ee Stamp your feet… Jump up high… It’s time for clapping hands Stampin’ feet and jumpin’ high And we’ve got one more thing We’d like you to try Let’s blow a kiss… If You’re Happy and You Know It If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands… If you’r e happy and you know it, Be a friend of mine and show it If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands If you want a little love, give a hug… If just a little love, is all you’re dreamin’ of If you want a little love, give a hug If you’re feeling reall y good, shout hooray… If you’re feeling really good,, then I really think you should If you’re feeling really good, shout hooray Hey,Mister Knickerbocker Hey, Mister Knickerbocker, boppity bop I like the way you boppity bop I like the way you boppity bop Listen to the sound you make on the floor…. With your arms…. With your feet… With your head… With your tongue.


0 5 10 zer o fiv e ten, zer o fiv e ten, ten fiv e zer o, ten fiv e zer o, zer o fiv e ten, zer o fiv e ten, clap your hands and come again, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten, zer o fiv e ten, zer o fiv e ten, ten fiv e zer o, ten fiv e zer o, zer o fiv e ten, zer o fiv e ten, … clap your hands and come again, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten, abc song a b c d e f g, h I j k, l m n o p, q r s, t u v, w x, y and z, now I know my a b c, tell me what you think of me drive a car I can,I can drive a car, Drive, drive, drive a car, ¥ I can ride a bicycle, Ride, ride, ride ride ride, I can drive and you can ride, you can ride and I can drive. I can,I can drive a car, Drive, drive, drive a car, I can ride a bicycle, Ride, ride, ride ride ride, I can drive and you can ride, (


精品文档 金宝贝全套教案 澳大利亚简介 澳大利亚位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,由澳大利亚大陆和塔斯马尼亚岛等岛屿及海外领土组成。它东濒太平洋的珊瑚海和塔斯曼海,西、北、南三面临印度洋及其边缘海,海岸线长约3.67万公里。面积769.2万平方公里,居世界第 六。它东临太平洋,西临印度洋,海岸线长达37000 公里。首都堪培拉,人口2000多万,澳居民中70%是英国及爱尔兰后裔。他们大多数信奉基督教。英语为通用语言。澳大利亚是典型的移民国家,被社会学家喻为“民族的拼盘”。多民族形成的多元文化是澳大利亚社会一个显著特征。 澳大利亚是一个后起的发达资本主义国家。澳农牧业发达,自然资源丰富,有“骑在羊背上的国家”和“坐在矿车上的国家”之称,澳大利亚长期靠出口农产品和矿产资源赚取大量收入,盛产羊、牛、小麦和蔗糖,同时也是世界重要的矿产资源生产国和出口国。农牧业、采矿业为澳传统产业。澳大利亚有特别浓厚的自由和无拘无束的气氛。人们日常互相直呼其名。澳大利亚人文明有礼,乐于助人。在人

流稀少的街上行走的话,人们即使互不相识也会打招呼和问候。居住在澳大利亚的土著人,仍然保护着自己的风俗习惯。 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作–独家原创 16/ 1. 精品文档 他们以狩猎为生,“飞去来器”是他们独特的狩猎武器。在旅游区,土著居民的艺术品和手工艺品是世界各地游客搜罗购买的物品之一,这都是土著居民的收入来源。 一.开场 活动目的:让家长和宝宝深入的了解澳大利亚,丰富宝宝的生活体验。活动准备:澳大利亚的国旗,国徽,美食,服装等图片。 活动内容: 导游结合图片讲解澳大利亚的风土人情,传统服饰,特色食品,地理环境等,使大家对澳大利亚有个简单的了解。 具体解说: 1、教师身穿具有澳大利亚特色的服饰,引导家长抱起宝宝跟随音乐的节 奏走起来,慢慢的围成一个圆圈,可以抱着宝宝变化各种动作。 2、围圈过后,导游介绍今天的主题,引导家长带着宝宝到主题板前来, 结合图片讲解关于澳大利亚的各种文化。


鹅妈妈童谣53首中英文对照歌词(廖彩杏书单) 1.Jerry Hall Jerry hall, He is so small, A rat could eat him Hat and all. 杰瑞何,个真小,老鼠都能吞下他,从帽子到脚。 Mable Mable Mabel, Mabel, Strong and able, Take your elbows off the table 美宝,美宝,强壮又能干,不要把手肘在桌子上。 Jack and Jill went up the hill Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water; Jack fell down and broke his crown,And Jill came tumbling after. 杰克和吉儿上山打一桶水; Shoo fly, don't bother me, Shoo fly, don’t bother me,Shoo fly, don’t bother me, Shoo fly, don’t bother me,I belong to som ebody. 咻,苍蝇,别烦我,咻,苍蝇,别烦我,咻,苍蝇,别烦我,我可没时间理你。 Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again. 蛋头先生墙上坐,蛋头先生跌下墙。所有国王的马儿和士兵,都没办法把他拼回去。 I'm Dusty Bill I’m Dusty Bill From Vinegat Hill, Never had a bath And I never will. 我是灰头比尔来自醋溜山丘,从来不洗澡,将来也不洗。 Down at the station, early in the morning Down at the station, early in the morning, See the little puffer-billies all in a row; See the engine-driver pull his little lever- Puff puff, peep peep, off we go! 大清早,到车站,瞧!小火车们排排站;看那司机,拉开他的小把手,咻咻嘟嘟出发喽! Cackle, cakle, Mother Goose, Cackle, cackle, Mother Goose, Have you any feathers loose Truly have I, pretty fellow, Quite enough to fill a pillow. 咯咯,咯咯,鹅妈妈,你可有要掉下羽毛的确有,我可爱的朋友,够拿来做个枕头哦! I'm a little teapot I’m a little teapot, short and stout,Here’s my handle,Here’s my spout. When the tea is ready, hear my shout, Pick me up and Pour me out! 我是一个小茶壶又矮又胖这是我的手把,这是我的壶嘴。当茶泡好听我叫。把我拿起然后倒! Ride a cockhorse, Ride a cock house To Banbury Cross, To see what Tommy can buy; A penny white loaf, A penny white cake, And a two-penny apple pie. 骑上一匹公鸡马,到班百利十字路口,看看汤米可以买什么;一分钱的白面包,一分钱的白蛋糕,还有一个两分钱的苹果派。 To market, to market To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, jiggety-jig. To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jiggety-jog. 去市场,去市场,去买一头胖胖猪,再回家,再回家,跳着吉格舞。去市场,去市场,去买一头胖胖猪,再回家,再回家,跳着吉格舞。 Jelly on a plate, Jelly on a plate, Jelly on a plate, Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, Jelly on a plate. Sausage in a pan, Sausage in a pan, Frizzle, frazzle, frizzle, frazzle, Sausage in a pan. Baby on the floor, Baby on the floor, Pick him up, pick him up, Baby on the floor. 果冻在碟上,果冻在碟上,摇啊,晃啊,摇啊,晃啊,果冻在碟上。 香肠在锅里,香肠在锅里,滋滋,嘶嘶,滋滋,嘶嘶,香肠在锅里。 宝宝在地上,宝宝在地上,抱起来,抱起来,宝宝在地上。 Buckle me shoe One two buckle my shoe; Three four knock at the door; Five six pick up sticks; Seven eight lay them straight; Nine ten a big fat hen. 一、二,扣好鞋;三、四,敲敲门,五、六,捡棍子;七、八,摆摆平;九、十,一只胖母鸡。 14. Donkey, donkey, old and gray Donkey, donkey, old and grey, Open your mouth and gently bray.


幼儿园小班儿歌大全(一) 1、吃饭歌 我的小手真能干,自己来喂自己饭。吃青菜,剥鸡蛋,身体健康多可爱。 2、喝水歌 我的小手真能干,杯杯清水保平安。你一杯,我一杯,多喝水身体棒。 3、穿衣歌 我的小手真能干,自己的事情自己办。穿衣服,脱鞋袜,勤劳聪明人人爱。 4、穿衣脱衣 我是一个好孩子,自己穿衣穿裤子。还会穿鞋穿袜子,妈妈伸出大拇指。 5、穿衣服 一件衣服四个洞,宝宝套进大洞洞。脑袋钻出中洞洞,小手伸出小洞洞。小纽扣,钻洞洞,一二三,钻出来。 6、哈巴狗(歌表演) 一只哈巴狗一只哈巴狗坐在大门口吃完肉骨头 眼睛黑油油尾巴摇一摇想吃肉骨头向我点点头 7、爱玩具歌 我的小手真能干,样样玩具我喜爱。你不争,我不抢,爱护玩具当模范。 5、可爱的小五官

眼睛看妈妈,鼻子闻花花。嘴巴吃瓜瓜,耳朵听夸夸。 6、小手链 小手链,真好看。我和妈妈穿一穿。有红的,有黄的,漂亮的颜色一串串。 7、奇妙的彩泥 彩色泥,手里搓。我把它变成小手镯。彩色泥,手里搓。还能变成很多多。 8、小乌龟 小乌龟,慢慢走。背着房子去旅游。不怕风,不怕雨。是个游泳小能手。 9、小脚大脚 一二一,走呀走。妈妈宝宝手拉手。小脚踩在大脚上,向前走,向后走。 向左走,向右走。一二一二齐步走。 10、划小船 小小船,两头尖。我和爸爸去划船。划呀划,划呀划。我们一起去游玩。 11、小蜜蜂 小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。勤劳勇敢爱劳动。 小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。采花酿蜜有本领。 12、调皮的小老鼠(小班) 小老鼠们真调皮,大象鼻子当通道。大象有点不注意,小老鼠们钻进去,

痒得大象打喷嚏,小老鼠们笑嘻嘻。鼻子变成高射炮,老鼠飞到天上去。 13、可爱的小公鸡 小公鸡,真漂亮,红红的鸡冠花花衣,早晨起来喔喔叫,告诉大家早早起! 大家都来把它夸,是个勤劳的小公鸡。小公鸡,真得意,拍拍翅膀喔喔啼, 小朋友真欢喜,拍着手儿笑嘻嘻。 14、过马路要注意 小朋友,过马路,要走黑白斑马道,一看二慢三通过,红灯绿灯看仔细, 红灯停,绿灯行不要猛跑和急行,安全第一最重要。我们时刻要牢记。 15、手指操儿歌 大门开开进不来,二门开开进不来,三门开开进不来,四门开开进不来, 五门开开我进来。 适合各年龄班餐前活动时,能够增强幼儿手部肌肉的锻练,准备两手五指张开伸展好,五指分别代表五个门,说到第一句时,大拇指张开,二句时,食指张开,依次到小指。 16、洗手喝水歌 天气变冷嘴边干,(口渴)赶紧洗手喝点水,(解渴) 老师认真来检查,(检查)看谁没洗手就喝,(不对) 手上藏着传染病,(可怕)手脏就会危害健康,(要命)


歌曲和教材内容: CD01 Sing GYMBOREE CD02 Gymboree Half Notes Disc1 CD03 Gymboree- Half Notes Disc 2 CD04 Gymboree Whole Notes Disc1 CD05 Gymboree Whole Notes Disc 2 CD06 Friends Forever Friends CD07 Happy to Be Here CD08 Over Easy CD09 Sunny Side Up CD10 Circle of Friends CD11 Feel the Music CD12 African Playground CD13 Asian Dreamland CD14 Latin Playground CD15 World Christmas CD16 Music of the Coffee Lands CD17 Sing Along With Putumayo CD18 Kids Sampler CD19 Summer sampler CD20 World Playground CD21 Dreamland - World Lullabies CD22 Hawaiian Playground CD23 Animal Playground CD24 Caribbean Playground CD25 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c613291756.html,nds CD26 Folk Playground CD27 Brazilian Playground CD28 New Orleans Playground CD29 French Caribbean CD30 Reggae Playground CD31 Music From the Coffee Lands CD32 Music From The Coffee Lands ⅡCD33 French Playground CD34 Celtic Dreamland CD35 Music From The Wine Lands CD36 One World, One Kid CD37 Kids Sampler - Explore The World CD38 Love Me Playful CD39 Love Me Tender CD40 Don't blink CD41 Helen Doron Early English -1 CD42 Helen Doron Early English -2


1. Sing Gymboree Hey, all you friends out there Get some songs we?d like to share Help us welcome this Gymboree day In your own wonderful way Sing, sing, sing with me Won?t you sing a song with me Fill your heart with a melody And sing Gymboree There is a special place I know Where you and I can learn and grow Shake your booties, there?s plenty to do With bubbles and a parachute, too.! 2. Let?s All Make A Circle! Let?s all make a circle A circle, a circle Let?s all make a circle So big and so round A circle, a circle A Gymboree circle Let?s all make a circle So big and so round! Let?s all sit together, Together, together Let?s all sit together, And sing a few songs A fast one, a slow one A happy “let?s go” one Let?s all sit together, And sing a few songs Circle time is a time For singing All our favorite songs Let?s hold hands If we want to We can sing along 3. Circle time Come and join our circle Our circle is grand Sing and dance together
